Design and Modelling of the ANFIS based MPPT controller for a Solar
Photovoltaic (SPV) System.
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Keywords: maximum power point tracking (MPPT), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
(ANFIS), DC–DC boost converter, solar photovoltaic (SPV) system, perturbation and
observation (P&O) method, efficiency, energy, photovoltaics, simulation, solar
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Copyright © 2020 by ASME AUGUST 2021, Vol. 143 / 041002-1
Fig. 2 Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system architecture [37]
Quantity Value
The boost converter is designed at STC of the solar module. The current relationships of a DC–DC boost converter are given by
solar module specifications are given in Table 1. Thus, the PV
output current, IPV = IMPP, output voltage, VPV = VMPP, and output VMPP
Vo = (12)
power, PPV = PMPP. Therefore, the input/output voltage and 1−D
Io = (1 − D)IMPP (13)
Table 3 Fuzzy rules for the FL power controller where Vo is the output voltage of the converter, VMPP is the input
voltage to the converter, Io is the output current of the converter,
E/CE Very low Low Neutral High Very high and IMPP is the input current to the converter. The relationship
between the load resistance (R) and optimal internal resistance of
Very low VH VH H VL VL the PV module (RMPP) is given as
Low H H H VL L
Neutral H H N L L RMPP
High H H L L VL R= (14)
(1 − DMPP )2
Very high H H L L VL
where R = Vo/Io, RMPP = VMPP/IMPP, and DMPP is the duty cycle
at MPP at STC. Since the range of the duty cycle is between 0 and 1, DC–DC boost converter are given in Table 2.
the load resistance must be equal or greater than the optimal internal
resistance of the PV module (R ≥ RMPP). Using the load resistance 3.2.2 Design of the ANFIS Reference Model. The ANFIS
of 10 Ω and assuming a lossless converter (Po = PPV), the output reference model has two input variables (solar irradiance and tem-
voltage of the converter is determined as perature) and one output variable (reference maximum power
output). The temperature and irradiance values for the particular
Vo = Po R = 60 V (15) site used in this study have been obtained from the PVGIS
website. By simulating the MATLAB/SIMULINK model of the PV
The duty cycle at MPP at STC is determined as module (presented in Table 1) without connecting any load, the
VPV reference maximum power output values are generated. The
DMPP = 1 − = 0.35 (16) input/output data sets are then used to train the ANFIS reference
model. The model was trained with the help of 145 data sets and
The PV module’s voltage varies with the current and to minimize using triangular membership functions. Figure 8 shows the
the ripples, the minimum value of the inductor has to be designed ANFIS reference model architecture with five membership func-
for 1% of current ripples (ΔIPV) at a high-frequency value of tions for solar irradiance and three membership functions for
20 kHz as given below [40] temperature.
Figure 9 shows the structure of the surface view plot of the
VPV × DMPP ANFIS reference model, and the mapping between inputs and
L≥ = 3.7 mH (17)
2 × ΔIPV × f outputs is demonstrated.
Additionally, the minimum value of the input capacitor has to be
3.2.3 Design of the Power Controller. The power controller is
designed for 1% of the voltage ripples as given below [40]
based on FL, and it is used to generate the control signal for the con-
DMPP verter. The signal is generated based on the error between the actual
C≥ = 87.5 μF (18) power output of the PV module and the reference power output
2 × ΔVo × f × R
given by the ANFIS reference model. The FL power controller
In this study, the input capacitor Ci is incorporated to reduce the has two input variables (error E and change in error CE) and one
ripples of the input voltage as well as to deliver alternating output variable (duty cycle increment ΔD). Triangular membership
current to the inductor. The selected design parameters of the functions were used for each variable in the design of the FL
controller. Five membership functions were chosen for each vari- perturbation is then calculated and compared with the previous
able and defined as: Very Low (VL), Low (L), Neutral (N), High power output. The difference in the two power output values
(H), and Very High (VH). The ranges of the variables are given (ΔP) is calculated and if the ΔP is greater than zero, the perturbation
as E (−100 to 100), CE (−1 to 1), and D (−0.1 to 0.1). is kept in that direction. When ΔP becomes less than zero, the per-
The controller is designed with 25 fuzzy rules shown in Table 3. turbation is reversed and this process is repeated until the MPP is
Rows and columns represent the input variables (E) and (CE), and reached. Figure 12 illustrates the P&O MPPT technique.
the output variable (ΔD) is located at the intersection of the row and In this paper, the P&O MPPT technique is for comparison with
the column (Figs. 10 and 11). the proposed ANFIS-based MPPT technique. The P&O MPPT
technique is explained in detail in Refs. [9,19,41–44].
3.2.4 Design of the Perturbation and Observation MPPT
Controller. The P&O MPPT technique is the widely used MPPT
method for improving the efficiency of SPV modules. In this tech-
nique, a perturbation is first introduced to the operating voltage of
the PV module. The PV module’s power output after the
Fig. 14 Under varying solar irradiance, with and without the proposed MPPT controller
4 Simulation Results and Discussion The proposed MPPT controller is simulated at STC (1000 W/m2
and 25 °C) and then compared with the simulation of the same
As stated before, if the PV module is connected directly to the
circuit but without the MPPT controller. Figure 13 shows the PV
load, its operating point is rarely at the MPP. MPPT techniques
module power output with the proposed MPPT (black line) and
are employed to match the internal resistance of the PV module
without the MPPT controller (white line). In both graphs, the
to the load resistance for maximum power to be transferred
PV power output rises sharply from zero up to about the MPP
to the load. To analyze the dynamic behavior of the proposed
(360 W) after a time of 20 ms. For the system with the MPPT
ANFIS-based MPPT controller, different scenarios were considered
controller, the power output settles at MPP since the MPPT control-
and simulated in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
ler will be continuously forcing the PV module to operate at
Scenario 1: At STC, with and without the proposed MPPT
the MPP. For the system without the controller, the PV power
Fig. 16 Under varying solar irradiance, comparing with the P&O MPPT controller
output drops and settles at around 200 W. This is because the load MPP. However, it should be noted that between 0.4 s and 0.8 s,
resistance does not match the internal resistance of the module and the system without the controller operates around the MPP. This
there is no external circuit which can force the PV to find its MPP. is because, during that period, the optimal internal resistance of
Scenario 2: Under varying irradiance, with and without the pro-
posed MPPT
In this case, the proposed controller is evaluated with an operat- Table 4 Data sets of solar irradiance and temperature
ing temperature of 25 °C and sudden changes in solar irradiance
Solar irradiance (W/m2) Temperature (°C)
(1000 W/m2, 850 W/m2, 500 W/m2, and 50 W/m2).
Figure 14 shows the PV power output curves for the two systems. 633 30.6
It can be noted that the proposed MPPT controller presents a good 440 25.2
performance under varying solar irradiance since it perfectly tracks 222 20.1
the MPP for different solar irradiances levels. For the PV module 30 15.2
without the MPPT controller, the system does not operate at the
the solar module is almost equal to the load resistance of the circuit. which makes the proposed MPPT technique efficient for any
At 25 °C, 500 W/m2, the optimal internal resistance of the PV given solar irradiance level and temperature (Fig. 18).
module is given by Scenario 5: Under varying solar irradiance, varying temperature
V2 and comparing with the P&O MPPT controller
RMPP = MPP = 8.5 Ω The performance of the proposed ANFIS-based MPPT is also
evaluated under varying solar irradiance and temperature by com-
Which is almost equal to the load resistance of 10 Ω. Because of paring it with the P&O MPPT technique. In general, the efficiency
that, the PV module can operate at almost MPP without the inclu- of PV modules decreases with an increase in solar cell temperature.
sion of any controller to control its operating point. Four real environmental data sets of solar irradiance and tempera-
Scenario 3: At STC, comparing with the P&O MPPT controller ture are used. Table 4 shows these data sets.
The performance of the proposed ANFIS-based MPPT controller Figure 19 shows the power output curves of the two controllers.
is also evaluated by comparing it with the P&O MPPT technique at The proposed ANFIS-based MPPT shows a better response for
STC. It can be noted from Fig. 15 that for both MPPT controllers, changing solar irradiance and temperature. For the P&O MPPT
the PV module power output rises sharply up to the MPP with the controller, the accuracy and tracking speed is slower and this
rise time of 20 ms. For the system with the ANFIS-based MPPT results in power wastages since the SPV system will not be operat-
controller, the power output settles and maintains that value. ing at the MPP. The reason for this poor performance is because
However, for the system with the P&O MPPT controller, the the P&O technique relies on fixed steps to update the duty
power output oscillates about the MPP before settling down. The cycle of the DC–DC boost converter and it takes time for this con-
power output of the P&O technique settles at the MPP after 80 troller to locate the new MPP for rapidly changing environmental
ms as shown in Fig. 15. conditions.
Scenario 4: Under varying solar irradiance, comparing with the
P&O MPPT controller
At this point, the performance of the proposed MPPT controller is
evaluated by comparing it with the P&O MPPT controller under
varying solar irradiance levels (1000 W/m2, 850 W/m2, 500 W/m2,
and 50 W/m2). 5 Conclusion
Both controllers exhibit satisfactory tracking performance, but The design, modeling, and evaluation of the proposed ANFIS-
the degree of accuracy is different as shown in Fig. 16. The ANFIS- based MPPT controller were presented in this paper. By knowing
based MPPT controller displays a fast response to sudden changes the maximum possible power output of a PV module for a given
in solar irradiance levels with small oscillations about the MPPT. set of solar irradiance and temperature, the real-time MPP of the
For the P&O MPPT controller, the tracking speed is lower and solar module was thoroughly tracked. The components and the sub-
oscillations are much higher. The P&O MPPT controller also exhib- systems of the proposed MPPT controller were modeled and simu-
its the drift phenomenon (caused by the incorrect decision to either lated in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The proposed MPPT
decrease or increase the duty cycle for fast-changing irradiance controller was evaluated by comparing it with a circuit without
levels). It must be also noted that the efficiency of the P&O the MPPT controller as well as with the P&O MPPT technique.
MPPT technique is very poor for lower solar irradiance level (at Simulation results reveal that the proposed ANFIS-based MPPT
500 W/m2) as illustrated in Fig. 16 (between 40 and 60 ms). This can effectively track the maximum power point of PV modules
is because the P&O method uses a fixed step to either decrease or under different weather conditions with the same level of consis-
increase the duty cycle (non-adaptive) but for the ANFIS-based tency. The proposed FL power controller which was used to gener-
MPPT controller, ΔD changes (from −0.1 to 0.1 as shown in ate the control signal to the boost converter also gave satisfying
Fig. 17) depending on the error given to the FL power controller, results for MPPT.