May, 2015
Sarbajeet Jena
Roll No.710EE2069
Topics Page No.
Acknowledgement i
Contents ii
Abstract iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
List of Abbreviations vii
List of Symbols viii
Chapter 1 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Objective and scope 3
1.4 Organisation of thesis 3
Chapter 2 5
Literature review
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Experimental study 6
2.3 Summary 7
Chapter 3 9
Exposure limit of electromagnetic filed for human being
3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 Electric field 10
3.3 Magnetic field 11
3.4 Professionals working near transmission line 12
3.4.1 Electric field limit 12
3.4.2 Magnetic field limit 12
3.5 General public 12
3.5.1 Electric field limit 12
3.5.2 Magnetic field limit 12
3.6 Summary 13
Chapter 4 14
Minimum permissible clearance for transmission lines
4.1 Introduction 15
4.2 Ground clearance for most minimal conductor of transmission line 15
4.3 Power line intersection 15
4.4 Vertical clearance between ground wire and top conductor 17
Chapter 5 18
Modelling of electromagnetic field of transmission Line
5.1 Designing of electric field around electric power transmission lines 19
5.2 Magnetic field designing for power transmission line 20
5.3 Finite element formulation 21
Chapter 6 23
Finite element analysis of electromagnetic field of transmission line using
6.1 Introduction 24
6.2 Why FEA is needed? 24
6.3 Electrostatic solver 25
6.3.1 Steps for solving electrostatic problem 25
6.4 Magneto static solver 27
6.4.1 Steps for solving magneto static problem 27
6.5 Designing transmission line along with human being 29
6.5.1 creating a transmission line segment 29
6.5.2 Setting boundary condition 30
6.5.3 Setting the excitation 30
6.5.4 Analysis 30
6.6 Human body model 30
Results and discussion 32
Conclusion and future scope of work 45
References 46
Once ignored electromagnetic field have become too hazardous in recent days due to the rampant
rise of gadgets which are source of electromagnetic radiations such as mobile phones, power
transmission lines and other such devices. This paper put forward a detailed model of
electromagnetic field generating because of HV power lines with the use of technique of finite
element method so that an idea on the physiological effects of electromagnetic field (EMF)
generated by the HV power transmission lines are made available in the public domain. Because
it is high time people should know safe limits for electromagnetic fields. The magnetic field and
electric field around a HV 220 kV electrical overhead line is analyzed for various geographical
region like agricultural land, coastal land and sandy soil. Two other models of 132 kV and 400
kV are also analyzed. All these analysis are done in presence of human being so as to include the
proximity effect. And report so generated is compared with existing guidelines and some new
safety measures are introduced too. All the above discussed analyses are done with ANSYS
Maxwell 3D. This method is a useful tool for the evaluation of the biological effects and safety
standards of high voltage transmission line.
List of Figures
Figure No. Figure Caption Page No.
Figure 1(a) 220 kV transmission line tower 29
Figure 1(b 132 kV transmission line tower 29
Figure 1(c) 400 kV transmission line tower 29
Figure 1.2 Human body model used for simulation in ANSYS 31
Figure 2 220 kV transmission line model in ANSYS 32
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of human being under a transmission line 32
Figure 4 Contour plot of electric field in ANSYS 33
Figure 4.1 Detailed contour plot electric potential around conductor 33
Figure 5 Contour plot of electric potential in ANSYS 33
Figure 5.1 Counter plot of electric potential in both x and y direction 33
Figure 6 Contour plot of magnetic field strength at 220 kV line near coastal area 34
Figure 6.1 Detailed contour plot of magnetic field strength around conductors 34
Figure 7 Variation of electric field on geographical areas for 220 kV line 35
Figure 8 Dependence of electric filed on distance from transmission line 36
for different geographical areas
Figure 9 Variation of electric potential on different geographical area for 37
220 kV line
Figure 10 Dependence of electric potential on distance from the 37
transmission line for different geographical area
Figure 11 Variation of electric field on height from ground for different type of 38
transmission line
Figure 12 Dependence of electric field on distance for different type of 38
transmission line
Figure 13 Variation of electric potential on height from ground for different type 39
of transmission line
Figure 14 Dependence of electric potential on distance for different type of 39
transmission line
Figure 15 Comparison of magnetic flux density with height from ground for 40
different geographical region
Figure 16 Dependence of magnetic flux density on different geographical 40
region for a 220 kV transmission line
Figure 17 Dependence of magnetic field strength on geography of region 41
for 220 kV transmission line
Figure 18 Dependence of magnetic field strength on distance from 220 kV 41
transmission line
Figure 19 Dependence of magnetic flux density on height from ground for 42
different type of transmission line
Figure 20 Variation of magnetic flux density on distance from transmission line 42
Figure 21 Dependence of magnetic field strength on height from ground for type of 43
different transmission line
Figure 22 Variation of magnetic field strength on distance from transmission line 43
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviations Expansion
AC Alternating Current
ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced
DC Direct Current
DOF Degree Of Freedom
EMF Electro Magnetic Field
ELF Extremely Low Frequency
FEM Finite Element Method
HV High Voltage
IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
IRPA International Radiation Protection Association
LT Low Tension
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
UK United Kingdom
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
WHO World Health Organization
List of Symbols
Symbols Expansion
A Ampere
B Magnetic Flux density
C Coulomb
E Electric Field
H Magnetic Field
Hz Hertz
kV Kilovolt
V Volt
m Meter
mA Miliampere
mT Militesla
μ Magnetic Permeability
ω Angular Frequency
σ Conductivity
ɛ Relative permittivity
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1
Objective and scope
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Earlier human being experienced naturally generating electric and magnetic fields which are by
and large harmless. But in the last 50 years due to technological advancement and population
growth people’s demand have increased. Today we are generating more power, transmitting it
more and distributing more which led to rise of artificial, extremely low frequency (ELF)
electromagnetic fields at frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz mainly. Nowadays artificially generated
electric field have more magnitude than natural fields at 50 and 60 Hz. Physiological functions
such as neuromuscular action, glandular secretion, cell membrane building, and improvement,
growth and repair of tissue are affected by internal electric field . As health of human being get
affected from increase in electric fields and currents in the body as told by Grandolfo et al. 1985
[1], questions emerge concerning conceivable impacts of artificially created fields on biological
system. To be able to sustainably live with advances in science and technology, time has come to
fix a safe limit for exposure of ELF electromagnetic fields. So that future growth of technology
is smoothly maintained.
With the inputs from Grandolfo and Vecchia, 1989, Regulatory and advisory committees
have been set up in many countries to examine the possible harmful effects of ELF
electromagnetic fields on human health [2].
1.2 Motivation
Today we have little learning about electromagnetic field's impact on individual due to absence
of experimental research. People don't know necessary steps to be followed in case of exposure
to magnetic field as they have been not informed about present day exposure limit to
electromagnetic field by their competent authority. But everything is not so gloomy in some
nations there is an on-going debate between promoter of prohibitive defensive measures and
promoters of technological growth regarding increasing influence of electromagnetic fields.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Ahlbom et al. 1987, UNEP/WHO/IRPA 1984, UNEP/WHO/IRPA 1987 [3]- [6] and many
other associate societies of IRPA, and various institutions and individual scientists have been
told to put forward a detailed discussion of potential adverse effects and draft a temporary
guidelines with their valuable comments. Many useful statements and criticisms were obtained,
and are gratefully acknowledged.
The gravity of electromagnetic exposure is recognised by the committee and they said that
there are many things to be found, when some exposure limits are established. The rationality of
the observation made in the scientific reports must be questioned, as many of them have
extrapolated the results on animals to the human being. Different countries may have different
safety limits depending on their feasibility, economy, national public health priorities and social
Chapter 5 shows equation used to model electromagnetic field of transmission line in presence
of human.
Chapter 6 analyzed electromagnetic field of transmission line by using the method of finite
element analysis with the software of ANSYS Maxwell 3D.
Chapter 7 simulation results are obtained and discussed in detail.
Chapter 8 summarizes the results obtained in various chapters and the scope for future work is
Chapter 2 Literature review
Chapter 2
Experimental study
Chapter 2 Literature review
Chapter 2
Literature review
2.1 Introduction
To safeguard the human being’s health from the seemingly harmful effects of exposure to
magnetic fields and electric fields at frequencies of 50/60 Hz many research work have been
conducted. Most of the studies were animal based and extrapolated to human being. Few were
done on humans. Recent dosimetric studies have provided the link for extrapolating the studies
on animals to human being. Comparisons of exposure can be made by comparing development
of internal current densities and field around body surfaces.
Chapter 2 Literature review
Relationship between childhood cancer and exposure of mild magnetic field was proposed by
Wertheimer N. Leeper 1979 which can be confirmed by studies conducted by Savitz 1988. [14],
[15]. These reports can't be summed up as both studies were done in the same land region and on
a similar populace. But according to some scientific panel (Ahlbom et al. 1987) still there is no
confirmation regarding link between cancer and 60Hz electromagnetic field exposure and
according to them it is a hypothesis. The U.K. Stakeholder Advisory Group on Extremely Low
Frequency EMFs (2007) have provided links between EMFs and childhood and adult leukemia,
adult brain cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, breast cancer, depression,
electrical sensitivity symptoms childhood cancers, depression, electrical sensitivity symptoms,
certain types of heart disease, miscarriage and suicide. At the same time, deficient information
on electromagnetic field impact on cancer is a matter of debate.
Making contact with a charged object also brought about numerous unsafe influences to
human body yet its seriousness relies on various variables including nature of grounding, the size
of current in contact, the term of current flow, and mass of body. Individual may not have the
capacity to discharge a charged object because of automatic muscle compressions (IEEE 1978,
IEEE 1984) caused by the currents above 10 mA level as this is the current which over reaches
the let go threshold, [10], [16]. Small children roughly have let go threshold value one and half
times more than the adult man, so extra precaution should be taken for small children. On the off
chance if the current is raised over the let-go level, there is a risk that ventricular fibrillation can
happen. According to Guy, 1985 short circuit current emanating from contacting charged objects
can be related to unruffled field strengths [17].
There is very little understanding about the effect of magnetic flux densities in humans.
Indeed, even studies on human volunteers exposed to magnetic flux densities of up to 5 mT for
four to six hours every day for a few days that to in a controlled set up along with electric fields
of up to 20 kV/m did not show any huge impacts. Above generalization was done by
UNEP/WHO/IRPA 1987 and Sander et al. 1982. Henceforth, it’s by and large presumed that
short term professional exposure ought not to surpass 5 mT and 25 mT for very extreme
conditions and induced current densities also should not rise above 10mA/m2 [5], [6].
From investigations on lab animals it is evident that cellular, physiological and behavioural
changes in human being are caused by powerful ELF electric fields. Although not all the results
Chapter 2 Literature review
can be scaled to human beings but these studies gives us a warning that we should try to avoid
unnecessary interactions with strong electric fields as much as possible. Even though a full proof
evidence is not there for adverse effect of electromagnetic fields but in around electric fields of 3
kV/m some people feel spark which is considered as threshold for many human. Some cases of
cancer among children and adult have been linked to increased exposure to fields at 50/60 Hz.
But some more detailed study will be required before forming a risk assessment based on these
data. Electric field varying between 1 to 10 kV/m is may be termed as the safe regions even one
is associated with it for very long time. In case of general public it is very hard to link any
diseases with exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields as they seldom confronts such fields in
their daily life.
Current induced by magnetic flux density more or less decides its effect on human being
Induced current density between 1 and 10 mA/m2 induced by magnetic flux densities above 0.5
and up to 5 mT at 50 or 60 Hz leads to minor health complications. Current densities between 10
and 100 mA/m2 due to magnetic flux density of 5 mT and up to 50 mT at 50 or 60 Hz causes
some serious effects, which include visual system and nervous system; but current densities
between 100 and 1000 mA/m2 having magnetic flux density above 50 mT and up to 500 mT at
the frequency of 50 or 60 Hz causes secretion of excitable tissue that leads to possible health
hazards. Most dangerous and life threatening is the current densities above 1000 mA/m2 with
magnetic flux density more than 500 mT at 50 or 60 Hz which causes extra systoles and
ventricular fibrillation.
Chapter 3 Exposure limit of electromagnetic field
Chapter 3
Electric field
Magnetic field
Professionals working near transmission line
o Electric field limit
o Magnetic field limit
General public
o Electric field limit
o Magnetic field limit
Chapter 3 Exposure limit of electromagnetic field
Chapter 3
Exposure limit for electromagnetic field for human being
3.1 Introduction
The initial phase in building up exposure limits is to characterize the population to be secured.
Exposure limits may be related to common public or to a specific member within it. A division is
made between as far as possible for laborers and the general public for safe limits of facing
electromagnetic fields. People who are more exposed to electromagnetic fields in workplace are
professionals who are trained and aware of the potential risk associated with the work. They are
bound to follow certain precautionary measures. A professional may work in the hazardous
conditions for whole life with a daily shift of some hours so any exposure limit calculated should
be based on his working duration. The general public involves people of all ages and diverse
status group. In numerous occurrences individuals from the general public are not aware that
magnetic field exposures happen. Exposure limit for general public should be calculated for 24*7
and for whole lifetime. For general public it is very rare to face hazardous conditions of exposure
so a lower exposure limit is adopted for them.
Chapter 3 Exposure limit of electromagnetic field
Chapter 3 Exposure limit of electromagnetic field
Chapter 3 Exposure limit of electromagnetic field
3.6 Summary
Useful information required for professional and general population regarding exposures to 50Hz
or 60 Hz electromagnetic field is given in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Exposure limits for 50 or 60 Hz electromagnetic field for human being
Exposure characteristic Electric field strength (kV/m) Magnetic flux density (mT)
24 hour job 10 0.5
Short term job 30 5
For limbs - 25
General Public
For 24 hrs/day 5 0.1
Few hrs/day 10 1
Despite the fact that electrical hardware, equipment, and electrical transmission line produce
both electric and magnetic fields, latest examination has concentrated on potential health hazards
of magnetic field exposure. This is on account of some epidemiological studies which have
reported an increased cancer risk connected with exposure of magnetic field to human being. No
comparative studies have been accounted for electric fields; a considerable lot of the studies
analyzing organic impacts of electric fields were basically negative.
Chapter 4 Minimum permissible clearance for transmission line
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Minimum permissible clearance for transmission line
Chapter 4
Minimum permissible clearance for transmission lines
4.1 Introduction
Indian Electricity Rules, or Standards set by government of India for protection reasons, has
stated that transmission line conductors should follow a system of minimum clearance from the
ground in open spaces, national expressways, streams, railroads tracks, telecom lines, other
electrical cables, and so forth.
Chapter 4 Minimum permissible clearance for transmission line
2. Interaction with telecom lines. The lowest clearances between the conductors of an electrical
transmission line and telecom wires are
66 kV → 2,430mm
132 kV → 2,750mm
220 kV → 3,060mm
400 kV → 4,860mm
3. Running over rail line tracks: for lowest part of conductor having maximum sag in the
transmission line minimum height over the railway line should be maintained as per the
regulations for Electrical Crossings of Railway Tracks, 1963, which is given in Table 2 & 3.
Table 4.1: Minimum clearance for un-electrified tracks or 1.5 kV DC system tracks
System voltage Broad gauge Metre and narrow gauge
Inside station Outside station Inside station Outside station
limits (m) limits (m) limits (m) limits (m)
66 kV 10.2 7.8 9.2 6.6
132 kV 10.8 8.4 9.9 7.2
220 kV 11.0 8.9 10.2 7.5
400 kV 13.5 11.0 12.5 10.2
Chapter 4 Minimum permissible clearance for transmission line
Table 4.3: Minimum clearance between lines crossing each other (IE-1957)
System Voltage 132 kV 220 kV 400 kV 800 kV
Chapter 5 Modeling of electromagnetic field of transmission line
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Modeling of electromagnetic field of transmission line
Chapter 5
Modeling of electromagnetic field of transmission line
∇ − − =0 (1)
Here ε is equal to the dielectric permittivity of medium, μ and σ are equal to the magnetic
permeability and the conductivity of conductors, respectively.
The time harmonic mode has been considered in this paper as system governor and electric field
is represented in complex form,
E = E e jωt,
= = − (2)
Here ω is known as angular frequency. From Eq. (1), is substituted by the complex electric field,
Eq. (1) can be written as follows.
∇ − + =0 (3)
When considering the problem of two dimensions in Cartesian coordinate (x, y), hence
1 1
+ −( − ) =0 (4)
Analytically, no simple solution exists for the above equation. Consequently, in this paper the
FEM is decided to be a potential apparatus for discovering estimated electric field solution for
the equations described in Eq.(4) [21].
Chapter 5 Modeling of electromagnetic field of transmission line
∇ − − =0 (5)
Here ε is equal to the constant dielectric permittivity, μ is equal to the magnetic permeability,
and σ is equal to the conductivity.
The time harmonic mode has been considered in this paper as system governor and magnetic
field is represented in complex form as
H = He jω t [8],
= = − (6)
∇ − + =0 (7)
1 1
+ −( − ) =0 (8)
Analytically, no simple solution exists for the above equation. Consequently, in this paper the
FEM is decided to be a potential apparatus for discovering estimated electric field solution for
the equations described in.
Chapter 5 Modeling of electromagnetic field of transmission line
( , )= + + (9)
Here Nn, n = i, j, k is the element shape function and the En, n = i, j, k is the approximation of the
electric field at each node (i, j, k) of the elements, which is
+ +
Here ∆ is the area of the triangular element and,
= − , = − , = −
= − , = − , = −
= − , = − , = −
The method of the weighted residue with Galerkin approach is then applied to the differential
equation, Eq. (4) & (8), where the integrations are performed over the element domain .
1 1
( + ) − ( − ) =0 (10)
1 1
( + ) − ( − ) =0 (11)
[M+K]{E} = 0
Chapter 5 Modeling of electromagnetic field of transmission line
=( − ) (12)
( − )∆ 2 1 1
= 1 2 1
1 1 2
= ( + )
+ + +
= + + +
+ + +
Where v is the material reluctivity (υ=1/μ) FEM approximation of a 3×3 matrix is written for one
element containing 3 nodes. When each and every element of a system of n nodes are present
then the system equation is represented as n×n matrix.
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Chapter 6
Why FEA is needed?
Electrostatic solver
o Steps for solving electrostatic problem
Magneto static solver
o Steps for solving magneto static problem
Designing transmission line along with human being
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Chapter 6
Finite element analysis of electromagnetic field of transmission line
using ANSYS
6.1 Introduction
Finite element analysis is an approach to replicate loading conditions on a model and generates
the model's reaction to those conditions. FEA is taking into account the thought of building a
complicated material with straightforward technique of blocks. Utilization of this basic thought
can be discovered all over the place in regular life and also in engineering. In FEM a complicated
space is partitioned into simple geometric shapes called elements. Within elements specific
nodes are chosen where mathematical analysis are conducted.
Individual elements are linked to given system through an assembly procedure. A group of
linear or nonlinear algebraic equation is usually obtained when boundary and load conditions are
taken into account.
Arrangement of this sort of comparison gives the approximate conduct of continuum or
framework. The continuum (any framework which is considered for examination) has an
interminable number of degrees of freedom (DOF), while the discreet model has a limitless
number of DOF. This is what gives name to finite element method. Very high speed computers
are often require to calculate large numbers of equation associated with FEM.
Two highlights of the Finite Element method are significant.
1. The piece wise estimate of the physical field on finite elements which give great accuracy
even with normal approximating capacities.
2. More precision could be achieved by simply expanding the number of elements. One
technique to take care of a wide number of problems, including issues in solid mechanics,
fluid mechanics, chemical reaction, electromagnetism, heat transfer, biomechanics and
acoustic, to give some examples.
7.2 Why FEA is needed?
FEA is required for following reason,
1. To decrease the amount of model testing. As it is a computer based simulation one can ask
questions at every stage of simulation process.
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
2. There are many things like artificial knee which are very expensive even for making a
prototype. In such case FEM can be used to solve the problem.
3. But most important thing is it saves money, time and more reliable in making a better quality
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Charge density:
In case of 3D object volume charge density is provided.
5. Analysis setup
In analysis setup it is require mentioning how many iterative step is needed so as to quicken the
solution process when it is simulated. To add solution set up we select analysis setup in
Maxwell 3D.
6. Electrostatic solution process
It is the final step to start simulation of the model, to do this we click analyze all in solution
process window of Maxwell 3D.
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Figure 1 (a) 220kV, (b) 132kV, (c) 400 kV transmission line tower
radius of 30mm. The system frequency is 50 Hz and air is considered as surrounding medium.
The ground may be agricultural land, coastal land or sandy soil depending upon different
locations in India.
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Table 6.2: Tissue properties and thickness of 3-layer human head model [23]
Chapter 6 Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS
Most of these models have been developed by computer segmentation of data from magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) and allocation of proper tissue type. Some of scientist who have
developed artificial human body model are Dawson in 1997; Dawson, Moerloose & Stuchly in
1996; Dimbylow in 1997; Dimbylow in 2005; Gandhi in 1995; Gandhi & Chen in 1992; Zubal in
Here a 3 layered head (skin, bone, brain) and 1 layered body (skin) is used.
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
Chapter 7
Results and discussion
In Fig.2 a transmission model of 220 kV is considered which is situated near coastal region. A
surrounding of x = 30m, y = 20m and z = 21m is considered.
In Fig 4.1 the electrical field is more pronounced in lower conductors than in upper conductors
because of its proximity to human being.
Figure 2: 220 kV transmission line model in Figure 3: Schematic diagram of human being under a
ANSYS transmission line
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
Figure 4: Contour plot of electric field in Figure 4.1: Detailed contour plot of
ANSYS electric field around conductor
Figure 5: Contour plot of electric potential in Figure 5.1: Contour plot of electric
ANSYS potential in both x and y direction
In Fig 5 and Fig 5.1 earth conductor at top is seen to be having 0 potential, electric potential of
middle phase conductor is more compared to other two phases of conductors
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
In Fig 6.1 the magnetic field strength around ground line is 0. Like electric field, magnetic field
is more pronounced in lower conductor due to proximity effect.
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
With the help of ANSYS Maxwell, many configuration of transmission line like 132 kV, 220 kV
and 400 kV is modeled and studied. Different geographies like agricultural land, coastal land and
sandy region is also taken into account. Data collected from these large varieties of simulations
are plotted using MATLAB.
Figure 7: Variation of electric field on different geographical areas for a 220 kV line
Fig. 7 shown above represents plot between electric field (E) and height from ground for a 220
kV transmission line. In Fig.7 E is almost similar for agricultural land, coastal land and sandy
soil but when requisite clearance is not provided then values of E is very high as compared to
safe limits given in table. In the zoomed out E is very high when no human are present in the
vicinity of power line. But when a person of height 1.83 m is standing below the power line, the
value of E decreases this due to the proximity effect. Presence of moisture also play a great role
in determining the value of E that’s why for coastal land E is high but for sandy soil it is low.
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
Figure 8: Dependence of electric filed on distance from the transmission line for different
geographical areas
Fig 8 shows variation of electric field (E) with distance. E is large when a person is standing
directly below the power lines, but as we move away from power lines E reduces. It is safe to
stand at distance of 50m from the power line.
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
Figure 9: Variation of electric potential on different geographical area for 220 kV line
Figure 10: Dependence of electric potential on distance from the transmission line
for different geographical area
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
In Fig 9 electric potential (V) versus height from ground is plotted. Potential increases up to the
middle of the tower height and then decreases. When there is a discrepancy like no clearance is
given then V is very high. It is almost same for agricultural land, coastal land and sandy soil.
Proximity effect also changes the value of V, it is high when no human is present and low if
human is present. Fig 10 shows variation of electric potential on distance.
Figure 11: Variation of electric field on height from ground for different type of transmission line
Figure 12: Dependence of electric field on distance for different type of transmission line
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
132 kV
220 kV
400 kV
E le ctric P o te ntial(kV )
0 5 10 15 20
Height from ground(m)
Figure 13: Variation of electric potential on height from ground for different type of
transmission line
132 kV
50 220 kV
400 kV
Electric Potential(kV)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 14: Dependence of electric potential on distance for different type of transmission line
From Fig 11-14 variation of electric field and electric potential for different voltages is shown.
Here E & V are high for 400 kV and low for 132 kV so one can say electric field is affected by
voltage of transmission line.
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
agricultural land
8 coastal land
sandy soil
Magnetic flux density (mT)
no human
6 no clearance
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Height from ground (m)
Figure 15: Comparison of magnetic flux density with height from ground for different
geographical region
agricultural land
4.5 coastal land
sandy soil
4 no human
no clearance
Magnetic flux density (mT)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance (m)
Figure 16: Dependence of magnetic flux density on different geographical region for a 220KV
transmission line
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
agricultural land
coastal land
sandy soil
Magnetic field strength (kA/m)
no human
no clearance
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Displacement (m)
Figure 17: Dependence of magnetic field strength on geography of region for 220 kV
transmission line
agricultural land
3 no human
no clearance
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance (m)
Figure 18: Dependence of magnetic field strength on distance from 220 kV transmission line
From Fig.15 to Fig.18 dependence of magnetic flux density (B) and magnetic field (H) on 220
kV transmission line is shown. When the height increases from ground both B and H decreases
up to mid height of highest point of power line but it increases from there onwards. When there
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
is no clearance, values of B and H are at very dangerous level. It is also notice that as one move
away from the power line B and H decreases. From the simulation it is seen that at a distance of
15 m from power line B is in the acceptable range of exposure as given in table 4.
132 kV
7 220 kV
400 kV
Magnetic flux density (mT)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Height from ground (m)
Figure 19: Dependence of magnetic flux density on height from ground for different type
of transmission line
132 kV
4 220 kV
400 kV
Magnetic flux density (mT)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance (m)
Figure 20: Variation of magnetic flux density on distance from transmission line
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
132 kV
5 220 kV
Magnetic field strength (kA/m)
400 kV
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Height from ground (m)
Figure 21: Dependence of magnetic field strength on height from ground for type of different
transmission line
132 kV
3 220 kV
Magnetic field strength (kA/m)
400 kV
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance (m)
Figure 22: Variation of magnetic field strength on distance from transmission line for different
type of transmission line voltage
From Fig 19 to Fig 22, it is seen that Magnetic flux density and Magnetic field are dependent on
transmission line voltage. Here 132 kV and 400 kV lines are considered for a region containing
sandy soil and 220 kV line is selected for agricultural region. So at the position where person is
Chapter 7 Results and discussion
standing below transmission line, data for 132kV and 400 kV are nearly same where as it is less
for 220 kV agricultural regions. This is because of presence of moisture in the agricultural land.
Table7.1: Simulation result summary for human being of height 1.83 m and standing under the power
Test condition Electric field Electric potential Magnetic flux Magnetic field
(E) in V/m (V) in kV density (B) in mT (H) in kA/m
Agricultural land 5810 19.5 2.92 2.32
(220 kV)
Coastal land (220 6000 19.54 2.92 2.32
Sandy soil (220 5506 19.7 3.02 2.40
No human 17220 32 2.92 2.32
(220 kV)
No clearance (220 8400 28 4.65 3.7
132 kV 4500 15.5 3.9 3.11
Above Table 8.1 gives the summary of simulation results at a position where the human being is
standing below the transmission line i.e. 14m in x axis and at an elevation of 1.83m which is also
the height of human being.
Conclusion and future scope
Chapter 8
Conclusion and future scope of work
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