Economics Notes Unit 4
Economics Notes Unit 4
Economics Notes Unit 4
Nature of Firm
Firms or business enterprises exist for many reasons, but the most
important is that business firms are specialized organisations
devoted to managing the process of production.
In the first place, production is organized in firms because of
economies of specialization. Efficient production requires specialized
labour and machinery, coordinated production, and the division of
production into many small operations.
A second function of firms is raising resources for large-scale
A third reason for the existence of firms is to manage and coordinate
the production process. Once all the factors of production are
engaged, someone has to monitor their daily activities to ensure that
the job is being done effectively and honestly.
i.e. “Business firms are specialized organizations devoted to
managing the process of production. Production is organized in firms
because efficiency generally requires large-scale production, the raising
of significant financial resources, and careful management and
coordination of ongoing activities.”
Production Function
q = f(K,L)
Capital Labour
The production function of a firm is a relationship between inputs used
and output produced by the firm.
For various quantities of inputs used, it gives the maximum quantity
of output that can be produced. The inputs that a firm uses in the
production function process are called Factors of Production.
Production Function, q = f(K,L)
Isoquants are a geometric representation of the production function.
The same level of output can be produced by various combinations of
factors in goods.
We can draw a curve by plotting all possible combinations of labour
and capital for given level of output. Any quantity of a good can be
produced by using many different combinations of labour and capital
(assuming both can be substituted for each other).
The cost that are formed incurs to employ these fixed inputs is called
the total fixed cost. To produce any required level of output, the firm
in the short run can adjust only variable inputs.
The cost that are formed incurs to employ these variable inputs is the
total variable cost. Adding the fixed and the variable cost is the total
cost affirm.
T.C= Total Fixed Cost (TFC) + Total Variable Cost (TVC)
The short run average cost (SAC) incurred by firm is defined as total
cost per unit of output.
A.C= TC/q(output)
Similarly, Average variable cost is the total variable cost per unit of
AFC= TFC/q(output)
AVC= TVC/q(output)
Opportunity Cost
Opportunity cost is a concept in economics that is defined as those
values or benefits that are lost by a business or organisations when
the choose one option or an alternative option over another option in
the course of making business decisions.
Opportunity cost can be viewed as a
trade off. Trade off happens in decision making when one option is
chosen over another option. Opportunity cost sums up the total cost
for that trade off.
Eg:- Assume that a business has available funds and must choose
between investing the money in securities, with a return rate of 10% a
year of loosing it to purchase new machinery. No matter which option the
business chooses, the potential profits that it gives up by not investing in
the other option is the opportunity cost.