The study uses data and information from Safaricom Limited, a mobile telecommunications company
listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange as a case study to shed light on the marketing strategies that can
work in Africa, a continent considered risky for potential investors. Given Africa’s abundance of natural
resources, good climate and large tourism potential and sustained high growth rates over the last one
and a half decades, the continent offers strong potential for both domestic and foreign investment. But
the marketing of the potential of the continent has not been successful, calling for increased attention
to this area. The traditional marketing approaches used in the developed world may not apply on
continent with a myriad of bottlenecks including weak poor infrastructure, civil strife, etc. Innovative
approaches and marketing support services are required in order to tap into this potential. The paper
argues that consistent application of strategic marketing approaches impacts profits and sustainability
positively. Safaricom has built a strong brand that is based on high quality services and customer
satisfaction. Controlling over 65% of Kenya’s mobile telephone market, Safaricom has mastered its
market through the use of differentiation, sustained investment in innovation and better understanding
of its customers, and the brand reverberates across the country. The M-PESA mobile money payments
and transfer platform, is one of such innovation by Safaricom that is transforming banking in the
country, and supporting financial inclusion. Safaricom is a responsible corporate citizen that invests in
communities and staff to advance livelihoods. Companies seeking to invest in Africa need to note that
the continent is not one homogeneous basket of failure – there are successes in different parts of the
continent and large potential to be reaped. The potential for good returns on investment exists in the
services sector and others such as agriculture, etc., well beyond the natural resources sector.
Sustained engagement in the market and clear understanding of clients’ needs, segmenting the market
and reaching out to the clients are important for success.
With the abundance of natural resources, good climate from increased investment (both domestic and foreign) as
and large tourism potential, sub-Saharan Africa‘s growth well as from good marketing of not only the available
and poverty alleviation programmes can benefit greatly products but also the large potential.
E-mail: [email protected].
Author agrees that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Mpuga et al. 71
Over the past decade, Africa economic growth has that could be applied by other investors in Africa.
been phenomenal and the continent is among the fastest- Safaricom‘s transformation from a state-owned enterprise
expanding economic regions today: on average Africa‘s to a leading telecommunications company in Kenya and
gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 4.7% in the the East African region shows that good branding and
decade to 2011 (Chironga et al., 2011) and 3.7% during focusing on quality and customer satisfaction are
2011 to 2015 (ECA, 2017), one of the continents that important for success. High-return investment
sustained growth during the recent global recession. opportunities in Africa beyond the natural resources
However, marketing in Africa remains a daunting sector exist, and can be reaped with sustained market
challenge. For example, formal retail distribution engagement, clear understanding of clients‘ needs and
infrastructure and marketing support services are weak, reaching out to them as well as appropriate market
implying that the conventional solutions for market segmentation. Innovations such as the M-PESA money
analysis cannot work effectively. transfer platform and investing in corporate social
Estimating the purchasing power of market segments responsibility as part of the company strategy are also
or the impact of conventional value propositions require critical.
careful review. Large proportions of African economies
are informal, with about 48% of non-agricultural
employment in North Africa and 72% in the rest of Africa About Safaricom limited
occurring in the informal sector (ILO, 2009), making it
difficult to account for retail sales, for example, to Company
estimate market size or to value opportunities and 1
accurately target audiences or market segments Safaricom Limited is a public company established in
(Chironga et al., 2011). Africa‘s market is not fully April 1997 and the leading mobile network and
explored by many Western firms, and yet has strong communications company in Kenya and the Central and
potential. Eastern African Region. It started as a department in the
formerly state-owned enterprise, the Kenya Post and
Telecommunication Corporation. By virtue of the 60%
Motivation of the study shares held by the Government of Kenya at inception,
Safaricom initially operated as a state corporation, as
Widespread poverty and inequality in Africa (Beegle et defined in the State Corporations Act (Chapter 446) Laws
al., 2016; Chironga et al., 2011; ECA, 2017, 2016), of Kenya, until May 2002 when its shares were floated on
coupled with civil strife and political instability in many the stock exchange.
parts, poor infrastructure, low levels of education and To-date, Safaricom accounts for 65.2% of Kenya‘s
skills, and weak purchasing power (Agyenim-Boateng et mobile telephone subscribers, and 42% of the enterprise
al., 2015) make marketing in Africa, and marketing Africa solutions market (Safaricom, 2016a). The other three
as an investment destination a challenging job. Some of mobile telecommunications companies in Kenya are:
the most promising countries in Africa present the highest Airtel Limited, controlling 16.6% of the market share,
risk to business (Chironga et al., 2011). Orange Telecom Limited (13.2%) and Equitel Limited
Investors and marketers need information on success (5.1%). Among the many products and services,
stories of businesses in Africa, and what is required to Safaricom provides mobile telephone network services:
build and sustain strong brands. The emerging brand- voice; short messaging service (sms); data; mobile
conscious consumers in sub-Saharan Africa are as money (M-PESA ); handsets as well as financial services
connected to the rest of the world and as demanding as and enterprise solutions to individuals, businesses and
those in the Western world; and as African economies government (Safaricom, 2014a). Listed on the Nairobi
grow and businesses expand, there is potential for Stock Exchange, Safaricom‘s leading shareholders are
marketers to tap into the expanding markets through new Vodafone Group Plc of the United Kingdom (40%) and
approaches (Bhan, 2014). Almost everyone in Africa is the Kenya Government (35%); the rest of the shares are
an entrepreneur (Law, 2016) and the potential for traded on the stock exchange, as indicated in Figure 1
marketing of consumer and industrial products, (Appendix 1).
electronics, equity investment opportunities, healthcare, In 2016, Safaricom‘s total revenue amounted to
etc. is large. US$1.96 billion, a 20% growth over the 2015 level
However, the knowledge and practices used by (Safaricom, 2016a). A good brand, high quality, wide
marketers elsewhere, for example, brand knowledge, range of products offered and excellent marketing
consumer valuation of products and how to best to reach approaches, within a conducive business environment:
them, may not apply to the fragmented African markets.
In addition, there is a dearth in literature on the mobile
telephone network marketing, especially in Africa. 1
Referred to as Safaricom onwards.
This study helps to shed some light on the marketing 2
Pesa means money in Swahili, with M standing for mobile.
strategies that have worked for Safaricom Limited, and 3
Financial year is April to March.
72 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
sustained economic growth and stable exchange rate could arise in Safaricom‘s way, for example, new and
underscore Safaricom‘s impressive performance cheaper sources of data, sms and voice interchange.
(Safaricom, 2016a; 2016b; 2015b). Kenya‘s devolved Safaricom practices healthy competition as it is core to
governance system that was introduced in 2013 has business ethical conduct, and brings higher value to
expanded Safaricom‘s enterprise solutions offerings to clients (Safaricom, 2016a).
the 47 counties (Safaricom, 2014a).
The Four Cs of good marketing: Company, Customers,
Competitors, Community that take into account a broad Community
view of the company, its key stakeholders and
sustainability (Korngold and Little, 2012; Nager, 2009) Including civil society and government which can weigh
are well underscored in Safaricom‘s business strategy. great influence on business. Safaricom‘s maintains
Safaricom is a well-managed company with good healthy engagement with its community including the
understanding of and interaction with its internal Communications Authority of Kenya, government
stakeholders–the executives, major investors as well as authorities; environmentalists; labor unions; media;
all shareholders and employees. As a public company, celebrities; suppliers and vendors; people living near
Safaricom values and practices good corporate transmission masts; other people and organizations
governance as being essential to sustainable stakeholder outside of your company (Safaricom, 2014a). For
value. It complies with the Capital Markets Authority example, environmentalists and people living near the
Code of Corporate Governance Practices for issuers of Safaricom masts and boaster stations have often
securities to the public (Safaricom, 2016a). Safaricom‘s complained about possible health hazards and
marketing and sustainability strategies fit its consumers complain about dropped calls. Safaricom
competencies, interests and values. The company embraces its community through continuous engagement,
undertakes regular and open communication with information sharing and undertaking corporate social
shareholders, producing timely half-year and annual responsibility (Safaricom, 2016a, 2016c). Existence of
reports, responding to queries, investor briefing sessions electricity, especially in the rural areas is a major
and roadshows. complement to Safaricom services. Thus, investing in
solar power provision in rural areas as part of its
corporate social responsibility would make business
Customers sense. Collaborators include all businesses using M-
PESA to make/receive payments. Almost everywhere
Safaricom has over 25 million registered subscribers and one goes across Kenya (airports, kiosks, supermarkets,
about 24 million M-PESA clients. It offers over 100 shopping centres, etc.) he/she finds a sign for M-PESA
different products in its portfolio and has over 200,000 and Safaricom, helping to expand awareness of the
touch points to serve its customers efficiently (Safaricom, Safaricom brand.
2016a; 2015b). Customers include individual end-users
(B2C), businesses, government institutions, and civil
society organisations (B2B). Safaricom maintains its core METHODOLOGY
customers through promotions of concessional offerings,
The study uses data and information from Safaricom Limited as a
especially on data and voice packages. case study to assess how strategic marketing approaches impact
the company‘s brand, market share and profitability. The paper
uses a desk review of literature on marketing and Safaricom‘s
Competitors annual and sustainability reports as well as site visits to assess the
company‘s marketing strategies, and how it applies the key
The most direct competition for Safaricom services is principles of marketing: branding, competitive advantage,
differentiation, commoditization and segmentation. Recent company
from the other suppliers of mobile telephone and mobile financial returns, investments in corporate social responsibility
money services. These include Airtel, Equitel and Orange (CSR) and literature on strategic marketing are reviewed to
network providers which together control about 34% of underscore the company approaches to marketing and
the market share (Figure 2, Appendix 1). Commercial understanding of its clients. The findings show that Safaricom has
banks and online payments systems such as VISA are mastered its market and continues to invest to better understand its
customers and what they want. The company applies the strategy
competing with M-PESA for a share of the mobile money
of differentiation, with continuous innovation and engagement of its
payments market. Local fibre operators providing internet customers to remain a market leader in Kenya and beyond. M-
and other on-demand entertainment, over-the-top players PESA, a mobile money payments and transfer platform and now a
offering internet-based voice calls for example, WhatsApp household name, is one of such innovation by Safaricom that is
and mobile virtual network operators for mobile money transforming banking in the country. Companies seeking to invest in
services are emerging as direct competitors (Safaricom, Africa need to note that the continent is not one homogeneous
basket of failure – there are successes in different parts of the
2015a). Other consumer needs such as school fees, taxi continent and large potential to be reaped. The potential for good
fares, food and beverages, etc. constitute indirect returns on investment is not only in the natural resources sectors
competition. Emergent competitors but also in the services sector, agriculture, etc. Second, sustained
Mpuga et al. 73
engagement in the market and clear understanding of client‘s mouse (Chouinard, 2005).
needs, segmenting the market and reaching out to the clients are
important for success.
Competitive advantage
Safaricom‘s three-pronged strategy: customer first;
Marketing plays a critical role in a company‘s bottom-line relevant products; and operational excellence drives its
of profits and sustainability. The marketing strategy and advantage. Safaricom‘s services cover the entire country
how it is implemented provides the interface between the and the company prides in innovative and unique
company, its customers and key stakeholders. The products. The innovative M-PESA mobile money service,
company‘s approach to marketing should be part and for example, is a phenomenon in Kenya with almost all
parcel of its overall strategy. A good brand, differentiation, individual subscribers, businesses and other institutions
innovation and sustaining customer satisfaction are key using it to make/receive payments. Spearheaded by
to success. Applied well, good branding and differentiation Safaricom, Kenya is a global market leader in mobile
create strong competitive advantage, which underscores money usage, with a penetration rate of 985 registered
the existence and long-term survival of organization mobile money accounts per 1,000 people (Twinpine
(Porter, 1990, 1985). Firms succeed in competitive Network, 2016). In 2013, Kenya‘s mobile-payments
environments by doing things that differentiate them from platforms led by M-PESA, handled more than US$2
the crowd in ways that are recognized and appreciated billion per month in transactions (Aye-baoteng et al.,
by current and potential customers, for example by 2015). Competitive advantage is achieved through
focusing on the equality of products or service, customer providing comparable buyer value more efficiently than
care, etc. This helps to pull away and maintain a the competitors, or through differentiation, that is,
dedicated section of customers. In this digital age, with producing at comparable cost but in unique ways that
rapid technological advancements, the mobile create more buyer value than competitors (Porter,1985).
telecommunications sector provides a good opportunity Competitive advantage persuades executives to
to explore how a company can thrive through undertake internal reflection of the company (The
differentiation as it has to constantly adopt competitive Economist, 2008), which Safaricom does annually
strategies. (Safaricom, 2016a).
As a telecoms company, branding is critical to Safaricom. Commoditization where goods with economic value
Since its inception, the company has strived to create a become ‗simple commodities‘ due to creative destruction
strong brand as a mobile telecommunication service (Giachetti, 2013) has not yet permeated the mobile
provider with a difference. Safaricom is a purpose-driven telephone service, Safaricom‘s core products. Compared
company with the vision ―To transform lives‖ above profits to the other providers, Safaricom give more to their
(Mutinge, 2016). Brand includes a company‘s or product customers for its products. For example, in 2016 the M-
trademarks and the meanings invested in those PESA accounted for almost 84% of all registered users
trademarks by its stakeholders; it is a product of and 91% of value of mobile money transactions in the
communication, and increasingly, relevant communication country (Twinpine Network, 2016).
comes from customers, critics and marketers (Martin and Safaricom also sells hand-sets including smartphones,
Schouten, 2012). The most important element in branding tablets and other accessories, with some handsets selling
is that it is what the people feel about the product, service for as low as US$25. Consistent with the fact that many
or organization; the image of what consumers and people in Africa have their first experience with a screen
stakeholders perceive a business, product or serve to be via a mobile phone (Twinpine Network, 2016) most of the
(Neumeier, 2003). Therefore, companies aiming to Safaricom customers have their first internet experience
develop brands for or to sell brands in Africa need to through a mobile phone, which increases smart phone
understand the unique features of the continent and to sales (Safaricom, 2016a).
design approaches that help to reach different segments While mobile phone network services in Kenya are still
of the markets. And as a trusted and valued household growing and have not yet matured like in Europe or the
name, this is true of Safaricom and its innovative M- United States where they have reached commoditization
PESA mobile money platform. Thus, authenticity, ethics, level (Kuzmic and Bowen, 2014), the emerging
integrity, transparency and trust are key in building and competition from commercial banks and other online
sustaining a brand. In today‘s digital world, consumers
remain engaged with a brand through social media long
after a purchase (Edelman, 2010), and satisfied consumers 4
However, handsets constitute a very small proportion of Safaricom’s total
spread the word by mouth (Edelman, 2010) and by revenues (averaging 4.4 percent during 2014-2016).
74 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
payment mechanisms and money transfer services such Indeed, the Four Ps of good marketing: Products, Price,
as VISA risk the commoditization of M-PESA in the Place and Promotion (Ehmke et al., 2007) are well
medium term. The company understands this risk and is underscored in Safaricom‘s marketing strategy.
thus continuously investing in innovation, quality
improvements and new offering to guard against it.
2). As noted in Box 1, quality of products and wowing Risks and response
consumer experience are at the heart of Safaricom‘s
strategy. Key risks include; complex and dynamic regulatory
framework, overall economic performance, exchange rate
Box 1: Safaricom Service Quality Management instability, information and cyber security, fraud and
misappropriation of company assets and funds. Rigorous
Network is the lifeblood of Safaricom business; internal audits, continuous fraud monitoring,
network availability and quality are therefore critical to investigations–internally and working with law
running and growth of the business since all the enforcement authorities, subscriber protection through
services are delivered through the network platform. secure products and safeguard policies and rising
The network allows for differentiation in a highly awareness with customers through cell and sms
competitive market. It is the medium through which broadcasts are employed to curb fraud. As indicated in
Safaricom transforms lives. Thus quality management Figure 3 (Appendix 1), these measures have helped to
and regular upgrades are key. In 2015, Safaricom was reduce cases of fraud since 2014. Overall, cases of fraud
the first Kenyan network operator to deploy 4G, which investigated declined by 67 percent and 6.9 percent in
offers between 5-10 times faster speeds than 3G 2015 and 2016, respectively.
(Safaricom, 2015b).
In 2015 average dropped call rate* was maintained at Sustainability
0.3 percent of all calls made. This was thanks to
proactive capacity development, investments in fibre Safaricom is one of the few companies in Kenya that has
network, new sites, modernising network equipment embraced the concept of sustainability and is committed
and acquiring competitor spectrum. However, to the triple bottom-line of people, planet and profits. It
Safaricom remained in second place in terms of invests in innovation, its staff and society. Safaricom‘s
‗dropped call ratio‘ and ‗speech quality‘ during 2015 annual sustainability reports, informed by the Global
and 2014. Reporting Initiative, measure and report its carbon
A key constraint to network quality is the fact that footprint and recommend mechanisms to limit harm
spectrum is allocated evenly among all network (Safaricom, 2016c, 2015b).
providers in Kenya, regardless of the number of Based on its vision of transforming lives and material
customers and volume of traffic. With the increasing matters, Safaricom has identified nine sustainability
number of customers, adequacy and network coverage objectives that balance its short-term position and long-
are strained. Safaricom‘s responds through the Best term goals: the best network quality; minimal business
Network in Kenya programme (Best Network for You) disruption; continuous innovation and transformational
and the corresponding regulatory Quality of Service products; inclusive financial and wealth growth; client
targets. data security; positive customer experience; valuing staff
Network availability, which depends on reliable power and supportive work environment; environmental
supply, is key to the quality of services. Network power protection and sustainable practices; and compliance
failures remained high during 2014 and 2015 at 77 with regulations (Safaricom, 2016a).
percent and 49 percent, respectively, above the 40 In 2016, Safaricom identified nine out of the 17
percent target. Strategies to minimize energy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global
failure/outages at sites include use of grid supply, framework for sustainable development (United Nations,
generators and alternative sources. Energy use and 2016b) against which to benchmark its sustainability
consumption targets are managed through deploying interventions (Safaricom, 2016b), as summarized in Table
more energy-efficient technologies and alternative 4 (Appendix 2).
energy solutions. Solar water heating systems in
buildings, energy efficient, intelligent Building
Management Systems and LED lights in all facilities Customer satisfaction and quality products
and shops are deployed. These approaches also
As indicated in Figure 4 (Appendix 1), the customer base
contribute to reducing carbon footprint.
increased by 11% in 2016 to over 25 million, attracted by
a superior network, convenient airtime distribution and
Source: Safaricom, 2015b. Safaricom Sustainability
attractive consumer propositions and promotions
Report, 2015, pp. 28-34.
(Safaricom, 2016a). Safaricom boasts of the best network
*This is calculated as a ratio of calls terminated while callers are talking
in terms of quality and coverage across the county.
and none has hang-up to all calls on the network. Reasons include: Continuous engagement with clients through the
inadequate coverage; low signal quality due to poor radio coverage; customer special days, cell broadcasts and feedback
interference between different subscribers; network congestion; and portal is important to Safaricom. Innovation ensures
imperfections in network functioning. Dropped-call rate is a key indicator
used by network operators and regulators to assess network
product offerings meet customer needs helping to sustain
performance (TRAI undated). loyalty.
Mpuga et al. 77
employed by Safaricom to become a national and emergencies, etc. by appealing to big populations
regional leader in the mobile telecommunications and through sms and email. Messages delivered through the
money services. Delivering relevant products, customer- ‗big-seed‘ and ‗viral‘ marketing approaches (Watts and
focus, accurate reporting, integrity and transparency of Peretti, 2007) can reach the millions of Safaricom
company activities and impact on the environment and subscribers at once and then be spread to others in a few
society are important in Safaricom‘s marketing strategy screen-touches and word-of-mouth.
and for sustainability. (4) Implications for policy and other companies: As noted
Aligning brand practice with the brand promise and earlier, Africa is a continent on the raise, with large
engaging stakeholders in a company‘s offerings as done prospects for increased demand for consumer goods,
by Safaricom through platforms for innovation, supports telecommunications, etc. and thus investors and
sustainability. Engaged customers, employees, regulatory marketers need to pay attention to it. Africa‘s rate of
authorities and communities have stories to tell, which urbanization is the highest in the world and the majority of
stories say much more than advertising (Martin and consumers are young and willing to spend: 53% of
Schouten, 2012). Because marketing allows the company income earners in Africa are between 16 and 34 years
both to communicate its difference and to change old. If Africa maintains its current growth and consumption
consumers‘ attitudes, it is key to delivering business trajectory, demand for consumer goods services will raise
commitments on sustainability and embedding such to US$1.4 trillion in 2020 (Agyenim-Boateng et al., 2015).
goals into product development and business models
(UNEP and Utopies, 2005). These principles are This study shows that attention to strategic marketing
important in Safaricom‘s sustained competitive advantage pays large dividends to companies. Strategic marketing
and impressive progress—the Safaricom brand and M- has been critical in Safaricom‘s transformation as a
PESA are flourishing across the country, appreciated and leading mobile telephone service provider, from a little-
used by individuals and businesses, big or small, formal known state-owned enterprise. Safaricom innovated the
or informal alike. M-PESA and today Kenya is a global market leader in the
mobile money usage. The telecommunication companies
in Africa continue to expand at phenomenal rates. Owing
RECOMMENDATIONS to low cost of labour, land and limited competition, Africa
offers the highest returns compared other emerging
Address staff concerns and strengthen controls: markets. To succeed investors and marketers need to
Safaricom annual reports and online commentaries carefully study the market and growth poles and learn
highlight staff concerns that require attention. For from the failures and successes others (Agyenim-
examples, during 2015, 106 accidents were reported, Boateng et al, 2015). Companies need to plan and take
four of which were fatal (Safaricom, 2015a). During 2012 stakes on the ground, with appropriate distribution
to 2014, Safaricom sacked 126 employees on allegations channels. Consumer markets in African can provide the
of fraud. Promises of permanent contracts to some staff perfect laboratory for new solutions to the global
are unmet and staffs wait too long before final decisions. disruption of traditional marketing (Bhan, 2014). And for
(1) Continue to address quality and limit waste: In 2013, investors seeking opportunities in Africa, Leke et al.
Safaricom paid US$5,000 in fines to regulators due to a (2016) identify six sectors of ―white space‖ characterized
high number of dropped calls reported by clients (The by high growth, high profitability, and low consolidation:
Star, 2014). During 2016, dropped calls remained a wholesale and retail; food and agri-processing; health
concern (Mutinge, 2016). Investigating the causes of care; financial services; light manufacturing; and
dropped calls and establishing measures to address construction. With manufacturing output expected to
them is needed. Limiting the quantities of materials used double to US$930 billion in 2025 (Leke et al., 2016),
in packaging and deploy e-coupons for all airtime sales Africa‘s growth and potential for investment will continue
will help to reduce Safaricom‘s carbon footprint. As much to attract interest.
as possible, materials should be sourced from within
Kenya, to benefit the local economy, reduce costs and
currency risk effects on Safaricom (Mugica, 2004). CONFLICT OF INTERESTS
(2) Loyalty Programme: Safaricom should consider a
loyalty community programme to which members can The author has not declared any conflict of interests.
sign-up to share experiences and ideas. A loyal
community programme, such as Legofan.org can do
much talking for a business, promoting sustainability and
reaching out to vulnerable populations (Martin and Agyenim-Boateng Y, Benson-Armer R, Russo B (2015). ―Winning in
Schouten, 2012). Africa‘s consumer market‖, McKinsey and Company, consumer
(3) Support mass social causes: Through its wide packaged goods. Available at:
network, Safaricom can be a force for good in support of
insights/winning-in-africas-consumer-market. Accessed on: 15th April
social causes for example, vaccination campaigns, relief 2017.
Mpuga et al. 79
Appendix 1: Figures
40% 25%
70 56
No. of cases
29 27
30 16
16 18
20 7 13
4 2
2014 2015 2016
Fraud cases investigated Dismissals Disciplinary warnings Reported to law enforcement
No. of employees
20 2,667 3,000
19.42 2,500
10 1,500
0 -
2013 2014 2015 2016
Employees Customers
Figure 4. Steady growth in customers and staff (Data source: Safaricom (2016a)).
Figure 5. Safaricom financials for 2013 to 2016; A: Total revenue and costs.Voice is the biggest single source of revenue, but
as a share of total revenue it is declining as revenue from data and M-PESA grows faster: in the first half of Financial Year
2016 (March-Sept, 2015), voice revenues accounted for 53% of total revenue, but it declined to 47% in the corresponding
period in 2016 (Safaricom 2016b). Revenue growth is much higher than the growth of costs. During 2013-2016, revenue grew
by about 16.4% per year while costs grew by about 11.6% per year; B: Net income and dividends/ taxes paid. About 80% of
net income is paid out as dividends. Dividends per share have been growing, from 0.31 in 2013 to 0.76 in 2016 (Data source:
Safaricom (2016a)).
Mpuga et al. 83
Appendix 2: Tables
charges Daily bundles Weekly Monthly
Airtel Kenya
Bundles – no
6MB 15MB 20MB 50 MB 125 MB 350MB 750MB 5 GB 3GB 8GB 20GB - - - - - -
time definition
Cost, US$ 0.05 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.00 2.50 5.00 10.00 19.90 39.90 79.90 - - - - - -
Unlimited offer,
2.50 - - - - - 12.99 - - - 34.99 - - - - - -
UnlimiNet - - - - - - 5.00 - - - 20.00 - - - - - -
Orange Kenya
Bundles 20MB 50MB 100MB - - - - - 50MB - 100MB - 500MB 1GB - 5GB -
Cost, US$ 0.20 0.50 1.00 - - - - - 0.50 - 1.00 - 5.00 7.50 - 27.50 -
Unlimited Daily Weekly Monthly - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cost, US$ 0.50 2.49 9.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5MB + 15MB + 35MB + 60MB + 150MB + 7.5G
Package 5MB 10MB 30MB 65MB 130MB 100MB 300MB 1GB 3GB 12GB -
5SMS 15SMS - 35SMS 60SMS- 150 SMS B
Cost, US$ 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.50 5.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 -
M-Ledger is an M-PESA financial journal that provides Android phone users with statements on
Launched in November 2014, the application closed the year with over
Safaricom M-ledger their M-PESA accounts, search for Paybill, Bank to M-PESA and Lipa Na M-PESA merchants; It is a
120,000 users
partnership with Dynamic Data Systems, a start-up from Safaricom Appwiz 2013
US$900,000 venture capital fund to support development of high potential mobile technology start-
Spark venture fund ups; Building and nurturing innovative entrepreneurs; Support in form of capital investment and Start-ups to receive funding of between US$60,000-220,000
technical assistance
Innovation portal targeting external innovators, replaced submission of ideas via email. Launch was
Zindua Cafe themed “How to protect it and monetise it”; Partners Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) and Supports innovators‟ property rights
the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO)
A partnership with Kenya Power (national electricity distributor) to provide micro-credit to retail
Okoa Stima (Light up) -
consumers allowing them to continue using electricity services
Strengthened partnerships with local developers and organisations to promote applications;
Led to increased uptake of local applications. Over one million downloads
Safaricom Appstore Partnerships with OLX, Hello Food and Easy Taxi promoting relevant applications; increased
over the last financial year
downloads from Safaricom Appstore
Establish 3G Wi-Fi hot spots in public transport vehicles, „matatus‟; Enable the youth to conduct Some 24.5 GB worth of data is used in the matatus daily; Helped business
Vuma online
academic research on the go owners on the programme differentiate themselves.
Online merchandising platform offers free auction services through mobile phones. Includes jobs,
Safaricom Mymarket Can be accessed via USSD
classifieds, automobiles, property, mobile phones and electronics
60-day Google campaign gave Safaricom mobile users free access to Google+, Gmail and Google
Google Free Zones 100,000 customers became users over the two month period
Search; Customers warned about data charges for links outside the Free Zone
Safaricom partnered with Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies in Kenya to introduce Benefited distributors and M-PESA agents with FMCG companies to cut
Cashless FMCG distribution using M-PESA
cashless payments via M-PESA their cash handling costs
Offered subscribers daily 20MB data bundle at US$0.10 per day to browse and communicate via
Chattitude and 10+10 for 10 Created excitement around the Safaricom brand, especially among youth
social media channels such as Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter
Bonga part payment and tablet Gives option of using part cash and part loyalty points to purchase internet capable devices Contributed to sales of over 1 million devices
Safaricom Appstore Aimed at availing data to everyone; Allows customers to download apps on their phones. Safaricom
subscribers can browse Safaricom Media store (www. safaricom.com), view information and Applications developers can upload and monetise their apps
In collabotion with Vodafone reviews, download and install them on their devices
Promote local content; Joint effort of Safaricom and Vodafone; Open to local developers and Winning apps are hosted on the Safaricom appstore and available to
The Safaricom Appstar competition
students Vodafone customers
Innovation is fundamental to Safaricom‘s differentiation strategy. Many of the products and services are industry firsts, setting benchmarks for telecommunication innovation in Africa and beyond.
Safaricom introduced the ground-breaking mobile banking solution, M-PESA, in 2007, which has transformed the lives of millions of Kenyans and beyond. Innovations in education, healthcare, on
airtime sharing, micro savings and credit service, etc. are helping communities (Sources: Safaricom, (2016a, 2015a, 2014a).
Mpuga et al. 85
Investment, US$,
Project Objective Sector
Rebuilding Kinango dam: Improve the living conditions of at least 2,500 people directly and 10,000 others
integrated food security indirectly. The community donated 105 acres as part of their ownership of the Environment 2.07
project food security scheme
Conserving our Achieve the Nairobi Greenline ambition through establishment of a green buffer
Environment 0.43
environment zone
Saving our mothers - Provide health care services to the most vulnerable communities, focusing on
Samburu maternal, improving maternal health care and reducing under-five mortality. At least
Health Not indicated
neonatal and child health 300,000 community members reached and 3,360 community health volunteers
impact project trained
Health enablement and
learning platform: Ensuring the most vulnerable and marginalised people get access to health care Community
improving community services health
Support the conservation of the Eburu ecosystem. 55,000 community members
The Eburu Forest-Lake reached; over 200 of endangered animal species protected from poaching; 22
Naivasha Wildlife Corridor threatened tree species protected from destruction; 8,715 hectares of wildlife Environment 1.65
Initiative habitats protected from poaching and water tower host protected from
Total investment 4.69
Source: M-PESA Foundation (2017); Safaricom (2016a).