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Software Requirement Specification(SRS) for

Online Shopping System(OSS)

1. Intr odu cti on
1 .1 P u r p o se:
This document is meant to delineate the features of OSS, so as to serve as a guide
to the developers on one hand and a software validation document for the
prospective client on the other.
The Online Shopping System (OSS) for electronics item shop web application
is intended to provide complete solutions for vendors as well as customers
through a single get way using the internet.It will enable vendors to setup
online shops, customer to browse through the shop and purchase them
online without having to visit the shop physically. The administration module
will enable a system administrator to approve and reject requests for new
shops and maintain various lists of shop category.

1 .2 S c o pe:
This system allows the customer’s to maintain their cart for add or
remove the product over the internet.

1 .3 D efi ni ti o ns:
OSS- Online shopping System (for electronics item shop)
SRS- Software Requirement Specification
GUI- Graphical User Interface
Stackholder- The person who will participate in system
Ex. Customer, Administrator, Visitor etc.
1.4 References:
1.5 O v e r view:
This system provides an easy solution for customers to buy the product
without going to the shop and also to shop owner to sale the product.
This proposed system can be used by any naïve users and it does not require
any educational level,experience or technical expertise in computer field but
it will be of good use if user has the good knowledge of how to operate a
2.Overall Description:
The Online Shopping system (OSS) application enables vendors to set up online
shops, customers to browse through the shops, and a system administrator to
approve and reject requests for new shops and maintain lists of shop categories. Also
the developer is designing an online shopping site to manage the items in the shop
and also help customers to purchase them online without visiting the shop physically.The
online shopping system will use the internet as the sole method for selling goods to its

2.1 Product Perspective:

This product aimed toward a person who don’t want to visit
the shop as he might don’t get time for that or might not
interested in visiting there and dealing with lot of formalities.

2.2 Product Functions:

OSS should support this use case:

2.3 User Characeristics:

User should be familiar with the terms like login,register,order system etc.

2.4 Principle Actors:

2 Principle Actors are Customer and Administrator.

2.5 General Constraints:

A full internet connection is required for OSS.
2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies :
Working of OSS need Internet Connection.

3. Specific Requirements:

3.1 Functional Requirements:

This section provides requirement overview of the system.
Various functional modules that can be implemented by the system will
be -

3.1 Description:
3.1.1 Registration
If customer wants to buy the product then he/she must be
registered, unregistered user can’t go to the shopping cart.
3.1.2 Login
Customer logins to the system by entering valid user id
and password for the shopping.
3.1.3 Changes to Cart
Changes to cart means the customer after login or
registration can make order or cancel order of the
product from the shopping cart.
3.1.4 Payment
In this system we are dealing the mode of payment by Cash.We will
extend this to credit card,debit card etc in the future.

3.1.5 Logout
After ordering or surfing for the product
customer has to logout.

3.1.6 Report Generation

After ordering for the product,the system will sent one
copy of the bill to the customer’s Email-address and
another one for the system data base.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

Following Non-Functional Requirements will be there in the insurance to the internet:
(i) Secure access to consumer’s confidential data.
(ii) 24X7 availability.
(iii) Better component design to get better performance at peak time.
(iv) Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future
extension.Non-Functional Requirements define system properties and
Various other Non-Functional Requirements are:
 Security
 Reliability
 Maintainability
 Portability
 Extensibility
 Reusability
 Compatibility  Resource Utilization

3.3 Performance Requirements:

In order to maintain an acceptable speed at maximum number of uploads allowed
from a particular customer as any number of users can access to the system at any time.
Also the connections to the servers will be based on the attributes of the user like his
location and server will be working 24X7 times.

3.4 T e c h ni c al I s s u es:
This system will work on client-server architecture.
It will require an internet server and which will be
able to run PHP application. The system should
support some commonly used browser such as IE,
mozzila firefox,chrome etc.

4. Inter f ace
Re q ui re m e nt:
Various interfaces for the product could be-
1). Login Page
2). Registration Form
3). There will be a screen displaying information about
product that the shop having. 4). If the customers select
the buy button then another screen of shopping cart will
be opened.
5). After ordering for the product,the system will sent one copyof
the bill to the customer’s Emailaddress
Software Interface:
1.Operating System:Windows7 Ultimate which supports networking.
2.JAVA development toolkit.

Hardware Interface:
Hardware requirements for insurance on internet will be
same for both parties which are as follows:
Processor:Dual Core
Hard Disk:320 GB
NIC:For each party
Communication Interfaces:
The two parties should be connected by LAN or WAN for the
communication purpose.

SENDER SENDER Communication channel RECEIVER

5.System Design Specification:

5.1 Architecture Design:
5.1.1 Data Flow Diagram(DFD):
It is a way of representing system requirements in graphical
form;this led to modular design.A DFD describes a data flow(logical)
rather than how they are processed.So they do not depend upon
software,hardware,data structure or file organization.It is also known
as ‘bubble sort’.

A DFD is a structured analysis and a design tool that can be used for
flowcharting in place of ,or in association with ,information-oriented
and processoriented system flowcharts.
A DFD is considered as an abstract of the logic of information-
oriented or process-oriented system flowchart.The four basic
symbols used to construct data flow diagrams are-

A rectangle represents a data source or destination.

A directed line represents flow of data.

An Oval represents a process that transforms into


An Open ended rectangle represents storage.

The points at which data is transformed are called as nodes.The

principle processes that take place at nodes are:

1.Combining data streams

2.Splitting data streams
3.Modifiying data streams
General Request
User Databas e
Customer Server Request








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