NCLEX Application Vermont

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Vermont Board of Nursing

Office of Professional Regulation

National Life Bldg, North FL 2
Montpelier, VT 05620-3402

Graduates of International Nursing Schools

Application for Licensure by Examination/Endorsement


Please carefully read these instructions before submitting your application for a Vermont RN or
LPN license.

• For graduates of nursing programs (preparing RNs) conducted in English. Please

complete the application below. This Office will conduct an internal transcript and
licensure review. At times we are unable to verify the comparability of a nursing program
located outside of the United States to Vermont requirements. If that circumstance
occurs, we will notify you.

• For graduates of LPN programs located outside of the United States or for RN’s
whose nursing program was NOT taught in English. Please complete the application
below and request a Course-by-Course Credentials Evaluation Service Report
(CES)from the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools. You may register
with CGFNS at or contact them at 215-349-8767. Your application will be
reviewed when the CES is received and all other required application materials are on file
in this Office.

Please note:

• Application forms are inspected on the date of receipt.

• Applications are returned if the fee is not included.
• Applications will not be reviewed if all sections are not completed.
• Applications will be reviewed to determine eligibility for the NCLEX only after all required
information is on file in this Office.
• The review process takes up to 3 or 4 months.

To complete your Vermont application you must:

1. Complete Pages 1 through 7

a. Line by line instructions are provided below
b. Complete all sections
c. Fill in all blanks

2. Submit the Application fee of $150.00 payable to: Vermont Secretary of State.
a. Payment must be In US funds from a bank with a United States affiliate.
b. The $150.00 must come with the application or the application will be returned.
c. Payment can be sent in the form of check, money order, demand draft or travelers
d. Payment is not refundable.
e. Have your name written somewhere on the check.

3. Request the Director of your nursing program (or other authorized officer) to complete,
sign and return the “Verification of Education” form.
a. The form must be stamped and sealed with an official school seal.
b. Please note: This is not required for applicants who are obtaining a CGFNS certificate
or CES report.

4. Request the Registrar or Director of your nursing program to send an official, certified
transcript (including clinical transcripts/related learning experiences).
a. The transcript must be stamped and sealed with an official school seal.
b. Please note: This is not required for applicants who are obtaining a CGFNS certificate
or CES report.

5. Request your country’s licensing body to send a certified statement of your current
licensure status (see instructions on Verification of Licensure page). This should be
certified, sealed in an envelope by the licensing body and included with your application
packet. (If you are licensed in a country that will not release this directly to you, please
have them send it directly to us after your application has been submitted so that it can
be matched with your file). We need this verification for your original license and your
most current license (if in a different country).

6. Submit one recent passport type photograph

a. Photo must be (2 X 2) in size, head and shoulders only.
b. Attach photo to application.

7. Submit a copy of your current nursing license

a. The license must be in good standing and show an expiration date.
b. Please note: If you do not hold a current nursing license you are not eligible to take
the NCLEX through Vermont.
c. Please note: If you are a Philippine applicant and do not yet hold a license, but hold a
board pass letter, have the Philippine Regulatory Commission send a certified copy of
the letter directly to our office, and simply write “Philippines- letter requested” in the
area provided. You will have to provide a copy of your nursing license prior to being
licensed in Vermont. Along with the pass letter, you will also need the PRC to certify
that your license application is in good standing.

8. Submit a copy of your original license (if from a different country than your current

9. Submit a photocopy of your passport (just the open face page).

a. Be sure that the copy provided is clear and easy to read.
b. Please note: Write your name on the Vermont application exactly as it appears
on your passport, or you will not be able to sit for the exam.

Line by Line Instructions: (Fill out all sections. Do not leave any blanks)

Page 1:
• Enter your name exactly as it appears on your passport.
• Please provide an email address
• Add our email address ([email protected]) to your address book so that if
we contact you via email, it does not get filtered to junk mail.
• Please note: If an applicant is represented by an Agency – Only the Agency may contact the
Office. All correspondence related to the applicant will be sent directly to the agency.
• Completely fill out your school’s contact information, including their full address, the degree
you earned, and the date you graduated. This information is all required.

Page 2:
• Indicate how many hours you have worked as a nurse in the last 5 years. Do not leave this
section blank unless you have not worked at all during that time period.
o Please note: If you graduated from your nursing program within the last 5 years and
have not worked at all, you may leave the section blank.
• Provide your license information. If you do not hold a license, you are not eligible to sit for
the exam through the State of Vermont.
o Please note: If you are a Philippine applicant and do not yet hold a license, but hold a
board pass letter, have the Philippine Regulatory Commission send a certified copy of
the letter directly to our office, and simply write “Philippines- letter requested” in the
area provided. You will have to provide a copy of your nursing license prior to being
licensed in Vermont. Along with the pass letter, you will also need the PRC to certify
that your license application is in good standing.
• You must answer ALL of the questions which follow on this page.
If you have taken the NCLEX one or more times, be sure to let us know the date(s) and in
which state(s). Also include copies of your fail letters (with photos) with this application. You
can obtain those letters from the Board of Nursing in the State through which you took the

Pages 3 and 4:
• You are required to answer the questions concerning child support and taxes.
o If you are not a US resident, the most common answer to the child support questions
is “no”, and to the tax questions is “yes”, unless you have other relevant information
for either section.

• You must provide a Social Security Number if you have one.

• If you do not have a Social Security Number, you must provide passport information instead.
• You must sign and date this page.

Pages 5 and 6:
• Applicants must fill out the first block on this page and then submit the form to their school of
• The school will then send the form either to the applicant or directly to Vermont. The form
MUST be in an envelope sealed by the school in order to be accepted by the State of

Page 7:
• You must fill out the verification of licensure form and send it to your country’s licensing body
for verification.

Please review your application carefully. Failure to follow all of these instructions very
carefully will result in an incomplete or incorrect application and will slow the process.

Guidelines for Contacting this Office:

• To check your application status, check the website.
• Our email auto-reply will tell you which month is currently being processed. If you email
asking for the status of an application that is not currently being processed, your email
will not be responded to other than with the auto reply.
• To change your address, send an email with your full name and new address.
• For queries on applications more than 5 months old, email and either the auto-reply will
answer your question or we will respond. Please be sure to state your full name and the
date your application was received in the email.
• Questions that can be answered by looking at the website or the application form itself
will not be responded to through email.
• We do not look up application status over the phone or email unless there is something
wrong with the application or it has been over 5 months since the application was

Ready to submit your application? Use the following checklist to be sure you have included
everything you need.
 Included the $150 fee
 Included a 2x2 inch photo
 Included email address (if applicable)
 Filled out educational information
 Filled out work history information
 Filled out license and passport information
 Answered question concerning whether or not you have taken the NCLEX
 If you have taken the NCLEX, you have included copies of your fail letters from the
Board of Nursing you took the exam through
 Included copy of passport
 Included copy of CURRENT license or certified (sealed in an envelope) Regulatory
Commission Board Pass Letter
 Included copy of original license (if from different country than current).
 Included certified, sealed verification of valid licensure (in good standing)
 Answered ALL legal questions
 Signed application
 Sent verification of education to school with request for transcripts
Updated 09/23/08-lp
Board of Nursing - Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Building, North, Floor 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

2”X2” Recent Photo

Application for Licensure as a: _____ Registered Nurse ______ Practical Nurse

Type or Print. When space is insufficient, attach additional sheets.

Last Name (Surname
/Family Name) (As on Passport) First Name MI Former/Maiden

Mailing Address - Street

City State Country Postal Code

Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: Date of Birth

*Note: Please add our email address ([email protected]) to your email address book so that when we
email you it does not get filtered to your bulk/junk mail folders.

Agency – If applicable list Agency Name and Address E-Mail:

Address City State Postal Code

Nursing Education: Name, City & State of College/University Attended - Degree Date
Institution must also complete the Nursing Education Certification form. Earned Graduated
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________ Phone:________________________

Board of Nursing - Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Building, North, Floor 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

I have practiced nursing as defined in 26 V.S.A. § 1576, for at least (check the appropriate statement):
120 days (960 hours) in the last 5 years 50 days (400 hours) in the last 2 years
Position #1 (most recent)
Place of Employment City State Country

Dates of Employment: From: To:

Job Title:

Position #2 (if applicable)

Place of Employment City State Country

Dates of Employment: From: To:

Job Title:

You must have either worked as a nurse as stated above or have graduated within the last 5 years in order
to qualify to sit for the NCLEX through the State of Vermont.

Country of Original Licensure License # Date Issued Date Expires(d)

Country of Current Licensure (if different) License # Date Issued Date Expires

Circle Yes or No. A yes requires a written explanation, and/or other documentation
1. Have you been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation? If "yes," explain
and attach the court documents, if any.
2. Has Vermont, any other state, territory, or other jurisdiction, denied your application for
a license, certificate, or registration in any profession or occupation? If the answer is YES NO
"yes", provide a certified copy of the action.
3. Has Vermont, any other state, territory, or other jurisdiction, restricted, suspended,
revoked, or taken any other disciplinary action against a license, certificate, or YES NO
registration that you hold or held in any profession or occupation? If the answer is
"yes", provide a certified copy of the action.

Circle Yes or No. A yes requires a written explanation, and/or other documentation. Answers to these
Questions are not subject to public disclosure.
1. Do you have a physical or mental condition or disorder which in any way impairs or
limits your ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety? If yes, provide a YES NO
physician's statement or medical confirmation of the disability.
2. Does your use of alcohol, drugs, or medications in any way impair or limit your ability to
practice with reasonable skill and safety?" If yes, please explain in detail.
3. Are you currently participating in a supervised program or professional assistance
program which monitors you in order to assure that you are not engaging in the use of
alcohol or controlled substances? If yes, please provide the contract/stipulation under
which your are practicing.

Board of Nursing - Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Building, North, Floor 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

1. Have you ever taken the NCLEX exam?

If you answered “Yes” please let us know what state you have taken NCLEX through and
include a copy of your results with this application.
Candidates who do not retake the examination within two years but less than five years of YES NO
the initial examination may retake the examination only after completing an entire approved
nursing program. If you took your first NCLEX over five years ago you are not eligible to
apply in the state of Vermont.
Number of times the exam was taken:
Dates the exam was taken:
If you have failed the NCLEX, include copies of your fail letters (with photos) with this application. You can
obtain those letters from the Board of Nursing in the State through which you took the exam.

Applicant's Statements Regarding Child Support

Answer This Question:
1. I am subject to an order to pay child support. YES NO
If you answered “Yes”, proceed to question 2. If “No”, proceed to question 3.

2. I am in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support due to the State of
Vermont YES NO
If you answered “Yes”, proceed to question 3. If “No”, you must contact the Office.

Applicant's Statements Regarding Taxes, Unemployment Compensation Contributions

Answer This Question:

3. I am in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and
all taxes due to the State of Vermont YES NO
If you answered “Yes”, proceed to question 4. If “No”, you must contact the Office.

Answer This Question:

4. I am in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and
all unemployment contributions due to the State of Vermont. YES NO
If you answered “Yes”, proceed to complete the renewal. If “No”, you must contact the Office.

A Social Security Number is NOT required if you are not a U.S. citizen and do not have a
Social Security Number.

Social Security # ________/______/__________

* The disclosure of your social security number is mandatory, it is solicited by the authority granted by 42 U.S.C. ' 405 (c)(2)(C), and
will be used by the Departments of Taxes, Child Support and Employment and Training in the administration of Vermont law, to

Board of Nursing - Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Building, North, Floor 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

A Passport Number IS required if you do not have a Social Security Number.

Passport #: ____________________Country of Issue: ___________________Expiration Date:____________

Statement of Applicant

I hereby certify that all information I have provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that furnishing false information may constitute unprofessional conduct and
result in the denial of my application for licensure or further disciplinary sanction.

Signature: Date:

Board of Nursing - Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Building, North, Floor 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

Verification of Education – Attach Stamped Official Transcript and Clinical Transcripts

This page and the following page must also be stamped by the school
Applicant: Complete the box below and have the School of Nursing complete this page and the page following.
Last Name First Name MI Former/Maiden Name
(As on Application AND Passport) (On School Documents)

Mailing Address – Street City State Zip Date of Birth

I hereby authorize the School of Nursing to furnish to the Board of Nursing the information requested
Signature Date

Information Below To Be Completed by the School of Nursing: (Attach Official Transcript and Detailed Course
Name of Nursing

Program Commenced (mm/dd/yyyy) Date of Graduation (mm/dd/yyyy) Degree/Certificate Earned

Summary of Theoretical Education and Clinical Practice Hours

Was the language of instruction and textbooks for the nurse’s program in
Course Course
Clinical Area of Theory Clinical
Title/Number Title/Number
Practice Hours Hours
Care of the Adult-
Medical Nursing

Care of the Adult-Surgical


Maternal/Infant Nursing

Psychiatric/Mental Health

Pediatric Nursing/Care of
the Sick Child:

Board of Nursing - Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Building, North, Floor 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

Support Courses: Theory Clinical Title/Number
Hours Hours (REQUIRED)
Anatomy and Physiology



Print Name Date

Telephone Official School

Email Seal/Stamp

Signature of

Further Information: If the course titles do not match the subjects as they
are listed on this form (in the specific language we use) it is very important
that you fill out the columns showing us in which courses (or modules) the
theory and clinical experience for each subject was taught and for how
many hours of in each course. We cannot approve an applicant without this

Note: Please sign and place official school stamp on BOTH pages of this
form. Thank you.

Board of Nursing - Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Building, North, Floor 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

Verification of Licensure- To Be Filled Out By Nursing Regulatory Body

Last Name: First Name: Middle Initial:

Country of Licensure: License Number:

License Issue Date: License Expiry Date:

Is this License considered to be In Good Standing? (please circle) YES NO

If no, what is its current status (valid, expired, revoked, suspended, or conditioned)? Are there any conditions that
apply to the license and what are they? Please comment below. Use additional pages if necessary.

Certifying/Regulatory Body Name:

Individual Name:


Place seal/stamp of

Certification here.

This form should be sealed in an envelope by the regulating body and returned to the license holder.
9-11-08 lcp

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