Pluto JMT2023

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- Pluto IS WAS
Sahana V
Sujan Surya
Manasa Suresh
Chethan Sai k

The pollution generated by exploding fireworks prompted us to investigate the issue,

and we believe we can propose our answer.

Impact of Pollution
It worsens the air quality and makes it toxic as well as full of smog.
Additionally, firecrackers gravely endanger the health of all life forms.
In addition to other things, it causes respiratory issues and hormonal problems.
Also, it affects a person's mental well-being.
Fireworks harm people, animals, birds, and other wildlife by releasing highly toxic gases
and pollutants into the air, water, and soil.

They pollute the air

Crackers cause noise, particle, and chemical polluting the environment.
The regular firecrackers, when burst, emit toxic gases, chemical compounds in the
forms of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen along with particulates which include
chemicals like copper, zinc, sodium, lead, magnesium, cadmium, etc., which have a
harmful bearing on human as well as environmental health.

They create damaging noise and land pollution

Loud cracker noises have an immediate impact on people.
Such choking loud sounds might cause heart attacks in elderly persons.
These metal salts do not "burn up" during the explosion; they are still metal atoms, and
many of them become aerosols that contaminate the air, the water, and the land.
They alter with the food chain
PBTs, or persistent, bio - accumulative, and toxic chemicals, are the culprits behind
these negative impacts. PBTs are highly resistant to degradation, remain in the
environment for very long periods of time, and easily penetrate and swiftly build up
in the food chain. These pollutants not only pose a direct threat to human health, but
they can also have an impact on fish and other aquatic organisms, which can then
move up the food chain.

A list of other potent reasons

Global Warming
Bursting crackers increases the amount of heat, carbon dioxide, and numerous
harmful chemicals in the atmosphere, which raises the earth's temperature and
pollutes the air, contributing to global warming.
Fire Accidents
A small spark in the cracker market has the potential to seriously harm the
business, nearby homes, and customers. If not handled carefully, it could even
result in casualties (internal – respiratory and external – burn).

The leftover waste residues after the burning of firecrackers turn into debris
that no one takes care of, and it affects the environment.

Chemicals In Firecrackers Affect Health

The dangerous chemicals released during firework displays can wreak havoc
on the human body, affecting the endocrine system, immune system,
gastrointestinal system, and metabolism, as well as the neurotransmitters in
the brain.
Perchlorate, a chemical that is often mixed with sulfur and charcoal to create the
gunpowder that makes fireworks explode, can inhibit the ability of the thyroid
gland to derive iodine from blood (hypothyroidism). This can interfere with the
production of thyroid hormones, which are essential to the metabolic and mental
development processes. It can also lead to goiter and thyroid cancer.

Strontium, a heavy metal used to produce the bright red colors in fireworks, has
been linked to many serious health consequences, including congenital
disabilities, damaged bone marrow, inhibited bone growth, anaemia, and
impaired blood clotting.

Crackers like the tiny sparklers, torches, and flower pots generate thick smoke that
can affect the respiratory tract of young children.
Effects of metals on Humans

Copper : Irritates the respiratory tract.

Cadmium : This leads to anaemia by reducing the capacity of blood to carry


Zinc : Can cause metal fume fever and induce vomiting.

Lead : Harms the nervous system.

Magnesium: Metal fume fever is caused by Magnesium fumes.

Sodium: It is a highly reactive element and causes burns when it is combined with

This model takes around one hour to set up. The solution is representing an air
purifier with an AQI sensor detecting any smoke or impure air. It helps in purifying
the air inside the room for a limited period of time.
It is mostly useful when smoke which is released from the fireworks and other
pollutants enter the room.
A filter, or sometimes several filters, plus a fan that draws in and circulates air
make up most air purifiers. Pollutants and other particles are removed from the
air as it passes through the filter, and the clean air is forced back into the area.

This air purifier includes:

A filter and a fan that sucks in and circulates air. As air moves through the filter,
pollutants and particles are captured, and the clean air is pushed back out into
the living space.

Our air purifier even consists of a AQI (Air Quality Index) sensor which has many
advantages.The key benefit of using an AQI is the ability to communicated data
with the public, both easily and conveniently.
We are using the arduino board , DHT11 sensor,Adafruit Standard LCD - 16x2 to
create the AQI sensor
We are using ESP8266 along with arduino to send the data through internet.

Rough sketch of the design

It has merv filters along with aqi sensor which is rare in the market
The data can be viewed on our mobile phones
Materials Required :
4 x 20" Merv 13 Air Filters
1 x 20" Box Fan
Other Materials like Carboard and Duct tape
AQI Setup materials

Estimated Cost:
Merv 13 Filter x 4 = ₹4000
Box Fan x 1 = ₹2000
Other Materials = ₹500
Arduino Setup = ₹1350
Cooling pad = 650
Total Cost = ₹8500
Pros :
It is available with Merv 13 filter and aqi sensor together, which are really costly in
It is easy to assemble and handling is also easy.

Cons :
The making of the model is on the expensive side.
Occupies large space
Can be noisy sometimes
We would want to connect the AQI sensor to the air purifier and make it
more effective
Use more high quality materials and make it more easier to use.

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