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UNIT 1 Grammar Page 6

Topic Vocabulary Page 4 1 1. bakes 4. are you going
2. doesn’t belong 5. are you having
1 1. strict 4. primary
3. starts 6. looks
2. extra-curricular 5. terms
3. an average 2 1. is fixing
2. Does … look
2 1. school 5. alone
3. speaks; doesn’t make
2. share your room 6. will definitely
4. is; is always breaking
3. missing home 7. complete a test
5. am throwing away; doesn’t taste
4. do it
6. always makes
3 1. performing arts 7. aren’t travelling; prefer
2. tuition fees 8. starts
3. sit an exam 9. are you inviting
4. rehearse 10. am having
5. tutor
3 1. does … start; b 4. do … rehearse; e
6. rules and regulations
2. Is … applying; d 5. are … tutoring; c
4 a. 2 – primary school 3. Are … finding; f 6. Does … compete; a
b. 4 – co-educational school
4 1. leaves; arrives; 10 am
c. 5 – state / comprehensive school
2. make; beans
d. 6 – vocational school
3. usually belongs; athlete
e. 3 – public school
4. knows; Australia
f. 1 – grammar school
5. is mixing; is making; a cake
5 1. have difficulty 4. secondary 6. is going; is planning; dollars
2. keep up 5. curriculum
5 1. have
3. demanding 6. considered
2. believe
Vocabulary from the Text Page 5 3. are currently studying
6 1. mates 5. nagged 4. is
2. loads of 6. a big deal 5. don’t talk
3. day one 7. no way 6. puts
4. into 8. on a high 7. are solving
8. hand in
7 1. b 3. a 5. b 7. a
9. are now building
2. a 4. a 6. b 8. a
10. Do you think
Vocabulary Extension
zoom in Page 7
1 1. motivation 4. productive
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. commitment 5. application
3. competitive Putting It Together
2 1. bear in mind 4. have in mind 6 1. take her mind off
2. take your mind off 5. out of your mind 2. is thinking of
3. set your mind on 3. doesn’t often come home / often doesn’t come home
4. is forever leaving
3 1. history 5. university
5. way ahead of
2. in the exam 6. new students
6. sort out their problems
3. education 7. giving a penalty
4. in class 8. medicine Reading Page 8
4 1. up 4. through 1. D 3. A 5. B 7. D 9. B
2. after 5. round 2. A 4. C 6. A 8. C 10. D
3. into 6. up to

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Over to You 3 1. F; Private schools cost parents a lot of money.

Accept all logical answers. 2. F; G
 etting into primary school doesn’t depend on
exam results.
Speaking Page 9 3. T
1 1. an only child 4. leisure activities 4. T
2. in the suburbs 5. hanging out 5. F; Kids with learning disabilities need extra help.
3. a big fan 6. favourite subject 6. T
2 4 1. Are … thinking 5. tells
2. is … losing 6. Does … nag
42 Listening
3. are running 7. learn
Narrator: Do you do any sports?
4. is writing 8. don’t understand
Student 1: Yes! Horse riding! I’m crazy about horses, you
see. Being out in the countryside on a horse Putting It Together
really takes my mind off any problems I’m
5 1. having difficulty solving
having. It’s expensive, though, so I can only go
once a week. I’m really into running as well, to 2. do you have in mind
keep fit. I tried playing basketball once but it 3. set number of places
wasn’t for me. I’m not a competitive person. 4. make a commitment
Narrator: That sounds nice. Now, what do you like or 5. is keeping up with
dislike about your school? 6. is considered to be
Student 2: Actually, I changed schools last year and I’ve
made loads of new friends at the one I go to Unit 2
now, so I’m very happy with my social life at
school. Also, I like the sports facilities, which
Topic Vocabulary Page 12
include a real state-of-the-art gym and a pool. 1 1. adapted
Something I’m not happy about, though, is the 2. on time
timetable – I think it’s too demanding. Also, the 3. awkward
teachers are very strict – if you don’t get top
4. hugged
marks, you’re in trouble.
5. unappetising
Narrator: The sports facilities sound great. Thank you
both. 2 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a

Student 1: Likes: horse riding; Expressions used: I’m crazy

 3 1. good manners
about, I’m really into 2. disgusting
Student 2: Likes: social life at school, sports facilities;
 3. stare
Expressions used: … I’m very happy with … ; I like … 4. leaning forward; personal space
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5. hostess

Writing Page 10 4 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. a

1 1. How young people learn foreign languages in my country. Vocabulary from the Text Page 13
2. students around the world who read the magazine 5 1. memorise 7. unpleasant
2a Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. expense of 8. disregard for
3. weary 9. make an effort
2b Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. recall 10. make it
3 2 5. top it all 11. must admit
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 6. sigh of relief

5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 6 1. delay 7. approach

2. emigrate 8. migrate
Review Page 11 3. hospitality 9. take the hint
1 1. education 4. regulations 4. helping 10. platter
2. committed 5. tutor 5. interaction 11. lead the way
3. top 6. shy 12. unfamiliar
2 1. homesick 4. way
2. luxurious 5. dormitory
3. boarding 6. privacy
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Vocabulary Extension Putting It Together

1 1. disapproves; disgusting 7 1. isn’t used to being
2. disappointment; accepted 2. we would see
3. pleasure 3. we breathed a sigh of relief
4. horrified; relieved 4. did Jim start
2 1. illegal; practical 5. successful; impatient 5. didn’t use to be
2. unusual; dissatisfied 6. impolite; illogical 6. to get out of
3. disorganised; unable 7. incorrect; honest Reading Page 16
4. indecisive; incapable 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D
3 1. got through 4. got away with Speaking Page 17
2. get out of 5. get on
3. get together 6. get over
1 Possible answers
1. He / She will have plenty of time to read.
4 1. turn out badly 5. is easy for 2. He / She will probably do a lot of travelling.
2. decided 6. try very hard 3. He / She may (want to) exercise a lot.
3. that’s also true for 7. a lot of work to do 4. He / She might go to the theatre more often.
4. moved forward 5. He / She will want to remember her students.
Grammar Page 14 2
1 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. c 5
43 Listening
2 1. didn’t see; wasn’t paying Student A: What about the e-reader? Retired people have
2. was still writing; told lots of time to read.
3. left; got Student B: That’s true, and they don’t have to carry heavy
4. were you doing; were playing books around. They can just download them all
5. learned / learnt onto the e-reader.
6. built Student A: You’re right. And the digital camera? I
suppose it might encourage them to take up
7. did … cost
photography as a hobby.
8. wasn’t wearing; saw
Student B: Or they might just enjoy using it to take pictures
9. were trying; was taking
of their grandchildren. What about these funny
10. didn’t mean walking sticks, though?
3 1. became 5. were eating Student A: They’re trekking poles – for going on long
2. set up 6. were enjoying hikes.
3. were feeding 7. visited Student B: Oh, well they might encourage a retired person
4. were having 8. were sitting to get out of the house and do something to
keep fit.
4 1. used to 4. used to Student A: You’ve got a point. But what do you think
2. would 5. Are you getting about a theatre subscription?
3. isn’t used to 6. didn’t use to Student B: I think that’s a great idea for a present, because
Page 15 they can choose which plays they want to see.
Student A: And it’s an opportunity to go out with
5 1. used to 5. got used to friends …
2. would 6. was used to Student B: Absolutely! This last one – the photo album –
3. never used to 7. isn’t used to is a bit different, though.
4. Did he use to 8. will ever get used to Student A: Why?
6 1. will get used to 4. isn’t used to Student B: Well, it’s more personal, isn’t it? The students
could put pictures of themselves in it, or photos
2. Did you use to 5. got used to
of class trips …
3. didn’t use to 6. would, is getting used to
Student A: … which would bring back happy memories for
ZOOM IN the teacher.
1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. e Student B: Good point!
Answers a, b and d are in the Passive.

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3 1. That’s true. 4. I think that’s a great idea. 4 1. wrote

2. You’re right. 5. Absolutely! 2. were walking; started
3. You’ve got a point. 6. Good point! 3. completed
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. were … doing
5. was talking; were looking
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 6. didn’t attend; were working
6 7. did … land
44 Listening Putting It Together
Student A: So, I think we can rule out the digital camera
5 1. was disappointed in
and the poles.
2. getting over
Student B: Yes, and we’re not sure the teacher is a fan
3. was horrified to
of the theatre, so we’re not going for the
subscription. 4. led the way
Student A: That leaves the e-reader or the photo album, 5. delayed because it was
then. 6. got dressed in
Student B: Don’t you think the photo album would be the
best choice? It’s not practical but with all our Unit 3
pictures, it’ll be more meaningful and personal. Topic Vocabulary Page 20
And it takes some effort to make, so it shows
how much the students care. 1 1. run wild 5. adventurous
Student A: That’s a good point. Let’s go for the photo 2. pressure 6. identity
album, then. 3. priority 7. rafting
4. upside down 8. achievement
1. rule out 3. be the best choice
2. That leaves 4. go for 2 1. parkour 5. mountain climbing
2. hiking 6. bungee jumping
Writing Page 18 3. go-karting 7. skiing
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. skydiving 8. paragliding
3 Possible answers 3 1. stunts 4. risk-takers
1. On the coach on the way to London, Jill was in a great 2. skateboarding 5. win respect
mood. She couldn’t wait to see all the famous sights she 3. challenge 6. thrill
had seen on TV.
2. To her horror, her watch fell from her wrist. It was a
4 1. T
special watch. Her grandfather had given it to her. 2. T
3. To her relief, a man handed her watch back to her. 3. F; If you earn a salary, you work for someone.
Incredibly, it was still working! 4. F; A dull event is one that doesn’t interest you.
5. T
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
6. F; Y
 ou will feel great if you don’t let problems discourage
Review Page 19 you.
1 1. expense 5. disappointing 7. T
2. recall 6. satisfied Vocabulary from the Text Page 21
3. migrate 7. eye contact
5 1. b 3. a 5. b 7. b
4. illogical 8. horrified
2. b 4. a 6. a 8. b
2 1. appetising 4. unpleasant
6 1. on the lookout for 4. reluctant
2. helping 5. disapprove
2. childhood 5. her fair share of
3. through 6. habits
3. kinds
3 1. would 5. is getting used to
Vocabulary Extension
2. use to eat 6. didn’t expect
3. was raining 7. wasn’t used to 1 1. impressed 4. inspiration
4. Were you invited 2. tolerant 5. development
3. unexpected 6. discouraged

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2 1. front runners 4. deep water Reading Page 24

2. head start 5. safe bet 1. C 2. F 3. E 4. G 5. B 6. D
3. plain sailing 6. long shot
Extra sentence – A
3 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. f 6. c
Over to You
4 1. up 4. down
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. out 5. into
3. back Speaking Page 25
Grammar Page 22 1 1. both 5. must
2. shows 6. Unlike
1 1. has taken part; came
3. probably 7. similarity
2. have been training
4. looks 8. different
3. won; has interviewed
4. has been reading 2
5. was; haven’t heard 5
45 Listening
6. hasn’t marked Examiner: 
Right, I’d like you to compare the photographs
2 1. has been playing; have called; c and say what you think the benefits are of
2. has been acting; directed; b doing these activities.
3. has been swimming; broke; e Student: OK, well, the people in both pictures are doing
extreme sports. The first picture shows someone
4. has written; became; a
using ropes to climb down a rock face.
5. got; have recorded; d
Examiner: It’s called abseiling.
3 1. Have you ever been to a rock concert? Student: Yes, that’s the word … she’s abseiling. It looks
2. How long have you known your best friend? like she really needs to concentrate and think
3. How long has your family lived in the same town? carefully about where she’s going to put her
4. What TV series have you and your friends been hands and feet. I think abseiling helps you
following? overcome your fears and has a lot of benefits.
5. How many text messages have you sent today? It builds your self-confidence, and you probably
6. How long have you been studying English? become a more adventurous person.
In the second picture we can see someone
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
snowboarding. I think he must be quite
4 1. had closed 5. had been taking experienced because he’s going pretty fast.
2. had been waiting 6. hadn’t informed As for the benefits, this is a really good way to
3. had been hiking 7. had you been walking keep fit and you probably learn self-discipline
4. had left 8. had finished because you have to practise … and fall
over … a lot if you want to be good at it.
Page 23 One similarity is that both these sports can
5 1. caught 5. had been taking be dangerous – if you fall over going down
a mountain or if your rope breaks, you could
2. had stolen 6. had managed
really hurt yourself. What’s different is that
3. had lost 7. used
you can do abseiling in any season, whereas
4. suspected 8. hadn’t made snowboarding you can only do in the winter.
1. had been studying; b 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
2. had … been found; d 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3. had been made; a 4 1. Possible answers
4. have been asked; c 1. people doing sport
Putting It Together 2. the people in both pictures take their sport seriously
6 1. has been two years since 3. hasn’t got any special equipment
2. have ever seen 4. both pictures show people in sports clothes
3. has already turned down 5. in the first picture the people are inside while in the
second picture the man is outside
4. kind Bob had been
2. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5. take the / your doctor’s advice
6. spare moment / minute playing

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Writing Page 26 3 1. of a lifetime; Janice

1 what sports and activities you do at your school 2. luxurious; Frank
how you think students benefit from them 3. accommodation; Martin
4. hiking trails; Simon
2 A: play team sports like basketball and volleyball; do
5. day trip; Cheryl
exercises like push-ups and sit-ups; run around the school
playground; use gym equipment in physical education 4 1. former 5. restored
lessons 2. unspoilt 6. departure board
B: have fun while you’re learning; get fit; build up your 3. location 7. boarded
strength; learn to work as a team; improve your skills 4. fully booked
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Vocabulary from the Text Page 29
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 1. led, arrest 3. depressed
Review Page 27 2. gained experience, 4. prisoner
self-esteem 5. fascinating, book
1 1. eager 4. takes it easy
2. remote 5. on the lookout for 6 1. set foot in 5. pass the time
3. turned out 2. chilling 6. throughout
3. inmates 7. bring to life
2 1. D 3. C 5. A 7. C
4. cell 8. variety
2. A 4. D 6. B 8. A
Vocabulary Extension
3 1. have you been waiting
2. has won 1 1. about 4. with
3. been sleeping 2. without 5. off
4. have just announced 3. on 6. about
5. had been playing 2 1. located 5. analysis
6. had chosen 2. satisfaction 6. identification
7. had forgotten 3. reference 7. proof
8. hadn’t been looking 4. investigation
4 1. hadn’t seen; met 4. have been calling 3 1. in no time; b
2. had closed 5. has been feeling / has felt 2. no point; no doubt; a
3. have heard 3. no interest in; d
Putting It Together 4. no intention; e
5. no chance; c
5 1. seen Kevin since graduation
2. are taking a risk 4 1. resort 4. hostel
3. exciting film I have ever 2. service 5. break
4. took our breath 3. arrangements 6. board
5. didn’t turn up Grammar Page 30
6. had been teaching for
1 1. that 4. where

Unit 4 2. whose
3. who
5. which
6. whose
Topic Vocabulary Page 28
2 1. whose 5. where
1 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. a 2. when 6. whoever
2 1. F; If something is a must, you have to do it. 3. whatever 7. which
2. F; You can’t get another ticket if the concert is sold out. 4. who 8. wherever
3. T
4. T
5. F; Belongings are products that belong to someone.
6. T
7. T
8. F; People go sightseeing to see interesting places.
9. T

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3 1. Look at these photographs which we took on holiday. 2

2. It’s a good time to visit Europe in January, when there 5
are a lot of sales.
Girl: Well, uh ...
3. Some tourists prefer a warmer destination where they
Boy: Right, well, shall we start with this one? The coach
can relax in the sun.
tour of European cities. Personally, I’d rather not sit in
4. Visiting Nepal was the best holiday that we have ever a coach for hours, I think it’s a waste of time. I’d much
had. rather be walking around.
5. Montenegro, which has mountains, lakes, cities and Girl: 
Yes, I agree. That kind of holiday is more suited to
beaches, is off the beaten track. / Montenegro, which old people. Um … And what do you think about this
is off the beaten track, has mountains, lakes, cities and option – horse riding? It looks quite relaxing … and a
beaches. chance to be in the countryside, out in the fresh air …
6. Take a trip with a tour guide who is highly Boy: To be honest, I think it might be a bit boring. I went
recommended. on a holiday like that when I was younger and you
4 1. which, who E. Egypt go quite slowly. It’s fun perhaps for younger kids but
2. where, C. Japan not for teenagers. Anyway, I think a prize should be
3. why, F. The Maldives something exciting and unusual, don’t you?
4. whose, D. Nauru Girl: 
Yes, that’s a good point. So let’s see, something exciting
… How about the African safari? That’d be very
5. which, B. Ecuador
different from an ordinary holiday.
6. which, when, A. India
Boy: Absolutely. It’d be fascinating – seeing the lions and
Page 31 other animals up close …
Yes, I don’t see how anyone could not enjoy a holiday
5 1. Alison, who makes jewellery, sells it in the market.
like that. Let’s look at the next one now, shall we … a
2. Rob remembers the day when he met Helen. canal boat holiday … I’ve heard about those. You sleep
3. We like the girl whose family has just moved here. on the boat and each night you stop in a different place
4. Mark works at the office where I used to work. along the canal. Sounds cool, doesn’t it?
5. The new computer game, which / that is quite Boy: I suppose so, and a chance to explore new places. ….
expensive, has been sold to millions of people. / The On second thoughts, though, if one of the prizes was
new computer game, which / that has been sold to a boat holiday, I’d prefer the Mediterranean cruise. It’s
millions of people, is quite expensive. more luxurious and comfortable than a canal boat, and
6 1. which you’d get to see a bigger variety of places when you
stop at the ports in different countries.
2. where
And on those big cruise ships, there are lots of fun
3. that / which
things to do as well … . But we haven’t talked about
4. whose
this one yet – the trek in the Himalayas. That would be
5. why a real adventure!
6. who / that Boy: Too much of an adventure, perhaps. It’s not my kind of
7. when thing – too extreme … plus you’d have to be really fit.
Putting It Together Girl: 
Oh, come on! That’s just silly. The scenery would be
breathtaking and it’s something you might never get
7 1. had no intention of the opportunity to do again.
2. go on about Boy: Well, you could say the same about the safari or the
3. wasn’t Max who gave cruise – except they would be a lot less exhausting!
4. doubt whose it / doubt who the owner
5. has made all the arrangements
2 1. neither 4. girl
6. whatever she could
2. girl 5. both
Reading Page 32 3. both 6. girl
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. d 6. c 3 1. – 3 2. – 2 3. – 1 4. – 4
Speaking Page 33 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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6 Putting It Together
47 Listening 5 1. only friend who didn’t
So, let’s try and choose one that we both agree on. 2. doubt in my mind
Boy: OK, well I think we can rule out the coach tour and 3. is fully booked
the horse riding. We agreed they might both be a bit 4. where we always meet
boring. 5. went along with
Yes, and I liked the idea of the trek in the Himalayas 6. serve a sentence
but you thought it would be too extreme.
Boy: That leaves us with the cruise and the safari. So,
which one shall we choose?
Unit 5
They’d both be great prizes but personally, I think the Topic Vocabulary Page 36
safari would be the best choice because it’s in Africa 1 1. a 3. b 5. b 7. a 9. b
rather than Europe, so it would really be something 2. a 4. b 6. a 8. a
2 1. go on a cruise, win the lottery
That’s true … let’s go for the safari then.
2. new computer skills, a new language
1. both agree on 3. leaves us 3. in their business, when they sell their house
2. rule out 4. go for 4. using WhatsApp, eating healthy food
5. dance, run a long distance
7 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
6. at university, in his job
Writing Page 34 7. in the holiday season, every year
1 1. two places in my country suitable for school trips 3 1. download 6. tremendous
2. two 2. appealing 7. for hours on end
3. in an English-language magazine for schools 3. feature 8. involved
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. keyboard 9. delete
5. series
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Vocabulary from the Text Page 37
4 1. shouldn’t be missed is the Picasso Museum
2. has got breathtaking scenery 4 1. unaffected 4. queue
3. is worth visiting / is worth a visit 2. apparently 5. separate
4. must be seen / tourists must see is the Alhambra Palace 3. hosted 6. enthusiastic
5. is a famous / recognisable landmark 5 1. limited 5. hardly
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. alive 6. tense
3. skilful 7. head for
Review Page 35
4. add
1 1. get away 4. day trips
6 1. a 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. a
2. travel arrangements 5. of a lifetime
2. a 4. b 6. b 8. a
3. going sightseeing
Vocabulary Extension
2 1. fascinating 4. location
2. attractions 5. scenery 1 1. involvement 4. obsession
3. variety 2. enthusiastic 5. advanced
3. attraction/s
3 1. whose 4. when / that
2. why / that 5. which 2 1. glued 4. crowds
3. where 2. lightning 5. cool
3. catch
4 1. The new video game, which has made a lot of money,
is very popular. / The new video game, which is very 3 1. come into 4. come down on
popular, has made a lot of money. 2. comes off 5. comes out
2. I remember the day when / that I got my dog. 3. came round
3. Mick wants to meet Sally, who lives in the city. 4 1. have her own 4. make our
4. Dr Grey works at the hospital where I was born. 2. either 5. stand in your
5. The police officer spoke to Mary, whose car was stolen. 3. goes out of her 6. has a

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Grammar Page 38 2
1 1. must be 5. don’t have to 5
48 Listening
2. Can 6. might Examiner: So which of these things has made the biggest
3. couldn’t 7. can difference to people’s lives, would you say?
4. can’t 8. should Student: That’s a difficult question. All these things
2 1. ought to / should have been have made big differences to people, but …
as I see it, … the laptop has probably made
2. might not have got
the biggest difference. The reason why I think
3. must have received
this is because now people can work or study
4. should / ought to have let anywhere they like. Also, it has changed the
5. may have happened way we entertain ourselves. For example, if
3 1. won’t be able to come I’m going on a long train journey, or flying
somewhere on holiday, I always take my laptop
2. must have been
and I make sure to download films to watch or
3. shouldn’t have taken
video games to play during the journey.
4. might have met
5. can’t be Technology: the laptop
Reasons for opinion: people can work or study anywhere;

4 Possible answers
it has changed the way we entertain ourselves
1. You mustn’t wear sandals or flip-flops in the gym.
Personal example: download films or video games for the

2. You must always use a towel when you exercise.
3. You should drink lots of water.
4. You can ask our trainers for help. 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5. You mustn’t bring children or pets to the gym. 4
6. You shouldn’t leave expensive things in your bag. 5
49 Listening
7. You can’t / won’t be able to begin without a doctor’s
Student: Well, unless you’re a professional photographer or
it’s a serious hobby, I personally believe that you
8. You needn’t bring bottled water.
just don’t need a digital camera, as long as you
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. have a good smartphone. For one thing, good
zoom in smartphones already have excellent cameras built
1. It might have been left in the shop. in. For another, they’re more convenient; they’re
2. Dinner has to / will have to be eaten by 8 pm. lighter to carry than a good digital camera and
3. She shouldn’t have been shouted at by her boss. you take them with you wherever you go anyway.
What’s more, you don’t have to bother with
4. My phone must have been switched off.
uploading the pictures you’ve taken – you can
5. T-shirts ought not to be worn.
share them immediately with your friends.
Page 39
1. personally believe 3. another
5 1. may have 5. may / can / might
2. one thing 4. more
2. could have 6. may not
3. can / may 7. ought to / should 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4. would 8. can / may / might Writing Page 42
Putting It Together 2a 1. F 3. A 5. A 7. S
6 1. drew a large crowd of 2. F 4. S 6. F 8. A
2. is finally catching on 2b Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3. might not have seen me
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4. kept her cool
5. must have heard 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
6. could have watched TV Review Page 43
Reading Page 40 1 1. out 5. on
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. a 2. of 6. up
3. into 7. off
Speaking Page 41
4. of
1 1. c 3. a 5. d 7. b, d 9. a
2. e 4. d, e 6. c 8. d 10. b, d
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2 1. apparently 6. advancement 4 1. frustrated 5. exhausting

2. hardly 7. involves 2. worrying 6. astonished
3. manufacturer 8. feature 3. shocked 7. annoyed
4. thrilled 9. enthusiasm 4. surprising
5. live 10. draw crowds Grammar Page 46
3 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 1 1. will be watching 6. will have finished
Putting It Together 2. is going to be shown 7. am going to post
4 1. come round 3. are playing 8. will see
2. should have told 4. are holding 9. won’t be
3. will be able to improve / is able to improve 5. will be performing
4. her own way 2 1. begins 5. will have spent
5. have been involved 2. will be flying 6. won’t take
6. can’t afford (to buy) 3. will help 7. arrives
4. will enjoy 8. are going to visit / are visiting
Unit 6 3 1. leaves 4. will be admiring
Topic Vocabulary Page 44 2. will be visiting 5. will take
1 1. b 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. a 3. will have seen 6. will have been touring
2. b 4. b 6. a 8. a 10. b ZOOM IN
2 1. denied 6. message 1. will be read 4. will have been fixed
2. blamed 7. brief 2. will have started 5. is going to be sent
3. mother tongue 8. criticised 3. won’t be cut down
4. widely spoken 9. proficient Page 47
5. raised an issue 10. apologised
4 1. climbing 6. coming
3 1. b 3. b 5. a 7. b 2. to sign up 7. to start
2. a 4. a 6. a 8. b 3. to go 8. falling
Vocabulary from the Text Page 45 4. Being 9. to fall
5. trying
4 1. extremely 5. tell you
2. downside 6. here to stay 5 1. learning 6. Joining
3. As far as 7. for a start 2. texting 7. to water
4. tell the difference 3. to turn off 8. teaching
4. going 9. to wear
5 1. e 3. d 5. b 7. a 9. f
5. paying 10. to download
2. i 4. g 6. j 8. c 10. h
Vocabulary Extension Putting It Together

1 1. believe 5. disagreement
6 1. will have finished his report
2. do her a favour
2. economic 6. embarrassing
3. you remember to lock
3. unmanageable 7. exposure
4. make the most of
4. recognition
5. will be working
2 1. called off 4. came out with 6. tell the difference between
2. told him off 5. talk us out of
3. brought up
Reading Page 48
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. d
3 make: a mess of; an excuse; a noise
do: exercise; (someone) a favour; your best Speaking Page 49
1. did his best 1 Possible answers
2. do exercise 1. e 4. a, b, c, d, f
3. made a mess of 2. f 5. a
4. makes an excuse 3. c 6. b, f
5. did … a favour
6. was making / made a noise
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Student A: So then it’s a question of which is more
50 Listening interesting – Sudoku and crosswords or
Student A: So what about the careers information page? reviews of the latest apps.
You could learn lots of useful information Student B: I’d say the apps.
from that. Student A: Me, too. Sudoku puzzles are good for the
Student B: I suppose so, but it would really only be brain but they’re also a bit too much like hard
interesting for older students. Anyway, it’s easy work!
to just look up that kind of information online. Student B: Yes, the review page would be more
Student A: That’s true. I didn’t think of that. entertaining.
Student B: How about the page reviewing all the latest
apps? That’s something everyone’s into. school updates, review page
Student A: You’re right. Plus, students could contribute 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
to it themselves – they could upload their own
Writing Page 50
Student B: That sounds like a good idea! Yes, a review 1 1. If it’s better to study alone or together with friends.
page is a much better idea than a study tips 2. three
forum. 2a Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Student A: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you there. I think
sharing study tips could be really helpful. 2b 1. C 2. H 3. H 4. H 5. C 6. H
Student B: Not for me. 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
1. I suppose so, but 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. I didn’t think of that Review Page 51
3. You’re right 1 1. widely spoken 4. believe
4. I don’t agree with you there 2. mother tongue 5. exposing
3 1. What about you 3. native speaker 6. fluent
2. But don’t you think 2 1. best 4. an effort
3. Would you agree with me on that 2. used 5. come
4. So, which two shall we choose 3. noise 6. make the most
4 The famous singer is Beyoncé.
51 Listening 3 1. will 4. have
Student A: I’d definitely do the Sudoku and crossword 2. be 5. going
puzzles. I love things like that. What about you? 3. is 6. won’t
Student B: Me? Yes, I guess I enjoy mental challenges. It’d
4 1. running 4. Spending
certainly be more interesting than the after-
school activities diary. 2. complaining 5. to send
Student A: But don’t you think it would be useful to have 3. borrowing
the information on the website? Putting It Together
Student B: No, I don’t. Students can find out about
5 1. will be selling
after-school clubs by looking at the school
2. be interested in seeing
3. going to bring up
Student A: Possibly. Now, what’s left? A page with school
updates is essential, I think. Would you agree 4. did our best
with me on that? 5. called off the concert
Student B: Yes, I would. It’s important to know what’s 6. manage to defeat
going on. To summarise then, we especially
liked the review page, the Sudoku idea and the Unit 7
school updates. So, which two shall we choose?
Topic Vocabulary Page 52
Student A: Well, we agreed that the updates were essential
because students need to know what’s going 1 1. a 3. a 5. b 7. b 9. b
on. So that one, definitely. 2. b 4. a 6. a 8. a 10. b
Student B: Yes, that makes sense.

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2 1. thrill 6. costume 4 1. getting my nails painted

2. put a strain 7. no such thing 2. had breakfast brought
3. stretching 8. invest 3. got my chauffer to drive
4. have a thick skin 9. self-discipline 4. get us to pose
5. aching muscles 5. had us perform
Vocabulary from the Text Page 53 6. get it cut

3 1. seeing a film 4. a lot of time 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. Not every 5. swim Page 55
3. in public 6. overtime
6 1. got … to restore; Batman
4 1. came to the rescue 5. made it worthwhile 2. gets … to follow; Justin Bieber
2. not to mention 6. in the spotlight 3. had … changed; Katy Perry
3. have my doubts 7. nothing quite like 4. have … use; CSI
4. loved every minute 5. has … choose; Kelly Clarkson
Vocabulary Extension 7 1. is produced 6. wasn’t eaten
1 1. evolution 5. lengthens 2. is wasted 7. get people to understand
2. struggling 6. training 3. is thrown away 8. must be done
3. strength 7. employment 4. cannot be sold 9. let so much food go to waste /
4. fulfilment 5. was bought be wasted

2 1. pretending 5. criticises Putting It Together

2. made an effort 6. accommodate 8 1. made her do 4. had our house broken into
3. tolerated 7. save 2. is no such thing 5. put me down
4. made to dislike 3. have someone give 6. had no idea what
3 1. Jenny, g 5. Katy, a Reading Page 56
2. Rick, c 6. Lenny, j
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C
3. Steve, f 7. Robby, d
4. Greg, i 8. Jasmine, l Over to You
4 1. adventure 4. hit Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. reviews 5. cast Speaking Page 57
3. film, audience 6. blockbuster
1 Possible answers
Grammar Page 54 1. a girl playing an electric guitar
1 1. are being held 2. a youth orchestra in rehearsal
2. will be delivered, order 3. people are practising music
3. had been damaged 4. is practising alone at home, members of the youth
4. hasn’t been made orchestra are in a concert hall
5. should have been reduced 5. is playing pop / rock music; are playing classical music
6. will publish 2
2 1. was hit 5. should be recycled 5
52 Listening
2. has been sold 6. could have been booked Student: W
 ell, one picture shows a girl practising her
3. was being painted 7. was published electric guitar in her bedroom and the other
4. will be sent 8. has just been caught picture shows a youth orchestra in rehearsal in a
concert hall. One similarity is that in both pictures
3 1. must be finished by next week the people are making music, and one difference is
2. had been taken to hospital by the time the ambulance that the girl is practising alone, while the members
arrived of the youth orchestra are playing together. Also
3. is being questioned about the accident (by the police) the girl is perhaps playing pop or rock music
4. is that word spelled / spelt whereas the people in the other picture are
5. will have been painted by the end of the week probably playing classical music.
6. are used a lot nowadays
1, 3

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3 Playing music alone: 2 1. fulfilment, aching 3. willing

Advantages: free to play whatever / whenever you like, 2. strengthen 4. evolved
can be creative; write your own songs Tomas is a break dancer.
Disadvantages: have to motivate yourself, more likely to
3 1. got
give up
2. had flowers delivered
Playing with an orchestra:
3. to play
 Advantages: can increase your self-confidence by
4. use
performing in front of an audience, make new friends
5. laugh
Disadvantages: have to practise every day, have to attend
rehearsals 4 1. is held 4. are awarded
4 2. were organised 5. are given
3. could be improved
53 Listening
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these Putting It Together
different ways of making music? Well, in my opinion, the 5 1. hasn’t had her 4. got his parents to buy
good thing about playing music alone is you’re free to play 2. is known to cause 5. have my doubts
whatever you like. You can even be creative and write your
3. is being organised by 6. put her up
own songs. And the main disadvantage of playing solo, as
I see it, is you’re more likely to give up because you have to
motivate yourself to practise and improve – which can be a Unit 8
difficult thing to do. Topic Vocabulary Page 60
As for playing in an orchestra, if you ask me, the main
1 1. massive reductions
advantage is that you get to perform in front of an audience
2. designer labels, commonplace
pretty regularly, which can increase your self-confidence
and be exciting and fun. Another advantage of playing with 3. an entrepreneur
other people is you make new friends – people your own age 4. delivery service, no extra charge
who are also keen on music. And the disadvantages? Well, 5. accepts
it seems to me that the downside of an orchestra is that you 6. career
have to practise every day and you have to show up to all the 7. frustrated
rehearsals, so you probably don’t have a lot of free time for 8. refuse
other things.
2 1. b 3. a 5. a 7. a 9. a
1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b 2. a 4. b 6. a 8. b 10. b
Writing Page 58 3 1. give away 5. going rate
2a Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. cut-price 6. half price
3. stock 7. leading brands
2b Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4. negotiate
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Vocabulary from the Text Page 61
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 1. F – It’s impolite for a guest to arrive empty-handed.
5 Par 1: England, in the present time 2. T
Possible answers 3. F – Not all members of the hospital staff are doctors. /
Par 2: a well-known novel Some members of the hospital staff are doctors.
doctor and her friends as they train 4. F – The person who offers the highest price at an auction
Angela Jones can buy the item.
Par 3: learning about unusual diseases 5. T
the personal lives of different patients 6. F – If twins are identical, it isn’t easy to distinguish one
Par 4: s omething for people of all ages from the other.
people who enjoy watching real-life drama 7. T
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 1. isn’t 4. surprising
Review Page 59 2. may be able to 5. can’t
3. made 6. bought
1 1. rush of adrenalin 5. a thorough grounding in
2. not to mention 6. take it for granted Vocabulary Extension
3. take us seriously 7. give it a try 1 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. b 6. f
4. no such thing as
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2 1. sale 5. refund zoom in

2. value 6. receipt 1. are finished 5. were
3. discount 7. cost 2. gets 6. had been invited
4. charge 3. reaches 7. practised
3 1. down 5. down 4. is planned 8. hadn’t been completed
2. down 6. up Putting It Together
3. up 7. down 5 1. lend Sue my guitar unless
4. up 2. cut down on expenses
4 1. financial 4. Public 3. hold down
2. widen 5. advert / advertisement 4. clothes if they had been
3. added 5. lived closer, we could spend
5 1. spend a fortune 6. would not have had
2. wasting money Reading Page 64
3. shop around 1. A 3. B 5. D 7. C 9. B
4. good value for money 2. C 4. C 6. D 8. A 10. D
5. summer and winter sales
6. price tags
Speaking Page 65
7. mix and match 1 A: flight attendant, mid-flight, serve passengers, deal with
8. worth the price the public
B: lorry, transport goods, responsible for vehicle
Grammar Page 62
1 1. as soon as 5. Once
2. after 6. the moment
54 Listening
3. until 7. unless Student: 
In the first picture, we can see a flight attendant
4. If 8. by the time on a plane – probably mid-flight as she’s serving
food to passengers – while the second picture
2 1. 1. will see 3. 1. wouldn’t have met shows a man driving a lorry. Both pictures show
2. see 2. hadn’t met jobs that involve travel – helping to transport
3. will want 3. wouldn’t have been born either people or goods from one place to another.
4. buy 4. hadn’t been born The main difference is that the flight attendant
5. won’t have 5. wouldn’t have had deals with the public and takes care of them, while
2. 1. would get the lorry driver works alone. He’s only responsible
for his vehicle and the goods he’s transporting.
2. got
3. would be 1, 2, 4
4. were
5. would let
3 1. F 3. L 5. B 7. L 9. B
2. F 4. F 6. B 8. B 10. B
6. let
7. would have 4
3 1. would … buy 8. aren’t 5
55 Listening
2. went 9. would … have bought Student: 
What does the flight attendant like about her
3. will you do 10. are work? I imagine that she enjoys the opportunity
4. will feel 11. aren’t to travel to many different places. That would
probably be the biggest attraction of the job. She’s
5. find 12. won’t have
smiling in the picture, so it looks like she enjoys
6. would … get 13. find
dealing with the public and meeting new people
7. were 14. would enjoy as well. Working irregular hours might be
Page 63 a problem though; I suppose she has jet lag a lot
of the time, which could be unpleasant.
4 1. gave away 5. would be
2. have 6. used 1. imagine that 4. might be
3. wants 7. go 2. would probably be 5. suppose
4. takes 3. looks like

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5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Vocabulary from the Text Page 69
6 4 1. b 3. a 5. b 7. a
Listening 2. a 4. b 6. b 8. b

As for the lorry driver, I suppose he also enjoys 5 1. severe 5. outcome
seeing different places each day. And working 2. germs 6. rely on
alone might be something that he likes, too – with 3. argue 7. In either case
no one telling him what to do all the time. He 4. vanish
might also enjoy being responsible for his vehicle
and the goods he’s transporting. I imagine that Vocabulary Extension
sitting for long periods at the wheel, though, is 1 1. remaining 5. observed
something he dislikes – it could be painful because
2. scientists 6. ecological
sitting for too long can make your back hurt.
3. significantly 7. survival
Writing Page 66 4. threatened

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2 1. up 4. out

2. down 5. off
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3. across
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 1. take matters into your own hands
Review Page 67 2. luck
1 1. negotiated 4. discount 3. a matter of opinion
2. shopped around 5. cheap fares 4 1. h; heating of the Earth
3. highest bidder 2. d; pleasant temperatures
2 1. brainwave 5. publicise 3. e; rain that contains harmful chemicals
2. assortment 6. entrepreneur 4. g; dry, warm weather in the autumn
3. charged 7. success story 5. c; forceful breezes
4. purchase 8. launched 6. f; increase of gases around the Earth making it hotter
7. b; prediction of climate
3 1. doesn’t get
8. a; a lot of rain
2. could have happened
3. had been Grammar Page 70
4. bites 1 1. could play; hadn’t given up
5. connects 2. would take
6. hadn’t acted 3. had seen
7. might not have reached 4. weren’t
4 1. go 4. hadn’t trained 5. would stop
2. would have swum 5. had 6. hadn’t missed
3. arrive 6. had concentrated 7. had got
8. hadn’t argued; had taken
Putting It Together
9. could go
5 1. won’t text you unless 4. you had made an effort 10. didn’t live; were
2. were you, I wouldn’t 5. made a living
2 1. a. could go 4. a. didn’t have
3. can / will you lend 6. was good value for
b. would let b. would / could come

Unit 9 2. a.
hadn’t stayed
didn’t have
5. a.
didn’t have
had written
Topic Vocabulary Page 68 3. a. hadn’t brought
1 1. b 3. a 5. b 7. b b. could leave
2. a 4. b 6. a 3 1. supposing – b 3. provided that –b 5. otherwise –b
2 1. c 3. b 5. g 7. e 2. in case of –b 4. suppose – b 6. in case of –a
2. d 4. f 6. a
3 1. b 3. a 5. b 7. b
2. a 4. b 6. a 8. a

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Page 71 is that the public transport is usually not so good in the

countryside, so you need to drive everywhere … which is
4 1. would 4. long bad for the environment!
2. could 5. otherwise
3. provided 6. only Advantages:
1. no heavy traffic 4. less litter
5 1. spoke / could speak 4. had done
2. fresh air 5. close to nature
2. would you sign up 5. hadn’t said
3. had studied 6. could learn Disadvantages:

1. lack of entertainment
Putting It Together
3. public transport not good
6 1. hadn’t rained
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. provided (that) it’s
3. wishes she hadn’t eaten Writing Page 74
4. is being conducted 1 1. t he Blackwood Forest Protection Centre can no longer
5. any objections afford to pay its staff
6. in case of 2. It will soon be closing.
Reading Page 72 2 1. R 2. S 3. R 4. R 5. S 6. S
1. C 2. G 3. F 4. E 5. A 6. B Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Speaking Page 73 3 Opening: I recently read about … ; I am writing to
express my view on …
1 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. c
Giving your opinion about the decision: It seems to

2 me that … ; I am against the idea of …
57 Listening Suggested solutions: One possibility would be … ; It

I would say the biggest problem in my area is pollution from might be a good idea to …
heavy traffic. I think there are a few things we could do to Closing: I hope you will give these suggestions your

reduce the pollution. For a start, the local authorities could serious consideration. ; In conclusion …
introduce a bike-sharing scheme, like they have in Paris or
Barcelona. For a small cost, people could pick up a bike in 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
one part of the city and return it in another. This would Review Page 75
encourage people to leave their cars at home. It would also
make the streets quieter, as the traffic makes a lot of noise
1 1. cut up 4. extent
and noise is a kind of pollution as well. On top of that, other 2. chilly 5. there and then
things could be done to reduce traffic levels. For instance, 3. cautious
certain parts of the city could be turned into car-free zones. 2 1. B 3. C 5. A 7. B
1. a start 2. A 4. D 6. C 8. C
2. would also 3 1. hadn’t 4. had had
3. top of that 2. were 5. would
3 a bike-sharing scheme; car-free zones 3. would

4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 1. only 4. as

2. if 5. wish
3. unless 6. until
5 1. had told 3. were
Well, let’s see …. a lot of people dream of living in the
2. had 4. spoke / could speak
countryside, but it has pluses and minuses. One advantage
of living in the countryside is you don’t have heavy traffic like Putting It Together
you do in the city, so the air is fresher. Another is the
6 1. wishes she hadn’t argued
environment is generally cleaner – there’s less litter because
2. a matter of opinion
there are fewer people! What’s really good about the
countryside is that you’re close to nature, so you can go for 3. we had left
long walks and you may even see wild animals in your 4. providing (that) you take care
garden. On the other hand, living in the countryside can be 5. rely on John to take
very boring. A big drawback is the lack of entertainment – 6. take matters into his own
no cinemas, cafés, clubs or theatres. Another disadvantage

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Unit 10 2 1. would sing / 5. had quit

was going to sing 6. could
Topic Vocabulary Page 76 2. had expected 7. had felt
1 1. get on 5. beaming 3. to tell 8. had done
2. at it 6. grateful to 4. was
3. fatigue 7. wear off 3 1. 7 (to) 7. 7 (to)
4. urge 2. 7 (that) 8. 3
2 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b 3. 3 9. 7 (me)
3 1. insists 4. 7 (must) 10. 7 (what)
2. nerves; hurts 5. 3 11. 7 (by)
3. on good terms; stand up 6. 7 (most)
4. fall out; loses his cool 4 1. Jack declared that he was exhausted and (that) he was
going to have a rest.
4 1. extended family 6. fiancé
2. My father inquired if / whether the food in the restaurant
2. nephew 7. relatives
had been tasty.
3. foster parents 8. ancestors
3. Sam suggested joining a cycling club. / Sam suggested
4. acquaintance 9. stepmother
that we (should / ought to) join a cycling club.
5. niece
4. The weather forecaster announced that we had had a lot
He / She is your descendant. of rain and that it could lead to flooding.
Vocabulary from the Text Page 77 5. I apologised for hurting Jenny’s feelings.
6. The sign warned people not to walk on the grass.
5 1. have a shower 4. get to their feet
2. get going 5. get my breath back Page 79
3. have a rest 6. get better
5 Possible answers
6 1. examine 5. the public 1. Tom told Sam that they could meet at the usual place and
2. ball 6. stared at that he would see him later.
3. mother 7. lost the race 2. Tom asked me where I was because the concert was
4. spectators 8. didn’t speak to him starting!
3. Tom told Mum that he had missed the bus and asked her
Vocabulary Extension
to (please) collect him from school.
1 1. silent 4. deceitful 4. Tom thanked Sue for her help and told her that he would
2. rebellious 5. bearable see her the next day / the following day / the day after.
3. selection
6 1. S arah wanted to know when they / we were going
2 1. f 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d 6. c swimming.
3 1. -ful 5. -less 2. Mum asked where I had left my jacket.
2. -ful, -less 6. -ful, -less 3. Lewis said that they would meet Becky at the station.
3. -ful, -less 7. -ful 4. Joe said that he had to go to basketball practice.
4. -ful, -less 8. -ful, -less 5. Jack asked me if / whether I had a pen he could use.
Sentences 1, 5 and 7 cannot have both. 6. Jean said that she had been thinking of getting a new
4 1. takes up 4. take over 7. My sister told me not to leave my dishes on the table.
2. takes after 5. take off 8. Bob complained that he had been calling Gina for hours.
3. takes on
Putting It Together
Grammar Page 78
7 1. whether she was
1 1. told 6. had spoken 2. stands up for me
2. could 7. was doing 3. to get her breath
3. wasn’t 8. not to invite 4. promised to return the laptop
4. had invited 9. wanted 5. accused Andy of leaving
5. explained 10. wouldn’t 6. insisted on coming / that he was coming
Reading Page 80
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D

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Speaking Page 81 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Review Page 83
3 1 1. manly 5. displays
Listening 2. outrageous 6. wears

Examiner:  Can you tell me a bit about your family, Lisa? 3. takes 7. last
Who are you most like? 4. urges 8. grateful
Lisa: Who do I like? I’m sorry, could you repeat that, 2 1. up 5. out
please? 2. than 6. get
Examiner: Yes, who are you most like – in character or 3. not 7. run
appearance – your mum, your dad? 4. that 8. if / whether
Lisa: Oh, I take after my dad – in appearance, that is.
We’re both tall, with red hair. But my 3 1. had to work 4. would be rehearsing
character is different – he’s very quiet and I’m not 2. I had started 5. would solve
at all! 3. to discuss
Examiner:  Really? And now you, Sofia. Do you prefer to 4 1. not to travel on the underground late at night
spend time on your own or with friends
2. (that) I would get a pay rise the following month
and family?
3. going / that we go on holiday to Italy together
Sofia: Well, I don’t mind being alone, but generally
4. she hadn’t been doing her homework recently
I’d much rather spend time with other people –
probably because I come from a large family, so 5. she had never had such a tasteless meal
I’m used to it. I have four sisters! Putting It Together
Examiner:  And do you all get along or do you fall out
5 1. not to lose my
2. gets on my nerves
Sofia: Fall …….? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you said.
3. apologised for posting
Examiner: Do you fall out … do you argue sometimes?
4. on good terms
Sofia: Ah, yes, of course. We fall out from time to
5. would get well / better
time – it’s only natural.
6. would be paying for
Examiner:  What about you, Daniel, when it comes to
studies, for example? Do you think it’s better
to work alone or with others? Grammar Practice
Daniel: Erm……..Would you mind repeating the Review 1: Units 1 and 2 Pages 120-121
question, please?
1 1. make; don’t think
Examiner:  Sure. Do you prefer studying on your own or
with other people? 2. are you waiting; drive
Daniel: Oh, I’d much rather study with friends – it’s more 3. isn’t coming; is going
fun and for me, that makes learning easier. 4. is planting
5. is always playing; doesn’t understand
Lisa: her dad; We’re both tall with red hair. 6. is getting; practises
Sofia: with other people; I’d much rather spend time with
2 1. are visiting 4. continues
other people – probably because I come from a large family,
2. want 5. is
so I’m used to it.
3. is raining
 Daniel: with other people / friends; it’s more fun and for
me, that makes learning easier. 3 1. is flying; wants; Empire State Building
4 1. c 2. a 3. b 2. makes; wheat
3. Are you watching; is; tennis
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. lay; ostriches
Writing Page 82 5. are eating; South America
2 a. 3 b. 1 c. 2 6. collect; don’t remember; squirrels

3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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4 1. fixed 4 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a
2. woke up; was going 5 1. hadn’t seen
3. did you pay 2. arranged
4. wasn’t sitting; returned 3. had been looking forward
5. didn’t want 4. had changed
6. were you playing; were studying 5. had become
7. was; studied; worked 6. arrived
8. was still cooking; arrived 7. struck
5 1. used to 8. recognised
2. isn’t used to 9. had seen
3. Are you getting used to 10. hadn’t realised
4. would 11. didn’t arrest
5. didn’t use to 12. Have … ever asked
6. used to zoom in
6 1. was 6. stayed 1. has been offered
2. worked 7. were hanging out 2. had been printed; reached
3. were studying 8. felt 3. were caught; had robbed
4. gave 9. was taking place 4. have been displayed
5. took 10. was helping 6 1. who 5. why
Page 121 2. when 6. that
7 1. didn’t use to 5. used to 3. which 7. whose
2. got used to 6. was getting used to 4. where 8. whatever
3. never used to 7. won’t ever get used to 7 1. Pasta is a food which / that most people like.
4. will get used to 2. Here’s the shop where I bought my new jacket.
8 1. b 3. c 5. c 7. a 3. That’s the woman whose purse was stolen.
2. c 4. d 6. d 8. a 4. This is the time when / that we usually meet.
5. I’m still angry about the argument which / that I had
zoom in with my sister.
1. was being painted 4. wasn’t played 6. The Nile, which is in Africa, is the longest river in the
2. were broken 5. are (being) sold world. / The Nile, which is the longest river in the world,
3. are given is in Africa.
9 1. do you have in mind / have you got in mind 8 1. which 5. when
2. hasn’t got over 2. where 6. whose
3. came to the conclusion 3. who / that 7. when
4. a sigh of relief 4. that / which 8. who / that
5. a shame he didn’t
9 1. I work in an organisation that / which tries to save
6. is out of his mind animals.
Review 2: Units 3 and 4 Pages 122-123 2. I haven’t seen my cousin since 2010.
3. People that / who are shy don’t enjoy going to parties.
1 1. hasn’t started 5. have been studying
4. We live in times when technology is changing very fast.
2. did he arrive 6. have you read
5. I couldn’t get into the house because someone had
3. haven’t heard 7. hasn’t been answering
locked the door.
4. have eaten 8. Have you done
6. We had been playing on the computer for hours
2 1. had been looking 4. had finished when my mum told us to go to bed.
2. had expected 5. had locked 7. Bongos, which live in the mountains of Kenya, have
3. had been waiting 6. had been been endangered for many years.
3 1. began 5. has been performing 8. Cathy has studied / has been studying English for
ten years, so she speaks it well.
2. Did … listen 6. had been
9. He thought it was the best music he had ever heard.
3. have just eaten 7. haven’t spoken; has just come
10. When did your brother start playing the guitar?
4. had been checking 8. has worked / has been working

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10 1. haven’t been away since 7 1. waiting 4. to sell

2. a computer which is 2. getting 5. seeing
3. where I study is 3. talking
4. have known him for three
8 1. travelling; to work 4. to rain / raining
5. had switched on
2. to wear 5. speaking
Review 3: Units 5 and 6 Pages 124-125 3. cooking; preparing
1 1. can 5. wouldn’t 9 1. creating 6. to think
2. needn’t 6. Were you able to 2. to develop 7. to make up
3. couldn’t 7. must have 3. starting 8. Teaching
4. could have taken 8. didn’t have to 4. trying 9. watching
2 1. could have ridden 5. to deny 10. to understand
2. don’t have to hand in 10 1. to make 6. working out
3. must have eaten 2. will progress 7. ought to
4. would have phoned 3. will have improved 8. complaining
5. can’t have closed 4. have to 9. will be playing
6. be able to borrow 5. going 10. working
7. would visit
11 1. ought to have made
8. ought to help
2. may / might have made a mess
3 1. It shouldn’t be long. 3. will be studying
2. You really shouldn’t have. 4. they will have moved
3. I couldn’t agree more. 5. am looking forward to seeing
4. We might as well.
Review 4: Units 7 and 8 Pages 126-127
5. I should think so.
6. You might have known. 1 1. was damaged 5. is considered
2. hasn’t been fixed 6. were told
4 1. can’t 5. must
3. was being taken 7. had been sold
2. are able 6. should
4. be cooked; is eaten 8. is being redecorated
3. might 7. can
4. don’t have to 8. shouldn’t 2 1. will be shown to your hotel room soon
2. is being taken by her today
zoom in 3. wasn’t told that they were going to the cinema
1. should donate
4. are being baked by my mother
2. must be given
5. should be sent as soon as possible
3. could have been solved
6. was the email sent
4. might have been prevented
5. have to be forced 3 1. was established 6. are made / were made
6. would turn 2. is being done 7. can be found
3. has achieved 8. are offered
5 1. Are you inviting 4. will have visited
4. has thought 9. have already been downloaded
2. will be studying 5. is going to help
5. have already created
3. will take
4 1. gets her nails done
6 1. Are we going to stop 2. has just had it washed
2. will only be sold
3. hasn’t had her house painted
3. will be downloaded
4. got the florist to sell
4. will have replaced
5. have the plumber repair
5. aren’t going to give up
6. having them apologise
6. will always want
7. get the shop to deliver
7. is going to happen
8. had the computer fixed
zoom in 5 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. d
1. will be posted 3. are you going to do
2. will have been seen 4. will be celebrating 6 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a

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7 1. see 5 1. As long as 5. Supposing

2. lived 2. provided that 6. had
3. earns 3. could 7. were able to
4. would you have done 4. If 8. if only
5. happens 6 1. had been playing
6. would have delivered 2. to tidy
7. were 3. would have / was having / was going to have
8. move 4. had complained
8 1. finishes 4. would you say 5. to march
2. wouldn’t have failed 5. had known 7 1. she thought Luke was wrong about the subject
3. turns 6. were 2. not to forget to hand in their projects that day
9 1. g 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. e 6. c 3. that it was wonderful that I had won a prize
10 1. I get home, I must / have to call my father 4. that Claire was sorry she couldn’t make it to the party the
following day / the next day / the day after
2. hadn’t lost her mobile phone, she wouldn’t have been
upset 5. Mike had got them into trouble
3. I would apologise 6. if / whether he had any flats to rent
4. have got a headache if I hadn’t sat at the computer all 7. what time she was expecting them that night
day 8. who would be going with them / us
5. works all day, she won’t complete her project 8 1. had been infected 4. did not have
zoom in 2. would investigate 5. had become ill
1. had been sung 4. am 3. had been working 6. could have been
2. wouldn’t be 5. will be played 9 1. Supposing 5. reported
3. had been cooked 2. told 6. wished
11 1. to help 4. were planted 3. providing 7. added
2. will be done 5. had known 4. claimed 8. if only
3. buy 10 1. only I had brought
12 1. had my hair cut 2. wish I could
2. got his friend to help 3. warned (that) there would be
3. lets me go out 4. advised Janet not to move
4. was the essay handed in 5. as long as you are
5. I will be chosen 6. wishes she had gone
6. must be returned
Review 5: Units 9 and 10 Pages 128-129
1 1. had gone 4. were
2. would stop 5. had told
3. had
2 1. provided 5. In case of
2. otherwise 6. As long as
3. in case 7. providing
4. on condition 8. Suppose
3 1. provided that; a 4. in case; b
2. Supposing; b 5. In case of; a
3. otherwise; a
4 1. supposing 5. provided
2. unless 6. otherwise
3. wish 7. on condition
4. in case 8. unless

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