Unit 1 Test Standar Level Answer Key
Unit 1 Test Standar Level Answer Key
Unit 1 Test Standar Level Answer Key
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Writing Speaking
12 13
Sample answer Sample answer
Hi Patsy, A: Hi, Adam. How are you?
Thanks for your email. I’m fine thank you. I’m on holiday with B: Hello, Jenny. I’m very well thank you. How’s your family?
my parents and we’re having a great time. We’re in Sweden. A: They’re fine. My brother goes to university now. I miss him!
We’re staying in a hotel in Malmö. The weather isn’t bad, but I How’s your brother?
think it’s very cold in winter. B: He’s getting big now. He’ll be 13 next week! He goes to my
The hotel is quite nice and it’s got a big swimming pool. I do school now.
something different with my family every day. Today we’re A: And how’s school?
going on an excursion to Denmark. It’s not far away. B: It’s OK. We study French and English and I like languages
The food is quite nice. It’s very different from the food we eat in so it’s good. What about you?
Spain but I like it. A: I don’t like school. We don’t study anything interesting. I
Bye for now. want to study history but we only study maths and science.
All the best, B: What do you do in your free time?
David A: I play the trumpet in a band.
B: That’s good! Do you play at concerts?
Marking criteria A: Sometimes. What about you? What do you do?
Use the marking criteria below to give a score out of 10. B: I don’t have much free time. I have a lot of homework.
9–10 Complete, mainly accurate and appropriate. A: Yes, me too. Well, come to one of our concerts one day!
7–8 No more than one omission, mainly accurate, rarely B: Thanks. I will.
5–6 No more than one omission, minor inaccuracies, Marking criteria
sometimes inappropriate. Use the marking criteria below to give a score out of 10.
3–4 Several omissions, noticeable inaccuracies, often 9–10 Full contribution. Basic and some complex structures,
inappropriate. accurate and well-organised. Pronunciation mostly
1–2 Many omissions, mainly inaccurate, mostly clear.
inappropriate. 7–8 Adequate contribution. Basic and some complex
0 Too little or too incomprehensible to mark. structures, generally accurate and well-organised.
Pronunciation mostly clear.
5–6 Adequate contribution. Basic structures, generally
accurate and some organisation. Pronunciation mostly
3–4 Limited contribution. Basic structures, often inaccurate
but some organisation. Pronunciation mostly clear.
1–2 Very limited contribution. Basic structures, mostly
inaccurate and little organisation. Pronunciation not
always clear.
0 Contribution too small or too incomprehensible to
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