merging interest in sustainable built environment has been changing
the way that architects, interior designers, and engineers design build-
ings. Building performance is no longer a post-evaluation after the de-
sign is ‘complete’ (Burger, 2008). Instead, its criteria are digitally simulated
and analyzed during the design process and are used as guiding design princi-
ples against which building form is evaluated and modified (Fasoulaki, 2008).
This integrated approach has altered the traditional process of conventional
design and has the potential to affect building energy use, improve spatial
experience, and influence aesthetic decisions (Burger, 2008).
Corresponding author:
Qun Zuo A new framework for design pedagogy must be responsive to the emerging ap-
juliezuo@hotmail. proach in which performance-based design (PBD) is integrated as an effective
com process for design decision making. Various educational agendas have been
0142-694X $ - see front matter Design Studies 31 (2010) 268e287
doi:10.1016/j.destud.2009.12.002 268
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
developed in architecture and engineering disciplines, especially in many grad-
uate programs, to integrate digital building performance tools into the curric-
ula (Oxman, 2008). However, the teaching of interior design as a discipline has
lagged in this effort. The paradigm of design in many studios is still strongly
predicated upon visual reasoning solely (Oxman, 2008). Thus, some aspects
of sustainability, such as passive solar energy use, cannot be taught in-depth.
The old ways of delivering digital techniques emphasize the representation
aspects of Computer Aided Design (CAD) (Basa & Senyapth, 2005x ), but
lack exposure to its simulation and analytical capabilities for assisting design
generation. It is essential to re-orient our approach within interior design
education, especially in the undergraduate curriculum, to open up new
territories for formal, spatial and energy use exploration.
1.1 Sustainability
The exploration of the built environment in relation to its social and natural
context has been a continuous theme in the history of architecture and interior
design. Contemporary design theory promotes an environmentally sustainable
approach or Green Design to address the problems in which issues of the en-
vironment are interrelated with human development and progress. The 1987
conference of the World Commission on Environment and Development
(WCED) defined such an approach as ‘meeting the needs of the present
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 269
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs’. In the last decade, developing more environmentally benign products,
processes and buildings became one of the fastest growing segments of the
building industry (Hendrickson, Conway-Schempf, Lave, & McMichael,
2000). The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green
Building Rating System includes five environmental topics: site, water, energy,
materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality. While all of these
aspects are critical, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
identified energy as the most important component (Kibert, 2005).
The teaching and practice of sustainability is not a trend but has become a necessity
in the field of design. Many successful academic addenda have integrated sustain-
able content into higher level undergraduate courses in interior design education.
Numerous good examples of course activities can be found at: http://www.ide- However, sustainable materials and indoor envi-
ronmental quality have been emphasized, whereas sustainable energy has been
given much less attention within the profession (Kang, Kang, & Barnes, 2009).
Interior designers should no longer receive a plan from the architect to per-
form space planning, material specification, furniture selection, and code
and regulation applications. Instead, they are important co-players in the
Whole-Building Design process and should be contracted at the onset of a pro-
ject (Frances, 2009). Their responsibilities within the team include but are not
Currently, architects and engineers have been at the forefront of PBD develop-
ment. As a contrast, there has been little effort to employ PBD in interior design
practice. Most teaching contents on sustainability have been tailored for
seminars or studios using conventional media in interior design education
(Bourque, DuvalleHarden, Fowles, Ginthner, Jones, & Truelove, 2003).
Building performance simulation has been either missed, or if included, not
applied at its full capacity for decision making as is the case for Kim’s (2008)
approaches to teaching sustainability. In order to coordinate the interior com-
ponents for optimized sustainable solutions, interior designers should be ac-
tively involved in the Whole-Building Design practice and assume
a collaborative role in the integration of PBD in the design process.
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 271
design practice and education. On the contrary, designers have recognized the
complementary nature of each medium and recommended a ‘smarter’ practice
of intermixing digital and non-digital tools (Mueller, 2006).
Researchers predict that the interplay of digital and non-digital methods will
be a persistent feature of design activities for the perceivable future (Mueller,
2006). The theory is that the intermixed application of real and virtual objects
can be a prime source of exchanging information, enhancing understanding,
and inspiring new ideas (Dorta, Pérez, & Lesage, 2008). The pioneering mas-
terpieces by Frank O. Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Peter Eisenman and many more ar-
chitects are living examples of the integrated approach at work. Similar
investigations have taken place at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, UCLA, Harvard,
Pennsylvania State University, University of Michigan, and elsewhere around
the world (Oxman, 2008).
These recent developments and emerging tools in design practice pose new de-
mands on educators to re-investigate the value of digital technologies in con-
temporary interior design education. Building performance simulation, in
particular, has offered interior designers an opportunity and challenge in their
sustainable practice. This research was an effort to respond to the demand of
integrating PBD into interior design curriculum. The study focused on spatial
relationship, orientation, and daylighting simulation, since these aspects are
2 Method
The study was carried out on a dwelling design project in two interior design
courses through two consecutive semesters in 2008 2009. One course was the
second interior design studio in the program which focused on residential
design. The other, advanced CAD, taught three-dimensional modeling and
visualization techniques. Each semester, the two courses paired up for two
sessions. Fifty-five students enrolled in the four sessions and 51 completed
the survey, which included 10 in session 1(studio, fall semester), 16 in session
2 (CAD course, fall semester), 16 in session 3 (studio, spring semester), and 9 in
session 4 (CAD course, spring semester). All students were sophomore interior
design majors. They shared the same residential site and were required to
employ both hand and computer techniques for design generation. A panel
of four evaluators was invited to jury students’ final presentations in all four
sessions. All jury members have had teaching and/or industrial experience in
architecture and/or interior design. Three out of four were instructors in the
program and had been invited to critique students’ work of the same project
in previous semesters. Half of the jury members had working knowledge of
at least one of the computer programs used in the project.
The study investigated the integration of PBD in the design process in interior
design education. It differs from the old delivery mode in five key aspects: the
establishment of new design knowledge as the core content, the integration of
digital performance simulation as an analysis tool, the changes in design
process as building performance was involved in the early design stage, the
renovation on teaching pedagogy, and the new way of organizing classes.
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 273
were to deliver new design knowledge to beginning interior design students by
1) introducing passive solar energy as one of the sustainable design principles;
2) integrating PBD to enhance their understanding to the mutual relationship
between the interior and exterior conditions, and between the built and natural
development stage; in the end, the final design solutions were executed as accu-
rate CAD documents and precise physical models for presentation purposes.
Even in a more advanced digital application in higher level interior design stu-
dios, orthographic drawings were often used to generate three-dimensional
computer models which could either support plans, sections and elevations
or offer digital perspective imaging as manual renderings do. The digital data
merely recorded the design changes and final results. There were no design
activities immediately directed at the digital media. The workflow is illustrated
in Figure 1, which is derived from Mueller’s (2006) Design Work Flow.
The disconnection between design thinking and digital tools was also true in
the past CAD classes. Students were provided with a set of standard floor plans
and elevations, from which they were supposed to reconstruct the building on
the monitor in order to practice computer techniques. Students tended to get
bored by the tedious procedures. Some students were not able to see the value
of daylight simulation, since a few standard fake light objects could make the
imaging look beautiful and refined with less effort. Such a teaching approach
failed to reveal the full capacity of digital technologies as design tools.
This study tried to create a much more active and engaging learning mode.
Participants worked interactively on paper, with physical and virtual models,
through which to re-discover the value of digital three-dimensional data for
decision making. The assistance that digital technologies provided was two
fold, in both formal and spatial exploration, which was visual reasoning,
and building performance simulation, which was algorithm based. This added
a dynamic loop in the early design process of evaluating building performative
factors against building form, which could augment the diversity and depth of
design thinking. The new workflow is shown in Figure 2, which is developed
from Mueller’s (2006) Design Work Flow.
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 275
Figure 2 Performance-based
Design Work Flow developed
from Mueller’s (2006)
Design Work Flow
The role of the instructors was even more critical in the new approach. They
not only worked on a one-to-one basis with each student for design issues
but also technically supported computer application techniques and opera-
tional questions. In addition, they monitored the construction and updating
of the dwelling village in both physical and digital model formats, which re-
quired fluency in both digital and non-digital tools. Their responsibilities
shifted from tutors or supervisors to co-explorers or project directors. More
active and experiential learning activities were a strong contrast to the original
passive teaching mode.
Each student was assigned a slot in the dwelling village by lottery. Both a phys-
ical and a digital model of the residential site were available to two sessions.
Students in the studio session launched their design with physical study
models, which then was converted into SketchUp models. In the mean time,
students in the CAD session began their design directly in SketchUp, from
which, floor plans and elevations were plotted as hard copies and then
attached to foam core to make the physical study models.
Instructors evaluated the physical and the SketchUp study models and offered
feedback to students for design revisions. Afterwards, the schematic designs
were imported into the digital site. Spatial and daylighting simulation and
analysis were executed in VIZ. Further revisions and alternative solutions
were tested and the results were available almost immediately on the com-
puters. For example, the amount of daylight entered a space and the view to
the exterior changed right away if the shape, location, or dimension of a win-
dow was modified (Figure 3). The VIZ site model was updated promptly to
keep everyone on the same page.
Students presented their work to the panel of juries in both physical and digital
formats, which were set up side-by-side for the convenience of the jury and au-
dience. Each student was required to produce a walk-through animation in the
format of monochromatic color scheme and generic furnishing and to use it as
evidence for explaining the design generation. The major differences of the pre-
sentation materials between each paired sessions were 1) the scaled mockups
from the studio session were of fine quality, whereas the ones from the
CAD session were less detailed since they were constructed by exporting the
digital plans and elevations as templates which then were attached to foam
core boards; 2) Students in the CAD session were also asked to turn in photo-
realistic renderings as the proof of mastering advanced computer presentation
techniques (Figure 4).
Figure 3 Students explored interior spatial and daylighting simulation using Autodesk VIZ (a, b) Changing window configurations with generic
furniture and materials; (c) Final solution with photorealistic interior composition, colors, and materials
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 277
Figure 4 Students practiced photorealistic rendering techniques using Autodesk VIZ (a, b) Exploring day and night light conditions
3 Instruments
To observe the effectiveness of PBD on students’ performance, data was col-
lected on comparison of digital and non-digital media by using four methods:
1) observing students’ work process, 2) having participants complete question-
naires after their final presentation (see Appendix B for the questionnaire), 3)
conducting informal interviews to each participant at the end of the desk
critique each week, and 4) having jury members evaluate students work
(see Appendix C for evaluation criteria).
The questionnaire was inspired by Dorta et al.’s (2008) study on the Hybrid
Ideation Space (HIS) and Day and Rahman’s (2006) study on participatory de-
sign, which either integrated or compared digital technology with analog tools
in design process. The resulting questionnaire asked the participants to evalu-
ate nine dimensions of the visualization and simulation capabilities of both
hand and digital modeling approaches using a 10-point scale, in which 1
was the lowest and 10 was the highest. In addition, open-ended questions
were included to reveal the patterns of students’ learning experience as well
as to suggest directions for future teaching. The evaluation of students’
work by the jury included four dimensions, which ranged from aesthetical,
functional, and environmental to psychological aspects. A 10-point scale
was also used for evaluation, with 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest.
4 Results
Most participants were able to work easily with both hand and digital tech-
niques. Only one participant experienced difficulty transitioning to a digital
model. For participants in the studio, it took less than one class period to trans-
form the physical study model into a SketchUp model. Many found that
SketchUp was much less forgiving than a physical mockup. Since computer
simulations are more accurate than physical models, almost every participant
identified new problems during the process of digital modeling. Interestingly,
the participants in the CAD courses claimed that SketchUp was much less ac-
curate than VIZ. Participants found SketchUp, which is a free consumer tool,
was easier to use for exploring conceptual ideas in 3D, while VIZ, as a complex
professional tool, was more difficult for free form modeling or revisions.
Most of the participants in the studio sessions could more easily visualize is-
sues that the instructors had pointed out in their physical study models after
they saw their work in the digital format. They alternated between physical
and digital models to refine their designs. Quite a few of them requested at least
one extra meeting with the instructors to discuss their design in the virtual
format. In contrast, participants in the CAD classes made almost all revisions
directly on the computer e either in SketchUp or VIZ models. A few partici-
pants claimed that the physical models gave them a more tangible feel for the
volumes and dimensions than the digital models, which were expressed as mi-
nor changes in their design solutions. Overall, students in studio sessions were
more open to modifications than the ones in the CAD sessions. According to
the feedback from participants during their desk critique, the tangible feel of
paper and boards was much less intimidating than the finished quality caused
by the inherent precision and details associated with computers.
Figure 6 Screen shots of a walk-through animation of a house; lighting condition is changing through the day
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 279
Figure 7 Daylight simulation
of the entire village site using
Autodesk VIZ
photorealistic effects, uses a few colors to illustrate the range of light levels
from darkest to brightest. After examining the image for a few minutes, all
were able to ‘read’ and understand it (Figure 5).
Two observations from all four sessions are of special note: 1) the participants
confirmed that they used the computer simulation to support their design
thinking and not to create digital representations of what they had designed
through paper-based media; 2) The studio sessions used the CAD software ac-
cording to the workflow for supporting the design process; the CAD sessions
employed digital technologies for both design thinking and final presentation.
Out of 51 participants, only one student decided to work on her design mostly
in paper-based format. This student had very strong hand skills in rendering
and sketching. She was also strong in conceptualization and form generation.
Her work stood out in terms of creativity, formal quality and originality; how-
ever, her solutions for solar control and adherence to building codes were less
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 281
successfully executed when compared to projects that utilized computer mod-
eling. In a way, this student’s design was a perfect counter-example.
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 283
Figure 11 Students at the final presentation using paper-based media and physical models
and site were indicated as being the most helpful in the design process (54). On
the other hand, the challenges of digital tools identified by the participants
ranked the second highest (59). Students experienced the most frustration
with the sharp learning curve of VIZ (43). The results also indicate that phys-
ical modeling, computer modeling and digital simulation were all effective to
assist design thinking.
Figure 12 Professional
Based on the observations from jury members who had seen students work
from the same project in the past, the four sessions were deemed to be of
a higher standard than previous years, especially in the originality of ideation,
space planning, formal composition, control of daylighting, and views. How-
ever, the craftsmanship of the final physical models were not as strong as in the
past, since the overall time frame of the project remained untouched while the
content expanded with the integration of digital building performance as a key
element in the design process.
In addition, the disparity between the software industry and the design profes-
sions impede the widespread use of PBD in academia. Many existing software
An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 285
applications have sharp learning curves and are designed for industry experts.
Most simulation activities are achieved through iteration, which means that
processing through several software programs may be necessary. For design
students, simple, visually-oriented tools and procedures which produce an ap-
proximate simulation may be more appropriate than complicated professional
tools. Such demands require the academy, the computer specialists, and the
building industry to continue their collaboration on the invention of better
tools. A more seamless integration of digital technologies into design activities
could be accomplished in the foreseeable future.
This study was the first step of a longer project to investigate the scope of in-
tegrating PBD in interior design education. The setup of the project in both
studio and CAD courses shows the potential of a PBD approach to be applied
in various interior design courses which involve building performance ele-
ments. Meanwhile, further investigation is necessary on comparing the work-
load of employing digital and non-digital tools so that the process and
outcome of the work can be continually improved.
Supplementary material
Supplementary material associated with this paper can be found in the online
version at doi:10.1016/j.destud.2009.12.002.
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An interactive dialog between the built environment and its context 287