Grinding Work Jsa
Grinding Work Jsa
Grinding Work Jsa
Grinding work Physical cut injury Grinding & Cutting wheel properly checked before starting
Electric shock due to use the work.
Damage grinding disc Make sure guards are fitted to all moving parts.
Electrocution Ensure proper use of guard
Flying object/eye injury Ensure Wheel RPM match with machine RPM.
damage cable use at site Make sure that disc is compatible with grinding machine.
Fire hazard Correct installation of grinder wheel.
Rotating equipment spark Ensure inspection tag must be displayed to the machine.
Ensure competent/ designated person will perform this
Ensure industrial plug and cable condition properly checked
before starting the work.
Make sure rated ELCB / RCCB properly checked before
starting the work.
Only experienced personnel to use the equipment.
Ensure remove flammable material from working area before
starting the work.
Deploy a fire watcher at site.
Make sure fire extinguishers are available on site
Ensure fire blanket at location.
Ensure All electrical cable overhead.
Wear sufficient PPEs like leather gloves, face shield, ear
plug/muff, helmet, apron etc.
Permit issuer
Permit acceptor
Prepared by- Permit Issuer and Permit Acceptor Reviewed by-Plant Manager/ Safety officer
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Format No.: EHS-006/F06-00 Effective Date:
Jubliant Infrastructure Limited-Bharuch
Approved By HOD
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Format No.: EHS-006/F06-00 Effective Date: