Psy Que 1
Psy Que 1
Psy Que 1
Psychology 222
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100
a. Q.No. 1 to 20- Multiple Choice type questions (MCQs) carrying 1 mark each. Select and
write the most appropriate option out of the four options given in each of these questions. An
internal choice has been provided in some of these questions. You have to attempt only one
of the given choices in such questions.
b. Q.No. 21 to 32- Objective type questions. Q.No. 21 to 29 carry 02 marks each (with 2
sub- parts of 1 mark cach) and Q.No 30-32 carries 04 marks (with 4 sub-parts of 1 mark
each). Attempt these questions as per the instructions given for each of the questions 21-32.
a. Q.No. 33 to 38 - Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each to be answered in the range
of 30 to 50 words.
Q.No. Section A Marks Total
a. Biological Approach
b. Behaviorist Approach
c. Humanistic Approach
d. Psychoanalytic Approach
a. Behaviorist Approach
b. Humanistic Approach
c. Psychoanalytic Approach
d. Cognitive Approach
a. Situational measures
b. Self report measures
c .Observation measures
d. Projective measures
3A. In context of learning, select an action which increases the rate of 1x1 1
I) Negative Reinforcement
II) Positive Reinforcement
III) Neutral Behaviour
a. Only I
b. Only II
c .I and II
d. I, II and III
3B. Vishal’s father praises him and says ‘Good boy’ every time he sits
to study at home. Vishal in this case is receiving ________
a. Intermittent reinforcement
b. Continuous reinforcement
c. Secondary reinforcement
d. Continuous and secondary reinforcement
4A. Identify the response taken place when Conditioned Stimulus is 1x1 1
presented on each trial, but Unconditioned Stimulus is not
a. Acquisition
b. Spontaneous Recovery
c. Conservation
d. Extinction
5A. Identify important agents of child socialization. 1x1 1
a. Parents, Religion & Shopping
b. Parents, School & Physical Appearance
c. Parents, School & Shopping
d. Parents, Peer Group & Television
5B. Select an important skill that allows children to fit in with groups
and helps in creating interpersonal relationships.
8. Identify the process of coping with stress if the person is not 1x1 1
moving towards any solution, but only using methods to make
himself/ herself feel comfortable.
a. Task-oriented Coping
b. Defense-oriented Coping
c. Compromise-oriented Coping
d. Attack-oriented Coping
9A. Difficulties in married life can be classified as which type of 1x1 1
a) Major life event
b) Daily hassle
c) Chronic role strain
d) Trauma
10A. Jaspreet has an exam in the coming week for which she hasn’t 1x1 1
started studying. She feels extremely tense and anxious. Which type
of coping should she use in this situation?
a) Only problem focused coping
b) Only emotion focused coping
c) Compromise-oriented Coping
d) Both problem focused and emotion focused coping
10B. Match the following
11. Shreya’s boss uses an Authoritarian leadership style. Which of the 1x1 1
following behaviors is she likely to be involved in?
a. Encourages participation of employees
b. Uses threats and punishment
c. Consults with the employees
d. Involve in two way communication
12 A psychologist has limited time and money and wants to study the 1x1 1
pattern of opinions, attitudes, beliefs and values of the people.
Psychologist would use __________
a. Case study
b. Psychometric assessment
c. Observation
d. Survey method
13. A researcher is manipulating an independent variable in a natural 1x1 1
setting using naturally occurring groups to form experimental and
control groups. Which type of experiment is this?
a. Quasi experiment
b. Laboratory experiment
c. Control experiment
d. Classical experiment
14A. Ashok has a high need for ___________ because he likes to study 1x1 1
and investigate new things.
a. Power
b. Love
c. Exploration
d. Affiliation
14B. Ekta loves to help her mother in taking care of her siblings and
their grandmother. She has a high need for __________
a. Nurturance
b. Achievement
c. Affiliation
d. Exploration
15A. i. Raju gets rewarded by his parents with chocolates for every good 1x1 1
grade he obtains in school. Which type of reinforcement Raju is
a. Intermittent reinforcement
b. Continuous reinforcement
c. Fixed reinforcement
d. Partial reinforcement
15B. You love to play football just for your own pleasure without any
competition. Which kind of interest is this?
a. Internalized interest
b. Externalized interest
c. Extrinsic interest
d. Intrinsic interest
16. A psychologist wants to measure the intelligence and personality of 1x1 1
the candidates appearing for a job position. Which psychological
tool the psychologist is most likely to use?
a. Case study
b. Observation
c. Survey
d. Psychological test
17. A psychologist wants to study the opinion and attitude of people 1x1 1
towards a new product launched in the market . Which
psychological tool the psychologist is most likely to use?
a. Survey
b. Psychological test
c. Case study
d. Interview
18 B. Zara said “I should have studied more and then I could have come
first and been awarded the scholarship. This is an example of
a. Counterfactual thinking
b. Superstitious belief
c. Optimistic Bias
d. Self serving Bias
19A. A common tendency to believe that we are more likely than others 1x1 1
to experience positive events. This is known as
a. Pessimistic Bias
b. Observer Bias
c. Self serving Bias
d. Optimistic Bias
19B. Humans have a tendency to notice and search for information that
supports one’s beliefs and ignore information that does not conform
to it. This is called ______________
a. Actor-observer effect
b. Confirmation Bias
c. Self serving Bias
d. Observer Bias
20A Choose the correct option for the following statements 1x1 1
Select the gases which are responsible for the greenhouse effect.
a. carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen
b. carbon dioxide, oxygen, and CFC
c. carbon dioxide, methane, and oxygen
d. carbon dioxide, methane, and CFC
20B. Which type of pollution triggers aggressive behaviors and reduces
altruism and helping behavior?
a. Noise Pollution
b. Air pollution
c. Water Pollution
d. Crowding
21. While studying, you notice that the noise in your surroundings 1x2 2
have an impact on your concentration level. You design a study to
understand the relationship among the two variables.
22. i. When you suddenly see a mad dog near you, relate the role of 1x2 2
emotion you felt at that time with behavior change.
ii. Culture guides the way in which emotions are expressed in any
situation. The rules that guide expression of our emotions are
called ?
23. Answer any two of the following questions with reference to 1x2 2
perception and extrasensory perception
iii. Komal tends to predict future events. She has the ability of
25. i. A child is unable to see the world from someone else’s point 1x2 2
of view. According to you, which stage of cognitive
development the child is at?
ii. A child when asked to tell which glass has more quantity
says glass A. What does it show?
27. Harish is a first year college student designing an advertisement for 1x2 2
clean India campaign for the college students. Answer the
following question
28. Write any two of the most appropriate learning principle involved 1x2 2
in attitude formation in the following situations :
i. Rajesh and his friends think that it is ‘cool’ to smoke and drink.
They ask Ajay to start smoking. They praise and accept him as a
part of the group as he starts to smoke.
ii. Seema sees her elder brother playing with the stray dogs
regularly. She now thinks dogs are friendly and starts to play with
ii. Give one example of extrinsic and intrinsic interest each from
your daily life.
30. i While selecting a psychological test, a psychologist finds that the
test does not yield consistent and dependable scores. It means that
the test is not _______________
ii. From your experience mention any impact that you suffered as a
result of crowding
32. Identify any four of the psychological disorder based on the 1x4 4
i. In this disorder, psychological problems have physical
symptoms but these diseases have psychological causes.
ii. Symptoms like incoherent thinking, faulty perception,
disturbances in motor activity, and flat or inappropriate
emotions are common in this disorder. Hallucinations and
delusions are common withdrawing individuals into the
world of fantasy.
iii. A disorder in which several distinct personalities emerge in
the same individual at different times.
iv. This disorder involves extreme and irrational fear of
v. A type of dissociative disorder in which apart from the
memory loss the person also assumes a new identity.
vi. A type of mood disorder in which the mental state of a
person is characterized by sadness, loss of interest and
pleasure in routine activities, disturbances in sleep or loss of
sleep, poor appetite etc.
Discuss the relationship between attitudes and behavior. 2 2
37. Define selective attention and state the different factors affecting 2 2
40. Describe the concept of adolescence in the Indian perspective. 3 3
43. A. Explain three factors which you feel may influence productivity 3 3
and excellence.
Marking Scheme
Q.No VALUE POINTS Distribution Total
Of Marks Marks
23. Any two to be attempted 1x2 2
i.) Eyewitness testimony, illusions, movie making (any other relevant
ii.) Clairvoyance
iii.) Precognition
iv.) Psycho-kinesis
24. Any two to be attempted : 1x2 2
i.) • Achieving a masculine or feminine social role,
• Achieving assurance of economic independence. (any other relevant
point )
ii.) Surge in growth, puberty and development of secondary sexual
characteristics (any other relevant point )
iii.) Gender consistency
iv.) Gender roles
25. i.) Pre-operational stage 1x2 2
ii.) Centration
26. i.) Authoritative style as it is firm, consistent parenting, where reasons 1x2 2
given for discipline.
ii.) family, peers, media and school (with relevant example)
27. i.) Clean India, Healthy India (any relevant tagline) 1x2 2
ii.) Happiness and pride for Clean India (any other relevant emotion)
28. Any two to be attempted : 1x2 2
i.) Instrumental learning (Behavior is Rewarded)
ii.) Observational learning
iii.) classical conditioning
iv.) Observational learning
29. i.) Human Resource (HR), Capital, Technology, Material, and 1x2 2
Information (any two).
ii.) Studying to get a job- extrinsic
Plays volleyball because one enjoys it- Intrinsic (Any other relevant
30. i.) reliable 1x4 4
ii.) validity
iii.) Naturalistic observation
iv.) Norms
31. Any four are to be attempted : 1x4 4
i.) water conservation, waste segregation (any other relevant example)
ii.) Anger, frustration (any other relevant example)
iii.) Cannot be calculated as the age is more than 18 years
iv.) Aptitude
v.) Training and development
vi.) Job description
32. Any four are to be attempted : 1x4 4
i.) Psychosomatic
ii.) Schizophrenia
iii.) Dissociative identity disorder
iv.) Phobia
v.) dissociative fugue
vi.) Depression / Major Depressive disorder
33. There are certain special conditions under which attitudes can predict
● When attitudes are strong and consistent, - they better predict
● Weak, unimportant and ambiguous attitudes - less likely to predict
● When one is conscious of one’s attitude - it is also easily recalled 2
and possible to predict behavior.
● When attitudes have been formed through direct experience -
prediction of behavior is more accurate. 2/5x5
● When one acts under social pressure, attitude - less likely to
predict behavior as behavior may expressed in diverse ways.
36. ½x4
39. A. A school should address individual differences of students by :-
● Providing multiple learning opportunities.
● Following a child-centered and flexible curriculum.
● Observing and diagnosing the learner’s individual needs. 1x3
● Working with specific and collaborative teaching techniques.
● Using different pedagogy to meet learner’s diverse needs.
(Any other relevant point, any three)
B. Projective tests are the test where the individual has to respond to 3
unstructured or ambiguous stimuli. They are indirect measures of
personality and are widely used as personality assessment tools
The projective tests is widely used as the individual projects because
1. It can easily analyze the latent or unconscious feelings, needs,
emotions, motives etc. on to the ambiguous stimulus. 1x2
2. The responses of the individual in the form of projection reflect
the nature of his/her personality.
(Any other relevant point)
40. The adolescence period in the Indian social system comes under
Brahmacharya (apprenticeship).This is the first ashram (stage of life) of
development stages. In this stage, the child learns the basic skills in 3 3
relation to his future role as a responsible adult.
(Any other relevant point)
41. In order to overcome the risks involved in such a life we should observe
certain precautions and engage in behaviors which promote and sustain
good health. Ayurveda, the science of Indian medicine, deals with four
aspects of lifestyle which can ensure good health in us.
● Right Food (Ahara) 1x3 3
● Right Recreation (Vihara)
● Right Routine (Achara)
● Right Thinking (Vichara)
(Any three with explanation)
42. An organization is a social unit which is created with a specific purpose. ½
The sub-system of an organization are:
1. Goal Subsystem
2. Technical Subsystem ½x5 3
3. Managerial Subsystem
4. Structural Subsystem
5. Psychological Subsystem
43. A. The productivity is analyzed from the standpoint of individual
The factors influencing productivity and excellence are: 1x3
1. Abilities, Aptitudes and Interests
2. Role Clarity
3. The Performance Environment
(Any other relevant factor with explanation)
B. Key strategies for developing productivity at work :
● Employee Selection and Placement: selecting only those with high
ability and skill levels, high initial motivational levels and then
placing them on suitable jobs.
● Training and Development: develop the capabilities and act as an 1x3
investment in employees (a talent bank) that can be drawn upon in
the future.
● Task Design: increasing the amount of variety, autonomy,
responsibility, feedback and task identity (or completeness of
task) can improve performance.
● Performance Appraisal and Rewards
(Any other relevant point- only 3 points )
44. A. Sattwik: This kind of person functions moderately in eating, sleeping
and performing various activities. He or she meditates regularly, and does
all his or her work as worship of the Lord. People love this person and
this person also loves and helps people. He or she radiates the light of
Rajasik: This type of person is very active, dynamic and addicted to 1x3
work. If he or she does not have work to do, he or she will feel restless.
This kind of person likes to eat spicy food. He or she is fond of
entertainment, sitting at one place and observing silence is difficult for
him or her. Such persons are often found in the business world
Tamasik: This type of person does not like to work. He or she gets up
late in the morning. They are failures in their lives. Nobody likes them
because they are dirty, idle and lethargic. People usually keep themselves
away from such people.
45. A. Perception refers to the elaboration and interpretation of sensory
experiences. Perception is to familiarize us with the way our sense organs 1
collect information and how it is processed by our brain.
Process of Perception: The physical object in the world is called the
distal stimulus (distant from the observer) and the optical image on the
retina is called the proximal stimulus (proximate or near to observer). The
major task of perception is to determine the distal stimulus based on
information of proximal stimulus – to know what the world out there is
“really like” using one’s imagination of mind. There is more to
perceiving which includes physical properties such as shape or size and
past experiences.
Mental Processes
↓ ↓ ↓
Expectations Knowledge Beliefs
2 (Theory)
Identification/Recognition (Ball; Orange)
Analysis into parts (Round-soft-orange; Round-hard-ball)
Perceptual Synthesis of Features (ball/orange/any other circular object) 2 (Example)
Organization → Depth → Consistency
Sensation (soft/hard/shape) 5
Sensory Processes (Touch)
Environmental Stimulation of Objects (Circular object)
(Any other relevant Example)
46. A. Problems caused by Physical Changes –
Problem in joint movement, Reduced speed of performance, Reduced
fine motor skills, Bones are more susceptible to fracture; Coordination,
stability and balance get reduced, Hearing loss, Eyesight loss
Strategies to cope up –
● Eat a healthy diet.
● Include physical activity in your daily routine. 1½
● Manage stress
● Get enough sleep
● Get adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin
● Avoid substance abuse
● Schedule regular checkups
Problems caused by Cognitive Changes –
Memory loss, Speaking problems, Vocabulary loss, Reduced attention
span, Loss/reduction of reasoning and judgment power, Complex
decision making, Feeling increasingly overwhelmed by making decisions
and plans, Having a hard time to understand directions/instructions,
Becoming more impulsive.
Strategies to cope up - 1½
● Stay mentally active 5
● Develop an attitude of flexibility
● Greater use of information
● Problem solving strategies rather than withdrawing or isolating.
● Increase self-confidence, self-reliance, self - esteem
● Develop healthy attitude
● Learn and maintain effective coping skills
● Explore new ways of coping with problems.
47. Mental ill-health is defined as the absence of the qualities of positive 1
mental health in the individual. For example if someone among you often
displays negative feelings and attitudes about others, you can assume that
this person is displaying the characteristics of mental ill-health.
Mental illness is a broad term which includes almost all the disorders of
behavior which are caused by faulty perception, emotion, thinking and 1
Indicators of poor mental health as commonly observed in the
surroundings are -
1. Haphazard and disorganized daily life routine.
2. Short-tempered and irritating behaviour 5
3. Anger and aggressive behaviour, Restlessness.
4. Increased or poor appetite and indigestion. 1/3 X 9
5. Irregular sleeping pattern such as insomnia, disturbed sleep, or
narcolepsy (excess sleep).
6. Poor interpersonal relationships.
7. Anxiety and worry.
8. Negative attitude toward self and others.
9. Withdrawing from relationships.
10. Irregular and abnormal physiological conditions
11. Excessive use of drugs, Cigarette smoking and use of tobacco in
other forms
(Any other relevant point, total 9 points)
48. Theory of Panch Koshas (Five Sheaths of Human Existence)
Taittiriya Upanishad gives the concept of Panch Koshas and their 1x5
1. Annamaya Kosha : The Food Sheath
2. Pranamaya Kosha: The Vital Sheath
3. Manomaya Kosha: The Mental Sheath 5
4. Vijnanmaya Kosha: The Intellectual Sheath
5. Anandamaya Kosha: The Blissful sheath