Republika ng Pilipinas
Kagawaran ng €dukaspon
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
January 25, 2024
No. 43 8.2024
SCHOOL YEAR 2024-2025
To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendents
Chief Education Supervisors
Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary
Public ani Private Elementary and Secondary Schoot Heads
District and School LIS/EBEIS Coordinators
All others concerned.
1. _ Pursuant to DepEd Order no. 10, s. 2023, re: Amendment to DepEd Order
No. 03, s. 2018 (Basic Education Enrollment Policy) and reiteration to Regional
Memorandum dated .Jannary 22, 2024 re: Barly Registration. for School Year 2024-
2025, where all incoming Kindergarten, Grade 1,7, and 11 learners in public
schools shall pre-register start from the last Saturday of January to the last Friday
of February of each year to allow the Department to make necessary preparations
and adjustment of plans for the incoming school year.
2. With the abovementioned provisions, the SDO Camarines Sur announces
that the Early Registration for SY 2024-2025 shall start on January 27, 2024, to
February 23, 2024, and shall be guided of the following matters:
Y Daily updating or encoding in the Early Registration facility in the
Learner Information System (LIS) shall be done by every school using
the school head's or schnol adminiatratar’s acconnt
¥ Schools shall use the print or electronic copies of the Basic Education
Enrollment Form (Revised as of March 27, 2023) to ensure that the necessary
information in registering incoming Kindergarten, Grade 1,7, and 11 learners
and other data are obtained properiy.
¥ Public elementary and secondary schools may also encode in the Karly
Registration facility, the prospective enrollees for other grade level (¢.g..
Grades 2-6, 8-10, and 12) based on the previous school enrollment to get the
overall grade picture of the expected enrollees for the next enrollment
¥ Preferabiy, the conduct of the early registration shall be done through face-to-
face transactions with the schools. However, the schools may continue to
implement other options or means of collecting early registration forms.
Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Email: deped [email protected]
‘Website: www. depedcamsur. com
‘Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
‘800 Gam Sur Records Uni
SEDRepublika ng Pilipinas
Kagawaran ng €dukaspon
¥ Authorities of public and private schools are instructed to strictly
enforce and implement the kindergarten cut-off age as stipulated in
DO 20, s. 2018 (Amendment to DepEd Order No. 47, 8. 2016).
A. Age qualification for kindergarten learners in both public and
private schools should be five (5) years old by June 1 of every
calendar year. However, the school may consider learners
entering Kindergarten who will turn five (5) years old by the
end of August on the condition that the Philippine Early
Childhood Development (ECD) Checklist must be administered
to the learner prior to the start of the opening of the school
year, to ensure that the learner is capable of meeting the
expectations of the grade level. Parents may provide
documentation and/ or certification of the leamer’s previous
Early Childhood Education (ECE) experiences (i.¢., preschool,
day care, pre-Kindergarten) in addition to the results of the
Philippine ECD Checklist.
For schools commencing their school vear beyond June, the
requirement that Kindergarten learners should be five (5)
years old by June 1 and the extension period ending on
‘August 31 shal! be adjusted. For schools commencing their
school year in July, Kindergarten learners should be five (5)
years old by July 1 and the extension period shall be until
September 30. For schools commencing their school year in
‘August, Kindergarten learners should be five (5) years old by
August | and the extension period shall be until October 31.
3. School Heads shall facilitate the conduct of advocacy campaigns within their
respective jurisdictions to inform the general public and encourage Out of
School Children (OSC) and parents/ guardians of prospective learners t
participate in the Early Registration for SY 2024-2025, by posting relevant
materials in conspicuous places, and making announcements in local
televisions and radio broadcasting stations.
4, Private Schools and SUC’s are encouraged to conduct their respective
early registration activities within the same period.
5, _ For dissemination of information, guidance, and compliance of all concerned.
meme CESO VE
Prom vision Syperi
‘Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Email: deped camsurajdeped gov ph
‘Website: www.
Z2” Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340