TLE 8 Exam Final
TLE 8 Exam Final
TLE 8 Exam Final
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Buhi, Camarines Sur
TLE 8 - Agriculture and Fishery Arts
Quarterly Examination
Name:___________________________________________ Section:________________ Score:__________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.
1. What is the tool that is flattened at one end and the other is pointed at a right angle toward its handle.
a. bolo b. crowbar c. pick mattock d. spade
2. A tool with tines used to loosen the soil, dig out root crops, and turn over materials in a compost heap is called _____.
a. hand fork b. spading fork c. pick mattock d. tooth harrow
3. Which among the tools resembles the appearance of spoon and use for transferring soil?
a. shovel b. spading fork c. spade d. grub hoe
4. Which of the following tools is used for cutting bigger size post?
a. b. c.
5. If you need to level the ground and clean the topsoil what hand tool are you going to use?
a. pick mattock b. rake c. shovel d. spade
6. Which of the following tools is best to use in cleaning and removing weeds at the base of the plants?
a. knife b. axe c. pruning shear d. hand cultivator
8. Which of the following is used for cutting small branches of trees and for planting materials?
a. knife b. axe c. pruning shear d. hand cultivator
9. Which does not belong to the group of tools?
a. bolo b. axe c. water pail d. pruning shears
10. In the set of tools below, what tool is used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and herbicides?
a. pail b. dipper c. sprinkler d. sprayer
11. Which of the following is an example of digging tool?
a. pruning shear b. bolo c. crowbar d. grub hoe
12. Which of the following is the importance of storing your tools and equipment?
a. it improves appearance of working areas c. it improves one self
b. it improves the community d. it improves your tools
13. Why is there a need to put oil to metal parts of your tools and equipment?
a. to prevent from rusting c. to make it shiny
b. to make it sharp d. to make it dull
7. Which of the following is the simplest system of planting?
a. contour system c. rectangular system
b. quincunx system d. square system
15. Why is farm tools considered very important in agricultural crop production?
a. they make work easier. c. they make work faster.
b. they save time and effort. d. all of the above.
16. Using the appropriate tool for a specific task will result to quality performance. Which of the
following tools is least used for digging garden plots?
a. bolo b. grub-hoe c. pick-mattock d. light hoe
17. What is the area of a land that has length if 600m and width of 600m.
a. 36 m2 b. 3,600 m2 c. 360 m2 d. 360,000 m2
18. What is the term used to describe the amount of surface it occupies?
a. area b. field c. plot d. canal
21. What is the chemical substance supplied to the crops to increase their productivity.
a. seed b. fertilizer c. insecticide d. weed
10 m
10 m
6m 8m
15 m
24. What basic shapes did you use to in calculating the land area?
a. rectangle, square, rhombus b. trapezoid, rectangle
c. rhombus, square, triangle d. parallelogram, square, triangle
25. What is the is a process of loosening or turning the soil before sowing seed or planting.
a. plowing b. threshing c. transplanting d. weeding
29. Suppose there is a reservoir, filled with water, with a length of 5 m, a width of 10 m and a depth of 2 m. All the
water from the reservoir has been spread over a field of 1 hectare. What is thickness of the water layer on the field?
30. What is the area of the land that has a length of 450m length and width of 40m?
a. 180 m2 b. 1,800 m2 c. 18,000 m2 d. 180,000 m2
31. Which of the following statements is not the reason why trees should be planted in a systematic way?
a. area can be utilized equally.
b. it would be easy to supervise.
c. orchard operations are easy to conduct.
d. lay outing is just a waste of time and it can destroy the plants.
32. What irrigation system is used when water is supplied to the field in a controlled way?
a. basin irrigation b. drip or trickle irrigation
c. sprinkler irrigation d. surface irrigation
For numbers 33-35, refer to the given illustration
33. What is the length of the garden?
a. 3m b. 5m c. 8m d. 9m
36. What is the supply of water to land or crops to help growth, typically by means of channels.
a. irrigation b. river c. rain d. canals
37. What irrigation system is used when water is supplied to the field by gravity
a. basin irrigation b. drip or trickle irrigation
c. sprinkler irrigation d. surface irrigation
39. What irrigation system is good to use for the rice production?
a. basin irrigation system b. border irrigation system
c. furrow irrigation system d. drip or trickle irrigation system
41. Which of the following Personal Protective Equipment protects the head from any injury?
a. helmet b. goggles c. gloves d. bull cap
42. Which among the PPE is use to protect the hands from any cuts, scrapes, bruises or chemical contact?
a. boots b. goggles c. face shield d. gloves
44. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to 3Rs classification of waste?
a. recovery b. reuse c. reduce d. recycle
45. One of the most laborious activities performed during crop farming is ______________.
a. land preparation b. planting c. harvesting d. hauling
46. Bacteria, viruses, molds, mildew are examples of what type of Hazard?
a. physical hazard b. chemical hazard c. biological d. ergonomic
49. Which among the Five “ S ” in housekeeping defines your obligation to follow rule in keeping the workplace.
a. sort b. sustain c. set d. standard
50. The statement below are the practices in reducing waste in except?
a. buying products with less packaging
b. instead of buying plastic bags you can use cloth shopping bag.
c. using a disposable plastic in buying goods in the market.
d. the wood in the farm could be created as woodcraft
Prepared by:
TLE Teacher
Calculate the amount of fertilizer materials for 1 ha at the recommended rate of 90 + 30 + 60 using a
combination of single fertilizers:
• 21-0-0 (ammonium sulfate) @ P 1000.00/sack
• 0-18-0 (ordinary superphosphate) @ P 800.00/sack
• 0-0-60 (muriate of potash) @ P 900.00/sack