Applsci 13 10781
Applsci 13 10781
Applsci 13 10781
Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Protection Strategy
in the Coastal Area of China: A GIS-Based DRASTIC Model
Qian Zhang 1,2, *, Qiang Shan 3,4, *, Feiwu Chen 1,2 , Junqiu Liu 1,2 and Yingwei Yuan 1,2
Abstract: Groundwater vulnerability reflects the risk level of groundwater contamination and its
self-repairing ability, as well as its sustainability for use. Therefore, it provides significant scientific
support for implementing measures to prevent groundwater contamination, especially in coastal
areas. In this study, considering the lithology of vadose in valley plains and the extent of karst
subsidence areas, a GIS-based DRASTIC model was employed to assess groundwater vulnerability in
Tangshan City, a coastal area in China. The assessment results were presented and mapped using GIS,
based on a comprehensive evaluation of seven parameters, including “Depth of groundwater, Vertical
net recharge, Aquifer thickness, Soil media, Topography, Impact of vadose zone, and Hydraulic
conductivity”. The identified groundwater vulnerability zones included the highest, higher, moderate,
low vulnerability those four zones, which accounted for 4%, 53%, 25%, and 18%, respectively. In
addition, according to the results of field investigation, the karst subsidence area and the mined-out
coastal area were directly classified as the highest vulnerable areas and covered 1.463 km2 ; more
Citation: Zhang, Q.; Shan, Q.; Chen,
attention is required here in subsequent groundwater protection processes and strategies. Finally, the
F.; Liu, J.; Yuan, Y. Groundwater groundwater pollution index was used to validate the groundwater vulnerability distribution results,
Vulnerability Assessment and and these two were in high agreement, with an R2 coefficient of 0.961. The study is crucial for the
Protection Strategy in the Coastal Area rational utilization and protection of water resources in Tangshan City.
of China: A GIS-Based DRASTIC
Model Approach. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, Keywords: groundwater; vulnerability assessment; GIS-based DRASTIC model; protection strategy;
10781. coastal areas
warm temperate sub-humid continental monsoon climate characterized by cold and dry
winters with northerly winds, and hot and rainy summers with southerly winds. The an-
mountainous terrain and
is 8341
10.6 km
°C, (61.91%)
while the of average
plains. Additionally, it has
precipitation a sea1956
from area to 2020
spanning 4472 km , with a coastline stretching 229.72 km in length. Tangshan experiences
amounts to 608.7 mm.
a typical warm temperate sub-humid continental monsoon climate characterized by cold
and dry winters with northerly winds, and hot and rainy summers with southerly winds.
2.2. Hydrogeology
The annual average temperature is 10.6 ◦ C, while the average precipitation from 1956 to
2020 amounts
Based on theto occurrence
608.7 mm. conditions of groundwater and the characteristics of aque-
ous 2.2.
media in Tangshan, three types of groundwater can be identified: pore water in loose
rocks, carbonate karst water, and bedrock rock fissure water. Pore water is primarily
Based on the occurrence conditions of groundwater and the characteristics of aqueous
found in the piedmont
media in Tangshan, three plain, coastal
types plain, inter-mountain
of groundwater basin,pore
can be identified: andwater
valley zones of the
in loose
Yan rocks,
Mountain region
carbonate (Figure
karst water,1).
andThe main source
bedrock of recharge
rock fissure water. Porefor this
water groundwater
is primarily type is
found in the piedmont plain, coastal plain, inter-mountain basin,
atmospheric precipitation, and its dynamics closely follow the annual distribution and valley zones of the of rain-
fall. Karst water is predominantly present in the southern foothills of the Yantype
Yan Mountain region (Figure 1). The main source of recharge for this groundwater Mountain,
is atmospheric precipitation, and its dynamics closely follow the annual distribution of
concealed within sloping plains, piedmont areas, and intermountain basins. The degree
rainfall. Karst water is predominantly present in the southern foothills of the Yan Mountain,
of karst development
concealed varies
within sloping and piedmont
plains, is closelyareas,
associated with the local
and intermountain geological
basins. The degreestructure
and ofgeomorphology. Individual well yields typically range from 40
karst development varies and is closely associated with the local geological structure to 25 m 3/h·m, while
andwater flow ratesIndividual
geomorphology. vary between 0.3 and
well yields 3.0 L/s.
typically Fissure
range fromwater
40 to 25 ism 3 /h·m, while
located in the north-
ern hilly area, characterized by a recorded fracture rate of 1.3%. The weatheredthe
spring water flow rates vary between 0.3 and 3.0 L/s. Fissure water is located in zone has
northern hilly depth
an approximate area, characterized
of 50 m, with by asome
recorded fracturefractures
localized rate of 1.3%. The weathered
exceeding 100 mzone
due to sig-
has an approximate depth of 50 m, with some localized fractures exceeding 100 m due to
nificant geological influences [33].
significant geological influences [33].
Figure 1. The
1. The location
location ofofstudy
area and
2.3. Data Availability
2.3. DataThis
study is a significant component of the zoning and technical research for ground-
This pollution
water study isprevention
a significant component
and control in Tangshan of City,
the encompassing
zoning and two technical research for
main aspects:
the analysis of groundwater dynamics and the evaluation of groundwater vulnerability.
groundwater pollution prevention and control in Tangshan City, encompassing two main
aspects: In
investigation of groundwater
of groundwater dynamics,and
dynamics a total
75 government-monitored
of groundwater vul-
wells with long-term observation data were carefully selected to ensure completeness,
control, and representativeness. For each district or county level, 1–2 monitoring wells were
chosen for analysis, ensuring a uniform distribution across the study area. Specifically, this
study focused on analyzing the response of unconfined groundwater, directly recharged by
precipitation. Based on these principles, data from 24 monitoring wells were ultimately
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10781 4 of 17
3. Methodology
3.1. Description of the GIS-Based DRASTIC Model Framework
In this study, a GIS-based DRASTIC model was employed to assess the vulnerability
of groundwater in Tangshan City, a coastal area in China. The DRASTIC model, initially
developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate groundwater
pollution potential across the United States [35], considers intrinsic vulnerability based on
hydrogeological characteristics while disregarding the specific contaminants. The use of a
GIS-model interface facilitates data input, and the GIS can also serve as a common platform
for transferring information between different examples of software. By combining various
data sets within the GIS framework, thematic maps can be generated for utilization by the
DRASTIC model. Furthermore, the GIS enables the conversion of these maps into raster
mode, dividing them into pixels with dimensions of 300 m × 300 m. Each pixel is assigned
a numerical value corresponding to the resulting grid, which serves as a basis for the seven
parameters of the DRASTIC model, as detailed in the following equation:
DRASTICindex = WD R D + WR R R + WA R A + WS RS + WT R T + WI R I + WC RC (1)
where, the parameters in Equation (1) include the following: depth of groundwater (D),
vertical net recharge of groundwater (R), aquifer thickness of media (A), soil media (S),
topography (T), impact of vadose zone (I), and hydraulic conductivity (C).
Consequently, vulnerability is calculated at a high resolution for each individual
pixel. The GIS is further utilized to overlay the seven thematic maps, thereby generating
a groundwater vulnerability map. The DRASTIC index computation involves assigning
weights (W) to each parameter and using the assigned values (R).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D (m) >30 (25, 30] (20, 25] (15, 20] (10, 15] (8, 10] (6, 8] (4, 6] (2, 4] ≤2
R (mm/a) 0 (0, 51] (51, 71] (71, 92] (92, 117] (117, 147] (147, 178] (178, 216] (216, 235] >235
A (m) >50 (45, 50] (40, 45] (35, 40] (30, 35] (25, 30] (20, 25] (15, 20] (10, 15] ≤10
swelling or medium
clay sandy silt-sand/ gravel- thin layer or
S rock silt loam loam condensing sand/coarse
loam loam fine sand cobble missing
clay sand
T(%) >10 (9, 10] (8, 9] (7, 8] (6, 7] (5, 6] (4, 5] (3, 4] (2, 3] ≤2
sandy silt- silty, fine medium sand gravel-
I clay loam fine sand coarse sand
loam soil sand sand sand gravel cobble
C (m/d) [0, ≤4] (4, 12] (12, 20] (20, 30] (30, 35] (35, 40] (40, 60] (60, 80] (80, 100] >100
A step wise flow diagram representing the data processing, preparations of layers,
and assigning of weights has been demonstrated below in Figure 2.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 18
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10781 A step wise flow diagram representing the data processing, preparations of layers,
6 of 17
and assigning of weights has been demonstrated below in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Flowchart
2. Flowchart of of groundwater
groundwater vulnerability
vulnerability assessment.
4. 4. Results
Results and and Discussion
4.1. Results of Single Parameter Evaluation
4.1. Results of Single Parameter Evaluation
4.1.1. Depth of Groundwater
4.1.1. Depth of Groundwater
A total of 1867 data points were collected for groundwater depth. The depth at
A total
which of 1867 data
groundwater points were
is located collected
primarily for groundwater
determines the depthdepth. The depth at which
of the transmission medium
groundwater is located primarily determines the depth of the transmission
through which pollutants migrate to the aquifer [37]. Generally, a greater groundwater medium
through which pollutants
depth requires more timemigrate to thetoaquifer
for pollution [37].
reach the Generally,
aquifer. a greater
This results in a groundwater
smaller amount
depth requiresentering
of pollution more time
the for pollution
aquifer to reach
and weaker the of
levels aquifer. This results
contamination in athe
within smaller
amount of opposite
with the pollutionbeing
truethe aquifer and weaker levels of contamination within the
as well.
with the opposite
method being true
for analyzing theas well. map of buried depths differs between moun-
tainous and plain areas. In the plain andmap
The method for analyzing the zoning of buried
valley regions,depths
waterdiffers between
level data moun-
collected and
tainous and plainsurveys
supplementary areas. Inarethe plain and and
interpolated valley regions,
adjusted water
based onlevel data collected
hydrogeological andand
conditions. Insurveys are interpolated
mountainous and adjusted
areas, characterized based on hydrogeological
by significant and river
topographic variations and
conditions. In mountainous
complex geological areas,underground
conditions, characterizedwater
by significant
depths aretopographic variations
mainly classified and
complex geological
to aquifer conditions,
types. The same type underground water depths
of water-bearing mediumare within
mainlyan classified
area is according
assigned an
to average
aquifer types. The same
value based type of water-bearing
on measured groundwatermedium within an areafor
levels. Additionally, is valleys
assigned an
mountainous regions where groundwater exists within loose rock formations, score values
are determined by interpolating the buried depths observed in plain areas.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 18
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10781 average value based on measured groundwater levels. Additionally, for valleys within 7 of 17
mountainous regions where groundwater exists within loose rock formations, score val-
ues are determined by interpolating the buried depths observed in plain areas.
Once the
the above
above analysis
analysis is
is completed,
completed, the
posed using GIS, ensuring uniform
posed using GIS, ensuring uniform layer attributes. Gradation mapping (Figure 3a)
layer attributes. Gradation mapping (Figure 3a) is
is then
assigned based on Table 2.
Figure 3.
Figure Mappingof
3. Mapping ofDRASTIC
((a) Depth
(b) Vertical
Vertical net
net recharge;
(c) Aquifer thickness; (d) Soil media; (e) Topography; (f) Impact of vadose zone; (g) Hydraulic
(c): Aquifer thickness; (d): Soil media; (e): Topography; (f): Impact of vadose zone; (g): Hydraulic
4.1.2. Vertical
4.1.2. Vertical Net
Net Recharge
Net recharge
Net recharge refers
amountofof water
waterper unit
per area
unit thatthat
area infiltrates the surface
infiltrates and
the surface
and the aquifer.
reaches Contaminants
the aquifer. can enter
Contaminants the aquifer
can enter vertically
the aquifer through
vertically this recharge
through this re-
water [38].
charge waterIn[38].
the In
DRASTIC model,model,
the DRASTIC net recharge represents
net recharge the total
represents theamount of water
total amount of
water to thetosurface
applied and and
the surface infiltrated intointo
infiltrated thethe
Tangshan City, atmospheric
City, atmospheric
precipitation serves as the primary source of regional recharge, and therefore, the vertical
net recharge can be estimated using precipitation infiltration [39]. Generally, the equation
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10781 8 of 17
R = P × α is used, where R denotes the vertical net recharge, P represents the precipitation
infiltration coefficient, and α represents the annual precipitation.
The annual precipitation data for the region were obtained from the 2020 precipitation
records of four gauging stations. In 2020, Tangshan City experienced rainfall ranging
from 480–720 mm, with higher precipitation observed in the northern mountainous area
compared to the southern plain area. Notably, Luannan County in the southern plain
area received relatively higher precipitation. In the study area, the values of α range from
0.15–0.2 in the plain area, 0.09 in the igneous and metamorphic rock area, and 0.08 in the
carbonate rock area. The empirical values of the precipitation infiltration coefficient were
adjusted based on field seepage test results (30 groups) to ensure accuracy. The resulting
vertical net recharge is illustrated in Figure 3b.
4.1.5. Topography
Topographic slope plays a significant role in groundwater migration and subsequently
affects groundwater vulnerability [42]. In this study, a digital elevation model (DEM) of
the research area was acquired through a measurement system. The DEM had an accuracy
of 12.5 m, which met the guidelines’ requirements. Using the GIS’s slope tool, the slope
was calculated based on the projected DEM map. Then, according to the scoring standard,
each zone’s attributes were determined through reclassification (Figure 3e). Due to the high
resolution of the data, fragmentation zones were formed considering the impact of rivers
and dams in the plain area on slope classification. This evaluation utilized the geomorphic
zones of the study area as a reference, and the average terrain slope within each zone was
considered the representative slope value.
The study area exhibits significant variations in topographic slope, generally decreas-
ing from north to south. High topographic slope values are concentrated in the northern
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10781 9 of 17
mountainous area, while the intermountain basin, piedmont plain, and coastal plain exhibit
relatively low slopes. The highest topographic slope values are found along the northern
edge of Yutian County, the southern part of Zunhua City, the northern part of Fengrun
District, the southern part of Qianxi County, the western part of Qian’an City, and the
northwestern part of Luanzhou City. Conversely, the lowest slope values are primarily
distributed in Caofeidian District along the southern coast.
Secondly, the spatial variability and causes of groundwater vulnerability in the study
area are complex. The area around Luannan County has relatively shallow groundwa-
ter depth, significant vertical recharge, and a thick aquifer, leading to its classification
as an area with high underground vulnerability. The valley area in the study region is
also classified as a high vulnerability area due to its homogeneous lithology, simple rock
structure, and strong permeability. These areas experience frequent agricultural activities
and have well-developed aquaculture, resulting in a high pollution load and easy pollution
of groundwater [46]. Similarly, highly vulnerable areas are also found in the central and
southeastern regions of Tangshan, characterized by high vertical net recharge, relatively
high permeability coefficients, good water permeability, and limited self-purification ca-
pacity. In addition, the karst subsidence area and the mined-out coastal area were directly
classified as the highest vulnerable areas, covering 1.463 km2 . These factors contribute to
weak anti-pollution capabilities of groundwater, making it prone to pollution. Additionally,
these areas are marked by intense human activities, including urban industrial and do-
mestic sewage discharge from Tangshan City, as well as excessive fertilization and sewage
irrigation in agricultural regions. Therefore, they should be prioritized as key areas for
groundwater protection.
Thirdly, low-vulnerability areas are scarce and mainly concentrated in the northern
part of Tangshan, such as the northern edge of Zunhua City, Qianxi County, and the
northwest of Qian’an City. In these areas, groundwater depth is significant, the vadose
zone exhibits fine lithology, and recharge amounts are limited, reducing vulnerability to
external pollutants.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10781 vulnerability assessment was scientific and reliable, and could provide reliable experience
12 of 17
for groundwater pollution prevention and management.
Figure mappingofofgroundwater
Normalized groundwater vulnerability index
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
Normalized Groundwater Pollution Index
Figure vulnerabilityassessment
assessment and
and verification
verification index
index correlation.
4.3.3. Rigorous Implementation Plans for Groundwater Exploitation in High Vulnerability Area
Based on the above groundwater protection objectives and implementation methods,
this study suggests that the Tangshan area should follow the following most stringent
groundwater exploitation plan to ensure the sustainable development of groundwater
(1). Key groundwater pollution sources such as chemical and metal products industrial
clusters, landfills, hazardous waste disposal sites, and other key groundwater pollu-
tion sources should be investigated and evaluated as soon as possible to map out the
status of groundwater pollution, establish a system of seepage and leakage prevention
for key groundwater pollution sources, carry out seepage and leakage prevention
inspections every year, formulate seepage prevention and renovation plans for seep-
age prevention measures that do not satisfy the corresponding seepage prevention
specification requirements, and take technical and management measures in a timely
manner to eliminate hidden dangers.
(2). For areas where groundwater pollution exists, detailed investigation and assessment
of groundwater shall be further carried out, and where groundwater treatment and
remediation or risk control is required after detailed investigation and assessment,
control shall be strengthened and appropriate management shall be carried out in a
timely manner. In areas where the health risk of groundwater pollution is unaccept-
able, the use of groundwater should be prohibited, and drainage methods such as
pits and ponds should be restricted to reduce the disturbance of the polluted area; if
drainage is really needed, it should be discharged in compliance with the standard
after treatment.
(3). Penalties should be established for enterprises and individuals who do not comply
with the rules on groundwater protection, and they should be ordered to rectify the
situation thoroughly before continuing production.
(4). In areas where karst is strongly developed and where there are many fallout holes
and karst funnels, construction projects that may cause groundwater pollution shall
not be newly built, altered, or expanded.
5. Conclusions
Being a typical coastal city, Tangshan City exhibits a high level of vulnerability in its
shallow groundwater system. The highly vulnerable area accounts for 4% of the total study
area, while the areas classified as moderately and highly vulnerable account for 25% and
53%, respectively. Collectively, these three categories encompass 82% of the study area,
leaving only 18% categorized as having low or minimal vulnerability. The groundwater
pollution index was used to validate the groundwater vulnerability distribution results,
and these two were in high agreement, with an R2 coefficient of 0.961.
The study area, characterized by complex hydrogeological conditions and high vul-
nerability, is situated along the coast. The valley regions, with their homogeneous lithology,
simple rock structure, and high permeability, are particularly vulnerable according to the
assessment results. Additionally, the karst subsidence area and the mined-out coastal area
were directly classified as the highest vulnerable areas, covering 1.463 km2 , where more
attention is required in subsequent groundwater protection processes and strategies.
Based on the vulnerability assessment outcomes for shallow groundwater in Tangshan
City, it is evident that the current state of shallow groundwater pollution is severe, indi-
cating a weak performance in safeguarding the quality of shallow groundwater resources.
Therefore, it is recommended that relevant departments address these concerns by taking
appropriate actions informed by the evaluation results. These actions should focus on
improving and developing groundwater resources in a rational manner, implementing
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 10781 15 of 17
Author Contributions: Q.Z.: Writing—Original Draft; Q.S.: Writing—Review and Editing; F.C.:
Drawing Pictures; J.L.: Writing—Review and Editing; Y.Y.: Data. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was supported by [the National Natural Science Foundation of China] (NO.
41907149), [Open Funding from Hebei Key Laboratory of Geological Resources and Environment
Monitoring and Protection] (NO. JCYKT202210), [the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation] (NO.
2018M631732), and [Tianjin Graduate Research Innovation Project (No. 2022SKY195)].
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All the data in this manuscript are derived from the field surveys,
reports and references.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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