Introduction To Energy Engineering
Introduction To Energy Engineering
Introduction To Energy Engineering
India is both a major energy producer and consumer. India currently ranks as the world’s
eleventh greatest energy producer, accounting for about 2.4% of the world’s total annual
energy production, and as the world’s sixth greatest energy consumer, accounting for 3.3% of
the world’s total annual energy consumption. Thus, India is a net energy importer, mostly due
to the large imbalance between oil production and consumption.
A. Conventional
(i) Fossil fuel
(ii) Hydro resources
(iii) Nuclear resources
B. Non-conventional
(i) Wind energy
(ii) Solar energy
(iii) Biomass energy
(iv) Geothermal resources
(v) Ocean tidal energy
(vi) Ocean wave and OTEC resources
Need of energy:
The energy need of a nation can be broadly divided into the following sectors: