Introduction To Energy Engineering

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Energy Engineering – 17ME71 2020-21

Module No. 1: Thermal Energy Conversion System

Thermal Energy conversion system: Review of energy scenario in India, General philosophy
and need of energy, Different Types of fuels used for steam generation, Equipment for
burning coal in lump form, strokers, different types, Oil burners, Advantages and
disadvantages of using pulverized fuel, Equipment for preparation and burning of pulverized
coal, unit system and bin system. Pulverized fuel furnaces, cyclone furnace
Coal and ash handling, Generation of steam using forced circulation, high and supercritical
pressures. Chimneys: Natural, forced, induced and balanced draft, Calculations and numerical
involving height of chimney to produce a given draft. Cooling towers and Ponds. Accessories
for the Steam generators such as Superheaters, De-superheater, control of superheaters,
Economizers, Air preheaters and re-heaters.

1. Energy scenario in India

India is both a major energy producer and consumer. India currently ranks as the world’s
eleventh greatest energy producer, accounting for about 2.4% of the world’s total annual
energy production, and as the world’s sixth greatest energy consumer, accounting for 3.3% of
the world’s total annual energy consumption. Thus, India is a net energy importer, mostly due
to the large imbalance between oil production and consumption.

Table 1.1: Sector wise energy consumption

Sector Energy consumption
Industry 49%
Transport 22%
Residential 10%
Agriculture 5%
Others 14%

Table 1.2: Electrical energy generation

Resource Energy generation
Thermal (Coal, Gas, Diesel) 64%
Nuclear 3%
Hydro 25%
Renewable sources 8%

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Energy Engineering – 17ME71 2020-21

Available energy resources:

A. Conventional
(i) Fossil fuel
(ii) Hydro resources
(iii) Nuclear resources
B. Non-conventional
(i) Wind energy
(ii) Solar energy
(iii) Biomass energy
(iv) Geothermal resources
(v) Ocean tidal energy
(vi) Ocean wave and OTEC resources
Need of energy:

The energy need of a nation can be broadly divided into the following sectors:

1. Domestic sector (houses, offices and commercial buildings)

2. Transportation sector
3. Agriculture sector
4. Industry sector
Consumption of energy in a country indicates increased activities in these sectors. This
implies better comforts at home due to use of various appliances, better transport facilities,
more agricultural and industrial production. Therefore, per capita energy consumption of a
country is an index of the standard of living or prosperity of the people of the country.
2. Types of fuel used
a. Solid (Coal)
b. Liquid (Oil)
c. Gas (Natural gas)
d. Nuclear fuel
A. Based on Occurrence: B. Based on state
Primary fuel Secondary fuel Solid Liquid Gas
(Natuarl) (Artificial)
Wood Gasoline
Peat Diesel
Lignite Kerosene
Natural gas Coke gas
Petroleum Blast furnace gas

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