Assignment 1

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IMU 241 Strength Materials I Hacettepe University

Fall 2021 Department of Civil Engineering


Assignment 1

(Due Date: 10.11.2021)

Remark: Please remember that this homework is not a group work. Each student is responsible for submitting
his/her individual work. Any suspicion on improper collaboration, i.e. cheating or group work, will be punished
by not grading your homework. This issue was clearly stated in your course outlines.

1) If the joint is subjected to an axial force of P=9 kN determine

the average shear stress developed in each of the 6-mm
diameter bolts between the plates and the members and
along each of the four shaded shear planes.

2) If P=20 kN, determine the average shear stress developed

in the pins at A and C. The pins are subjected to double shear
as shown, and each has a diameter of 18 mm.

3) The two-bar truss ABC shown in figure has pin supports at

points A and C, which are 2.0 m apart. Members AB and
BC are steel bars, pin connected at joint B. The length of bar
BC is 3.0 m. A sign weighing 5.4 kN is suspended from bar
BC at points D and E, which are located 0.8 m and 0.4 m,
respectively, from the ends of the bar. Determine the
required cross-sectional area of bar AB and the required
diameter of the pin at support C if the allowable stresses in
tension and shear are 125 MPa and 45 MPa, respectively.
(Note: The pins at the supports are in double shear. Also,
disregard the weights of members AB and BC.)
IMU 241 Strength Materials I Hacettepe University
Fall 2021 Department of Civil Engineering

4) The rigid beam is supported by the three posts A, B, and C

of equal length. Posts A and C have a diameter of 60 mm
and are made of aluminum, for which Eal = 70 GPa and
(σy)al=20 MPa. Post B is made of brass, for which Ebr = 100
GPa and (σy)br=590 MPa. If, P=130 kN determine the largest
diameter of post B so that all the posts yield at the same time.

5) The rigid beam is supported by three 25-mm diameter A-36

steel rods (σy=235 MPa). If the force of P = 230 kN is applied
on the beam and removed, determine the residual stresses in
each rod. Consider the steel to be an elastic perfectly-plastic

6) The rigid bar is supported by the pin-connected rod CB that

has a cross-sectional area of 500 mm2 and is made of A-36
steel (σy=235 MPa). Determine the vertical displacement of
the bar at B when the load is applied.

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