DEWR MSA Employer Template - July 2022

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Migration Skills Assessment

Employer Template
This form must be completed and signed by your employer or a direct supervisor who observes your daily tasks and duties.
Business Name

Business Address

Business Telephone Business Email

Business Website

Australian Business Number/Business Registration details

For overseas businesses, details should be provided relevant to requirements for operating a business in that country.

Employment details
Date commenced Date completed
Full-time Part-time Hours per week Salary

Additional business information

Please include any links relevant to the business such as social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.), online telephone
directories. Please include copies of any business cards or other advertising with your application.

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations—Trades Recognition Australia  1

Applicant Job Tasks and duties
This must accurately describe the applicant’s job role in your own words. TRA will not accept a ‘cut and paste’ occupation
description from a third party website (such as ANZSCO).

Tools/Equipment used


I declare that the information supplied in this Employer Template is true and correct.
I understand that giving false or misleading information is a serious offence, and that a person convicted of fraud in connection
with an application for skills assessment may be subject to a range of penalties including fines and imprisonment.

Name of Applicant Position Date

Name and position of Supervisor/Manager Signature of Supervisor/Manager

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations — Trades Recognition Australia  2

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