Employment Separation Certificate
Employment Separation Certificate
Employment Separation Certificate
When to use this form Use this form to provide information when requested by a former employee. This information is used by
the Australian Government Department of Human Services to make sure we pay our customers the right
amount from the correct date.
Complete and return this form to the former employee or us within 14 days of receiving it.
This notice is given under either section 196 (if received from the Department of Human Services) or
section 199 (if received from a former employee) of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 and
allows a former employee or the Department of Human Services to obtain this information.
All the information contained in, or attached to the certificate may be released to any person under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982. If you want any of this information treated in confidence, please attach a
statement indicating which information, and give your reasons. This will be considered if a request is made
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Employers have obligations to pay superannuation for eligible employees and some contractors. For more
information visit ato.gov.au or call the Australian Taxation Office on 131 020.
For more information The Department of Human Services provides a direct service to employers through its National Business
Gateway. If you have any questions about the Employment Separation Certificate, call the National Business
Gateway on 131 158 or fax 132 115.
Go to humanservices.gov.au/sepcertemployers
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact the TTY service on Freecall™ 1800 810 586.
A TTY phone is required to use this service.
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Definitions Long Service Leave
If the person was paid long service leave and worked full-time, please make sure you have marked the
appropriate box against a 5 or 7 day week in question 7.
Information for former If you do not have another job to go to and you want to claim a Centrelink payment you will need to:
employees • go to humanservices.gov.au/jobseekers or
Did you receive a payment for a redundancy, annual leave, long service leave, sick leave or
maternity leave?
If you did, there may be a waiting period before you can receive an income support payment. To avoid a
situation where you have no access to funds and no access to an income support payment, you should
contact the Department of Human Services to find out how long your waiting period will be before you
spend your termination payment.
You may also have a waiting period depending on the amount of liquid assets (e.g. money, shares) you
have available.
You should contact us as soon as possible once you cease employment.
How to get more To get more Employment Separation Certificates, you can:
Employment Separation • photocopy the Employment Separation Certificate on the next pages and make sure you place your
Certificates stamp on the photocopy
• provide all the required information in a letter on your company letterhead
• go to humanservices.gov.au/forms and print more copies
• call 1300 367 676 or 131 158, to get more copies of this form.
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Instructions Print Clear
This document certifies employment information. Please read the information on page 1 before completing this form.
Please note: Personal information is protected by law and can be given to someone else only in special circumstances, where Commonwealth
legislation requires or where you give permission. Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
If completing form by hand: • Print clearly using a black pen only • Use BLOCK LETTERS • Print one character in each box
• Print in all appropriate boxes • Do not use correction fluid or tape • Mark boxes X
2 Employer details
Business/Trading name
$ .00
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7 On termination, did you pay or will you pay the person, any unused leave entitlements or final gross redundancy?
No Yes Provide details below
Period covered Gross amount Tax free portion Eligible Termination Payment Amount held for rollover Number of days
Type of leave Date paid/to be paid (number of (ETP) component employee worked
Day Month Year working days) $ $ $ $ per week