Quarter 2 Week 10
The Process of Recruiting, Selecting
and Training Employees
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.
Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you
while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the
objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, that
is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!
CHAPTER 5 Procedures of Recruitment, Selection, and
Lesson 2 Training
Good luck!
Selection Recruitment
As we go further, let us try to recall our lesson about the definition and Nature of Staffing
Staffing, is the human resources function of identifying, attracting, hiring, and retaining
people with the necessary qualifications to fill the responsibilities of current and future
jobs in the organization.
There are two component of Staffing Recruitment- the process of identifying and
attracting the people with the necessary qualifications and Selection-is choosing who to
Staffing steps
In the event of a job opening, administrators must be careful when recruiting and choosing
who to bring into the organization. They must see to it that their new recruit possesses the
knowledge and skills needed to be successful in helping their company achieve their set goals
and objectives and that he/she is suited for the job position and the job design.
Definition of terms:
Recruitment- a set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job
position vacancies in an organization
Staffing- refers to filling in all organizational job position
Systems approach to staffing- is the step-by-step way of filling job positions in an
organization, considering variables such as numbers and kinds of human resources
needed, open managerial and non-managerial positions, potential successors to open
job positions, etc.
Types of Recruitment
Methods of External and Internal Recruitment-external-
Advertisement-through websites, newspapers, trade journals, radio, television, billboards,
posters, and e-mails.
Unsolicited applications- received by employers from individuals who may or may not be
qualified for the position.
Internet recruiting- independent job boards on the web commonly used by job seekers and
recruiters to gather and disseminate job opening information. Employee
referrals-are recommendations from the organization’s present
employees who usually refer friends and relatives.
External Recruitment Internal Recruitment
Disadvantages; Disadvantages;
1. The cost and the time required by 1. The number of applicants to choose
external recruitment are the typical from is limited.
disadvantages of using this recruitment 2. Favoritism may influence a manager to
method. Advertising job openings and recommend a current employee for
the orientation and training of newly promotion to a higher position.
hired employees from outside sources. It may result in jealousy among the other
The possibility of practicing bias or employee who were not considered for
entertaining self-serving motives in the the position (bias)
referral of friends and relatives by current
employees and in the recommendation of
private employment agencies of job
Selection process.
Types of Job Interviews
Structured -the interviewer asks the applicant to answer a set of prepared questions.
(Situational, job knowledge, job simulation, and worker requirement questions.
Unstructured-the interviewer has no interview guide and may ask questions freely
One-on-one-one interviewer is assigned to applicant
Panel- several interviewers may conduct the interview (3-5 interviewers take turns in
asking questions.
Lesson Trainings and Development
Both training and development are essential to achieve success in today’s organizations.
Managers must see to it that their human resources have the necessary knowledge and
expertise; training and development work toward this end by providing continuous learning
activities and opportunities.
Training refers to learning given by organization to its employees that concentrates on short-
term job performance and acquisition or improvement of job-related skills
Development refers to learning given by organizations to its employees that it geared toward
the individual’s acquisition and expansion of his/her skills in preparation for future job
appointments and other responsibilities.
Objectives of Training
Productivity – to make the employee do his job more efficiently
Effectiveness on the present job – to make the employee improve or increase his skills or
knowledge in areas that the training endeavors to develop
Qualification for a better job – to prepare him for another job that is either more difficult or
higher in category so that he can overcome obsolescence
Morale booster – to improve the employee’s attitude
Types of Training
Employee training and development may be given while the employee is on the job or away
from the job. It may be in any of the following forms:
*Travel or observation tours *Study grants
*Internet/intranet (distance learning) *Study abroad
Training Methods
Cognitive methods – dwell on giving theoretical training to the trainees
1. Lecture/ Discussion Approach
2. Demonstrations/ Hands-on Method
3. Computer Based Training
4. Virtual Reality
Behavioral methods – are more of giving practical training to the trainees
1. Games and Simulations
2. Case Studies and Role Playing
3. On-the-Job Training
Performance Evaluation
Performance is measured in terms of result. Performance may be defined then as the
accomplishment of an employee or manager’s assigned duties and outcomes produced on a
specified job function or activity during a specified period.
Performance review/ evaluation refers to a systematic description and review of an
individual’s job performance.
Recruitment- a set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job position
vacancies in an organization
Staffing- refers to filling in all organizational job position
Systems approach to staffing- is the step-by-step way of filling job positions in
organization, considering variables such as numbers and kinds of human resources
needed, open managerial and non-managerial positions, potential successors to open job
Types of Recruitment are External-outside sources process of locating potential
individuals and Internal- filling job vacancies can be done through promotions,
“recruitment is within the organization”.
Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have the required qualifications to
fill present and expected job openings.
Interview is the determining of an applicants’ qualifications in order to gauge his or her
ability to do the job.
Types of Job Interviews Structured -the interviewer asks the applicant to answer a set of
prepared questions. (Situational, job knowledge, job simulation, and worker requirement
questions. Unstructured-the interviewer has no interview guide and may ask questions
freely One-on-one-one interviewer is assigned to applicant and Panel- several
interviewers may conduct the interview (3-5 interviewers take turns in asking questions.
Training refers to learning given by organization to its employees that concentrates on
short-term job performance and acquisition or improvement of job-related skills
Development refers to learning given by organizations to its employees that it geared
toward the individual’s acquisition and expansion of his/her skills in preparation for
future job appointments and other responsibilities.
Activity # 1
Rubrics (Activity 1)
Student 4 3 2 1 0
Appearance The The student The student The student The
student is is fairly is only is only student
obviously cleaned, somewhat somewhat did not
cleaned, well clean, clean, participate
well groomed, And well And well in trying
groomed, and dressed groomed, groomed, to appear
and in mostly and/or they and/or they profession
dressed in professional dressed in dressed in al for the
professiona clothing mostly mostly interview
l clothing unprofessio unprofessio
nal clothing nal clothing
The student The student
can identify cannot
what went identify
wrong what went
introduction The The student The students The students The
student introduced introduced Greeted on students
introduced themselves only their refused to
themselves and greeted themselves interviewers participate
very the But not But not
impressive interviewers greeted their introduced
And interviewers themselves
Spoken The The student The student The student The
language student missed one missed two Missed the students
spoke of the of the three of the missed all
clearly, following following following the criteria
confidently spoke spoke spoke or refused
, an at clearly, clearly, clearly, to
appropriate confidently, confidently, confidently, participate
volume, an at an at an at
and with appropriate appropriate appropriate
correct volume, and volume, and volume, and
grammar with correct with correct with correct
grammar grammar grammar
Activity # 2
Directions: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. In your opinion, which is a better method of job interview, structured or unstructured?
Explain your choice.
2. If you were a job applicant, which would you prefer, the one-on-one or the panel
interview? Explain your choice.
Rubrics (Activity 2)
Criteria 15 points 10 points 5 points 1 point
Content: Substantial, Sufficiently Limited Superficia
The presence of specific and/or developed content with l and/or
ideas developed illustrative content with inadequate minimal
through facts, content adequate elaboration content
examples, details, demonstrating elaboration and and
opinions, reasons strong explanation explanation
and for development and
explanations sophisticated
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space
____1. a set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job position vacancies in
an organization
a. Training
b. Development
c. Staffing
d. Recruitment
___2. it is the type of recruitment that outside sources process of locating potential individual
a. External recruitment
b. Internal recruitment
c. Staffing
d. Training
___3. a recommendation from the organization’s present employees who usually refer friends
and relatives.
a. Internet recruiting
b. Employee referrals
c. Advertisement
d. Unsolicited applications
___4. is the determining of an applicants’ qualifications in order to gauge his or her ability to
do the job?
a. selection
b. Job
c. Interview
d. Employee
___5. refers to learning given by organization to its employees that concentrates on short-
term job performance and acquisition or improvement of job-related skills
a. Structured
b. Selection
c. Recruitment
d. Training
____6. to make the employee do his job more efficiently
a. Productivity
b. Development
c. Selection
d. Employee
___7. refers to learning given by organizations to its employees that it geared toward the
individual’s acquisition and expansion of his/her skills in preparation for future job
appointments and other responsibilities.
a. Effectiveness
b. Development
c. Productivity
d. Orientation
5. D 10. A
4. C 9. D
3. B 8. C
2. A 7. B
1. D 6. A
Post test
5. Job
4. Development
3. Training
2. Recruitment
Answer may vary 1. Selection
Activity 1 & 2 Pretest
Key Answer
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