Organization and Management Process of Recruiting, Selecting and Training of Employees

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Senior High School

Organization and Management

Quarter 2 – Module 10 – Lesson 1:
Process of Recruiting, Selecting
and Training of Employees

T-II Justino Sevilla High School, Arayat
JANE P. VALENCIA, EdD – Math/ABM Supervisor
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master Recruiting, Selecting and Training of employees. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module consists of one lesson, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Process of Recruiting, Selecting and Training of Employees

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. explain the steps in the recruitment and selection process;
2. recognize the different training programs;
3. identify the policy guidelines on compensation and wages and
performance appraisal;
4. discuss the importance of employee relation;
5. differentiate various employee movements; and
6. realize the importance of adopting an effective reward system.

What I Know

Without formally taking the lesson, let’s do a pre-assessment on how expert

you are in the topic related to recruitment, selection and training.
We will distinguish here if you still need to take this module or not.

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. In time, when the company is in need of human resources, the employee

records are reviewed and the most hardworking or potential employees are
referred for the vacant posts. What type of internal recruitment this
a. Promotion
b. Referral
c. Transfer
d. None of the above

2. It refers to the act of advancement of employee’s post in the company.

a. Promotion
b. Referral
c. Transfer
d. None of the above

3. These are the two types of recruitment in the organization.

a. Internal and external
b. Positive and negative
c. Promotion and referral
d. Strategic and technical

4. When employees are promoted or transferred to better branch, employees feel

valued by the company and in return employees also become loyal and
faithful to its company operational plans. This is an example of what benefit
of internal recruitment?
a. Accurate selection
b. Adaptability
c. Economic in nature
d. Strengthens employee-employer relationship

5. This is the most widely used method for external recruitment where
companies announce vacancies through electronic and print media such as
newspaper, magazines, television, radio and internet.
a. Advertisements
b. Educational institutes
c. Private employment agencies
d. Walk-ins

6. This is the process of selection and short-listing of the right candidates with the
necessary qualifications and skill set to fill the vacancies in an organization.
a. Promotion
b. Recruitment
c. Selection
d. Training

7. This is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of

employees for doing a particular job.
a. Promotion
b. Recruitment
c. Selection
d. Training

8. This helps the employers know if any of the potential candidates are physically
and mentally fit to perform their duties in their jobs.
a. Employment Tests
b. Interview
c. Medical examinations
d. Screening applications

9. This is a type of job interview where one interviewer is speaking with one
candidate. This is the most common type of interview.
a. One-on-one interview
b. Panel interview
c. Structured interview
d. Unstructured interview

10. This type of examination assesses the potential candidate if it has potential
for learning the skills required to do a job efficiently. This also measures an
applicant’s capacity and his potential for development.
a. Aptitude Test
b. Intelligence Test
c. Personality Test
d. Proficiency Test

11. Training improves efficiency and effectiveness of employees. Well trained

employees show both quantity and quality performance. This entails what
specific benefit of training?
a. Chances of promotion
b. Fewer accidents
c. Improve employee morale
d. Improve productivity

12. These are methods are those in which training is provided away from the
actual working condition. It is generally used in case of new employees.
a. Off the job training
b. On the job training
c. Strategic training
d. Tactical training

13. This refers to the joint initiative of the employee as well as the employer to
upgrade the existing skills and knowledge of an individual.
a. Employee Development
b. Employee Engagement
c. Employee Initiatives
d. Employee Retention

14. Type of examinations which are designed to measure the skills already
acquired by the individuals. They are also known as performance,
occupational or trade tests.
a. Aptitude Test
b. Intelligence Test
c. Personality Test
d. Proficiency Test
15. These are methods which are given to the employees within the everyday
working of a concern. It is a simple and cost-effective training method.
a. Off the job training
b. On the job training
c. Strategic training
d. Tactical training

Lesson Process of recruiting,

1 selecting, and training

This lesson gives you a better understanding of the definitions of recruitment,

selection and training in the organization and the processes involved in each
entities. It also discusses the idea about employee development which is essential
to human resource growth and productivity.

What’s In

Let’s figure out the relationship of the previous lesson to recruitment, selection
and training. Staffing, the preceding topic and the current topic will highlight the
importance of linking the two lessons.
Answer this pre-evaluation to further understand their correlation. Let’s start!
DIRECTION: Assume that there are job vacancies in your company; expound the
steps in filling the given positions under staffing. Provide the appropriate
procedures and protocol in employment of an applicant.

Staffing Recruitment Selection Training

Retail Store
Call Center

Mobile Phone
Sales Staff


Notes to the Teacher

This module was designed for the students to fully acquire
the expected learning competencies. It includes series of activities
which are suggested to be accomplished for better understanding
and mastery of the lesson. The teacher should give proper
assistance when necessary.
What’s New

To learn additional knowledge relative to recruitment, selection, and training,

the activity below will emphasis your fluency in human resource-related system.
DIRECTION: Complete the steps in the selection process. Use the format

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Step 8:
What is It

You did great in the pre-assessment. Now you have idea what will be the
lessons are about.
Start gaining more knowledge on recruitment, selection and training.

In human resource management, “recruitment” is the process of finding and
hiring the best and most qualified candidate for a job opening, in a timely and cost-
effective manner. It can also be defined as the “process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an
It is one whole process, with a full life cycle, that begins with identification of
the needs of the company with respect to the job, and ends with the introduction of
the employee to the organization.

Internal and External Recruitment

Internal recruiting is when a business or organization intends to fill a

vacancy from within its existing workforce.

External recruitment on the other hand is when an organization looks to fill

vacancies from applicants outside of the company.

Types of Internal Recruitment

Employee Referral. In companies, there are employees, and then there are
supervisors who evaluate their performances. The supervisors keep proper record
of each and every employee. In time, when the company is in need of human
resources, these records are reviewed and the most hardworking or potential
employees are referred for the vacant posts.

Promotion. Promotion is the act of advancement of employee’s post in the company.

In some organization, it is mandatory, meaning that employees are promoted in
certain interval of time period, while in others; employees are promoted as per their

Transfer. In large scale organizations having several branches, human resource

need of one branch can be fulfilled by the human resource of another branch.
Under this method, human resource need at any branch is identified at first.
Information about vacancy is then distributed in all the branches, following which,
interested and suitable candidates are transferred.
Advantages of Internal Recruitment
Internal recruitment is easy and fast method of recruiting employees, apart
from which, it has several other benefits.

Encourages hard work and develops employees. When employees are recruited from
within the organization, it sets a mentality in employees’ minds that sincere
employees are promoted. Promotion means increased payment and fame. So they
become encouraged to put more efforts and make quality outputs. This results in
development of employee.
Accurate selection. When employees are recruited from inside, there is almost zero
chances of selecting a wrong person because company does not only have its
employees’ record but also knows them personally which is not possible in external
Economic in nature. External recruitment involves various processes like job
announcement, interview, etc which is both time and money consuming. In
contrast, internal recruitment saves time as well money.
Strengthens employer-employee relationship. When employees are promoted or
transferred to better branch, employees feel valued by the company and in return
employees also become loyal and faithful to its company. This strengthens
employer-employee relationship and makes a company stronger.

Adaptability. When new employees are hired, they require training and orientation.
But when employees are recruited from inside the company, they take less time to
adapt to new work because they are already familiar to environment, employees
and culture of the company.

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

Although internal recruitment is cost and time effective, it also has some
drawbacks. These drawbacks are described below.

Promotes unemployment. There are people outside the office as well who are capable
or has potential to complete the concerned task. So when companies keep
recruiting employees from inside, external talents are deprived of working platform.
Promotes favouritism. Favouritism is an unfair practice where people or groups are
treated in bias. Simply, favouritism is the act of showing personal preference
towards a person or a group.

Limited choice. Internal recruitment limits the choice of company. Candidates

inside the company may not be as skilled as the post demands them to be.

Types of External Recruitment

External recruitment is the process of filling vacant posts of the company by

the employees excluding the existing ones. New people with required skills and
qualification are enrolled in the organization and thus new ideas are initiated in the
company. External sources that can fill up vacancies in the organization are
described below.
Advertisement. Advertisement is the most widely used method for external
recruitment. Companies announce vacancies through electronic and print media
such as newspaper, magazines, television, radio and internet.

Walk-ins. Walk-ins are those who enter the organization in search of job. This
method is applicable for unskilled and semi-skilled posts.

Private employment agencies. Private employment agencies work as middlemen

between prospective employees and companies. They maintain databank of job
vacancies as well as job seekers and make a perfect match. Such agencies charge
commission for rendering their service.

Educational institutes. Nowadays, most of the companies have started the trend of
conducting direct recruitment from colleges and universities. Companies visit
educational institutes annually and recruit bright students, especially at
managerial level. This saves time and money and encourages students to study

Labor contractors. Labor contractors and private employment agencies are similar
in nature. They keep regular contact with laborers and industries, and provide the
industries with laborers whenever required. They also charge commission for their
service rendered.

Advantages of External Recruitment

Qualitative human resources. External recruitment creates a pool of eligible

candidates and best-qualified ones can be chosen easily as the management team
has greater choice of selection. This ensures the quality of human resources in the

Rejuvenates organization. When employees are recruited externally, there is inflow

of new ideas, skills and enthusiasm in organization. This rejuvenates organization
and its system.

Better adaptation to the changing environment. Technologies are changing rapidly in

this generation and enrolment of new ideas, knowledge and skills help in
adaptation to the changes easily.

Disadvantages of External Recruitment

Demoralize employee. Hardworking employees expect upgrade of their position. But

when new employees from outside are hired, the existing employees feel
demoralized. This may lead the existing employees to resign from the job as well.

High cost. External recruitment is a long process and it includes various steps like
job announcement, orientation, training, etc. This is time consuming as well as
money consuming.

Adaptability problems. New employees take time to get used to the culture and
environment of the organization. They also take time to get comfortable with their
colleagues which hamper their performance.

Chances of wrong selection. There are chances that the management team selects a
wrong employee. If wrong employees are selected then effectiveness of organization
is decreased.
Promotes nepotism. Nepotism is the practice where people with some kind of
authority favour their relatives and friends by offering jobs. While recruiting
employees from outside, chances of nepotism is high.

The selection process can be defined as the process of selection and short-
listing of the right candidates with the necessary qualifications and skill set to fill the
vacancies in an organisation. The selection process varies from industry to industry,
company to company and even amongst departments of the same company.

Steps in Selection Process

Most often, the selection and recruitment are used interchangeably but
however both have different scope. The former is a negative process that rejects as
many unqualified applicants as possible so as to hire the right candidate while the
latter is a positive process that attracts more and more candidates and stimulates
them to apply for the jobs.

Based on the complexity of selecting the right candidate the selection

process is comprised of several steps:

Step 1: Preliminary Interview

This is a very general and basic interview conducted so as to eliminate the
candidates who are completely unfit to work in the organization. This leaves the
organization with a pool of potentially fit employees to fill their vacancies.

Step 2: Receiving Applications

Potential employees apply for a job by sending applications to the organization.
The application gives the interviewers information about the candidates like their bio-
data, work experience, hobbies and interests.

Step 3: Screening Applications

Once the applications are received, they are screened by a special screening
committee who choose candidates from the applications to call for an interview.
Applicants may be selected on special criteria like qualifications, work experience etc.

Step 4: Employment Tests

Before an organization decides a suitable job for any individual, they have to
gauge their talents and skills. This is done through various employment tests like
intelligence tests, aptitude tests, proficiency tests, personality tests etc.

Step 5: Employment Interview

The next step in the selection process is the employee interview. Employment
interviews are done to identify a candidate’s skill set and ability to work in an
organization in detail. Purpose of an employment interview is to find out the
suitability of the candidate and to give him an idea about the work profile and what is
expected of the potential employee. An employment interview is critical for the
selection of the right people for the right jobs.
Step 6: Checking References
The person who gives the reference of a potential employee is also a very
important source of information. The referee can provide info about the person’s
capabilities, experience in the previous companies and leadership and managerial
skills. The information provided by the referee is meant to keep confidential with
the HR department.

Step 7: Medical Examination

The medical exam is also a very important step in the selection process.
Medical exams help the employers know if any of the potential candidates are
physically and mentally fit to perform their duties in their jobs. A good system of
medical checkups ensures that the employee standards of health are higher and there
are fewer cases of absenteeism, accidents and employee turnover.

Step 8: Final Selection and Appointment Letter

This is the final step in the selection process. After the candidate has
successfully passed all written tests, interviews and medical examination, the
employee is sent or emailed an appointment letter, confirming his selection to the job.
The appointment letter contains all the details of the job like working hours, salary,
leave allowance etc. Often, employees are hired on a conditional basis where they are
hired permanently after the employees are satisfied with their performance.

Types of Job Interview

1. Patterned, Structured or Guided Interview

This is the most common method of interview. It is a pre-planned interview
and more carefully designed to have a high degree of accuracy, precision and
exacted. Under this type of interview a list of questions to be asked by the
interviewer is prepared in advance on the basis of job specification, and to secure
information from the candidate. The main purpose of this type of interview is fact-
finding; it measures personality, motivation and interest of the candidate. This type
of interview is useful in selection of semi-skilled employees. It is also called as
directed or standardized interview.

2. Unstructured or Unguided Interview

It is an unstructured and non-planned interview. Therefore it is called as
“non-directed interview” also. It is designed to let the interviewee speak his mind
freely. The idea is to give candidate complete freedom to sell himself without the
encumbrances of the interviewer’s questions. It is not directed by pre-determined
list of questions. It is very flexible in nature, candidate feels very comfortable and
free. Full freedom is given to him to discuss and express his points of view and
ideas. The basic objectives of this type of interview are to find out the feeling, desire
or problems of the candidate.

3. One-to-One Interview
In a one-to-one interview session, one interviewer is speaking with one
candidate. This is the most common type of interview. It has already been
established that you have the skills and education necessary for the position. The
interviewer wants to see if you will fit in with the company and how your skills will
complement the rest of the department or unit. Your goal in a one-to-one interview
to is to establish rapport with the interviewer and show how your qualifications will
benefit the company.

4. Panel Interview
In panel or board interview, candidate is screened by a group of interviewers
who are specialists in their respective fields. This type of interview is just
opposite to “Group Interview.” A candidate is interviewed by a number of
interviewers, and the questions are asked by them in serial or in random order.

Types of Employment Tests

A large number of tests are used in business and industry for the selection
of personnel. They can be classified into the categories discussed below:

Intelligence Tests:
These tests are used to judge the mental capacity of the applicants. They
measure the individual learning abilities, i.e., ability to catch or understand
instructions and also ability to make decision and judgment. There are many verbal
as well as non-verbal intelligence tests constructed by the psychologists for
different jobs. Intelligence tests are widely used in the selection of personnel for
almost every kind of job from the unskilled to the skilled one.

Aptitude Tests:
Aptitude means the potential which an individual has for learning the skills
required to do a job efficiently. Aptitude tests measure an applicant’s capacity and
his potential for development. Aptitude tests are the most promising indices for
predicting candidate’s success.

Proficiency Tests:
Proficiency tests are those which are designed to measure the skills already
acquired by the individuals. They are also known as performance, occupational or
trade tests. They are used to test the level of knowledge and proficiency acquired by
the applicants. A trade test is designed as replica of the actual work situation. A
trade test should be differentiated from an aptitude test. An aptitude test measures
the potential of the applicant to learn skills required on a job.

Interest Tests:
Interest tests identify patterns of interests, i.e., areas in which the individual
shows special concern, fascination and involvement. These tests will suggest what
types of jobs may be satisfying to the employees. Interest tests are more often used
for vocational guidance also. They help the individuals in selecting occupations of
their interest.

Personality Tests:
Personality tests probe the qualities of an individual’s personality as a whole,
the combination of aptitude, interest and usual mood and temperament. It is very
difficult to devise and use personality tests because they are concerned with
discovering clues to an individual’s value system, his emotional reactions, maturity,
Training of Employees
Training of employees takes place after orientation takes place. Training is
the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for
doing a particular job. Training process moulds the thinking of employees and
leads to quality performance of employees. It is continuous and never ending in

Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills

to improve performance in their current roles. Development is more expansive and
focuses on employee growth and future performance, rather than an immediate job

Importance of Training

Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful

to both employers and employees of an organization. An employee will become more
efficient and productive if he is trained well.
Training is given on four basic grounds:

1. New candidates who join an organization are given training. This training
familiarizes them with the organizational mission, vision, rules and
regulations and the working conditions.
2. The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their knowledge.
3. If any updates and amendments take place in technology, training is given to
cope up with those changes. For instance, purchasing new equipment,
changes in technique of production, computer impartment. The employees
are trained about use of new equipments and work methods.
4. When promotion and career growth becomes important. Training is given so
that employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level
Benefits of Training

1. Improves morale of employees- Training helps the employee to get job

security and job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the
greater is his morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success
and the lesser will be employee absenteeism and turnover.
2. Less supervision- A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the
job and will need less of supervision. Thus, there will be less wastage of time
and efforts.
3. Fewer accidents- Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge
and skills required for doing a particular job. The more trained an employee
is, the less are the chances of committing accidents in job and the more
proficient the employee becomes.
4. Chances of promotion- Employees acquire skills and efficiency during
training. They become more eligible for promotion. They become an asset for
the organization.
5. Increased productivity- Training improves efficiency and productivity of
employees. Well trained employees show both quantity and quality
performance. There is less wastage of time, money and resources if
employees are properly trained.
Methods of Training

Training is generally imparted in two ways:

1. On the job training- On the job training methods are those which are given
to the employees within the everyday working of a concern. It is a simple and
cost-effective training method. The in proficient as well as semi-proficient
employees can be well trained by using such training method. The
employees are trained in actual working scenario. The motto of such training
is “learning by doing.” Instances of such on-job training methods are job-
rotation, coaching, temporary promotions, etc.
2. Off the job training- Off the job training methods are those in which training
is provided away from the actual working condition. It is generally used in
case of new employees. Instances of off the job training methods are
workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. Such method is costly and is
effective if and only if large number of employees have to be trained within a
short time period. Off the job training is also called as vestibule training, i.e.,
the employees are trained in a separate area (may be a hall, entrance,
reception area, etc. known as a vestibule) where the actual working
conditions are duplicated.

Employee Development
Employee development is a joint initiative of the employee as well as the
employer to upgrade the existing skills and knowledge of an individual. It is of
utmost importance for employees to keep themselves abreast with the latest
developments in the industry to survive the fierce competition. Believe me, if you
are not aware of what is happening around you, even before you realize you would
be out of the game. As they say there is really no age limit for education. Upgrading
knowledge is essential to live with the changes of time.

Employee development goes a long way in training, sharpening the skills of

an employee and upgrading his/her existing knowledge and abilities. In a layman’s
language, employee development helps in developing and nurturing employees for
them to become reliable resources and eventually benefit the organization.
Employees also develop a sense of attachment towards the organization as a result
of employee development activities.

Employee development is almost universally recognized as a strategic tool for

an organization's continuing growth, productivity and ability to retain valuable
employees. If organizations neglect certain challenges, then the employee
development process will be cumbersome for the organization, frustrating for
employees and of uncertain value for both.
What’s More

Did you find the lesson challenging? Let’s go ahead and evaluate your
mastery of the topic.

Answer the following activities. This will allow you realize what topics
you are well verse and what topics that you still need to focus on.

Activity 1
1. Recruitment has two major types. Provide at least three advantages of the
two recruitment types in the organization. Use the matrix below.

Internal Recruitment External Recruitment

1. 1.




2. Training is essential to employee’s growth and productivity. Given the matrix

below, compare and contrast the two methods of training. Give at least three main

On-the-Job training Off-the-job training

1. 1.



Activity 2
1. Enumerate the four (4) basic types of job interviews.
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________

2. You were tasked to do the testing for the applicants intended for Sales
Representative position. Describe how you will execute the testing
procedure. Indicate what type of examination needed to hire the said job

Activity 3
1. Employee development allows employees to nurture their potential as part of
the workforce. Explain how employee development can make an employee be
an asset to an organization. Elaborate your answer.

2. Training plays a vital role in the human resource. In the advent of

organizational performance and employee’s productivity, specify at least five
(5) benefits of training.
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

I am in no doubt that you have gained a lot of new learning about recruitment,
selection and training – facets of human resource management which are indeed
essential to workforce management.
Let’s go ahead and prove your proficiency in the lesson.

DIRECTION: Fill the spaces with appropriate answer based on the discussion
about the lesson.

1. Recruitment is the process of _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________. It can also be
defined as “the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating
and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization”.

2. There are two types of recruitment: ________________________ is when a

business or organization intends to fill a vacancy from within its existing
workforce while ____________________________ is when an organization looks to
fill vacancies from applicants outside of the company.

3. ____________________, __________________, and _________________ are the types

of internal recruitment, while the following are the classifications of external
recruitment: _____________________, ____________________, _____________________,
____________________ and _____________________.

4. ________________________ can be defined as the process of selection and short-

listing of the right candidates with the necessary qualifications and skill set to fill
the vacancies in an organization. The selection process varies from industry to
industry, company to company and even amongst departments of the same

5. The following are the processes relative to selection of applicants:

___________________, __________________, ___________________, _________________,
___________________, _________________, __________________, ________________,
and _______________________.

6. Patterned, structured or guided interview, or guided interview, one-to-one

interview and panel interview are the most common categories of

7. In the selection of personnel, various types of employment tests are used by

the industries such as _________________, _________________, ________________,
_________________, and __________________.

8. ____________________ is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and

knowledge of employees for doing a particular job. Training process moulds the
thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of employees. It is
continuous and never ending in nature.

9. Training provides a number of benefits among employees within an

organization such as _________________, _________________, _________________,
_________________, and __________________.

10. Training is generally imparted in two ways: __________________________ and

What I Can Do

Excellent! You are doing great. It only shows how capable you are in
practicing the knowledge you achieved in this lesson.

Another application to what you have learned in recruiting, selecting and

training topics, answer the activity below. I will put you in the shoe of a real Human
Resource professional. Go and apply your learning!

You were promoted as the new Recruitment Manager in your company, the
Human Resource Director asked you to recruit additional person to be added in the
recruitment team, someone who has job experience in talent acquisition and
training. Using the matrix below, provide the processes you will implement relative
to your recruitment. Apply the four (4) basic procedures provided below.

Position: Recruitment Officer

Recruitment Selection Training Employee


Are you interested knowing how far you go since the first time you take the
lesson? To help you evaluate your expertise in the lesson, continue answering the
assessment part.
Please answer on a separate sheet of paper.
CORRECT THE SENTENCES: Identify the word that makes the sentence incorrect
and write down the correct one.
1. Transfer is the act of advancement of employee’s post in the company. In
some organization, it is mandatory, meaning that employees are promoted in
certain interval of time period, while in others; employees are promoted as per
their performance.
2. When new employees are terminated, they require training and orientation.
But when employees are recruited from inside the company, they take less
time to adapt to new work because they are already familiar to environment,
employees and culture of the company.
3. Leading is the practice where people with some kind of authority favor their
relatives and friends by offering jobs. While recruiting employees from
outside, chances of nepotism is high.
4. Employment interviews are done to identify a candidate’s skill set and ability to
work in an organization in detail. Purpose of an employment interview is to find
out the incompetence of the candidate and to give him an idea about the work
profile and what is expected of the potential employee.
5. Personality tests identify patterns of interests, i.e., areas in which the
individual shows special concern, fascination and involvement. These tests
will suggest what types of jobs may be satisfying to the employees. This help
the individuals in selecting occupations of their interest.

COMPLETE THE SENTENCES: Choose the correct word or phrase from the box
below to complete each sentence.






1. _________________ is almost universally recognized as a strategic tool for an
organization's continuing growth, productivity and ability to retain valuable
2. When employees are recruited from ____________, there is almost zero
chances of selecting a wrong person because company does not only have its
employees’ record but also knows them personally which is not possible in
external recruitment.
3. There are people outside the office as well who are capable or has potential
to complete the concerned task. So when companies keep recruiting
employees from inside, external talents are deprived of working platform,
hence promotes ________________.
4. Nowadays, most of the companies have started the trend of conducting
direct recruitment from colleges and universities. Companies visit
_______________________ annually and recruit bright students, especially at
managerial level. This saves time and money and encourages students to
study hard.
5. To ensure the quality of human resources in the organization,
______________________ creates a pool of eligible candidates and best-qualified
ones can be chosen easily as the management team has greater choice of

6. Once the applications are received, _______________ of applicants will be

executed; qualified candidates will be called for an interview by the screening
7. This type of tests is designed to measure the skills already acquired by the
individuals. This is also known as performance, occupational or trade tests
which used to test the level of knowledge and _______________ acquired by
the applicants.
8. The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their
9. Training helps the employee to get job security and job satisfaction. The
more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his ______________, which
will contribute to organizational success.
10. A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and will need
less of_______________. Thus, there will be less waste of time and efforts.

Additional Activities

What a great performance! You are starting to become an outstanding HR

professional. The additional activities below will be your ticket in becoming more
expert in the field of human resource management.

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions or situations based on what you’ve

learned from the lesson.
1. How important is recruitment, selection and training to the organizations?

2. Which among the types of job interviews is the most practical to be

implemented by companies? Justify your answer.

3. What is the most feasible and practical recruitment style? Why?


4. If you could eliminate one step in the selection process, which one is it?

5. If a company does not possess sufficient budget for continuous training,

what other tasks might be possible in replace with training of employees?
Name at least three (3) tasks.
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________
Answer Key

1. Transfer - Promotion
2. Terminated - Hired
3. Leadership -
Nepotism What's New What I Know
4. Incompetence - Step 1: Preliminary 1. B
Suitability Interview
2. A
5. Personality - Interest Step 2: Receiving
3. A
4. D
COMPLETE THE Step 3: Screening
SENTENCES Applications 5. A
1. Employee Step 4: Employee Tests 6. C
Step 5: Employee 7. D
2. Inside Interview
8. C
3. Unemployment Step 6: Checking
References 9. A
4. Educational
Institutes Step 7: Medical 10. A
Examination 11. D
5. Recruitment
Step 8: Final Selection 12. A
6. Screening and Appointment Letter
7. Proficiency 13. A

8. Knowledge 14. D

9. Morale 15. B

10. Supervision

Cabrera H. M., Altajeros, A. DC., Benjamin, R., Del Castillo, C. D., (2016).
Organization and Management.

Heneman, H. III, Judge, T., Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2014). Staffing Organizations

7th Edition. New York:McGraw-Hill.

Criteria for Activities

Areas of 4 3 2 1
Ideas Presents ideas in Presents ideas Ideas are too Ideas are vague
an original in a consistent general or unclear
manner manner
Organization Strong and Organized Some No
organized beg/mid/end organization; organization;
beg/mid/end attempt at a lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Word Choice Sophisticated use Nouns and Needs more Little or no use
of nouns and verbs make nouns and verbs of nouns and
verbs make the essay verbs
essay very informative
Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence No sense of
Structure structure structure is structure is sentence
enhances evident; limited; structure or
meaning; flows sentences sentences need flow
throughout the mostly flow to flow
Mechanics Few (if any) Few errors Several errors Numerous
errors errors
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