Mtap D 24 02268
Mtap D 24 02268
Mtap D 24 02268
Keywords: AGDPM, XGBoost, RNA, Deep Learning, DNN, SGID, MGID and CNN
Funding Information:
Abstract: Genetic illness prediction is an important and timely issue in the realm of biomedical
science. Mutations in the genome are the root cause of many diseases with significant
global mortality rates, including Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, leigh
syndrome, and others. Theoretical and explanatory approaches to predicting genetic
abnormalities have been developed through prior research. Genetic data has
expanded to practically include the entire genome and protein, and methods based on
deep learning and machine learning have been created to forecast genomic
abnormalities in response. Concurrently with the introduction of machine learning
techniques, deep learning methods also emerged. Studies on the forecasting of
genetic anomalies have previously employed a variety of learning strategies, including
supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised approaches. Most of these studies
used genetic sequence data to make predictions about binary dilemmas. These
methods produced dubious results since they were less accurate and relied on binary
class prediction algorithms, which ignore the pasts of individuals with genetic
anomalies. The majority of the approaches relied on RNA gene sequences, which led
to frequent issues when dealing with auction data. Here, we use the XGBoost
Algorithm to foretell genome multiclass disease from a huge dataset utilising an
advanced genome disorder prediction model (AGDPM). AGDPM outperformed the
trained XGBoost Algorithm in every category, with an average accuracy of 92.65% in
both the training and testing phases of the study. Therefore, the state-of-the-art
genome disorder prediction model can reliably predict genome disorder and analyse a
large quantity of patient genome disorder data thanks to the incorporation of a multi-
class prediction technique. Multiple statistical performance metrics demonstrate that
AGDPM may accurately predict diseases caused by a single gene, mitochondrial
genes, and multiple genes. As a result, AGDPM will help biomedical researchers
manage mortality rates and anticipate genetic disorders.
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