Circadian-Rhythm and Its Importance

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Circadian Rhythm and Its Importance in Human Life

Article in SSRN Electronic Journal · August 2019

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3441495


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2 authors:

Samithamby Senthilnathan Kanthasamy Sathiyasegar

International Training Institute, Papua New Guinea Eastern University Sri Lanka


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Samithambe Senthilnathan
PhD (Bus./Fin.), MSc (Mgmt.), BSc (Bus. Admin.)
Academic Consultant, International Training Institute
Papua New Guinea

Kanthasamy Sathiyasegar
Senior Lecturer in Sociology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Eastern University, Sri Lanka


Circadian rhythm is a biological clock that is built in our brain throughout the
functionality of everyone’s day and night processes within a 24-hour clock frame and it
devises our body to function in a healthy way of daily routines. Thus, the circadian
rhythm becomes a self-control system of human body to regulate our eating habits,
activities and body functionality. In this context, our daily (24-hour) functionality should
have concern over food, physical environment including lightings, exercises, work habits,
sleeping and other activities concern. All in consideration and importantly, a mind clock
should be set with routinised daily functionality for a healthy life.

Keywords : circadian rhythm, mind clock, human, self-control, sleeping,

JEL code : I1, I10, I12, I14, I19
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Samithambe Senthilnathan

Proper functions of mind and body of a person depends on how the person maintains a healthy
circadian rhythm. Circadian Rhythm is basically a biological clock that is built in our brain
throughout the functionality of everyone’s day and night processes, as per the 24-hour clock. The
circadian rhythm of human body is a self-control system to regulate our eating habits, activities
and body functionality, like getting hungry and food digested, passing urine and maintaining
blood pressure, sleeping and awakening process, and body temperature. Thus, our food, eating
style and time, life disciplinary process, lights (day and night) we see and our body experience,
and other day to day lifestyle components are the crucial factors that shape up everyone’s
circadian rhythm.

Brainard et al. (2015 and 2015) endorse that disruption of a circadian rhythm can much more
directly lead to develop potential diseases and become a main source for the severity of possible
diseases within human body. They also cite studies to clearly insist that disruption of circadian
rhythm can cause with more troubles than its worth. It is therefore important for everyone to
keep up and maintain a better circadian rhythm to overcome such irregularities in our day to day

In order to make the readers to understand further, the rest of this paper is organised as meaning
of circadian rhythm, main aspects of maintaining consistent circadian rhythm, fixing a circadian
rhythm, impacts on disrupted circadian rhythm and conclusion


The circadian rhythm is an internal process that naturally regulates our biological processes
within a 24-hour time frame. The source of the word Circadian is from Latin “Circa” meant to
“around” and “diēm” meant to “day”, thus transforming “Circa diēm” into “Circadian” as a single
word for “around the day”.

Human body becomes active from awakening at a time and goes through a frame of 24 hours in a
day. During this period, our body experiences diverse emotional, behavioural and biological
nature (like sleeping, resting, hungry, thirsty, urine passing, etc.). When a human body has a
pattern of such experiences for a period of continuous duration, the body gets synchronised to
the experience and that can possibly become transformed into our 24-hour routine. The

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biological process that a human body follows as a routine within a 24-hour cycle is now known
as the “Circadian Rhythm”. In a simple term, this implies that for an example, everyone’s
routinised eating time has a great impact on the way our body process the food digestion.
Similarly, sleeping pattern of a person also has a great impact on the way of functioning our brain
as well as organs of human body.

As a human circadian rhythm is identical for everyone as unique as possible, it is a biological

process of an individual that can be explained as a synchronised 24-hour internal clock that
comes from back of a person’s brain. Circadian rhythm cycles become active every day with a
regularity between sleepiness and alertness that is known as the sleep-wake cycle. The circadian
rhythm is endogenous which means that it’s a cycle that is built-in to the body and should be self-
sustained (Dominguez, 2019).

KrNel (2017) highlights “The circadian rhythm is a biological clock that is linked to the day/night
cycles. It regulates much in our bodies, as well other animals, plants, fungi and cyanobacteria” and
represents the circadian rhythm with a potential biological clock as in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Potential human biological clock

(Source:, 2009)

All in all, human circadian rhythm refers to how body, organs and mind of an individual do adapt
into a synchronised process of our daily lifestyle that includes our environment (e.g., light,
weather condition, etc.), practices (e.g., sleeping, food, food consumption time, etc.) and
applications (e.g., mobile, laptop, etc.) of various elements. Frequent changes in the environment,
practices and applications can severely affects our synchronised circadian rhythm, thus causing
feeling of non-healthiness and stress sometimes.

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Ballantyne (2014) indicates
“The term circadian rhythm refers to the fact that a huge array of biological
processes within the human body (and indeed all forms of life on Earth) cycle
according to a 24-hour clock. Circadian rhythm allows your body to assign
functions based on the time of day (and whether or not you are asleep); for
example, prioritizing tissue repair while you are sleeping, and prioritizing the
search for food, metabolism, and movement while you are awake.1 Circadian
rhythms are how your body knows what time it is (like when it’s time to get up in
the morning)–and properly regulated circadian rhythms are critical for health”.

According to Brainard et al. (2015 and 2015), disruption of circadian rhythm can cause with
more troubles with unhealthy state of a human body and mind. This study therefore questions
whether frequent change in the body and mind related synchronising process to have a better
circadian rhythm causes increase in illness (like heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, psychological
stress, etc.). This paper suggests this as an implication that future study can explore this further,
since increase in number of such diseases can possibly correlate with frequent changes in
environment (e.g., physically changes in natural environment, and advanced and rapid changes
in technology). In this context, this paper underlines the importance of maintaining consistent
experiences to form a circadian rhythm with respect to our environment, practices and


Many studies highlight importance of maintaining a circadian rhythm for a healthy lifestyle (e.g.,
Ballantyne, 2014; Brainard et al., 2015 & 2015; KrNel,2017; Dominguez, 2019). According to
Ballantyne (2014), there are 10 basic aspects that one must follow to set a circadian clock which
would help human to regulate the functionality of human organs: (a) during day time, get
bright/blue light exposure, (b) during evening, avoid bright/blue light, (c) manage mental stress,
(d) keep on time sleep to get enough sleep, (e) Sleep in a comfortable dark room with healthy
temperature, (f) involve in regular physical activities, (g) manage the food, drinks and blood sugar
level, (h) be Social during day time and keep intimacy during night, (i) healthy and timely eating
and (j) embrace seasonal changes.

However, Ballantyne (2014) indicate simple ways of fixing a circadian rhythm that comprises
adhere to routinising, light manipulation, regularise on-time meal and maintain sleeping patterns.

1 Metabolism: The process by which your body converts the food and water you consume into energy for immediate
use or to be stored for later (source:

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(a) Routinising: This is to set the activities as routine as possible in order to get your body at a
regular pattern, till you get into sleep in bed.
(b) Light Manipulation: This refers to expose white/blue light to familiarise to your body to
reduce melatonin, during daytime; and setting lights in dim (avoid white/blue light) in the
evening to adapt and make your body to feel sleeping on time.2
(c) Regularise On-time Meal: Make a timetable to have your meal on time with a stipulated
interval between the meals; and avoid meals that affect your circadian rhythm. According
to Patrick et al. (2008), keeping 16 hours fasting between dinner (at 4.00 pm evening) and
next day breakfast (at 8.00 am) can help human body to track in a healthy manner.
(d) Maintain Sleeping Pattern: It is better to avoid daytime sleep more than 20 minutes, to
keep track on night sleeping. Regularise on-time sleeping and awakening pattern as your


An individual with synchronised circadian rhythm inside body should enjoy a healthy life. This
implies that the individual maintains a 24-hour cycle internal timekeeping mechanism that
regulates the basic functions of sleep-wake and feeding patterns. Circadian rhythm help
maintaining many physiological changes that includes heart beating rate, produce of red blood
cells and hormone, maintaining body temperature and metabolism. Thus, it is important to keep
circadian rhythm (internal body clock) by an individual to track on his/her day to day lifestyle,
mind and behaviour.

Disruption of a synchronised circadian rhythm has correlation to various sleep disorders, like
sleeplessness, and frequent changes in or violating existing circadian rhythm can possibly cause
health problem of obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder
(e.g., Charrier et al., 2017). According to Dr Michael Roizen, circadian rhythm very much
appealing for maintaining younger skin, supper immunity, better blood sugar and more energy
(see Appendix 1). Scholars explicitly accepts that circadian rhythm is a method of devising our
day to day life in a healthy manner. Overall, circadian rhythm is mind-set clock to synchronise our
daily lifestyle as routinised for our healthy life. However, there is much more possibility that our
circadian rhythm can get violated/interrupted due to the frequent changes in physical, social,
cultural, economic, technological and political environment of our workplace and living state.

2 Melatonin: a hormone in the body that produces changes in skin colour and is involved in controlling biorhythms
such as our sleep pattern (source:

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As circadian rhythm is a biological clock built in our brain throughout the functionality of
everyone’s day and night processes within a 24-hour clock frame, it devises our body to function
in a healthy way of daily routines. Thus, the circadian rhythm becomes a self-control system of
human body to regulate our eating habits, activities and body functionality. In this context, our
24-hour daily functionality should have concern over food, physical environment including
lightings, exercises, work habits, sleeping and other activities concern. All in consideration, a
mind clock in performing even a simple task should be perfectly set with routinised daily

When we set our brain clock for 24-hour frame, it is important to pay attention on starting time,
duration, size and type of an activity concerned. For example, consider food consumption for a
day and relatively, it is important to routinise daily eating habit with when to eat, how long to eat,
amount of food and type of food to take. This applies to every aspects and activities in our daily
life that shape up everyone’s circadian rhythm.

As circadian rhythm is unique and vary for every individual, the sociological, cultural, political,
economic, technological and environmental aspects do also influence the biological function,
mind, brain, thinking and feelings of human. It is therefore possible to argue whether a human
can formulate a circadian clock in a synchronized manner. In practice, it will be a very difficult for
a human, since the present world mostly explores with dynamic socializing (as a human nature)
through the community, culture, religion, language, peers, education, family, law and order,
politics, economy, etc., and this becomes subject to frequent changes in human behaviour. Thus,
from a socio-cultural point of view, as an implication for further investigation, the paper
addresses this as an issue of maintaining a circadian rhythm, because the functions of the human
body, mind and knowledge are created through socio-cultural and other environmental aspects;
and the human interactions with those changing environments frequently take place possibly.

Brainard et al. (2015 and 2015) endorse that disruption of a circadian rhythm can become a main
source for the severity of possible diseases within human body. They also cite studies to clearly
insist that circadian rhythm can cause a healthy life beyond irregular presence of our actions
daily. It is therefore important for everyone to keep up and maintain a better circadian rhythm to
overcome such irregularities in our day to day life. Here in a clinging description, circadian
rhythm is a mind-set clock to synchronise our daily lifestyle as routinised for our healthy life.

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Ballantyne, S. (2014). Regulating Circadian Rhythm (and why that’s important), source:, Retrieved: 12-08-2019,
10:22 am, New Zealand.

Brainard, J., Gobel, M., Bartels, K., Scott, B., Koeppen, M. and Eckle, T. (2015). Circadian Rhythms
in Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine: Potential Importance of Circadian Disruptions,
Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 49-60,
doi: 10.1177/1089253214553066.

Brainard, J., Gobel, M., Scott, B., Koeppen, M. and Eckle T. (2015). Health Implications of Disrupted
Circadian Rhythms and the Potential for Daylight as Therapy, Anesthesiology, Vol. 122, No.
5, pp. 1170-1175, doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000596.

Charrier, A., Olliac, B., Roubertoux, P. and Tordjman, S. (2017). Clock Genes and Altered Sleep-
Wake Rhythms: Their Role in the Development of Psychiatric Disorders, International
Journal of Molecular Science, Vol. 18, No. 5, pii:E938, pp.1-22 DOI: 10.3390/ijms18050938

Dominguez, M. (2019). What Is The Circadian Rhythm and Why Is It Important?, source:, Retrieved: 12-08-2019, 11:57
am, New Zealand.

KrNel. (2017). The Importance of the Circadian Rhythm in Life, source:,
Retrieved: 12-08-2019, 12:02 am, New Zealand.

Patrick, M. F., Jun, L., and Clifford, B. S. (2008). Differential Rescue of Light- and Food-Entrainable
Circadian Rhythms, Science, Vol. 320, No. 5879, pp. 1074-1077.

Wikipedia. (2007 & 2009). Overview of Biological Circadian Clock in Humans, source:, Retrieved: 13-08-2019,
09:23 am, New Zealand.

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Appendix 1: Why are circadian rhythms important?

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