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Review article
Keywords: Chronotype can be defined as an expression or proxy for circadian rhythms of varied mechanisms, for example in
Chronotype body temperature, cortisol secretion, cognitive functions, eating and sleeping patterns. It is influenced by a range
Circadian preference of internal (e.g., genetics) and external factors (e.g., light exposure), and has implications for health and well-
Multidimensional model
being. Here, we present a critical review and synthesis of existing models of chronotype. Our observations
reveal that most existing models and, as a consequence, associated measures of chronotype have focused solely or
Social factors primarily on the sleep dimension, and typically have not incorporated social and environmental influences on
chronotype. We propose a multidimensional model of chronotype, integrating individual (biological and psy
chological), environmental and social factors that appear to interact to determine an individual’s true chronotype
with potential feedback loops between these factors. This model could be beneficial not only from a basic science
perspective but also in the context of understanding health and clinical implications of certain chronotypes as
well as designing preventive and therapeutic approaches for related illnesses.
1. Introduction phase with internal circadian timings, which are determined by the
circadian clock. They further argued that social factors might impact an
Biologically, like many other mammals, humans are diurnal. This individual’s sleep timings and preferences. These sleep timings or
means they are typically active during the day and asleep at night. preferences going out of phase with the biological time are called
However, the timing, preference, environment, and various constraints circadian disruptions. In addition, sleep or diurnal preference varies
surrounding sleep-wake behaviour across modern-day human societies across individuals (Parsons et al., 2014). In recent decades, there has
began to change rapidly with industrialisation which led to a) the been a growing interest in the role of diurnal preference and chronotype,
availability of, and overexposure to, artificial light at night (Aulsebrook and how its disruption by social factors not only has an impact on our
et al., 2018), b) television, smartphones, and similar technologies, c) internal time (Duffy and Czeisler, 2009) but also has striking comor
irregular lifestyles, including shift work (Juda et al., 2013), d) novel bidity with psychiatric illnesses (Tesler et al., 2013), neuro
dietary habits (Pot, 2017), and e) increasing use of caffeine and other developmental disorders (Kotagal, 2015), cognitive dysfunction, and
stimulants in many societies across the globe (Siudej and aberrant emotional processing (Pilcher and Huffcutt, 1996; Gobin et al.,
Malinowska-Borowska, 2021). These social and occupational factors 2015).
have placed immense pressure on individuals to attempt to adjust their A timely question in this context is whether, and to what extent,
sleep patterns to better fit with modern-day lifestyles and practices, and, there might be an interaction between an individual’s chronotype and
for many people (e.g., warehouse workers, lorry drivers, and nurses), their need or desire to sleep that influences various physical and mental
this creates a conflict between professional duties and the need, as well health outcomes, including brain structure and function. However,
as the desire to sleep, leading us toward a ‘sleep sick society’. before attempting to answer this question, it is prudent to establish the
Taillard and colleagues (2021) suggested that depending upon an most comprehensive and useful model and measures of chronotype that
individual’s day-to-day social life, their sleep timings may be in or out of can be utilised in a global research context.
* Corresponding authors at: Department of Psychology, College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Brunel University London, London, United Kingdom.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Chauhan), [email protected] (V. Kumari).
Joint senior authorship
Received 23 November 2022; Received in revised form 9 February 2023; Accepted 27 February 2023
Available online 1 March 2023
0149-7634/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
Fig. 1. The schematic representation of circadian circuits in humans according to the model proposed by Koller et al. (2020). Light signals (artificial or natural) are
transduced by ipRGCs in the eye and transmitted to the following structures in order: the SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus), the PVN (paraventricular nucleus), the
intermediolateral column of the thoracic spinal cord, the SCG (superior cervical ganglion), and finally terminates in the pineal gland.
1.1. Circadian Rhythms (CRs) pineal gland (Hastings, 1991; Larsen et al., 1998; Koller et al., 2020),
and showing that the SCN plays a vital role in regulating different
Humans have a range of predictable biological rhythms, which refer endocrine, physiological, and behavioural CRs (Hofman and Swaab,
to any endogenous or exogenous cyclic change in the level of bodily 1993). Specifically, natural or artificial light signals detected by intrinsic
chemicals or functions (Aschoff, 2013). Some biological rhythms occur photosensitive retinal ganglion cells are transduced and conveyed to the
many times a day (e.g., ultradian rhythms such as appetite), some once SCN. This information is then transmitted via the paraventricular nu
every 24 h (e.g., circadian and diurnal rhythms), and some take weeks to cleus to the intermediolateral column of the thoracic spinal cord (via the
complete (e.g., infradian rhythms such as the menstrual cycle in lateral medulla), where first-order sympathetic neurons project down to
women). These diverse rhythms can be found at different complex and the superior cervical ganglion and the second-order sympathetic fibres
structural levels, from single cells to social behaviour (Aschoff, 2013). from the superior cervical ganglion project to the pineal gland via the
Moreover, nearly all physiological and psychological functions vary in tentorium cerebelli (Clark, 1940), terminating at the apex of the pineal
periodicity. gland (Kappers, 1960) as single nervus conarius. These nerve fibres
Circadian rhythms (CRs) refer to the internal processes that oscillate release norepinephrine from their terminals (Iraldi and Robertis, 2005).
for 24 h (e.g., biochemical, physiological, behavioural rhythms) (Fuller As a result of this norepinephrine release, synapses are formed on the
and Fuller, 2002). The word ‘circadian’ has been derived from two Latin surface of pinealocytes (main cells within the pineal gland containing a
words, ‘circa’ meaning ‘about’ and ‘diem’ meaning ‘day or 24 h cycle’. high concentration of serotonin) and serotonin is converted into mela
These CRs are generated by the body’s internal biological clock or an tonin (Alarma-Estrany and Pintor, 2007), helping individuals to fall
endogenous pacemaker, and are regulated by external and environ asleep (Fig. 1).
mental cues, such as exposure to darkness/light (Aschoff, 1967; Aschoff
and Wever, 1976; Wever, 1986). The main internal biological clock is 1.1.2. Disrupted CRs and Associated Illnesses
found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus We use the term ‘disrupted CRs’ as an unspecified umbrella term to
(Moore and Eichler, 1972); it influences the sleep-wake cycle in close outline any disturbance or dysregulation that interferes with circadian
association and interaction with the pineal gland (Moore et al., 2002; functions such as hormone secretion, heart rate, or sleep-wake cycle in
Leon-Llamas et al., 2021) (see 1.1.1 Circadian Circuits in Humans for 24 h. Many factors including lifestyle, jetlag, exposure to light before
more details). Peripheral clocks or circadian oscillators occur bed-time, shift work, and stimulant intake contribute to disrupting
throughout the brain and other body cells (Nováková et al., 2013); these functions of the circadian clock. Of note, misalignment or disruption of
are synchronised by the suprachiasmatic nucleus and genetically pro sleep-wake cycle and hormone secretion have severe repercussions for
grammed to generate CRs (Hastings et al., 2003; Nováková et al., 2013). an individual’s physical and mental health. Recent evidence suggests
In humans, the endogenous CRs oscillate with some periodic variation in that disrupted CRs, increase the risk for the development and greater
length (Czeisler and Gooley, 2007), causing considerable severity of various illnesses, including neurodegenerative disorders
intra-individual variations. (Musiek et al., 2016; Leng et al., 2020), neurodevelopmental disorders
(Smith et al., 2019), and psychiatric illnesses including schizophrenia
1.1.1. Circadian circuits in humans and mood disorders (Jones and Benca, 2015; Logan & McClung, 2018;
Like many photoperiodic organisms, humans possess a complex Walker et al., 2021). A consistent relationship between disrupted CRs,
mechanism for registering day/night length that is vital for synchronised poor sleep quality, and a compromised human immune system is well
expression of physiological processes, such as body temperature and established (Spiegel et al., 2002; Cuesta et al., 2016). SARS-CoV-2
cortisol levels (Hastings, 1991). Interest in understanding this mecha offered one of the best examples of this relationship between an in
nism can be traced back to 1662 when Descartes (1662) put forward the dividual’s health and disrupted CRs in immunology, with misaligned
idea of a pathway connecting the human eye and the pineal gland. CRs seemingly increasing the risk of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2
Supporting this 17th century notion, there is evidence of a virus (Silva et al., 2020; Fatima et al., 2021). It has also been speculated
multi-synaptic pathway connecting the SCN of the hypothalamus to the that this virus dampens melatonin rhythm and alters the timing of clock
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
Borbely, 1986). Not surprisingly, various Western societies differ from on sleep timings and categorises chronotypes into the morning, evening,
developing countries or small-scale societies on the grounds of having a and intermediate types. Various other existing self-report questionnaire
climate/temperature-controlled environment preference for sleeping measures of chronotype (e.g., MEQ, MCTQ core, rMEQ, CSM) predom
alone in a quiet and dark environment, which directly affect an in inantly assess only one dimension (i.e., sleep), do not incorporate any
dividual’s sleep phase. These inevitable differences may potentially in physiological indicators of chronotype, and overlook various factors that
fluence the overall MEQ score distribution across regions. For instance, might influence, or can be related to, circadian manifestation and lead to
Spanish students were found more likely to be morning type than Italian a mismatch between an individual’s measured and real chronotype as
students (Natale et al., 2009). The geographical location of the studied discussed in further sections.
sample may not differ significantly; however, the samples differed in
terms of culture, habits, norms, and lifestyles. Similarly, Randler and 2. Physiological indicators of chronotype
colleagues (2014) compared sleep-wake behaviour in German, Slova
kian, and Indian students, and reported Indian students to be more 2.1. Melatonin secretion
frequently morning type than German and Slovakian students. Park and
colleagues (1998) also reported significantly different mean scores in Melatonin onset is the most reliable marker of the endogenous
two east Asian countries, i.e., Japan (56.2) and Korea (49.1). Different circadian clock (Benloucif et al., 2008). On average, melatonin levels in
climatic and cultural conditions could explain these effects. Also, factors humans increase 2–3 h before sleep onset (Burgess and Fogg, 2008).
such as age (Duffy and Czeisler, 2002; Taillard et al., 2004), sex (Adan However, this onset can easily be suppressed by structural constraints (e.
et al., 2005; Tonetti et al., 2008), and eating habits (Pot, 2017) have g., nightlife, constant exposure to artificial light, and shift work),
often not been considered (though often included as covariates), when delaying melatonin secretion at night, with long-term detrimental con
examining the influence of demographic and socio-cultural aspects in sequences (e.g., circadian rhythm disorders, depression, and poor
the MEQ; and these may also impact the MEQ score distribution. This wellbeing).
highlights the need for more cross-cultural studies and understanding In a noncontrolled environment, studies using blood and salivary
the construct of chronotype from a multidimensional perspective. measurements in healthy participants have reported that melatonin
onset (highest secretion level) and its offset appear approximately 3 h The MCTQ. The MCTQ was developed to address the limita earlier in morning types than in evening types (Gibertini et al., 1999;
tions of the MEQ and is largely used in genetic and epidemiological Griefahn et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2000). Similar results were reported by
studies. However, although the MCTQ assesses one of the most impor Mongrain and colleagues (2004, 2006, N = 34, age range = 16–34). In
tant variables related to chronotype, i.e., sleep-wake patterns or sleep an experimental study, Taillard and colleagues (2011, N = 18) collected
phase on both free and workdays, it still has some limitations. Firstly, it salivary melatonin hourly between the 12th and 26th hour of extended
does not incorporate other temporal behaviours (e.g., mealtimes or so wakefulness (36 h) of their participants. They observed that both sali
cial habits). Secondly, the calculation or scoring of the MCTQ relies vary melatonin and dim light melatonin onset peaked earlier in in
solely on structured work schedules, which hinders its use in a popula dividuals with morning orientation than in those with evening
tion with more flexible schedules or uncertain work times (e.g., free orientation.
lancers and content creators). Thirdly, it might not be ideal to use this Among adults, decreased melatonin levels have been associated with
questionnaire in a population whose culture and language do not rely on a range of neurodegenerative and psychiatric illnesses (Srinivasan et al.,
the metric-based concept of time (e.g., indigenous tribes across the 2005; Pandi-Perumal et al., 2013). Studies have also suggested a po
globe) (Sinha et al., 2011; Silva Sinha, 2019). Lastly, sleep timing is not tential relationship between melatonin onset and higher anxiety in
only controlled by circadian oscillations but also regulated by homeo school students (Díaz-Morales, 2015). Furthermore, Robillard and col
static oscillators (Borbély, 1982). Unlike the MEQ, which includes facets leagues (2013, N = 32, age range = 15–30 years) reported reduced level
concerning sleep homeostasis (e.g., slow build-up of sleep pressure; and delayed onset of evening melatonin in individuals with mood dis
Taillard et al., 2003; Mongrain et al., 2006), the MCTQ has not orders. In addition, Nagane and colleagues (2011, N = 15, age range =
considered this. 21–22 years) suggested that delayed melatonin secretion, growth hor
mone, and asynchronicity may reflect evening orientation in
1.3.3. Refining the measurement of chronotype individuals.
There are many different views on the construct of chronotype and
how to best measure it. As previously mentioned, chronotype refers to 2.2. Cortisol Secretion
an individual’s rest-activity preference that occurs within a 24-hour
cycle (Adan et al., 2012). However, this definition is rather broad, and Studies have shown that the cortisol awakening response is charac
the wide range of processes included has allowed researchers to select terised by a marked increase (within the range of 60–150%) in cortisol
some processes (over others) that best fit their models. For example, secretion into the bloodstream after waking up and reaching its
Horne and Ostberg (1976) conceptualised chronotype as a ‘psychologi maximum approximately 30 min later (Clow et al., 2004). Not surpris
cal construct’. On the other hand, Levandovski and colleagues (2013) ingly, cortisol awakening response varies across populations, mostly in
define chronotype as an ‘attribute’ of an individual reflecting their adults, students, and adolescents, because of sex and age differences as
circadian phase. Roenneberg and colleagues (2019) argued that it well as health status, perceived stress, and light exposure (Pruessner
should be viewed as a ‘biological construct’, which agrees with the et al., 1997; Wüst et al., 2000; Edwards et al., 2001). Like most rhythms,
initially used term ‘an organism’s temporal behaviour’ or ‘temporal the cortisol awakening response appears to be tightly linked with the
phenotype’ (Ehret, 1974; Samis, 1978). In the previous literature, circadian clock and differs between morning and evening types, with
chronotype has also been described as a ‘dichotomous human trait’ morning types showing relatively higher cortisol levels in the first hour
(Roenneberg et al., 2015), ‘behavioural manifestation’ and an ‘inherited after awakening than evening types (Clow et al., 2004; Kudielka et al.,
trait’ (Kalmbach et al., 2016). 2006). There is also evidence that cortisol levels peak earlier in the day
There are clearly multiple models and definitions of chronotype that in morning types than in evening types. For example, Bailey and
are not fully aligned, and this problem gets amplified when applied to Heitkemper (1991) showed a delayed early-morning peak of salivary
methodological approaches and measures of chronotype. For example, cortisol in evening types, relative to morning types; and Bailey and
as discussed earlier, the MEQ measures psychological preference for Heitkemper (2001) reported that plasma cortisol levels peaked 55 min
behaviour (i.e., diurnal preference), while the MCTQ primarily focuses earlier in morning types than in evening types. Some studies, however,
have reported a complex relationship between cortisol awakening
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
response or cortisol secretion curve and circadian preferences (Griefahn 3.2. Individual factors
and Robens, 2008; Oginska et al., 2010; Dockray and Steptoe, 2011).
The reasons for this may include other factors that also influence cortisol 3.2.1. Developmental influences
levels, for example, sleep loss (Oginska et al., 2010), a prolonged Over the past few decades, age has been identified as one of the most
exposure to environmental stressors (Lenaert et al., 2016), or presence significant factors influencing chronotype. Several studies provided
or psychological and physical conditions associated with cortisol evidence of a constant shift in Morningness-Eveningness preference
abnormities (Geiss et al., 1997) in their samples. during an individual’s lifespan (Roenneberg et al., 2007; Borisenkov,
2011; Merikanto et al., 2012), suggesting that children are more likely to
2.3. Body Temperature be morning types, with adolescents being continuously evening types
until the age of 20 and 21, and a shift from evening type to morning type
Body temperature has long been a popular physiological marker to with increasing age (Randler et al., 2011). Paine and colleagues (2006)
measure an individual’s endogenous CRs. It has a stable diurnal rhythm also reported that individuals between 30 and 34 years are more likely
and a complex feedback mechanism (Hammel and Pierce, 1968), which to be evening types, while those between 45 and 49 years are more likely
maintains an equilibrium between heat gain and loss. A direct rela to be morning types. Interestingly, most of the population in these
tionship between body temperature (rectal, oral, skin) and circadian samples was classified as intermediate type followed by evening type
preference has been reported on several occasions (Pati and Gupta, and morning type (Adan & Natale, 2002; Paine et al., 2006; Randler
1994; Mongrain et al., 2004). In one study conducted in a noncontrolled et al., 2011). However, this trend has not been observed in individuals
environment (Martinez-Nicolas et al., 2013), it was found that body above 60 years, suggesting older people likely have higher morning
temperature drops significantly immediately after waking up, then starts preferences with minimal or no sex differences (Roenneberg et al.,
to increase, peaking in early morning hours until it reaches its maximum 2007). This shift from morningness to eveningness and vice-versa across
(36 ◦ C), and then decreases until it reaches the lowest point (31 ◦ C) an individual’s lifespan has been supported by later studies with larger
during the evening. Demonstrating the influence of samples and more comprehensive age ranges [e.g., Merikanto et al.
Morningness-Eveningness, Baehr and colleagues (2000, N = 172) re (2012), N = 6858, age range: 26–72 years; Duarte et al. (2014), N = 16,
ported that on average, minimum temperature occurred at 3:50 AM for 650, age range: 20–60 years; Tonetti et al. (2008), N = 8972, age range:
morning types, at 6:01 AM for evening types, and at 5:02 AM for in 10–87 years].
termediate type individuals. This can potentially explain why evening This constant shift from morningness to eveningness has been re
type individuals have a higher tolerance for shift work, are often ported in studies on toddlers and pre or early-schoolers. For example,
exhausted in the morning, and are alert during standard bedtime Zimmermann (2016) reported decreased morningness right from the
(9–10 pm). Additionally, an advanced circadian temperature phase, beginning in toddlers (N = 529; age range: 2–4 years). Wada and col
measured via rectal and oral temperature, has been reported more often leagues (2009), in a comparative study (N = 697 Japanese and 627
in morning than evening types (Pati and Gupta, 1994; Duffy et al., Czech children, age range: 0–8 years), also reported that infants in Japan
1999). and the Czech Republic became more evening oriented with age. A
similar shift has been reported in adolescents (Roenneberg et al., 2004).
3. Factors influencing chronotype Furthermore, as these adolescents reach early adulthood (20/21 years),
the morningness increases again and stabilises when they reach middle
3.1. Genetics adulthood (Roenneberg et al., 2004; Adan et al., 2012). These studies
suggest that chronotype is not a fixed trait for life but changes as in
As mentioned earlier, circadian rhythmicity is also found in cells dividuals age.
throughout the central nervous system and other body cells (Nováková
et al., 2013). These peripheral clock components are defined as genes 3.2.2. Sex differences
whose proteins are vital for generating and regulating CRs within indi The possibility of sex differences influencing human chronotypes is
vidual cells (Takahashi, 2004), as well as being synchronised by the well documented (Randler, 2007; Fabbian et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2020).
central SCN to generate CRs (Hastings et al., 2003). Since circadian and However, these studies are scarce, and the findings remain inconsistent
sleep systems interact to determine a circadian preference, genetic due to a) large age effects masking sex differences, especially when
variations can be expected to play a role in determining this preference. males and females are of unequal age (see Natale and Danesi, 2002; Caci
This notion has been supported by studies conducted in the UK, Scan et al., 2005), b) different instruments used to assess circadian typology
dinavia, and Brazil, showing that 50% of individuals’ circadian prefer (Mecacci et al., 1991; Chelminski et al., 1997; Zimmermann, 2016), and
ences could be determined by genetics (Vink et al., 2001), whereas c) insufficient sample sizes to produce reliable findings. For instance,
studies in ethnic groups, of note, Hutterites and Amazonians, reported some studies in children (Simpkin et al., 2014, N = 48, age range: 2.5–3
significantly lower heritability rates ranging between 14% and 23% (De years; Zimmermann, 2016, N = 529, age range: 2–4 years) found no sex
Souza Aguiar et al., 1991; Klei et al., 2005). differences. The first large-scale (N = 25,000) study to describe sex
The most studied human gene variants involved in circadian pref differences was conducted by Roenneberg and colleagues (2004), who
erence are CLOCK (Katzenberg et al., 1998), PER1 (Carpen et al., 2006), reported women to be more morning type than men during most of
PER2 (Lee et al., 2011), PER3 (Archer et al., 2018; Lazar et al., 2012) adulthood. However, this difference appears to be reduced after middle
though there are also studies which failed to replicate some of these age (50 years and above). Tonetti and colleagues (2008, N = 8972) also
associations, including CLOCK (Pedrazzoli et al., 2007; Robilliard et al., reported the absence of chronotype differences between the two sexes
2002) and PER3 (Barclay et al., 2011; Osland et al., 2011). These failures beyond the age of 55. Furthermore, Randler, N=7, 480) (2011) reported
may be explained by varying sample sizes, age, sex, phenotyping that the shift from late to early chronotypes from adolescence to early
methods or other as-yet unknown factors. Moreover, genome-wide as adulthood is more apparent in females than males. These findings are
sociation studies have identified 351 independent loci and indepen also supported by physiological data showing that melatonin peaked
dently supported the relationships between chronotype and genes, later in males than in females (Gibertini et al., 1999; Baehr et al., 2000).
including PER2, RGS16, FBXL13, and AK5 (Hu et al., 2016; Lane et al., Overall, it seems that sex differences in chronotype are most apparent
2016; Jones et al., 2016). during the reproductive years for women versus age-matched men but
not, or less apparent, during childhood or post-menopause.
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
3.2.3. Personality traits However, the evidence is obscured due to various methodological issues
Several studies have examined possible associations between (e.g., questionnaire used to define morningness, sample size, and
Morningness-Eveningness and personality traits using the ‘Big Five’ geographical location). For instance, in Japan, one study (Takao et al.,
model of personality (Costa and McCrae, 1992). Of the Big Five per 2009, N = 1156) reported no association between the season of birth
sonality dimensions, conscientiousness has been considered the best and chronotypes in individuals between 18 and 30 years old while
predictor of morningness, with a medium-sized correlation seen be another study (Harada et al., 2011, N = 9740) reported a relationship
tween conscientiousness and morningness (Randler, 2008, r = 0.336; between the season of birth and chronotype in 2–12 years old children.
Tsaousis, 2010, r = 0.33). A relationship between agreeableness and This finding is supported by previous research done in the northern
morningness was found, with a small effect size, in some studies hemisphere on Italian adolescents (Tonetti et al., 2011) as well as Ital
(DeYoung et al., 2007; Hogben et al., 2007; Randler, 2008; Tsaousis, ian, Spanish (Natale et al., 2009), and Canadian adults (Mongrain et al.,
2010) but not in others (Jackson and Gerard, 1996; Tonetti et al., 2009). 2006). In general, these various studies reported individuals who were
The relationships between circadian preference and other Big Five di born in spring and summer tend to have evening orientation or late
mensions, namely openness, extraversion, and neuroticism appear to be chronotype, while those born in autumn and winter tended to have
either weak or absent. For example, in a meta-analysis (Tsaousis, 2010), morning orientation. Also, this pattern was seen more in males than
extraversion (r = 0.02) was related to morningness, while openness females (Natale and Adan, 1999; Tonetti et al., 2011), possibly due to
(r = − 0.02) and neuroticism (r = − 0.05) were related to eveningness other biological and cultural influences or sex-specific rhythms. For
with negligible effect sizes. instance, menstrual cycle related fluctuations in females may make their
In the context of Eysenck’s model of personality (Eysenck, 1967), chronotype more variable across the female population in particular
some studies using the Eysenck Personality Inventory’ (Eysenck and geographical locations (Natale and Adan, 1999).
Eysenck, 1965) suggested that evening types score higher on extraversion Variations in daylight during the early stages of development (pre
than morning types (Horne and Östberg, 1977; Adams et al., 1986; natally) may influence the formation of the neurohormonal system in
Neubauer, 1992; Mitchell and Redman, 1993; Tankova et al., 1994; the hypothalamic nuclei (Sivan et al., 2001; Kennaway, 2002). In
Langford and Glendon, 2002). However, other studies did not find this humans, this period may correspond to the first three months and is
(Mura and Levy, 1986; Mecacci and Rocchetti, 1998), or reported this highly crucial for the ontogenesis of the sleep-wake cycles (Fukuda and
relationship only in females (Matthews, 1988). In a comprehensive re Ishihara, 1997). In addition, the photoperiod hypothesis also points
view, Adan and colleagues (2012) indicated a stable relationship be towards that the season of birth could potentially mediate environ
tween eveningness and extraversion using the Eysenck Personality mental factors for developing Morningness-Eveningness preference,
Inventory. However, the results for neuroticism are less consistent. Some suggesting individuals born in spring or summer (long photoperiod) may
studies reported that evening types score higher on neuroticism than prefer eveningness and those born in autumn or winter may prefer
morning types (Mecacci and Rocchetti, 1998; Tankova et al., 1994), morningness (Natale & di Milia., 2011). Natale & di Milia (2011) further
while several others did not (Mitchell and Redman, 1993; Tankova et al., explored a possible association between the season of birth and circa
1994; Langford and Glendon, 2002). Inconsistent results may be dian preference in the northern (e.g., Italy) and southern hemispheres
explained by varying sample characteristics (e.g., age, sex, student (e.g., Australia). Despite the seasons being reversed between hemi
versus non-student population). Evening types have also been reported spheres, their findings were in line with the previous literature (Mon
to score higher than morning types on psychosis-proneness (Mitchell and grain et al., 2006; Natale et al., 2009; Tonetti et al., 2011).
Redman, 1993; Tankova et al., 1994) as measured by the Psychoticism
scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Eysenck and Eysenck, 3.3.2. Altitude and longitude
1975). Altitude and longitude may also impact the circadian preference of
There are also studies examining temperament and character pro an individual. Randler (2008) investigated this possible relationship in
files, as conceptualised in Cloninger’s model of personality (Cloninger German adolescents residing in 17 different countries with different
et al., 1993). Lee and colleagues (2017, N = 2857) found eveningness to time zones, differing in temperature and hours of sunlight received and
be associated with higher novelty seeking (found to corelate positively found the individuals in the subtropics prefer evening orientation while
with extraversion in Big Five; and with psychoticism in Eysenck’s model; those in tropic zones prefer morning orientation. There was also a sig
De Fruyt et al., 2000) and harm avoidance (positive correlations with nificant relationship between circadian preference and longitude as well
neuroticism in both Big Five and Eysenck’s models, e.g. Corr et al., 1995; as latitude within the time zone of central Europe. Adolescents were
Kumari et al., 1996; De Fruyt et al., 2000), while morningness was found to be more morning oriented towards the east and north.
associated with persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness. Lastly, Furthermore, Borisenkov and colleagues (2012) investigated this
there is evidence that morning types may be more empathetic (Wilson, relationship in 11–18-year-olds in northern Russia (latitude ranging
1990) and less hostile (Zelenski et al., 2003) than evening types. between 59.5◦ North - 67.6◦ North) and reported that each 8◦ increment
Overall, individuals who are evening types appear to be extroverted, in latitude results in the midpoint of sleep being delayed by an hour.
open-minded, and to score higher on psychoticism, whereas morning Recently, Leocadio-Miguel and colleagues (2017) investigated this
types appear to be more introverted, conscientious, agreeable, and relationship in a larger sample (N = 12884, age range 18–75 years) in
emotionally stable. These relationships, however, were present mostly Brazil (latitude ranging between 0◦ South − 32◦ 33 South and longitude
with very small effect sizes, and not found in all studies. Many re range from 34◦ 50 West - 57◦ 05 West). They reported that the further
searchers (Randler, 2008; Tsaousis, 2010) have argued that the away individuals are from the equator, the more significant is the shift of
chronotype-personality relationship might be dependent on specific chronotype distribution towards late chronotype. These findings are in
theoretical models and associated measures used to assess specific per line with previous literature focusing on different hemispheres and
sonality traits, rather than different measures used to assess circadian preference (Natale & di Milia, 2011) and indicate that latitude
Morningness-Eveningness (di Milia et al., 2008). and longitude coordinates influence an individual’s circadian
3.3. Environmental factors
3.3.3. Seasonal daylight-saving time (DLST)
3.3.1. Season of birth Many northern sphere countries (e.g., France, Norway, and the UK)
The season of birth could be an essential proxy for environmental have adopted ‘daylight-saving time,’ i.e., the social clock is adjusted by an
factors in relation to an individual’s circadian preference (Takao et al., hour which results in advancing the time in spring and delaying it in
2009; Natale et al., 2009, 2011; Harada et al., 2011; Tonetti et al., 2011). autumn. Kantermann and colleagues (2007) investigated the role of
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
DLST in the disruption of the circadian clock in a larger sample (N = 55, pronounced misalignment between their biological and social rhythms
000) in seven different countries (e.g., Netherlands, Luxembourg, posed by school schedules and related social interactions and, as a result,
Slovakia, Switzerland). They reported chronotype-dependent differ they tend to complain frequently about daytime sleepiness (Haraszti
ences in adjustments to DLST, especially after the springtime change et al., 2014).
when the social clock advances by an hour. Individuals classified as Different sleep habits in adolescents with morning and evening
early chronotypes using the MCTQ adjusted more readily to the DLST orientation may be influenced by developmental endocrine factors
than those classified as evening chronotypes. This suggests that in (Randler et al., 2012). These differences could also be related to high
dividuals with morning orientation can re-entrain more quickly than academic and social demands, laidback parental restrictions, increased
individuals with evening orientation within a certain (3 weeks) phase of independence, and greater involvement in late-night activities (Randler
time transition. et al., 2012). The findings aid the understanding that the onset of
A later study by Allebrandt and colleagues (2014, N = 9765) also adolescence affects sleep and marks poor sleep duration (Gradisar et al.,
demonstrated disrupted seasonal adaption in individuals living in cen 2011) as well as increases sleep irregularity (Giannotti et al., 2005;
tral Europe (Scotland, Estonia, Germany, and Croatia) during the annual Russo et al., 2007), resulting in the desynchronization of an individual’s
transition to DLST. They assessed their sample during DLST and ‘stan circadian rhythm.
dard time zone’ and reported variation in chronotype throughout a year Social jetlag has also been reported in young adults who carry out
was primarily dependent on age, sex, and season of assessment, with the shift work (Kang et al., 2020). Also, not all populations show similar
last factor having more significant influence. This implies that assess results. For instance, Zhang and colleagues (2019) reported social jetlag
ment during the DLST period may be less reliable than during the less frequently among Chinese shift workers than in the European
standard time zone. population. Also, it was not correlated with higher body mass index in
Chinese workers as is typically seen in western societies.
3.4. Social Factors
3.4.2. Exposure to artificial/natural light
3.4.1. Social Jetlag and structural constraints Since antiquity, natural cycles of light and darkness have governed
Initially, Wittmann and colleagues (2006) computed social jetlag as the timing of most aspects of our behaviour and physiology (Aulsebrook
an absolute difference between midsleep on both free and workdays et al., 2018). However, these cycles have been disrupted by artificial
(social jetlag = midsleep on free days - midsleep on workdays). How light at night (Gaston et al., 2017). This light pollution is becoming a
ever, Jankowski (2017) argued that social jetlag not necessarily results global phenomenon at an alarming rate (Falchi et al., 2016; Davies and
only from different sleep timings on work and free days but also because Smyth, 2017), prompting severe threats to human sleep patterns. Pre
of accumulated sleep debt during this period. Therefore, Jankowski vious literature has suggested that exposure to artificial light in the
proposed a correction to the original formula that corrects for sleep debt evening (before sleeping) delays the circadian phase, as assessed by
(social jetlag sleep corrected = sleep onset on free days - sleep onset on subjective questionnaires (MEQ and CSM) (Martin et al., 2012; Vollmer
workdays). In a later study, they (Wittmann et al., 2009) found this et al., 2012), sleep timings (Koo et al., 2016), salivary melatonin levels
social jetlag to is significantly greater in late chronotypes than in early (Benloucif et al., 2008; Cajochen et al., 2011), and body temperature
chronotypes. A potential explanation of this finding may be that (Kräuchi et al., 1997). However, on the contrary, exposure to bright
school/university/work timings are not often receptive to individual’s natural or artificial light in the morning advances the circadian phase of
late phases, which results in significantly greater social jetlag in these melatonin synthesis and release (Dijk et al., 1989; Revell et al., 2005).
individuals; this social jetlag remains present until retirement and Furthermore, Vollmer and colleagues (2012) also reported that adoles
generally decreases with age (Roenneberg et al., 2019). Haraszti and cents who live in urban areas and are exposed to artificial light at night
colleagues (2014) reported that differences between weekends and tend to have an evening orientation more than those living in rural
schooldays in bedtime, rise time, and total nocturnal sleep were more areas.
significant for young people with evening orientation than those with
morning orientation. They suggested that young people with evening 3.4.3. Dietary patterns and obesity
orientation sleep more on weekends than on school days to cover this Emerging literature supports the potential relationship between
sleep debt accumulated during the week. Higher sleep-related issues in chronotype and metabolic health (Yu et al., 2015), especially amongst
individuals with evening orientation can be understood as a more individuals with evening orientation. These individuals are more sus
ceptible to obesity (Sun et al., 2019), cardiovascular diseases, and type 2
diabetes (Merikanto et al., 2013). In addition, they adhere to various
unhealthy behaviours such as a sedimentary lifestyle (Mota et al., 2016),
reduced healthy diet (Maukonen et al., 2016), delayed meal timings
(Sato-Mito et al., 2011), skipping breakfasts (Reutrakul et al., 2013),
preference for food and beverages having higher concentrated sugar
(Wilson et al., 2016; Wright and Zelman, 2018), and lower consumption
of nutritious food (Patterson et al., 2016). These harmful habits can
possibly be explained by a lack of synchronisation of the biological and
social clock (Muñoz et al., 2016) and a tendency to eat later (Teixeira
et al., 2019). Furthermore, a recent systematic review (Teixeira et al.,
2022) concluded that individuals with evening orientation are more
likely to show unhealthy eating habits, while those with morning
orientation show healthy and protective habits (e.g., eating early and
predominantly fresh as well as less processed food items). In addition,
individuals falling in the intermediate category show similar patterns to
those with morning orientation or evening orientation. They also
Fig. 4. Light blue bar represents ‘sleep timing on free-days’, light yellow bar concluded that individuals with evening orientation are more likely to
represents ‘sleep timing on workdays’, and the dotted black vertical line shows present higher weight and body mass index.
social jetlag of 2–3 h.
Example of social jetlag (adapted from Taillard et al., 2021).
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
S. Chauhan et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 148 (2023) 105114
3.4.4. Stimulants societal level), we make a number of recommendations for the future
The relationship between chronotypes and consumption of stimu scientific enquiry in this area.
lants and other substances (e.g., caffeine, nicotine, alcohol) is well First, there is a need for a more comprehensive and standardised
established (Singleton and Wolfson, 2009; Wittmann et al., 2009; measure of chronotype. The current self-report measures of chronotype
Whittier et al., 2014; Patterson et al., 2016). Individuals with evening predominantly focus on sleep habits and yet vary considerably in what
orientation are reported, on average, to consume more nicotine exactly they measure. For example, the MEQ focuses on the phase
(Schneider et al., 2011) and alcohol (Prat and Adan, 2011) and lead an preference of sleep, and the MCTQ focuses mainly on the desynchroni
unhealthier lifestyle compared to those with morning orientation sation of sleep. Although these measures have contributed significantly
(Taylor et al., 2011; Fabbian et al., 2016). Detrimental consequences to chronobiology, genetics, epidemiology, clinical, developmental, so
ranging from health hazards to decreased psychological well-being in cial and cultural studies, they could be usefully expanded to incorporate
evening types have been found to be mediated by higher consumption of both sleep and non-sleep aspects (e.g., dietary habits) and consider so
these stimulants (Wittmann et al., 2009). A study on Dutch students (van cial and cultural influences that are found to influence the chronotype in
den Berg et al., 2018, N = 742, age range = 18–56 years) reported the rapidly changing human societies in different parts of the world.
similar findings in showing a strong relationship between evening Second, we need longitudinal studies capable of uncovering the
orientation and depressed mood as well as higher alcohol and nicotine utility of age-dependent changes in chronotype to predict mental and
consumption. A recent study (Siudej and Malinowska-Borowska, 2021) physical health outcomes (i.e., identifying early signs and symptoms of
reported that morning type individuals consume stimulants less various illnesses), considering late chronotype (eveningness) has been
frequently than evening type individuals, especially those above 30 associated with a range of adverse outcomes, including poor physical
years. (Fig. 4). and mental health, lower academic achievement, poor athletic perfor
mance, poor cognitive function, emotion dysregulation, and overall
4. Refining the construct of chronotype: need for a poor well-being. An individual’s chronotype, however, appears to fluc
multidimensional model tuate over the lifespan (Section 3.2.1), and it may also be amenable to
targeted interventions. If predisposed or acquired morningness is indeed
Mounting evidence suggests that the true chronotype not only differs found to be a ‘preventive factor’, and eveningness a ‘risk factor’ for poor
between individuals but its expression is also influenced by a range of mental and physical health in longitudinal investigations, it has policy
environmental, social, and individual factors. It is crucial not to un and practice implications for healthcare and well-being across the globe.
derestimate such influencers, including lifestyle, geographical location, The findings from such studies could have further societal implications;
personality traits, drug consumption, type of work (freelancing, shift for example, city designs need to take care of not only factors such as
work, regular work, working remotely), dietary patterns and obesity to noise pollution that impact our cognitive function and well-being health
better understand an individual’s true chronotype. We, therefore, pro (review, Wright et al., 2014) but also urban lighting, given the known
pose a multidimensional model (depicted in Fig. 5) and argue for association between outdoor light at night and eveningness in adoles
refining the measures of chronotype where social, environmental, ge cents (Vollmer et al., 2012).
netic, and individual factors are not studied in isolation but as a part of a Third, there is a need to pay greater attention to sex and hormonal
holistic system in which they interact to determine an individual’s true status in chronotype studies. We need a better understanding of why and
chronotype. We integrate these influencing factors into a cumulative how individuals, especially males, gravitate towards eveningness during
model (Fig. 5a), present their known or likely influence (on their own) to adolescence, to what degree social factors affect their chronotype and
affect chronotypes by either delaying or advancing an individual’s how personality traits, especially neuroticism or psychosis-proneness,
natural circadian phase in a consistent manner (Fig. 5b), and outline might be linked to chronotypes. These answers will allow us to un
various potential feedback loops between these factors (Fig. 5c). We cover the critical mechanisms behind these relationships and their im
acknowledge that directionality in some of the loops we have proposed plications for various negative outcomes that have been linked to the
(Fig. 5c) may vary over an individual’s life span, and that some of these late chronotype.
factors may have additive or interactive effects, and thus propose ‘po
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