L5 Prelims Magna Carta Lyst6943
L5 Prelims Magna Carta Lyst6943
L5 Prelims Magna Carta Lyst6943
Legal No independent legal Enforceable by L*, E*, Enforceable by L*, E*, and Enforceable by L*, E*,
Status status and in J NOT in J and NOT in J
Amends CA u/a 368 w/o SR CA u/a 368 w/o SR CA u/a 368 w/o SR CA u/a 368 w/o SR
*If mandated/intended
Criteria FR CR SR/LR
● International
○ UDHR = Preamble +
Amendment CA u/a 368 CA u/a 368 Simple Maj
FR + DPSP + FDs w/o SR w/o SR
○ Conv on Racial
Discrimination -
Ratified Violation SC/HC HC* HC*
○ ICCPR - Ratified
○ ICESCR - Ratified
○ CEDAW - Ratified
○ CAT - Signatory
○ CRC - Ratified DPSP Gandhian Socialist Liberal
○ Conv. on Disabilities - Intellectual
Type Grassroot/ Equitable Rest of all
● People - Ultimate Source of Authority
● Date of Adoption and Enactment of the Constitution - 26 Nov 1949
● Amenability
○ Yes, Constitutional Amendment u/a 356 w/o State Ratification
○ 42 CA, 1976 : Socialist, Secular, Unity & Integrity
● Basic Structure
○ Not as a whole, but the phrases mentioned are.
● Neither a source of power nor a source of limitation
Preamble - Key Terms
● Art 14
○ Against State
○ For C + F
○ Self Executory
■ Immunities
■ UK
■ Like Alike, unlike not alike
■ US
○ Reasonable Classification
■ Rational Nexus
■ Intelligible Differentia
○ Strikes Arbitrariness
Equality : 14 -18
● Art 15 (1)(2) ● Art 16(1)
○ Against State ○ Against State
○ For Citizen ○ For Citizen
○ CRRSP ● Art 16(2)
● Art 15(3) ○ DR + CRRSP
○ For State ● Art 16(3)
○ Any provision Women & Child ○ Parliament - Law - Residence
● Art 15(4)[1 CA, 1951] requirement
○ For State ● Art 16(4)
○ Any provision for SEBC, SC, ST ○ For State
● Art 15(5) [93rd CA, 05]& 15(6) [103rd CA, ○ Any Provision - BC
2019] ● Art 16(4A) [77th CA, 1995], Art 16(4B)[81st
○ For State CA, 2000], Art 16(6) [103rd CA, 2019]
○ By Law for SEBC, SC, ST and any ○ For State
provision for EWS ○ Any Provision for SC ST and EWS
○ Public/Private/ Aided/Unaided ○ Consequential Seniority & Carry
Education except Religious & Forward for SC/ST
Linguistic Minorities Educational ● Art 16(5)
Institutions ○ Religious Denomination
● Art 335 - T&C
○ Efficiency of Admin
Equality : 14 -18
● Art 17 ● Art 18
○ Non Self Executory ○ Military & Academic Titles
○ Criminalisation of can given by State
Untouchability by Law ○ No other title can given by
○ Protection of Civil Rights Act,
1955 State
■ BoProof - Accused ○ Awards are not Titles
■ Ban on contesting ○ Citizens can’t accept foreign
elections for 6 years titles
○ Foreigners working for India
can’t accept foreign title
without President's consent
○ No one working for India can
accept any foreign gain
without President’s consent
Freedoms : 19
Life & Liberty : 21
● Art 21
○ Against State ● Inclusions -
○ For C+F ○ Livelihood
○ Procedure Established by Law ○ Shelter
○ Maneka Gandhi (1978) ○ Food
■ PEL to also include Procedural Due ○ Health & Medical Care
Process ○ Live with Dignity
● Procedural Fairness ○ Die with dignity
■ Principles of Natural Justice Implied ○ Right to Marry (only for hetersexuals)
● Rule Against Bias ○ Right to Privacy
● Rule For Fair Hearing ○ Legal Aid
■ Freedoms that fall under both Art 19 ○ Fair & Speedy Trial
and Art 21 : ○ Clean & Healthy Environment
● Reasonable Test of Art 19,
Requirements of Art 21,
Non-arbitrariness tes of Art 14
■ Freedoms that fall only within Art 21 :
● Requirements of Art 21,
Non-arbitrariness tes of Art 14
Criminal Justice Rights : 20 + 21