DLL - Science 3 - Q3 - Week 6

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School: ARPS SPED CENTER Grade Level: III


Teaching Dates & Time: March 18-22, 2024 (Week 6) Quarter: THIRD


A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of
sources and uses of light, sources and uses of light, sources and uses of light, sources and uses of light, sources and uses of light,
sound, heat and electricity sound, heat and electricity sound, heat and electricity sound, heat and electricity sound, heat and electricity
B. Performance Standards Apply the knowledge of Apply the knowledge of Apply the knowledge of Apply the knowledge of Apply the knowledge of
the sources and uses of the sources and uses of the sources and uses of the sources and uses of the sources and uses of
light, sound, heat, and light, sound, heat, and light, sound, heat, and light, sound, heat, and light, sound, heat, and
electricity electricity electricity electricity electricity
C. Learning Competencies/ Describe the different uses of Describe the different uses of Describe the different uses of Describe the different uses of Describe the different uses of
Objectives light, sound, heat and electricity light, sound, heat and light, sound, heat and electricity in light, sound, heat and light, sound, heat and electricity
( Write the Lode for in everyday life electricity in everyday life everyday life electricity in everyday life in everyday life
II. CONTENT Describing the different uses of Describing the different uses of Describing the different uses of Describing the different uses of Describing the different uses of
( Subject Matter) light, sound, heat and electricity light, sound, heat and light, sound, heat and electricity in light, sound, heat and light, sound, heat and electricity
in everyday life electricity in everyday life everyday life electricity in everyday life in everyday life


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Ask: Name the sources of light? Give examples of artificial light and Name some sources of light. Summative Test/Weekly Progress
or presenting new lesson When there is power natural light. What other thing do these Check
interruption/brownout, what do sources of light produce?
you use in order to see things
around you?
B. Establishing a purpose for Show the following pictures to Ask: Tell to the pupils to close their
the lesson the pupils. Ask them to name Who created the sun, moon eyes.
the pictures. and stars? Ask them “can you see me? Why
Who made the bulb, flashlight not?
and candle? 2. Let them open their eyes.
Can you see me now? Why?

C. Presenting examples/ What are the names of those Present: Ask: How do you describe the
instances of the new pictures? Natural Artificial What is the boy doing? sources of heat that mentioned
lesson. What does it gives? sources of sources of earlier?
light light

Sun star bulb candle

lava firefly spotlight
D. Discussing new concepts Emphasize the following Discuss about the natural Discuss how we see things.
and practicing new skills. concepts. sources of light and point out • Light is needed in order to see
#1 • There are different things that that the Sun is the main source things.
give off light. of light on Earth. Differentiate • Light from the source falls to the
• The Sun is the main source of natural source to artificial object and then reflected to the
light. source of light. Show examples eyes.
There are things that look like to pupils. Point out that Moon
they are sources of light but may look like a natural source
actually reflecting light only. of light at night but it is actually
Examples: moon, reflecting the light from the
disco/mirror/glitter ball Sun.
E. Discussing new concepts Explain: Do Activity 3 on page 129 of the
and practicing new skills Natural sources of light LM.
are lights that are created by Discuss the activity
Let the pupils give examples.

Artificial sources of light

are lights that are made by man.

Let the pupils give examples.
F. Developing Mastery Name other things that gives off Is there any other source of light?
(Lead to Formative light.
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Group activity. What is the importance of light Why is the Do Activity 5. In LM.
application of concepts Draw the things that gives light. in our lives? lighthouse
and skills in daily living important?

H. Making Generalizations What are the sources of light. What is the difference between What are the uses of light? What are things that gives off
and Abstraction about the natural light from artificial light?
Lesson. light?
I. Evaluating Learning Answer page 125 of LM. Write AL if the light is man Answer the ASSESSMENT on page Make a collage of different
made and NL if it if the light is 130 of TG. sources of light.
___1. Christmas light
___2. lava
___3. Firefly
___4. Fireworks
___5. Traffic light
J. Additional Activities for Draw 2 pictures on your Research about artificial Have the pupils list three other
Application or notebook that gives off light light.How it is use nowadays. sources of light at home.

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:
School Principal II

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