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Visual scientists have shown that people are capable of perceptual learning in a large variety of circumstances. Are there
constraints on such learning? We propose a new constraint on early perceptual learning, namely, that people are capable of
parameter learningVthey can modify their knowledge of the prior probabilities of scene variables or of the statistical
relationships among scene and perceptual variables that are already considered to be potentially dependentVbut they are not
capable of structure learningVthey cannot learn new relationships among variables that are not considered to be potentially
dependent, even when placed in novel environments in which these variables are strongly related. These ideas are formalized
using the notation of Bayesian networks. We report the results of five experiments that evaluate whether subjects can
demonstrate cue acquisition, which means that they can learn that a sensory signal is a cue to a perceptual judgment. In
Experiment 1, subjects were placed in a novel environment that resembled natural environments in the sense that it
contained systematic relationships among scene and perceptual variables that are normally dependent. In this case, cue
acquisition requires parameter learning and, as predicted, subjects succeeded in learning a new cue. In Experiments 2–5,
subjects were placed in novel environments that did not resemble natural environmentsVthey contained systematic
relationships among scene and perceptual variables that are not normally dependent. Cue acquisition requires structure
learning in these cases. Consistent with our hypothesis, subjects failed to learn new cues in Experiments 2–5. Overall, the
results suggest that the mechanisms of early perceptual learning are biased such that people can only learn new
contingencies between scene and sensory variables that are considered to be potentially dependent.
Keywords: perceptual learning, motion discrimination, Bayesian networks, cue integration, perceptual cue acquisition
Citation: Michel, M. M., & Jacobs, R. A. (2007). Parameter learning but not structure learning: A Bayesian network model of
constraints on early perceptual learning. Journal of Vision, 7(1):4, 1–18,, doi:10.1167/7.1.4.
useable innately and not modifiable by experience. Other per- ditory stimuli (i.e., to anticipate our discussion of Bayesian
ceptual cues are acquired later through correlation with the networks below, this would be an instance of parameter
innate process. Using Wallach’s theory, we consider con- learning in which subjects modify their conditional dis-
straints on the learning processes underlying cue acquisition. tribution of the perceived auditory signal given the estimated
One possibility is that these processes are general purpose, motion direction). We predicted, therefore, that subjects
which means that they are equally sensitive to correlations would learn to use the hitherto unfamiliar and, thus,
between known cues and any signal. For example, let us uninformative auditory stimulus as a cue to motion direction.
suppose that retinal image slip is an innate cue to motion As reported below, the experimental results are consistent
direction and let us consider an observer placed in a novel with our prediction. Experiment 1 can be regarded as a
environment in which retinal image slip is perfectly control experiment in the sense that that it verified that our
correlated with a novel signal, such as the temperature of experimental procedures are adequate for inducing observ-
the observer’s toes (e.g., leftward retinal slip is correlated ers to learn a new perceptual cue in the manner suggested
with cold toes, and rightward retinal slip is correlated with by Wallach (i.e., by correlating a signal that is not cur-
hot toes). According to Wallach’s theory, it ought to be the rently a cue with an existing cue).
case that the observer learns that the temperature of his or her In Experiments 2, 3, 4, and 5, subjects were placed in novel
toes is a perceptual cue to motion direction. For example, the environments that did not resemble natural environmentsV
observer may learn that cold toes indicate leftward motion, they contained systematic relationships among scene and
whereas hot toes indicate rightward motion. Alternatively, it perceptual variables that do not normally share systematic
may be that the learning processes underlying cue acquis- relationships. In Experiments 2 and 3, the visual cue to
ition are biased such that they are more sensitive to some motion direction was correlated with binocular disparity
correlations than to others. In particular, we conjecture that or brightness signals, respectively; the experimental pro-
these processes cannot learn new relationships among scene cedures were otherwise identical to those of Experiment 1.
and sensory variables that are not considered to be potentially In the natural world, neither brightness nor binocular
dependent. It seems likely that an observer placed in the disparity varies systematically with transverse object
novel environment described above would not believe that motion (i.e., motion in the frontoparallel plane). For ex-
motion direction and the temperature of his or her toes are ample, it is not the case that brighter objects tend to move
potentially dependent variables, and thus, the observer’s right whereas darker objects move left, nor is it the case
early perceptual system would fail to learn that the that nearer objects tend to move right whereas distant
temperature of his or her toes is a cue to motion direction. objects move left. Consequently, observers should not
In the remainder of this article, we report the results of consider motion direction and either brightness or binoc-
five experiments. These experiments evaluate our hypoth- ular disparity as potentially dependent variables. In
esis regarding biases in early perceptual learning. They do contrast to Experiment 1, the predictions of Wallach’s
so in the context of Wallach’s theory of cue acquisition hypothesis for Experiments 2 and 3 differ from those of
described above, namely, that new perceptual cues can be our theory. Wallach’s hypothesis suggests that correlating
acquired by correlating an existing cue with a novel sensory novel signals with existing cues should be sufficient to
signal. We then present a simple model, described in terms induce cue learning. In contrast, our hypothesis claims that
of Bayesian networks, that formalizes our hypothesis, observers can only learn relationships between variables
accounts for our results, and is consistent with the existing that are considered to be potentially dependent. Because
literature on perceptual learning. transverse motion direction and either brightness or
In Experiment 1, subjects were placed in a novel binocular disparity are not considered to be potentially
environment that resembled natural environments in the dependent, we predicted that subjects in Experiments 2
sense that it contained systematic relationships among and 3 would fail to learn to use brightness or binocular
scene and perceptual variables that normally share system- disparity signals as cues to transverse motion direction
atic relationships. Subjects were trained to perceive the (i.e., to anticipate the discussion of Bayesian networks
motion direction of a field of moving dots when the visual below, we predicted that subjects would fail to show
cue to motion direction was correlated with a novel au- structure learning). The experimental results are consistent
ditory signal. When an object moves in a natural environ- with this prediction.
ment, this event often gives rise to correlated visual and Experiments 1, 2, and 3 attempted to teach subjects a
auditory signals. In other words, perceived auditory and new cue to transverse motion direction. To check that
visual motion signals are both dependent on the motion of there is nothing idiosyncratic about this perceptual judg-
objects in a scene and, thus, people regard visual or au- ment, we used a different task in Experiments 4 and 5.
ditory signals as potentially dependent on the motion Subjects were trained to perceive the light source direction
direction in a scene. We reasoned that subjects in our ex- when the shading cue to this direction was correlated with
periment should be able to estimate the motion direction a visual disparity or auditory signal. Because neither
of the moving dots based on the auditory and visual sig- binocular disparity nor auditory signals share systematic
nals and then modify their knowledge of the relationship relationships with light source direction in the natural
between motion direction and the initially unfamiliar au- world, we predicted that subjects would fail to learn that
these signals were also cues to light source direction in our were conducted in a darkened room, with black paper ob-
novel experimental environments. Again, the experimental scuring the edges of the CRT.
results are consistent with this prediction. Auditory stimuli consisted of 1 s of Bnotched[ white
Taken as a whole, the experimental results are consistent noise played through a pair of headphones. We used
with the hypothesis that the learning processes underlying auditory noise because we wanted to create ambiguous
cue acquisition are biased by prior beliefs about potentially motion stimuli.2 Two stimuli defining the endpoints of a
dependent variables such that cue acquisition is possible continuum, denoted A and B, were each constructed by
when a signal is correlated with a cue to a scene property combining two narrow bands of noise (sampled at 22 kHz).
and the signal is potentially dependent on that property. If Stimulus A had approximately equal amplitude in the ranges
the signal is not believed to be potentially dependent on the 4000–5000 and 8000–10000 Hz, whereas stimulus B had
property, cue acquisition fails. In the General discussion approximately equal amplitude in the ranges 1–2000 and
section, we introduce a Bayesian network model formal- 6000–7000 Hz. Intermediate stimuli were created by linearly
izing this hypothesis. combining stimuli A and B, where the linear coefficients
formed a unit-length vector whose endpoint lied on a circle
passing through the points (1,0) and (0,1) [e.g., the co-
efficients (1, 0) produced stimulus A, the coefficients (0, 1)
Experiment 1: Auditory cue to produced stimulus B, and the coefficients (1/¾2, 1/¾2) pro-
motion direction duced a stimulus midway between A and B].3 Auditory stimuli
were normalized to have equal maximum amplitudes.
The audition-only training task was identical to the of the auditory stimulus was offset from vertical by either a
vision-only training task with the following exception. value % or j%, where % was set to a subject’s 84% correct
Instead of viewing RDK, subjects heard auditory stimuli. threshold on the audition-only training trials. In contrast,
The standard was an auditory stimulus midway between the comparison stimulus was a Bcue-consistent[ stimulus.
stimuli A and B defined above, whereas the comparison By comparing performances when the auditory signal in
was either nearer to A or nearer to B. Subjects judged the standard had an offset of % versus j%, we can evaluate
whether the comparison was closer to A or B relative to whether this signal influenced subjects’ judgments of
the standard. Subjects were familiarized with A and B motion direction.
prior to performing the task. Subjects performed the four tasks during two experi-
Subjects also performed a vision–audition training task in mental sessions. In Session 1, they performed the vision-
which an auditory signal is correlated with a visual cue to only and audition-only training tasks. Before performing
motion direction. Before performing this task, we formed a these tasks, subjects performed a small number of practice
relationship between visual and auditory stimuli by map- trials in which they were given feedback on every trial.
ping subjects’ visual thresholds onto their auditory thresh- They also performed the vision–audition training task
olds. This was done using a log-linear function twice. In Session 2, they performed the vision–audition
training task and then performed the vision–audition test
logðdv Þ ¼ mlogðda Þ þ b; ð1Þ task twice.
Figure 1. The data for two subjects from the vision–audition test trials. The horizontal axis of each graph gives the direction of the
comparison, whereas the vertical axis gives the probability that the subject judged the direction of the comparison as clockwise relative to
that of the standard. The data points indicated by circles or crosses are for the trials in which the auditory signal in the standard was offset
from vertical by the amount % or j%, respectively. The dotted and solid lines are cumulative Normal distributions fit to these data points
using a maximum-likelihood procedure.
subjects showed a large shift in their PSEVthe PSE shift (3.72- on average) was smaller, consistent with the idea
for the combined data is 3.72- ( p G .001). These data that subjects combined information from the visual and
suggest that subjects based their judgments on information auditory signals.
from both the visual and auditory signals. Had subjects In summary, the results suggest that subjects acquired a
used only the visual signal, we would have expected no new perceptual cueVthey learned that the initially unfa-
shift in their PSEs. Conversely, if subjects had used only miliar auditory signal was correlated with the visual cue to
the auditory signal, then a PSE shift of 2% (8.6- on motion direction and, thus, it, too, is a cue to motion
average) would have been expected. The actual PSE shift direction. Furthermore, the subjects used the new cue for
the purposes of sensory integrationVthey combined infor-
mation from the new auditory cue with information from
the previously existing visual cue when judging motion
Methods 1
δ (fit)
Subjects 0.9 +δ (fit)
Subjects were eight students at the University of 0.8 δ (data)
+δ (data)
Rochester with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. All 0.7
subjects were naive to the purposes of the study.
Motion stimuli were RDKs identical to those used in
Experiment 1, except that, to limit Bbleeding[ across 0.3
image frames in the stereo condition, only the red gun of the 0.2
CRT was used. Stimuli containing binocular disparities were
created as follows. Stationary dots were placed at simulated
depths (all dots in a given display were at the same depth) 0
30 20 10 0 10 20 30
ranging from j23 to 23 cm relative to fixation (or from 127 Motion direction (comparison)
to 173 cm in absolute depth from the observer) and
rendered from left-eye and right-eye viewpoints. Left-eye
and right-eye images were presented to subjects using Figure 3. Data from the motion–disparity test trials for all eight
LCD shutter glasses (CrystalEyes 3 from Stereographics). subjects combined.
Stimuli with both visual motion and disparity signals were
created by placing moving dots at simulated depths and
rendering the dots from left-eye and right-eye viewpoints. direction. The experimental outcome is that subjects did
not learn to use the disparity signal as a cue to motion
directionVthe 0.04- shift in PSEs when the offset was %
versus j% was not significantly different from zero at the
The procedure for Experiment 2 was identical to that for p G .05 level.
Experiment 1, except that the auditory signal was replaced
by the binocular disparity signal. That is, subjects
performed motion-only, disparity-only, and motion–dis-
parity training trials, and motion–disparity test trials. For Experiment 3: Brightness cue to
the motion–disparity training trials, stimuli with both motion direction
motion and disparity signals were constructed as in
Experiment 1, by mapping motion direction values onto
disparity values based on the motion and disparity dis- Subjects in Experiment 3 were trained to perceive the
crimination thresholds obtained in the motion-only and direction of moving dots when the visual cue to motion
disparity-only training trials. The motion–disparity test trials direction was correlated with a visual brightness signal.
were functionally identical to those of Experiment 1, with % The experiment examined whether subjects would learn
now representing offsets from the vertical direction in the that the brightness signal too is a cue to motion direction.
disparity signal of the standard stimulus. Because the transverse motion of objects in the natural
world does not affect their brightness, we reasoned that
subjects do not represent a potential dependency between
transverse motion and brightness and would, therefore, be
unable to learn that the brightness signal is also a cue to
motion direction in our novel experimental environment.
If a subject had different PSEs when the disparity offset
was j% versus %, then we can conclude that the subject
learned to use the disparity signal as a cue to motion
direction. Only one of the eight subjects had significantly
different PSEs in the two conditions (at the p G .05 level), Subjects
suggesting that subjects did not learn to use the disparity Subjects were eight students at the University of
signal when judging motion direction. Rochester with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. All
The data for all subjects are shown in Figure 3. We fit subjects were naive to the purposes of the study.
psychometric functions (cumulative Normal distributions)
to the combined data from all eight subjects when the
offset in the standard was % (solid line) and when it was Stimuli
j% (dotted line). The average value across subjects for the Motion stimuli were RDKs identical to those used in
offset % was equivalent to a 4.49- rotation in motion Experiments 1 and 2, except that the individual dots were
assigned a neutral or pedestal brightness value. The offset in the standard was % (solid line) and when it was
brightness stimuli consisted of stationary random-dot j% (dotted line). The average value across subjects for the
images whose dots all shared a common pixel brightness offset % was equivalent to a 5.55- rotation in motion
value that ranged from 78 to 250 on a scale of 0–255. direction. The 0.70- shift in PSEs in the % versus j% cases
The pedestal pixel brightness of 164 had a luminance of was not statistically significant at the p G .05 level,
45.0 cd/m2. Near this pedestal, luminance values scaled indicating that subjects did not learn to use the brightness
approximately linearly with pixel brightness, with 1 unit signal as a cue to motion direction.
of RGB pixel brightness equivalent to 0.786 cd/m2.
Stimuli with both visual motion and brightness signals
were created by assigning brightness pixel values to
moving dots.
Procedure We hypothesize that our early perceptual systems are
The procedure for Experiment 3 was identical to those capable of learning novel statistical relationships among
for Experiments 1 and 2, except that the auditory or scene and sensory variables that are already considered to
disparity signals were replaced by a brightness signal. be potentially dependent but that they cannot learn new
relationships among scene and sensory variables that are
not considered to be potentially dependent, even when
placed in novel environments in which these variables are
Results strongly related. Our experiments were designed to eval-
uate this hypothesis in the context of cue acquisition.
The motion–brightness test trials contained two condi- Experiments 1, 2, and 3 evaluated whether people could
tionsVthe direction of the brightness signal in the standard learn new cues to transverse motion (motion in the
stimulus was offset from vertical by an amount j% or %. If frontoparallel plane).
a subject had different PSEs in the two conditions, then we In Experiment 1, subjects were exposed to an environ-
can conclude that the subject learned to use the brightness ment in which visual motion direction was correlated with
signal as a cue to motion direction. None of the eight an auditory signal. Because motion in natural environ-
subjects had significantly different PSEs in the two ments often gives rise to both visual and auditory signals,
conditions (at the p G .05 level), suggesting that subjects it seems reasonable to assume that people believe that
did not learn to use the brightness signal when judging there is a potential dependency between motion direction
motion direction. and an auditory stimulus, and thus, we predicted that
The data for all subjects are illustrated in Figure 4. We fit subjects would succeed in acquiring a new cue. The
psychometric functions (cumulative Normal distributions) experimental results are consistent with this prediction.
to the combined data from all eight subjects when the We can regard Experiment 1 as a control experimentVit
establishes that our experimental procedures are adequate
for inducing cue acquisition and that our statistical
analyses are adequate for detecting this acquisition.
Experiments 2 and 3 exposed subjects to an environ-
ment in which visual motion direction was correlated with
a binocular disparity signal or a brightness signal,
respectively. In contrast to Experiment 1, cue acquisition
in these cases requires representing statistical relationships
among variables that do not share dependencies in the
natural world. Transverse motion in natural environments
does not lead to changes in disparity or brightness, and
thus, people should not believe that there is a potential
dependency between motion direction and disparity or
brightness. We predicted that subjects would not acquire
new cues to motion direction in these experiments, and the
experimental results are consistent with these predictions.
There are at least two alternative explanations of our
experimental results, however, that should be considered.
First, perhaps there is something idiosyncratic about judg-
ments of transverse motion. If so, one would not expect the
Figure 4. Data from the motion–brightness test trials for all eight experimental results to generalize to other perceptual
subjects combined. judgments. Second, Experiment 1, where cue acquisition
Methods Procedure
Subjects The procedure for Experiment 4 was analogous to those
Subjects were eight students at the University of for Experiments 1, 2, and 3. We used shading-only and
Rochester with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. All disparity-only training tasks to characterize each subject’s
subjects were naive to the purposes of the study. performance on lighting direction and depth discrimination
tasks, respectively, and then trained subjects during shading–
disparity training trials by exposing them to an environment
Stimuli in which disparity was correlated with shading. Finally, we
Figure 5 depicts the stimuli used in Experiment 4. The tested subjects during shading–disparity test trials to
shading stimuli consisted of 23 bumps (hemispheres) lying evaluate whether they had learned that the disparity signal
on a common frontoparallel plane whose pattern of is also a cue to light source direction.
shading provided information about the light source
direction. Each bump subtended approximately 26 min
of visual angle, and the bumps were scattered uniformly Results
within a circular aperture (with a diameter of 6.28-). The
light source was rendered as an infinite point source The shading–disparity test trials contained two condi-
located 45- away from the frontoparallel plane along the tionsVthe direction of the disparity signal in the standard
z-axis (in the direction of the observer). The angular stimulus was offset from vertical by an amount j% or %. If
location of the light source varied from j90- (light a subject had different PSEs in the two conditions, then we
coming from the left) to 90- (light coming from the right), can conclude that the subject learned to use the disparity
with the light source direction in the standard stimulus signal as a cue to light source direction. None of the eight
always set to vertical (0-). In the shading-only training subjects had significantly different PSEs in the two
task, subjects viewed the stimuli monocularly with their conditions (at the p G .05 level), suggesting that subjects
dominant eyes. In all conditions, the bumps were rendered did not learn to use the disparity signal when judging light
using only the red gun of the CRT. source direction.
The stimuli with binocular disparities were identical to The data for all subjects are illustrated in Figure 6. We fit
those in the shading-only training task, except that the bumps psychometric functions (cumulative Normal distributions)
were rendered from left-eye and right-eye viewpoints with to the combined data from all eight subjects when the
Shading stimuli consisted of 23 bumps (hemispheres)
lying on a common frontoparallel plane whose pattern of
shading provided information about the light source
direction. Each bump subtended approximately 26 min of
visual angle, and the bumps were scattered uniformly
within a circular aperture (with a diameter of 6.28-). The
light source was rendered as a diffuse panel source (i.e., as
an array of local point sources) located 45- away from the
frontoparallel plane along the z-axis (in the direction of the
observer) and with its surface normal pointing toward the
center of the bump array. The angular location of the light
source varied from j90- (light coming from the left) to
90- (light coming from the right), with the light source
direction in the standard stimulus always set to vertical
–30 –20 –10
(0-). Because we were concerned that subjects might be
unable to bind the dynamic auditory signal with static vis-
ual stimuli in the combined trials, we changed the visual
Figure 6. Data from the shading–disparity test trials for all eight stimuli by jittering the light source so that the temporal
subjects combined. microstructure of the visual stimulus seemed consistent
with the dynamic (white noise) auditory signal. One of the
point light sources in the panel array was selected at
offset in the standard was % (solid line) and when it was random and turned off in each frame to jitter the stimulus.
j% (dotted line). The average value across subjects for the This resulted in both flicker and positional jitter.
offset % was equivalent to a 21.32- rotation in light source Auditory stimuli used in the auditory-only and shading–
direction. The 0.59- shift in PSEs in the % versus j% cases auditory trials were identical to those used in Experiment 1.
was not statistically significant at the p G .05 level,
indicating that subjects did not learn to use the disparity
signal as a cue to light source direction. Procedure
The procedure for Experiment 5 was analogous to those
for Experiments 1, 2, 3, and 4. We used shading-only and
auditory-only training tasks to characterize each subject’s
Experiment 5: Auditory cue to performance on lighting direction and auditory discrim-
light source direction ination tasks, respectively, and then trained the subjects
during shading–auditory training trials by exposing them
to an environment in which an auditory signal was
Subjects in Experiment 5 were trained to perceive the correlated with shading. Finally, we tested subjects during
direction of a light source when the visual cue to light source shading–auditory test trials to evaluate whether they had
directionVthe pattern of shading across the visual learned that the auditory signal is also a cue to light source
objectsVwas correlated with a dynamic auditory signal. direction.
The experiment examined whether subjects would learn that
the auditory signal is also a cue to light source direction.
Because the direction of a light source has no effect on the
motion of an object in the natural worldVand thus, no effect Results
on auditory signalsVwe reasoned that subjects should not
represent a dependency between light source direction and The shading–auditory test trials contained two condi-
the auditory signal. Thus, we predicted that subjects would tionsVthe direction of the auditory signal in the standard
be unable to learn that the disparity signal is also a cue to stimulus was offset from vertical by an amount j% or %. If
light source direction in our novel experimental environment. a subject had different PSEs in the two conditions, then we
can conclude that the subject learned to use the auditory
signal as a cue to light source direction. None of the eight
Methods subjects had significantly different PSEs in the two
conditions (at the p G .05 level), suggesting that subjects
Subjects did not learn to use the auditory signal when judging light
Subjects were eight students at the University of source direction.
Rochester with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. All The data for all subjects are illustrated in Figure 7. We fit
subjects were naive to the purposes of the study. psychometric functions (cumulative Normal distributions)
Pðx1 ; I; xn Þ ¼ k Pðxi kpaðxi ÞÞ; ð2Þ
Figure 8. A simple Bayesian network representing a distant barking dog that may or may not have rabies. The variables corresponding to
scene properties are located toward the top of this figure, whereas the variables corresponding to percepts are located toward the bottom.
Scene variables do not have parents, although they serve as parents to sensory variables as indicated by the arrows.
image and the perceived loudness of the dog’s bark can Consequently, the joint distribution on the right-hand side
also vary due to additional factors that are difficult to of Equation 3 can be factored as follows:
measure, such as physical or neural noise. The conditional
distributions associated with sensory variables represent Pðimage size; loudness of bark k distance to dogÞ ¼
these uncertainties.
Bayesian networks are most useful when they represent Pðimage size k distance to dogÞ
relationships among variables in ways that are both sparse Pðloudness of bark k distance to dogÞ: ð4Þ
and decomposable.4 The structure of the graph in Figure 8
has been greatly simplified using our knowledge about The computational advantages of statistical relationships
causality, and thus, the graph represents potential relation- that are sparse and decomposable are difficult to appreciate
ships among variables in a sparse way. We understand, for in a simple scenario with seven random variables but have
example, that knowing that the dog has rabies or is enormous importance in real-world situations with hun-
foaming at the mouth tells us nothing about the dog’s dreds of variables. Indeed, whether reasoning requires the
distance, its retinal image size, or the loudness of its bark. consideration of only a small subset of variables versus the
Consequently, there are no edges that link the former and need to take into account all variables or whether reasoning
latter variables. It is precisely these sorts of simplifica- requires the calculation of high-dimensional joint distribu-
tions, or assumed independencies, that make reasoning tions versus low-dimensional distributions are typically the
computationally feasible. For example, an observer rea- most important factors that make a problem solvable versus
soning about whether a dog has rabies only needs to unsolvable in practice (Bishop, 1995; Neapolitan, 2004).
consider whether the dog is foaming at the mouth and can Using the notation of Bayesian networks, we can restate
ignore the values of all other variables. Bayesian networks our hypothesis about constraints on early perceptual
also represent relationships in ways that are decompos- learning. Recall our hypothesis that people’s early percep-
able. An observer wishing to estimate the distance to a tual processes can modify their knowledge of the prior
dog based on the dog’s retinal image size and the loudness probabilities of scene properties or of the statistical
of the dog’s bark can do so using Bayes’ rule: relationships among scene and sensory variables that are
already considered to be potentially dependent. However,
Pðdistance to dog k image size; loudness of barkÞò they cannot learn new relationships among scene and
sensory variables that are not considered to be potentially
Pðimage size; loudness of bark k distance to dogÞ
dependent. In terms of Bayesian networks, our hypothesis
Pðdistance to dogÞ: ð3Þ states that early perceptual processes can modify their prior
probability distributions for scene variables or their condi-
This calculation can be simplified by noting that, tional probability distributions, specifying how sensory
according to the Bayesian network in Figure 8, the size variables depend on scene variables. However, they cannot
of the dog’s image and the loudness of its bark are add new nodes or new edges between scene and sensory
conditionally independent given the distance to the dog. variables in their graphical representation. In the machine
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