Lesson Plan For Teaching Writing Extended Definition
Lesson Plan For Teaching Writing Extended Definition
Lesson Plan For Teaching Writing Extended Definition
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
The main idea of this unit is “One must dive deeply
into both their internal thoughts and external
experiences to truly understand their own identity.”
Biblical Integration:
Humans were created in God’s image. We used to
walk with God and talk with God. Our identity was
made fully in the image of God.
at your table [A behavioral routine that has been set already at the start of the
Opening Lesson
- Attention Grabber: Show students a quote on the projector
“ Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever
known.” (Chuck Palahniuk)
- Ask students “What does Chuck mean?” (wait for students’ answers)
- Ask students to give example that is related to the statement/quote.
- Encourage students that there is no right or wrong answer
- Preview that we have done claims and chosen topics for our essay yesterday .
Introduce to students that today, we will be learning how to create clear examples
and contrasting examples that are related to the claim.
- Ask students if they can see the difference between example and contrasting
“ In the ‘example’ part, the example given is a direct indicator to the claim. (the key
word here is ‘direct’). On the other hand, ‘contrasting example’ does not give a direct
indication to the situation. Rather, it uses the opposite of ‘environment and
community impact on identity’ , which is ‘individualism and innate ability’ to give
- Ask students what is the use of integrating ‘contrasting example’? (helps us to
better understand the content from different point of view).
Smagorinsky, Peter; Johannessen, Larry R.; Kahn, Elizabeth, and McCann, Thomas. The Dynamics
of Writing Instruction: A Structured Process Approach for Middle and High School. Portsmouth
NH. Heinemann. 2010. (ISBN-13: 978-0325011936 ISBN-10: 0325011931)
- A 4 papers, projector, ppt, pieces of papers (to write quote, examples and contrasting
examples), a box, printed papers/worksheets, white board, marker pen.
- PPT: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K9nrRCtzOt2jCxOWwGth2y87cV__7bn/