Brito 2017 Pibbs
Brito 2017 Pibbs
Brito 2017 Pibbs
Article in Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences · August 2017
DOI: 10.1177/2372732217720699
26 9,762
1 author:
Natalie H Brito
New York University
All content following this page was uploaded by Natalie H Brito on 06 July 2018.
Natalie H. Brito1
Approximately 15.5 million children in the United States (21%) live in impoverished households, with child poverty rates
highest among Black, Hispanic, and American Indian children. Growing up in a socioeconomically disadvantaged environment
is associated with substantially worse health and impaired psychological, cognitive, and emotional development throughout
the life span. Socioeconomic status (SES) has a robust association with language development—across different language
outcomes, across different ethnic and language-exposure groups, as well as within these groups. This review examines
pathways for SES disparities in language skills emerging early in development and contributing to later gaps in school readiness
and academic achievement.
language, socioeconomic status, bilingualism, early experience
Tweet Introduction
The quality of the home language environment is vital for Among economically developed countries, the United States
early brain development and later academic achievement. has one of the highest levels of childhood poverty, with more
than one in five children (approximately 15 million) living in
poor households. Very young children are even more suscep-
Key Points tible to poverty, with one in four infants, toddlers, and pre-
•• Among more economically developed countries, the schoolers currently living in impoverished environments. In
United States has one of the highest levels of child- addition, poverty rates for children of color (Black, Hispanic,
hood poverty, with one in five children living in poor and Native American) are twice as high than their age-
households. matched peers from White or Asian households (U.S. Census
•• Overall, children from lower socioeconomic status Bureau, 2015).
(SES) homes tend to experience less linguistic, social, Poverty plays an instrumental role in influencing devel-
and cognitive stimulation than children from higher opment. Although poverty is oftentimes synonymous with
SES homes. income level, childhood poverty is a multidimensional
•• Differences in children’s language outcomes trace, in experience. Understanding the wider effects of social sta-
part, to SES-related differences in language input at tus on development can disentangle the many pathways
home. for impoverished environments to negatively impact the
•• Language development for both monolingual and developing brain. Socioeconomic status (SES), typically
bilingual children directly relates to the quantity and characterized by family income, parental education, occu-
quality of speech they hear in their language(s). pational prestige, or neighborhood quality, predicts chil-
•• Children from dual-language homes receive reduced dren’s cognitive ability and later academic achievement.
linguistic input to each of their languages; therefore, SES disparities in cognitive outcomes appear throughout
bilingual children from lower SES backgrounds may the life span (Bradley & Corwyn, 2002), as early as the
be at a greater risk for language delays.
•• Substantial within-SES variability in the home lan- 1
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA
guage environment significantly influences children’s
Corresponding Author:
language development; policies and interventions
Natalie H. Brito, Columbia University Medical Center, 1051 Riverside
must accommodate children from a range of cultural Drive, Room 4919-C, New York, NY 10032, USA.
and linguistic backgrounds. Email: [email protected]
2 Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 00(0)
second year of life (Fernald, Marchman, & Weisleder, achievement (Burchinal, Pace, Alper, Hirsh-Pasek, &
2013; Noble, Engelhardt, et al., 2015). Golinkoff, 2016; Hoff, 2013).
Socioeconomic disparities early in life may be more
impactful than adversity faced later in life. Family income
SES and Early Language Development
differences in early childhood are a much more significant
predictor of academic achievement than income differences Associations between SES and later language outcomes are
during adolescence: The increased neuroplasticity available robust across multiple measures. Also, associations between
early in life may increase vulnerability to environmental SES and early language occur both within and across differ-
experiences during this period. The largest effects of SES ent ethnic groups. This is important as SES and minority-
emerge for children who endure a longer period of economic group status are frequently confounded (Hoff, 2006).
adversity or who live in households at or below 50% of the Furthermore, although differences in verbal abilities are
poverty threshold (Duncan & Magnuson, 2003). impacted by genetic factors (Oliver & Plomin, 2007), the
Although SES differences appear throughout the brain contribution of early experience is undeniable. For example,
(for review, see Brito & Noble, 2014; Hackman & Farah, when examining language development in children from the
2009), specific cognitive domains such as language (left same family, environmental factors are better predictors of
inferior frontal and fusiform gyri), executive functioning language problems in twins than genetic factors (Oliver,
(prefrontal cortex), memory (hippocampus), and social-emo- Dale, & Plomin, 2004).
tional processing (amygdala) have garnered the most atten- For children from higher SES families, the majority of the
tion (Brito & Noble, 2014; Hair, Hanson, Wolfe, & Pollak, variance in cognitive ability is attributed to genetics
2015; Noble, Houston, et al., 2015; Noble, Wolmetz, Ochs, (Turkheimer, Haley, Waldron, D’Onofrio, & Gottesman,
Farah, & McCandliss, 2006). 2003). In contrast, the opposite finding emerged for children
A cognitive neuroscience approach to poverty on devel- from lower SES families, with 60% of the variance in cogni-
opment contributes to decades of social science research by tive abilities accounted for by the shared environment and
illuminating the timing and pathways through which SES almost none of the variance accounted for by genetics.
shapes early brain and cognitive development. For exam- Evidently, adverse environmental experiences limit chil-
ple, a large representative sample of children (ECLS-B: dren’s developmental potential. Past studies link SES and IQ
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Birth Cohort) found (Scarr, 1981), but language skills, specifically vocabulary,
SES disparities in cognitive measures (Bayley Scales of are a large component of most IQ tests. These SES-related
Infant Development), by 9 months of age; this difference differences in IQ may be a consequence of SES disparities in
widened by 24 months of age (Halle et al., 2009). Using language development instead of variations in genetic
electroencephalography (EEG), baseline brain activity dif- intelligence.
fered by SES (family income, maternal occupation) in 6- to By school entry, children from higher SES homes outper-
9-month old infants (Tomalski et al., 2013). Infants from form their age-matched peers from lower SES homes on stan-
lower SES homes demonstrated lower EEG power in fron- dardized measures of language comprehension and production
tal brain regions. Disparities in neural circuitry may be evi- (Ginsborg, 2006). In the federally initiated Comprehensive
dent before behavioral differences emerge; that is, neural Child Development Program (CCDP), U.S. children living in
markers may provide early indicators of differential cogni- poverty averaged 15 months behind the national norm on
tive trajectories. receptive vocabulary by the age of 5 years (Layzer & Price,
In addition, differentiating between different neural and 2008). As disparities in language skills magnify over time,
cognitive systems may help to explain distinct causal path- 50% of children in poverty are not reading at basic profi-
ways. The largest study to date investigating SES and brain ciency levels by the fourth grade (National Center for
structure (Noble, Houston, et al., 2015) recruited 1,099 chil- Education Statistics, 2013).
dren and adolescents from families representing a wide range SES disparities in language skills may already be present
of socioeconomic backgrounds. Both parental educational in infancy. A sample of 189 infants was tested on develop-
attainment and family income accounted for differences in mentally appropriate measures of memory and language
cortical surface area across the brain, but particularly in areas (Noble, Engelhardt, et al., 2015). Consistent with past studies
supporting language and executive functions. demonstrating socioeconomic disparities in early language
Although poverty’s effects are widespread, the remain- skills by the age of 2 years (Fernald et al., 2013; Hoff, 2003;
der of this review concentrates on SES impacting language Rowe & Goldin-Meadow, 2009), SES disparities in language
development. Language exposure and use generate an emerged between 15- and 21-months of age, with children of
intense, sustained experience that engages multiple regions highly educated parents scoring higher in both language and
of the brain (Friederici, 2011). Early language ability is memory than children of less educated parents. Characteristics
one of the best predictors of school readiness and later of the home environment, including literacy resources and
Brito 3
parent–child interactions, partially accounted for disparities shapes language development. Many possible mechanisms
in language, but not memory. could explain SES gaps in language ability. Overall, children
SES-related differences in early language skills may from lower SES homes tend to experience less linguistic,
reflect early developmental differences in real-time language social, and cognitive stimulation and more stressful events,
processing efficiency (speed of listening to and comprehend- including abuse and neglect, food insecurity, and environ-
ing linguistic input). Using the looking-while-listening mental toxins (Bradley & Corwyn, 2002; Brooks-Gunn &
(LWL) task, infants viewed two pictures of familiar objects Duncan, 1997; Hackman & Farah, 2009; Hart & Risley,
while listening to speech labeling one of the pictures (Fernald 1995). These experiences are likely to have specific effects
et al., 2013). The child’s video-recorded gaze patterns were on distinct brain structures, leading to disparities in neuro-
analyzed frame-by-frame to determine looking accuracy and cognitive skills and achievement. Two contextual factors
reaction time. Children from lower SES families were less may moderate links between SES and language outcomes:
efficient in real-time processing of labels (i.e., lower accu- the home language environment and exposure to multiple
racy and slower reaction time to the correct picture) than languages.
their higher SES peers, corresponding to a 6-month gap.
Moreover, processing efficiency correlated with vocabulary,
so children with less efficient processing also had lower
Home Language Environment
vocabulary scores (Fernald et al., 2013). Differences in children’s language outcomes trace, in part, to
Beyond comprehension and vocabulary, SES disparities SES-related differences in language input within the home.
emerge for various language skills: phonological awareness, Quality of maternal speech fully explained the difference in
gestures, grammar, and literacy (Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2015; expressive vocabulary growth between children from lower
Lee & Burkam, 2002; McDowell, Lonigan, & Goldstein, vs. higher SES families (Hoff, 2003). Children from lower
2007; Rowe & Goldin-Meadow, 2009). SES differences in SES families encounter less language and engage in fewer
brain structure and function relate to numerous language out- complex conversations relative to their more advantaged
comes during childhood (see Brito & Noble, 2014; Hackman peers, both in the home and in their communities (Hart &
& Farah, 2009). For example, children from lower SES Risley, 1995; Hoff, 2006). Children in low-income homes
homes demonstrate less lateralization in the left inferior heard 30 million fewer words than children in more affluent
frontal gyrus (LIFG) during a phonological awareness task families by the time the child reached the age of 3 years (Hart
than their higher SES peers (Raizada, Richards, Meltzoff, & & Risley, 1995). This inequality in language input, the “word
Kuhl, 2008); other studies link left-hemisphere lateralization gap,” links to later disparities in language and cognitive out-
to higher language skills (Emerson, Gao, & Lin, 2016). comes (Fernald et al., 2013). Quality of home environment,
Children’s SES background moderated the link between but not SES, predicted 9-month phonemic discrimination abil-
phonological awareness and brain activity in areas associ- ity (a foundational skill of language development), even after
ated with reading (left fusiform and perisylvian regions; controlling for 9-month language skills (Melvin et al., 2017).
Noble, Wolmetz, Ochs, Farah, & McCandliss, 2006). Home language environment during the first year of life, inde-
How early in life could these brain–behavior relationships pendent of SES, is vital to language perception and may indi-
to language begin to develop? As stated, infants from lower cate a window of opportunity for intervention.
SES homes showed lower frontal baseline EEG power than Increasing both the amount and diversity of language
those from higher SES homes (Tomalski et al., 2013). The within the home can positively influence language develop-
SES effect was specifically in a frequency band (gamma) ment, regardless of SES. Repeated exposure to words and
linked to later cognitive and language abilities (Benasich, phrases increases the child’s opportunity to learn and remem-
Gou, Choudhury, & Harris, 2008; Brito, Morales, & Noble, ber (McGregor, Sheng, & Ball, 2007). The complexity of
2016; Gou, Choudhury, & Benasich, 2011). At birth, full- grammar, the responsiveness of language to the child, and the
term infants showed no significant associations between use of questions all aid language development (Bornstein,
EEG power during active sleep and SES variables (i.e., Tamis-LeMonda, Hahn, & Haynes, 2008; Huttenlocher,
parental education, family income; Brito, Fifer, et al., 2016). Waterfall, Vasilyeva, Vevea, & Hedges, 2010). Besides fre-
Individual differences in EEG power in gamma frequencies quency of language input, how caregivers communicate with
within the frontal and parietal regions of the brain, however, children also affects children’s language skills. Children from
correlated with memory and language skills at 15 months of higher SES families experience more gestures by their care-
age. Altogether, SES disparities in brain activity may arise givers during parent–child interactions; these SES differences
during the postnatal experience, and variations in gamma predict vocabulary differences at 54 months of age (Rowe &
activity may contribute to individual differences in cognitive Goldin-Meadow, 2009). Parent–child interactions provide a
trajectories, independent of SES. context for language exposure and mold the child’s language
Although studies link SES and language skills, less is development. Specific characteristics of the caregiver, includ-
known about the precise pathways through which SES ing affect, responsiveness, and sensitivity predict children’s
4 Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 00(0)
early and later language skills (Murray & Hornbaker, 1997; underlying mechanisms await evidence, processing multiple
Tamis-LeMonda, Bornstein, Baumwell, & Melstein Damast, languages early in life may enhance information processing
1996). Maternal sensitivity partially explains links between efficiency: Bilinguals must discriminate between and mini-
SES and both children’s receptive and expressive language mize interference across languages. Parents of bilingual chil-
skills at age 3 years (Raviv, Kessenich, & Morrison, 2004). dren probably do not speak more to their children than do
These differences also appear across culture (Mistry, Biesanz, parents of monolingual children; therefore, bilingual chil-
Chien, Howes, & Benner, 2008). Maternal supportiveness dren must acquire both languages while experiencing
partially explained the link between SES and language out- reduced input to each. This linguistically challenging envi-
comes at 3 years of age, for both immigrant and native fami- ronment may increase attention and processing capabilities.
lies in the United States. Variations in cognitive skills and brain structure have
been attributed to dual-language exposure (Costa &
Sebastián-Gallés, 2014), but bilingual differences are not
Exposure to Multiple Languages
always found (de Bruin, Treccani, & Della Sala, 2015; Paap
Half the world’s children world grow up in multilingual & Greenberg, 2013). Also, most studies have not been able to
environments (de Houwer, 1995), and one in five children in stratify participants by both SES and bilingualism when
the United States live in households where another language examining divergences in brain structure and cognitive
besides English is spoken (Federal Interagency Forum on skills. Analyzing the Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and
Child and Family Statistics, 2011). Theoretically, children Genetics (PING) data set, joint and independent effects of
are considered simultaneous bilinguals if they learn both lan- SES and bilingualism affected both brain structure and lan-
guages from birth, or sequential bilinguals if they learn one guage/cognitive skills (Brito, Morales, et al., 2016). Matching
language after they have sufficiently acquired their first. In monolingual and bilingual children with similar sociodemo-
practice, however, variations in language exposure, language graphic characteristics linked socioeconomic factors to both
use, age of acquisition, and language context all contribute to brain structure and language/cognitive skills across all ages,
the spectrum of multilingualism. whereas bilingualism affected brain structure only during
Monolingual and multilingual language acquisition is late childhood. Unlike past studies, bilingualism did not
shaped by sensitive periods and by both predisposition and affect any cognitive skills (reading, vocabulary, working
experience. Exposure to multiple languages early in life memory, inhibitory control, or cognitive flexibility) but that
means more information or cues within the environment for may have been due to the rudimentary measure of bilingual-
the infant to manage. Increased information processing ism. However, bilingualism did yield differences in brain
extends or delays the closing of a sensitive period of lan- structure, independent of SES background. SES and bilin-
guage development: This promotes mapping between the gualism may independently affect brain and cognitive
sound structures of the languages being acquired (Flege, development.
Munro, & Fox, 1994). Exposure to multiple languages may Children from dual-language homes receive reduced lin-
capitalize on developmental neuroplasticity by delaying the guistic input to each of their languages already, so bilingual
closing of a sensitive period, which may enable changes in children from lower SES backgrounds may be at risk for lan-
brain structure and connectivity (Werker & Hensch, 2015). guage impairments because they may not receive sufficient
Brain structures differ between monolinguals and bilinguals input in either language. Multilingual environments vary,
(e.g., Abutalebi et al., 2011; Della Rosa et al., 2013; Garbin and that impacts both language acquisition and cognitive
et al., 2010). Although neuroplasticity occurs during both development. When children hear a language less than 25%
early and late second-language acquisition, the point in of the time, they tend not to acquire that language (Pearson,
development or acquisition rate may affect brain structure or Fernandez, Lewedeg, & Oller, 1997). Given sufficient lan-
connectivity (Klein, Mok, Chen, & Watkins, 2014; Mohades guage input in both languages, bilingual children acquire
et al., 2015). language at similar rates to monolingual children (Genesee,
As communication is central to the human experience, Paradis, & Crago, 2004). Language development for bilin-
linguistic and nonlinguistic processing share many links, so gual children, as well as the intensity of brain responses to
exposure to multiple languages confers differences in cogni- each language, directly relates to the quantity and quality of
tive and brain processes. As such, a bilingual advantage speech they hear in each language (Garcia-Sierra et al., 2011;
appears on some nonlinguistic cognitive tasks across the life Place & Hoff, 2011; Ramirez-Esparza, Garcia-Sierra, &
span (e.g., Bialystok, Craik, & Luk, 2008; Brito & Barr, Khul, 2016). Lexical, grammatical, and vocabulary develop-
2012; Carlson & Meltzoff, 2008; Costa, Hernández, & ment by bilinguals depends on the exposure to each language
Sebastián-Gallés, 2008). Most tasks demonstrating differ- and the language context (Oller & Eilers, 2002; Pearson
ences between monolingual and bilingual children emerge et al., 1997).
within attention and cognitive control (Bialystok, 1999; Of 11.2 million school-aged bilingual children in the
Poulin-Dubois, Blaye, Coutya, & Bialystok, 2011). While United States, an estimated 6 million come from poor or
Brito 5
near-poor homes (Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Read in pediatric primary care settings) or innovative tech-
Family Statistics, 2011). Disentangling the effects of SES nologies (e.g., mobile phones). For example, the Maternal
and bilingualism on cognitive and language trajectories is and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and
crucial for identifying mechanisms of risk and resilience for Services Administration (HRSA) recently completed a chal-
lower SES minority children. Apparent gaps in school readi- lenge to support innovative solutions that can help promote
ness come from dual-language exposure and SES. But how the early language environment and address the word gap.
much does each factor explain the disparity? Both elements The challenge aimed to develop a low-cost, scalable techno-
are risk factors for English-language skills (Hernandez, logically based intervention that drives parents and caregiv-
2004; Oller & Eilers, 2002), but the contribution of exposure ers to engage in more back-and-forth interactions with their
to English remains unclear. Children from lower SES fami- young children. The winners of this federal challenge,
lies or language-minority households start school with lower Háblame Bebé, created an educational phone app that
English-language ability than their middle to higher SES empowers Hispanic caregivers by training them, through
monolingual counterparts. Like monolinguals, early differ- interactive activities and videos, on how to use evidence-
ences in English skills for dual-language children contribute based strategies in their heritage language and by promoting
to deficits in many aspects of academic achievement, and early bilingual language development (HRSA Word Gap
these small differences only widen as children grow older. Challenge, 2017).
Policies and programs must also accommodate children
from range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Children
Conclusions and Recommendations
learning two languages do so in different contexts (e.g.,
Early language skills best predict school readiness and later Spanish at home, English in the community) or with different
school success (Hoff, 2013). Furthermore, they develop cog- language partners (e.g., Spanish with dad, English with mom
nitive skills and foster socioemotional regulation through and grandmother), and these differences may lead to varia-
social interactions (Vallotton & Ayoub, 2011). SES predicts tions in language acquisition and knowledge. Children grow-
language outcomes, and this association persists across ing up in bilingual or minority-language households must
diverse ethnicities, cultures, and heritage languages. hear their caregivers speak their native heritage language.
Although robust, the relation between SES and language is Proper phonological development depends on children hear-
not a simple causal pathway, given substantial within-SES ing native fluency in their environment. Insufficient expo-
variability in home language exposure, which influences sure to high-quality language (proper pronunciations, correct
children’s language development. More research is needed to grammar, etc.) can lead to language and literacy delays
understand the causal relations among SES, pathways, and (Hoff, 2006). Characterizing different children’s language
language outcomes. A richer understanding of the multiple experiences, and how they vary across social contexts, will
mechanisms fundamental to SES disparities will help inter- illuminate how to approach interventions and policies for
ventions promote factors that contribute to language devel- children from bilingual or minority-language families.
opment and buffer against poverty.
As reviewed, the home language environment signifi- Acknowledgment
cantly impacts language development, and language trajec- The author gratefully acknowledges support from the Sackler
tories are indeed malleable. Comprehensive interventions Parent-Infant Project Fellowship.
can support positive language environments during early
childhood. For example, the Play and Learning Strategies Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Intervention (PALS: Landry, Smith, & Swank, 2006, Landry, The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
Smith, Swank, & Guttentag, 2008); trained low-income respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
mothers to respond positively and predictably to their chil- article.
dren’s communication signals. Children in this intervention
increased vocabularies, initiated more conversations, and Funding
produced more vocalizations during parent–child interac- The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
tions, compared with the control group. ship, and/or publication of this article.
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tion, and impractical scalability, which may prohibit system- References
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