Broshura WF 2018 Engl b5
Broshura WF 2018 Engl b5
Broshura WF 2018 Engl b5
the World
of Food Meets
Statistics of 2017:
180 8251 68%
exhibitors from Ukraine, of business visitors visitors are specialists
Belgium, Italy, Spain, India, from 46 countries on purchases of the network
Egypt, Netherlands, Germany, and non-retail food retail and
Lithuania, Poland, Belarus,
83% restaurant business,
China, South Korea, Romania,
of participants
Turkey, Sri-Lanka
found new contacts
of which make a decision
National stands: or influence the decision to
Belgium, Sri-Lanka,
62% procure products presented at
the exhibition
concluded new contracts
Exhibiting products:
organic baby food frozen foods privat label novelty kraft
Food Products
Groceries, grain products. pasta, sauces, oils,
spices Business visitors
Dairy products, cheeses,
Meat products, poultry, eggs
profile in 2017:
Fish & seafood Retail chains:
Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries Mego Market, Auchan, Furshet, OKKO, Hippo,
Delicat, KLO, ECO Market, Varus, L Kafa Group,
Sweets, confectionery and bakery products, nuts, Pchelka Market, Real Market, BARDAK, Veresen
seeds, honey, snacks, dried fruits Plus, Kopilka
Alcoholic (wine, spirits, beer)
Nonalcoholic (kvass, juices, nectars, water)
Coffee, tea, cocoa
Equipment, packaging,
technologies and services
Ingredients, preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners,
enzymes, colorants
Technologies and packaging
Specialized publications
Green Produce
Fresh and canned fruits, vegetables, mushrooms
Equipment, technologies and services
Agricultural technology
Packaging, storage and logistics
WorldFood Cuisine
WorldFood Bread Festival
WorldFood Farm Craft StartUp Premier Palace, Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv, Trelco
Limited (QATAR), Taurinas, UAB (Lithuania), Rozetka,
Retail Center Pakko Holding, ALT Product (Belorus)
WorldFood Business Talks