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AP* Statistics Quiz B – Chapter 3 Name ________________________

1. The students in a biology class kept a record of the height
(in centimeters) of plants for a class experiment. 49 67 38 55 62
54 36 41 56 43
48 75 44 60 48
52 48 53 59 32
a. Sketch a histogram for these data. b. Find the mean and standard deviation of the
plant heights.

c. Is it appropriate to use the mean and d. Describe the distribution of plant heights.
standard deviation to summarize these
data? Explain.

2. All students in a physical education class completed a basketball free-throw shooting event
and the highest number of shots made was 32. The next day a student who had just
transferred into the school completed the event, making 35 shots. Indicate whether adding the
new student’s score to the rest of the data made each of these summary statistics increase,
decrease, or stay about the same:

a. mean

b. median

c. range

d. IQR

e. standard deviation

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AP* Statistics – Classwork Chapter 4

Here are the weekly payrolls for two imaginary Mooseburgers McTofu
restaurants, Mooseburgers and McTofu. Al $123 Ken $110
1. Find the 5-number summaries. Boris $136 Latisha $115
Connie $144 Maria $130
Statistic M-burgers McTofu
Dwight $150 Nate $100
Min Ernie $110 Otto $120
Q1 Francois $131 Pablo $146
Gloria $140 Quentin $117
Horace $160 Rosa $129
Isaac $120 Sally $360
Max Juan $130 Ted $132
Uta $107
2. Create parallel boxplots. Label your graph clearly.

3. Write a few sentences comparing the distributions.

4. Which restaurant pays the higher average salary? ________________________

5. Why is the mean salary misleading?

6. At which restaurant would you rather work? Give a sound statistical justification for your

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AP* Statistics Quiz A – Chapter 4 Name ________________________

1. The five-number summary for midterm scores (number of points; the maximum possible
score was 50 points) from an intro stats class is:
Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
16.5 32 39 43.5 48.5
a. Would you expect the mean midterm score of all students who took the midterm to be
higher or lower than the median? Explain.

b. Based on the five-number summary, are any of the midterm scores outliers? Explain.

2. The side-by-side boxplots show the cumulative college GPAs for sophomores, juniors, and
seniors taking an intro stats course in Autumn 2003.

a. Which class (sophomore, junior, or 4.50 Cumulative GPA

senior) had the lowest cumulative college Autumn 2003
GPA? What is the approximate value of
Cumulative College GPA

that GPA?

b. Which class has the highest median GPA, 3.00

and what is that GPA?


c. Which class has the largest range for

GPA, and what is it? 1.50
Soph. Jun. Sen.

d. Which class has the most symmetric set of GPAs? The most skewed set of GPAs?

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3. The following are histograms for the heights of 100 US women and the heights of 100
European women:

Histogram of USWmnCm Histogram of HtsforEUWmn

16 20


12 15


8 10

4 5

0 0
152 156 160 164 168 172 176 152 156 160 164 168 172 176 180
USWmnCm HtsforEUWmn

Compare the two distributions of the women’s heights. Be sure to talk about shape, center,
and spread.

4. While the scales histograms are the same, there is something that could be improved so that
we could compare these two distributions better. Identify this improvement and explain why
it would be better.

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AP* Statistics Quiz B – Chapter 4 Name_________________________

1. The body temperature of students is taken each time a student goes to the nurse’s office.
The five-number summary for the temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) of students on a
particular day is:
Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
96.6º 97.85º 98.25º 98.6º 101.8º
a. Would you expect the mean temperature of all students who visited the nurse’s
office to be higher or lower than the median? Explain.

b. After the data were picked up in the afternoon, three more students visited the
nurse’s office with temperatures of 96.7º, 98.4º, and 99.2º. Were any of these
students outliers? Explain.

2. The boxplots show the age of people involved in accidents according to their role in the
a. Which role involved the youngest 100
person, and what is the age? 90
Age (years)

b. Which role had the lowest median 50
age, and what is the age? 40
c. Which role had smallest range of
ages, and what is it?
Cyclist Driver Pass. Pedest.

d. Which role had the largest IQR of ages, and what is it?

e. Which role generally involves the oldest people? Explain.

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3. One thousand students from a local university were

sampled to gather information such as gender, high 60
school GPA, college GPA, and total SAT scores. The 30

results were used to create histograms displaying high 0
school grade point averages (GPA’s) for both males 60
and females. Compare the grade distribution of males F
and females.
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

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