Literature Review Needle Stick Injury
Literature Review Needle Stick Injury
Literature Review Needle Stick Injury
significant challenge. This process involves an extensive exploration of academic journals, articles,
and other scholarly resources to compile, summarize, and analyze existing research. The objective is
to create a comprehensive overview that not only captures the current state of knowledge but also
identifies gaps in the research. This task demands a deep understanding of the subject matter, an
ability to critically evaluate sources, and a high level of academic writing skill.
The complexity of writing a literature review on needle stick injuries stems from several factors.
First, the subject matter is highly specialized, requiring familiarity with medical terminology,
procedures, and the implications of such injuries on healthcare professionals and patients alike.
Second, the research available is vast and varied, covering epidemiological data, prevention
strategies, post-exposure protocols, and psychological impacts, among other aspects. Sifting through
this sea of information to find relevant, high-quality studies can be daunting. Third, synthesizing the
findings into a coherent narrative that adds value to the academic discourse demands not only writing
proficiency but also critical thinking and analytical skills.
Given these challenges, it's understandable that many may seek assistance in crafting a literature
review on this topic. For those looking to ensure their review is of the highest quality, engaging a
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contributes meaningfully to the academic conversation.
Offer pregnancy testing to all women of childbearing age not. Case-control study of HIV
seroconversion in health care workers after percutaneous exposure. Policies should be reviewed at
regular intervals to ensure that they continue to be effective and up to date. The incidents were
dominantly high in low and middle income countries. Employees are required to attend training that
is provided for their safety, health and welfare at work. Prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of
hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: the German guidelines on management of HCV infection.
Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds Nov 29 th, 2001 Ian Walker, CCFP(EM). Objectives. Review
the literature regarding needlestick injuries Determine how one accurately assesses risk - PowerPoint
PPT Presentation. They are education, trainings, safe needle use and effective communication. The
IR3 form, Report of Dangerous Occurrence, may be used to report the incident to the Health and
Safety Authority. No evidence that interferon, with or without ribavirin is. When the regulation is in
place, nurses will be able to differ which procedures that can prevent them from harms and injury.
Protective needle shields could prevent students from NSI incidents. HBV following a NSI The
incidence of HBV following NSI has shown a. They occur when staff use special containers for
needles and sharps. These events are of concern because of the risk to transmit blood-borne diseases
through the passage of the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the hepatitis C virus (HCV), and the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS. ( Wikipedia ) DR.T.V.RAO MD 2 Page
3. All sharp hazards that have potential to harm nurses must be eliminated and removed properly.
Hepatitis B vaccination to be made mandatory not only for doctors. Sharps are considered to be
work equipment within the meaning of Regulation 2 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work
(General Application) Regulations 2007. Transmission of HIV and hepatitis C virus from a nursing
home patient to a health care worker. Disposable gloves should be worn for all activities that carry a
risk of exposure to blood or body fluids. In contrast, self-reports were higher after the
implementation of the educational program, from 37.0% before the implementation to 55.6% after
the implementation. Keywords: Awareness, Needlestick and Sharp Injuries, Blood Borne Viruses,
Students. Himmelreich H, Sarrazin C, Stephan C, Rabenau HF, Marzi I, Wicker S. PEP significantly
reduces the risk of HIV transmission from. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Thirty-two (69.6%) students reported
being exposed to a sharp instruments injury and most injuries (22, 68.8%) occurred in the
conservative dentistry department. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
(SABCS) 2023: Spotlight. pediatrics. epilepsy and seizures in children 8.ppt pediatrics. epilepsy and
seizures in children 8.ppt Respirtory stimulants.pdf Respirtory stimulants.pdf The EMA and
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Agonists: A Wake-Up Call The EMA and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1
Agonists: A Wake-Up Call Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Locate
disposal containers specifically where needles are used to make safe disposal possible without
recapping. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Consequently, they are
at higher risks of various bloodborne infections, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Does it increase the risk of a sharps injury occurring, e.g. are employees regularly coming into direct
contact with sharps. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The amount of HIV in the exposed blood (i.e. the viral
load of the source patient) Traditionally, “risk assessments” done for patients of unknown HIV status
Increasingly unreliable In 1985, 94% of all AIDS patients had a major RF In 1996, 20% of all
patients had been infected through heterosexual contact or had no known RF Page 11. An
anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data on prevalence, protective
strategies, hepatitis B immunization, health status following injuries and post-exposure prophylaxis.
Outcomes of interest included needlestick injuries, and HIV, HBV and HCV infections amongst
HCWs (for sharps injury prevention syringes) and patients (for reuse prevention syringes). The
majority of needlesticks occur when health care workers. Conclusions four main strategies to prevent
NSIs were education, trainings, safe needle use and effective communication. Safe needle use, along
with the use of technology for sharp devices would help students, too, to prevent NSI incidents.
Some attribute the problem to forgetfulness or lack of motivation or training on the part of people
who work with and dispose of needles. Taif University, Taif, KSA khaled khader, Ahmed Ibrahem,
Higazi Higazi Abstract: Applied medical sciences students (particularly nursing and laboratory) are
at high risk for needle stick and sharp injuries, especially when there are lack of experiences and
awareness. Trainings Over one- quarter of total articles (26.67%) indicated trainings as one of the
effective strategies to prevent NSIs, along with education. Seminario biologia molecular-
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Sharps are considered to be work equipment within the meaning
of Regulation 2 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007.
S Iyanar Shanmugam Infection control and standard safety precautions Infection control and
standard safety precautions mannparashar What's hot ( 20 ) Needle stick Injury Needle stick Injury
Needle stick injury BE aware. These practices might include proper practices of preventing needle
recapping, placing sharp containers at eye's level and at arm's reach, and emptying sharps containers
before they are full. The directive implements the Framework Agreement on prevention of sharps
injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector concluded by the European Hospital and Healthcare
Employers’ Association (HOSPEEM) and the European Federation of Public Services Unions
(EPSU). When determining when the training should be repeated, the following are to be taken into
account. Role of Regulatory authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of. Marzi View
author publications You can also search for this author in. Offer pregnancy testing to all women of
childbearing age not. These findings reflected the need of actions to prevent the occurrence of NSIs
since it might lead to various bloodborne diseases. At the later stage, 103 selected articles were
analyzed, in which 5 articles of them were specifically reviewed and analyzed. However, it should be
kept in mind that sharps injuries are not always reported within organisations. Nearly three quarter of
the articles (11; 73.33%) mentioned the role of education as a strategy to prevent needle stick injury
among students in the clinical settings. No published literature is available on sharp injuries among
dentists in Sudan. Needle stick injury (NSI) has a serious risk of transmission of various blood.
Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. National AIDS control
Organization (NACO) 2007 may. Some articles mentioned that universal and standards precautions
were among the most important topics for trainings. Needle stick injury Needle stick injury
TheRoyAshish Preventing needlestick and other sharp injuries 2019 Preventing needlestick and other
sharp injuries 2019 jayashreejaji Isolation Precaution Isolation Precaution Philippine Hospital
Infection Contol Nurses Associaton (PHICNA) Inc.
Implications for practice collaboration of hospitals and educational institutions is essential to develop
effective NSI prevention programs. Keywords: Needle stick injury Nursing student Prevention
Strategy. The study was performed in over 9 months, from October 2014 to July 2015. Sharps
injuries in the healthcare setting may result in the transmission of blood borne viruses (BBVs) such
as hepatitis B (HBV) hepatitis C (HCV) or Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV). The
Regulations build on this requirement by ensuring that the information provided to employees
includes those matters listed in the Regulations. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Therefore, it is crucial for students to possess adequate competences regarding the procedures
that require them to handle sharp devices. Third, the government recently introduced changes to The
Workers Compensation Act. They must take account of confidentiality issues which may arise for
the injured employee. Guidelines on Antiretroviral therapy guidelines for HIV-. Role of Regulatory
authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of. By accessing this service, you agree that
Gallagher Bassett is not liable for any expense, loss or cost you may incur as a result of the
information on this site being inaccurate or incomplete in any way or incapable of achieving any
purpose. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Patients and nurses each
selected attributes pertinent to their own experiences with the FSH injection device. Role of
Regulatory authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of. Results of our study could be the
reference for future studies with respect NSI prevention and control. This includes nurses, medical
practitioners, nursing auxiliaries and assistants, cleaners, dental nurses,paramedics, home carers etc.
Download Free PDF View PDF Awareness of Students of Applied Medical Sciences Faculty
Regarding Needle Stick and Sharp Injuries (NSSIs). The results revealed that over half of the injury
occurred when students opened the ampules (53.15%). Nearly half of the respondents were injured
due to intravenous cannulation (44.50%) and injection (43.27%). The injury proportion was lowest
when students opened the needle cap (10.00%) ( Table 2 ). Table 2. Factors associated with needle
stick injury. Some articles mentioned that universal and standards precautions were among the most
important topics for trainings. Sharps are considered to be work equipment within the meaning of
Regulation 2 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007.
Establish eligibility for PEP STEP 3 Counsel for PEP STEP 4. Prescribe PEP STEP 5 Laboratory
Evaluation STEP 6 Follow up. When the regulation is in place, nurses will be able to differ which
procedures that can prevent them from harms and injury. The total of students involved in this study
was 92, (49 were from nursing department) and (43 were from laboratory department). 45.7%, of
them were exposing to NSSIs and 89.1% were fully vaccinated against HBV. Following the
evaluation you may need to consider making improvements to existing controls with priorities for
action. They are contained in Schedule 3 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. HOW
TO DISPOSE THE NEEDLES DR.T.V.RAO MD 11 Page 12. The response rate was 100% and
females constituted 89.1% (41) of the sample. The search terms of “nursing students”, “NSI
incidents”, “prevention”, and “clinical settings” were entered, generating 103 articles published
between 1991 and 2015. Status of the patient is unknown, and neither the patient nor.
The IR3 form, Report of Dangerous Occurrence, may be used to report the incident to the Health
and Safety Authority. This includes nurses, medical practitioners, nursing auxiliaries and assistants,
cleaners, dental nurses,paramedics, home carers etc. Similarly reuse of syringes in healthcare settings
might transmit these infections between patients. We found budget constraints and insufficient
resources prevented low and middle income countries from taking actions. Stephan Authors S.
Wicker View author publications You can also search for this author in. The Principles of Prevention
are a hierarchy of control measures set out in descending order of preference. Seminario biologia
molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. To browse and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Outcomes of interest
included needlestick injuries, and HIV, HBV and HCV infections amongst HCWs (for sharps injury
prevention syringes) and patients (for reuse prevention syringes). Last, effective communication
along with adequate supervision from clinical instructors would prevent underreported incidents as
well as help students to feel safer and confident to perform procedures, which later can also prevent
them from injuries. The response rate was 100% and females constituted 89.1% (41) of the sample.
Nelfinavir (NLF) 3rd choice: Indinavir (IND) drink 8 10 glasses of. All sharp hazards that have
potential to harm nurses must be eliminated and removed properly. Both education and trainings
could raise students’ awareness and knowledge regarding safe procedures, NSI prevention and
management. Needle stick injury among nursing students Some articles presented the incidents of
needle stick injury among nursing students in 13 countries. HOW TO DISPOSE THE NEEDLES
DR.T.V.RAO MD 11 Page 12. The aim of this survey was to describe the epidemiology of sharp
instruments injuries in dental students at a dental school in Sudan. Anti-HBs response to vaccine
cannot be ascertained if. Many needle stick injuries cause fear among the Health care workers,
leading to liabilities on the Hospitals. Besides, nurses need to limit unnecessary invasive procedures
if possible. Post-traumatic stress disorder in trainee doctors with previous needlestick injuries. Needle
stick injury prevention strategies The hierarchy of infection control Some articles presented the
hierarchy of infection control developed by the American Nurses Association (2002 ). Transmission
of HIV and hepatitis C virus from a nursing home patient to a health care worker. Repeat HIV
testing of exposed staff as per protocol ( 3 weeks-. When the regulation is in place, nurses will be
able to differ which procedures that can prevent them from harms and injury. Occupational exposure
to HIV in health care settings. There are many types of work activities which can expose employees
in healthcare to the risk of sharps injuries. The control measures in the Regulations are set out below,
taking account of the Principles of Prevention. Intra Cranial Pressure and nursing interventions.pptx
3. Intra Cranial Pressure and nursing interventions.pptx SINGLE MAXILLARY DENTURE AND
stick injury 1. Keywords: Awareness, Needlestick and Sharp Injuries, Blood Borne Viruses, Students.
Himmelreich H, Sarrazin C, Stephan C, Rabenau HF, Marzi I, Wicker S. They should include the
immediate first aid response, the arrangements in place for the care of the injured employee and the
reporting and investigation procedures. They occur when staff use special containers for needles and
sharps. Employees are required to attend training that is provided for their safety, health and welfare
at work. Categorically, patients valued factors that resulted in minimal impact on daily life, including
reduced injection volume to minimize injection-site pain, as well as a reusable device that would be
easy to use; nurses placed greater value on a device that would be easy to teach in order to instruct
the greatest number of patients while minimizing risk. National AIDS control Organization (NACO)
2007 may. We included both randomized and non-randomized studies comparing safety syringes to
syringes without safety features. This will ensure that an injured employee can receive the
appropriate care and the incident can be investigated with a view to preventing recurrence. They
implement specific control measures to protect employees at risk, and require an appropriate response
in the event of an incident occurring. Replace the containers before they are completely filled. The
first measure and the least effective one was the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Health
care worker with frequent blood exposures are. The response rate was 100% and females constituted
89.1% (41) of the sample. Needle stick injury prevention strategies The hierarchy of infection control
Some articles presented the hierarchy of infection control developed by the American Nurses
Association (2002 ). Sharps are considered to be work equipment within the meaning of Regulation 2
of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007. Disposable
gloves should be worn for all activities that carry a risk of exposure to blood or body fluids. The
amount of HIV in the exposed blood (i.e. the viral load of the source patient) Traditionally, “risk
assessments” done for patients of unknown HIV status Increasingly unreliable In 1985, 94% of all
AIDS patients had a major RF In 1996, 20% of all patients had been infected through heterosexual
contact or had no known RF Page 11. They also occur when needles are disposed of improperly in
regular garbage or lost in the workplace. Nelfinavir (NLF) 3rd choice: Indinavir (IND) drink 8 10
glasses of. Work-related sharps injuries must be reported in the following circumstances. Stephan
Authors S. Wicker View author publications You can also search for this author in. No published
literature is available on sharp injuries among dentists in Sudan. Trainings Over one- quarter of total
articles (26.67%) indicated trainings as one of the effective strategies to prevent NSIs, along with
education. HIV seroconversion in a health care worker who underwent postexposure prophylaxis
following needlestick injury. Walcher View author publications You can also search for this author in.
In contrast, self-reports were higher after the implementation of the educational program, from
37.0% before the implementation to 55.6% after the implementation. A prospective study on the
management of NSSI at King Fahad National Guard Hospital from 1996 to 2000. IJAR Indexing
Download Free PDF View PDF RELATED TOPICS Nursing Public Health See Full PDF
Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. The Regulations
relate to the risks posed by sharps to those working in healthcare. When possible, we conducted
meta-analyses using a random-effects.