Unit 1 2023
Unit 1 2023
Unit 1 2023
A. Expanded Program of
Immunization (EPI) UNIT IX New Technologies Related to Public
B. Integrated Management of Health Electronic Information
Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) A. Government Sites
B. Nursing and Health Sites public health nurses. Historical accounts show that as
far back as the 1900s, nurses working in the
UNIT X Nursing Core Values as a Community communities were already given the title Public
Health Nurse Health Nurses.
In the light of the changing national and global
health situation and the acknowledgement that
UNIT XI Health Related Enterpreneurial nursing is a significant contributor to health, the
Activities in the Community Setting Public Health Nurse is strategically positioned to
make a difference in the health outcomes of
UNIT I individuals, families and communities cared for.
Evolution of Public Health Nursing in the The core business of public health as :
Philippines 1. Disease control
2. Injury prevention
For the public health nurse to have a better 3. Health protection
understanding of how public health nursing came 4. Health public policy including those in
about in the Philippines, there are certain concepts relation to environmental hazards
that must be understood and should serve as a point such as in the workplace, housing, food,
of reference in the foregoing discussions. water, etc.
5. Prootion of health and equitable health
HEALTH gain..
The World Health Organization defines health
as a “state of complete physical mental and social
well being, not merely the absence od disease or The following are the essential public health
infirmity.” functions:
1. Health situation monitoring and analysis
DETERMINANANTS OF HEALTH 2. Epidemiological surveillance/disease
The health of individuals and communities are, prevention and control
to a large extent, affected by a combination of many 3. Development of policies and planning in
factors. A persons’s health is determined by his public health
circumstances and environment. It is inappropriate 4. Strategic management of health systems
therefore to blame or credit the person’s state of and services for
health to himself alone because he is unlikely able to population health gain.
directly control many of these factors however, 5. Regulation and enforcement to protect
knowledge of these factors is important in order to public health
effectively promote health and prevent illnesses. It 6. Human resources development and
ids also important to note that in understanding the planning in public health
multidimensional nature of health, the public health 7. Health promotion, social participation and
nurse will now be in better position to plan and empowerment
implement health promoting interventions for 8. Ensuring the quality of personal and
individuals and communities. population based health services
These factors or things that make people healthy 9. Research, development and
or not, known as determinants of health are listed by implementation of innovative public health
the World Health Organization to include: solutions.
1. Income and social status. Higher income and
social status are linked to better health. This definition is an apt description of the
2. Education. Low education levels are linked nature of Public Health Nursing in the
with poor health, more stress and lower self Philippines. The public health nurses in this
confidence. country are using their nursing skills in the
3. Physical Environment. Safe water and clean application of public health functions and social
air, healthy workplaces,safe houses, communities and assistance within the context of public health
roadsall contribute to good health. programs designed to promote health and prevent
4. EMployment and working conditions. People diseases.
in employment are healthier particularly those who
have more control over thier working conditions. Public health nursing and community health
5. Social support networkd. Greater support from nursing have often been interchangeably used in
families, friends and communities is linked to better the Philippines. This is not surprising through
health. because various authors, foreign and local, also
6. CUlture. Customs and traditions, and the used them interchangeably.
beliefs of the family and community all affect health. The phrase community health nursing
7. Genetics, Inheritance plays a part in emerged out of an interest in reaffirming the
determining lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood original thrust of public health nursing: nursing
of developing certain illnesses.
for the health of the entire public/community 1917
versus nursing only for the public who are poor. Four graduate nurses paid by the city of Manila were
employed to work in the City Schools. Provinces that
Historical Background of Public Health Nursing could afford to carry out school health services were
encouraged to employ a district nurse.
The History of public Health nursing in the
Philippines is embedded in the history of the 1918
Department of Health which was first established The office of Miss Clark was abolished due to lack of
as the Department Public Works, Education and funds.
Hygiene in 1898.
The following milestones marked the events The first Filipino nurse supervisor under the
when the nurses and nursing were particularly Bureau of Health, Miss Carmen del Rosario was
mentioned in historicla accounts: appointed. She succeeded Miss Mabel Dabbs.
She has a staff of 84 public health nurses
1912 assigned I five health stations.
The Fajardo Act ( Act NO. 2156) created Sanitary There was a gradual increase of public health
Divisions. He President of the Sanitary Division nurses and expansion of services.
(forerunners of the present Municipal Health
Offficers) took charge of two or three municipalities. 1932
Where there were no physicians available, male Two government schools of Nursing were
nurses were assigned to perform duties of the established: Zamboanga General Hospital School of
President, Sanitary Division. Nursing in Mindanao and Baguio General Hospital in
Northern Luzon. These schools were primarily
Philippine General Hospital, then under the Bureau of intended to train non-christian women and prepare
Health sent four nurses to Cebu to take care of them to render service among their people. In later
mother and their babies. The St. Paul’s Hospital years, four more government Schools of Nursing
School of Nursing in Intramuros, also assigned two were established: one in southern Luzon ( Quezon
nurses to do home visiting in Manila and gave Province) and three in the Visayan Islands of Cebu,
nursing care to mothers and newborn babies from the Bohol, Leyte.
out patient obstetrical service of the Philippine
General Hospital. July 1,1926
Miss Carmen Leogardo resigned and Miss Genara S.
1914 Manongdo, a ranking supervisor of the American Red
School nursing was rendered by a nurse employed by Cross, Philippine Chapter was appointed in her place.
the Bureau of Health in Tacloban, Leyte. In the same
year, Reorganization Act No. 2462 created the 1927
Office of General Inspection. The Office of District The office of District Nursing under the office of
Nursing was organized under this office. It was General Inspection, Philippine Health Service was
headed by a lady physician, Dr. Rosario Pastor who abolished and supplanted by the Section of Public
was also a nurse.. This office was created due to Health Nursing. Mrs. Genara de Guzman acted as
increasing demands for nurses to work outside the consultant to the Director of Health on nursing
hospital, and the need for direction, supervision and matters
guidance of public health nurses.
Two graduate Filipino nurses, Mrs. Casilang The first convention of nurses was held followed by
Eustquio and Mrs. Matilde Azurin were employed yearly conventions until the advent of World War II.
for Maternal and Child Health and Sanitation in Pre-service training was initiated as a pre-requisite
Manila under an American nurse, Mrs. G.D. for appointment.
1916-1918 1930
Miss Perlita Clark took Charge of the public health The section of Public Health Nursing was converted
nursing work. Her staff was composed of one into Section of Nursing due to pressing need for
American nurse supervisor, one American dietician, guidance not only in public nursing services but also
36 Filipino nurses working in the provinces and one in hospital nursing and nursing education. The
nurse and one dietitian assigned in two Sanitary Section of Nursing was transferred from the office of
Divisions. General Services to the Division of Administration.
This Office covered the supervision and guidance of
nurses in the provincialhospitals and the two Executive order No.94 reorganized government
government school of nursing. offices and created the Division of Nursing under
the Office of the Secretary of Health. This was
1933 implemented on Dec. 16, 1947 Mrs. Genera de
Reorganization Act No. 4007 transferred the Division Guzman was appointed as chief of the
of Maternal ans Child Health of the Office of Public Division, with three Assistants: Miss Annie
Welfare Commission to the Bureau of Health. Mrs. Sand for Nursing Education; Mrs. Magdalena C.
Soledad a. Buenafe, former Assistant Superintendent Valenzuela for Public Health Nursing; and
of Nurses of the Public Welfare Commission was Mrs.Patrocinio J. Montellano for Staff
appointed as Assistant Chief Nurse of the Section of Education.
Nursing, bureau of Health. At the Bureau of Health, the Section of Nursing
Supervision took over the functions of the former
1941 Section of Nursing.
Activities and personnel including siz public health Mrs. Soledad Buenafe was appointed Chief and
members of the Metropolitan Division, Bureau of Miss Marcela Gabatin, Assistant Chief
Health were transferred to the new department . Dt.
Mariano Icasiano became the first City Health 1948
Officer of Manila. An Office of Nursing was - The first training Center of the Bureau of
organized with Mrs. Vicenta P. Ponce as Chief Nurse Health was organized in cooperation
and Mrs. Rosario A. Ordiz as Assistant Chief Nurse. With the Pasay City Health Department. This
They occupied these positions until their retirement. was housed at the Tabon Health
Center located in a marginalized part of the city.
Dec. 8,1941 It was later renamed as Doña Marta Health Center.
When World War II broke out, public health nurses - Physicians and nurses undergoing pre-service
in Manila were assigned to devastated areas to attend and in-service training in public
to the sick and the wounded. health/public health nursing as well as nursing
student on affiliation were assigned to the above
1942 training center.
A group of public health nurses, physicians and
administrators from the Manila Health Department 1950
went to the internment camp in capas, Tarlac to - The Rural Health Demonstration and Training
receive sick prisoners of war released by the Japanese Center (RHDTC) was established by the
army. They were confined at San Lazaro Hospital Department of Health through the initiative of Dr.
and sixty-eight National Public Health Nurses were Hilario Lara, Dean, institute of Hygiene, now
assigned to help hospital staff take care of them. College of Public Health, University of the
July 1942 - The WHO/UNICEF assisted project used health
Thirty-one nurses who were taken prisoners of war centers of the Quezon City Health
by the Japanese army and confined at the Bilibid Department, which were located in the rural areas of
Prison in Manila were released to the then Director of the city.
the Bureau of Health, Dr. Eusebio Aguilar who acted - Dr. Amansia S. Mangay (Mrs. Andres Angara),
as their gurantor. a Doctor of Public Health Graduate
form Harvard was chosen tobe the Chief of the
Many public health nurses joined the guerillas or RHDTC.
went to hide in the - Dr. Antonio V. Acosta, former Physician of the
mountains during World War II. Manila Health Department was Medical
Training Officer.
February 1946
Post war records of the Bureau of Health thet there
were 308 public health nurses and 38 supervisors
compared to pre-war when there were 556 public
health nurses and 38 supervisors. In the same year
Mrs. Genera
de Guzman, Technical Assistant in Nursing of the
Department of Health and concurrent President of the 1953
Filipino Nurses Association - The Office of Health Education and Personnel
recommended the creation a Nursing Office in the Training was established with Dr.Trinidad
department of Health. Gomez as Chief
- Philippine Congress approved Republic Act
Oct.7, 1947 No. 1082 or the Rural Health Law. It created the first
81 Rural Health Units.
1957 May 24, 1999
- Republic Act 1891 was approved amending - Executive Order No. 102 was signed by
Sections Two, Three, Four, Seven and Eight of R.A. President Joseph Ejercito Estrada,
1082 :Strengthening Health and Dental Services in redirecting the functions and operations of
the Rural Areas and Providing Funds thereto.” the Department of Health.
1958-1965 2005-2006
- Republic Act 977 passed by Congress in 1954 - The development of the Rationalization Plan to
was implemented. This abolished the Division streamline the bureaucracy further was
of Nursing. However, it created nursing positions at started and is in the last stages of finalizatio
different levels in the health organization.
Miss Annie Sand was appointed Nursing Roles and Responsiblities of a Community Health
Consultant under the Office of the Secretary of Nurse
- The Department of Health National League of Planner/Programmer
Nurses, Inc. was founded by Miss Annie Identifies needs, priorities, and problems
Sand in 1961. She became its first President and of individuals, families, and
Adviser. communities
- The Reorganization Act with implementing Formulates municipal health plan in the
details embodied in Executive Order absence of a medical doctor
288, series of 1959 de-centralized and integrated Interprets and implements nursing plan,
health services. program policies, memoranda, and
- The reorganization of 1959 also merged two circular for the concerned staff personnel
Bereaus in the Department of Health. The Provides technical assistance to rural
Bureau of Health was merged with the Bureau of health midwives in health matters
Hospitals to form the Bureau of Health and
Medical Services. Provider of Nursing Care
Provides direct nursing care to sick or
1967 disabled in the home, clinic,
- In the Burea of Disease Control, Mrs. Zenaida school, or workplace
Panlilio – Nisce was appointed as Develops the family’s capability to take
Nursing Program Supervisor and served as care of the sick, disabled, or dependent
consultant on the nursing aspects of the 5 member
special diseases: TB, Leprosy, Venereal Disease,
Cancer, Filariasis, and Mental Health. Community Organizer
Motivates and enhances community
1974 participation in terms of planning,
- The Project Management Staff was organized organizing, implementing, and
as part of Population II of the evaluating health services
Philippine Government with Dr. Francisco Initiates and participates in community
Aguilar as Project Manager. development activities
Change Agent
Motivates changes in health behavior in Test yourself
individuals, families, groups, and
communities that also include lifestyle in
order to promote and maintain
1. According to C.E. Winslow, which of the
Recorder/Reporter/Statistician following is the goal of Public Health?
Prepares and submits required reports
and records A. For people to attain their birthrights and
Maintain adequate, accurate, and longevity
complete recording and reporting B. For promotion of health and prevention and
Reviews, validates, consolidates, diseases
analyzes, and interprets all records and C. For people to have access to basic health
reports services
Prepares statistical data/chart and other D. For people to be organized in their health
data presentation efforts
2 . Which of the following is the most prominent
Participates in the conduct of survey
feature of public health nursing?
studies and researches on nursing and
health-related subjects
Coordinates with government and non- A. It involves providing home care to sick people
government organization in the who are not confined in the hospital
implementation of studies/research B. Services are provided free of charge to people
within the catchment area
Summary C. The public health nurse functions as part of a
team providing a public health nursing
Community health Nursing is the synthesis service
of nursing and public health practice applied to D. Public health nursing focuses on preventive,
promote and protect the health of population. It not curative services
combines all the basic elements of professional,
clinical nursing with public health and 3. According to Freeman and Heinrich,
community practice. community health nursing is a developmental
service. Which of the following best illustrates this
Public health nurses provide healthcare to statement?
people and communities who are unable to seek
assistance. Community health nursing involves A. The community health nurse continuously
advocacy and policy development to eliminate develops himself personally and
healthcare disparities. professionally
B. Health education and community
organizing are necessary in providing
community health services
C. Community health nursing in intended
primarily for health promotion and
prevention and treatment of disease. 8. Perla is Elena's co-worker as a Community Health
D. The goal of community health nursing is Nurse. Which of the following is the general
to provide nursing services to people. duty of Perla?
4. Which one of the following is a reason to study A. Provides nursing care to the community
nursing history? B.
Communicates to the Health Officer
C. Coordinates
A. To fulfill provincial/territorial nursing with Municipal Health Officer
requirements B. To help D. Establishes rapport with clients
fill up the necessary credit hours for graduation
C. To meet accreditation 9.Why is public health nursing appealing to many
requirements nurses?
D. To understand the present and plan for
tomorrow A. Its autonomy and independence
B. Its focus
5. Which of the following is the most prominent on acute care and immediately visible outcomes
feature of public health nursing? C. The backup support of other
health care professionals D.
A. Services are provided free of charge to The rapport among the nursing staff
people within the catchment area.
B. Public health nursing focuses on 10. A role of a Public health nurse who identifies
preventive, not curative, services. needs, priorities, and problems of individuals,
C. It involves providing home care to sick families, and communities.
people who are not confined in the
hospital. A. Councilor B. Model C.
D. The public health nurse functions as part Planner D. Provider
of a team providing a public
health nursing service. 11. A nurse role who study various aspects of health,
illness andhealth care. By designing and
6. CHN is a community-based practice. Which implementing scientific studies, they look for ways to
best explains this statement? improve health, health care services and health
care outcomes. ... Deliver health care services more
effectively and efficiently.
A. The service is provided in the natural
environment of people.
A. Nurse recorder B. Change
B. Priority setting is based on the
Agent C.
magnitude of the health problems
Researcher D. Planner
C. The services are based on the available
12. World Health Organization defined public health
resources within the community.
D. The nurse has to conduct community
diagnosis to determine nursing needs and
A. Science and art of preventing disease,
prolonging life, promoting health and
efficiency through organized community… .
7. The main aim of public health is to improve health
B. The art and science of
preventing disease, prolonging life and
promoting health through the organized
A. Providing medical interven on efforts of society”
appropriate for the individual C. associated with “public” or
B. Performing research to compare the government agencies and in turn with
e&ecveness of treatments the care of the poor people.
C. Promong health and preventing disease D. a service
in populations rendered by a professional nurse with
D. Providing advice on risk markers and communities, groups,
genetics to families families, individuals at home, in health
centers, in clinics, in schools…
13. A community health nurse has collected data for
several months on the birth weights of newborns to
mothers who smoked throughout their pregnancy.
This nurse is acting in which role?
A. Researcher
B. Role Model
C. Planner
D. ProgrammeR