Community Health Nursing Course Description

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COURSE TITLE: Community Health Nursing I (Individual and Family as Clients)


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the concepts and principles in the provision of basic care
in terms of health promotion, health maintenance and disease prevention at the individual, family,
community level and special population groups. It includes the study of the Philippine health care
delivery system and the global context of public health. It describes what community/public health
nursing is in the context of the Philippine health care delivery system, and in community development.
1. Apply knowledge in the physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the
practice of nursing.
2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population group, and
community utilizing nursing process.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally appropriate
6. Report and document up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inert-intra-and multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher
10. Engage in life-long learning with a passion to keep current with national and global
developments in general nursing and health development in particular
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and process in managing resources and programs
13. Display nursing core values in nursing management and leadership
14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in management and leadership
At the end of the course, given actual or simulated situations/conditions in terms of health
promotions, health maintenance and disease prevention at the level of the individual, family, special
population groups and community, and involving health care delivery system, the student shall be able to:
1. Utilize the nursing process in the holistic care of client for health promotion, maintenance of
health and prevention of disease
1.1 Assess with the client (individual, family population group, and community) its
health condition and risk-factor affecting health
1.2 Identify actual/at risk nursing diagnosis
1.3 Plan with client appropriate interventions for promotion and health maintenance
based on priorities
1.4 Implement with client appropriate interventions for health promotions and health
maintenance taking into considerations relevant principles and technique
1.5 Evaluate with client the progress of their health conditions and outcomes of care
2. Ensure a well-organized recording and reporting system
3. Observe bioethical principles and then core values (love of God, caring, love country and of
4. Relate effectively with others in work situations related to nursing and health.

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