FMCG VIetNam Post Covid

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Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCG companies in Vietnam's post-Covid-19 era

Article in NeuroQuantology · December 2022

DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650


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Nguyen Hoang-Tien
WSB Merito University


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NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

Hua Thi Bach Yen (*)

Van Lang University, Vietnam
69/68 Dang Thuy Tram street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 6526
[email protected]
Nguyen Hoang Tien
Gia Dinh University, Vietnam
(*) Corresponding author: Hua Thi Bach Yen

This article deals with the way to improve the start-up capacity of businesses of FMCG industry when
the Covid-19 pandemic is considered to be over in Vietnam. The FMCG industry is one of the industries
most affected by Covid-19 pandemic and in recent times, many businesses have gone bankrupt.
Therefore, it is necessary to revive the entrepreneurial spirit of potential FMCG industry businesses
when the Covid-19 pandemic has just passed in order to contribute and have a worthy place in the
economy that has gradually returned to normal growth trajectory.
Keywords: FMCG,retail industry, entrepreneurship capacity, Covid-19
DOINumber:10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650 NeuroQuantology2022;20(15): 6526-6540

Acknowledgment: This research is partly funded by Van Lang University and Gia Dinh University in
1. Introductions essential consumer goods, food and foodstuffs,
1.1. General situation meeting the needs of consumers (Ferris and
In the first quarter of 2022, the total retail Voia, 2012).
sales of goods and service revenue has a Total retail sales of goods and services in
remarkable growth compared to the same April 2022 reached VND 455.5 trillion, up 3.1%
period last year, goods are abundant, over the previous month and up 12.1% over the
purchasing power tends to increase.upward same period last year. In 4 months, the total
direction. The situation of Covid-19 disease is retail sales of goods and services reached VND
gradually being controlled and has begun to 1,777.4 trillion, up 6.5% over the same period
decrease deeply. Tourism activities are last year.In general, the total retail sales of
gradually restored, many programs to connect goods and services in the first April of 2022 had
supply and demand, trade are organized, an outstanding growth compared to the same
production and business activities of people and period last year, the goods were abundant, the
businesses are also gradually recovering (Hieu purchasing power tended to increase. In which,
and Duc, 2022; Dana, 1994). retail sales of goods in the first four months of
The demand for production of goods for the year increased by 7.6% compared to the
consumption and export together with the same period last year (only food and foodstuffs
impact of fluctuations in gasoline prices, the increased by 13.2% due to rising commodity
price of raw materials on the world market is prices; on the contrary, the group of garments)
still complicated and at a high price level, has and household appliances, tools and equipment
pushed up the prices of petroleum products. decreased by 3.5% and 4.6% respectively
These goods in the domestic market increased, because people's incomes are still difficult after
but in general, the price level was still basically the prolonged pandemic period);
well controlled, ensuring an abundant supply of
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

accommodation increased by 5.2%; tourism are making better preparations to dominate the
increased by 10.5% (Hieu and Duc, 2022). Vietnamese market as they have done in many
Commodity market in April 2022 had no other countries. The pressure on domestic
unusual fluctuations. The demand for distributors and retailers is huge. Facing
household goods, equipment, clothes and shoes powerful foreign corporations in poor
increases when the weather is gradually turning infrastructure conditions, the State has not had 6527
to summer. Due to the long holidays and many clear policies and plans for the retail market,
domestic tourism stimulus programs being and has faced many difficulties in terms of
implemented, the demand for tourism and capital and human resources. In terms of
services of the people has increased logistics and experience, domestic retailers are
significantly.The market of essential in danger of losing at home. And the
commodities did not have large fluctuations in consequences will not only stop at the loss of
supply and demand, but due to the influence of the retail market to foreign corporations, but
the price increase in the world market, the also the collapse of domestic manufacturers,
prices of some domestic commodities such as import and export activities.
fertilizers, animal feeds and raw materials, 1.3. Research objectives
construction steel increased compared to the This article will provide an overview
previous month. Prices of fuel and energy analysis and assessment of the retail market in
commodities such as petrol and oil continue to Vietnam and a SWOT analysis for Vietnamese
be managed in the direction of following the and foreign retail groups, some
movements of world prices but limiting the recommendations on the trend of retail
fluctuation range to stabilize the domestic industry in Vietnam as well as development
market adjusted up by world prices. direction of Vietnam's retail market in the
1.2. Urgency of research future, thereby proposing solutions to improve
Vietnam's retail market in recent years has the competitiveness of Vietnamese retail
been assessed as one of the most attractive enterprises.
retail markets in the world. With an economic
growth rate of over 8% for many years, 50% of 2. Theoretical framework
the population is between the ages of 25 and 33, 2.1. Entrepreneurship concepts and issues
70% of income is spent on consumption, 2.1.1. FMCG concept
opportunities open up for retailers in general Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are
and Vietnamese retailers in particular are products that sell quickly at a relatively low cost.
huge.However, since Vietnam joined the World These goods are also known as consumer
Trade Organization (WTO), the challenges packaged goods. FMCG are non-durable
burdening Vietnamese retailers are not consumer goods that sell like hot bread because
small.Vietnam's commitments on opening up they often come with low prices and high
the retail market are highly appreciated. This convenience. Their examples include
means that the retail industry in Vietnam will be toothpaste, ready-made foods, soaps, cookies,
affected by the market opening process within notebooks, chocolate, etc. These products are
the framework of implementing WTO often stacked on the shelves of supermarkets
commitments (Dana, 2010). like Walmart. Less durability, high demand, and
Some Vietnamese retail businesses will be low prices are some of the characteristics of
hurt by having to compete with retail groups in FMCGs that cause them to sell off quickly.
the world. At the present time, a number of These goods are purchased frequently,
foreign retail groups have been operating consumed quickly, at low prices, and sold in
successfully in the Vietnamese market. Others
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

large quantities. They also have high sales when resources, position and force, synergy,
they hit store shelves. development level. economy and prestige of
2.1.2. Start-up problems the country. In the same global and regional
It is not easy for startups in the consumer context, opportunities open up only to those
goods and food industries to find a place in countries that are prepared, have enough
modern retail channels such as supermarkets strength and power to seize opportunities. The 6528
because the scale of these businesses is still internal strength and synergy of the country are
small and has not met the basic criteria. version also the basis for the country to overcome
of the modern distribution system.Businesses in challenges, and can even turn challenges into
the consumer goods industry must "shake opportunities when those challenges create
hands" with e-commerce businesses to solve motivation and pressure to force the country to
problems with sales channels and goods strive toovercome (Obrecht, 2016; Peredo,
transportation. Therefore, FMCG personnel 2014; Rubin and Rubin, 2005).
need to be equipped with new knowledge and About the opportunity
skills related to digital transformation and IT First, we must talk about the opportunities
application to be able to go a long way in the created by the nature of the times and by the
next 5-10 years. Digital transformation is context of the international situation today. The
increasingly becoming a must-have strategy for Communist Party of Vietnam has always
businesses, especially after 2 years of the determined that in order for Vietnam's
COVID-19 pandemic. Companies in the field of revolutionary cause to be successful, it must
FMCG. Trading in items like food and other bring into full play the strength of the nation
everyday essentials - is no exception. The FMCG and combine it with the strength of the times.
industry has experienced major digital Vietnam is a low-developed economic country,
transformations in the past two years. has not yet passed the capitalist development
Therefore, personnel working in this industry stage, but Vietnam can develop towards the
also face many changes and new requirements, socialist orientation, can develop the transition
if they want to stay in the profession, especially to socialism is Due to the nature of today's era
skills in e-commerce and the application of as a transitional era to socialism, as the
Information Technology in all industries. daily principle stated: mankind only poses problems
work activities (Nazareno et al., 2019; Tien, that the conditions and factors to solve those
2015). Navigos Group, a leading human problems have arisen. presently. The era of
resource recruitment service provider in transition to socialism on a worldwide scale has
Vietnam, which owns the online job search site created an opportunity for a country that has
VietnamWorks, has just released the report not yet passed the capitalist development stage
"FMCG HR: Challenges and Opportunities in the to develop along the socialist-oriented path.
Marketplace" recovering from COVID-19”. About the challenge
According to Navigos, in 2021, the FMCG In the coming years, Vietnam's economic
industry has experienced certain difficulties and development will not only have opportunities,
challenges when heavily impacted by the but also many challenges, even threats. It is
COVID-19 pandemic. worth noting that many of these challenges
2.2. The nature of the startup-based economy, stem from other aspects of the same factors
the industry's opportunities and challenges that create opportunities for the country's
Opportunities and challenges for the economic development.
country's economic development depend both 2.3. Factors affecting the entrepreneurial
on the situation inside and outside the country, capacity of the industry
of which the most important are internal
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

The first is fierce competition with foreign goods to enter the Vietnamese market. In 2018
brands and the first half of 2019, the market witnessed
Although the retail industry has great the opening of hundreds of new convenience
potential for development, along with it is a stores and supermarkets to meet the increasing
very fierce competition with the arrival of many consumer demand in major cities across the
foreign and domestic enterprises, many country. Currently, Vietnam's retail market has 6529
domestic and foreign enterprises forced to more than 3,000 convenience stores (doubled
leave the market (Zhao and Aram, 1995; Von from two years ago), more than 8,000 markets
Friedrichs and Wahlberg, 2016). In particular, and 2.2 million retail businesses. It is expected
foreign businesses have gradually grasped the that in the fourth quarter of 2019 and in the
tastes and habits of Vietnamese consumers to whole year of 2020, many businesses will
adjust appropriate business strategies to continue the trend of developing retail chains in
compete with domestic enterprises. The results the nationwide market (Tien, 2021, 2022; Duc
of media research by Vietnam Report in the and Hieu, 2022).
period 8/2018 - 8/2019 also show that the top 3 The third is the impact of Industry 4.0 on the
leading enterprises in the industry have a close retail industry.
chase in terms of information coverage on 24 The trend of applying industry 4.0
topic groups. Factors affecting businesses in the achievements to meet the needs and tastes of
industry for at least the next 3 years. In terms of consumers is forcing retail businesses to change
experience in developing trade centers, to survive in today's fierce competitive
Vietnamese enterprises will face difficulties environment (Klingler-Vidra et al., 2021). In fact,
when competing with foreign retail chains with the industrial revolution 4.0 in the retail sector
modern models and financial potential. is quietly taking place and creating many
However, Vietnamese businesses are showing development opportunities for Vietnam with
strength in the field of convenience stores. breakthrough changes from diverse, efficient
Especially, in the coming time, when the market and fast service standards. based on digital
in urban areas is gradually becoming saturated, technology. In the question of identifying the
the modern retail market will need to spread to main trends of the retail industry for at least the
rural areas, which is a potential land for next 3 years, the survey results of Vietnam
businesses to develop. distribution channel Report also showed that among the top 3 most
development. The rural area with nearly 80% of mentioned trends, businesses also mentioned
the area and accounting for more than 70% of the participation in the retail industry.
the population of Vietnam is a fairly large Fourth is the trend of investment and M&A in
market size and this area is experiencing an the retail industry.
exponential increase in shopping demand due With an investment environment that is
to the rapid improvement of income. considered to be much improved in the
Second, the traditional sales channel is still direction of creating favorable conditions for
strong investors, domestic and foreign retailers are
Although e-commerce channels grow tending to expand their operations in Vietnam
rapidly, traditional sales channels still dominate through strategic strategies. M&A strategy,
the market. In a survey by Vietnam Report, it franchising and other cooperation models to
was also found that 98% of retail businesses maximize the market size with a population of
believe that almost all revenue comes from nearly 100 million people. Many large-scale
stores and agents, only about 2% comes from M&A deals, such as Metro Cash & Cary Vietnam
sales through e-commerce channels. This is also (including 19 centers and related real estate
the driving force for distributors of consumer worth €655 million) and Big C Vietnam (32
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

supermarkets/hypermarkets) worth 1.14 billion Vietnam is having the fastest urbanization rate
USD. In addition, the market also witnessed a in Southeast Asia, so the retail industry is
strong rise of domestic investors, typically forecasted to have a lot of potential for growth
Vingroup has implemented M&A activities with in the coming period. However, difficulties and
famous retail chains VinatexMart, OceanMart, challenges from constantly changing consumer
Maximark and Fivimart; BRG Group with needs are requiring businesses to have flexible 6530
Intimex and Hapro; Saigon Co.op with Auchan policies to adapt to technology-based
chain (France). In the coming time, Vietnam is competitive trends in order to match
expected to continue to be an attractive M&A consumption habits of a market with a young
spot in the region and the retail industry will population like Vietnam.
certainly remain one of the industries that 2.4. Improve industry startup capacity and
attract the most capital from M&A. The survey increase competitiveness in the industry
results of Vietnam Report with retail businesses The State has stepped up to improve the
also show that the third in the top 5 driving legal environment, mechanisms and policies for
forces for business growth in the coming time is businesses doing business in FMCG. Accordingly,
M&A. continuing to promote the implementation of
Fifth, the communication activities of reducing business costs for enterprises, first of
Vietnamese retail brands are not strong all, illegal costs arising from state management;
enough. Preventing and repelling acts that generate
In the context of increasingly fierce unofficial costs for businesses; Reducing and
competition, statistics on information simplifying regulations on investment, land,
encryption data in the media show that retail construction, tax payment, and social insurance
businesses are still very limited in appearing in to raise Vietnam's Doing Business Index to
the media (only 26% of businesses studied). achieve the average score of ASEAN 4. At the
research has a presence at least once a week), same time, no stop reforming the business
with relatively modest information coverage environment and improve national
(24.2% of enterprises reaching 12/24 subject competitiveness; Studying the content of new
groups). The rate of encrypted information of generation FTAs, reforming institutions,
retail enterprises by information sources in the creating an environment and economic policies
media. According to the World Bank's forecast, that are suitable to the content of these
household spending will increase by an average agreements. To make it easier for businesses to
of 10.5% per year along with a strong growth access credit sources, it is necessary to
rate of the middle class. Currently, about 70% harmonize the interests of three factors: credit
of Vietnam's population is economically secure, institutions, enterprises and the State's
of which 13% belongs to the middle class by mechanisms and policies.
world standards. These income classes are Banks need to renew credit mechanisms
growing rapidly, about 20% per year, in the and policies according to market principles;
period 2010-2017. Since 2014, an average of 1.5 improving lending procedures, especially for
million Vietnamese people has entered the small and medium enterprises in order to
middle class each year, showing that shorten the loan approval time; Strengthening
households are continuing to climb the support in capital, mechanisms, policies, laws,
economic ladder after escaping poverty (Mai, trade promotion, education-training, consulting
2019, 2019a). Economic growth, improving on modern equipment and technology for
living standards and the rise of the middle class enterprises.
are a solid foundation to fuel the growth of the The State's policy should create
retail industry in the coming time. In addition, appropriate institutions, develop the science
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

and technology market; supporting training and skills; Innovating production and business
developing human resources for enterprises, models in association with the goal of
equipping them with basic knowledge and sustainable development.
qualifications for business owners, directors,
managers and employees. Create an 3. Research methods
environment to encourage, form and develop 3.1. Data sources 6531
business links; strengthen links and cooperation In research, it is extremely important to
vertically and horizontally; establish customer have access to and have some sufficient data
relationships and strategic partnerships to for reporting purposes. Therefore, in addition to
develop exports in the long run. focusing on the theoretical basis, the author
First of all, every entrepreneur regularly also needs to find out suitable data sources
updates with new knowledge, skills necessary related to his topic, here are some data sources
to be competitive in the market and access the taken from reputable websites such as:
knowledge economy. Actively renew business - Ministry of Industry and Trade
thinking, improve management capacity, ( )
productivity, quality and competitiveness of - Vietdata ( )
products and services; standardize production - General Statistics Office
and business to meet the requirements and ( )
criteria of international markets. Enterprises - VietNamNet (
need to invest in the research phase to grasp 3.2. Methods of data collection
the changing trend of market demand, the Primary data is data that is not yet
product design phase to create more added available, collected for the first time, collected
value; Applying appropriate technologies, both by the researcher himself. In fact, when the
ensuring the creation of quality products that secondary data does not meet the
meet the needs of the market, and low requirements of the research methods in the
production costs. thesis, or the appropriate secondary data
Each enterprise strengthens links, business cannot be found, the researchers will have to
cooperation to develop production chains, collect primary data. The method of collecting
value chains, enhance added value of products relevant secondary data requires search work,
and services, move to a higher ladder in consisting of two interconnected stages:
regional and global value chains. bridge; Step 1: Determine if the type of data you
Innovating production and business models in need is present as secondary data.
association with sustainable development goals: Step 2: Locate the exact data you need.
clean, green, economical production, efficient Primary and secondary data collection methods
use of energy, environmental protection, There are many clues to what secondary
towards disadvantaged people in society. data to look for:
At the same time, enterprises need to - Reputable national newspapers are
focus on developing human resources to meet useful sources, which often summarize
the requirements of technological innovation, the results of recent government
production and business processes, join the reports.
global business chain with the diversification of - Books on specific topics can provide a
high-quality products, international quality clear indication of what secondary data
service; Strengthening training, fostering and sources are available in the field of
developing human resources of enterprises to study, for example in small businesses.
meet development requirements in the - Tertiary documents such as indexes and
direction of equipping with new knowledge and catalogs can also assist in locating
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

secondary data. Full catalogs of these

data can be accessed and searched on 4. Research results and discussion
the Internet. 4.1. Current status of start-up capacity of
Once it is certain that secondary data is FMCG industry
likely to be present, it is necessary to find out The covid pandemic is a problem for the
their exact location. Vietnamese economy in particular and the 6532
- For government-issued secondary data, world economy in general, even though
it's relatively easy. Vietnam has now stabilized its economy in the
- Locating published secondary data best way. However, the consequences of the
stored in libraries or secondary data in Covid-19 epidemic for consumer goods sellers
archives is relatively straightforward. are relatively large. Many consumer goods
- The data stored by organizations is sellers have struggled to survive the pandemic,
more difficult to locate. For and the results are not always favorable, most
intra-organizational data, the of those who have just joined before the
information or data manager in the pandemic process often have to withdraw from
appropriate department probably the market. That creates favorable factors for
knows exactly what secondary data is new traders to enter the consumer goods
kept. market when Vietnam's economy has stabilized.
Data on the Internet can be located through Not to mention the war between Russia and
the use of portals and search engines, which Ukraine, which caused the price of petrol and
help find all the possible places that match gas to increase greatly, thereby creating a lot of
keywords related to the Internet. your research tightening in the spending of shoppers, and
question or purpose. creating price requirements to match. financial
Once we located secondary data set, we after translation.With the development of
need to be sure it will meet our needs. For E-commerce, the FMCG industry is making
textual data or data in the form of books the significant progress, increasing from 50% to 68%
easiest way is to obtain and evaluate a data in the first 10 months of 2020. In addition, the
sample and a detailed description of how this traditional retail models of the consumer
data was collected. For survey data to exist in a industry. Fast growth is also very positive such
computer-readable form there is often a cost as drugstores, mini supermarkets, wholesale
related. models, supermarkets, markets, and grocery
3.3. Research process stores. The packaged food industry is the
- Step 1: Define and clarify the research industry with the most significant growth and
problem attention for cooking products and snacks. The
- Step 2: Research related theories and beverage group is also expected to be a product
evaluation models that is expected to open a new era with many
- Step 3: Determine the research model trends and innovations to stimulate consumer
- Step 4: Build scales and questionnaires demand.
for research 4.2. Factors affecting the start-up capacity of
- Step 5: Investigate, collect and process FMCG industry
research Economic environment: This environment
- Step 6: Analyze research data greatly affects the retail activities of FMCG
- Step 7: Presenting the research results because when the economy develops, people's
- Step 8: Conclusion and incomes also increase, so consumption costs
recommendations, perfecting the will be used through more open. On the
research contrary, if the economy faces many difficulties,
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

people must increase their savings to save to cope with and outperform competitors. That
money, which leads to a reduction in spending requires managers to have a strategic vision,
costs and a decrease in the amount of goods have a specific sales organization plan in
consumed. accordance with the requirements of the
Socio-cultural environment: when investing market.
in production and business of any product, Capital: is a factor that directly creates 6533
enterprises must consider issues of population, competitiveness for enterprises and will
customs and habits, population density, living determine the technical facilities and business
habits, and interests. In the socio-cultural technology that enterprises apply. Enterprises
environment of each market region in which need to find the most optimal approach to
the enterprise intends to start a business in that capital and can ensure to mobilize capital in
area. necessary situations, at the lowest cost to plan
Science and technology environment: with and decide to use capital effectively for the
the current strong development of science and business. Karma. Enterprises with strong
technology, the market changes day by day, the financial resources and large scale will be
application of modern scientific and flexible in choosing a sales network compared
technological achievements to production and to small-scale enterprises with limited financial
business activities. Business will bring resources. Therefore, before implementing,
businesses many advantages but must have businesses must consider and calculate to have
corresponding development with the the most reasonable sales organization scale.
continuous changes in technical factors to Human resources: according to the
master technology and make full use of the management concept of "Management in the
advantages that science and technology bring. end is people management". People are always
in the course of business. an important resource and play a central role in
Legal environment: greatly affects sales all issues related to production and business
activities of enterprises. Businesses must have a activities of enterprises. Stemming from that
number of papers to be able to do business importance, businesses must always pay
such as business licenses, certificates of food attention to and raise the issue of training and
safety and hygiene. Since then, consumer improving the capacity and qualifications of the
behavior will also change, consumers will be enterprise's workforce. Enterprises need to
more concerned about product quality, create a dynamic and positive working
packaging design, prestige and brand. environment for employees so that employees
Natural environment: includes external can be motivated to work. The head of the
factors such as climate, geographical location, business also needs to pay attention to the
which can greatly affect the preservation, efforts and results that his employees achieve
storage, and speed of goods transportation. in order to promptly motivate and have worthy
Therefore, businesses must have a specific sales rewards.
network and an appropriate form of sales force 4.3. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on
organization to limit the negative impacts of the start-up capacity in FMCG retail industry
natural environment on goods and the speed of Covid 19 has affected almost every aspect
goods consumption. of consumers' personal lives, heavily affecting
Competitors: usually any business operating all economies around the globe, forcing
for profit purposes understands the competitive businesses to be creative and quick to react to
element that always exists in business. This adapt to trends. and new consumption patterns
shows that businesses must carefully consider of people.According to the Ministry of Planning
competitors to have specific policies and plans and Investment, the number of newly
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

established businesses in the first 11 months of that if a supplier cannot meet or is blocked due
2021 is 105,618, down 15% over the same to a COVID-19 case, there will be an alternative
period in 2020. solution. to avoid disruption of the supply chain
- Competition: Vietnam market has more of goods. In addition, the retail industry is
and more participation of foreign implementing COVID-19 vaccination for
suppliers. With more than 700 employees throughout the system. The retail 6534
supermarkets and shopping centers, industry has also proposed to prioritize
foreign retailers account for 40%. vaccination for 100% of sales staff. The retail
Therefore, during the epidemic period, industry is very difficult in the context of the
the market narrowed and competition COVID-19 epidemic. Food groups have
became fiercer, businesses had to make increased recently due to the needs of the
more efforts to gain a foothold in the people, but the proportion of this group of
market. products contributing to the industry's revenue
- Transportation: the circulation of goods is not much. Meanwhile, the group of
becomes more difficult during the electronics, which accounts for a large amount
epidemic season, of revenue, is being greatly affected. Despite
- Raw materials: become scarce and such difficulties, we see that there is still an
scarce, consumers do not have enough opportunity for the retail industry. Specifically,
to use, leading to supply chain the COVID-19 pandemic is creating new
disruptions opportunities for online sales channels and may
- Prices: most things increase rapidly bring new prospects for the retail industry in
when the epidemic enters the epidemic, the coming time. The retail industry previously
increasing prices make customers have only sold directly, but in the context of the
to control their spending more carefully COVID-19 epidemic, it is opening a
Customer demand has also decreased. multi-channel sales method in which the
Some stores do not need to temporarily close industry is promoting online sales channels. In
during the epidemic season so that businesses fact, during the epidemic, the amount of goods
can maintain other urgent business activities. purchased online increased many times
Vietnam experienced two Covid-19 outbreaks in compared to before and increased compared to
the first half of 2020, however, the figures from the direct sales channel. Therefore, the retail
the retail industry still show very positive signals. industry is strengthening its professionalism in
In June, the total retail sales of consumer goods this stage from upgrading the system,
and services was estimated at VND 431 trillion, processing orders and delivery methods to
up 6.2% from the previous month and up 5.3% better meet the needs of the people.
over the same period last year. Generally, in the
first 6 months of the year, it reached VND 5. Conclusions and recommendations
1,895.6 billion, accounting for 79.6% of the total 5.1. Conclusion
and up 3.4% over the same period last year. The retail industry is going through a
4.4. Enhancing start-up capacity in FMCG retail period of prolonged volatility. Factors such as
in the post-Covid-19 era changing consumer behavior, increasing
Supermarket systems always actively internet shopping and challenging economic
contact directly with manufacturers and conditions are changing the way retailers
suppliers, always together with manufacturers operate and interact with their customers. The
to receive goods as quickly as possible. Retailers Covid-19 pandemic has added to these
also offer many scenarios to have many challenges, fueling trends such as increased
alternative suppliers, ready for the situation online shopping. Just like the previous Covid
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

wave, the retail industry faced similar Firstly, ministries, branches and localities
difficulties and challenges. But before the uphold the spirit and responsibility, carry out
impact of the fourth Covid wave is more research on the tasks assigned in Resolution No.
serious, with restrictions due to distance 105/NQ-CP with the spirit of close
regulations, blockades and operating hours in public-private cooperation to promote
many places, these difficulties are more synchronous resources of the State and 6535
nuanced. enterprises; urgently review and amend
Supermarkets and shops are places where conditions, processes and procedures to create
people gather, so the implementation of favorable conditions for enterprises to access
relevant regulations and procedures to support policies of the State; promote the
maintain the supply of essential goods on the implementation of activities to support
basis of ensuring the implementation of businesses in digital transformation.
regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control. Secondly, the Ministry of Health urgently
-19 is a huge difficulty for retail businesses. In promulgates Guidelines on the roadmap to
many localities, essential goods trading return to the new normal state and implement
establishments are required to perform "3 socio-economic activities to ensure safety in the
on-site" and organize periodic SARS-CoV-2 prevention and control of the COVID-19
testing while the current facilities of many units epidemic, creating favorable conditions for
are not guaranteed. affect the mental health enterprises organize production and business as
and well-being of workers. In the past time, soon as possible in the conditions of ensuring
many large supermarkets have also had to close safety for epidemic prevention and control, in
for a long time to disinfect, trace and test when which, it is necessary to have specific
employees, customers and partners are instructions on conditions for organizing safe
infected with Covid-19, which has eroded the production in the new situation so that
profits of businesses. must cover losses to localities and enterprises apply in fact.
stabilize prices. Third, continue to promote the activities of
Experts and retail businesses in Vietnam the Prime Minister's Special Working Groups on
Report's survey identified four external factors removing difficulties for businesses and people
that most affect the results and strategies of affected by the COVID-19 epidemic; review and
businesses in the coming time, which are: The remove difficulties and obstacles and promote
ability to control the disease and the speed of the implementation of investment projects in
the business. vaccine coverage; Behavioral ministries, branches and localities.
change and consumer approaches; Consumer Fourth, the Ministry of Planning and
income and expenditure levels; The Investment urgently submits to the
development of e-commerce and online Government for consideration and
shopping trends. Thus, the growth driver of the promulgation a program for sustainable
retail industry in the last months of the year economic recovery until 2023, including
comes from the online sales channel and solutions to support the recovery of the
customer demand for fast-moving consumer business sector.
goods, food, food, health care and food groups. Fifth, each locality needs to urgently
The industry serves the needs of studying and develop and announce an economic recovery
working online. plan and a plan to open up in the new situation.
5.2. Proposal conclusions and At the same time, together with enterprises,
recommendations agree on plans and conditions for organizing
5.2.1. For the state and government at all production and business safely, adapting to
levels epidemic developments in the locality and
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

actual conditions of enterprises; minimize the Focus on developing areas of strengths and
closure of the whole factory. Along with that, it potentials of the province in the new situation:
will research and propose solutions to build a Promote specific activities to promote domestic
sustainable economic recovery program until tourism when the province has well controlled
2023, and at the same time strengthen dialogue the epidemic, in addition, continue to develop
between businesses and local authorities. the agricultural sector. Industry is the strength 6536
5.2.2. For businesses in the industry of the province, especially high-tech agriculture.
A group of solutions to help businesses Actively support businesses in digital
live with COVID-19 transformation: Agencies in the province need
Develop detailed and specific scenarios to have specific plans and actions to best
that closely follow the reality of each locality to implement the goal of supporting digital
help businesses adapt and respond to the transformation businesses based on Decision
COVID-19 epidemic: The province should have a No. 749/QD-TTg dated 3 June 2020 of the Prime
detailed scenario, corresponding to each Minister and the plans on digital transformation
location in order to adapt, response to the issued by the Provincial People's Committees.
epidemic based on Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP Accelerating disbursement of public
dated October 11, 2021. investment: Speeding up the settlement of
Quickly and effectively implement the investment procedures for projects, speeding
COVID-19 vaccine coverage strategy: Continue up the approval process, adjusting public
to use all resources to implement the COVID-19 investment plans of delayed projects to other
vaccine coverage strategy for people across the projects. good disbursement progress. Rapid
province from 18 to 65 years old to achieve the implementation of public investment projects
goal. At least over 70% of people aged 18 to 65 will support and stimulate businesses to quickly
years old receive the second dose. return to normal operation.
There is a mechanism to encourage Group of solutions and recommendations
enterprises to implement new "safe" to improve the business environment
production models during the epidemic: Improving efficiency in cadre work:
Encourage enterprises to research and propose Renovating the thinking and awareness of
new and effective models in line with the trend officials and civil servants about the role of the
of opening up and recovering. economy, private economy and private enterprises .
because only businesses understand best what Change the way cadres are evaluated, focusing
is necessary and effective for the development on cadres and leaders who dare to think, dare
of the business. to do, dare to take responsibility.
Business support solutions’ group Focusing on reforming a number of areas
Support solutions to cut costs, remove of administrative procedures that are still
financial difficulties and cash flow: Quickly troublesome: To continue to promote the
implement central support solutions to cut creation of a favorable business environment,
costs and restructure debt repayment terms. In reduce costs for businesses , and at the same
addition, consider issuing exemption and time can effectively prevent corruption. causing
reduction of taxes and fees under the troubles for businesses in solving work,
jurisdiction of the locality. competent state agencies need to focus on a
Labor support solutions: Quickly deploy number of areas where administrative
support policies for employees affected by the procedures are still troublesome.
COVID-19 epidemic. Facilitating procedures for Promoting the efficiency of Public
important foreign workers and experts to work Administration Centers and speeding up the
in the province. application of online administrative procedures:
eISSN 1303-5150
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 15 | PAGE 6526-6540| DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88650
Hua Thi Bach Yen / Entrepreneurial capacity of FMCGcompanies in Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 era

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