2022 2024 Syllabus

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Syllabus overview

Content overview

Candidates for Cambridge International AS Level Physics study the following topics:
1 Physical quantities and units
2 Kinematics
3 Dynamics
4 Forces, density and pressure
5 Work, energy and power
6 Deformation of solids
7 Waves
8 Superposition
9 Electricity
10 D.C. circuits
11 Particle physics

AS Level candidates also study practical skills.

Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Physics study the AS Level topics and the following topics:
12 Motion in a circle
13 Gravitational fields
14 Temperature
15 Ideal gases
16 Thermodynamics
17 Oscillations
18 Electric fields
19 Capacitance
20 Magnetic fields
21 Alternating currents
22 Quantum physics
23 Nuclear physics
24 Medical physics
25 Astronomy and cosmology

A level candidates also study practical skills.

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Assessment overview
Paper 1 Paper 4

Multiple Choice 1 hour 15 minutes A Level Structured Questions 2 hours

40 marks 100 marks
40 multiple-choice questions Structured questions
Questions are based on the AS Level syllabus Questions are based on the A Level syllabus
content. content; knowledge of material from the AS
Externally assessed Level syllabus content will be required.
31% of the AS Level Externally assessed
15.5% of the A Level 38.5% of the A Level

Paper 2 Paper 5

AS Level Structured 1 hour 15 minutes Planning, Analysis and 1 hour 15 minutes

Questions Evaluation
60 marks 30 marks
Structured questions Candidates answer two compulsory questions.
Questions are based on the AS Level syllabus Questions are based on the experimental skills
content. in the Practical assessment section of the
Externally assessed syllabus. The context of the questions may be
outside the syllabus content.
46% of the AS Level
Externally assessed
23% of the A Level
11.5% of the A Level

Paper 3

Advanced Practical Skills 2 hours

40 marks
Practical work and structured questions
Questions are based on the experimental skills
in the Practical assessment section of the
syllabus. The context of the questions may be
outside the syllabus content.
Externally assessed
23% of the AS Level
11.5% of the A Level

Information on availability is in the Before you start section.

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Weighting for assessment objectives

The approximate weightings allocated to each of the assessment objectives (AOs) are summarised below.

Assessment objectives as a percentage of each qualification

Assessment objective Weighting in AS Level % Weighting in A Level %

AO1 Knowledge and understanding 40 40
AO2 Handling, applying and evaluating information 40 40
AO3 Experimental skills and investigations 20 20
Total 100 100

Assessment objectives as a percentage of each component

Assessment objective Weighting in components %
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4 Paper 5
AO1 Knowledge and understanding 50 50 0 50 0
AO2 Handling, applying and evaluating information 50 50 0 50 0
AO3 Experimental skills and investigations 0 0 100 0 100
Total 100 100 100 100 100

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Subject content

AS Level subject content

1 Physical quantities and units
1.1 Physical quantities
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that all physical quantities consist of a numerical magnitude and a unit
2 make reasonable estimates of physical quantities included within the syllabus

1.2 SI units
Candidates should be able to:
1 recall the following SI base quantities and their units: mass (kg), length (m), time (s), current (A),
temperature (K)
2 express derived units as products or quotients of the SI base units and use the derived units for
quantities listed in this syllabus as appropriate
3 use SI base units to check the homogeneity of physical equations
4 recall and use the following prefixes and their symbols to indicate decimal submultiples or multiples of
both base and derived units: pico (p), nano (n), micro ( ), milli (m), centi (c), deci (d), kilo (k), mega (M),
giga (G), tera (T)

1.3 Errors and uncertainties

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand and explain the effects of systematic errors (including zero errors) and random errors in
2 understand the distinction between precision and accuracy
3 assess the uncertainty in a derived quantity by simple addition of absolute or percentage uncertainties

1.4 Scalars and vectors

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand the difference between scalar and vector quantities and give examples of scalar and vector
quantities included in the syllabus
2 add and subtract coplanar vectors
3 represent a vector as two perpendicular components

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2 Kinematics
2.1 Equations of motion
Candidates should be able to:
1 define and use distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration
2 use graphical methods to represent distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration
3 determine displacement from the area under a velocity–time graph
4 determine velocity using the gradient of a displacement–time graph
5 determine acceleration using the gradient of a velocity–time graph
6 derive, from the definitions of velocity and acceleration, equations that represent uniformly accelerated
motion in a straight line
7 solve problems using equations that represent uniformly accelerated motion in a straight line, including
the motion of bodies falling in a uniform gravitational field without air resistance
8 describe an experiment to determine the acceleration of free fall using a falling object
9 describe and explain motion due to a uniform velocity in one direction and a uniform acceleration in a
perpendicular direction

3 Dynamics
An understanding of forces from Cambridge IGCSE/O Level Physics or equivalent is assumed.
3.1 Momentum and Newton’s laws of motion
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that mass is the property of an object that resists change in motion
2 recall F = ma and solve problems using it, understanding that acceleration and resultant force are always
in the same direction
3 define and use linear momentum as the product of mass and velocity
4 define and use force as rate of change of momentum
5 state and apply each of Newton’s laws of motion
6 describe and use the concept of weight as the effect of a gravitational field on a mass and recall that the
weight of an object is equal to the product of its mass and the acceleration of free fall

3.2 Non-uniform motion

Candidates should be able to:
1 show a qualitative understanding of frictional forces and viscous/drag forces including air resistance
(no treatment of the coefficients of friction and viscosity is required, and a simple model of drag force
increasing as speed increases is sufficient)
2 describe and explain qualitatively the motion of objects in a uniform gravitational field with air
3 understand that objects moving against a resistive force may reach a terminal (constant) velocity

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3.3 Linear momentum and its conservation

Candidates should be able to:
1 state the principle of conservation of momentum
2 apply the principle of conservation of momentum to solve simple problems, including elastic and
inelastic interactions between objects in both one and two dimensions (knowledge of the concept of
coefficient of restitution is not required)
3 recall that, for a perfectly elastic collision, the relative speed of approach is equal to the relative speed of
4 understand that, while momentum of a system is always conserved in interactions between objects,
some change in kinetic energy may take place

4 Forces, density and pressure

4.1 Turning effects of forces
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that the weight of an object may be taken as acting at a single point known as its centre of
2 define and apply the moment of a force
3 understand that a couple is a pair of forces that acts to produce rotation only
4 define and apply the torque of a couple

4.2 Equilibrium of forces

Candidates should be able to:
1 state and apply the principle of moments
2 understand that, when there is no resultant force and no resultant torque, a system is in equilibrium
3 use a vector triangle to represent coplanar forces in equilibrium

4.3 Density and pressure

Candidates should be able to:
1 define and use density
2 define and use pressure
3 derive, from the definitions of pressure and density, the equation for hydrostatic pressure p = g h
4 use the equation p = g h
5 understand that the upthrust acting on an object in a fluid is due to a difference in hydrostatic pressure
6 calculate the upthrust acting on an object in a fluid using the equation F = gV (Archimedes’ principle)

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Subject content

5 Work, energy and power

An understanding of the forms of energy and energy transfers from Cambridge IGCSE/O Level Physics or
equivalent is assumed.
5.1 Energy conservation
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand the concept of work, and recall and use work done = force × displacement in the direction of
the force
2 recall and apply the principle of conservation of energy
3 recall and understand that the efficiency of a system is the ratio of useful energy output from the
system to the total energy input
4 use the concept of efficiency to solve problems
5 define power as work done per unit time
6 solve problems using P = W / t
7 derive P = Fv and use it to solve problems

5.2 Gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy

Candidates should be able to:
1 derive, using W = Fs, the formula EP = mg h for gravitational potential energy changes in a uniform
gravitational field
2 recall and use the formula EP = mg h for gravitational potential energy changes in a uniform
gravitational field
3 derive, using the equations of motion, the formula for kinetic energy EK = ½mv2
4 recall and use EK = ½mv2

6 Deformation of solids
6.1 Stress and strain
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that deformation is caused by tensile or compressive forces (forces and deformations will be
assumed to be in one dimension only)
2 understand and use the terms load, extension, compression and limit of proportionality
3 recall and use Hooke’s law
4 recall and use the formula for the spring constant k = F / x
5 define and use the terms stress, strain and the Young modulus
6 describe an experiment to determine the Young modulus of a metal in the form of a wire

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6.2 Elastic and plastic behaviour

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand and use the terms elastic deformation, plastic deformation and elastic limit
2 understand that the area under the force–extension graph represents the work done
3 determine the elastic potential energy of a material deformed within its limit of proportionality from the
area under the force–extension graph
4 recall and use EP = ½ Fx = ½ kx2 for a material deformed within its limit of proportionality

7 Waves
An understanding of colour from Cambridge IGCSE/O Level Physics or equivalent is assumed.
7.1 Progressive waves
Candidates should be able to:
1 describe what is meant by wave motion as illustrated by vibration in ropes, springs and ripple tanks
2 understand and use the terms displacement, amplitude, phase difference, period, frequency, wavelength
and speed
3 understand the use of the time-base and y-gain of a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) to determine
frequency and amplitude
4 derive, using the definitions of speed, frequency and wavelength, the wave equation v = f
5 recall and use v = f
6 understand that energy is transferred by a progressive wave
7 recall and use intensity = power/area and intensity (amplitude)2 for a progressive wave

7.2 Transverse and longitudinal waves

Candidates should be able to:
1 compare transverse and longitudinal waves
2 analyse and interpret graphical representations of transverse and longitudinal waves

7.3 Doppler effect for sound waves

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that when a source of sound waves moves relative to a stationary observer, the observed
frequency is different from the source frequency (understanding of the Doppler effect for a stationary
source and a moving observer is not required)
2 use the expression fο = f sv / (v ± vs) for the observed frequency when a source of sound waves moves
relative to a stationary observer

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7.4 Electromagnetic spectrum

Candidates should be able to:
1 state that all electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that travel with the same speed c in free space
2 recall the approximate range of wavelengths in free space of the principal regions of the electromagnetic
spectrum from radio waves to -rays
3 recall that wavelengths in the range 400–700 nm in free space are visible to the human eye

7.5 Polarisation
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that polarisation is a phenomenon associated with transverse waves
2 recall and use Malus’s law (I = I0 cos2 ) to calculate the intensity of a plane polarised electromagnetic
wave after transmission through a polarising filter or a series of polarising filters

8 Superposition
8.1 Stationary waves
Candidates should be able to:
1 explain and use the principle of superposition
2 show an understanding of experiments that demonstrate stationary waves using microwaves, stretched
strings and air columns (it will be assumed that end corrections are negligible; knowledge of the concept
of end corrections is not required)
3 explain the formation of a stationary wave using a graphical method, and identify nodes and antinodes
4 understand how wavelength may be determined from the positions of nodes or antinodes of a stationary

8.2 Diffraction
Candidates should be able to:
1 explain the meaning of the term diffraction
2 show an understanding of experiments that demonstrate diffraction including the qualitative effect of
the gap width relative to the wavelength of the wave; for example diffraction of water waves in a ripple

8.3 Interference
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand the terms interference and coherence
2 show an understanding of experiments that demonstrate two-source interference using water waves in a
ripple tank, sound, light and microwaves
3 understand the conditions required if two-source interference fringes are to be observed
4 recall and use = ax / D for double-slit interference using light

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8.4 The diffraction grating

Candidates should be able to:
1 recall and use d sin = n
2 describe the use of a diffraction grating to determine the wavelength of light (the structure and use of
the spectrometer are not included)

9 Electricity
9.1 Electric current
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that an electric current is a flow of charge carriers
2 understand that the charge on charge carriers is quantised
3 recall and use Q = It
4 use, for a current-carrying conductor, the expression I = Anvq, where n is the number density of charge

9.2 Potential difference and power

Candidates should be able to:
1 define the potential difference across a component as the energy transferred per unit charge
2 recall and use V = W / Q
3 recall and use P = VI, P = I 2R and P = V 2 / R

9.3 Resistance and resistivity

Candidates should be able to:
1 define resistance
2 recall and use V = IR
3 sketch the I–V characteristics of a metallic conductor at constant temperature, a semiconductor diode
and a filament lamp
4 explain that the resistance of a filament lamp increases as current increases because its temperature
5 state Ohm’s law
6 recall and use R = L / A
7 understand that the resistance of a light-dependent resistor (LDR) decreases as the light intensity
8 understand that the resistance of a thermistor decreases as the temperature increases (it will be
assumed that thermistors have a negative temperature coefficient)

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Subject content

10 D.C. circuits
10.1 Practical circuits
Candidates should be able to:
1 recall and use the circuit symbols shown in section 6 of this syllabus
2 draw and interpret circuit diagrams containing the circuit symbols shown in section 6 of this syllabus
3 define and use the electromotive force (e.m.f.) of a source as energy transferred per unit charge in
driving charge around a complete circuit
4 distinguish between e.m.f. and potential difference (p.d.) in terms of energy considerations
5 understand the effects of the internal resistance of a source of e.m.f. on the terminal potential difference

10.2 Kirchhoff’s laws

Candidates should be able to:
1 recall Kirchhoff’s first law and understand that it is a consequence of conservation of charge
2 recall Kirchhoff’s second law and understand that it is a consequence of conservation of energy
3 derive, using Kirchhoff’s laws, a formula for the combined resistance of two or more resistors in series
4 use the formula for the combined resistance of two or more resistors in series
5 derive, using Kirchhoff’s laws, a formula for the combined resistance of two or more resistors in parallel
6 use the formula for the combined resistance of two or more resistors in parallel
7 use Kirchhoff’s laws to solve simple circuit problems

10.3 Potential dividers

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand the principle of a potential divider circuit
2 recall and use the principle of the potentiometer as a means of comparing potential differences
3 understand the use of a galvanometer in null methods
4 explain the use of thermistors and light-dependent resistors in potential dividers to provide a potential
difference that is dependent on temperature and light intensity

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11 Particle physics
11.1 Atoms, nuclei and radiation
Candidates should be able to:
1 infer from the results of the -particle scattering experiment the existence and small size of the nucleus
2 describe a simple model for the nuclear atom to include protons, neutrons and orbital electrons
3 distinguish between nucleon number and proton number
4 understand that isotopes are forms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons in their
5 understand and use the notation AZX for the representation of nuclides
6 understand that nucleon number and charge are conserved in nuclear processes
– +
7 describe the composition, mass and charge of -, - and -radiations (both (electrons) and
(positrons) are included)
8 understand that an antiparticle has the same mass but opposite charge to the corresponding particle,
and that a positron is the antiparticle of an electron

9 state that (electron) antineutrinos are produced during decay and (electron) neutrinos are produced
during + decay
10 understand that -particles have discrete energies but that -particles have a continuous range of
energies because (anti)neutrinos are emitted in -decay
11 represent - and -decay by a radioactive decay equation of the form 92
U " 234
Th + 24
12 use the unified atomic mass unit (u) as a unit of mass

11.2 Fundamental particles

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a quark is a fundamental particle and that there are six flavours (types) of quark: up,
down, strange, charm, top and bottom
2 recall and use the charge of each flavour of quark and understand that its respective antiquark has the
opposite charge (no knowledge of any other properties of quarks is required)
3 recall that protons and neutrons are not fundamental particles and describe protons and neutrons in
terms of their quark composition
4 understand that a hadron may be either a baryon (consisting of three quarks) or a meson (consisting of
one quark and one antiquark)
– +
5 describe the changes to quark composition that take place during and decay
6 recall that electrons and neutrinos are fundamental particles called leptons

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Subject content

A Level subject content

12 Motion in a circle
12.1 Kinematics of uniform circular motion
Candidates should be able to:
1 define the radian and express angular displacement in radians
2 understand and use the concept of angular speed
3 recall and use = 2 / T and v = r

12.2 Centripetal acceleration

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a force of constant magnitude that is always perpendicular to the direction of motion
causes centripetal acceleration
2 understand that centripetal acceleration causes circular motion with a constant angular speed
3 recall and use a = r and a = v2 / r
4 recall and use F = mr and F = mv2 / r

13 Gravitational fields
13.1 Gravitational field
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a gravitational field is an example of a field of force and define gravitational field as force
per unit mass
2 represent a gravitational field by means of field lines

13.2 Gravitational force between point masses

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that, for a point outside a uniform sphere, the mass of the sphere may be considered to be a
point mass at its centre
2 recall and use Newton’s law of gravitation F = Gm1m2 / r2 for the force between two point masses
3 analyse circular orbits in gravitational fields by relating the gravitational force to the centripetal
acceleration it causes
4 understand that a satellite in a geostationary orbit remains at the same point above the Earth’s surface,
with an orbital period of 24 hours, orbiting from west to east, directly above the Equator

13.3 Gravitational field of a point mass

Candidates should be able to:
1 derive, from Newton’s law of gravitation and the definition of gravitational field, the equation
g = GM / r 2 for the gravitational field strength due to a point mass
2 recall and use g = GM / r 2
3 understand why g is approximately constant for small changes in height near the Earth’s surface

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13.4 Gravitational potential

Candidates should be able to:
1 define gravitational potential at a point as the work done per unit mass in bringing a small test mass from
infinity to the point
2 use = –GM / r for the gravitational potential in the field due to a point mass
3 understand how the concept of gravitational potential leads to the gravitational potential energy of two
point masses and use EP = –GMm / r

14 Temperature
14.1 Thermal equilibrium
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that (thermal) energy is transferred from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower
2 understand that regions of equal temperature are in thermal equilibrium

14.2 Temperature scales

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a physical property that varies with temperature may be used for the measurement of
temperature and state examples of such properties, including the density of a liquid, volume of a gas at
constant pressure, resistance of a metal, e.m.f. of a thermocouple
2 understand that the scale of thermodynamic temperature does not depend on the property of any
particular substance
3 convert temperatures between kelvin and degrees Celsius and recall that T / K = / °C + 273.15
4 understand that the lowest possible temperature is zero kelvin on the thermodynamic temperature scale
and that this is known as absolute zero

14.3 Specific heat capacity and specific latent heat

Candidates should be able to:
1 define and use specific heat capacity
2 define and use specific latent heat and distinguish between specific latent heat of fusion and specific
latent heat of vaporisation

15 Ideal gases
15.1 The mole
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that amount of substance is an SI base quantity with the base unit mol
2 use molar quantities where one mole of any substance is the amount containing a number of particles of
that substance equal to the Avogadro constant NA

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15.2 Equation of state

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a gas obeying pV T, where T is the thermodynamic temperature, is known as an ideal
2 recall and use the equation of state for an ideal gas expressed as pV = nRT, where n = amount of
substance (number of moles) and as pV = NkT, where N = number of molecules
3 recall that the Boltzmann constant k is given by k = R / NA

15.3 Kinetic theory of gases

Candidates should be able to:
1 state the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases
2 explain how molecular movement causes the pressure exerted by a gas and derive and use the
relationship pV = ⅓Nm<c2>, where <c2> is the mean-square speed (a simple model considering one-
dimensional collisions and then extending to three dimensions using ⅓<c2> = <cx2> is sufficient)

3 <c 2 >
understand that the root-mean-square speed cr.m.s. is given by
4 compare pV = ⅓Nm<c2> with pV = NkT to deduce that the average translational kinetic energy of a
molecule is 3–2 kT

16 Thermodynamics
An understanding of energy from Cambridge IGCSE/O Level Physics or equivalent is assumed.
16.1 Internal energy
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that internal energy is determined by the state of the system and that it can be expressed
as the sum of a random distribution of kinetic and potential energies associated with the molecules of a
2 relate a rise in temperature of an object to an increase in its internal energy

16.2 The first law of thermodynamics

Candidates should be able to:
1 recall and use W = p V for the work done when the volume of a gas changes at constant pressure and
understand the difference between the work done by the gas and the work done on the gas
2 recall and use the first law of thermodynamics U = q + W expressed in terms of the increase in internal
energy, the heating of the system (energy transferred to the system by heating) and the work done on
the system

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17 Oscillations
17.1 Simple harmonic oscillations
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand and use the terms displacement, amplitude, period, frequency, angular frequency and phase
difference in the context of oscillations, and express the period in terms of both frequency and angular
2 understand that simple harmonic motion occurs when acceleration is proportional to displacement from
a fixed point and in the opposite direction
3 use a = – x and recall and use, as a solution to this equation, x = x0 sin t

4 use the equations v = v0 cos t and v = (x02 x 2)

5 analyse and interpret graphical representations of the variations of displacement, velocity and
acceleration for simple harmonic motion

17.2 Energy in simple harmonic motion

Candidates should be able to:
1 describe the interchange between kinetic and potential energy during simple harmonic motion
2 recall and use E = ½m x02 for the total energy of a system undergoing simple harmonic motion

17.3 Damped and forced oscillations, resonance

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a resistive force acting on an oscillating system causes damping
2 understand and use the terms light, critical and heavy damping and sketch displacement–time graphs
illustrating these types of damping
3 understand that resonance involves a maximum amplitude of oscillations and that this occurs when an
oscillating system is forced to oscillate at its natural frequency

18 Electric fields
18.1 Electric fields and field lines
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that an electric field is an example of a field of force and define electric field as force per unit
positive charge
2 recall and use F = qE for the force on a charge in an electric field
3 represent an electric field by means of field lines

18.2 Uniform electric fields

Candidates should be able to:
1 recall and use E = V / d to calculate the field strength of the uniform field between charged parallel
2 describe the effect of a uniform electric field on the motion of charged particles

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18.3 Electric force between point charges

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that, for a point outside a spherical conductor, the charge on the sphere may be considered
to be a point charge at its centre
2 recall and use Coulomb’s law F = Q1Q2 / (4 0r ) for the force between two point charges in free space

18.4 Electric field of a point charge

Candidates should be able to:
1 recall and use E = Q / (4 0r ) for the electric field strength due to a point charge in free space

18.5 Electric potential

Candidates should be able to:
1 define electric potential at a point as the work done per unit positive charge in bringing a small test
charge from infinity to the point
2 recall and use the fact that the electric field at a point is equal to the negative of potential gradient at
that point
3 use V = Q / (4 0r)
for the electric potential in the field due to a point charge
4 understand how the concept of electric potential leads to the electric potential energy of two point
charges and use EP = Qq / (4 0r)

19 Capacitance
19.1 Capacitors and capacitance
Candidates should be able to:
1 define capacitance, as applied to both isolated spherical conductors and to parallel plate capacitors
2 recall and use C = Q / V
3 derive, using C = Q / V, formulae for the combined capacitance of capacitors in series and in parallel
4 use the capacitance formulae for capacitors in series and in parallel

19.2 Energy stored in a capacitor

Candidates should be able to:
1 determine the electric potential energy stored in a capacitor from the area under the potential–charge
2 recall and use W = ½QV = ½CV2

19.3 Discharging a capacitor

Candidates should be able to:
1 analyse graphs of the variation with time of potential difference, charge and current for a capacitor
discharging through a resistor
2 recall and use = RC for the time constant for a capacitor discharging through a resistor
3 use equations of the form x = x0 e–(t / RC) where x could represent current, charge or potential difference
for a capacitor discharging through a resistor

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20 Magnetic fields
20.1 Concept of a magnetic field
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a magnetic field is an example of a field of force produced either by moving charges or
by permanent magnets
2 represent a magnetic field by field lines

20.2 Force on a current-carrying conductor

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a force might act on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field
2 recall and use the equation F = BIL sin , with directions as interpreted by Fleming’s left-hand rule
3 define magnetic flux density as the force acting per unit current per unit length on a wire placed at right-
angles to the magnetic field

20.3 Force on a moving charge

Candidates should be able to:
1 determine the direction of the force on a charge moving in a magnetic field
2 recall and use F = BQv sin
3 understand the origin of the Hall voltage and derive and use the expression VH = BI / (ntq),
where t = thickness
4 understand the use of a Hall probe to measure magnetic flux density
5 describe the motion of a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the
direction of motion of the particle
6 explain how electric and magnetic fields can be used in velocity selection

20.4 Magnetic fields due to currents

Candidates should be able to:
1 sketch magnetic field patterns due to the currents in a long straight wire, a flat circular coil and a long
2 understand that the magnetic field due to the current in a solenoid is increased by a ferrous core
3 explain the origin of the forces between current-carrying conductors and determine the direction of the

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Subject content

20.5 Electromagnetic induction

Candidates should be able to:
1 define magnetic flux as the product of the magnetic flux density and the cross-sectional area
perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux density
2 recall and use = BA
3 understand and use the concept of magnetic flux linkage
4 understand and explain experiments that demonstrate:
that a changing magnetic flux can induce an e.m.f. in a circuit
that the induced e.m.f. is in such a direction as to oppose the change producing it
the factors affecting the magnitude of the induced e.m.f.
5 recall and use Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws of electromagnetic induction

21 Alternating currents
An understanding of the practical and economic advantages of transmission of power by electricity from
Cambridge IGCSE / O Level Physics or equivalent is assumed.
21.1 Characteristics of alternating currents
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand and use the terms period, frequency and peak value as applied to an alternating current or
2 use equations of the form x = x0 sin t representing a sinusoidally alternating current or voltage
3 recall and use the fact that the mean power in a resistive load is half the maximum power for a sinusoidal
alternating current
4 distinguish between root-mean-square (r.m.s.) and peak values and recall and use I r.m.s. = I0 / 2 and
Vr.m.s. = V0 / 2 for a sinusoidal alternating current

21.2 Rectification and smoothing

Candidates should be able to:
1 distinguish graphically between half-wave and full-wave rectification
2 explain the use of a single diode for the half-wave rectification of an alternating current
3 explain the use of four diodes (bridge rectifier) for the full-wave rectification of an alternating current
4 analyse the effect of a single capacitor in smoothing, including the effect of the values of capacitance and
the load resistance

22 Quantum physics
22.1 Energy and momentum of a photon
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that electromagnetic radiation has a particulate nature
2 understand that a photon is a quantum of electromagnetic energy
3 recall and use E = hf
4 use the electronvolt (eV) as a unit of energy
5 understand that a photon has momentum and that the momentum is given by p = E / c

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22.2 Photoelectric effect

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that photoelectrons may be emitted from a metal surface when it is illuminated by
electromagnetic radiation
2 understand and use the terms threshold frequency and threshold wavelength
3 explain photoelectric emission in terms of photon energy and work function energy
4 recall and use hf = + ½mvmax2
5 explain why the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is independent of intensity, whereas the
photoelectric current is proportional to intensity

22.3 Wave-particle duality

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that the photoelectric effect provides evidence for a particulate nature of electromagnetic
radiation while phenomena such as interference and diffraction provide evidence for a wave nature
2 describe and interpret qualitatively the evidence provided by electron diffraction for the wave nature of
3 understand the de Broglie wavelength as the wavelength associated with a moving particle
4 recall and use = h / p

22.4 Energy levels in atoms and line spectra

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that there are discrete electron energy levels in isolated atoms (e.g. atomic hydrogen)
2 understand the appearance and formation of emission and absorption line spectra
3 recall and use hf = E1 – E2

23 Nuclear physics
23.1 Mass defect and nuclear binding energy
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand the equivalence between energy and mass as represented by E = mc2 and recall and use this
2 represent simple nuclear reactions by nuclear equations of the form 147 N + 24 He " 178 O + 11 H
3 define and use the terms mass defect and binding energy
4 sketch the variation of binding energy per nucleon with nucleon number
5 explain what is meant by nuclear fusion and nuclear fission
6 explain the relevance of binding energy per nucleon to nuclear reactions, including nuclear fusion and
nuclear fission
7 calculate the energy released in nuclear reactions using E = c2 m

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23.2 Radioactive decay

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that fluctuations in count rate provide evidence for the random nature of radioactive decay
2 understand that radioactive decay is both spontaneous and random
3 define activity and decay constant, and recall and use A = N
4 define half-life
5 use = 0.693 / t 1–

6 understand the exponential nature of radioactive decay, and sketch and use the relationship x = x0e– t,
where x could represent activity, number of undecayed nuclei or received count rate

24 Medical physics
24.1 Production and use of ultrasound
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a piezo-electric crystal changes shape when a p.d. is applied across it and that the crystal
generates an e.m.f. when its shape changes
2 understand how ultrasound waves are generated and detected by a piezoelectric transducer
3 understand how the reflection of pulses of ultrasound at boundaries between tissues can be used to
obtain diagnostic information about internal structures
4 define the specific acoustic impedance of a medium as Z = c, where c is the speed of sound in the
5 use IR / I0 = (Z1 – Z2)2 / (Z1 + Z2)2 for the intensity reflection coefficient of a boundary between two media
6 recall and use I = I0e–μx for the attenuation of ultrasound in matter

24.2 Production and use of X-rays

Candidates should be able to:
1 explain that X-rays are produced by electron bombardment of a metal target and calculate the minimum
wavelength of X-rays produced from the accelerating p.d.
2 understand the use of X-rays in imaging internal body structures, including an understanding of the term
contrast in X-ray imaging
3 recall and use I = I0e–μx for the attenuation of X-rays in matter
4 understand that computed tomography (CT) scanning produces a 3D image of an internal structure by
first combining multiple X-ray images taken in the same section from different angles to obtain a 2D
image of the section, then repeating this process along an axis and combining 2D images of multiple

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24.3 PET scanning

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that a tracer is a substance containing radioactive nuclei that can be introduced into the body
and is then absorbed by the tissue being studied
2 recall that a tracer that decays by decay is used in positron emission tomography (PET scanning)
3 understand that annihilation occurs when a particle interacts with its antiparticle and that mass-energy
and momentum are conserved in the process
4 explain that, in PET scanning, positrons emitted by the decay of the tracer annihilate when they interact
with electrons in the tissue, producing a pair of gamma-ray photons travelling in opposite directions
5 calculate the energy of the gamma-ray photons emitted during the annihilation of an electron-positron
6 understand that the gamma-ray photons from an annihilation event travel outside the body and can be
detected, and an image of the tracer concentration in the tissue can be created by processing the arrival
times of the gamma-ray photons

25 Astronomy and cosmology

25.1 Standard candles
Candidates should be able to:
1 understand the term luminosity as the total power of radiation emitted by a star
2 recall and use the inverse square law for radiant flux intensity F in terms of the luminosity L of the source
F = L / (4 d2)
3 understand that an object of known luminosity is called a standard candle
4 understand the use of standard candles to determine distances to galaxies

25.2 Stellar radii

Candidates should be able to:
1 recall and use Wien’s displacement law max
1 / T to estimate the peak surface temperature of a star
2 4
2 use the Stefan–Boltzmann law L = 4 rT
3 use Wien’s displacement law and the Stefan–Boltzmann law to estimate the radius of a star

25.3 Hubble’s law and the Big Bang theory

Candidates should be able to:
1 understand that the lines in the emission spectra from distant objects show an increase in wavelength
from their known values
2 use / . f / f . v / c for the redshift of electromagnetic radiation from a source moving relative to an
3 explain why redshift leads to the idea that the Universe is expanding
4 recall and use Hubble’s law v . H0d and explain how this leads to the Big Bang theory
(candidates will only be required to use SI units)

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

4 Details of the assessment

Paper 1 Multiple Choice

Written paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 40 marks

Forty multiple-choice items of the four-choice type testing assessment objectives AO1 and AO2. Questions are
based on the AS Level syllabus content.

Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions

Written paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 60 marks

Structured questions testing assessment objectives AO1 and AO2. Questions are based on the AS Level syllabus

Paper 3 Advanced Practical Skills

Practical test, 2 hours, 40 marks

This paper tests assessment objective AO3 in a practical context.

Two questions assess the AS Level practical skills in the Practical assessment section of the syllabus. The content of
the questions may be outside the syllabus content.

Paper 4 A Level Structured Questions

Written paper, 2 hours, 100 marks

Structured questions testing assessment objectives AO1 and AO2.

Questions are based on the A Level syllabus; knowledge of material from the AS Level syllabus content will be

Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation

Written paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 30 marks

Two questions testing assessment objective AO3.

Questions are based on the A Level practical skills of planning, analysis and evaluation but may require knowledge
of practical skills from the AS Level syllabus. The content of the questions may be outside of the syllabus content.

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Command words
Command words and their meanings help candidates know what is expected from them in the exam. The table
below includes command words used in the assessment for this syllabus. The use of the command word will relate
to the subject context.

Command word What it means

Calculate work out from given facts, figures or information
Comment give an informed opinion
Compare identify/comment on similarities and/or differences
Define give precise meaning
Describe state the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features
Determine establish an answer using the information available
Explain set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things evident / provide
why and/or how and support with relevant evidence
Give produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory
Identify name/select/recognise
Justify support a case with evidence/argument
Predict suggest what may happen based on available information
Show (that) provide structured evidence that leads to a given result
Sketch make a simple freehand drawing showing the key features
State express in clear terms
Suggest apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid
responses in order to make proposals

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

5 Practical assessment

Teachers should ensure that learners practise experimental skills throughout their course of study. As a guide,
learners should spend at least 20 per cent of their time doing practical work individually or in small groups. This 20
per cent does not include the time spent observing demonstrations of experiments.

The practical work that learners do during their course should aim to:
provide learning opportunities so they develop the skills they need to carry out experimental and investigative
reinforce their learning of the theoretical subject content of the syllabus
instil an understanding of the relationship between experimentation and theory in scientific method
be enjoyable, contributing to the motivation of learners.

Candidates’ experimental skills will be assessed in Paper 3 and Paper 5. In each of these papers, the questions may
be based on physics not included in the syllabus content, but candidates will be assessed on their practical skills
rather than their knowledge of theory. Where appropriate, candidates will be given any additional information that
they need.

Paper 3 Advanced Practical Skills

Paper 3 is a timetabled, laboratory-based practical paper focusing on the experimental skills of:
manipulation, measurement and observation
presentation of data and observations
analysis, conclusions and evaluation.

Centres should refer to the document ‘How to manage your sciences practical exams’ for advice on making entries
and organisation of candidates for practical exams.

Paper 3 consists of two questions, each of 1 hour and each of 20 marks.

Question 1 will be an experiment requiring candidates to collect data, to plot a graph and to draw conclusions.

Question 2 will be an experiment requiring candidates to collect data and to draw conclusions, but may or may not
include the plotting of a graph. In the second question, the experimental method to be followed will be inaccurate,
and candidates will be required to evaluate the method and suggest improvements.

The two questions will be set in different areas of physics. No prior knowledge of the theory will be required.

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Mark allocations for Paper 3

Marks will be allocated for Paper 3 according to the table below. The expectations for each skill are listed in the
sections that follow.

Question 1
Skill Breakdown of skills Minimum
Manipulation, measurement and Successful collection of data
7 marks
observation Quality of data
Table of results
Presentation of data and
Recording of data, observations and calculations 6 marks
Interpretation of graph
Analysis, conclusions and evaluation 4 marks
Drawing conclusions

*The remaining 3 marks will be allocated across the skills in this grid and their allocation may vary from paper to

Question 2
Skill Breakdown of skills Minimum

Manipulation, measurement and Successful collection of data

5 marks
observation Quality of data
Presentation of data and Recording of data, observations and calculations
2 marks
Drawing conclusions

Analysis, conclusions and Estimating uncertainties

10 marks
evaluation Identifying limitations
Suggesting improvements

* The remaining 3 marks will be allocated across the skills in this grid and their allocation may vary from paper to

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Expectations for each skill (Paper 3)

Manipulation, measurement and observation

Successful collection of data

Candidates should be able to:
set up apparatus correctly without assistance from the supervisor
follow instructions given in the form of written instructions and diagrams (including circuit diagrams)
use their apparatus to collect an appropriate quantity of data
repeat readings where appropriate
make measurements using common laboratory apparatus, such as millimetre scales, protractors, top-pan
balances, newton meters, analogue or digital electrical meters, measuring cylinders, calipers*, micrometer
screw gauges and thermometers
use a stop-watch to measure intervals of time, including the period of an oscillating system by timing an
appropriate number of consecutive oscillations
use both analogue scales and digital displays.

* Where calipers are required in the examination, centres may provide either vernier or digital calipers. Candidates
should be familiar with the type of calipers provided.

Some candidates will be unable to set up their apparatus without help and may ask for assistance from the
supervisor. Supervisors will be given clear instructions on what assistance may be given to candidates, but this
assistance should never go beyond the minimum necessary to enable candidates to take some readings: under no
circumstances should help be given with the presentation of data, analysis or evaluation sections. All assistance
must be reported to the Examiners by recording details of the help given on the supervisor’s report, and candidates
who require assistance will not be awarded full credit for the successful collection of data.

Quality of data
Candidates should be able to:
make and record accurate measurements
make measurements that span the largest possible range of values within the limits either of the equipment
provided or of the instructions given.

Marks will be awarded for measured data in which the values obtained are reasonable. In some cases, the award of
the mark will be based on the scatter of points on a graph; in other cases, the candidate’s data may be compared
with information supplied by the supervisor or known to the Examiners. The Examiners will only consider the extent
to which the candidate has affected the quality of the data: allowances will be made where the quality of data is
limited by the experimental method required or by the apparatus used.

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Presentation of data and observations

Table of results
Candidates should be able to:
present numerical data and values in a single table of results
record all data in the table
draw up the table in advance of taking readings so that they do not have to copy up their results
include in the table of results columns for raw data and for values calculated from them
use column headings that include both the quantity and the unit and that conform to accepted scientific

As an example of accepted scientific convention in column headings, if the quantity being measured is current
in milliamperes, then ‘I / mA’ would be the usual way to write the column heading, but ‘I in mA’ or ‘I (mA)’ or
‘current / mA’ would be allowed. Headings such as ‘I mA’ or just ‘mA’ are not acceptable. The quantity or the unit
or both may be written in words rather than symbols. Conventional symbols or abbreviations (such as p.d.) may be
used without explanation.

Recording of data, observations and calculations

Candidates should be able to:
record raw readings of a quantity to the same degree of precision
calculate other quantities from their raw data
show their working in calculations, and the key steps in their reasoning
use and justify the correct number of significant figures in calculated quantities.

For example, if one measurement of length in a column of raw data is given to the nearest millimetre, then all
the lengths in that column should be given to the nearest millimetre. The degree of precision used should be
compatible with the measuring instrument used: it would be inappropriate to record a distance measured on a
millimetre scale as either ‘2 cm’ or ‘2.00 cm’.

When a value is calculated from measured quantities (except by addition or subtraction), the appropriate number
of significant figures for the calculated value usually depends on the measured quantity with the least number of
significant figures. If this quantity has n significant figures, then n or n+1 significant figures are appropriate for the
calculated value.

For example, if values of a potential difference and of a current are measured to 2 and 4 significant figures
respectively, then the corresponding resistance should be given to 2 or 3 significant figures, but not 1 or 4. The
number of significant figures may, if necessary, vary down a column of values for a calculated quantity.

Graph: Layout
Candidates should be able to:
clearly label graph axes with both the quantity and the unit, following accepted scientific conventions
choose scales for graph axes such that the data points occupy at least half of the graph grid in both x- and
use a false origin where appropriate
choose scales for the graph axes that allow the graph to be read easily, such as 1, 2 or 5 units to a 2 cm square
place regularly-spaced numerical labels along the whole of each axis at least every 2 cm.

The accepted scientific conventions for labelling the axes of a graph are the same as for the column headings in a
table of results.

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Graph: Plotting of points

Candidates should be able to:
plot all their data points on their graph grid to an accuracy of better than 1 mm.

Points should be finely drawn with a sharp pencil, but must still be visible. A fine cross or an encircled dot is
suitable; plotted points should have a diameter of less than 1 mm.

Graph: Trend line

Candidates should be able to:
draw straight lines of best fit or curves to show the trend of a graph
draw tangents to curved trend lines.

The trend line should show an even distribution of points on either side of the line along its whole length. Lines
should be finely drawn, continuous, and with a thickness of less than 1 mm, and should not contain kinks. If
necessary, candidates may identify one point as anomalous and ignore this point when drawing the line. The
anomalous point must be identified, e.g. circled or labelled.

Analysis, conclusions and evaluation

Interpretation of graph
Candidates should be able to:
relate straight-line graphs to equations of the form y = mx + c, and derive expressions that equate to the
gradient and/or the y-intercept of their graphs
read the coordinates of points on the trend line of a graph
determine the gradient of a straight-line graph or of a tangent to a curve
determine the y-intercept of a straight-line graph or of a tangent to a curve, including where these are on
graphs with a false origin.

When a gradient is to be determined, the points on the line chosen for the calculation should be separated by more
than half of the length of the line drawn.

In cases where the y-intercept cannot be read directly from the y-axis, it is expected that the coordinates of a point
on the line and the gradient will be substituted into y = mx + c to determine the y-intercept

Estimating uncertainties
Candidates should be able to:
estimate the absolute uncertainty in measurements
express the uncertainty in a measurement as an absolute or percentage uncertainty, and translate between
these forms
express the absolute uncertainty in a repeated measurement as half the range of the repeated readings, where
this is appropriate.

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Drawing conclusions
Candidates should be able to:
draw conclusions from an experiment, including determining the values of constants
explain whether experimental data supports a given hypothesis
make predictions.

To determine whether a relationship containing a constant is supported by experimental data, candidates should:
calculate the percentage difference between values of the constant
compare this percentage difference with a given percentage uncertainty
give a conclusion based on this comparison.

Identifying limitations
Candidates should be able to:
identify and describe the limitations in an experimental procedure
identify the most significant sources of uncertainty in an experiment.

For uncertainties in measured quantities, candidates should state the quantity being measured and a reason for the

Suggesting improvements
Candidates should be able to:
suggest modifications to an experimental arrangement that will improve the accuracy of the experiment or to
extend the investigation to answer a new question
describe these modifications clearly in words or diagrams.

Candidates’ suggestions should be realistic, so that in principle they are achievable in practice in a school
laboratory. The suggestions may include the use of other apparatus or different procedures, but not a different
experiment. The suggested modifications may relate to sources of uncertainty identified by the candidate.
Improvements that could have been made with the apparatus provided while following the instructions in the
question will not normally gain credit.

Administration of Paper 3
Detailed regulations on the administration of Cambridge International practical examinations are contained in the
Cambridge Handbook.

Details of the specific requirements for apparatus and materials for a particular examination are given in the
confidential instructions which are sent to centres several weeks prior to the examination. Centres should contact
Cambridge International if they believe the confidential instructions have not been received.

It is the responsibility of centres to provide the apparatus for practical examinations. Cambridge is not able to
supply apparatus directly or provide advice on local suppliers of apparatus.

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Apparatus and materials

Below is a list of the items that are regularly used in Paper 3. The list is not exhaustive: other items are usually
required, to allow for variety in the questions set.

cells: 1.5 V
connecting leads and crocodile clips
digital ammeter, minimum ranges 0–1 A reading to 0.01 A or better, 0–200 mA reading to 0.1 mA or better,
0–20 mA reading to 0.01 mA or better (digital multimeters are suitable)
digital voltmeter, minimum ranges 0–2 V reading to 0.001 V or better, 0–20 V reading to 0.01 V or better (digital
multimeters are suitable)
lamp and holder: 6 V 60 mA; 2.5 V 0.3 A
power supply: variable up to 12 V d.c. (low resistance)
rheostat (with a maximum resistance of at least 8 , capable of carrying a current of at least 4 A)
wire: constantan 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 swg or similar metric sizes

long stem thermometer: –10 °C to 110 °C reading to 1 °C

means to heat water safely to boiling (e.g. an electric kettle)
plastic or polystyrene cup 200 cm3

adhesive putty (e.g. Blu-tack)

adhesive tape (e.g. Sellotape)
balance reading to 0.1 g (this item may often be shared between sets of apparatus)
bar magnet
bare copper wire: 18, 20, 26 swg or similar metric sizes
beaker: 100 cm3, 200 cm3 or 250 cm3
expendable steel spring (spring constant approx. 25 N m–1; unstretched length approx. 2 cm)
Magnadur ceramic magnets
mass hanger
micrometer screw gauge (this item may often be shared between sets of apparatus)
modelling clay (e.g. Plasticine)
newton meter (1 N, 10 N)
pendulum bob
rule with a millimetre scale (1 m, 0.5 m, 300 mm)
slotted masses (100 g, 50 g, 20 g, 10 g)
stand, boss and clamp
stop-watch (candidates may use their wristwatches), reading to 0.1 s or better
stout pin or round nail
vernier or digital calipers (this item may often be shared between sets of apparatus)
wire cutters

Safety in the laboratory

Responsibility for safety matters rests with centres.

The attention of centres is drawn to any local regulations relating to safety and first aid.

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Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation

Paper 5 will be a timetabled written paper, focusing on the higher-order experimental skills of planning, analysis
and evaluation.

This examination will not require laboratory facilities.

To prepare candidates for this exam, it should be emphasised that candidates will need extensive experience of
laboratory work of A Level standard. In particular, learners cannot be taught to plan experiments effectively unless,
on a number of occasions, they are required to:
plan an experiment
perform the experiment according to their plan
evaluate what they have done.

This requires many hours of laboratory-based work and careful supervision from teachers to ensure that
experiments are performed safely.

Paper 5 will consist of two questions each of 15 marks.

Question 1 will be a planning question, in which candidates will be required to design an experimental investigation
of a given problem. The question will not be highly structured: candidates will be expected to answer with a
diagram and an extended piece of writing.

Question 2 will be an analysis, conclusions and evaluation question, in which candidates will be given an equation
and some experimental data. From these they will be required to find the value of a constant. This question will
be structured but candidates will be expected to decide for themselves what they need to do in order to reach an
answer. They will also be required to estimate the uncertainty in their answer.

Some questions on this paper may be set in areas of physics that are difficult to investigate experimentally in
school laboratories, either because of the cost of equipment or because of restrictions on the availability of
materials (e.g. radioactive materials). No question will require knowledge of theory or equipment that is beyond
the syllabus. Candidates will be given the necessary information for questions set on topics that do not form part of
the syllabus.

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Mark allocations for Paper 5

Marks will be allocated for Paper 5 according to the table below. The expectations for each skill are listed in the
sections that follow.

Question 1
Skill Breakdown of skills Mark
Defining the problem
Methods of data collection
Planning 15 marks
Method of analysis
Additional detail including safety considerations

Question 2
Skill Breakdown of skills Mark
Data analysis
Table of results
Analysis, conclusions and
Graph 15 marks
Treatment of uncertainties

Expectations for each skill (Paper 5)


Defining the problem

Candidates should be able to:
identify the independent variable in the experiment
identify the dependent variable in the experiment
identify the variables that are to be kept constant.

Methods of data collection

Candidates should be able to:
describe the method to be used to vary the independent variable
describe how the independent and dependent variables are to be measured
describe how other variables are to be kept constant
describe, with the aid of a clear labelled diagram, the arrangement of apparatus for the experiment and the
procedures to be followed.

For full credit to be awarded in this section, the overall arrangement must be workable, that is, it should be possible
to collect the data required without undue difficulty if the apparatus were assembled as described. The measuring

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instruments chosen should be fit for purpose, in that they should measure the correct physical quantity to a
suitable precision for the experiment.

Method of analysis
Candidates should be able to:
describe how the data should be used in order to reach a conclusion, including details of derived quantities to
be calculated from graphs.

Additional detail including safety considerations

Marks will be available for additional relevant detail including safety precautions.

How these marks are awarded will depend on the experiment that is to be planned, but they might, for example,
include marks for describing how additional variables are to be kept constant, or for a diagram of a circuit needed
to make a particular measurement or a description of initial experiments or an explanation of how to obtain
calibration curves.

For safety considerations, candidates should be able to:

assess the risks of their experiment
describe precautions that should be taken to keep risks to a minimum.

Candidates should be able to:

describe the use of an oscilloscope (or storage oscilloscope) to measure voltage, current, time and frequency
describe how to use light gates connected to a data logger to determine time, velocity and acceleration
describe how other sensors can be used with a data logger, e.g. motion sensor.

Analysis, conclusions and evaluation

Data analysis
Candidates should be able to:
rearrange expressions into the forms y = mx + c, y = axn and y = aekx
understand how a graph of y against x is used to find the constants m and c in an equation of the form
y = mx + c
understand how a graph of log y against log x is used to find the constants a and n in an equation of the form
y = axn
understand how a graph of ln y against x is used to find the constants a and k in an equation of the form
y = aekx
decide what derived quantities to calculate from raw data in order to enable an appropriate graph to be

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Table of results
Candidates should be able to:
complete a table of results following the conventions required for Paper 3
calculate other quantities from raw data and record them in a table
use the correct number of significant figures for calculated quantities following the conventions required for
Paper 3.

Where logarithms are required, units should be shown with the quantity whose logarithm is being taken,
e.g. ln (d / cm). The logarithm itself does not have a unit.

For logarithmic quantities, the number of decimal places should correspond to the number of significant figures.
For example, if L / cm is 76.5 (3 sf), then lg (L / cm) should be either 1.884 (3 dp) or 1.8837 (4 dp).

Candidates should be able to:
plot a graph following the conventions required for Paper 3
show error bars, in both directions where appropriate, for each point on the graph
draw a straight line of best fit and a worst acceptable straight line through the points on the graph.

The worst acceptable line should be either the steepest possible line or the shallowest possible line that passes
through the error bars of all the data points. It should be distinguished from the line of best fit either by being
drawn as a broken line or by being clearly labelled.

Candidates should be able to:
determine the gradient and y-intercept of a straight-line graph
derive expressions that equate to the gradient or the y-intercept of their straight lines of best fit
draw the required conclusions, with correct units and appropriate number of significant figures, from these

Treatment of uncertainties
Candidates should be able to:
convert absolute uncertainty estimates into fractional or percentage uncertainty estimates and vice versa
show uncertainty estimates, in absolute terms, beside every value in a table of results
calculate uncertainty estimates in derived quantities
estimate the absolute uncertainty in the gradient of a graph by recalling that
absolute uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of worst acceptable line
estimate the absolute uncertainty in the y-intercept of a graph by recalling that
absolute uncertainty = y-intercept of line of best fit – y-intercept of worst acceptable line
express a quantity as a value, an uncertainty estimate and a unit.

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

6 Additional information

Mathematical requirements
We expect candidates to be able to use the following mathematical skills and knowledge in the assessment.
Teaching the mathematical requirements should be included in the AS & A Level Physics course.

At AS Level and A Level

Candidates should be able to:
recognise and use expressions in decimal and standard form (scientific) notation
use a calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and find arithmetic means, powers
(including reciprocals and nth-roots), sines, cosines, tangents (and the inverse functions)
understand how to perform calculations so that significant figures are neither lost unnecessarily nor carried
beyond what is justified
use approximations to check the magnitude of calculated results.

Candidates should be able to:
change the subject of an equation (most relevant equations involve only the simpler operations but may
include positive and negative indices and nth-roots)
solve simple algebraic equations
solve a system of two linear simultaneous equations
-b ! b 2 - 4ac
recall and use the formula x = to solve quadratic equations
substitute physical quantities into physical equations using consistent units and check the dimensional
consistency of such equations
set up simple algebraic equations as mathematical models of physical situations, and identify inadequacies of
such models
use percentages to express changes or uncertainties
understand and use the symbols <, >, , , , , . , ±, /, , x (= xr ) , / , x, , .

Geometry and trigonometry

Candidates should be able to:
recall and use formulae for the area and perimeter/circumference of rectangles, circles, right-angled and
isosceles triangles
recall and use formulae for the volume and surface area of cuboids, cylinders and spheres
recall and use Pythagoras’ theorem in 2 and 3 dimensions
use the similarity of triangles and the angle sum of a triangle
understand and use the definitions of sin, cos and tan as applied to a right-angled triangle, and recall and use
the relationship sin / cos = tan
recall and use the trigonometric relationships for triangles a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C and
a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A.

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Additional information

Candidates should be able to:
find the resultant of two coplanar vectors, recognising situations where vector addition is appropriate
obtain expressions for components of a vector in perpendicular directions, recognising situations where vector
resolution is appropriate.

Candidates should be able to:
select appropriate variables and scales for graph plotting
determine the gradient, intercept and intersection of linear graphs
choose, by inspection, a straight line which will serve as the line of best fit through a set of data points
presented graphically
draw a curved trend line through a set of data points presented graphically, when the arrangement of these
data points is clearly indicative of a non-linear relationship
1 1
sketch and recognise the forms of plots of common simple expressions like x , x2, 2 , sin x, cos x
draw a tangent to a curve, and understand and use the gradient of the tangent as a means to obtain the
gradient of the curve at a point
understand and use the area below a curve where the area has physical significance.

Additional requirements for A level only

Geometry and trigonometry

Candidates should be able to:
recall and use sin2 + cos2 = 1
recall and use sin ≈ tan ≈ and cos ≈ 1 for small
understand the relationship between degrees and radians, convert from one to the other and use the
appropriate system in context.

Exponentials and logarithms

Candidates should be able to:
calculate exponentials and logarithms (lg and ln)
a n kx
recognise and use the logarithms of expressions like ab, ,x ,e
sketch and recognise the form of a plot of e–x
use logarithmic plots to test exponential and power law variations

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Additional information

Summary of key quantities, symbols and units

The list below is intended as a guide to the more important quantities which might be encountered in teaching and
used in question papers.

This list is for use in both AS Level and full A Level qualifications.

Quantity Usual symbols Usual unit

Base quantities
mass m kg
length l m
time t s
electric current I A
thermodynamic temperature T K
amount of substance n mol
Other quantities
acceleration a m s–2
acceleration of free fall g m s–2
activity of radioactive source A Bq
amplitude x0 m
angle °, rad
angular displacement °, rad
angular frequency rad s–1
angular speed rad s–1
angular velocity rad s–1
area A m2
atomic mass ma kg, u
attenuation/absorption coefficient μ m–1
Avogadro constant NA mol–1
Boltzmann constant k J K–1
capacitance C F
Celsius temperature °C
decay constant s–1
density kg m–3
displacement s, x m
distance d m
efficiency η
electric charge q, Q C
electric field strength E N C–1, V m–1
electric potential V V
electric potential difference V V
electromotive force E V
electron mass me kg, u
elementary charge e C

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Additional information

Quantity Usual symbols Usual unit

energy E, U, W J
force F N
frequency f Hz
gravitational constant G N m2 kg–2
gravitational field strength g N kg–1
gravitational potential J kg–1
half-life t½ s
Hall voltage VH V
heating q, Q J
Hubble constant H0 s–1
intensity I W m–2
internal energy change U J
kinetic energy EK J
luminosity L W
magnetic flux Wb
magnetic flux density B T
mean-square speed <c > m2 s–2
molar gas constant R J mol–1 K–1
moment of force T Nm
momentum p Ns
neutron mass mn kg, u
neutron number N
nucleon number A
number N, n, m
number density (number per unit volume) n m–3
period T s
permeability of free space µ0 H m–1
permittivity of free space 0 F m–1
phase difference °, rad
Planck constant h Js
potential energy EP J
power P W
pressure p Pa
proton mass mp kg, u
proton number Z
radiant flux intensity F W m–2
resistance R
resistivity m

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Additional information

Quantity Usual symbols Usual unit

specific acoustic impedance Z kg m–2 s–1
specific heat capacity c J kg–1 K–1
specific latent heat L J kg–1
speed u, v, w, c m s–1
speed of electromagnetic waves c m s–1
spring constant k N m–1
Stefan–Boltzmann constant W m–2 K–4
stress Pa
time constant s
torque T Nm
velocity u, v, w, c m s–1
volume V, v m3
wavelength m
weight W N
work w, W J
work function energy J
Young modulus E Pa

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Additional information

Data and formulae

9702 Physics AS Level data sheet for Papers 1 and 2
The following data and formulae will appear on page 2 in Papers 1, 2 and 4.


acceleration of free fall g = 9.81 m s–2

speed of light in free space c = 3.00 108 m s–1

elementary charge e = 1.60 10–19 C

unified atomic mass unit 1 u = 1.66 10–27 kg

rest mass of proton mp = 1.67 10–27 kg

rest mass of electron me = 9.11 10–31 kg

Avogadro constant NA = 6.02 1023 mol–1

molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1

Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 10–23 J K–1

gravitational constant G = 6.67 10–11 N m2 kg–2

permittivity of free space 0

= 8.85 10–12 F m–1
( = 8.99 109 m F–1)

Planck constant h = 6.63 10–34 J s

Stefan–Boltzmann constant = 5.67 10–8 W m–2 K–4


uniformly accelerated motion s = ut + 12 at 2

v 2 = u 2 + 2as

hydrostatic pressure p = g h

upthrust F = gV

fs v
Doppler effect for sound waves fo = v ! v

electric current = Anvq

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resistors in series R = R1 + R2 + ...
Planck constant
Cambridge International h and
AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 = 6.63 10 Jinformation
2024. Additional s

Stefan–Boltzmann constant = 5.67 10–8 W m–2 K–4


uniformly accelerated motion s = ut + 12 at 2

v 2 = u 2 + 2as

hydrostatic pressure p = g h

upthrust F = gV

fs v
Doppler effect for sound waves fo = v ! v

electric current = Anvq

resistors in series R = R1 + R2 + ...

1 1 1
resistors in parallel = + + ...
R R1 R2

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Additional information

9702 Physics A Level data sheet for Paper 4

The following formulae will appear on page 3 in Paper 4.

gravitational potential =– r

gravitational potential energy EP = – r

1 Nm
pressure of an ideal gas p = 3 V c2

simple harmonic motion a =– x

velocity of particle in s.h.m. v = v0 cos t

v = (x02 x 2)

electric potential V =
4rf0 r

electrical potential energy EP =
4rf0 r

1 1 1
capacitors in series = + + ...
C C1 C2

capacitors in parallel C = C1 + C2 + ...

discharge of a capacitor x = x0 e-RC

Hall voltage VH =

alternating current/voltage x = x0 sin t

radioactive decay x = x0e–mt

decay constant m =

IR (Z1 Z2) 2
intensity reflection coefficient =
I0 (Z1 + Z2) 2

2 4
Stefan–Boltzmann law L =4

Dm Df v
Doppler redshift c
m f

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Circuit symbols
The following table gives a guide to the circuit symbols that may be used in examination papers.

cell switch

battery of cells or earth

power supply electric bell

a.c. power supply buzzer

junction of conductors microphone

lamp loudspeaker

fixed resistor motor M

variable resistor generator G

thermistor ammeter A

voltmeter V

heater galvanometer

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

potentiometer oscilloscope

diode capacitor

light-emitting diode

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

7 What else you need to know

This section is an overview of other information you need to know about this syllabus. It will help to share the
administrative information with your exams officer so they know when you will need their support. Find more
information about our administrative processes at www.cambridgeinternational.org/eoguide

Before you start

Previous study
We recommend that learners starting this course should have completed a course in Physics or Co-ordinated
Science equivalent to Cambridge IGCSE™ or Cambridge O Level.

Guided learning hours

We design Cambridge International AS & A Level syllabuses based on learners having about 180 guided
learning hours for each Cambridge International AS Level and about 360 guided learning hours for a Cambridge
International A Level. The number of hours a learner needs to achieve the qualification may vary according to local
practice and their previous experience of the subject.

Availability and timetables

All Cambridge schools are allocated to one of six administrative zones. Each zone has a specific timetable.

You can view the timetable for your administrative zone at www.cambridgeinternational.org/timetables

You can enter candidates in the June and November exam series. If your school is in India, you can also enter your
candidates in the March exam series.

Check you are using the syllabus for the year the candidate is taking the exam.

Private candidates can enter for this syllabus. However, it is expected that private candidates learn in an
environment where practical work is an integral part of the course. Candidates will not be able to perform well in
this assessment or progress successfully to further study without this necessary and important aspect of science
education. For more information, please refer to the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.

Combining with other syllabuses

Candidates can take this syllabus alongside other Cambridge International syllabuses in a single exam series. The
only exceptions are:
syllabuses with the same title at the same level.

Group awards: Cambridge AICE

Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) is a group award for Cambridge International
AS & A Level. It allows schools to offer a broad and balanced curriculum by recognising the achievements of
learners who pass examinations in a range of different subjects.

Learn more about Cambridge AICE at www.cambridgeinternational.org/aice

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. What else you need to know

Making entries
Exams officers are responsible for submitting entries to Cambridge International. We encourage them to work
closely with you to make sure they enter the right number of candidates for the right combination of syllabus
components. Entry option codes and instructions for submitting entries are in the Cambridge Guide to Making
Entries. Your exams officer has a copy of this guide.

Exam administration
To keep our exams secure, we produce question papers for different areas of the world, known as administrative
zones. We allocate all Cambridge schools to one administrative zone determined by their location. Each zone has
a specific timetable. Some of our syllabuses offer candidates different assessment options. An entry option code
is used to identify the components the candidate will take relevant to the administrative zone and the available
assessment options.

Support for exams officers

We know how important exams officers are to the successful running of exams. We provide them with the support
they need to make your entries on time. Your exams officer will find this support, and guidance for all other phases
of the Cambridge Exams Cycle, at www.cambridgeinternational.org/eoguide

Candidates can retake Cambridge International AS Level and Cambridge International A Level as many
times as they want to. To confirm what entry options are available for this syllabus, refer to the Cambridge Guide to
Making Entries for the relevant series.

Candidates can carry forward the result of their Cambridge International AS Level assessment from one series to
complete the Cambridge International A Level in a following series, subject to the rules and time limits described in
the Cambridge Handbook.

Equality and inclusion

We have taken great care to avoid bias of any kind in the preparation of this syllabus and related assessment
materials. In compliance with the UK Equality Act (2010) we have designed this qualification to avoid any direct
and indirect discrimination.

The standard assessment arrangements may present unnecessary barriers for candidates with disabilities or learning
difficulties. We can put arrangements in place for these candidates to enable them to access the assessments and
receive recognition of their attainment. We do not agree access arrangements if they give candidates an unfair
advantage over others or if they compromise the standards being assessed.

Candidates who cannot access the assessment of any component may be able to receive an award based on the
parts of the assessment they have completed.

Information on access arrangements is in the Cambridge Handbook at www.cambridgeinternational.org/eoguide

This syllabus and the related assessment materials are available in English only.

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After the exam

Grading and reporting
Grades A*, A, B, C, D or E indicate the standard a candidate achieved at Cambridge International A Level, with A*
being the highest grade.

Grades a, b, c, d or e indicate the standard a candidate achieved at Cambridge International AS Level, with ‘a’ being
the highest grade.

‘Ungraded’ means that the candidate’s performance did not meet the standard required for the lowest grade (E
or e). ‘Ungraded’ is reported on the statement of results but not on the certificate. In specific circumstances your
candidates may see one of the following letters on their statement of results:
Q (pending)
X (no result)
Y (to be issued).

These letters do not appear on the certificate.

If a candidate takes a Cambridge International A Level and fails to achieve grade E or higher, a Cambridge
International AS Level grade will be awarded if both of the following apply:
the components taken for the Cambridge International A Level by the candidate in that series included all the
components making up a Cambridge International AS Level
the candidate’s performance on the AS Level components was sufficient to merit the award of a Cambridge
International AS Level grade.

On the statement of results and certificates, Cambridge International AS & A Levels are shown as General
Certificates of Education, GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level (GCE AS Level) and GCE Advanced Level (GCE A Level).

‘Cambridge International A Levels are the ‘gold standard’ qualification. They are based on
rigorous, academic syllabuses that are accessible to students from a wide range of abilities yet
have the capacity to stretch our most able.’
Director of Studies, Auckland Grammar School, New Zealand

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How students, teachers and higher education can use the grades
Cambridge International A Level
Assessment at Cambridge International A Level has two purposes:
to measure learning and achievement
The assessment:
– confirms achievement and performance in relation to the knowledge, understanding and skills specified in
the syllabus, to the levels described in the grade descriptions.

to show likely future success

The outcomes:
– help predict which students are well prepared for a particular course or career and/or which students are
more likely to be successful
– help students choose the most suitable course or career.

Cambridge International AS Level

Assessment at Cambridge International AS Level has two purposes:
to measure learning and achievement
The assessment:
– confirms achievement and performance in relation to the knowledge, understanding and skills specified in
the syllabus.

to show likely future success

The outcomes:
– help predict which students are well prepared for a particular course or career and/or which students are
more likely to be successful
– help students choose the most suitable course or career
– help decide whether students part way through a Cambridge International A Level course are making
enough progress to continue
– guide teaching and learning in the next stages of the Cambridge International A Level course.

Grade descriptions
Grade descriptions are provided to give an indication of the standards of achievement candidates awarded
particular grades are likely to show. Weakness in one aspect of the examination may be balanced by a better
performance in some other aspect.

Grade descriptions for Cambridge International A Level Physics will be published after the first assessment of the
A Level in 2022. Find more information at www.cambridgeinternational.org/alevel

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Changes to this syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024

The syllabus has been updated. The latest version is version 2, published June 2020. The changes are indicated by
vertical black lines.

The syllabus has been reviewed and revised for first examination in 2022.

You are strongly advised to read the whole syllabus before planning your teaching programme.

From 2022, the A Level components will assume knowledge of the revised AS Level content. All candidates should
therefore be familiar with the AS Level content in this syllabus.

Changes to version 2, published June 2020

Changes to syllabus The wording in learning outcome 3.1.6 and 4.1.1 has been updated. The
meaning of these learning outcomes has not changed.
The list of command words has been updated on page 34.
The heading of 14.3 has been corrected to Specific Heat Capacity on page 24.

Changes to version 1, published September 2019

Changes to syllabus The learner attributes have been updated.
content Small changes have been made to the key concepts to better reflect the
overarching ideas that run throughout physics.
The structure of the subject content has changed so that the AS Level and
A Level content is now split into separate sections. This makes the distinction
between the AS Level and A Level content clearer.
The wording in the learning outcomes has been updated to provide clarity
to what depth each topic should be taught. Although the wording will look
different in many places, the content to teach remains largely the same.
There has been a limited amount of change to topics: some topics have been
removed and others added, and some content has moved from AS Level to
A Level and vice versa; but the teaching time still falls within the
recommended guided learning hours.
Two topics ‘Communication’ and ‘Electronics’ have been removed from the
A Level.
A new topic ‘Astronomy and cosmology’ has been added to the A Level.
The AS Level content on electric fields has been moved to the A Level.
The sub-topics ‘NMRI’ and ‘Band theory’ have been removed from the
A Level.
The new sub-topics ‘PET scanning’ and ‘Discharging a capacitor’ have been
added to the A Level.
The new sub-topic ‘Polarisation’ has been added to the AS Level.
Content on ‘LDRs (light-dependent resistors)’ and ‘thermistors’ has been
moved from the A Level to the AS Level.
The topic ‘Measurement techniques’ is covered under practical skills.
The learning outcomes have been numbered, rather than listed by letters.

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics 9702 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024. What else you need to know

Changes to syllabus The Practical assessment section has been updated and further explanation
content continued has been provided.
The Mathematical requirements have been updated.
The Summary of key quantities, symbols and units section has been updated.
The Data and formulae have been updated. Separate formulae are provided
for AS Level and A Level.
The Circuit symbols have been updated.
The list of command words has been updated.
Changes to assessment The syllabus aims have been updated to improve the clarity of wording and
(including changes to the consistency between AS & A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
specimen papers) The wording of the assessment objectives (AOs) has been updated to
ensure consistency across AS & A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The
assessment objectives still test the same knowledge and skills as previously.
The weightings of the AOs are now given as an approximate weighting.
Please see section 2 Syllabus overview for details.

In addition to reading the syllabus, you should refer to the updated specimen papers. The specimen papers will help
your students become familiar with exam requirements and command words in questions. The specimen mark
schemes explain how students should answer questions to meet the assessment objectives.

Any textbooks endorsed to support the syllabus for examination from 2022 are suitable for use with
this syllabus.

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‘While studying Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International A Levels, students broaden their horizons
through a global perspective and develop a lasting passion for learning.’
Zhai Xiaoning, Deputy Principal, The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China

Cambridge Assessment International Education

The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8EA
Tel: +44 (0)1223 553554 Fax: +44 (0)1223 553558
Email: [email protected] www.cambridgeinternational.org

Copyright © UCLES September 2019

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