AS Level Maths Specification - OCR

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Mathematics A


For first assessment in 2018

Version 2.2 (January 2020)
Registered office:  © 2020 OCR. All rights reserved.
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Cambridge However, registered centres for OCR are permitted to copy material from
CB2 8EA this specification booklet for their own internal use.

OCR is an exempt charity. Oxford Cambridge and RSA is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered
in England. Registered company number 3484466.

Disclaimer Specifications are updated over time. Whilst every effort is made to check
all documents, there may be contradictions between published resources
and the specification, therefore please use the information on the latest
specification at all times. Where changes are made to specifications these
will be indicated within the document, there will be a new version number
indicated, and a summary of the changes. If you do notice a discrepancy
between the specification and a resource please contact us at:
[email protected]

We will inform centres about changes to specifications. We will also publish

changes on our website. The latest version of our specifications will always be
those on our website ( and these may differ from printed versions.

Cover Image: A Level students and teachers from Exeter College


1 OCR’s AS Level in Mathematics A2

1a. Why choose an OCR AS Level in Mathematics A? 3
1b. What are the key features of this specification? 4
1c. Aims and learning outcomes 5
1d. How do I find out more information? 6

2 The specification overview 7

2a. Content of AS Level in Mathematics A (H230) 7
2b. The large data set 8
2c. Use of technology 9
2d. Command words 10
2e. Overarching themes 16
2f. Detailed Content of AS Level Mathematics A (H230) 18
2g. Prior knowledge, learning and progression 42

3 Assessment of AS Level in Mathematics A 43

3a. Forms of assessment  43
3b. Assessment Objectives (AO) 44
3c. Assessment availability 45
3d. Retaking the qualification 45
3e. Assessment of extended response 45
3f. Synoptic assessment  46
3g. Calculating qualification results 46

4 Admin: what you need to know47

4a. Pre-assessment 47
4b. Special consideration 48
4c. External assessment arrangements 48
4d. Results and certificates 48
4e. Post-results services 49
4f. Malpractice  49

5 Appendices50
5a. Overlap with other qualifications 50
5b. Accessibility 50
5c. Mathematical notation 51
5d. Mathematical formulae and identities 55

Summary of updates 59

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 1
1 OCR’s AS Level in Mathematics A

The subject content is divided into three areas: Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics.
The Overarching Themes (section 2e) must be applied along with associated mathematical thinking and
understanding, across the whole of the subject content.
Content Overview Assessment Overview

Component 01 assesses content

from Pure Mathematics and Paper 1: Pure Mathematics
Statistics, in two separate sections and Statistics (01) 50%
of approximately 50 and 25 marks
respectively. Some of the
75 marks
of total
assessment items in the Statistics 1 hour 30 minutes
AS Level
section will be set in the context of Written paper
the pre-release large data set.

Paper 2: Pure Mathematics

Component 02 assesses content
from Pure Mathematics and
and Mechanics (02) 50%
Mechanics, in two separate 75 marks
of total
separate sections of approximately
50 and 25 marks respectively.
1 hour 30 minutes
AS Level
Written paper

Learners must take both components 01 and 02 to be awarded OCR’s AS Level in Mathematics A.

Learners will be given formulae in each assessment on page 2 of the question paper. See Section 5d for a list of
these formulae.

Each section has a gradient of difficulty and consists of a mix of long and short questions.
Both components contain some synoptic assessment and some extended response questions.

Learners are permitted to use a scientific or graphical calculator for all papers. Calculators are subject to the
rules in the document Instructions for Conducting Examinations, published annually by JCQ (

It is expected that calculators available in the assessment will include the following features:

• an iterative function such as an ANS key,

• the ability to compute summary statistics and access probabilities from the binomial distributions.

Allowable calculators can be used for any function they can perform. In each question paper, learners are
expected to support their answers with appropriate working.

All AS Level qualifications offered by OCR are accredited by Ofqual, the Regulator for qualifications offered in
England. The accreditation number for OCR’s AS Level in Mathematics A is: QN603/0933/7.

© OCR 2018
2 AS Level in Mathematics A
1a. Why choose an OCR AS Level in Mathematics A?
Choose OCR and you’ve got the reassurance that time in the exam and see the whole of multi-part
you’re working with one of the UK’s leading exam questions. 1
boards. Our A Level in Mathematics A course has
been developed in consultation with teachers, Exam Practice materials that make sure you know
employers and Higher Education to provide learners how your students are performing and can track their
with a qualification that’s relevant to them and meets progress. Secure Practice Papers can be used as
their needs. mocks to prepare your students for the exam, we give
you free access to Exam Builder, which you can use to
We provide: create your own mock exams and classroom tests
with marking guidance, and a range of quick Check In
Specifications that are clear, easy to use, and flexible. tests to use at the end of topics.
Our specification is fully co-teachable, with AS and A
Level Maths content presented together, and the way Support materials and advice to help you at every
we’ve structured our assessments means that you stage of your planning and teaching. Our brand new,
can teach the mathematical content in the way which expanded Examiner’s Report will help you understand
suits you and your students. You can teach this your students’ performance in the exam and prepare
specification with our Further Maths qualification future cohorts for their assessments. Use it alongside
however you prefer – either fully integrated, in Active Results our free analysis service, to get the
parallel, or as a separate course after completing the data on student performance that you need. We
Maths A Level. offer CPD training and network events both face to
face and online. You can meet our Maths team at
Assessments designed to give your students the best one of our events, or they are available online or over
experience in the exam. We’ve reviewed our layout the phone to give you the specialist advice you need.
to make it clearer, while keeping the approach of You’ll find our full range of planning, teaching and
providing a separate question paper and answer learning and assessment resources on our website, as
booklet to make it easier for students to plan their well as information about endorsed textbooks.

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 3
1b. What are the key features of this specification?

1 Exemplar content.
Clear command words and guidance on calculator use.
Separate Question Papers and Answer Booklets so that students can always see the whole of a question at
one time and to allow for diagrams and tables for them to work on.
Easy to follow mark schemes with complete solutions and clear guidance.
Applied content (statistics and mechanics) assessed on separate papers so that the content domains
assessed on any given paper don’t cover both at once.

Mathematics A H230 Mathematics B (MEI) H630

Single pre-release data set designed to last the life of Three data sets available at all times, so that you can
the qualification. use all three for teaching, but for each cohort of
students just one will be the context for some of the
Components 01 and 02 are in two sections: section A
questions in the exam. Each data set will be clearly
on the Pure Mathematics content; section B on
labelled as to when it is used. The Same AS data set
either Statistics or Mechanics.
will apply for subsequent A Level in the following
Components 01 and 02 are in two sections:
section A consists of shorter questions with minimal
reading and interpretation;
section B includes longer questions and problem

© OCR 2018
4 AS Level in Mathematics A
1c. Aims and learning outcomes
OCR’s AS Level in Mathematics A will encourage • recognise when mathematics can be used to
learners to: analyse and solve a problem in context 1
• understand mathematics and mathematical • represent situations mathematically and
processes in a way that promotes confidence, understand the relationship between problems
fosters enjoyment and provides a strong in context and mathematical models that may
foundation for progress to further study be applied to solve them

• extend their range of mathematical skills and • draw diagrams and sketch graphs to help
techniques explore mathematical situations and interpret
• understand coherence and progression in
mathematics and how different areas of
• make deductions and inferences and draw
mathematics are connected
conclusions by using mathematical reasoning
• apply mathematics in other fields of study and
• interpret solutions and communicate their
be aware of the relevance of mathematics to
interpretation effectively in the context of the
the world of work and to situations in society in

• use their mathematical knowledge to make • read and comprehend mathematical

logical and reasoned decisions in solving arguments, including justifications of methods
problems both within pure mathematics and in and formulae, and communicate their
a variety of contexts, and communicate the understanding
mathematical rationale for these decisions
clearly • read and comprehend articles concerning
applications of mathematics and communicate
• reason logically and recognise incorrect their understanding
• use technology such as calculators and
• generalise mathematically computers effectively and recognise when such
use may be inappropriate
• construct mathematical proofs
• take increasing responsibility for their own
• use their mathematical skills and techniques to learning and the evaluation of their own
solve challenging problems which require them mathematical development.
to decide on the solution strategy

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 5
1d. How do I find out more information?
If you are already using OCR specifications you can Teacher resources, blogs and support: available from:
1 contact us at:

If you are not already a registered OCR centre then Sign up for our monthly Maths newsletter,
you can find out more information on the benefits of Total Maths
becoming one at:
Access CPD, training, events and support through
Get in touch with one of OCR’s Subject Advisors: OCR’s CPD Hub

Email: [email protected] Access our online past papers service that enables
you to build your own test papers from past OCR
Twitter: @OCR_Maths exam questions through OCR’s ExamBuilder

Customer Contact Centre: 01223 553998 Access our free results analysis service to help you
review the performance of individual learners or
whole schools through Active Results

© OCR 2018
6 AS Level in Mathematics A
2 The specification overview

2a. Content of AS Level in Mathematics A (H230)

This AS Level qualification builds on the skills, specification we have continued this numbering to
knowledge and understanding set out in the whole sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the pure core, statistics,
GCSE (9–1) subject content for mathematics for first mechanics, discrete mathematics and additional pure
teaching from 2015. All of this content is assumed, sections in order to facilitate the teaching of both
but will only be explicitly assessed where it appears in qualifications.
this specification.
The italic text in the content statements provides 2
The content is arranged by topic area and exemplifies examples and further detail of the requirements of
the level of demand at AS Level. Statements have a this specification. All exemplars contained in the
unique reference code. For ease of comparison, specification under the heading “e.g.” are for
planning and co-teaching the content statements in illustration only and do not constitute an exhaustive
this specification have reference codes corresponding list. The heading “i.e.” is used to denote a complete
to the same statements in ‘Stage 1’ of OCR’s A Level list. For the avoidance of doubt an italic statement in
in Mathematics A (H240). The content in these square brackets indicates content which will not be
statements is identical, but the exemplification may tested.
differ as appropriate to the qualification. Any gaps in
the alphabetic referencing in this specification The expectation is that some assessment items will
therefore refer to statements in similar topic areas in require learners to use two or more content
‘Stage 2’ of OCR’s A Level in Mathematics A (H240). statements without further guidance. Learners are
expected to have explored the connections between
The content is separated into three areas: Pure different areas of the specification.
Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. However,
links should be made between pure mathematics and Learners are expected to be able to use their
each of statistics and mechanics and centres are free knowledge to reason mathematically and solve
to teach the content in the order most appropriate to problems both within mathematics and in context.
their learners’ needs. Content that is covered by any statement may be
required in problem solving, modelling and reasoning
Sections 1, 2 and 3 cover the pure mathematics, tasks even if that is not explicitly stated in the
statistics and mechanics content of AS Level statement.
Mathematics. In our AS Level Further Mathematics

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 7
2b. The large data set
The large data set (LDS) is a pre-released set or sets of 1. Sampling: Learners should carry out sampling
data that should be used as teaching material techniques, and investigate sampling in real
throughout the course. This data set will be made world data sets including the LDS.
available on the OCR website, along with a document 2. Creating diagrams: Learners should use
giving the source(s) and associate metadata, and will spreadsheets or statistical software to create
remain for the life of the specification, unless the diagrams from data.
2 review process identifies a necessary change. Any 3. Calculations: Learners should use appropriate
change to the data set will be made before the technology to perform statistical calculations.
beginning of any given one year course and centres 4. Hypothesis testing: Learners should use the
will be notified a year in advance. LDS as the population against which to test
hypotheses based on their own sampling.
The purpose of the LDS is that learners experience 5. Repeated sampling: Learners should use the
working with real data in the classroom and explore LDS as a model for the population to perform
this data using appropriate technology. repeated sampling experiments to investigate
variability and the effect of sample size.
It is principally intended to enrich the teaching and
6. Modelling: Learners should use the LDS to
learning of statistics, through which learners will
provide estimates of probabilities for
become familiar with the context and main features
of the data.
7. Exploratory data analysis: Learners should
explore the LDS with both quantitative and
To support the teaching and learning of statistics with
visual techniques to develop insight into
the large data set, we suggest that the following
underlying patterns and structures, suggest
activities are carried out during the course: hypotheses to test and to provide a motivation
for further data collection.

Relation of the large data set to the examination

In the assessment it will be assumed that learners data set(s) – these might be provided within the
are familiar with the contexts covered by this data question/task, or as stimulus materials;
set, and any related metadata, and that they have • are based on samples related to the contexts in
used a spreadsheet or other statistical software the prescribed large data set(s), where
when working with the data in the classroom. learners’ work with the prescribed large data
set(s) will help them understand the
Questions will be set in component 01 that give a background context; and/or
material advantage to learners who have studied, • require learners to interpret data in ways which
and are familiar with, the large data set(s). would be too demanding in an unfamiliar
They might include questions/tasks which:
Knowledge of the actual data within the data set(s)
• assume familiarity with the terminology and will not be required in the examination, nor will there
contexts of the data, and do not explain them be a requirement to enter large amounts of data into
in a way which provides learners who have not a calculator during the examination.
studied the prescribed data set(s) the same
opportunities to access marks as learners who Learners will NOT have a printout of the large data set
have studied them; available to them in the examination but selected
• use summary statistics or selected data from, or data or summary statistics from the data set may be
statistical diagrams based on, the prescribed large provided within the examination paper.

© OCR 2018
8 AS Level in Mathematics A
2c. Use of technology
It is assumed that learners will have access to 1. Graphing: Learners should use graphing
appropriate technology when studying this course software to investigate families of curves.
such as mathematical and statistical graphing tools 2. Computer Algebra Software: Learners should
and spreadsheets. When embedded in the use software to generate graphs and geometric
mathematics classroom, the use of technology can diagrams, to evaluate derivatives and integrals,
facilitate the visualisation of certain concepts and to solve equations, to perform symbolic
deepen learners’ overall understanding. The primary manipulation and as an investigative problem 2
use of technology at this level is to offload solving tool.
computation and visualisation, to enable learners to 3. Spreadsheets: Learners should use spreadsheet
investigate and generalise from patterns. Learners are software to investigate numerical methods,
not expected to be familiar with any particular sequences and series, for modelling in statistics
software, but they are expected to be able to use and mechanics, and to generate tables of
their calculator for any function it can perform, when values for functions.
appropriate. 4. Statistics: Learners should use spreadsheets or
statistical software to generate tables and
To support the teaching and learning of mathematics diagrams, and to perform standard statistical
using technology, we suggest that the following calculations.
activities are carried out during the course: 5. Mechanics: Learners should use spreadsheet
software and computer algebra software for
modelling, including kinematics and projectiles.

Use of calculators

Learners are permitted to use a scientific or graphical When using calculators, candidates should bear in
calculator for all papers. Calculators are subject to the mind the following.
rules in the document Instructions for Conducting
Examinations, published annually by JCQ 1. Candidates are advised to write down explicitly
( any expressions, including integrals, that they
use the calculator to evaluate.
It is expected that calculators available in the 2. Candidates are advised to write down the
assessment will include the following features: values of any parameters and variables that
they input into the calculator. Candidates are
• an iterative function such as an ANS key, not expected to write down data transferred
• the ability to compute summary statistics and from question paper to calculator.
access probabilities from the binomial 3. Correct mathematical notation (rather than
distribution (and normal distribution for “calculator notation”) should be used; incorrect
subsequent A level). notation may result in loss of marks.

Allowable calculators can be used for any function

they can perform.

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 9
2d. Command words
It is expected that learners will simplify algebraic and numerical expressions when giving their final answers,
even if the examination question does not explicitly ask them to do so.

Example 1:

2 8 0
should be written as 40 3.

Example 2:

1 1
 ^1 + 2x h- 2 # 2 should be written as either ^1 + 2x h- 2 or
1 1
2 1 + 2x

Example 3:

ln 2 + ln 3 - ln 1 should be written as ln 6.

Example 4:

The equation of a straight line should be given in the form y = mx + c or ax + by = c unless

otherwise stated.

The meanings of some instructions and words used in this specification are detailed below.

Other command words, for example “explain” or “calculate”, will have their ordinary English meaning.

An exact answer is one where numbers are not given in rounded form. The answer will often contain an
irrational number such as 3, e or π and these numbers should be given in that form when an exact answer is

The use of the word ‘exact’ also tells learners that rigorous (exact) working is expected in the answer to the

Example 1:

Find the exact solution of 1n x = 2.

The correct answer is e 2 and not 7.389 056.

Example 2:

Find the exact solution of 3x = 2.

2 o not x = 0.67 or similar.
The correct answer is x = or x = 0.6,

© OCR 2018
10 AS Level in Mathematics A
Learners are given a statement and must provide a formal mathematical argument which demonstrates its

A formal proof requires a high level of mathematical detail, with candidates clearly defining variables, correct
algebraic manipulation and a concise conclusion.

Example Question 2
Prove that the sum of the squares of any three consecutive
positive integers cannot be divided by 3.

Example Response
Let the three consecutive positive integers be n, n + 1 and n + 2
n2 + (n + 1)2 + (n + 2)2
= 3n2 + 6n + 5
= 3(n2 + 2n + 1) + 2
This always leaves a remainder of 2 and so cannot be divided by 3.

Show that
Learners are given a result and have to show that it is true. Because they are given the result, the explanation
has to be sufficiently detailed to cover every step of their working.

Example Question
JK 1 1 NO
Show that the curve y = x ln x has a stationary point KK e , - e OO.

Example Response
dy 1
= 1. ln x + x. x = ln x + 1
= 0 for stationary point
1 dy 1
When x = e & = ln e + 1 = 0 so stationary

1 1 1 1 JK 1 1 NO
When x = e , y = e ln e & y =- e so KK e , - e OO is a stationary point on the

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 11
A clear substitution of the given value to justify the statement is required.

Example Question
Verify that the curve y = x ln x has a stationary point at x = e .
Example Response
2 dy
= ln x + 1
1 dy 1
At x = e , = ln e + 1 =- 1 + 1 = 0 therefore it is a stationary point.

Find, Solve, Calculate

These command words indicate that, while working may be necessary to answer the question, no justification is
required. A solution could be obtained from the efficient use of a calculator, either graphically or using a
numerical method.

Example Question
Find the coordinates of the stationary point of the curve y = x ln x.
Example Response
(0.368, –0.368)

This command word indicates that justification should be given for any results found, including working where

Example Question
Determine the coordinates of the stationary point of the curve y = x ln x.
Example Response
dy 1
= 1. ln x + x. x = ln x + 1
ln x + l = 0 & x = 0.368...
When x = 0.368..., y = 0.368... # ln =- 0.368...
So (0.368, –0.368)

© OCR 2018
12 AS Level in Mathematics A
Give, State, Write down
These command words indicate that neither working nor justification is required.

In this question you must show detailed reasoning.

When a question includes this instruction learners must give a solution which leads to a conclusion showing a
detailed and complete analytical method. Their solution should contain sufficient detail to allow the line of their
argument to be followed. This is not a restriction on a learner’s use of a calculator when tackling the question,
e.g. for checking an answer or evaluating a function at a given point, but it is a restriction on what will be 2
accepted as evidence of a complete method.

In these examples variations in the structure of the answers are possible, for example using a different base for
the logarithms in example 1, and different intermediate steps may be given.

Example 1:

Use logarithms to solve the equation 3 2x + 1 = 4 100, giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

The answer is x = 62.6, but the learner must include the steps log 3 2x + 1 = log 4 100, (2x + 1) log 3 = log 4 100
and an intermediate evaluation step, for example 2x + 1 = 126.18.... Using the solve function on a
calculator to skip one of these steps would not result in a complete analytical method.

Example 2:

Evaluate yx 3 + 4x 2 - 1 dx.

The answer is 12 , but the learner must include at least 7 4 x 4 + 3 x 3 - xA0 and the substitution 4 + 3 - 1. Just
7 1 4 1 1 4

writing down the answer using the definite integral function on a calculator would therefore not be
awarded any marks.

Example 3:

Solve the equation 3 sin 2x = cos x for 0c # x # 180c.

The answer is x = 9.59°, 90° or 170° (to 3sf), but the learner must include … 6 sin x cos x - cos x = 0,
cos x (6 sin x - 1) = 0, cos x = 0 or sin x = 6 .
A graphical method which investigated the intersections of the curves y = 3 sin 2x and y = cos x would be
acceptable to find the solution at 90° if carefully verified, but the other two solutions must be found
analytically, not numerically.

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 13

When a question uses the word ‘hence’, it is an indication that the next step should be based on what has gone
before. The intention is that learners should start from the indicated statement.

You are given that f (x) = 2x 3 - x 2 - 7x + 6. Show that (x - 1) is a factor of f (x).

Hence find the three factors of f (x).

2 Hence or otherwise
This is used when there are multiple ways of answering a given question. Learners starting from the indicated
statement may well gain some information about the solution from doing so, and may already be some way
towards the answer. The command phrase is used to direct learners towards using a particular piece of
information to start from or to a particular method. It also indicates to learners that valid alternate methods
exist which will be given full credit, but that they may be more time-consuming or complex.


Show that (cos x + sin x) 2 = 1 + sin 2x for all x.

Hence or otherwise, find the derivative of (cos x + sin x) 2.

You may use the result

When this phrase is used it indicates a given result that learners would not normally be expected to know, but
which may be useful in answering the question.

The phrase should be taken as permissive; use of the given result is not required.

Learners should mark points accurately on the graph in their printed answer booklet. They will either have been
given the points or have had to calculate them. They may also need to join them with a curve or a straight line,
or draw a line of best fit through them.


Plot this additional point on the scatter diagram.

© OCR 2018
14 AS Level in Mathematics A
Learners should draw a diagram, not necessarily to scale, showing the main features of a curve. These are likely
to include at least some of the following.

• Turning points
• Asymptotes
• Intersection with the y-axis

Intersection with the x-axis
Behaviour for large x (+ or –) 2
Any other important features should also be shown.

Sketch the curve with equation y =
(x - 1)

Learners should draw to an accuracy appropriate to the problem. They are being asked to make a sensible
judgement about this.

Example 1:

Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the particle.

Example 2:

Draw a line of best fit for the data.

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 15
2e. Overarching themes
These Overarching Themes should be applied, along intended to direct the teaching and learning of AS
with associated mathematical thinking and Level Mathematics, and they will be reflected in
understanding, across the whole of the detailed assessment tasks.
content in this specification. These statements are

OT1 Mathematical argument, language and proof


OT1.1 Construct and present mathematical arguments through appropriate use of diagrams; sketching
graphs; logical deduction; precise statements involving correct use of symbols and connecting
language, including: constant, coefficient, expression, equation, function, identity, index, term,
OT1.2 Understand and use mathematical language and syntax as set out in the content
OT1.3 Understand and use language and symbols associated with set theory, as set out in the content
Apply to solutions of inequalities
OT1.4 Not Applicable to AS Mathematics
OT1.5 Comprehend and critique mathematical arguments, proofs and justifications of methods and
formulae, including those relating to applications of mathematics

OT2 Mathematical problem solving


OT2.1 Recognise the underlying mathematical structure in a situation and simplify and abstract
appropriately to enable problems to be solved
OT2.2 Construct extended arguments to solve problems presented in an unstructured form, including
problems in context
OT2.3 Interpret and communicate solutions in the context of the original problem
OT2.4 Not Applicable to AS Mathematics
OT2.5 Evaluate, including by making reasoned estimates, the accuracy or limitations of solutions
OT2.6 Understand the concept of a mathematical problem solving cycle, including specifying the
problem, collecting information, processing and representing information and interpreting
results, which may identify the need to repeat the cycle
OT2.7 Understand, interpret and extract information from diagrams and construct mathematical
diagrams to solve problems, including in mechanics

© OCR 2018
16 AS Level in Mathematics A
OT3 Mathematical modelling


OT3.1 Translate a situation in context into a mathematical model, making simplifying assumptions
OT3.2 Use a mathematical model with suitable inputs to engage with and explore situations (for a given
model or a model constructed or selected by the student)
OT3.3 Interpret the outputs of a mathematical model in the context of the original situation (for a given 2
model or a model constructed or selected by the student)
OT3.4 Understand that a mathematical model can be refined by considering its outputs and simplifying
assumptions; evaluate whether the model is appropriate
OT3.5 Understand and use modelling assumptions

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 17
2f. Detailed Content of AS Level Mathematics A (H230)

1 – Pure Mathematics

OCR Ref. Subject Content AS learners should… DfE Ref.

1.01 Proof
1.01a Proof a) Understand and be able to use the structure of mathematical proof, proceeding from given assumptions MA1
through a series of logical steps to a conclusion.
In particular, learners should use methods of proof including proof by deduction and proof by exhaustion.
1.01b b) Understand and be able to use the logical connectives /, &, +.
Learners should be familiar with the language associated with the logical connectives: “congruence”, “if.....then”
and “if and only if” (or “iff”).
1.01c c) Be able to show disproof by counter example.
Learners should understand that this means that, given a statement of the form “if P(x) is true then Q(x) is true”,
finding a single x for which P(x) is true but Q(x) is false is to offer a disproof by counter example.
Questions requiring a proof will be set on content with which the learner is expected to be familiar e.g. through
study of GCSE (9–1) or AS Level Mathematics.
Learners are expected to understand and be able to use terms such as “integer”, “real”, “rational” and “irrational”.
AS Level in Mathematics A
© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A
© OCR 2018

OCR Ref. Subject Content AS learners should… DfE Ref.

1.02 Algebra and Functions

1.02a Indices a) Understand and be able to use the laws of indices for all rational exponents. MB1
Includes negative and zero indices.
Problems may involve the application of more than one of the following laws:
x a # x b = x a + b, x a ' x b = x a - b, (x a) b = x ab
1 m
x –a = x a , x n = n x m , x 0 = 1.

1.02b Surds b) Be able to use and manipulate surds, including rationalising the denominator. MB2
Learners should understand and use the equivalence of surd and index notation.
1.02c Simultaneous c) Be able to solve simultaneous equations in two variables by elimination and by substitution, including one MB4
equations linear and one quadratic equation.
The equations may contain brackets and/or fractions.
y = 4 - 3x and y = x 2 + 2x - 2
2xy + y 2 = 4 and 2x + 3y = 9


OCR Ref. Subject Content AS learners should… DfE Ref.

1.02d Quadratic d) Be able to work with quadratic functions and their graphs, and the discriminant (D or D) of a quadratic MB3
functions function, including the conditions for real and repeated roots.
i.e. Use the conditions:
1. b 2 - 4ac > 0 & real distinct roots
2. b 2 - 4ac = 0 & repeated roots
3. b 2 - 4ac < 0 & roots are not real
to determine the number and nature of the roots of a quadratic equation and relate the results to a graph of the
quadratic function.
1.02e e) Be able to complete the square of the quadratic polynomial ax 2 + bx + c.
e.g. Writing y = ax 2 + bx + c in the form y = a ^ x + p h2 + q in order to find the line of symmetry x =- p, the
turning point (- p, q) and to determine the nature of the roots of the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 for example
2 ^ x + 3 h2 + 4 = 0 has no real roots because 4 > 0.
1.02f f) Be able to solve quadratic equations including quadratic equations in a function of the unknown.
2 1
e.g. x 4 - 5x 2 + 6 = 0, x 3 - 5x 3 + 4 = 0 or
5 10
- = 1.
^2x - 1 h2 2x - 1
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1.02g Inequalities g) Be able to solve linear and quadratic inequalities in a single variable and interpret such inequalities MB5
graphically, including inequalities with brackets and fractions.
e.g. 10 < 3x + 1 < 16, ^2x + 5 h^ x + 3 h > 0.
[Quadratic equations with complex roots are excluded.]
1.02h h) Be able to express solutions through correct use of ‘and’ and ‘or’, or through set notation.
Familiarity is expected with the correct use of set notation for intervals, e.g.
{x : x > 3},
{x : -2 # x # 4},
{x : x > 3} , {x : -2 # x # 4},
{x : x > 3} + {x : -2 # x # 4},
Familiarity is expected with interval notation, e.g.
^2, 3 h, 62, 3 h and 62, 3 h.

1.02i i) Be able to represent linear and quadratic inequalities such as y > x + 1 and y > ax 2 + bx + c graphically.
1.02j Polynomials j) Be able to manipulate polynomials algebraically. MB6
Includes expanding brackets, collecting like terms, factorising, simple algebraic division and use of the factor
Learners should be familiar with the factor theorem as:
1. f (a) = 0 + (x - a) is a factor of f (x);
f _ a i = 0 + (ax - b) is a factor of f (x).
They should be able to use the factor theorem to find a linear factor of a polynomial normally of degree # 3.
They may also be required to find factors of a polynomial, using any valid method, e.g. by inspection.
Learners should be familiar with the terms “quadratic”, “cubic” and “parabola”.


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1.02m Curve sketching m) Understand and be able to use graphs of functions. MB7
The difference between plotting and sketching a curve should be known. See Section 2b.
1.02n n) Be able to sketch curves defined by simple equations including polynomials.
e.g. Familiarity is expected with sketching a polynomial of degree #4 in factorised form, including repeated
Sketches may require the determination of stationary points and, where applicable, distinguishing between
a a
1.02o o) Be able to sketch curves defined by y = x and y = 2 (including their vertical and horizontal asymptotes).
1.02p p) Be able to interpret the algebraic solution of equations graphically.
1.02q q) Be able to use intersection points of graphs to solve equations.
Intersection points may be between two curves one or more of which may be a polynomial, a trigonometric, an
exponential or a reciprocal graph.
1.02r r) Understand and be able to use proportional relationships and their graphs.
i.e. Understand and use different proportional relationships and relate them to linear, reciprocal or other graphs
of variation.
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Functions AS learners should understand and be able to apply functions and function notation in an informal sense in the MB8
context of the factor theorem (1.02j), transformations of graphs (1.02w), differentiation (section 1.07) and the
fundamental theorem of calculus (1.08a).
1.02w Graph w) Understand the effect of simple transformations on the graph of y = f (x) including sketching associated MB9
transformations graphs, describing transformations and finding relevant equations: y = a f (x), y = f (x) + a, y = f (x + a)
and y = f (ax), for any real a.
Only single transformations will be requested.
Translations may be specified by a two-dimensional column vector.
1.03 Coordinate Geometry in the x-y Plane
1.03a  Straight lines a) Understand and be able to use the equation of a straight line, including the forms y = mx + c, MC1
y - y 1 = m (x - x 1) and ax + by + c = 0.
Learners should be able to draw a straight line given its equation and to form the equation given a graph of the
line, the gradient and one point on the line, or at least two points on the line.
Learners should be able to use straight lines to find:
1. the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment joining two points,
2. the distance between two points and
3. the point of intersection of two lines.
1.03b b) Be able to use the gradient conditions for two straight lines to be parallel or perpendicular.
i.e. For parallel lines m 1 = m 2 and for perpendicular lines m 1 m 2 =-1.
1.03c c) Be able to use straight line models in a variety of contexts.
These problems may be presented within realistic contexts including average rates of change.


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1.03d  Circles d) Understand and be able to use the coordinate geometry of a circle including using the equation of a circle MC2
in the form (x - a) 2 + (y - b) 2 = r 2.
Learners should be able to draw a circle given its equation or to form the equation given its centre and radius.
1.03e e) Be able to complete the square to find the centre and radius of a circle.
1.03f f) Be able to use the following circle properties in the context of problems in coordinate geometry:
1. the angle in a semicircle is a right angle,
2. the perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord,
3. the radius of a circle at a given point on its circumference is perpendicular to the tangent to the circle at
that point.
Learners should also be able to investigate whether or not a line and a circle or two circles intersect.
1.04 Sequences and Series
1.04a Binomial a) Understand and be able to use the binomial expansion of ^a + bx hn for positive integer n and the notations MD1
expansion JKnNO
n! and n C r , n C r or KKK OOO, with n C 0 = n C n = 1.
e.g. Find the coefficient of the x 3 term in the expansion of ^2 - 3x h7 .

Learners should be able to calculate binomial coefficients. They should also know the relationship of the binomial
coefficients to Pascal’s triangle and their use in a binomial expansion.
They should also know that 0! = 1.
1.04b b) Understand and know the link to binomial probabilities.
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1.05 Trigonometry
1.05a sin, cos and tan for a) Understand and be able to use the definitions of sine, cosine and tangent for all arguments. ME1
all arguments
1.05b b) Understand and be able to use the sine and cosine rules.
Sine and cosine
Questions may include the use of bearings and require the use of the ambiguous case of the sine rule.
1.05c c) Understand and be able to use the area of a triangle in the form 2 ab sin C .
1.05f Graphs of f) Understand and be able to use the sine, cosine and tangent functions, their graphs, symmetries and ME3
the basic periodicities.
Exact values of Includes knowing and being able to use exact values of sin i and cos i for i = 0c, 30c, 45c, 60c, 90c, 180c and
trigonometric multiples thereof and exact values of tan i for i = 0c, 30c, 45c, 60c, 180c and multiples thereof.
1.05j Trigonometric sin i ME5
j) Understand and be able to use tan i / and sin 2 i + cos 2 i / 1.
identities cos i
In particular, these identities may be used in solving trigonometric equations and simple trigonometric proofs.
1.05o Trigonometric o) Be able to solve simple trigonometric equations in a given interval, including quadratic equations in sin i, ME7
equations cos i and tan i and equations involving multiples of the unknown angle.
sin i = 0.5 for 0 # i < 360c
6 sin 2 i + cos i - 4 = 0 for 0 # i < 360 %
tan3i = -1 for -180c < i <180c


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1.06 Exponentials and Logarithms

1.06a Properties of the a) Know and use the function a x and its graph, where a is positive. MF1
Know and use the function e x and its graph.
Examples may include the comparison of two population models or models in a biological or financial context.
1.06b Gradient of e kx b) Know that the gradient of e kx is equal to ke kx and hence understand why the exponential model is suitable MF2
in many applications.
1.06c Properties of the c) Know and use the definition of log a x (for x > 0) as the inverse of a x (for all x), where a is positive. MF3
Learners should be able to convert from index to logarithmic form and vice versa as a = b c + c = log b a.
The values log a a = 1 and log a 1 = 0 should be known.
1.06d d) Know and use the function ln x and its graph.
1.06e e) Know and use ln x as the inverse function of e x.
e.g. In solving equations involving logarithms or exponentials.
The values ln e = 1 and ln 1 = 0 should be known.
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1.06f Laws of logarithms f) Understand and be able to use the laws of logarithms: MF4
1. log a x + log a y = log a (xy)
2. log a x - log a y / log a KKK y OOO
3. k log a x = log a x k
(including, for example, k = -1 and k = - 2 ).
Learners should be able to use these laws in solving equations and simplifying expressions involving logarithms.
[Change of base is excluded.]
1.06g Equations g) Be able to solve equations of the form a x = b for a > 0. MF5
Includes solving equations which can be reduced to this form such as 2 x = 3 2x - 1, either by reduction to the form
a x = b or by taking logarithms of both sides.

1.06h Reduction to linear h) Be able to use logarithmic graphs to estimate parameters in relationships of the form y = ax n and y = kb x, MF6
form given data for x and y.
Learners should be able to reduce equations of these forms to a linear form and hence estimate values of a and
n, or k and b by drawing graphs using given experimental data and using appropriate calculator functions.
1.06i Modelling using i) Understand and be able to use exponential growth and decay and use the exponential function in MF7
exponential modelling.
Examples may include the use of e in continuous compound interest, radioactive decay, drug concentration decay
and exponential growth as a model for population growth. Includes consideration of limitations and refinements
of exponential models.


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1.07 Differentiation
1.07a Gradients a) Understand and be able to use the derivative of f (x) as the gradient of the tangent to the graph of MG1
y = f (x) at a general point (x, y).
1.07b b) Understand and be able to use the gradient of the tangent at a point where x = a as:
1. the limit of the gradient of a chord as x tends to a
2. a rate of change of y with respect to x.
Learners should be able to use the notation to denote the rate of change of y with respect to x.
Learners should be able to use the notations f l(x) and and recognise their equivalence.
1.07c c) Understand and be able to sketch the gradient function for a given curve.
1.07d d) Understand and be able to find second derivatives.
d2 y
Learners should be able to use the notations f m(x) and and recognise their equivalence.
dx 2
1.07e e) Understand and be able to use the second derivative as the rate of change of gradient.
e.g. For distinguishing between maximum and minimum points.
1.07g Differentiation g) Be able to show differentiation from first principles for small positive integer powers of x. MG1
from first f (x + h) - f (x)
principles In particular, learners should be able to use the definition f l(x) = lim including the notation.
h"0 h
[Integer powers greater than 4 are excluded.]
1.07i Differentiation of i) Be able to differentiate x n, for rational values of n, and related constant multiples, sums and differences. MG2
standard functions
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1.07m Tangents, normals, m) Be able to apply differentiation to find the gradient at a point on a curve and the equations of tangents MG3
stationary points, and normals to a curve.
increasing and
1.07n n) Be able to apply differentiation to find and classify stationary points on a curve as either maxima or
Classification may involve use of the second derivative or first derivative or other methods.
1.07o o) Be able to identify where functions are increasing or decreasing.
i.e. To be able to use the sign of to determine whether the function is increasing or decreasing.
1.08 Integration
1.08a Fundamental a) Know and be able to use the fundamental theorem of calculus. MH1
theorem of
i.e. Learners should know that integration may be defined as the reverse of differentiation and be able to apply
calculus d
the result that y f (x) dx = F (x) + c + f (x) = (F (x)), for sufficiently well-behaved functions.
Includes understanding and being able to use the terms indefinite and definite when applied to integrals.
1.08b Indefinite integrals b) Be able to integrate x n where n ! -1 and related sums, differences and constant multiples. MH2
Learners should also be able to solve problems involving the evaluation of a constant of integration e.g. to find
the equation of the curve through (-1, 2) for which = 2x + 1.
1.08d Definite integrals d) Be able to evaluate definite integrals. MH3
and areas
1.08e e) Be able to use a definite integral to find the area between a curve and the x-axis.
This area is defined to be that enclosed by a curve, the x-axis and two ordinates. Areas may be included which
are partly below and partly above the x-axis, or entirely below the x-axis.


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1.10 Vectors
1.10a Vectors a) Be able to use vectors in two dimensions. MJ1
i.e. Learners should be able to use vectors expressed as xi + yj or as a column vector KK OOO and use vector notation
appropriately either as AB or a. L P

Learners should know the difference between a scalar and a vector, and should distinguish between them
carefully when writing by hand.
1.10c Magnitude and c) Be able to calculate the magnitude and direction of a vector and convert between component form and MJ2
direction of magnitude/direction form.
Learners should know that the modulus of a vector is its magnitude and the direction of a vector is given by the
angle the vector makes with a horizontal line parallel to the positive x-axis. The direction of a vector will be taken
to be in the interval 60c, 360c h.
Includes use of the notation a for the magnitude of a and OA for the magnitude of OA.
Learners should be able to calculate the magnitude of a vector K O as x + y and its direction by tan KKK x OOO.
K O 2 2 -1
K yO L P
1.10d Basic operations d) Be able to add vectors diagrammatically and perform the algebraic operations of vector addition and MJ3
on vectors multiplication by scalars, and understand their geometrical interpretations.
i.e. Either a scaling of a single vector or a displacement from one position to another by adding one or more
vectors, often in the form of a triangle of vectors.
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1.10e Distance between e) Understand and be able to use position vectors. MJ4
Learners should understand the meaning of displacement vector, component vector, resultant vector, parallel
vector, equal vector and unit vector.
1.10f f) Be able to calculate the distance between two points represented by position vectors.
i.e. The distance between the points ai + bj and ci + dj is (c - a) 2 + (d - b) 2 .
1.10g Problem solving g) Be able to use vectors to solve problems in pure mathematics and in context, including forces. MJ5
using vectors

2 – Statistics

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2.01 Statistical Sampling

2.01a Statistical sampling a) Understand and be able to use the terms ‘population’ and ‘sample’. MK1
2.01b b) Be able to use samples to make informal inferences about the population.
2.01c c) Understand and be able to use sampling techniques, including simple random sampling and opportunity
When considering random samples, learners may assume that the population is large enough to sample
without replacement unless told otherwise.
2.01d d) Be able to select or critique sampling techniques in the context of solving a statistical problem, including
understanding that different samples can lead to different conclusions about the population.
Learners should be familiar with (and be able to critique in context) the following sampling methods, but will
not be required to carry them out: systematic, stratified, cluster and quota sampling.
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2.02 Data Presentation and Interpretation

2.02a Single variable data a) Be able to interpret tables and diagrams for single-variable data. ML1
e.g vertical line charts, dot plots, bar charts, stem-and-leaf diagrams, box-and-whisker plots, cumulative
frequency diagrams and histograms (with either equal or unequal class intervals). Includes non-standard
b) Understand that area in a histogram represents frequency.
Includes the link between histograms and probability distributions.
Includes understanding, in context, the advantages and disadvantages of different statistical diagrams.
2.02c Bivariate data c) Be able to interpret scatter diagrams and regression lines for bivariate data, including recognition of ML2
scatter diagrams which include distinct sections of the population.
Learners may be asked to add to diagrams in order to interpret data, but not to draw complete scatter
[Calculation of equations of regression lines is excluded.]
2.02d d) Be able to understand informal interpretation of correlation.
2.02e e) Be able to understand that correlation does not imply causation.
2.02f Measures of f) Be able to calculate and interpret measures of central tendency and variation, including mean, median, ML3
average and spread mode, percentile, quartile, inter-quartile range, standard deviation and variance.
Includes understanding that standard deviation is the root mean square deviation from the mean.
Includes using the mean and standard deviation to compare distributions.


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2.02g Calculations of g) Be able to calculate mean and standard deviation from a list of data, from summary statistics or from a ML3
mean and standard frequency distribution, using calculator statistical functions.
Includes understanding that, in the case of a grouped frequency distribution, the calculated mean and standard
deviation are estimates.
Learners should understand and be able to use the following formulae for standard deviation:

R ^ x - x h2 Rx 2 2
Rf ^ x - x h2 Rfx 2
n = n -x , = - x2
Rf Rf

[Formal estimation of population variance from a sample is excluded. Learners should be aware that there are
different naming and symbol conventions for these measures and what the symbols on their calculator
2.02h Outliers and h) Recognise and be able to interpret possible outliers in data sets and statistical diagrams. ML4
cleaning data
2.02i i) Be able to select or critique data presentation techniques in the context of a statistical problem.
2.02j j) Be able to clean data, including dealing with missing data, errors and outliers.
Learners should be familiar with definitions of outliers:
1. more than 1.5 × (interquartile range) from the nearer quartile
2. more than 2 × (standard deviation) away from the mean.
2.03 Probability
2.03a Mutually exclusive a) Understand and be able to use mutually exclusive and independent events when calculating MM1
and independent probabilities.
Includes understanding and being able to use the notation:
P (A), P (A'), P (X = 2), P (X = x).
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Includes linking their knowledge of probability to probability distributions.

2.03b Probability b) Be able to use appropriate diagrams to assist in the calculation of probabilities. MM1
Includes tree diagrams, sample space diagrams, Venn diagrams.
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2.04 Statistical Distributions

2.04a Discrete probability a) Understand and be able to use simple, finite, discrete probability distributions, defined in the form of a MN1
distributions table or a formula such as:
P (X = x) = 0.05x (x + 1) for x = 1, 2, 3.
[Calculation of mean and variance of discrete random variables is excluded.]
2.04b b) Understand and be able to use the binomial distribution, as a model.
2.04c c) Be able to calculate probabilities using the binomial distribution, using appropriate calculator functions.
Includes understanding and being able to use the formula P (X = x) = KK OO p x (1 - p) n - x and the notation
X + B (n, p). L P
Learners should understand the conditions for a random variable to have a binomial distribution, be able to
identify which of the modelling conditions (assumptions) is/are relevant to a given scenario and be able to
explain them in context. They should understand the distinction between conditions and assumptions.


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2.05 Statistical Hypothesis Testing

2.05a The language of a) Understand and be able to use the language of statistical hypothesis testing, developed through a MO1
hypothesis testing binomial model: null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, significance level, test statistic, 1-tail test, 2-tail
test, critical value, critical region, acceptance region, p-value.
Hypotheses should be stated in terms of parameter values (where relevant) and the meanings of symbols
should be stated. For example,
“ H 0 : p = 0.7, H 1 : p ! 0.7, where p is the population proportion in favour of the resolution”.
Conclusions should be stated in such a way as to reflect the fact that they are not certain. For example,
“There is evidence at the 5% level to reject H 0. It is likely that the mean mass is less than 500 g.”
“There is no evidence at the 2% level to reject H 0. There is no reason to suppose that the mean journey time has
Some examples of incorrect conclusion are as follows:
“ H 0 is rejected. Waiting times have increased.”
“Accept H 0. Plants in this area have the same height as plants in other areas.”
2.05b Hypothesis test for b) Be able to conduct a statistical hypothesis test for the proportion in the binomial distribution and MO2
the proportion in a interpret the results in context.
2.05c c) Understand that a sample is being used to make an inference about the population and appreciate that
the significance level is the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis.
Learners should be able to use a calculator to find critical values.
Includes understanding that, where the significance level of a test is specified, the probability of the test statistic
being in the rejection region will always be less than or equal to this level.
[The use of normal approximation is excluded.]
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3 – Mechanics
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3.01 Quantities and Units in Mechanics

3.01a SI units a) Understand and be able to use the fundamental quantities and units in the S.I. system: length (in metres), MP1
time (in seconds), mass (in kilograms).
Learners should understand that these three base quantities are mutually independent.
3.01b b) Understand and be able to use derived quantities and units: velocity (m/s or m s–1), acceleration (m/s2 or
m s–2), force (N), weight (N).
Learners should be able to add the appropriate unit to a given quantity.
3.02 Kinematics
3.02a Language of a) Understand and be able to use the language of kinematics: position, displacement, distance, distance MQ1
kinematics travelled, velocity, speed, acceleration, equation of motion.
Learners should understand the vector nature of displacement, velocity and acceleration and the scalar nature
of distance travelled and speed.
3.02b Graphical b) Understand, use and interpret graphs in kinematics for motion in a straight line. MQ2
3.02c c) Be able to interpret displacement-time and velocity-time graphs, and in particular understand and be able
to use the facts that the gradient of a displacement-time graph represents the velocity, the gradient of a
velocity-time graph represents the acceleration, and the area between the graph and the time axis for a
velocity-time graph represents the displacement.


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3.02d Constant d) Understand, use and derive the formulae for constant acceleration for motion in a straight line: MQ3
v = u + at
s = ut + 2 at 2
s = 2 (u + v) t
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
s = vt - 2 at 2
Learners may be required to derive the constant acceleration formulae using a variety of techniques:
1. by integration, e.g. v = y a dt & v = u + at,
2. by using and interpreting appropriate graphs, e.g. velocity against time,
3. by substitution of one (given) formula into another (given) formula, e.g. substituting v = u + at into
1 1
s = (u + v) t to obtain s = ut + at 2.
2 2
3.02f Non uniform f) Be able to use differentiation and integration with respect to time in one dimension to solve simple MQ4
acceleration problems concerning the displacement, velocity and acceleration of a particle:
dv d 2 s
a= = 2
dt dt
s= y v dt and v = y a dt
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3.03 Forces and Newton’s Laws

3.03a Newton’s first law a) Understand the concept and vector nature of a force. MR1
A force has both a magnitude and direction and can cause an object with a given mass to change its velocity.
Includes using directed line segments to represent forces (acting in at most two dimensions).
Learners should be able to identify the forces acting on a system and represent them in a force diagram.
3.03b b) Understand and be able to use Newton’s first law.
A particle that is at rest (or moving with constant velocity) will remain at rest (or moving with constant velocity)
until acted upon by an external force.
Learners should be able to complete a diagram with the force(s) required for a given body to remain in
3.03c Newton’s second c) Understand and be able to use Newton’s second law (F = ma) for motion in a straight line for bodies of MR2
law constant mass moving under the action of constant forces.
e.g. A car moving along a road, a passenger riding in a lift or a crane lifting a weight.
Examples will be restricted to problems in which the forces acting on the body will be collinear, in two
perpendicular directions or given as 2-D vectors.
3.03d d) Understand and be able to use Newton’s second law (F = ma) in simple cases of forces given as two-
dimensional vectors.
e.g. Find in vector form the force acting on a body of mass 2 kg when it is accelerating at ^4i - 3j h m s–2.
K 1O
Questions set involving vectors may involve either column vector notation F = KK OO or i, j notation
F = F i + F j. L P
1 2


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3.03f Weight f) Understand and be able to use the weight (W = mg) of a body to model the motion in a straight line MR3
under gravity.
e.g. A ball falling vertically through the air.
3.03g g) Understand the gravitational acceleration, g, and its value in S.I. units to varying degrees of accuracy.
The value of g may be assumed to take a constant value of 9.8 m s-2 but learners should be aware that g is not a
universal constant but depends on location in the universe.
[The inverse square law for gravitation is not required.]
K 0 O
[The vector forms a = KK OO or a = -gj are excluded.]
KK- g OO

3.03h Newton’s third law h) Understand and be able to use Newton’s third law. MR4
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Learners should understand and be able to use the concept that a system in which none of its components have
any relative motion may be modelled as a single particle.
3.03i i) Understand and be able to use the concept of a normal reaction force.
Learners should understand and use the result that when an object is resting on a horizontal surface the normal
reaction force is equal and opposite to the weight of the object. This includes knowing that when R = 0 contact
is lost.
3.03j j) Be able to use the model of a ‘smooth’ contact and understand the limitations of the model.
3.03k k) Be able to use the concept of equilibrium together with one dimensional motion in a straight line to solve
problems that involve connected particles and smooth pulleys.
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e.g. A train engine pulling a train carriage(s) along a straight horizontal track or the vertical motion of two
particles, connected by a light inextensible string passing over a fixed smooth peg or light pulley.
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3.03n Newton’s third law n) Be able to solve problems involving simple cases of equilibrium of forces on a particle in two dimensions MR4
(continued) using vectors, including connected particles and smooth pulleys.
e.g. Finding the required force F for a particle to remain in equilibrium when under the action of forces F1 , F2 ,…
Examples will be restricted to problems in which the forces acting on the body will be collinear, in two
perpendicular directions or given as 2-D vectors.
3.03r Frictional forces r) Understand the concept of a frictional force and be able to apply it in contexts where the force is given in MR6
vector or component form, or the magnitude and direction of the force are given.

2g. Prior knowledge, learning and progression
• It is assumed that learners are familiar with the • AS Level Mathematics prepares learners for
content of GCSE (9–1) Mathematics for first further study and employment in a wide range
teaching from 2015. of disciplines involving the use of mathematics,
including STEM disciplines.
• AS Level Mathematics provides the framework
within which a large number of young people • Some learners may wish to follow a
2 continue the subject beyond GCSE (9–1) level. mathematics course only up to AS Level, in
It supports their mathematical needs across a order to broaden their curriculum, and to
broad range of other subjects at this level and develop their interest and understanding of
provides a basis for subsequent quantitative different areas of the subject.
work in a very wide range of higher education
courses and in employment. It also supports • Learners who wish to extend their knowledge
the study of AS Level Further Mathematics. and understanding of mathematics and its
applications can take Mathematics A Level or
• AS Level Mathematics builds from GCSE (9–1) Further Mathematics AS or A Level, and can
Mathematics and introduces calculus and its choose to specialise in the particular aspect of
applications. It emphasises how mathematical mathematics that supports progression in their
ideas are interconnected and how mathematics chosen higher education or employment
can be applied to help make sense of data, to pathway.
understand the physical world and to solve
problems in a variety of contexts, including There are a number of Mathematics specifications at
social sciences and business. OCR. Find out more at

© OCR 2018
42 AS Level in Mathematics A
3 Assessment of AS Level in Mathematics A

3a. Forms of assessment

OCR’s AS Level in Mathematics A consists of two Pure Mathematics and Statistics
components that are externally assessed. (Component 01)

Both components (01 and 02) contain assessment of This component is worth 50% of the total AS
the Overarching Themes and some extended Level. All questions are compulsory and there
response questions. are 75 marks in total.

The set of assessments in any series will include at The paper assesses content from the Pure
least one unstructured problem solving question Mathematics and Statistics sections of the
which addresses multiple areas of the problem
solving cycle as set out in the Overarching Themes in
specification, in the context of the Overarching
Section 2b.
The set of assessments in any series will include at The assessment is structured in two sections:
least one extended problem solving question approximately 50 marks of Pure Mathematics
which addresses the first two bullets of Assessment and approximately 25 marks of Statistics. Each
Objective 3 in combination and at least one extended section has a gradient of difficulty throughout
modelling question which addresses the last three the section and consists of a mix of short and long
bullets of Assessment Objective 3 in combination. questions.
See Section 3b.
Some of the assessment items which target the
All examinations have a duration of 90 minutes. statistics section of the content will be set in the
context of the pre-release large data set and will
Learners are permitted to use a scientific or assume familiarity with the key features of that
graphical calculator for all papers. Calculators are data set.
subject to the rules in the document Instructions for
Conducting Examinations, published annually by JCQ Pure Mathematics and Mechanics
( (Component 02)

This component is worth 50% of the total AS Level.

It is expected that calculators available in the
All questions are compulsory and there are
assessment will include the following features:
75 marks in total.
• an iterative function such as an ANS key,
• the ability to compute summary statistics and
The paper assesses content from the Pure
access probabilities from the binomial and
Mathematics and Mechanics sections of
normal distributions.
the specification, in the context of the
Allowable calculators can be used for any function Overarching Themes.
they can perform.
In each question paper, learners are expected to The assessment is structured in two sections:
support their answers with appropriate working. approximately 50 marks of Pure Mathematics and
approximately 25 marks of Mechanics. Each
See section 2c for use of calculators. section has a gradient of difficulty throughout the
section and consists of a mix of short and long

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 43
3b. Assessment Objectives (AO)
There are three Assessment Objectives in OCR AS Level in Mathematics A. These are detailed in the table below.

Assessment Objectives
AS Level

Use and apply standard techniques 60%

AO1 Learners should be able to: (±2%)
• select and correctly carry out routine procedures; and
3 • accurately recall facts, terminology and definitions.
Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically 20%
Learners should be able to: (±2%)
• construct rigorous mathematical arguments (including proofs);
• make deductions and inferences;
• assess the validity of mathematical arguments;
• explain their reasoning; and
AO2 • use mathematical language and notation correctly.
Where questions/tasks targeting this assessment objective will also credit learners
for the ability to ‘use and apply standard techniques’ (AO1) and/or to ‘solve problems
within mathematics and other contexts’ (AO3) an appropriate proportion of the
marks for the question/task will be attributed to the corresponding assessment
Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts 20%
Learners should be able to: (±2%)
• translate problems in mathematical and non-mathematical contexts into
mathematical processes;
• interpret solutions to problems in their original context, and, where
appropriate, evaluate their accuracy and limitations;
• translate situations in context into mathematical models;
AO3 • use mathematical models; and
• evaluate the outcomes of modelling in context, recognise the limitations of
models and, where appropriate, explain how to refine them.
Where questions/tasks targeting this assessment objective will also credit learners
for the ability to ‘use and apply standard techniques’ (AO1) and/or to ‘reason,
interpret and communicate mathematically’ (AO2) an appropriate proportion of the
marks for the question/task will be attributed to the corresponding assessment

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44 AS Level in Mathematics A
AO weightings in AS Level in Mathematics A

The relationship between the Assessment Objectives and the components are shown in the following table:

% of overall AS Level in Mathematics A (H230)


Pure Mathematics and Statistics (H230/01) 43–47 marks 15–21 marks 10–14 marks
Pure Mathematics and Mechanics (H230/02) 43–47 marks 10–14 marks 15–21 marks
Total 58–62% 18–22% 18–22% 3
Across both papers combined in any given series, the AO totals will fall within the stated percentages for the
qualification. More variation is allowed per component to allow for flexibility in individual assessment design.

3c. Assessment availability

There will be one examination series available each This specification will be certificated from the June
year in May/June to all learners. 2018 examination series onwards.

All examined components must be taken in the same

examination series at the end of the course.

3d. Retaking the qualification

Learners can retake the qualification as many times as
they wish. They must retake all components of the

3e. Assessment of extended response

The assessment materials for this qualification responses are integrated into the marking criteria.
provide learners with the opportunity to demonstrate Tasks which offer this opportunity will be found
their ability to construct and develop a sustained and across both components.
coherent line of reasoning and marks for extended

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 45
3f. Synoptic assessment
Mathematics is, by nature, a synoptic subject. The address problems which require both breadth and
assessment in this specification allows learners to depth of understanding in order to reach a
demonstrate the understanding they have acquired satisfactory solution.
from the course as a whole and their ability to
integrate and apply that understanding. This level of Learners will be expected to reflect on and interpret
understanding is needed for successful use of the solutions, drawing on their understanding of different
knowledge and skills from this course in future life, aspects of the course.
work and study.
Tasks which offer this opportunity will be found

3 In the examination papers, learners will be required

to integrate and apply their understanding in order to
across both components.

3g. Calculating qualification results

A learner’s overall qualification grade for AS Level in qualification level grade boundaries for the relevant
Mathematics A will be calculated by adding together exam series to determine the learner’s overall
their marks from both components taken to give their qualification grade.
total mark. This mark will then be compared to the

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46 AS Level in Mathematics A
4 Admin: what you need to know

The information in this section is designed to give an More information about the processes and deadlines
overview of the processes involved in administering involved at each stage of the assessment cycle can be
this qualification so that you can speak to your exams found in the Administration area of the OCR website
officer. All of the following processes require you to
submit something to OCR by a specific deadline. OCR’s Admin overview is available on the OCR website

4a. Pre-assessment
Estimated entries

Estimated entries are your best projection of the should be submitted to OCR by the specified
number of learners who will be entered for a deadline. They are free and do not commit your
qualification in a particular series. Estimated entries centre in any way.
Final entries

Final entries provide OCR with detailed data for each Final entries must be submitted to OCR by the
learner, showing each assessment to be taken. It is published deadlines or late entry fees will apply.
essential that you use the correct entry code,
considering the relevant entry rules. All learners taking an AS Level in Mathematics A must
be entered for H230.

Entry Title Component Component title Assessment type

code code

Pure Mathematics and External Assessment

H230 Mathematics A
Pure Mathematics and External Assessment

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 47
4b. Special consideration
Special consideration is a post–assessment Detailed information about eligibility for special
adjustment to marks or grades to reflect temporary consideration can be found in the JCQ publication A
injury, illness or other indisposition at the time the guide to the special consideration process.
assessment was taken.

4c. External assessment arrangements

Regulations governing examination arrangements are
contained in the JCQ Instructions for conducting
3 examinations

Head of centre annual declaration

4 The Head of Centre is required to provide a Any failure by a centre to provide the Head of Centre
declaration to the JCQ as part of the annual NCN Annual Declaration will result in your centre status
update, conducted in the autumn term, to confirm being suspended and could lead to the withdrawal of
that the centre is meeting all of the requirements our approval for you to operate as a centre.
detailed in the specification.

Private candidates

Private candidates may enter for OCR assessments. Private candidates need to contact OCR approved
centres to establish whether they are prepared to
A private candidate is someone who pursues a host them as a private candidate. The centre may
course of study independently but takes an charge for this facility and OCR recommends that
examination or assessment at an approved the arrangement is made early in the course.
examination centre. A private candidate may
be a part-time student, someone taking a distance Further guidance for private candidates may be found
learning course, or someone being tutored privately. on the OCR website:
They must be based in the UK.

4d. Results and certificates

Grade Scale

AS Level qualifications are graded on the scale: A, B, (U). Only subjects in which grades A to E are attained
C, D, E, where A is the highest. Learners who fail to will be recorded on certificates.
reach the minimum standard for E will be Unclassified

© OCR 2018
48 AS Level in Mathematics A

Results are released to centres and learners for The following supporting information will be
information and to allow any queries to be resolved available:
before certificates are issued.
• raw mark grade boundaries for each
Centres will have access to the following results component
information for each learner:
• mark grade boundaries for the qualification.
• the grade for the qualification
Until certificates are issued, results are deemed to be
• the raw mark for each component provisional and may be subject to amendment.

• the total mark for the qualification. A learner’s final results will be recorded on an OCR
certificate. The qualification title will be shown on the
certificate as ‘OCR Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in
Mathematics A’.
4e. Post-results services
A number of post-results services are available: • Missing and incomplete results – This service
should be used if an individual subject result
for a learner is missing, or the learner has been
• Review of marking – If you are not happy with omitted entirely from the results supplied.
the outcome of a learner’s results, centres may
request a review of marking. Full details of the • Access to scripts – Centres can request access
post-results services are provided on the OCR to marked scripts.

4f. Malpractice
Any breach of the regulations for the conduct of Detailed information on malpractice can be found in
examinations and non-exam assessment work may the JCQ publication Suspected Malpractice in
constitute malpractice (which includes Examinations and Assessments: Policies and
maladministration) and must be reported to OCR as Procedures.
soon as it is detected.

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 49
5 Appendices

5a. Overlap with other qualifications

This qualification overlaps with OCR’s A Level
Mathematics A and with other specifications in A
Level Mathematics and AS Level Mathematics.

5b. Accessibility
Reasonable adjustments and access arrangements The AS Level qualification and subject criteria have
allow learners with special educational needs, been reviewed in order to identify any feature which
disabilities or temporary injuries to access the could disadvantage learners who share a protected
assessment and show what they know and can do, Characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010. All
without changing the demands of the assessment. reasonable steps have been taken to minimise any
Applications for these should be made before the such disadvantage.
examination series. Detailed information about
eligibility for access arrangements can be found in the
JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable

© OCR 2018
50 AS Level in Mathematics A
5c. Mathematical notation
The table below sets out the notation that may be used in AS Level Mathematics A. Students will be expected to
understand this notation without need for further explanation.

1 Set Notation

1.1 ! is an element of
1.2 " is not an element of
1.3 3 is a subset of
1.4 1 is a proper subset of
1.5 " x 1, x 2 , f , the set with elements x 1, x 2, f
1.6 " x : ... , the set of all x such that f

1.7 n (A) the number of elements in set A

1.8 Q the empty set
1.9 f the universal set 5
1.10 Al the complement of the set A
1.11 N the set of natural numbers, " 1, 2, 3, f ,
1.12 Z the set of integers, " 0, ! 1, ! 2, ! 3, f ,
1.13 Z+ the set of positive integers, " 1, 2, 3, f ,
1.14 Z+0 the set of non-negative integers, {0, 1, 2, 3, …}
1.15 R the set of real numbers
1.16 Q the set of rational numbers, ' q : p ! Z, q ! Z + 1

1.17 , union
1.18 + intersection
1.19 (x, y) the ordered pair x, y
1.20 [a, b] the closed interval " x ! R : a # x # b ,
1.21 [a, b) the interval " x ! R : a # x < b ,
1.22 (a, b] the interval " x ! R : a < x # b ,
1.23 (a, b) the open interval " x ! R : a < x < b ,

2 Miscellaneous Symbols

2.1 = is equal to
2.2 ! is not equal to

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 51
2.3 / is identical to or is congruent to
2.4 . is approximately equal to
2.5 3 infinity
2.6 ? is proportional to
2.7 Ñ therefore
2.8 Ö because
2.9 < is less than
2.10 G, # is less than or equal to, is not greater than
2.11 > is greater than
2.12 H, $ is greater than or equal to, is not less than
2.13 p&q p implies q (if p then q)
2.14 p%q p is implied by q (if q then p)
2.15 p+q p implies and is implied by q ( p is equivalent to q)
5 3 Operations

3.1 a+b a plus b

3.2 a-b a minus b
3.3 a # b, ab, a.b a multiplied by b
3.4 a a divided by b
a ÷ b,
3.5 n
a1 + a2 + f + an
|a i

3.6 n
a1 # a2 # f # an
%a i

3.7 a the non-negative square root of a

3.8 |a| the modulus of a

3.9 n! n factorial: n! = n # (n - 1) # ... # 2 # 1, n ! N; 0! = 1
3.10 JKnNO n!
KK OO, n C , C the binomial coefficient for n, r ! Z+0 , r G n
KrO r n r r! (n - r) !
L P n (n - 1) f (n - r + 1)
or for n ! Q, r ! Z+0

4 Functions
4.1 f (x) the value of the function f at x
4.2 f :x 7 y the function f maps the element x to the element y
4.5 lim
f (x) the limit of f (x) as x tends to a

© OCR 2018
52 AS Level in Mathematics A
4.6 Dx, dx an increment of x
4.7 dy the derivative of y with respect to x
4.8 dn y the nth derivative of y with respect to x
dx n
4.9 f l(x), f m(x), f, f (n) (x) the first, second, ..., nth derivatives of f (x) with respect to x
4.10 xo , xp , f the first, second, ... derivatives of x with respect to t
4.11 the indefinite integral of y with respect to x
y y dx
4.12 b the definite integral of y with respect to x between the limits
y dx
x = a and x = b

5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

5.1 e base of natural logarithms

5.2 e x, exp x exponential function of x
5.3 log a x logarithm to the base a of x 5
5.4 ln x, log e x natural logarithm of x

6 Trigonometric Functions

6.1 sin, cos, tan the trigonometric functions

6.2 sin -1, cos -1, tan -1 the inverse trigonometric functions
arcsin, arccos, arctan

6.3 ° degrees

9 Vectors

9.1 a, a, a~ the vector a, a, a~ ; these alternatives apply throughout section 9

9.2 AB the vector represented in magnitude and direction by the
directed line segment AB
9.3 â a unit vector in the direction of a
9.4 i, j unit vectors in the directions of the cartesian coordinate axes
9.5 a , a the magnitude of a

9.6 AB , AB the magnitude of AB

9.7 JKaNO column vector and corresponding unit vector notation
KK OO, ai + bj
9.8 r position vector
9.9 s displacement vector

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 53
11 Probability and Statistics

11.1 A, B, C, etc. events

11.4 P (A) probability of the event A
11.5 Al complement of the event A
11.7 X, Y, R, etc. random variables
11.8 x, y, r, etc. values of the random variables X, Y, R etc.
11.9 x 1 , x 2, f values of observations
11.10 f 1 , f 2, f frequencies with which the observations x 1, x 2, f occur
11.11 p(x), P(X = x) probability function of the discrete random variable X
11.12 p 1 , p 2, f probabilities of the values x 1, x 2, f of the discrete random
variable X
11.13 E (X) expectation of the random variable X
11.14 Var (X) variance of the random variable X
5 11.15 ~ has the distribution
11.16 B (n, p) binomial distribution with parameters n and p, where n is the
number of trials and p is the probability of success in a trial
11.17 q q = 1 - p for binomial distribution
11.22 n population mean
11.23 v2 population variance
11.24 v population standard deviation
11.25 xr sample mean
11.26 s2 sample variance
11.27 s sample standard deviation
11.28 H0 Null hypothesis
11.29 H1 Alternative hypothesis

12 Mechanics

12.1 kg kilograms
12.2 m metres
12.3 km kilometres
12.4 m/s, m s–1 metres per second (velocity)
12.5 m/s2, m s–2 metres per second per second (acceleration)

© OCR 2018
54 AS Level in Mathematics A
12.6 F Force or resultant force
12.7 N Newton
12.9 t time
12.10 s displacement
12.11 u initial velocity
12.12 v velocity or final velocity
12.13 a acceleration
12.14 g acceleration due to gravity

5d. Mathematical formulae and identities

Learners must be able to use the following formulae and identities for AS Mathematics, without these formulae
and identities being provided, either in these forms or in equivalent forms. These formulae and identities may
only be provided where they are the starting point for a proof or as a result to be proved.
Pure Mathematics
Quadratic Equations
- b ! b 2 - 4ac
ax 2 + bx + c = 0 has roots
Laws of Indices
ax a y / ax+y
ax ' a y / ax-y
(a x) y / a xy

Laws of Logarithms
x = a n + n = log a x for a > 0 and x > 0
log a x + log a y / log a (xy)
log a x - log a y / log a KKK y OOO
k log a x / log a (x k)
Coordinate Geometry
A straight line graph, gradient m passing through (x 1, y 1) has equation
y - y 1 = m (x - x 1)
Straight lines with gradients m 1 and m 2 are perpendicular when m 1 m 2 = -1

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 55
In the triangle ABC
a b c
Sine rule: = =
sin A sin B sin C
Cosine rule: a 2 = b 2 + c 2 - 2bc cos A
Area = 2 ab sin C
cos 2 A + sin 2 A / 1

Circumference and Area of circle, radius r and diameter d:
C = 2rr = rd A = rr 2
Pythagoras’ Theorem: In any right-angled triangle where a, b and c are the lengths of the sides and c is the
c2 = a2 + b2
Area of a trapezium = 2 (a + b) h, where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides and h is their

5 perpendicular separation.
Volume of a prism = area of cross section × length

Calculus and Differential Equations

Function Derivative
xn nxn – 1
ekx ke kx
f (x) + g (x) f l(x) + gl(x)

Function Integral
1 n+1
xn x + c, n ≠ -1
f l(x) + gl(x)     f (x) + g (x) + c

Area under a curve = y y dx (y $ 0)

xi + yj = x 2 + y 2

Forces and Equilibrium
Weight = mass # g
Newton’s second law in the form: F = ma

© OCR 2018
56 AS Level in Mathematics A
For motion in a straight line with variable acceleration:
dr dv d 2 r
v= a= =
dt dt dt 2
r = y v dt v = y a dt
ds dv d 2 s
v= a= =
dt dt dt 2
s = y v dt v = y a dt

| x | fx
The mean of a set of data: x = n =
f |

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 57
Learners will be given the following formulae sheet in each question paper.

AS Level Mathematics A (H230)

Binomial series
(a + b) n = a n + n C 1 a n - 1 b + n C 2 a n - 2 b 2 + f + n C r a n - r b r + f + b n (n ! N),
JKnNO n!
where n C r = nC r = KKK OOO =
r r! (n - r) !
Differentiation from first principles
f (x + h) - f (x)
f l(x) = lim
h"0 h
Standard deviation

R ^ x - x h2 Rx 2 2
Rf ^ x - x h2 Rfx 2
n = n - x or = - x2
Rf Rf

5 The binomial distribution

If X + B (n, p) then P (X = x) = KKK OOO p x (1 - p) n - x, Mean of X is np, Variance of X is np(1 – p)
v = u + at
s = ut + 2 at 2
s = 2 (u + v) t
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
s = vt - 2 at 2

© OCR 2018
58 AS Level in Mathematics A
Summary of updates
Date Version Section Title of section Change
May 2018 1.1 Front cover Disclaimer Addition of disclaimer
September 2018 2.1 Multiple Revised sections 1 and 2 with new
subsections focussing on key features and
command words. Corrections of minor
typographical errors. No changes have been
made to any assessment requirements.
January 2020 2.2 Back cover NA Delete reference to Social Community and
replace with Online Support Centre

© OCR 2018
AS Level in Mathematics A 59
© OCR 2018
60 AS Level in Mathematics A

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Resources and support for our AS Level Maths qualifications, developed through collaboration
between our Maths Subject Advisors, teachers and other subject experts, are available from our
website. You can also contact our Maths Subject Advisors who can give you specialist advice,
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01223 553998
[email protected]

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For staff training purposes and as part of our quality assurance programme your call may be recorded or monitored. ©OCR 2020 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by
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