Chemical Plant Design For The Conversion of Plasti
Chemical Plant Design For The Conversion of Plasti
Chemical Plant Design For The Conversion of Plasti
ISSN Online: 2160-0406
ISSN Print: 2160-0392
Yusif Rhule Sam1,2, Lawrence Darkwah1, Derrick Kpakpo Allotey1, Adjei Domfeh1,
Mizpah Ama Dziedzorm Rockson1*, Emmanuel Kwaku Baah-Ennumh1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Plastic Waste, Extrusion, Pyrolysis, Catalyst, Fuel, Techno-Economic Analysis
1. Introduction
As the world strives to develop, urbanization and industrialization have resulted
in rapid increase in the amount of waste produced every year. Waste manage-
ment has become a global concern as urban population rises. Among the kinds
DOI: 10.4236/aces.2021.113015 Jul. 1, 2021 239 Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science
Y. R. Sam et al.
of solid wastes produced annually, over 300 million metric tons of these wastes
are plastics [1]. The use of plastics for fabrication of various items of domestic
and industrial purposes has increased over the years for reasons including; the
durability and lightweight of plastics [2]. Additives such as stabilizers and an-
ti-oxidants are added to the base materials of plastics to enhance their plastic
properties. Improper disposal of plastic waste has a negative impact on the envi-
ronment due to the presence of these stabilizers and anti-oxidants in plastics [3].
Recycling, landfilling and incineration are the well-known processes for man-
aging plastic wastes [4]. In modern and developed societies, thermochemical con-
version has been adopted to manage solid waste. Thermochemical conversion is
also the safest technology available for converting plastic waste into energy. This
method is characterised by the use of heat energy to transform plastic waste
physically and chemically [5]. The renowned processes utilized under this tech-
nology are liquefaction, gasification and pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is the combustion of
materials in the limited amount of oxygen. The main feedstock for plastics pro-
duction is crude oil. Naphtha obtained from fractionating crude oil is subjected
to catalytic cracking where hydrocarbons of smaller molecular weights are pro-
duced. These hydrocarbons include ethylene, propylene, butane and other hy-
drocarbons. These hydrocarbons are further refined to produce the base plastic
materials. The refined hydrocarbons are processed together with additives to
give the desired plastic properties [6].
Few types of plastics are suitable for producing clean fuel oil. Polyethylene,
polypropylene and polystyrene contain mainly carbon and hydrogen. Moreover,
their compounds have high heating values. These properties render these plastics
suitable for the production of clean fuel oil. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) contains
chlorine which is corrosive and hazardous for that process. Like PVC, Polyethy-
lene terephthalate (PET) is commonly found in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
streams. However, PET yields benzoic acid and terephthalic acid during pyroly-
sis. These properties render PET and PVC unsuitable for the pyrolysis process
Methane, ethane, propane and butane are the main refinery gases from the
pyrolysis of plastic wastes. The gases are by-products and because of their high
energy content, they are used in the plant as fuel to provide heat energy for
processes that require heating. Moreover, the gases serve as an alternative source
of fuel to the plant, thus making the process cost-effective. Solid residue, char,
can be produced in the pyrolysis process. However, this is highly dependent on
the level of contaminants such as organic matter, sand, etc. that are attached to
the feedstock [8]. One of the fuel products from plastic waste obtained by pyro-
lysis and further catalytic upgrading is the fuel oil. It is a mixture of C5 - C30 hy-
drocarbons. The fuel oil obtained is further homogenized to produce kerosene,
diesel and petrol.
Therefore, designing a chemical processing plant to produce liquid fuels i.e.
diesel, gasoline, kerosene and residual fuel oil, from the plastic waste in the Kpone
Landfill, is the main motivation for undertaking this project. The construction of
the plant would contribute to the effective management and utilization of plastic
waste at the Kpone landfill, Moreover, the quality of petrol and diesel produced
from these suitable plastic wastes are of good quality as the regular fuel oil from
crude oil refineries [8]. Hence, fuel oil from plastic wastes needs no additives to
improve its functional properties. Moreover, fuel oil from plastics is free from
contaminants such as lead and sulphur. This makes fuel from plastics cleaner [9].
This study provides a detailed techno-economic analysis that includes the de-
scription of the selected process, a Process Flow Diagram (PFD), a simulated 3D
layout of the plant incorporating piping systems, detailed and systematic materi-
al and energy balances on each major equipment as well as the specification of the
safety and pollution control measures as required [10]. The economic viability of
the plant was also duly assessed using different economic indicators namely Rate
of Return (ROR), Payback period, Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return
(DCFRR) to determine the feasibility of the plant [10]. A sensitivity analysis [11]
was also carried out.
2. Design Methodology
A feasible process was selected from the various production processes obtained
from the literature. The selected process was modified and the process flowsheet
(PFS) for the plant was drawn using Microsoft Visio. The 3D model of the process
flowsheet was designed using AutoCAD Plant 3D®. The mass and energy bal-
ances for the entire process were performed on the major process units to quan-
tify the amount of raw material, utilities, fuel required as well as products pro-
duced. Balances over individual process equipment specify the compositions and
rate of process stream flows. The balances were carried in Microsoft Excel Work-
sheet. The design took into consideration the factors affecting safety of the plant,
environment and employees to ensure the plant meets general safety standards
and protocols outlined by the environmental and safety authorities. The plant
location took into consideration the material safety and datasheet of the feeds-
tock and products. This is to ensure the safety and efficacy of the plant and its
neighbouring communities.
For the economic analysis, the total capital investment, which takes into account
the physical plant cost (equipment cost, installation cost, etc.), indirect costs (su-
pervision cost, contractor expenses, contingency fee) and working capital in-
vestment (revenue needed to kick start the production) was computed to deter-
mine the total investment needed for plant installation and start-up. The annual
total production cost was also estimated as a sum of the manufacturing costs
(raw material cost, labour costs, and heating/cooling utility cost, local taxes) and
general expenses (distribution cost, administrative charges, research and devel-
opment costs) [11].
Profitability analysis was conducted using the cumulative cash flow plot, ROR,
pay-back period, DCFRR, break-even point. Sensitivity analysis was used to de-
termine the financial feasibility of the plant. The ROR is computed as the ratio of
the net annual profit to the total capital investment which serves as a simple in-
dex to evaluate the performance of the investment made. DCFRR considers the
time value of money based on the amount of the investment that is unreturned
at the end of each year during the estimated life of the project [10]. The break-
even point simply estimates the point in the lifetime of the plant where the cu-
mulative annual profit becomes equal to the production costs as well as the
quantity of the products (liquid fuel) produced at that time. The pay-back period
is the number of years it takes to redeem the initial total investment [11].
• MSW = 703,862.8 kg/day • Oversize = 172,978.4 kg/day
• MSW = 172,978.40 kg/day • Ferrous Metals Recovered = 214.6 kg/day
• MSW = 172,764 kg/day • Plastics Recovered = 4,600 kg/day
• Plastics = 71,867.4 kg/day Sorting • HDPE Recovered = 20,691.1 kg/day
• Plastics = 51,176.4 kg/day Sorting • PP Recovered = 9,471.9 kg/day
• Plastics = 41,704.3 kg/day Sorting • PS Recovered = 3,862.3 kg/day
• Pyrolyzed Gases = 58,673.60 kg/day • Reformed Gases = 58,673.60 kg/day
• Liquid Fuel = 58,673.6 kg/day • Hot water = 2,891,724 kg/day
• Gases = 28,058,219.3 kJ/day • Reformed Gases = -49,691,997.3 kJ/day
Cumulative Cash
Flow, million $
-5 -20.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Plant Life, Years
The sensitivity analysis on the project proved that upon the 16 cases considered
there were two instances which varied significantly with respect to the pay-back
period at normal conditions. One is 10% decrease in annual sales while raw ma-
terial cost remained the same and the other is 10% decrease in annual sales and
raw materials cost. This indicates that, when the plant is in operation for some
years and the cost of raw materials and annual sales vary by 5% or 10% except
for the two cases described above, the company will suffer no loss in paying off
its initial investment and breaking even. This makes this project a viable one to
an investor.
The authors hereby acknowledge persons from the 2019 Graduating Class of
Chemical Engineering who took part in the design project. These are Ayi Charles
Kofi, Appiah-Kubi Millicent, Asante Raymond, Boadi Rachael, Asiedua-Ahenkorah
Lois and Owiredu Alfred.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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