Footy Plan

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Day 1: Strength Day 2: Cardio and Day 3: Active Day 4: Power and Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Rest and

Training Agility Recovery and Explosiveness Conditioning Endurance Recovery

(Saturday) (Sunday) Mobility (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday)


Squats: 4 sets x 8-10 Interval Running: 5 Pilates: 35 minutes Box Jumps: 4 sets x Burpees: 3 sets x 15 Long-Distance Run: activities like
reps sets x 400 meters (1 focusing on 8 reps reps 5km at a moderate walking, stretching,
Deadlifts: 4 sets x 8- lap around a track) flexibility, mobility, Medicine Ball Mountain Climbers: pace. and foam rolling.
10 reps with 1-minute rest and core strength Throws: 3 sets x 10 3 sets x 20 reps . Allow your body to
Bench Press: 3 sets x between sets Foam Rolling: Spend reps (chest passes, Kettlebell Swings: 3 recover from the
8-10 reps 20 minutes targeting overhead throws, sets x 15 reps week's workouts.
Incline Dumbbells: 3 AFTERNOON: major muscle groups rotational throws) Battle Ropes: 3 sets
sets x 6-8 reps Agility Drills: to release tension Power Cleans: 4 sets x 30 seconds
Dumbbell Lunges: 3 Shuttle Runs: 4 sets and improve x 6 reps Stair Climbing: 5
sets x 10 reps each x 5 reps mobility Plyometric Push- sets x 2 minutes
leg Ladder Drills: 3 sets Ups: 3 sets x 10 reps
Plank: 3 sets x 30-60 x 6 drills (e.g., side AFTERNOON: Sled Pushes or
seconds shuffles, high knees, Light Cardio: 25
quick feet) minutes of easy AFTERNOON:
Jump Rope: 3 sets x jogging or cycling. Sprints: 5 sets x 50
2 minutes meters

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