Challenges and Breakthrough For Horn of Africa Reg
Challenges and Breakthrough For Horn of Africa Reg
Challenges and Breakthrough For Horn of Africa Reg
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All content following this page was uploaded by Abdirahman Mohumed Osman on 18 February 2020.
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Received: January 12, 2019; Accepted: February 20, 2019; Published: March 5, 2019
Abstract: Horn of Africa (HoA) region brushed multiple frontlines for the last four decades; Outsiders were playing proxy
politics within the area. Uncertainty and insecurity, extremism and radicalization, poverty and inter-state and intra-state
conflict become accepted. Besides HoA is one of the most vital shipping lines in the world. Historical breakthroughs emerged
in the region when the reformist leader Dr. Abiy becomes the Prime minister of Ethiopia. Proactive moves of ending
longstanding disputes and conflicts between the states in the region such as Ethiopia-Eritrea border conflict. Therefore, this
paper seeks to critically calculate the breakthrough and challenges ahead for the leaders of the region to bring successful
regional integration. Specifically focuses on three countries namely Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia. A critical analysis on the
tripartite summits among the leaders of the three nations, the declarations, the points of action as well as the ramification of the
change envisaged will shed more light on the progress of the social and economic integration in the region. Moreover, this
paper will navigate through the challenges and achievements that are likely to be realized from this integration, considering the
political diversity that currently exists among these three countries.
2025 [13]. This making Ethiopia the leading country that has and Eritrea created disciplined states, and the challenge for
a concrete agenda to leverage these rapidly changing these were largely on or inducing them to serve the interests
geopolitical dynamics to achieve its goal above. of the peoples on whom they were imposed. The Somalia
Somalia was one of the first states to a breakdown in the experience was the opposite: weakly organized insurgencies,
aftermath of the collapse of the Cold War era. No central often closely replicating the indigenous social formations and
government whatsoever for the last 27 years, it has 2,000 especially clans from which they were formed, had
miles of coastline skirting one of the world's great trade considerable difficulty in transforming themselves into
routes; meanwhile, Somalia's shores became synonymous effective power [5]. These dissimilarities created the current
with piracy and terrorism, the Federal Government now realities of Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea as illustrated below.
improving in areas of security, state building and restoring
the central government role and state characters. Somaliland 2.1. Ethiopia
was a British protectorate before it merged with Italian Like other countries in the horn, the country’s historic
Somalia in 1960 to form Great Somalia1. Somaliland broke breakthrough happened on 28th May 1991; when rebels
away after central government collapsed in 1991; unlike stormed the presidential palace. Unlike Somalia, Ethiopian
Somalia it has a strong sense of national identity such as retained pragmatic approach to authority—as an Amhara
workable political structure, consistently more secure and proverb has it ‘the sun that rises tomorrow will be our sun;
democratic with fifth President in 27 years. No international meaning the government that rules tomorrow will be our
recognition, they lack to access international tables and government’. Most strikingly of all during that time, the
financial admittance [5]. monthly civil service salary was due just a few days after the
Eritrea won its independence in 1991 from Ethiopia, and takeover, where it was paid in full and on time [5]. Civil
become a respected internationally recognized in 1993. Has servants stayed at their posts, and transferred their allegiance
to suck so far in close to three decades? Once hailed as a to the new regime, as indeed they had done in the first post-
beacon of hope for the Horn of Africa and a possible civil war when Meles Zenawi became Prime Minister of
‘Singapore’ of the region, it is now mired in poverty, Ethiopia. The country adopted the ethnic based federal
repression and bitter recriminations with almost all its system of government. Meles presided over autocratic
neighbors. The only possible answer we have is to say the governance structure which ultimately gave him unfettered
personality and policies of one man: Isaias Afwerki. He is in chance to consolidate state power in the hands of Tigray
both towering figures who led his people to independence People's Liberation Front (TPLF). Ethiopia has partly
and the dictator who now holds them in servitude [7]. A high succeeded in its endeavor to rebuild and restructure its
number of citizens and escaped outside the country because security forces, economy and infrastructure and emerged as
of the internal rigid politics and poverty. This country now the uncontested hegemon of the Horn of Africa region, with
facing new policies surroundings both from international and significant influence to other countries in the region.
regional levels such the new approach of Ethiopia leader who Although Ethiopia troops are part of AMISOM peacekeepers,
immediately advocated to lift the international sections it has direct communications with Somalia regional
affected this country for the last ten years, without internal administrators 2 , which seems that every regional leader
preparedness and changes, no forgiveness and no political should secure first some sort of relations from Addis Ababa,
reform. which was the biggest concern of Somalia Federal
However, this paper examining the challenges and Government in Mogadishu.
breakthrough of smooth Horn of Africa full-Regional
integration in areas of economic, security and culture and 2.2. Somalia
political by focusing the three countries namely Ethiopia,
Somalia, and Eritrea thru analyzing their historical situations The Indian Ocean newsletter caption on 10th February
from 1991 to date. 1990 entitled ‘Somalia: A country without Government' from
that date Somalia become like a sinking the ship; what was in
store for Somalia was observed like disastrous [8]. Somalia
2. Regional Political Situations After precipitated a bloody civil war that destroyed much of the
1991 country and its institutions including its once strong and
highly respected security and intelligence forces. The
Somalia and Ethiopia were proverbial adversaries, plotting breakdown of Somali state and the lack of a legitimate
the subversion of one another by supporting armed rebellions central government since 1991 placed the country in a
within their borders in the 1980s. The similarity of the fate of precarious position, rendering it a lawless land controlled by
the two states ended in the aftermath of the downfall of their ruthless warlords and a fertile ground for criminals, pirates
respective governments. Disciplined insurgencies in Ethiopia and extremist groups. It gave foreign entities like Ethiopia
Kenya and Uganda all kinds of justifications to intervene in
1 Great Somalia was a dream in 1960s –70s to combine the Horn of Africa its internal politics. Ethiopia sent thousands of its troops into
regions in which Somali ethnic live who historically inhabited such as Somaliland
in Britain protector, Somali Italian, Somali French, Somali Ogaden in Ethiopia 2 Somalia Regional Administrations are Puntland, Jubaland, South-West,
and Somalis in North Kenya. Galmudug and Hirshabele
Journal of Political Science and International Relations 2019; 2(1): 11-17 13
Somalia on the premise of protecting the weak transitional remove Mobutu Sese Seko and dispatched commandos and
government in 2006 [19]. This incursion finally came to an political advisors to the Congolese rebels. Following that
end in the ignominious withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from rapid victory, Isaias is reputed to have said that his army
Mogadishu. The restoration of some semblance of Somali could march all the way to South Africa. Although Eritrean
government took about two decades and culminated in the culture recognizes the heroic leader, as a Tigrinya proverb
completion of the political transition and the formal puts it: ‘whoever reigns is my King; that which rises (from
recognition from the international. According to the current the East) is my Sun.’ Isaias considers himself as the natural
ruling Federal Government’s strategies of restoring inclusive leader of the region, yet, whatever his weaknesses, he did
politics, anti-corruption battles and reinstating statehood little to encourage a cult of personality and leadership. There
dignity; it created optimism for Somalis; although its was a bloody war between Ethiopia and Eritrea from 1998 to
conclusions are not yet definite. Alshabab rebel and other June 2000, named ‘Badme war’ with the final peace
organized movements are the biggest challenges to Somalia agreement to in 2018, twenty years after the initial
Stability; this constrained Government to control immense confrontation. This last war with Ethiopia led much state
land in Southern‐Central Somalia with sequential terrorist failure such as political and economic isolation [13].
attacks inside the Capital and many times has cornered the
legitimate Government into a small strip located in the
capital of Mogadishu [10]. 3. The Influence of the Global Powers on
Somaliland is an observable reality in the region; it the Horn of Africa Region
sustained its security, state building and economic recovery
without international cooperation. Somaliland claimed its Since 2000, global powers3 have been sharing this region
separation from Somalia to which it had initially consented such as the United States and China with splitting interests
and declared de facto independence in 1991, which is between America’s military-industrial security sphere and
functional but not internationally recognized [11]. Unlike China’s economic and trade relations. China’s rise has been
other countries in the region, Somaliland built a well- integral to Horn of Africa and other African region’s
regulated political marketplace with a multi-party system and development and other states are now projecting powers in
held a succession of competitive elections in which the loser ways that challenge “US hegemony.” India, the Gulf States,
has gracefully accepted his loss-- including the presidential Turkey, China, Russia, UK and even the EU have all shown
election [3]. Somaliland has failed to achieve international more significant interest in the region, and each has different
recognition in 28 years; because of the absence of objectives that may complement or contest American and
comprehensive strategies and qualified policies to negotiate Chinese dominance [1].
with Somalia and to exercise its right of self-determination The ongoing war in Yemen has drawn in interest from the
and influence external partners to be ready to accept its Gulf States, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which
geostrategic concerns about security as well as economic and have increased their military presence in Djibouti, Eritrea,
political interests. This status quo state in Somaliland is and Somalia. The Yemeni conflict itself is a proxy war
questioning the consistency and sustainability of the de facto between Saudi Arabia and Iran that is having knock-on
status if not managed rapidly. effects in the Horn. Eritrea and Sudan used to be allied to
Iran but have switched their allegiance to Riyadh, much to
2.3. Eritrea Israel's satisfaction, as the two countries were primary
conduits of arms and support to Iranian proxies Hamas and
The Eritrean war of independence did not begin in Asmara, Hezbollah. Recently Saudi Arabia Announces New Political
with its industrial workers and educated bourgeoisie. It began Bloc for the Red Sea which combines six countries bordering
in the lowlands when the discontented leaders of Muslim the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden; exclude Eritrea [14].
communities and a handful of radical students made common However, increasing influence from the Gulf has also
cause. The Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) was their vehicle, brought Turkey onto the scene, which has tried to balance
founded in Cairo in 1960, and organizationally modeled on Emirati [15]. The GCC4 is developing its own Horn of Africa
the Algerian Front de Libération Nationale [12]. The Eritrean strategy [15] King of Saudi Arabia has made it clear that it
People's Liberation Front (EPLF) was set up in 1970 by more regards the Horn—notably Egypt, Sudan, and Somalia—as
radical elements in the ELF, among them Ramadan Nur and its security belt.
Isaias Afewerki. The EPLF was a rigorous vanguards HoA has been a natural playground for players outside the
organization, drawing upon the Marxist- Leninism so region and Africa. The mix of poor governance, mutual
prominent in those years and especially Isaias's Chinese destabilization, and external intrusion are the combustible
training [7]. Following an irregular internecine war with the ingredients of an area always hovering on the edges of
ELF, the EPLF became the sole active military [5]. Eritrea
got independence in 1993 from Ethiopia; the country’s
approach of state building and regional relations become 3 Global powers are nations or states that, through their great economic, political
and military strength, able to exert power and influence over not only their own
immediate a militaristic. Isaias confronted Sudan in 1994 and
regions of the world, but beyond to others
Djibouti and Yemen in 1996. In October that year, Eritrean 4 Member States of Gulf Cooperation Council are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
generals joined in the planning of Rwanda led operation to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
14 Abdirahman Osman Gaas: Challenges and Breakthrough for Horn of Africa Regional Integration
insecurity and abiding impoverishment. It is this mix that the long-standing conflict with the Ethiopian state; which shaped
region is challenged to overturn into a virtuous cycle of Ethiopia’s relationship with its Somali region, as well as
participatory government; regional integration that focuses Ethiopia’s relationship with Somalia.
on building a regional economic market, political stability, All the leaders in the region positively responded the
and thus a region that can negotiate on its behalf with the Abiy’s new leadership and his diplomatic styles. The Eritrean
outside world rather than retail its interest to the first buyer. President confidently reflected the constructive engagement
from Ethiopian Prime Minister and stated in his first likeness
4. The Inflection Point for Change speech about this case “Eritrea and Ethiopian people lost an
opportunity of two generations for over half a century due to
There have not been any significant political developments policies designed to promote external global agendas, The
in the Horn of Africa region before Abiy Ahmed rose up and events and developments that have unfolded in our region in
took office in April 2018. Although he encountered stiff general and in Ethiopia in particular in the recent period
resistance from his party ‘Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary warrant appropriate attention" [18].
Democratic Front’ (EPRDF), within weeks, concrete and Somalia’s president, Mohamed Abdulahi, welcomed Dr.
symbolic steps were being taken on both national and Abiy’s suggestion of new cooperation by asserting that there
regional levels. To exemplify this, he lifted the state of is need to change the old and unproductive approach of
emergency5, released thousands of prisoners and ended the hostility and insecurity into a more positive and collaborative
state of war with neighboring Eritrea which was a situation of approach geared towards measures such as economic
'no peace, no war' for the last 18 years. His government has collaboration. The president also mentioned that initially
released thousands of political prisoners, met and engaged Ethiopia had laid the base for enhancing Somalia conflicts
with the political opposition and civil society to discuss but that channel has now been cut, and hence there is a hope
reform, invited previously exiled political parties to return to for collaborative measures that will foster regional
their country and contribute the state reform process. Abiy integration and well-off [19].
has also embarked on major institutional reforms, including
the security and the justice sectors. In less than 100 days, the 5. The Recent Diplomatic Bonhomie
Prime Minister has turned a new page in Ethiopian history,
restoring hope and optimism in the direction the country is Immediately, after Dr. Abiy came to the power; engaged
taking [16]. the regional leaders of all neighboring countries such as
One of the most critiques against Abiy Ahmed is a Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt and Kenya, exclusively he
‘populist’ in the mold of Turkey’s Erdogan, India’s Modi, and suggested holding a tripartite summit of Ethiopia, Eritrea and
U.S. Pr. Trump, its account worth contemplating; which Somalia first time in History and President Isisas Afwarki
happens to be wrong. The argument runs that Abiy, despite hosted the first summit; to restore political confidence and
being a member of the ERPDF, has mostly sidelined the party establish historical diplomatic ties between their countries.
and appealed directly to the public over the heads of his
colleagues. He has monopolized power and decision-making 5.1. Asmara Summit
at the expense of deliberation and consultation, and that he This was held between 6th and 7th September 2018 with the
has cultivated a messianic image through set-piece spectacles aim materializing inclusive regional peace, security and
[17]. Populism is fundamentally a style of politics, in which economic cooperation. Considering that the peoples of
“the people”—an imaginary moral monolith—is pitted Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia share close geographic,
against an enemy, typically “the elite” or, in nationalist historical, cultural and religious ties with a common interest,
populism, immigrants. It is antagonistic, divisive, and hostile the leaders discussed on the need to bolster the historical ties
to pluralism. Although analysts argue that Abiy does not fit to achieve the lofty objectives and respect each other's
this mold of populism, since his addresses are not fiery blasts independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The
of political invective; they are more like sermons as well he leaders also issued a joint declaration on Comprehensive
does not even have a personal Twitter account. If Abiy has a Cooperation with the following four points: (a). the three
buzzword, it is “medemer,” an Amharic term which more or countries shall foster comprehensive cooperation that
less means “unity,” or “adding together.” It suggests advances the goals of their peoples. (b). shall build close
reconciliation, not division. political, economic, social, cultural and security ties. (c).
Dr. Abiy has normalized the relations with bordering and shall work in coordination to promote regional peace and
strategic countries such as Eritrea, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan security. (d). the three governments as a result of this
Kenya and Uganda. He has also signed a peace deal with the establish a Joint High-Level Committee to coordinate their
oppositions such as a peace accord with Ogaden National efforts in the framework of this Joint Declaration [9].
Liberation Front, a separatist movement that has sought self-
determination for the Somali region of Ethiopia. This ended a 5.2. Bahar Dar Summit
Asmara Joint Declaration on Friendship and Comprehensive objective of his foreign policy this far. He announced
Cooperation. They noted with satisfaction the tangible and joint seaport investments with Somalia and participated
positive outcomes already registered and agreed to in the opening of the China-backed Djibouti free trade
consolidate their mutual solidarity and support in addressing zone, which constitutes a gateway to international
challenges that they face individually and collectively. In this markets for landlocked Ethiopia. However, even though
regard, they stressed the importance of respecting the Eritrea's and Somalia ports are not as developed as the
sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of ones in Djibouti, Asmara and Mogadishu might make
Somalia as well as their firm support for the Somali people demands that Addis Ababa will have to agree on to
and the Federal Government of Somalia and all its nudge this truce forward.
institutions. They also commended them for the progress c) The biggest stemming issue from this rapprochement
they are making towards peace and stability. The meeting and regional integrations is how much the new
welcomed the impending lifting of all sanctions against developments will be a catalyst for change and
Eritrea and underscored their conviction that this act would implication to democracy in Eritrea. Since
enhance peace, development and cooperation in the region. independence in 1993, Isaias has overseen a one-party
They also reaffirmed their commitment to an inclusive state that has oppressed its people, forced them into
regional peace and cooperation. Shortly after the three conscription and cracked down on critics. Eritrea needs
countries formally agreed to enhance economic, political, political reconciliation, forgiveness and inclusive
social, cultural, and security cooperation, Ethiopia opened its politics and democracy for all to navigate the zonal
first embassy in 20 years in Eritrea and less than two months wind of change and development.
after Eritrea reopened its embassy in Addis Ababa. d) Somalia Federal Government does not control the
whole country, as well as its regional states, are not
6. The Hard Work That Lies Ahead accountable to the central government. Some of the
states cut the ties of relations several times. Somalia
Giving birth to a baby is the most natural thing any woman Parliament filed impeachment motion against Somali
can do, but child husbandry is the nut to crack. Several president; significant allegations were that the president
questions immediately follow the ululation with which these secretly signed agreements with other countries. Those
initiatives have received; Ethiopia has brought Somalia and agreements mentioned are such as the tripartite summit
Eritrea to the fold without acknowledging the potentiality of in Asmara, Bahar Dar with Ethiopia and Eritrea. Also,
Djibouti and Somaliland that have significant seaports. the insecurity and terror groups operating in Somalia
Another thing is the demarcation of Badme is a thorn in the can be an impediment to smooth regional integration.
flesh among others. There are many descending voices within e) The Failure of Somalia and Somaliland talks can hinder
Ethiopia against Abbey’s initiatives than they are from the regional peace, stability and successful integration.
outside. To convey successful regional integration in Talks should bring peaceful result either Somalia’s goal
economic, security and political arena, leaders should of reunification or Somaliland’s conviction of a two-
contemplate critically and sacrifice their ambitions and state. The solution must be peacefully and
comforts for the sake of their people and prospects for their democratically decided by the electorates of Somaliland
societies. On this path of change it is with many challenges and Somalia. Regional leaders should be involved and
lying ahead to achieve full regional integration in serenely solve this case diplomatically and amicably in the right
effectively: time. This is so because if any solution would have
a) Once the honeymoon period of Ethiopia and Eritrea arrived without own people participation, it will make
reconsolidation is over, there will be the enormous the region a perpetual conflict zone in Africa.
challenges of dealing with various political and
economic issues and satisfying a diverse constituency 7. Conclusion
with diverging demands, such as demarcating the border
at Badme town, which initially kicked off the war in The Horn of Africa is the most dangerous region in Africa
1998 and sustained the intractable political and military where interstate and intrastate conflicts are typical, as well as
standoff since 2000. In early June, Abiy agreed to cede famine and droughts compounded with economic downturns,
the town to Eritrea following the United Nations ruling. have been rampant for the last four to five decades. This
However, that decision not been received equally by the region becomes susceptible to the outsiders to exploit the
residents of the towns in the northern Tigray region, area, its discontents, and its resources. Arms merchants,
where many soldiers died. Veterans there are already human traffickers, and ideological carpetbaggers already
calling Abiy’s gesture an act of betrayal and have abound in the Horn of Africa. Above all, this region has a
threatened violence if forced to leave. geographical strategy, and locational importance is being a
b) Balancing Economic Sharing between the countries has conduit of billions of trade and transshipment pass through
ports into Ethiopia markets such as Djibouti, Somalia, Bab Al Mandab on the Red Rea and the Gulf each year.
Somaliland and Eritrea. It is now apparent that Abiy Ethiopia has a border in seven countries; is the largest in
securing port access throughout the region is a crucial population, and economic, it provides over 86 percent of the
16 Abdirahman Osman Gaas: Challenges and Breakthrough for Horn of Africa Regional Integration
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Abdirahman Osman Gaas is a PhD candidate in Sustainable Development and Diplomacy at EUCLID University,
Banjul, Gambia. He earned in 2014 Master of Arts in Development Studies from Kampala University, Uganda. He
holds certificate of Excellence in research and Certificate in Leadership. He has published the following research
papers about the ‘Impact Assessment of Recurrent Droughts on Agricultural and Pastoral Communities in
Somaliland’ and Translated Sustainable Development Goals into Somali and published as book. He is the current
Executive director of NAFIS Network.