Implementation of Autonomous Line Following Robot
Implementation of Autonomous Line Following Robot
Implementation of Autonomous Line Following Robot
Abstract - Technology has reached so far.
Machine vision-based robot navigation Robots are electromechanical machines having
ability to perform tasks or actions on some given
technology has become the topics for research
electronic programming. Line following robots are
nowadays. Still traditional line following robot
mobile robots having ability to follow a line very
plays a vital role because of its simple design and
accurately having an onboard hardwired control
low cost. This paper presents the algorithm, path
circuit. A machine can perform many things,
planning and growth of a line following robot. A
sometimes it is automatic and sometimes it is
line following robot is an independent robot that
repetitive. In order to make an accurate mobile
follows a black line (or a white or colored surface).
robot which can follow a robot we need to know
This robot must detect the line and follow it. It about the steering mechanism and motor driver
does actually follow a feedback system; first functions [2]. For designing a robot and to get a
sensor read the data and send it to better performance, proper stability analysis is
microcontroller and microcontroller process the required. The basic operation of any line following
data and give command to the motor driver to run robot mainly follows three basic functions steering,
motors. This robot is simple but have abilities to IR sensor reading and capturing line position. The
perform many important tasks of our daily life. line sensing operation needs an algorithm which has
to be high resolution and high robustness [3]. Two
Index Terms - Arduino, Autonomous, embedded motors are used to get steering direction, sometimes
system, threshold, wheeled mobile robot, LDR, four motors can be used. Practical applications of a
line follower include automated cars running on
roads with embedded magnets; guidance system for
industrial moving on shop floor etc [4][5][6].
II. BLOCK DIAGRAM Infra-Red (IR) Sensors has LED and Photoelectric
diode. It actually it uses reflection method. For any
The robot uses two IR sensors. In an IR sensor there line following we need at least two IR sensors. As
is one LED and one photoelectric diode. The output light of the LED hits the surface, some portion of it
of this sensor is analog signal which depends on the is absorbed and rest of the energy is reflected. As
amount of reflected light. Using this analog signal rule of physics black surface will absorb more light
data, we use some condition and, in those condition, than a white surface, and a shiny smooth white
we write the command for motors. Motor driver surface will reflect more energy than a rough
process the command and runs the motors. Let’s see surface. The intensity of the reflected light will be
a block diagram for line following robot. sensed by the receiver.
Fig.3 Bird view of robot We used L293d motor driver in this project. This
motor driver can control two motor at a time, using
this two-motor robot can perform all those required
movements. It has 16 digital pins. In those pins it
has 4 input pin and 4 output pins. One motor
requires two output pins. By controlling voltage of
the output pin, it changes the direction of the motor.
It has some other pins like VCC, GND. For better
understanding we can see the diagram below.
Logic circuit helps us to understand the whole
function of any hardware. Here logic circuit works
as brain of the line following robot. This circuit has Fig.6 L293d motor driver
VII.DRIVING AND STEERING MECHANISM Which will lead us to project failure. We should
also be careful about the height of the IR sensors.
We invented the steering mechanism a long time
There is a potentiometer on the IR sensor, which
ago. We used the same steering mechanism as cars.
helps us to fix the threshold voltage of the IR
But unlike cars here we have only two DC Gear
sensor. Once it is fixed, it must not be changed.
Motors. In front we have a free running wheel,
which is fixed. Those two DC motors is responsible
for movement of the robot. If both motors start to
spin anticlockwise at the same time and same speed
the it will go forward and if it spins clockwise then
the robot will go back. Then if left motor speed is
greater than right motor then it will go right. In the
other hand if left motor speed is less than right
motor then it will go left.
Fig.8 Sensor Placement
Fig.10 Snapshots of the Line Follower Robot where this robot can solve a maze using better
The idea of the robot which has been discussed in
this paper shows that instructions from sensors and
motor driver helps us to achieve our targeted
movement of the robot. It uses very simple
algorithm, which has only four condition and very
few declared variables. We used microcontroller
which made the process easy for taking analog
signal data and processed into digitalWrite. Further
modification of this robot will need additional
sensors like sonar, PIR, Ultrasonic sensors [7] to
avoid obstacle or detect human.