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API Standard Related To Drilling
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RGAMPS Pl MOAR BER SEP EO. pea mp eS | URN | KEI SE SRR BREA WSIRA— [Needs —_assessment| iJ 5 Je th KPMG Peat Marwick| | AA Lakeyieaa survey report — ip sta ISS PWS HAVE ® |ProduclSenvice Ze 1996 *F FPA LY Heesuataaes —eatiication inthe! ioe, wea (tT Hel 26 ea 200 GFF. 763% yroduction sector of tie worldwide of and gas RAMESH PA 5 AK industry SR. Hd TK. Spec Qt HWA TA Bi Specification for Quality] 05e J HALA EAE APL ATAE | RAE Programs for the) vay ik Fra SE AT I 5B 6 fi, 1999 4 3 A [Petroleum and Natural ERE KEM: 1999 4 9 ee 18 Sa on eee | IRIN APL Asin eTAER) JRA ir RHR EN | Xe H10 K- APIS! | AREA A DE Organization and e065 aPl LOLA ARATE {ARID Procedures for] ish KOU R RAD ELE A | B19 Me, 1997 4 6 AA) Standardization of] je stsketie. 3% 68 TL 1A Oifield Equipment and Materials [Nineteenth Editon, 1967.6.1 BSaR The composite list SEAL APT RAD Bt Published Quarterly W APIOR EA RIN A Ae | Re ith Be APT BT ATCO al BF RGIERILE 1400 REA arta tt ® HGR 200 SREMRT APTQR ISO 9000 2°]. BRE | AASB A APT FER FURS A A BY Lat BRA ELE: eelpeies APL fii ORE Bet ATES AS TK, me — 3) \ \ Hi. | Lis seat ‘Spec 18 BREAKS ‘Specification for] is 7 REM LAE = 6 fk, 1995.11 | Oilfield VBelt Ae, = a Bee eT 2000. 1 HE. Sixth Editon, 1995.1.4 | gages, fee ae LARA fia Reafirmed, 20004 | at, VLR RP ANGE apt. $98 TL. }RABWES PLUME REE . s¥/T10009- ‘Bt AORESE ED HEHE for Planning, Designing its, fe BREET 1990 — Fi MANA BHR and Constructing Fixed WARLESS Seow wr ist (Offshore | Platfoms |= 038. 1997 Ht ELH 1997 2 AoE Beng a HAE 1) 1993 498 — Fit Eaton, 1993.7.1 38! HE oa J(iacludes Supplement 1} | | | _ February 1997) _ [RP2ALRFD- SEBEF AMY. |Supplement 1 to HAMANN A MO a st ‘iit FORE 1S HOHE AE | Recommended Practice +3, sii 73 RAIS HAY. Bh | 5 RLM A BBY fOr Planning, Designing) yt, Rass 7 ARAL A HIE iaitsa) pager and Constructing Fixed) se ese teae, aA A | 1997 58H Offshore Platforms {| Load and Resistance) ® Factor Design Fitst Edition, 997.2 RPZAWSD |38 EGE BMH [Recommended Practice| Fj. (FM) Wir LAU | SV/T10030- | Git FOB 38 89H AE [or Planning, Designing |e urea, fe FMEA Ak TE 2000 5& CLE Aiwit se |and Constructing Fixed) 7 cp sp es #5 BH it ALaME| IDT 2000 9% 21 «| Offshore Platfomns | 1996 fi Working Stress Design | Twentieth-first Edition, | | po fons, } SPEC2B | HAGHIEBIAAMTS [Specification for the|TMSw LAMAN, Blsv/Too0 | 2001 #2 ASA Fabrication OF BAF 14 Se, MEK F 3/8] 2000 Structural Steel Pipe | si eH bli. #8 HERE | LOT | Fh Eon, 1996.5) fat AER LAE | 1990 BL t [si7TioDne-| 199 we LAMEme eee oT | L | HN 1086 t_| jRP20 35 E HL AGI TF FOR | Operation and | FE-PE SF Tae WA Se ABR AIEIE Maintenance Of |e BLA Se ML yA | 1999 298 RG {Offshore Cranes FER, W BMH eee | {Forth Eaton, 19988 |b Bases? ey He LASHER. | | SSC HSE AB AOL ah sh | HS EMEA | | _ t | ‘SPEC 2F Mooring Chain F a A 0 BF) 1 997 EBA ‘Sixth Edition, 1997.6 [IST EAA TN SIRP Span 2-180) RPZFPS | }#sE = RARAVLI . [Recommended Practice) BAMA IPAS T BLEU El Rit RAH WA LE|for Design, EMRE RSE, elk it eet era cal ibe, MET WRED| 2001 E38 —FK eons a ustene | WSFA. LEATHER HNE Fearn orn | SAS PTSERRAT Et a EK AH) ’ HORTA. AMEE PARSE. SPAIN] = SPECTH [BEF ASAAMB|Carbon th F4[sv/ri000e-XGDWPS Wl MMAR AIA ‘Steel Plate for Offshore 1999 EBA Platform Tubular Joints Eighth Edition, 19998 TASH] 1996 «HAH RIBS RPA WEA E HAAG [In-Service inspection of} 1 ‘PEARS RATS AES Mooring Hardware for ‘fet loating Dring Units 5 554 KYL BLL. WIERD 1996 2M —ag | Seeond Elen, 195.11) rt eesti NY, BTR, UB, Pc SUB NUS BRR JRP2L } Planning, — Designing and Constructing | Heliports for Fixed Offshore Platforms Fourth Editon, 1996.5 | fective Date. 1996.6.1 RP 2M Jah & It B | Qualification Testing of | 3744 HMMS. } HBMMREOIEALESE [Steel Anchor Designs) skp 14 HL GLIA. 1996 4 for Floating Structures | | Second Edition, 1996.5 _| SPEC IMTI | 7% E4545 FA 4th]. {7)/ As-Rolled Carbon fHE— PH. REE 2-1/2 | seca RA ERATE Manganese Steel Plate | ii-<}jfj y-aie LAS ORES RY | 2001 SEB bed Improved agit 1% API SPEC 2B $8 | ‘Toughness for Offshore ates | ‘Structures ERT RR. First Edition, 1994.1.4 | RP 2N SHR PA WME Planning, Designing,| @isRiS HHT F REM]. WL SY/T1OO31— 2AM). Wit RABI | and Constructing | +} sae iMate. 5 API) 2000 eee sere and}ppon a L111 4H. Bei #F4E | 1DT 2001 58 Pipelines for Acie ax asin F Wy RMSE FRB | 1995 AR [Conditions SHEER | | Second Edition, 1995.12.1) *F #8P7HI + Reaffirmed, 2001.1 | RP 2RD TERE AAMT [Design of Riser for] i PERE REE BEATA Rit NIE Floating —Production| iy srershtt sy brRRIE, UIT aH Brie Systems (FPSs) and) gh, dy (ite tie APART roe sean [Tansee Patonms) i280 7 ae TREE \Fist Eton, 19986 _| #PIAREUER-A EA. Design of Windlass PULTE OA PANT MAI Wildcats for Floating) dni st Ambit 2 fal AY TOMEI 2001 EBON | Offshore Structures ‘Second Exition, 1995.11 [BULLS Reatfimned, 2001.1___| _ | JRP2SK [S$ AIBA [Design and Analysis of] Wy Aleve TEER HUE HH] SV/T10040- GAM it 059A AO YER [Salonkeoping ey 4p. Lp ANPHLALAK T 4 |2002 tee Systems, for Fong ek. ik 7 08) (oT _ a : 1996 FEHB ‘Second Evition, 1996.12 | [Replaces RP2FPN) las ae aL, eee RGRRAVEMWAA Te Re HT ee eRm Bit. | aa | RARER AW B[Panning, Designing, fF Wir, see ART { [stamapinanipaetese [and Constructing! ye iit. oS Tit aLRORWPS AP HOA RE H+ RAB AVA TET [Tension Leg Platforms |= CET ait, 1997 BH Second Edition, 1997.8 | 38 3 359k RLF GOT AEA FEE. BULL 20 AMBIT | Stability Design of JERT MRNEMRARAH B Cylindrical Shells KTBEERLBAL. 2000 4E48-— Ni Second Edition, 2000.10 | BULL2V |SEARERASIRITAGR [Design of Flat Plate PRATHER TIER. 2000 4:38 — ft euuchites) Second Eziton, 2000.9 SPECIN [MMIEHLEWG|Stel Plates for Gis Pan). MT LE ORHAN Offshore Structures, 2 esa HDRNH HRA HE, HAE | 1999 42.8 OO Le EBC ZI. SPM Trerme-Mechanical 9-3 40 61H HL mB . fi Be API 44% 42, 50 70 Perea Mooss (SOT ICA T 6 aR/OBH, APL $i 60 HEAT 4 RRM. RP 2X 7 LB EF | Utrasonie and) @@ Gey 1 #225 lid TAR |SV/T10005. | Fahy AAR EATEN | Magnetic Examination tt 9s A 68 Be As Hat | 1996 Josie aeteam OF Offshore Structural ei faye ALE il eA] IDT 3 Fabrication and| 5-5 i 1996 REA Leama and air. | 1988 1 Qualification of| Technicians Third Edition, 1996.9 Effective Dale: 1996.11.1 | SPEC 2Y | i3# 42 418 FR LAT | Steel Plates, Quenched- | £2 £4 04) Hil Ad TH T Eo jand-Tempered, for sch APSR AEH, HAH | 1999 98 wR Henan oee | AaR Stabe. SERS | 2000 4 2 wu BANSHEE PMLA ATA ei . Le) WIR API Mk 42, 50 #0 SOT HEAT 6 ERB, APT AB 60 RAF 4 RULE. RP 2Z HEL SA [Preproduction WaT HONAREP RRR “EPH AM IBAA ADH) Qualiiction for Stell AHIR, SALLE TR She Pate for Ofshoe tere ATER, 7 7098 #98=) rucures AE, BLUR TIER. REN id Eon, 19088 | eae ts de APL Spoe 2 Al OY METAL. thal APL | ) _|Spec 2H Hubli tt. Adis. FR FOM AT (SpecaF [Sh4¢x0FHE [Dring and Well AAPOR, Mra AMR. [SV/T IMG, 1995 #6 | Servicing Structures | A AL RIGA T ae 5025-1999 18 Second Edition, 1995.61 | eps 2 aeemnsaaynyeeit. | BQV eA. A0I6A F arbi, | 1995 HR HEME, it AR ARTS S RARE | EE A PA MAAR INE N. HAT Re RP AG [REPRESEN [Maintenance and Use of] SLA HPET Ove AIT — ED Driling and Weill yah... de eben aA IAG, 1998 7 10 [Servicing Structures | Aa tEAM, HSA ATERRD WES AP HAA RIE [Second Eon, 1998.10 [SAR ETF.Bas Pl HM RO RPSAS (HE. WEAN] Thread Compounds |AIM APL] IFieescneMeaerast [for Casing, Tubing, | Ab eaReRieer aver AUR, Bul 5x2) 35] and Line Pipe 229 8 ABOUTS AEE 1A, 1996 4 6 FA 1] RESON. 19651 | ra, RHE A JHA. 1996 % 10) oe 1900 10.1 [RIAL TEESE AEE | lA Bea (Supersedes Bul 5x2) |SRECHREDEBETAHHERE. | IRPSAS [HE WAAL) Field Inspection of inwaew. WAH PARE |Sv/T } shar eLi teen te ee e| New Casing, Tubing, | FAY AHS ARMA HEA | 6474-2000 & (ead 1999 4% 4 Aland Plain-End Del) x: 10t Rae Pipe Bae Lear fey Seb on, 1987.12 » 1997 AF 12 etcive Date: 1908.34 Fai, 1998 4 3 Al ncudes _Suppement| pee | 1, 1999.4.15), Speck HM. WHAMEAR] Threading, Gauging, | AW: APL SB2CHERT HE | GB/T \aRCAY ATL, jRELA| and Thread Inspection | pany Roy AMpRIS BR, FhF | 9253. 2-1999 eaue a3 C4a4s 1998) OF Casing, Tubing, | = gp2% Ansar AE, 1 JR | IDT ee 4 BRD and ine Pipe Threads | ccsei, BARSL AE. BS | 1996 SPH oe 4 A, 1996 8| NE ACER EER |Aatti, 1996 4 12] Efectve | FOR x 0H BE RA | AL BAER Date:1996.12.1 & RPSG1 AE. AEATA| Threading, Gauging, | AS{2M Scr. 5p #0 SL MVE | OBIT lapse fa, R)SE¢0| and Thread inspection |: ager. wa UAE | 1808; Rae of Casing, Tubing) jase on MIRAE, | 1DT | on 5 Ne, 1990 73 a ine Pipe areas | ea AOR | 1999 : ARAM aE AD 2000 RPsct (HSM EMEPS| Care and Use of AMR AMBER. & REE Casing and Tubing — | 4, $eHBi, MLS ALAS. 3B 18 i, 1999 4 5| Baoan Edn, 19905 | A Bullsc2 (Re. BAASEFFE| Performance “Gi APT BE. wha [S/T AVE REAR Properties of Casing, | Mtittlk 71. HUA RUERER A | 6417-1999 38 21 A. 1999 4: 10] Tubing, and Drill Pipe | jue ssa fe, 10t A Twenty frst Eition, |? 1990.10 . [Bul co [aR GiB 47] Formulas and RAT AAS Fem SR AISAEASANit| Calculations — for) at, LSA A SANE BAIR 4a 1999 ¢F) Casing, Tubing, Del) re sane RAS 48 15 2ab%1) |Pipe and Une Pipe Properties 6 fi, 1904 4 11) Eee, 1961.1 AXE (includes Supplement L 4.199961) IRPSCS [ROA AASAFIM| Evaluation TRMEE ELE serRMEaetEE Procedures for Casing | 3, A IEEE 2 Mi, 1996 2 11) and Tubing | pina trie. 5 Connection | Second Eon, 1996.11 [RP 5c8 EF IRIE SIRT (E| Welding Connections | 7 2 F150 aR MALI 3k to Pipe | ARP RME MTT NL I. Be |RODWES PUR R EE FR 1 he. 1996 F 12 A First Edition, 1996.12 AWB ERE . MRL. HA, BO. ARCA ARH AD OE Re RP SCT SF AER | tenes 38 1 AR. 1996 4 12 A Coiled Tubing Operations in Oil and Gas Well Services First Edition, 1996.12 Se Hh Lt RE | EET: Spec SCT RRM SMT (HK) Bt FA Lin a) 8 6 HR, 1998 4 11 AR, 1999 5 A 1 AER Casing and Tubing (US. Customary Units) Fifth Editon, 4998.14 Etfective Date:1999.5.1 AMCERAO RAR UH | SVT ERE LRH | coe 1 1995 . ers & SAy SAC, 5AQ AI SAX MBG REMAPHEE MEM FABER, [Spec 8D 30 BE Sa AFARSE. #5 AL, 2001 4 10 Ass, 2002464 A Diill Pipe Fourth Edition, 1999.8 D BAA | Ane RANA | EA br RANE | API Spec [Specs PREM 38 42 Aik, 2000 4F 1 RAG, 2000 48 7 1 AER Line Pipe Forty-second Edition, 2000.1 Effective Date:2000..1 ROLE FRWARRAL PRN A, aaOU , SEER RES + aS aA PRE, PAE, BE Pi BAL REP Die WC. ARO a0 v4 CTRL) RP SLI SLSR MIA tes A Railroad Transportation of Line 3B 5 Wi, 1996 4 12| Pipe Fifth Edition, 1996.12 RARER ER ERE COMBA 23/8 in. REKM |e) seaeEe [RP 52 SERIES AE TREAT S& CANSI/API RP 5L2 = 1992) |B Shi. 198776 5 A a1 a. 199441 AI [FBR oR a Internal Coating of Line for Gas Transmission Service Third Edition, 1987:5.31 Reaffimed, 1994.1.1 Tih, Se | URARARERRE ES | RHKRE, IRP 513 ab tT a ke BT Rae EET #3 AG, 1996 1 A ‘Conducting Drop-Weight Tear Tests on Line Pipe Third Edition, 1996.1 BH API SL NG, eRe | SY/T TRG BA DLR HE RAN | 6476-2000 $e BS Ak HE HH BNR | EV fia 1996 IRP 5L7 PRERRMER AHN RRA sé CANSI/AK =1993) Unprimed —_Intemal Fusion Bonded Epoxy 7| Coating of Line Pipe Second Edition 1988 630 RTL EE ATED | \RentR. mR, sa HMIRGRWES MBB ARROR 2 Ak. 19884 6 | Reatfimed, 1994.1.1 30H, 1994 1A 1 ___ lame _ RPSL’ |aFRREAITIEIE| Feld Inspection of | GisMM ARR. [SVT # New Line Pipe Frits. AAMT | 0316-1997 + 1996 #12} Second Ealton, | i iy x 28 Be 2 Aa HE Hk FE | EQ te | ik, GRR aPAeran ae Ae Er | 1990 Shes WATE RARE SG HM RB IE PE Fee APE FER, | TOUS HIRE EASE, ® Sy BT EN LI ia { [Spec SLC See CRA Line Pipe EASE, BL TR Thi Eton, S567 (mimeac IRAE, RI pom a lekae ASI ASEAN, HL ets, 1998 4 12 A WARK A SER 31 BER S SER } oh MPR SRE, UR REE (eR EEER, te Hit. Me ECAR Bs A FO BERR. _ jSpec SLOP [iste etek Coiled Line Pipe AGATA ARAL \ a1 HR, 1999 4% 11] Fist Edition, 1999.11 | ype. ok, RARER A H. KREGER | 0. Sin. (12. 7am) 38 6. 625in. (168. Sam) #0 ADHERE ee. AMT ABET = SE APE RAN EF [Spec SLD | SEIS INES) CRA Clad or Lined | $48 Ti a tte REMIT eee Steel Pipe . BOW. BRUNER 5B 2 A, 1998 4 7 f3| Second Editon, 19987 | seereaaa HAE. SLANE iia, 1998 2 12 fal BfeoiveDatet956.1234) cot ag jaya ay em eS 31 BEM Ai AONE ATE | A RRA PARIS APL SL, BEE i, BR aLC Sake ANNE Bop. BHAA LE TE APRA RRA TE So KS RRR T BI a A IRP SLW gh LAA BBL AA] Transportation of Line EMF APL SL RAS laiztnieaetest [Pipe on Barges and) phipansiarmnig a. ERR 3B 2 Hi, 1996“ 12| MatineVessels | iz yak vo Birk BAC AA A Second Eon. | rg ar Rt BBO. AED Were Hare iH std sT1 [RIA Standard on (3 10 Hi, 1996 4 11) Imperfection ESE. SY/TE445- 2600 EQvTerminology Tenth Etiton, 1996.11 wee RORBTS PGE REE Me 71996 AiREGWES PUMA RRS (aus POMBE [Wellhead and] AF WEP REARS B-+-CHG, 1999 5 11 | Christmas Troe) si pide, MERRIE HOHE FA, 41: 2000 | Equipment Mua: BANE ie 5 A 30 Cada T [Bonen HS. RB, ho, Shima A IEA A EDR A AMAP Cte Date 20005 30 | XAARLT. Iara RIF Aa | [1-H RB Cin: REL. RPWMELOE, BAS, JERE. BRET) «AH HABA R + HMI nA ae st ALR | ‘ie ts OL .thF APISpec | 6a EDLC sti A re SAR BOTHER. 3 _ 209 He Bul AF [2S GALT API Gz|Capablities of API|API 86—21 DTA TREN HEALADEEAIR, [Flanges under) sr ARODRRIR. BAL fF HM, 1995 A 9 73] Combinations of Load | ge 7 1986 4 4 FARA 18 Second Eciton, 1995.9.1 J aptspec 6A #0 6AB +48 4: BF TEAR. TOME) Laie 69 BPE RAMI (FAB) PRR. skHAN RE ni. Ft 76 iH |TROAFT WSR PA API 3k| Temperature Derating |ik Stra hh PRE ALIA AUER AL) fof API Flanges under] ej 621) HER, aE Combination of Loading] jz; 4 fy pi SL JE APIBulL| SAI, 1998 AF 11 [Seren Eaton, 1998.11 | gue ce OGRA BSS T FEL SER RES AEIEM, RURAL AAA « av WT —/ MIE BBE, HE 256 [TREAF2 BASRA P| HAS |Capabilities of APRA TERAR AGHA LE | At Integral Flangos under! ji: = ai 4% Ak 7 1438 I - FR—M. 1999 4 4 59 [Combination of Loading |aprpui) GAP AIR PRA PR eunere ll AME AR, RE | Second Edition, 1999.4 HIRES. BOIS BLIP HTAA, Bull GA PA LOMAS HK A TERT FARRER. Oh, BaF RLM. WPAN SE ADBELL APISpec 64 PHBA RENEE, BLE PERN A TTR $109 TL. API 6AM PRATER RAGES | Material Toughness l@weT CON RAE SER, EER! F—Mi, 1995 4 9 F5| Second Ealion, 1995.9.1 | ay He APTSpec 6A HB Beet Be 14 ARE RIORARAL, UL PRAT AML, 312 Spec 6AVI LAELIA L| Verification Test of Hui T |S ii Fa2k Fes [Wellhead Surface,RRDWES MOE RRS {_ TRE [Safety Valves and] BG, 1996 4E 2 3 |Undorwater —— Safoty| eine eaheE AO BIHE NR. 1 C448 1996 46 12] Valves for Offshore) 57 an fe FAA Ek LAK) eis Service ARR) First Edition, 1996.2.1 Fs eee (Includes Emata dated 1996.1) | ar |Spec8D | Gi] (MMM. HE|Pipeline Valves (Gate,| WZReHAMAIKINW/A, REE, BAM, SRI? | Peg, Bal, and Chock sk RUIN. WT Bxo+—Hw, 1994 [Valves TE, MLR. 3.3 1B AEA: 1996] HOR ON SET MGR AHR RR. MG 7 12 ALB Cass UTR. MAPA R Team Includes Supplement 2| 1997 a 12 ahAbs 21 ne aay PORTE | nT AAI. IEA T It #0 1998 *F 12 ANB! dated 1998.12) HRM BMA. S47, ligne Ke TREF1 [428M APlSpec GFA f| Performance of APland| AMS TORR, BER. Hf AP| I ANS||ANSI End Connections |APrspec 6FA AYSESR, Xt API SRMEARE AEE (yin. Flre Test According) 4p anst eeamieaetb eater ay at (10, APL. Speciicalon) is .oeigistan tom. FF 1999 448 id 8 HET 6FA “Third Edition, 1999.4 Sten 29K. TROF2 [API HRA TESTA Fire Resistance] #6: 7 it Improvements for API iimeett =ha, 1999 Flanges ee \Dick. gout KERR Spec eFA | UITAUMAEER IR Fire TestforValves (AL FAHAAR FH APISpe| SREAL, 1999 46 4 A | Third Edition, 19994 GA A Spec 6D PU TMITEREMET MARAT ER. TET Spec 6FB ~ [REREAD CTE | Fire Test for End i 7x}! TN ATER i | Connections RE ARAL at EM. 199845 A, Third Edition, 1998.5 20K. aen, Effective SRE wae A Rae | Spec FC [RA AMMAHIRIT|Fite Test for Valves A TZ ARAR Boat with Automatic| 6A 4a Spec 61 =hR, 1999 4 Backseats feat TN 1900 7 4 TT in, 19084 en Spec6FD | IRM ALAM ae Pies for Check | e nie 6A A Spec 6D fAITAl| BN, 1995 46 2 Val SERRA BF Gh 1B Tid on, 1965245 eae HBR. BEE WEE: ellie AER EMER AT FT DUR SpecH | Sink, SERRA End Closures, | 8:31 141, ERE, Bae, aA Connectors, and) jg pi IANA ELLE. 3 fi Swivels |28 ao een eR Second Editon, 19985. | 18 | Effective Date:1998.11.1 Bull 6 MESABMAH|Testng of Oilfield) FT WALLISRADWES AP MMO RR [it GAD Elastomers (A Tutorial) [HHH PSM IWR eae Pe |a8—t, 1992 4 2 FQ] FirstEdition, 199221 |ayiegr. BESET Lye mRARRO 1H, 2000 4 1 Ag tectve Date20001 [assy RSPR SE TAT XE | AC ANST/APIBUIL eth. FO. SORES | 6J—1992) EGS A BIER. 3) 15 R. TREN | ASAE AT [Elastomer tel feb aE PRA TE SAME estimation testing | ese MRARRNHEA, aT FB—Ni, 2000 4 8 FA [Procedures FHM ARRAN EBS L Firstedition, 20008 |e sri ck: Wy ARB AEA. KB APIBUl] 6 BAMBARA | #. aaalE ABT, Hastie _ Spec? RESERVA Rotary Dil Stam[RE AWE A PPAR TERS BEAM 101 AF Bem a | C RHTROE) fatten |osOT-089 12 A (38 1999 4 | TiN ion, WMEAERER. KIS R. [IT | 10 15 FLABHRR eon) Greta dated 1997 RPTAt HERE A FPAR ALAR [Testing of | Thread) xt iae$E 20 i FOREX In HE anatcinl Compound for Rotary! Aes TW sR RBIL BW, 199278 11 A Sac 1H, 1999 4% 9 faa) fon y a First Edition, 1992.11.41 MUST ART te Reaffimed, 1999.9 Spectr | WEAERAMBe [Ol Fold Chain and MEME w ATI) BANE, 1999 4 8 A | Sprockets ARAL, IS: RT. HB ‘Sixth Edition, 1999.8 RK RR. KAMER SHRM, LBA 6 RETA |Dril Stem Design and| — SAME, 1998 2 8| Operating Limits FA, 4SkE: 1998 4 Sisteenth Eston, 1998.8 | seg suai. SEMA. A 12 1B C4 2000] Eectve Date: 1986.12.1Y ge a a 20 FU | 255 AMIMRHD HF, SRiMARAL LORE —A ‘SUALNOR AD TILE. Satie | ae BAPRR ST. BLUREHE AIO FEY. ET AP FH, FMR TARE SAFES —Hoh. 3 154 K Speck Ree Drilling Equipment | Pwit, MAM RAVES) cB/T BANG, 1996 4 2 AA]First Edition, 19962 | Hei AVERSA AR NYE BS | 17744-1999 (448 1998 AF 4 fay (moudes Errata dated) gate, 38 55 HL. By | RR) 19984) _ _ 1996 AFAR RPTL FFAS AVE. HF |Inspection, | a A ih. Me¥eAna;E —[Maintonance, Repair) wiieeptash He AOFM HE 1% FB —Ni, 199546 129, and. Remanufacture of] ashi, ei. HHS A004 Aes. 1996 4 4 filing Equipment fs aaysnseis. WBA BIE 1B feo ble 100644 Heal SAA. L iia SERA. REROAWPS Pl MEARE ERE. WERE. NER] RRR. A HLS Ai WMT RIAN He $26 He _ ANS: AIA Spec th | RTRR Diling and Production] Sez RasPRE "TA EA] S/T REM, 1997 4 12 Hoisting Equipment a BOSE FAR Gh AS Be ME | 5112-1999 RB: teenth Editon, 5 ' y a REL: 1998 eee oe Ce ee MIA. 3% 26] BOY IRP 6B ALE M, Inspection, A 8B PATE SHWE A 3A. MEzA, (E3BA0gy|Maintenance, Repair) PHBE, MIM, MEAT i Remanufacture of| yi suns, LL ORAR ATU 2A at Hoisting Equipment | 35 th. #1K eee Sixth Edition, 1997.12 Bm TERED. 312 He Effective Date: 1998.5 [Spec 8C ‘$2 5R4R FA CPSL1| Drilling and Production] id fii S53t AE Pe WL oA #PSL2) Hoisting Equipment] i yi, sits NADIE. | B= Mi, 19974 12H, (PSL tand PSL2) | se 40 ae 4 5 Aa | Tid Edition, 1997.12 SERRE: 1998 5 7 | ertve Dae: 19805 Bolo. tHe —_ Specoa | SB Wire Rope EROROREAMAA, Z)SVT H+ Wh, 1995 4F[ Twenty-fourth — Ediion,| 4745 ak, FHA. OEFE|5173-1998 6A1B aaa se A. HE LEB | EQ 333 He 1995 RP OB | HREM RL [Applcation, Care, and] MAMMA THERA. SHE] BER. 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BORA “BIH 38— Ni, 199546 11 A, /Eguipmen [Ra HSI Per | 2000 10 Bi, ere (RM TRE TARA : CT) BEARS HEE AF L _ amr Li HBR. [TRIGTRT [RIERA [Cement Sheath] HW EAM Sw EP EEA |28—ne, 1996 4 6 3 [Evaluation (BLS PUR Eo 3 First Editon, 1096.6 | RR. SEPA T ARIE WETS. AMEE DE. AB | PSHE BIJFN SPICE LL HTL AEIMEBUEOLAE. 3% 99 TL FTRIOTR2 — | FFF 7K SEBO Hea ANA | Shrinkage and | aH AGE EFL PR aK Expansion in Oiwel n/m ey 4 4 men i" BM, 1997 7A First Eaton, 1997.7 pana as TRIOTRS [API 7RAALAA A aAl| Temperatures for API JZ 1984—SiAPL ARMA! itDABpAvIRRUB [Cement Operating | sy CEA LER. BLE BAG, 1999 4 5 9 [Thickening Time Tests |r ep 55 7 SEREZE 108 of APL First edition, 1999.5 PERI E PT SESH. ECL (RAAT EE LUSTRE | $8, FUR KEGE TIF FL SPRL EAERAEROR ERaFER Worldwide Cementing) i OJ. %— SHAD B Ni, 1991 4, 2000) Practices GSP. RS, TART 2210 ABA First Edition, 1991 Sl, ABI (SESE. RR Reatfmed, 2000.0 | acre Cin. Ze iRARBE AE) CUE. tar te —| | HAG, MAL a ART LBL A BABY [s. 3 465 HL l ASL. AP [spec 78 [FWHM AMR interalCombuston |i TMEABA, TEMA] jc lsazann Reciprocating Engines] 32) fk Be BLEEK) |MSAUNE. 1994 % 11 AfOrOMMField Service bets my 7 g0HMeL RE. Anil 1 EL, 2000 4% 1 Fatuia|Mnth Eton, WS00-11.1" Ur gy 3 CE PReaffrmed, 20001 Nay fe me BK BLE hy. BAe ASE a Hg meetin aReeE Atk. 3H 13 He - IRPTC—1iF [AMARA BELA. Installation, [-REKAGE, BRERA] se arorOHR IE \Maintonance, and x. 92 2 L4E-&- FEE ULAR BTN, 1994 46.11 Operation ole ay, ace. AFL. AFA [1 EL, 2000 4 1 RawiaytemalCombuston Fant tbs yt imam. HE itt eaon, 1904.11.1, (CIRARERITIRDL. 38 17 H- \Reaffirmed, 2000.1SOGWES Pl HEAR RPTAR [RHROMPMEM [care and Use of XWHEMES. SHARIA 0M, 20004 6 fF [Subsurface Pumps — ah ysse se HAL, JE MB |5188-1997 Fourth Edtion, 20006 emai ASIASRE. [ror Spec T1AX [FFRIEMARALACH [Subsurface Sucker Rod| iii FAIL 4 Mee ER \a5-+H, 1996 4 3 9,|Pumps and Fittings — jaR-AVerstH. det YALA R| EE: 1996 46 10 [Tenth Edton, 19963 f-gek gai a aR PE A S18 Frece,, OE eT A ene M. (Le ease ha. Anat _ eee FL Spec th [RAAF Sucker Rods eee AORTA FEAR | lat -F RK, 1998 2 1|Twentysixh — Eion| arse, Rime RRS, (KR FA, RE 1998 ep 7/1998.4 PURE AKL APT RAR OE] 1A [Effective Date: 1998.7.1 WA. 3658 H. RPTIBR [}anETEOAEPEOREE Care and Handing off KH, GE. = FMnMIST B/G, 1989 *F 10 FA]Sucker Rods AFH. 3618 He 15643-1995 CAXSY/APL RPK EE, 5810 i 1992) (fads 1991 4ncludes, Supplement ra eeiab sect 10! 817) Spec iE [aaa Pumping Units oR Ae aE. BB+ CAR, 1994 4F 11) Seronteenh Edition) 5 61 7. Bay et A eat, 2001 RPHER RAIA [Guarding of Pumping| fink alain weit, BLGAI|SY/T 38H, 1990 & 1 j3 1/Units venbe-etii. £17. — |esis-2001 | FY ANST/APL vend Eon, 10.1 kav ~ 1992) ated "001.71 1990 Re RPG (RAST [install and) - HH RRR eee [aePOKR, 1994 4 11 A Lubrication of Pumpinglas Ayia. 3k 8 IE. aaa sj fn 2000 41 A in Econ, 1994.11.1 L |Reaffirmed, 2000.1. [Spec IW Shr AOE ike independent Wellhead #27 HE Ry Mahe Ly UI] 38—H, 2000 4 6 AA [Equipment Hy Ae 7 A I BR BY A First edition, 20006 lig aay it. 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BAe, 1989 4 11 A |B8S Production) jr ua, FisGH ANA FEAL. 1999 9 A $e 83 Fe Second Edition, 1989.11 C API/ANSI_ MP —)Reafimed, 1999.9 1992) . RPUPGT ERAMALEH [Packaged Combustion|/i Foi Laci LAE Trl Ih—Aa, 1992 4 5 Fas Turbines 19, ATARI Baa 1999 2.9 AawiA — FStERion, 1992.5 Is ae ey tft ee IRF Reaffimed, 20001 py RNRRIRSER. J 73 Te (RP 11S. ERR RPL HEA |The Operation, Fi avi HAR HASHES ww A |GB/T Face Maintenance and] yb ae st CARE. HEAPAMAR| 17387-1998 R=, 1904 %E 11 fA|lroubleshooting oar He) . $18 HL. — |IDT EL, 2000 % 1 Er cae 1994 AEE [Third Edition, 1994.11 \Reaffirmed, 2000.1 IRP 1184 7 RBS (Electrical Submersible) Hz 2% — #+ 9 vj 4 3 HW 3 Hs 2¢|GB/T » 1997 49 Ay Pump Teardowr nope Hs. $636 HE 17390-1998 eae 1997 4 12 Third Editon, rT 15H CANSI/APL eee oa 1995 SEHEMME PARR 12000 #2 ARIA “fuisi=1998) T T To (RP 1182 BRR [Electric Submersible BRM MAA. 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Hi Tenth Edition, 199 4.11 " wy 2000 4 5 AIA peamator LANE ROM EL. Bib Pelt i 22 he |RAAMPS AP HMO RMS Spec 12F [AIF 88 7E5% HATZ | Shop Welded Tanks for] “EP Tel 48 ROE EHD | TLHsBA NAR [Storage of Production| a0 3500 ab CHM FA, | B+—F, 1904 4 11 | Ligulds SET, BAC, HL, AA, 20002 5 Aaaia |Eovenh Enon e411) cr mma enemMEUEE AL, Bh “ UMERER, 22K. ‘Spec f2GDU REAR | Cycollype Gas | (HANA ET RA aE Dehydration Units | ya kMUT HZ. —RACAR —M, 1990 4 12 FA Fst Eaton, 1990.12.15 |e see. ES Hi 15 B, 19994 9 Aa | Reames, 19999 eros rimM AR. 48 WC ANSI/API| ANAT PRE RB: Specl2GDU-1992) FR, COMA AE | AEST AAPLER. ZN . LIBR, HR ZMH ZN. | ZIRE TAME) AH. 339 i [Spec 20 | RSE Olland Gas Separators [iP RRMA TDS Sf, 1989 AE 10 Fl] Sven Edin, 1989.10. | fat — 4 — Ak SHR BHT Et 1 BL, 1989 4 © Af] Reafimed 989.9 | is 40-T Hay RE ANST/AP Sk, RAS eee EP | 992) LSM Z OH RE 23H. [Spec 12K |(@}RstA MMI [Indirect Type Oi-Field] {Ae LhAeP RAMI Bek | SB— Wi, 1989 4 6 [Heaters ARSENE. 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ABARAUT SE EN, 1995 46 6 [Drilling Fluids SA. $28 18 Third Edition, 1995.6. TERIAL Pa COE HK. 19K [RPIGE | SeARIRAATI TWIT [Shale Shaker Screen |m=ne, 1995 4 5 [Cloth Designation 18 Third Eton, 1999.6.1 RP 13 3G 35 HTH MAL | Standard Procedure for| HLA AVAL T Hs MATT | SVT RE. Laboratory Testing| ky. (EE AEA NEHA | 5804-93 S86, 2000 4 5 59 |Driling Fluids DEANS 70 He |EQV BAM, 200045 8 Sith Elion, 2000 5 HF OAAEM. 3 10K ow [RP 130 [BEE G KA wat [Testing of Heavy Brines | ji} F TSAO FE eH IH FBIM, 1996 4 3 FA |Seoond Edion, 1996.3 | i 98 bk Bk ak ORT | PRE. BR T wt Berkieer hi. $16 He. ak [EMERGE [Chemical Araya of fe sri area ab [SVT BoIG, 1996 4 2 7 |Barite nog IK My | 6240-1996 |Second Edition, 1996.2 3625 He EQVRAAWES PL MARAE (includes “Errata dated L 1998.4) | L LES (SpectaA [2k "SEeSiiG EA [Specification for 1 | a8 Subsurface safety valve| j | F-82000 4 11 A, |eauipment IEA MTA. IRE, 5 | Tenth Editon, 2000.11 AMA M2001 55 Fle ive Dat, 20015.15 lwamaorseinien in 158 RF» 19 1s0 104s2:1999__|"'S0 10821889) eid _ | [RPS [TRS M RA |Design, instalation lea saigvy it MARAE, 2 GRIeAk| SYTI0028 bt. SME, 4 FNAB | repair and operation of | > pay ze 5 wy HE TERE GE] -1998 ff subsurface safety valve) a: au ig 6 Seba, skey IDT | Fea, 1994 FE 7 ALS on 19047 |e AF Se DR BH AS AD] 1994 BR | | (8.46 1996 FHHFR| includes Errata dated| ScSMIM. 423 4), 1996.6) — RPC [SESPRORMR Analyse, — design ie Lar ES Lome a] SYTIOOS SRASHAT. iB. jinstallation and tasting |e ig iy, sete anit HR) -2000 RAIL of basic surface safety | iia ar BRS) | IDT FT 200 etry | EIR EAIONE. 198 Seventh Editon, 2001.3" | HE 4 StH fz | FF. $4 110 pec (LEAR AMAR Analysis, design ie ge errrrr rs) SRRWIMT Installation and testing|is;, aa isteia aise, Fat] See ane ee yA EAM, 30 bd va. | Production platfoms -|"O¥O% BEL sla at | #6 ik, 1999 # electronic format LER HE RAUL RSE. ‘Sixth Edition, 1989 _ _ Design and Installation ie give Lei 65 TBF SY/T Ho F 5 ete ier soe 5 See RABE i HAE 4809-1992 TCL De gies ne ane | F6 FE rete, oot | HR, ACTA AE 190 A AR. CANSI/APL RPI Reatimmed, 20006 RBI» ARICA, MULE, 148-1992 ) 5ERARE RASS — RE | ie8, REALE | HEL. 361 _ Ria | HEASMBRAF [Design and instalation je 4:7 Fy Swe wR S| SY/TIOOIO Bibs lol Electrical Systems 3-22 seis RAR AE HK. 145] 1996 i — Bsn = Haw [er Offshore Production nox i aE 38 |IDT BRRRTSRR CNet, 9006 | MCMLAME, MabbL. AIK AF. | 1994 He AWK, 1999-46 A eR, WRG RAR Re BIL.RMAMES PMO RE RPMs RFPS EEA |Fire Prevention and OAS) Control on Open Type: 39,1993 4 12 A, ge Production | [Patton 2000 6 ASME Tia Editon, 1990.12 Reafirmed, 2000.6 ik FE ETDS REED BATS 8 AR LEA REHAB RH. | SHEDS OLE EERE, DLE] 4810-1992 AE. Rll] IDT BE BaD ArH] 1993 RUA TAME DAR) SB Ul. AREAS AER See KRHA | ee AOR [rte FS, FAA LH PR aK FR Ea} « RRERKYT 6 EB SAE, rt, ARDS je AEA ABA TIL. | |syir ee Analysis for Offshore 1, 1993 49 91 [Production Facilities ws fe |First Elton, 19939.1 DIAS: Beer ANE Rea LRA Ee Sw |installaton, fea en 3 KF SR WAT RUE H, mance andlanin ar, 2c, RAR SEI] BRS alt Sutce lag, 3 16 Safety Valves and |# 486, 1994 7 Al naerwater Safety! | lia (hte 1996, #9 Valves Offshore | 7 23 BRK HR | Fouts Editon, 19947.1 4) ani ___ RPI) [ESP RMD [Design and Heads) Pamw me. wit sit a Be MC = Be sR TET te RR kA. Fh 88H 5) ET SLAP se) MRT LER, KISH) HA APL apis) RRR, APIA 3 PE ML AD wi Se | | 1 [Spec 1SHR | AERIS SR High Pressure KF 1000 ayaa |SYT | mE Fiberglass Line Pipe | HePLRE ALLE, tee wt | 6267-1996 5 2K, 1995 4 4 Al) Second Edton, 1905.41 [FEHR Rol Bethea. |!PT 18, te 1998 4 7] '3¢.29 5 L A208 RE. in |Spec SLE |¥&Zi (PE) | polyethylene (PE) Lit % st Pipe APLAR. ARO 1 3 He, 1995 5 4 A Thi Elton, 1995.4.1 | RAR ZEST HME. PY | 18 | aR. BN, WRIA ARH. 5 __ Spec SLR [ERR EE Low Baw 0] SYT 18938 berglass Line Pipe | 3FUk Fisk (tase HE #8 | 6266-1996 [Spec 15LT |ERLZAR (PVC) TB pvc Lined Stel Bom, 1990449 A Edition, 1990.9 #238 (ANSI/API Spec} 15LT~ 1993) Tubular Goods First Edition, 1993.4 HERE, BBE 10, 000psi. 3% 29 K BD ath He. He24 H, Parra bet eee 1) PVC See ahah te 3 |IDT
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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John Adams
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John Adams
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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