Lehe 102
Lehe 102
Lehe 102
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and safe food needs to be prepared and catered. This requires expertise
which can be achieved through appropriate training. With increasing
tourism, interest in ethnic foods and cuisinology, there is demand for
qualified persons.
However, availability of foods with varying shelf life is not enough. Safety
of the foods is crucial. ‘Safety culture’ of any organisation is important, be
it food processing/manufacturing/catering industry. Indian government
therefore has introduced several legislations and standards of food safety
from time to time. Ensuring that all consumers have access to safe, good
quality food, will require persons trained in food quality and safety.
The five areas dealt in this Unit will acquaint you with basic concepts
in each of these areas, give you insights about the professions and the
knowledge and skills you need to acquire for each of these.
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Clinical Nutrition
and Dietetics
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, the learner will be able to:
zz understand and describe the significance and scope of clinical
nutrition and dietetics.
zz describe the role and function of a dietitian/clinical nutritionist/
medical nutrition therapist.
zz explain the knowledge and skills required for a career in clinical
nutrition and dietetics.
Nutrition is the science of food, nutrients and other substances as well as
their digestion, absorption and utilisation by the body. Nutrition is also
concerned with the social, psychological and economic aspects of food and
eating. It is well known that optimum nutrition is important for providing
immunity and protection from infection, and to promote recovery from a
variety of illnesses as well as managing chronic diseases. When nutrient
intakes are inadequate, the body has difficulty in maintaining immune
defences, healing wounds, utilising medications, supporting organ
functions. Such persons may fall victims to additional complications.
Nutrition is also important in disease states. In some diseases, nutrition
plays a major role in management and treatment, and for some it
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Nutrition Therapy.
Nutritional care has gained importance worldwide, more so in recent times.
Health problems/illness/disease and their treatment can affect nutritional
status in a variety of ways: by impairing a person’s ability to eat and/or
swallow, by interfering with digestion, absorption and metabolism as well
as excretion. Even if one function is initially affected, in some individuals,
if the health problem intensifies, other body functions may be affected.
Clinical nutrition focusses on the nutritional management of patients with
established disease.
It must be borne in mind that function of any organ/tissue/system
of the body can be affected due to disease, which can lead to minor and
acute to major and sometimes, chronic or long lasting problems. In all
these conditions, it is important to ensure that the person is adequately
nourished and the person who delivers this service is a trained dietitian/
medical nutrition therapist/clinical nutritionist. The professional clinical
nutritionist/dietitian uses a systematic and logical approach to the
nutrition care process, focussing on each person/patient’s unique needs
and addresses them in an individualistic and holistic manner. The patient
is the primary focus of the nutritional care process.
The 20th and 21st centuries have witnessed tremendous advances in
the field of medicine and pharmacology, enabling us to control many
communicable and infectious diseases. However, newer diseases such
as HIV/AIDS have emerged. Prevalence of non-communicable diseases
such as obesity, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes is not only
increasing, but these are occurring at a much younger age. In fact,
India is likely to be the diabetes ‘capital’ of the world. Further, older
persons require special attention. Thus, the proportion of population
which requiresnutritional care, support and diet counseling is increasing.
The clinical nutritionist/medical nutrition therapist plays an important
role in preventionof diseases and promotion of good health, besides
recommending therapeutic diets for management of various diseases.
New scientific knowledge is being generated about physiological and
metabolic disturbances in chronic and acute diseases; newer methods of
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Basic Concepts
The dietitian/ medical nutrition therapist’s role is to provide advice and
translate technical information into dietary guidelines. They provide advice
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cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, burns, metabolic disorders, including
diabetes, and kidney, liver, and pancreatic disorders. Patients who are to
undergo surgery also need pre and post operative nutritional intervention/
support. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, therefore, is concerned with nutritional
requirements of patients suffering from different diseases and prescribing the
right type of diet for them. The objectives of diet therapy are:
(i) promotion of recovery formulation of the diet to meet the needs of
the patient taking into consideration her or his food habits.
(ii) modification of the existing diets to ameliorate the disease condition
and to keep it under control;
(iii) correction of nutritional deficiencies; if any
(iv) prevention of short-term and long-term complications in case of
chronic diseases;
(v) education and counselling of the patient regarding the need to
adhere to the prescribed diet.
A dietitian also needs to look at the effect of illness on food acceptance and
utilisation. Some of the factors that are considered include (a) nutritional
stress (b) psychological stress (c) effect of illness on food acceptance and
(d) acceptability of modified therapeutic diets.
Thus, Nutritional care during illness is an organised group of activities and
consists of :
zz Assessing nutritional status
zz Diagnosis of nutritional problems
zz Planning and prioritising nutrition intervention(s) to meet
nutritional needs
zz Monitoring and evaluating nutritional care outcomes and making
changes if necessary.
The nutritional care process is applied to individuals or groups in any
setting from healthy persons who are clients of fitness/wellness centres/
programmes, pregnant women, elderly persons, persons being treated for
illness in private physicians’ clinics to hospitalised patients, regardless of
whether they are in municipal, government, charitable or private hospitals.
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Both normal and therapeutic diets are planned to maintain or restore
good nutrition in the individual. This is done by the medical nutrition
therapist/dietitian taking into account the food pattern and frequency of
intake of different types of food, diagnosis of disease and prescription given
by the doctor, the health status and physical condition including ability
to eat, chew, swallow, digest and absorb the food eaten, feeling of hunger,
physical activity and life style, dietary and other supplements consumed,
cultural/ethnic practices and religious beliefs.
Let us get acquainted with some basic terms used by clinical nutritionists
and dietitians.
Types of Diets : Any nutritional care plan involves providing for adequate
intake of all nutrients vis-à-vis the requirements based on age, sex,
physiological state, occupation and health status.
zz A standard, normal or regular diet is one that includes all groups of
foods and meets the needs of healthy individuals. However, in the
hospitals a regular diet would be low in fried fatty foods, sweets,
spices and condiments.
zz Modified diets are those that are adjusted to meet the medical
needs of a patient, which may involve one or more of the following:
(1) change in consistency and/or texture (e.g., fluid and soft diets),
(2) an increase or decrease in the energy intake, (3) include greater
or lesser amounts of one or more nutrients e.g., increase in protein
intake in case of surgery, lower protein intake in case of kidney
failure, high or low in fibre, lower fat intake, restriction in sodium
intake, restriction in fluid intake, restricted intake of certain foods as
these may be rich in a non-nutritive dietary constituent e.g., spinach,
because spinach is rich in oxalates, and (4) change in the number
of meals, or modification in intervals of feeding or special plan for
patients when route of feeding is altered.
Changes in Consistency: Depending on the condition, patients may be
advised liquid, soft or regular diet (i) Liquid diets are primarily fluid in
consistency at room temperature. Also known as full fluid diets, these
include foods which are free from fibre and are nutritionally adequate. The
advantage is that the nutrients are easily absorbed if the gastrointestinal
tract is functioning normally. Such a diet is advised for persons who are
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clear liquid diet, which is even more thin in consistency, e.g., clear soups
or juices (without pulp), very light tea, etc. Clear liquid diet is prescribed
just after surgery. However, the limitation is that it is not easy to meet the
nutritional requirements of the person completely. (ii) Soft diets provide
semi-solid foods that are lightly seasoned, do not contain much fibrous
or gas forming foods. Such diets are easy to chew and digest. Examples
of foods included in soft diets are khichdi, sago kheer, etc. Foods included
should minimise the risk of indigestion, abdominal distention, nausea,
cramping or any other gastrointestinal problems.
There are certain modifications we make even for normal adults in
the older age group. This is called mechanical soft diet which includes
soft, mashed and pureed foods for the elderly with problems in chewing.
A soft diet, on the other hand, is a therapeutic modification. It is soft
in consistency and includes only simple, easily digestible food with no
harsh fibre, high fat or spicy foods. Such diets are given when rest to the
digestive system is recommended.
Feeding Routes: The best and most preferred way / route for feeding
the patient is orally or by mouth. However, there are patients who may
not be able to chew or swallow e.g., if the person is unconscious or if
there is a problem with the esophagus. For such individuals there are two
options (a) tube feeding which is introdussed through the nose into the
stomach or (b) intravenous feeding. In tube feeding, nutritionally complete
feeds are delivered through a tube. These are preferred over intravenous
feeding which is introduced through the nose into the stomach as long
as the gastrointestinal tract is functional and the person is able to digest
and absorb whatever is fed. Intravenous feeding means that the patient is
nourished with special solutions which are given through a drip in a vein.
Prevention of Chronic Diseases: Besides being important for persons
with disease, diet and good nutrition (as well as a healthy lifestyle) can
control and delay the age of onset of chronic diseases. The foods we
consume today, especially processed foods, contain many additives, are
high in fat and/or sugar, often are prepared from highly refined foods and
are therefore low in fibre and many other important constituents which
confer health benefits. This is why we need help in making appropriate
Can you identify the types of changes that have occurred in the diets
of urban Indians over the past decade? It is seen that fat consumption has
increased, refined sugar consumption has increased. There is a reduced
intake of fibre as well as several vitamins and minerals. In non-vegetarian
38 populations, consumption of animal protein has also increased.
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rich fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, possibly low calcium intakes,
less physical activity as well as stress are associated with increased risk of
hypertension (high blood pressure).
Clinical nutritionists can play a very important role in preventing
development of such problems by providing appropriate diet counselling
and guidance. They can also be appointed for guidance to various groups
such as schools and colleges, etc.
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satisfying career as a dietitian, diet counsellor, teacher, researcher or
corporate consultant. The primary career and wellness possibilities in this
field include becoming a dietitian, diet counsellor or clinical nutritionist
engaged in research and/or teaching. Besides this, clinical nutritionists also
have career opportunities in the food industry, research and development
(R&D) and production of medical foods, nutraceuticals, tube feeds, various
types of nutritional support formulations or functional foods.
If you have a keen interest in improving the way in which we use food
to control, prevent and treat disease conditions, clinical nutrition and
dietetics is the field you should choose. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics has
a promising future. While most of us have an idea of the role of dietitians
and diet counsellors, we may not be aware that there is expanding scope
for research into the physiological and psychosocial changes brought
about by disease conditions. The relevance of nutritional considerations
in preventing, treating and curing different types of disease conditions is
being increasingly accepted. Research has led to the development of drugs
and nutritional supplements, rehabilitation of patients in community
settings; development of dietary guidelines and nutrition education.
Further, clinical nutritionist can have a role in delineation of public
policy, in designing and implementing preventive and promotive nutrition
programmes to tackle nutritional deficiency disorders. You could expect
jobs as a dietitian in hospitals/ clinics, wellness centre, gyms, slimming
clinics with consultants, teacher / faculty in a university or college,
researcher in medical research establishments and nutrition research
laboratories, consultant in companies developing therapeutic foods and
supplements, food service manager/ provider in hospitals etc. You can
also work as a freelancer, diet consultant or dietitian running your own
Career Avenues:
zz Dietitians with consultants/physicians, in health clubs or
zz Dietitians in hospitals including speciality departments; a key
member to provide nutrition support in the healthcare team
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Key Terms
Dietetics, clinical nutrition, dietary modification, therapeutic diets,
dietitian, nutrition counselling.
Review Questions
Practical 1
Theme: Modification of a normal diet to soft diet for elderly person.
Tasks: 1. Interviewing and recording of one day’s diet / food intake
for an adult,
2. Assessing the diet to determine whether it is nutritionally
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concepts of diet modification for a specific purpose and the importance
of providing a well-balanced, nutritious diet, keeping in mind the age, sex
and health status of the individual. It will also give them an opportunity to
interview a person and recording diet intake.
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* Note any additional ingredients added e.g., sugar to milk, ghee on chapati
or rice, supplement in milk, sugar or jaggery or honey eaten with bread or
chapati, etc.
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Pulses and Legumes 2– 3
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