Literature Review On Power Generation

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Writing a literature review on power generation can be an arduous task, requiring extensive research,

analysis, and synthesis of existing literature. It involves delving into numerous academic papers,
journals, books, and other sources to gather relevant information and insights on the topic.

The process of conducting a literature review involves several challenges, including:

1. Information Overload: With the abundance of literature available on power generation, it

can be overwhelming to sift through the vast amount of information to find the most relevant
and credible sources.
2. Synthesis of Information: Once the relevant literature is identified, synthesizing the
information from various sources into a cohesive narrative can be challenging. It requires
critical thinking and analytical skills to analyze the findings and draw meaningful
3. Critical Evaluation: Assessing the quality and reliability of the literature is crucial in
ensuring the credibility of the literature review. This involves evaluating the methodology,
research design, and validity of the studies cited.
4. Time-Consuming: Writing a literature review is a time-consuming process that requires
careful planning and organization. It involves reading and summarizing numerous sources,
which can take weeks or even months to complete.

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The wave energy project is impacted by these factors as well. Secondly, some scholars have explored
the environmentally sustainable performance of power systems in the context of energy policy
changes. Finally, in terms of the geographical distribution of research on the performance evaluation
of power systems, future research should focus on the sustainable development of power systems in
underdeveloped regions such as Africa. Proposal for the utilization of waste energy of foot power
with human. Nithiyesh Kumar, K.Gowtham, M.Manikandan, P.Bharathkanna, T. Power has turned
into help for the human population nowadays. The intangible cost in the OPEX uses the flexible cost
methods and then precisely obtains the total value of the cost. Finally, A total of 105 articles over the
last 20 years are collected. 2.3 Screening Tranfield et al. (2003) point out that the output of the
literature searching should be a complete list of articles that is the basis of the literature review. The
CAPEX can only be recovered through accumulated depreciation. Therefore, future research needs
to weigh the influence of the OPEX per AEP on the LCOE with different investment models. The
main aim of this project is to develop much cleaner cost effective way of. The marketplace, based on
cost and performance, will determine which technologies are commercialized along with government
policies that at a minimum do not hinder their introduction, and-at a maximum-may encourage more
rapid and successful introduction. The three testing locations, Bora Bora (France), Maldives, and
Lanzarote (Spain), were used to calculate the LCOE. This paper presents not only a holistic and
systematic literature review to fully understand the current research status on the power system
performance evaluation, but it also provides some critical inspiration and discussion for future
research on the performance evaluation of the power system. The first dimension of sustainability is
about the environment. LEDs.The output power is expected to be 3 to 4V in prototype.
Implementing this system, we can easily reduce our dependency on the conventional. The changing
results show that the alternative technologies gain a competitive cost in the future. The
microcontroller in the monitoring system able to work with the harvested power of 279mW per hour.
Compared with other energy industries, the LCOE for wave energy has congenital assumption
defects. Performance comparison of the capture width ratio of different WECs. Especially, in order
to explore the sustainable transformation and development of clean energy system from
sustainability perspectives, performance evaluation of clean energy system is becoming a world
research upsurge. FIGURE 6 FIGURE 6. Distribution of the evaluation framework. 3.1 Evaluation
Framework With a Single Sustainability Dimension 3.1.1 Single Environment Sustainability About
9% of the articles adopt a single environmental sustainability evaluation framework.
Nonconventional energy using footstep is converting mechanical energy into Electrical Energy.
TABLE 7 TABLE 7. Summary of environmental sustainability indicators. Energy Harvesting on
Footsteps Using Piezoelectric based on Circuit LCT3588 a. Therefore, we screen those articles that
meet all the inclusion criteria specified in the review protocol ( Milanesi et al., 2020 ). More than one
author conducts this stage of this systematic review because whether articles should be included or
excluded is relatively subjective. Piezoelectric materials have a crystalline structure that they can
convert vibrations into electrical energy and is vice-versa. In addition, some articles add to the
traditional TBL framework by considering other dimensions such as Resources, Markets, Politics and
Corporate Governance, etc. Almost all of the articles deal with the environmental aspects, which
shows that the environmental sustainability caused by power systems have attracted the attention of
the vast majority of scholars.
The journal aims to present to the international community important. Our project model cost is
effective and easy to implement and also it is green and not harmful to the environment. The change
in the discount rate will cause a great difference in the results of the cost appraisal. Goodland (1995)
puts forward the term environmental sustainability to refer to protecting human well-being by
conserving natural resources and ensuring that the capacity to deal sustainably with human waste
products is not exceeded. The annual present value of energy production is divided by the difference
between the present value of cumulated revenues flows and the total cumulated costs. You’re
guaranteed smooth cooperation with a writing service expert who matches the requirements for your
literature review. About 82% of the articles are based on the evaluation framework with multiple
sustainability dimensions. Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from
MDPI journals. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. In essence, the length of years
of OPEX levelized by AEP in scene 1 and scene 2 is less than 50 years. Gallego Carrera and Mack
(2010) evaluate the social sustainability of energy technologies from stakeholders’ perspectives by
applying some social indicators, such as security and reliability of energy supply, political stability
and legitimacy, social and personal risk and quality of life. 3.2 Evaluation Framework With Multiple
Sustainability Dimensions 3.2.1 Traditional Triple Bottom Line About 21% of the selected articles
are based on the Triple Bottom Line. FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2. PRISMA flow chart. Eighty-eight
articles are finally identified as shown in Figure 3. Performance comparison of the capture width
ratio of different WECs. This paper illustrates a method for harvesting this human locomotion
energy with the use of piezoelectric sensor and demonstrates an application with the stored energy
i.e. to charge a mobile phone securely using RFID. The similarity score of your literature overview
will be low if you use our writing service. Due to linear assumptions with actual equal proportions of
OPEX changing, the OPEXs per AEP in scene 1 and scene 2 are not varied. According to the
LCOE’s original definition, the present value of cumulated revenue flows just compensate for the
present value of total cumulated costs at the break-even point. Accordingly, it is an objective of the
present invention to provide a method of electrical power generation from this ever-increasing
human population that does not negatively impact the environment. The results show that the multi-
axis series structure WECs (three-DOF WEC and six-DOF WEC) developed by the research team
from Lancaster University have an obvious technical performance advantage among the point
absorber, attenuator, terminator, OWC, OWEC, and MDWEC. To sum up, this paper put forward a
systematic methodology, namely “Planning-Searching-Screening-Reporting-Reflecting” (PSSRR
Cycle), to review the articles on power system’s performance evaluation from a sustainable
perspective. In the process of arraying the devices and operation of the WEC, the scale effect cannot
be ignored, which can reduce the LCOE. Paun (2017) also employs some financial indicators such
as ROE and ROA to evaluate the economic sustainability performance of the renewable energy
sector in Romania. This framework additionally has the ability to store the electrical force away
battery. In contrast, the optimization of business activities and management policies will reduce the
part costs of CAPEX and OPEX. Finally, after literature screening, the remaining 88 articles on the
power system’s performance evaluation are listed in an Excel workbook, which records all papers’
data in detail. DEA methods are also often used in conjunction with statistical methods, such as
Slacks-Based Measure (SBM) analysis ( Chai et al., 2019 ) and Tobit regression analysis ( Bang et
al., 2019 ). The summary of the use of DEA methods is shown in Table 12. In addition, some scholars
have explored the environmental sustainability performance of power system under certain energy
technologies. You can purchase the reference book bundled with the study guide for your exam.
Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Step 6: The generator attached to the
intermediate will obtain the rotating motion.
Chapter-III: Benefits (Justify the societal and ethical aspects). Which itself is an achievement to
make it significant. Wave energy has not yet been able to break into the commercial marketplace as
currently, cost is a major barrier. ECE Dept., Dr.MVSIT Footstep Power Generation System 6. As a
result, investors know why they should spend money, how to spend money, and what to spend
money on. Firstly, regarding the evaluation framework, the Triple Bottom Line theory is the most
commonly used theoretical framework for evaluating the performance of power systems from a
sustainability perspective. For example, Zhang (2019) and Kaygusuz (2011) discuss the
environmental sustainability performance of the power system in the circumstances of energy policy
changes in China and Turkey. The working of footstep power generation system involves. Although
there are some fluctuations, it is clear that academic interest in this issue has increased rapidly over
the last few years. ECE Dept., Dr.MVSIT Footstep Power Generation System. Classification and
frequency of technical sustainability indicators. 4.5 Other Sustainability Indicators According to the
previous Section 3, there are some other sustainability dimensions in addition to environmental,
social, economic, and technical sustainability dimensions. In this project the simple drive mechanism
such as rack. However, I am thoroughly satisfied with the work of expert. ECE Dept., Dr.MVSIT
Footstep Power Generation System 2. However, this is difficult to factor in because the technology is
always advancing and is becoming costlier. Especially, sharing common components are used to the
WEC and operation of wave project, these total purchase prices are considered as the element costs.
It is our Privilege to thanks Dr. TEJINDERPAL SINGH, Hod, Department. We would like to thanks
our friends for being supportive all the time, and we. For instance, the incidence of the repair of
buoy, repair of generator, replacement, etc., and thus, the OPEX in the multi-step investment
program, will gradually decrease. TABLE 5 TABLE 5. Summary of these articles using the SBSC.
3.2.4 Combination of Different Sustainability Dimensions In this section, many articles assess the
performance of power systems by relatively freely choosing an appropriate evaluation framework
with a combination of different sustainability dimensions. Since the 1980s, environmental issues
have become crucial to global sustainable development. SBSC will vigorously promote sustainable
performance evaluation and management practices in power systems. It should be noted that the
difficulty of the SBSC lies in how to integrate the triple bottom line with the traditional BSC, which
has two solution pathways requiring more rigorous theoretical and practical exploration. After all,
there are some homologies on business activities and technological application when different
primary energies generate electronic power output. The discount rate represents the profitable
judgement and investment attitude of stakeholders. Download Free PDF View PDF PV-wind hybrid
system: A review with case study ABOUT THE AUTHORS Dr Yashwant Sawle Renewable energy
systems are likely to become widespread in the future due to adverse environmental impacts and
escalation in energy costs linked with the exercise of established energy sources. The creation of new
source of perennial environmentally acceptable, low. The use of boost converter is to increase the
level of voltage ranges about 12V and is stored in a 12V battery. Gout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition
Disease (GUCDD). This paper examines the viability of wave energy technologies, which is a critical
factor for the LCOE of wave energy; furthermore, the form of investment in the wave energy project
is also important when calculating the LCOE. When the CAPEX at year t is finished, the AEP
simultaneously increases with the linear times.
Current research has placed more emphasis on environmental and economic sustainability indicators
while neglecting social sustainability indicators. As shown in Table 6, few articles deal with the social
dimension in the combination of the different sustainability dimensions, while almost every article
concerns environmental sustainability. On the one hand, the interest rate should be grouped with the
inflation rate, which is to compensate economic losses out of currency policy, etc., when the inflation
occurs; on the other hand, the discount rate should exclude the inflation rate to describe the future
value converted into the present value in project. Economic Impact Analysis of Wave Energy: Phase
One; Oregon Wave Energy Trust: Portland, OR, USA, 2009; Available online: (accessed on 2 July
2022). Klure, J.; Dragoon, K.; King, J.; Reikard, G.; Ventures, P.E. Wave Energy Utility Integration:
Advanced Resource Characterization and Integration Costs and Issues. Section 7 draws conclusions
from the above discussion and highlights some considerations for the application of wave energy in
the future. 2. Literature Review The LCOE calculation of the unit cost of energy can provide a
useful comparative measure between projects and technologies or alternative sources of energy. We
would like to thanks our friends for being supportive all the time, and we. So, a multi-step
investment model should be considered when measuring performances of LCOEs. There are many
definitions of sustainability, among which one of the most widely accepted preliminary definitions
was presented in the 1987 United Nations report “Our Common Future,” namely, “development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs” ( WCED, 1987 ). The footstep arrangement is used to generate the electric power. Its
OPEX and AEP without discount occur every year with five times the original data. The rest of the
paper is organized as follows with Section 2 spelling out a new systematic literature review
methodology. On the other hand, human population all over the world and hence energy demand is
increasing day by day linearly. A DEA Analysis of Listed Companies in Thermal Power Sector. It is
good to calculate the CAPEX because it is close to market value and overcomes the lack of cost data
to some degree. (2) Flexible cost Although the flexible cost varies with the volume of production or
business, the unit cost (price) is unchanged. A Review of the Levelized Cost of Wave Energy Based
on a Techno-Economic Model. Energies. 2023; 16(5):2144. Starting is the hardest thing, especially if
it’s a literature review. Sheth et al. (2011) identify two different aspects of the economic dimension of
sustainability, i.e., traditional financial performance and external economic benefits. In fact, the
breakdown of wave energy cost may generally be conducted in a similar manner, but the measurable
cost element of the cost centers can change under different assumptions. There are two types of PV
system, which are grid connected and standalone systems. In the grid connected photovoltaic system
(GCPV), PV generator supplies power to the grid, whether or not the whole or a portion of the
generated energy will be used to supply load demands. During the searching stage of this study, we
make literature searching from Emerald, ELSEVIER Science Direct, SpringerLink, SCOPUS, JSTOR
and Google Scholar, et al. These properties allows the material to function as a power harvesting
medium. The results imply that there is a U-shaped relationship between LCOE and CAPEX. Visit
our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. The use of boost converter is to
increase the level of voltage ranges about 12V and is stored in a 12V battery. The investment risk
impacts the discount rate and pay-back. In this paper, piezoelectric crystals were used as a medium.
The movement of the prevailing shaft turn the gearbox. Considering the principles of consistency and
simplicity, the comparison is based on the method of present value of the future value of compound
interest. These social sustainability indicators show the issues that directly or indirectly affect the
human and society. Especially, the investment mode of the wave energy project has not been
discussed in previous reviews.
The model of the half-discounted cost of energy ( HDCE ) is shown as the Equation (2).
Piezoelectricity refers to the ability of some materials to generate an electric potential in response to
applied pressure. Power gener numerous energy resources are produced and wasted. There are many
definitions of sustainability, among which one of the most widely accepted preliminary definitions
was presented in the 1987 United Nations report “Our Common Future,” namely, “development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs” ( WCED, 1987 ). Finally, after literature screening, the remaining 88 articles on the
power system’s performance evaluation are listed in an Excel workbook, which records all papers’
data in detail. Your order will be completed by a writing expert who is ready to evidence originality
with reliable plagiarism-checking results. Even inadvertent content matching with some literature
piece won’t be there in the text written by professionals. FIGURE 9 FIGURE 9. Classification and
frequency of social sustainability indicators. 4.4 Technical Sustainability Indicators According to the
indicators used in our selected articles, the technology sustainability indicators consist of 10
categories, as shown in Table 10. Click here to see a listing of all chapter titles. Of course, the
present value coefficient of the future value of compound interest is used to discount the revenue
flows, total costs, and annual energy production. As a result, investors know why they should spend
money, how to spend money, and what to spend money on. In essence, the length of years of OPEX
levelized by AEP in scene 1 and scene 2 is less than 50 years. Then, the evaluation framework,
evaluation indicators and evaluation methods as the three main themes of the power system’s
performance evaluation system are discussed in detail. 2.5 Reflecting Based on the systematic
literature analysis framework that Tranfield et al. (2003) proposed, we add a Reflecting stage to form
an integral logical loop. The complete fabricated model picture of Foot Step is shown. The upper.
This energy can be tapped and converted to electrical form. In order to supply power to the load an
inverter circuit is required by which the generated voltage is fed to the CFL lamp load.This project
can be implemented in dense populated areas like railway station,bus stands etc where more amount
of vibration energy will be obtained. Nevertheless, it can obtain the reference cost based on the
experience of oil and gas and offshore wind energy sectors. Due to this a lot of energy resources
have been exhausted and wasted. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Sanket Borkar1, Ankit Tripathi2, Amit
Chandrikapure3, Gitesh Dhekwar4,Bhavesh Bhirange5. Hence, it is important to explore the cost
breakdown of wave energy by the wave energy converter (WEC), so for finding potential ways to
decrease the cost, and finally compare it with other renewable energies. ECE Dept., Dr.MVSIT
Footstep Power Generation System 2. Secondly, due to the rapid development of new energy
technologies, scholars pay more and more attention to the contribution of technology to the
sustainability of power system. They are guaranteed to have in-depth knowledge and practical and
research expertise in the field. If you use competent help writing a literature review, this problem will
vanish. The benefits of piezoelectric force generation framework is that it is sheltered and secure to
utilize, it doesn't make any issue or distress for the general population strolling through footpath, and
it is absolutely chance free strategy. Motor Voltage:10 volt Type: D.C. Generator, RPM:1000 rpm,
Gear 1-Mild. Finally, in terms of the geographical distribution of research on the performance
evaluation of power systems, future research should focus on the sustainable development of power
systems in underdeveloped regions such as Africa. A DEA Analysis of Listed Companies in Thermal
Power Sector. Both the discount rate and the feed-in tariff are usually considered as constant.

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