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For my clio, ‘ison at omthon ‘Alt ny eb ed ps a gi neg pie wing Gf Foi Pe eto ea ate ey i a oS ‘Soar an rn, cee Steep tris Sm i es er Senay Ske, Sistine pee Gg 7 nn iy Pw Seats ate eee pee emt Se imac Contents rect th wcnd ston ad rota tthe rato ‘breve 1 Meth hl 4 ‘Sern Pete Reding 17 + en 3 eae ie Same 2 Gots Character The Bs of Reign 51 4 TheNanee ote Reig of God 77Siahwoe 4 toa Get: Aga the Hat Gl 18 teens Se ae vo 6 man Tei Gots Reg Interred See» 1 wasn mae ela 10 ones | | | | 4 What J Dis Te Reo Gad Reta 87 Stipa ESA edn 2m 9 The Char: The ig of Go a Cristian Community 295 ‘eatharc e icmantetpecaa 20 ‘Reamastegdy own Be naa he tenho ea sy 28 ‘ve woken tn 2) So rece Reg ei ad 28 eerie it Chor Ogpenne 28. “he Regn of Goin Haman Hearts 265 Screg tert 2812 The Right Gein taman Lives 299 Scag Sian Bieaitee Garis 30 13 Wein the alg of Ga The Hei of vn cay 319 [lana Ree Monee 6 Repent 14 Tee of Ge ai: aman ny 34 ‘Sia or Pateaag 3th 16 The Sabbaths Symbol fhe Regs of God 391 Tress Tokar scectns Sob eSPreface to the second edition amp ne Ri of ad een i ha Oa ne Samer eae itfree dtpens ie Seti ea ote yen inking ar cnge ‘rou ay Une ‘ny ngs he mae ss eve ‘Sindee ma Sle ede a Feeding nts reon she So te ‘eae terse an ecpebnae cms eae tie ok ere eg ‘ane ia ora ee yu ovr i he gah merges =r elgapeas ica caimoomrtag snare, Eorcetiee eee seamen Shee Sao Pn Soe Sono Sooich of marcia sree ag ek efi tg EoiRie ese see The hoe pat tok oe Che 3d ‘to ge tin i fraps ening wth te ee ae SE Sowa ee Sate ce Shipper iy ‘Be Seon Chet permis ok inera Rag Hse A “mse Ul oes ‘cat tii Sn enon te Be enn 6 Fy ‘Knees Thee ow it ‘wilt eso on segnnnie tne tee att cs ‘ure mete Tip aectewe secon, inde aes nd Cae ‘Gi wo pe teste ‘ss helo eee ea © Preface to the first edition muereanes eee Sees ant ceteeenes Sera ee Sion aia ited bythe amis of any emcee centage eeiyercen ‘Glin itd in gece hy re aca a ees” hese Scones Seer Seneca Saito een Secs =a See scene crate Seater Sas,od monty es = Sees Soeet amare ete eer rotate ntti at nt Chanvanngne nets Sheree =< “amt pe er 7. omen see tg Saree Sorta Se teauewees seoethteersatiee Srcdenenr tea pe ereosrini Sete aise Soe soe crrerin of Sree ey ‘ctw ie ow Sousa enesne eats snp aera iirc, especie my sgt ‘oapheg een of hn nin ofa dive Seedy Ae ose Sat =. mre eects os sae aoe ‘Ssipashe tone al Ip elo =o. acy tre (eas een olga ‘econ ay Be Soe ae cy ‘eye Sap Sie ene ‘ag Chien ger ‘guste oh pt (ie a ame sito eveninr ‘ty ofthe ier ch, ora the pte tay jo wring te ‘rein oence uty ie Se ei ere tate ‘cama af Seapuree elp iro pm ver sada ay ies ‘stp eg wet hv: rei, dori (Pete wing ies ote Sob eng ot Cin Ga Semescerd ‘att lg ‘gat ora Cua Sra a Sot fteilel eseal ‘fends Wty wen eee Seen at ony aoe evo of Tas, ie reer zeae Sean oreo sacar SEAT Eee Sonera ‘re ay Shey nem ae Spe Sree Tea iho weenie fu fre ng’ le rary cha nen wel hor ‘be cher Tey lon ‘ta ode Sven ‘ico em ol ee Serie ee Gn oanes aa ea ee ‘Shapers ins Une, acini ‘iota Te snyetce ne ‘ey sec pa om te ates of teed Sion, ‘a Lins Unveymae fone vee mere Sie Vanier Siae Tir at Seve aly Nees (tan. FG ne Pes ‘urn, bar een fray a tannin ‘Send mme Usher erie ar athe ante Une Pr Robt Ete Be rh tos in sag hs pre om ‘Spee om erm ‘Sete faabs pclae‘eral at come ch het foe ahd es a Invert change mado ig mee Erno ‘lc et op and mmarated 1 clase. bipot Se abs my er ‘Rivet Canand Sepa stall woven og dlc Diets Getto tes ‘hh an re "Sed Ln a 4S Ura HY ‘Sioa, ‘Reticuli ee ees te ay ta ‘Se et et ie i ‘Soe Eomual ca Ae Be fo mrs ‘A Gran gn etn MeN Fr vs Da tee Sistine esate try ae a Teele mamnpre hate metetenear ie ae ‘Scie atest ha a fou roan Seer Coins hg Sree ExumThe Task of Christian Theology vee Lord your Go with all your heart and with al your oud ‘and with all your mind want come to the ful wealth of convetion which understanding brings “ln be prepared fo give an answer to everyone who asks you to {ive thereon for the hope that you hav = Ninbew 241920 Ephenanai619 Baer? Sita 67 Hpielen 4114 2h ia may 8rooet mnie Sas, icencigente aos Se ih Sev Saoereaes poe iene ‘Themening of then” ‘he Gh eae ‘hoe mening "lo ‘peing ies er among ‘er ge Leyte hey Sadan ernie ea. Ge Aya a ‘ihe yt. Set ee rape remn ely Spee toa er urls bel. Bendy Sra costae Objet e olny Noy pice ane oie wd gen er tein arty call, sssrepcnte mn ‘igre sein it ign Gayatri ‘a ayia show 8 rep cbt eo, Sigman ‘ato rece edo igs Se sri eri (ong Tiree ri anno Barn ciency sear =a imac pecans neo onan, ‘Sho eg cane SiS dete “ng te hr po resp ere med (hte We ete ie Eee oad=O nthe comnts toma ‘Seonpions oft manbes onthe ‘Towel Cw ne fhm i ems eee ier al dee ‘Siw eremtly oe owe The martes Sateen ya rnin ase, ‘Salounipt God Anns ‘tet on your ipo ‘Seas ec ho ‘Sao nd i. Tape coven wil Caan cs vet retin nn ‘pune Ames ‘i oe Sa ae Irate she St xe Rimini tle aneigom ey i. Ma eet ci ae eee eae poncone Farr ———easow rs | Seommitatensone tomes Me itepuethne get fete, Webwetednsieteresn Sat thst ie ngs iing cay lng sy Tt {tea tec Bareebve jt regis eerie. at ‘Scthtmammningpnr soy Songs pain or ‘Spies, Wesel ey te ba hem, cin ecurpecice vite Saker Ost ern toh Mev mchors roy wim Soren een. {rin ome ha 9D lth and rune nace ght Anil pen [tncage ac pp fr one‘ Bein por pelo. ‘ree btn compu ‘Shine ssn ow tale ian reenat ges e abu Be ely. Greteectesmang me Sch ie ‘Scan wey wage’ Ca Uotecernty rn eoae pe“isaarteseete gph th ‘Siem tgs to he Aine REASON Smee Wit gaph mec dosriea ancy i cher ranberofeiprsuhchathand tnvldpe tl tn eeie Tepe ‘hth eed en ethan hs ponies Seo thyar e ge e sie eccabeee toe enn Or Ca ot aa, NE). ‘ete ui san gran ‘sc topy impo expo Sealy wegen sesteactts teacaieren et Soceonnoe eee ‘Shon ete on ng ‘aur ashe pone ‘irae pole sto ‘te ncn ey ‘Somethin ae ‘Sttpranute Te ponerse ‘hot emacs Pama iy hk sere ee ice mnt ‘Srtedowngt ages en (rewee newest ‘Gnade ino of Aiton cae hiking cm mp ay fo son pesca ra ‘ed (in Tet esl cheesel a vir ou prter a 52.01 ‘arrow wa pst Gear Hemet okie hi Wik, See uetonr tei terse sees ve "thane ‘Sept kai ormouoey aig ect ofCs thao ntany Set Spates, eens es en ‘lone nist ono oe inte Jt sh oma Seto ming sme he Pos Hb ee fig sid ‘ren Soom er i primay SSioeiecetae ke he Spe esac Ba Iino en i stamp ot ante nae Bie wr Thnes ‘tt pole seins a See cre sm rig Sie ogy peeps tte ‘Seren ng ome alaemic ant eee =e ieee oe maeeguatss Eearnie Seance eve ssn. Tees Foard Seaman ‘iy sna Wee tate sp ne ting ond one ces fe Theyre, where eae fram hak fc fe ‘wright meing The Toibecneny we 8 ‘eeiachom pense Slee fom Se ating iy ee Sect ae henson ope” get anger he okey nari Ty eer ‘Grime pte Buthey ‘pred ar diner cht Sco ces ‘Sport "Nocng pt slg recteetone my eee "cate to gine mma ante ek ‘cot eee, The ‘Solemn ‘ae by ty Spt ‘rons of Bete ot beter ging inh che teaching Ga aly Probe witht eer Sey ‘heel Ona psy pie ieee not ct ‘Geir iy One rod sop es ep Uetaive They ee reset Senin er hc ica he cg ‘hing be ev sip eae they ‘cee ave examined ihe ‘sr emles es y Seven dy Adve Iw nes even ose By ice Sestctmie tefl rele ‘Since es ym ‘Deck pee eee Cnc risen a eee AeFaa Seuss implea Sata rr ng ‘Tartny woke marr el {Ste ang or yt Som Nena bar be Wed, ‘Sonn wos Tmt ene ‘bal Cr ology ‘der aor. Thee pepe he ‘ip commun. Wapes oof Smocrottecmanty hy owt Ch hope at Sees oe monly mtd Sa Bia tne page a ‘Sistem ge Good ealope Sa. ener isahesopan andor Sens “ly tema Fry od ese ae ‘oer yee og ‘Sriedcuem fone leds ‘Sily wisest he toca tat ap esol ‘rt Mot cna esos Sheil ery er ‘aod is: | Bosra of Gel logy) Deseo Humsay “Atop icc ° “Gases tin ot ng “ele) Ang win ren ove ae oe oft ow saeco oa Gest Soca tea be Food Soaeoe ‘ed ach oer. Even we manahiost oe sm mn eg ie Tamjarmnetzrataore Soest, pak mons) SE iter tte ‘ut ih Cia eso” Sarina PA oes te dient coin Ss Sorte scSintenm nt he Spot Sarton ‘experience would be just the same erie Sear ech tbeoi tii ‘hist: Plan a ‘Serb ome we Sixpeing kh Era {land weight well ro arin, Siccrooomehcoatir =—oret Sn Sateen! rSce. mecca ere ce ‘Sout snr Sond ah SSE cee Shs wo esos sce inne ne Soin cracmtt at Stee Smaeea ete ree ees ‘Sion funda ee of x ye Gener = tert sores act Siete sean soaetene Sconsenean, soe chee ere aise, Soe ee seaicrercs, Sgt ot feope fave eget esa ste dg ‘espa opis, eso ex beat ge wok ‘Sie te iin crn sen Sporcicedrae mee Srey Aker Sc A Sol tenis en “non of Go dn (Sais rching nd Tani et eam 2 ial eensa arrears, ae eer eer savmares ie Soca Seater Estee See Een Seer ‘Sinan in J avis ret oe patie Seen seaman ‘Stench gn ‘reo wating et (Choc hin Shaft ‘Setar ih tas pot ‘Soni tre iing sein emt tap i wa ows, Ekin eee [Abeer ep of the cou Si le ‘cee er ee Beem Go a ie ‘Te can roy (soc tae owe seg. SRiEeaien ean ‘God peta ft th only sition Scotia a Foam penton cba herrea Gos es Stee Bhengetrtme (Gost ay reac aa Seg tina te ‘ere ama ge eon ‘he eo Gas es etnies Daren enh Se to is seg ceca hort mim sd be ee Tissot hug ten. On he tern wee erga ‘vee ccs Thy hoo ect wr cite cep ‘hr tng Gane. Tey It ees ey ree ijn soe, Ts ey Advent Bae ge er he neh mtr ge Sin at ‘he cone of Galen fein ans ogee se of Inert cae Avent ‘once te Chis ith "Weta deed te mo spy, and fu efor ‘ate ot wr yenstaat eer 1, What ening oh wad et”? 2 Wha ison tse pure one prs ad oer 4 Wa ct of pd Cin egy foes {ows fr rch eps det ot wring oly. Seb enn, eto Seventy Avis Wha ae ene) wo sve his 10+ (Shor bch ty blo it cer hen re " ‘it nen ne ean et fh pater dm ngran be he ne) ‘Sonn Agar ing oor mp Cp aie Redes to parapet oe Ge ling ene Wat ‘inden ely hve eras what Nc cee Selatan dow apy Senn exe ‘Sen Mit us ee sop e oig 1chaiesia Siwmy ais pane Timp e129 sk 15, Mhepig fe oss ino wt ce tan eng ec eprint ‘low spe mom nets perme ping °% Tay, Sy tie 120 SSS Ae an ta cen ny en sy‘Satin tht ete sm nr ne i eta aocr oo see Sry ade oe emi, ten DSI SRN Meg soins tech ai om, To Senay bt se unio Dri ag, tse al ning pn, ray al on ‘ere eae ‘Thin wari Moi he ro se Sete dy roa Rais Me cae eal Makan ba xan ng Se Foe etc ome sal pee ets ‘Sem ees ny Sn Str tyra 384 Rel ‘Scien tye ra Ses valance tee ‘sy i ie Mt Ser Ase Seca te mur ege tor sec ps Cort ad Er Ma ‘ig ee torr eh “i 86, Ct er Tee ae tale Sper aye de ecient ee cs ie Pa tae iy noha ed ion neo ain nin en seca ii iy eet” hoe ‘Goer mens dy dd, Gg Ua ‘siete i tg ple tg fin dae sie ina eyo to ot ee eek pore Gu ye ‘esd cts est i none ‘ily tls € Pc pra ee SCARE ny el ss Poeeaake ote, a an Sainegeguaash seme ape ee Cn tb ey ee eee ae ee hy See OT Se Seer tg cg Socio Se oleae (nena laos Cet see De sa a Sl te Se in SCE Recess ape Eo cy Tent eit Sree comet” Time tenet ee aca omens iis bree cas cha ea et {Shen hn Blatt ti i {ny Rage i Ae Mer re eh ose einen ta femtog eva ape ea (See ens cre otra ean rire apa ease ref no ae Bas ‘Shue Rg age 59 oer nes emg fa odyn ete et eae dc ta rch SO cro nef tm. Wy Te Cron Dn of PERLE Trenmnt oe tamepe cca Doe “nS sh Oey fag on, Bao MeO pee Cnt rtm et ems, ‘ie byrne Sy. iste edt ot recites oman Eas ae ee es omer emt te Sr erpanronnaninomans at a corbin ent, Srzetcpe emcee hore emer e Se abe daca ate a ‘iain erga nc a ee Serna rniasuntesepage et Sree ns cohen yaaa Rica i fteafanldoe Ra Sacer taco a er ciara amram Pa ee ct ee Mere eamniecrctay eos icra een Ec iia2 Divine Revelation ‘Maan docs not live on bread alone But on every word that comes from ‘he mouth of the Lord Al Seripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuding. Correcting and troining in righteousness, s0 that the man of God may >be thoroughly equipped for every good work. For prophecy never had its origin inthe will f man, but men spoke {from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. Pam tiosri0s Iam : Kun porksletieeena seceiirees Seeepameas, ciemerer Reet s=tmacen rf ns, ese pe Sepmeeto eo rl Sar Salm ‘Shoty raat wetow ey ‘eying seo nting The mee Pisa sd poten see sesh ep Se ao ming ed (claeySne oe aoe Shestioes Shouts or Perera Seer ae ener. ce See ee eee aia ac separa Sener Skpouece sefavaane eee ‘Svcomnntey ane a Src Si wi Biseitdr s e er Sey nme ora ors gon, Pomel rig ‘emi His be t ictal, tion Sheets Sireiewces ieee, Tao‘Sth ei on con sat ‘ty The wenn ‘Sttvedar Garton nly teary Chit ch Tey ‘abe re at eae Recipe ah Plstgin wi he adh“ eng he py Snseod Go Tete ‘at of wos) ‘tere moet is ra or a har ben et cued neg ube oie om 120 Shine Siteatreneee sata Suri. Takia Soy toca on ee Scieeee Serene Ot eetcin a te reine Set tw bw ol tt Go ate gereal sy Med Sea he catia tm Src celae ‘tease cog ‘heart Gat er “eine lpr engne eos 13. NRSV Tae treme seo ep oe ooo eer a a pee eae,Serine th pt awe Pe ete he rimcy some oat inlet of Go. evi nt God in aan isn, EMEC tty mala ‘Satur seed te Seino Posteriori Fete Saree eee Peeepepaneertd Thine ghey ireeert ecto roto, ewe athe ine Semmes ens th God. Moreover Gol gue in os. 2a Sacer ees Se eobinsceeae icc Seo, So seamen Sate ‘et ty spr eve ai ‘erie ey wee move Ip ooo by Ge Te thy pene he eran eee Snes oes Sees ccc see aire Eons ‘Sie Soni rec wi ‘Teenumaniy ore be fetmeoge staat tee TOM Teen esp Setar yy ‘Some oaks cha Hews ow Sy es Se ee py tn tm of be bie we id ‘Sesionaioe. ‘Scriptures re deity human space Teint Sern Se ig ‘sion fe le = mes wate ‘medi ooh ‘Sots, fee of Gat he pilin eins Ss ois Secs eee Salva sm ee the Bethy Fae Sete ree cae ‘ewmprenog else ‘coheed Seema ote SSovaccmanits eats gam aoe eee Sarna. peers Sanaa 2 eesti Tn te thew pn er pea ‘Rect ecrple ee Tecapetans fx pope sic at ote "inte prone pte pinion ce Sian a SRT ae soe Sicceeed iim od Eerste See. Sok ienn cues inate Sete Shiceoneicin Eaorac Sivonen assama, emia nee tig co Aner ome fe srs cas eer ecg I iy tt eae ieee ome res The re ake st eee So Seas Sumatra vig hy ane ‘itt ted God gece ‘hg ne ot a3 ‘he wat ty he inte of Gu, ‘coe ere er Sia oey pence ‘Sete Go. They dely thy ln tr nf pal ‘wey Pee wo ve ‘ees py ad tole se aping he Doce astepcaty State xg pte fps oc ree fm fart =a ne Sah Teepe pea Se econ ‘at neporcn penned ed ‘ian cso opens cmtee ying ‘sath soe ay Oa ‘chp orcsaon ar ere rei eae Sars Eoiccmence ae te ace ea Sime ean ] Dermmstrmiy saeraaans Seecceseares Frag Secor eect Seta read i lng, there bt ene ecto earn site ep etimencoinetedinhecnee eng he eile ‘spon ote momge Toe Senet me ye ay Sp” Wye tal Spt ty ke Bess ie rt sewage tn wien, Sree ny iow nt sores ep an “Pet pn tee Sto eae re rein rz ee of ‘he tnge Lae al Seep ie sed nn rig 3) ei dot a eid it tem Ge 620, Tiiefe wine New Tm icy sae St Yea teouns wi Gott ret a Crs aonaty Jee me ey hc TRUE QuesTION oF Scbaieie ene oomest ‘Svan. Dat hewn ‘hap dagen a to ite cen ene produ ile oie {romero el onmied he sioty be hin isn pth Hecate ie eee Sneramye: ide seta Shea zeeamnes aoe Zora Seer cpg pes, They Ho Conese seperate Inouye ‘Wit pee es sya nan mae an Syne de rt ‘sy ny oe ‘ue the sm k, ti ne Seca oe ein ole ie petite ‘Fete ary we Gor Pieper ‘un pat oily ate ann ‘Gap ee cf om deal flour inaRee Serco momma aagenrme, ae oe Se ane Sees ooseeae Seger ‘ia zed om ee ping te igi de ot Seige oooh ‘ble ion nga and ‘pidge ng nc onl reno a he ment Ropu te gern oto sly sec Sy Sime plone pe otoconia ie ‘of ptf el an a, iis ‘anyone ort | oe ny fou Tome es Enea SE cy aoa oe Soe. SE Stee ae ‘apr ms Romas Sevtped nee The et ‘na he Gp este ‘Anemos nape uot SEE malin ee ‘test ie on™a dsoy ar conn Bate w ope omnes maps ‘ae nn el wad Be Woy occa Th tt ‘a ny hm bees ‘el oe ‘Coniteietegiee te male ae ‘Stren wa ih poi ‘eden rgiayel o ioc mor ie fos Sobel an Spore Teer Sper Tene!) ‘st lew emer one lr Cah ts aces sr! ‘eyelet woe eps stots Teme econ coi Seow ety ete mess Segieane's. Eerceeaioc Satrracrc ca ateet Seetcinanetae operon am eee oaaines eer Seen ainda Sea eer isToar emer a, so thong whorl tar (revlon wero ay enn Sry nope nor ‘soe ny win Siar he ees They ln te efi orsince Aare heeager eee Sete Soece aes eget meer icticreectes wuceercese biksmon iene Seouenrose ae Eaeaehon, shop mE in ‘rime mye ‘ovoma cece bees wih Beste “erm Beem ames Tighe onli ‘Tee ph es ey tev nbd on bo ‘Seats Tay ih ‘sen eth ow New ht ed ope wih ie Seeger Nenion set epende pon pol eee and Sots ede tr ‘sone ry od “rine va of he ng Bhi rei hh ane BIBLICAL IVTERERE-TATION rinse inne nolan! aaa Sie Cann ee Skotoce, seamen See seater v {od'We must be wig at opin ees he aiSgraine Rec Wematte eg tc (Become, em a Ihe gscine ft Ho Spt The Bilbao any cena oa ae ‘ste pst ae pay th Spt inert dvr be pre fom ie owpt rd nd even logy irs om ‘Stove, tnowern dsc wt Se iciogara Ent ire Tey oe er no ci orbs n ep cmaiag ely re caer he‘acer oer met amc eit aerate ‘Sori cpa eng Sige tne ‘mos. gos commey icra mene Sete ai ke Pesen goa pel ‘en ny ne wrt Steen abo ob esos (ee. eenan Ware ches Seceimaa trey as (ina Wec nde ig fos oe ‘ace sre tan eine Sie ef ash os theta sig comer fit cm he cto New Tees, Scene ees SScersce sca tr eos ft emitter gagehestear ceimeast Intec, The ae fhe bes Sreoncnes Sate Soueoseeat cao ‘chi West aon he ie Seg ton st ‘nome i so (Geeasieefuoetad pice We sy on rn ns ontaapn k e 12 Shepanietepr arn mae ey ie ‘islet nce ry ina ‘hich bee ‘vue wen Go ese hciepedo hrs tng ne do rp at Spm pron eymater ovens ‘trio owm deni fe oe Eeerae Sa “Tee igri i poe ‘Re watt egal frome Sheth Men al eral ltosip wi od. ia 6) sd This iy Sees enmceee iorton a Sesame oor tgec na“ Soe Ses ienonaierena! pect fete of Gs ign SSoocee Set ea Sera compre nhit spt of ne ae “eve, ema e Sui fod kh at Seimei te Taian Sur tas reer 1. Why iron ey nol fot 2 laste al vl Rims mos 4. at temas opin ial iy 6 Win ep met miner i page sly uta eather ‘heen of ent lawip wit Oo (CaF. Pe, Bin etn Pnatn Tha hy Nly Fem sh 1 Reston na ee me nnd an vet cre ‘rain ut Nene ope fe etme hie ne psn mee ee he ‘Sich ee cin im het ay o e Sv a jc aren Et Bre, ‘Rs eran Dine of at a. Oe Wo Passat Women 9 Ohatl ot ee we cord ys 1 59 {0a mond ie lcnan 9s New Tse? 1 Aug i ce ray, ety Ae et eB ‘thd ein etna ce, Wo oe ss ‘ates ante coe goan ne coeine Swen for Be tty 2a 2s. a 4 5 Acute ig ng, aoe ey Se 2. 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