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Oracle Database Architecture: Overview

Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

• Describe the Oracle Database architecture and
• Make qualified decisions about your tuning

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Oracle Database Architecture: Overview

• The Oracle Database consists of two main

– The database: physical structures
– The instance: memory structures
• The size and structure of these components
impact performance.

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Oracle Instance Management

Shared pool Streams pool Large pool

Database Redo log

Java pool
buffer cache buffer

System Process Database Log

Monitor Monitor Writer Writer
redo log

point Control Redo log ARC0
file files

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Database Physical Structure

Control files

Data files Online redo log files

Parameter file Password file Archive log files

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Oracle Memory Structures


Server Server Server

process 1 process 2 process 3


Shared pool Streams pool Large pool

Database Redo log

Java Pool
buffer cache buffer

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Automatic Shared Memory Management


Shared pool Fixed SGA Large pool

Database Redo log

Java pool
buffer cache buffer

Which size to choose?

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Shared Pool

• The shared pool consists of:

– Data dictionary cache containing information on
objects, storage, and privileges
– Library cache containing information such as SQL
statements, parsed or compiled PL/SQL blocks, and
Java classes
• Appropriate sizing of the shared pool affects
performance by:
– Reducing disk reads
– Allowing shareable SQL code
– Reducing parsing, thereby saving CPU resources
– Reducing latching overhead, thereby improving

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Shared SQL Areas

Cursor for Cursor for

SELECT statement 2 SELECT statement 1

SGA Shared SQL


statement 1 statement 2 statement 1

User A User B User C

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Program Global Area (PGA)

• PGA is a memory area that contains:

– Session information
– Cursor information
– SQL execution work areas
Sort area
Hash join area
Bitmap merge area
Bitmap create area
• Work area size influences SQL performance.
• Work areas can be automatically or manually

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Automated SQL Execution Memory (PGA)

• Allocation and tuning of PGA memory is simplified

and improved.
– Efficient memory allocation for varying workloads
– Queries optimized for both throughput and
response times
• DBAs can use parameters to specify the policy for
PGA sizing.

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Connecting to an Instance

User Server

Oracle database

User Server


Application server Server

User Server

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SQL Statement Processing Phases

Open Close

Parse Bind Execute Fetch

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SQL Statement Processing Phases: Parse

• Parse phase:
– Searches for the statement in the shared pool
– Checks syntax
– Checks semantics and privileges
– Merges view definitions and subqueries
– Determines execution plan
• Minimize parsing as much as possible:
– Parse calls are expensive
– Avoid reparsing
– Parse once, execute many times

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SQL Statement Processing Phases: Bind

• Bind phase:
– Checks the statement for bind variables
– Assigns or reassigns a value to the bind variable
• Bind variables impact performance when:
– They are not used, and your statement would
benefit from a shared cursor
– They are used, and your statement would benefit
from a different execution plan

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SQL Statement Processing Phases:
Execute and Fetch

• Execute phase:
– Executes the SQL statement
– Performs necessary I/O and sorts for data
manipulation language (DML) statements
• Fetch phase:
– Retrieves rows for a query
– Sorts for queries when needed
– Uses an array fetch mechanism

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Processing a DML Statement

Database SGA
2 Database
buffer cache
Data Redo log
Server 3 buffer
files process
Shared pool
Control employees ...

Redo process
log files

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COMMIT Processing
Database SGA
buffer cache

Data Redo log

Server buffer
files process
Shared pool


log files LGWR

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Functions of the Oracle Query Optimizer

The Oracle query optimizer determines the most

efficient execution plan and is the most important step
in the processing of any SQL statement.
The optimizer:
• Evaluates expressions and conditions
• Uses object and system statistics
• Decides how to access the data
• Decides how to join tables
• Decides which path is most efficient

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Top Database Performance Issues

• Bad connection management

• Poor use of cursors and the shared pool
• Bad SQL
• Nonstandard initialization parameters
• I/O issues
• Long full-table scans
• In-disk sorts
• High amounts of recursive SQL
• Schema errors and optimizer problems

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In this lesson, you should have learned about the

Oracle Database architecture and various components
that require tuning.

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