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- select customer_id, count(visit_id) as count_no_trans from Visits

where visit_id not in( select visit_id from Transactions )

group by customer_id;

-*** rising temperature

SELECT w1.id AS Id
FROM Weather w1
JOIN Weather w2 ON w1.recordDate = DATE_ADD(w2.recordDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
WHERE w1.temperature > w2.temperature;
- ******** average time of process per machine
select s.machine_id ,round(sum( e.timestamp - s.timestamp ) /
count( e.process_id),3) as processing_time
from Activity e , Activity s
where e.machine_id= s.machine_id and e.process_id = s.process_id
and e.activity_type='end' and s.activity_type='start'
GROUP BY s.machine_id;

-***employee bonus
select name , bonus
from Employee e left outer join Bonus b
on e.empId = b.empId
where b.bonus < 1000 or b.bonus is null;
-***students and examinations my sql
select s.student_id, s.student_name, su.subject_name
,COALESCE(COUNT(e.subject_name), 0) attended_exams
Subjects su
Students s
Examinations e ON su.subject_name = e.subject_name
AND s.student_id = e.student_id
group by s.student_id ,su.subject_name
order by s.student_id ,su.subject_name;
-***students and examinations oracle
select s.student_id, s.student_name, su.subject_name
,NVL(COUNT(e.subject_name), 0) attended_exams
Subjects su
Students s
Examinations e ON su.subject_name = e.subject_name
AND s.student_id = e.student_id
group by s.student_id ,s.student_name,su.subject_name
order by s.student_id ,su.subject_name;
-******managers with at least five direct reports
FROM Employee
WHERE id in (
SELECT managerId
FROM Employee
GROUP BY managerId
HAVING COUNT(managerId) >= 5
-******* project employees average experience
select p.project_id , round(sum(e.experience_years) / count (p.employee_id) ,2)
from Project p,Employee e
where p.employee_id= e.employee_id and e.experience_years is not null
group by p.project_id;
-****** percentage of users attended a contest
select contest_id , round(
count (r.user_id)/(select count(user_id) from Users) * 100 ,2) percentage
from Register r
group by contest_id
order by percentage desc, contest_id asc
-******** user activity for tha past 30 days
select activity_date day, count(distinct user_id) active_users
from Activity
where activity_date > '2019-06-27' and activity_date < '2019-07-27'
group by activity_date
-**** the numbers of employees which reports to each employee
select a.employee_id , a.name , count(b.reports_to) reports_count,
round(sum(b.age)/count(b.reports_to),0) average_age
from Employees a, Employees b
where a.employee_id = b.reports_to
group by a.employee_id , a.name
order by a.employee_id
MAX(a.primary_flag = 'Y') = 1: Indicates that the employee has
at least one department marked as the primary department.
The MAX(a.primary_flag = 'Y') condition checks if there is at least one 'Y' value
the primary_flag, meaning the employee has a primary department.
SELECT a.employee_id, a.department_id
from Employee a ,Employee b
where a.employee_id = b.employee_id
GROUP BY a.employee_id, a.department_id
HAVING COUNT(a.department_id) = 1 OR max(a.primary_flag = 'Y') = 1;

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