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Great Indian Philosopher. Scholar in Astrology, Sanskrit & a well known artist
Much more than an interview...


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Ayurveda Hospital Managements Association Reg. No. ER 775/05 Ayswarya Hospital, Pukkattupadi, Aluva - 683 561 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ahmaindia.org

Drugs, some cautious factors........................... Dr. C.D. Krishnakumar

Drugs beyond textual knowledge...

Ayurveda Through News Pages ......................

Whether you have read or not....

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15 16 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 29 33 35

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d t\ Out of Syllabus................................................. t
Lets relax ...

p , Reethu T.K. Dr. Dr. Jyotsna K

PATRONS Padmabhooshan Dr. P.K. Warrier Dr. P.K. Mohanlal ADVISORY BOARD Prof. M.K. Sanu, Dr. Sebastian Paul Dr. N.P.P. Nampoodiri CHIEF EDITOR Dr. Baby Krishnan MANAGING EDITOR Dr.Vijayan Nangelil DIRECTOR, EDITORIAL ADMIN. Dr. C.S. Krishnakumar EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dr. Saji Sridhar

Science behind the science of life.................... Dr. Abhilash. M

How and why ayurvedic treatment works....

p t t t h
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Know our patients...

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Inquisitive eye .................................................. Dr. Jinesh Agni pareekshanam ......................................... Dr.Hetal D.Karkar
Ideas to face confusing diagnostic scenarios

H h td p
Nothing more to explain...

pt t h

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With common sense - to common people - in common language . Dr. D.Induchoodan

Dr. Itoozhi Unnikrishnan Namboothiri SUB EDITORS Dr. D. Induchoodan, Dr. Sanalkumar K. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr. Vidyadharan A.V., Dr. A.M. Anwar Dr. Varghese Kayalvaram MEMBERS, EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. K.G. Vidyasagar, Dr. S. Sajikumar Dr. Mohammed Bappu PRINTER & PUBLISHER Dr. Baby Krishnan LEGAL ADVISOR Advt. Premlal
Layout & Design : 2morrow, kmgm 9446138872

t h d

h X p h X

Dr. Sethi U.M.

Global Scenario of Ayurveda ........................... Dr. E.P. Jeevan

The reality about Ayurveda globally...

Homely Ayurveda ............................................. Dr. Sundara Raja

Science you were born in, either you be rich or poor...

Novelties and views ......................................... Dr. Parvathy S. Nair

A spark to ignite your thoughts...

an arena for vibrant thoughts....
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AYURLINE MONTHLY Vol II Issue-1 Annual Subscription ` 250/Single Copy ` 25/-

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Global Ayurveda

9-14 February 2012 Kanakakkunnu Palace, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala, India



AHMA is proud to be the associate partner of this event

AYURVEDA KERALAM-2012-Global Ayurveda Festival-Kerala(GAF-K) Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action(CISSA), Govt of Kerala and the Ayurveda Fraternity of Kerala embark on a programme for mainstreaming Ayurveda specialities in Kerala.Ayurveda Keralam2012-Global Ayurveda FestivalKerala(GAF-K) and Arogya Expo, a promising and pioneering event is scheduled to be held in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala from 9 to 14 February 2012. GAF-K will have a host of activities displaying the grandeur of Ayurveda-a prime international academic platform for exchanging clinical experiences, broadening academic horizons, a mega exhibition giving deep insight into the living tradition of this art of healing, workshops with practical demonstrations, programmes for different stakeholders-students, paramedics, medicinal plant cultivators, traders, patient groups and public. This mega interactive festival will privilege the participants in building up networking and productive collaborations. Academicians, students, healthcare professionals, researchers, manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials, representatives of professional bodies, NGOs, regulatory authorities and civil society members from across the world are expected to be part of this unique event. You are cordially invited to be a part of this historic event in the heartland of Ayurveda-Kerala. Contact : General Secretary CISSA Dr. C. Suresh Kumar Mob : 9447205913 AHMA deals with one of the peculiar sessions in GAF-K 2012 Ayurveda ServicesTreatment centers, clinics and hospitals. AHMA will be showcasing private institutions offering pure ayurvedic treatment along with business oriented stalls and other healthcare services. An added attraction will be consultations by the most esteemed practitioners of Ayurveda from various specialities and an opportunity to learn from their lifetime experience. Those who are interested to be a part of this session, can contact the General Secretary of AHMA. Contact no : 9895081281

2011 October

P p p t L l t h \ p t \ t t tlt h P p p X \ \ t D\ X X \ p P h t p p h P \ t X X XX H \ X h p p pL pp P p p \ X L \ h t X X p \ X p h t p h p P \ d p p \, l , , p p l h \ p p X \ p p h p p \ t h p p t t \ lX X L p X p h D \ p \ h pX pt h H p H t tl p t L tH X p p p t l D h ` X p p p X L \ p T p X \ \ X t CCIM p h p h p \ t p p H L hp pp t h X p L \ pp t hp p X p t \X t X t dh p \ ` t X dp L h X t t p \ t \X ` p X ` \ p t h hp X p \ pP Xd p \ h p X l \ t X , t \ p \ X h X d t th p p p p X p\ p p Xp h t p \ d p h pp h t t l h h p \ \ p p p p th \ Hh d h pp X \ p \p p p Xt h p p p \ p d Hp p pp t t h \ ` \ p X \ p L \ \ pp t p d p \ tp X h ` Xt X p p\ p pp p p t p hh \t p \ p l p , pd p t t p \ d \p X ht h p X p t \ p p \d X X p t p p p X p l p t h \ p X h pp X Xd t p p H t X t\ p hh \ p h p h \ p p t\ p p H p X p t p p t t \ X pX \ ` p P , h t \ p p\ t p L \ pp ` t \ \ h \ p t \ X X ,p p h X \ p p t p tp t \ t p p t t h p X \ p t t p hd\ X p \ X p P p h p \h pd p pd p p t t h X \X t p \ H p pp X ht \ X p X p t t h h p p \ D p\ p t X p \t \ p d p t d p p X p t p t h t X p t p P \ Xp t h \X t t p t t \ t \ X p X p p p p p AHMA p h \p t t p \ pp p t Xp X p p t h t p t \t p \ P \ \t p h p t \ , l t

Mode of action of a drug depends on various factors such as 1. Active ingredients 2. Substratum 3. Channel of administration 4. Method of preparation etc Among the above said factors active ingredients or vital elements play an important role in the specific action of a drug. Substratum or nature of base of a drug can be explained as a factor that can activate or inactivate the action potential of a drug. For eg:-A drug which act in an acid base may be inactivated with alkaline or neutral base. Channel of administration is also important. For eg:-An orally administered drug has a different mode of action compared with that administered through other route (eg.injection). While considering the method of preparation-open boiling and closed boiling varies in properties due to destruction of thermoliable active ingredients. A short description about active ingredients, alkaloids, essential oil, leipenoids etc is thought to be relevant in this aspect. Essential oils are one of the major ingredients in the plant kingdom which regulate the properties of the plants.But taxonomically similar plants vary in properties like optical rotation due to variation in the structure of essential oil,active ingredients etc.Because of this variation their action also differs.For eg. A) Vetivera roots (Eng-Khar plant, Mal-Ramacham, SansUshiram, Bot. name-Vetivera zezanoides) Oil from Vetivera is levo-rotatory, but from cultivated root is dextro in nature.So separate standards are published inorder to reach the conformations. B) Pacholi oil (Eng-Pogostemon, Mal-Pachila, Sans-Patram) Varies in properties like olfactory characters (smell) in cultivated and imported varieties. Essential oils are a mixture of terpenoid, hydrocarbons and their oxygenated derivatives. These terpenoids are responsible for the aromatic odour of essential oil and play a vital role in ayurvedic preparations. Part of the plant is also important as they vary in contents. Hence separate quality standards are necessary. For eg. Cinnamomum zeylanicum(Eng-Cassica plant, MalKaruvapatta, Sans-Twak) varies in content in leaf and bark. a)Leaf oil


Dr. C.D. Krishnakumar

In recent years ,interest in medicinal plants has increased considerably. Apart from the therapeutic values described in ancient texts, analytical studies to scientifically determine the efficacy of medicinal plants are going on all over the world. Chemical constituents, pharmacological activities and clinical trials of some plants commonly used for medicinal purposes are explained through this article.

80% euginol (strong , waxy consistency) 6% canyophyllene (spicy,woody) 3% cinnamaldehyde(spicy) 2% iso euginol(sweet,carminative) 2% linalol (light,laxative) 2% cinneyl acetate(sweet) b)Bark oil 76% cinnamaldehyde(spicy, waxy) 5% cinnamyl acetate(sweet) 4% euginol (strong) 3% canyophyllene (spicy, woody) 2% linalol (light) Species variation, method of cultivation,part of extraction,time of collection etc are also important. There are trial reports regarding time of cultivation of herbs where ingredient levels are maximum. So the cultivation time should be fixed on the basis of the necessity of the ingredient. In some of the tuberous roots like Holistema adakodien the alkaloidal percentage retards beyond a level of cultivation whereas protein and carbohydrate content increases. That is the importance of time of cultivation. Hence the above said factors are pharmacologically important and control the medicinal action positively or negatively.

2011 October

2011 October

Great Indian Philosopher Scholar in Astrology & Sanskrit. Well known artist


Interview by Dr. Umesh Namboothiri Itoozhi What is the social reach of Ayurvedic treatment system in Karnataka state? What is your opinion regarding influence of Ayurvedic philosophy in the life culture of Karnataka people? Answer: Ayurvedic treatments are popular in Karnataka. Karnataka has the largest number of Ayurvedic colleges in Inida. The availability of quality medicinal plants from the Western Ghats makes it feasible to produce quality medicines.The large presence of folklore practitioners all over the state reiterates the popularity of traditional system of medicine in Karnataka.The reach of Ayurveda in the life of the people is self evident from the varied food habits of the people belonging to the different districts based on the geography as well as the climatic conditions.For eg.people of Uduppi and Mangalore have ganji or rice gruel for breakfast which is laghu , deepana and pachana in nature as these places are anoopa pradesha where the tendency for agnimandya is high. Such specific food habits according to the desha are found all over the state.Even during the festival celebrations the special dishes are prepared in accordance to the kala or season of occurance of the festivals. Even the traditional dressing style of people is influenced by the climatic conditions of the place to which they belong. This reflects the importance given by the Kannadigas in adopting the principles of Ayurveda by taking into consideration the season and geography along with other factors like physical and mental constitutions of the persons in designing the life style of the people. The fact that Kannadigas are peace loving and broad minded can be validated by the imigration of large number of people from all over India in search of livelihood and secured living. So we can infer that the people of Karnataka are profoundly influenced by the philosophy of Ayurveda which can be seen in their aharas,viharas and acharas. The relevance and scientific background of Indian philosophy ? Answer: Indian philosophy is the most ancient as well as the most scientific of all philosophies existenting on this planet. 8 6
2011 October

Vedas being the mother of all sciences made the first and the most successful attempt in understanding the nature of creation. Vedas and Indian philosophy are synonymous. All the top scientists of current era at least at the fag of end of their life accept the superiority of Vedas either publicly or privately depeding on the extend to which their personal interest will be affected. Vedas promote scientific yet rightful thinking in deciding what is good and bad for man as well as the environment in which he lives, because it declares that for a human being he is the center of his creation and he alone can make his existence good or bad based on his activities including the creations that he makes to make his living better. If he creates something detrimental to the environment in which he lives or to own species , he alone will be the ultimate loser as his existence is dependent on the well being of his environment and his fellow humans. All current discoveries have to be evaluated based on the principles of Vedas which will reveal the ones that are conducive to our existence. All Indian sciences be it Ayurveda, Darshanas or others owe their allegiance to Vedas when it comes to the principles on which they were created. A real teacher is needed in deciphering the secrets of Vedas as well as the Indian sciences, who has read and practiced it. How the Ayurvedic philosophy and other philosophical traditions are interrelated? Answer:As said earlier Vedas are the source of all Indian sciences be it physical,medical or social sciences. The seers after studying Vedas and observing the phenomena around them through the Jnana chakshu or right perception, which they have acquired by the study of Vedas, wrote their individual treatises based on their subject of specialization for eg. Susrutha wrote a medical text called Susrutha Samhita with special importance to surgery. The examples are endless. About the rights and wrongs of interpretations by young generation about Indian philosophy? As a teacher quote

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your experience? Answer:Due to lack of good teachers who have studied Indian philosophy from right gurus , I feel the current young generation is the most unfortunate existence ever .The oldies are any way going to die in a matter of few years and attain salvation as death gives salvation for all.The true intention of Vedas or Indian philosophy is to help man attain Jeevan mukta moksha or salvation when he is living and not after death as told by various fake practitioners, teachers, books and websites of Indian philosophy. As its the young generation who have to lead their lives further on, if they receive corrupt and false knowledge from fake practitioners, teachers , books and websites of Indian philosophy. The end result is a psychological disaster because if our basic perception is corrupted everything else becomes corrupt in understanding leading to both physical and psychological disaster. Their living becomes meaningless and sorrowful as the false perception acquired by them causes more and more dukkha. As a teacher of Indian philosophy who received the true knowledge of Indian philosophy from the right gurus I am fortunate enough to have students who come to me to learn Darshanas, Vedas, Upanishads etc, clarify their doubts and consequently feel liberated. The happy living of my students itself is a proof that I am giving them the right knowledge of Indian philosophy which they have adopted in their life. Need of understanding Indian philosophies for practicing Ayurveda? Answer: As Charaka himself has quoted that the knowledge of chatuspada i.e Sankhya, Vaisheshika, Nyaya and Yoga shastra

are needed prior to the study of Ayurveda, as the perception acquired after the study of these four Darshanas alone can understand the functioning of the shareera and manas. The study of padartha vijnana in first professional BAMS which contains the study of various darshanas including the above mentioned four darshanas are very very important. If no good teacher is available to teach this subject its better to leave this course and find alternative source of livelihood as wrong and dangerous interpretation of this subject will lead to erroneous understanding of Ayurvedic principles and 7ultimately the person/physician will cause more and more dukkha not sukha to the patients/students.Forget about moksha/ananda being guaranteed by the text to the person who studies Ayurveda/ Darshanas and preaches it to others - be it his students or patients. What is your expectation from Ayurvedic community? Your message to Ayurvedic Doctors? Answer: I want them to re-establish the glory of Ayurveda by its right practice.They should be model citizens whose lifestyle should emulate others so that thier living becomes peaceful. Peace is established only when a person is free from physical and mental illness. The Ayurvedic community should find solutions to the current problems faced by this science whether its technical or administrative. Only when these problems are solved, the Ayurvedic community can deliver quality health care to the society which ultimately leads to moksha of Ayurvedic community but mankind as a whole.

Details regarding subscription and legal formalities are to be consulted only with the chief editor. Email : [email protected], Mob : +91 9895081281 The letters and article to Ayurline are to be sent to the executive editor. Email : [email protected], Mob : +91 9447432607 Contact the manager, marketing for advertisements, business features and all other marketing formalities . Email : [email protected], Mob : +91 9447459718 Advertisement and innovative ideas intended to be published in Ayurline is fully vested in Ayurline editorial board and nobody can question the right and entitlement of the resolution of the editorial board. The board has not authorized anybody other than our state committee members and editorial board members to canvas the advertisement matters etc. to be published in Ayurline and for collecting tariff etc. from the person concerned. Ayurline has no responsibility for the loss and agony sustained to anyone for such fake dealing with any person.

For subscription send in cheque or DD/amounting Rs. 250/- (for 12 issues) in favour of the managing editor, Ayurline, Ayswarya Hospital, Pookattupadi, Aluva - 683 561. Out side Kerala an additional amount of Rs. 50/- will be charged in.
Chief Editor Ayurline
2011 October


2011 October

\\ h d Xh p p \ p t h pX p p \ p ` t h p p p \ p l \ d

Fact Nibbles
Dr. Soumya R. Chennai
[email protected]

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2011

Mix the peel of a lemon with white catechu. Grind them into a very fine paste. Apply this directly on the ulcer. A teaspoon of seeds of ajwain with small amount of salt is good for gastritis. Gargling with fenugreek water helps to cure tonsilitis. Sipping warm water added with fresh lime juice, honey and a pinch of salt also helps in tonsilitis. Boil one glass of water by adding one teaspoon of aniseed. Have this water every morning for about a week. This will give relief to heartburn. Local application of aloe vera helps to reduce itching. Eating yogurt daily helps to prevent or clean up a case of yeast infection. The L.acidophilus balance in live or culture yogurt is said to help balance the fungal growth. Honey smeared liberally over the infected region also helps to reduce yeast infection. Drink one teaspoon cider vinegar mixed in one glass of water with meals for 2-3 weeks to reduce hair fall. Drink daily a juice of alfalfa + fresh spinach or fresh coriander. Your hair will grow fast. To remove copper deficiency, drink juice of carrot, lettuce, capsicum and fresh alfalfa. This is a good remedy for grey hair and hair loss. Make a paste by mixing olive oil, honey and cinnamon powder. Massage on scalp and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with mild shampoo. Repeat it for 34 times a week. Soak white vinegar in a cotton ball and apply it in your armpits after a shower. The smell of vinegar will vanish after sometime at the same time keeping your body odour away.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2011 was divided, one half jointly to Bruce A. Beutler and Jules A. Hoffmann "for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity" and the other half to Ralph M. Steinman "for his discovery of the dendritic cell and its role in adaptive immunity". Beutler, 53, is based at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California. Luxembourg-born Hoffmann, 70, conducted much of his work in Strasbourg. Steinman, 68, had been affiliated with Rockefeller University in New York since 1970, and headed its Center for Immunology and Immune Diseases.

H H t tH p t h P l X X X p p p ` p t t p h t l \ p \ p p p tt p X Xp D p d p h Contact : Dr. Saji Sridhar (Exe. Editor) Mob : 9447432607 [email protected] or [email protected]

2011 October



2011 October

Ayurveda through the news pages

The Times of India
Banglore, Sept.29,2011 HC gives medicine park a fresh lease of life
Padmanabhanagars Sri Lakshmikanthaswamy Medicinal Eco-Park , Bangaluru with about 120 medicinal and herbal plants and trees, recently got a new lease of life from the Karnataka high court.The eco-park has been maintained by Sri Lakshmikanthaswamy Temple Complex Trust for about 30 years, and houses about 500 trees and 120 types of herbs. Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, Sept 27 It is expected that Ayurveda, which till date has not received much attention in the North East States including Assam is going to get rejuvenated with the needed propagation soon to be launched. In a recent brainstorming session at Govt Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, policy makers and stake holders of Ayurveda decided to make use of this traditional health care system for the development of the entire NE region. Beltangady: Minister Ramdas Moots Separate University for Yoga, Naturopathy Daijiworld Media Network Beltangady (SP) Beltangady, Sep 17: State minister for medical education, S A Ramdas, said that the government is contemplating the issue of setting up of a university exclusively for

The Assam Tribune

Guwahati-Sept 28,2011

Bid to rejuvenate Ayurveda in NE

Deccan Herald
India to set up Ayurveda chairs at South African varsities
Johannesburg, Sep 16 (PTI) The conference, organised jointly by the Indian High Commission and the Ayurveda Foundation of South Africa (TAFSA), was attended by delegates from both the countries.India will set up Ayurveda chairs at two South African universities by early next year amid growing interest in the alternative form of medicine in the African.

The Times of India

Sept, 27, 2011

IGNOU to honour traditional healers for their knowledge

TNN | Sep 27, 2011, 03.27AM IST CHENNAI: Indira Gandhi National Open University has decided to honour healers with gram vaidya award. In a recent study Traditional medicine practitionerswith over 25 years of experience quizzed healers in rural areas of Vellore and recommended names to the university. The certification does not give the practitioners any licence. It is meant to document the traditional practices in the village and encourage people who have the knowledge. Collected by Dr. Induchoodan

h Hd \ X t d AHMA p t h ld \ D L t tP tP t \ , t p H p t h \p d p

Ayurline Public Relation Officer


Dr. Priyanka T.K.

[email protected]

Dr. Vijendra Mysore

Dr. Sudha K. New Delhi

Dr. Sandeep Hariyana

Dr. Hetal Karkar Mumbai

Dr. Sundhara Raja Chennai

Dr. Vijay Mahantesh S. Choudhari Bangalure

2011 October



2011 October

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2011 October


Dr. Reethu T.K.



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2011 October


We were together, from the days of dark It was a long sleep, to awake into a blast From that moment I started burning for you You walked around me like a bride And I stood like a rock for you You carried in your womb The greatest blessing called life I gave you my warmth And after ages you bloomed I gave you summer and winter I gave you spring and autumn Ages passed and we waited We waited for the supreme creation After a very long penance he was born He took his first little step on your chest You gave him your milk I gave him my warmth We brought him up and taught to live He called you mother and me father We felt blessed, we felt proud We stood together to raise him up He worshipped us and feared us It was all long back!! Wheel of time turned very fast You gave him milk and He turned thirsty for your blood He acted as the super power and He looted your wealth It hurts me to see you wounded My anger strong enough to finish him But you stop me, your affection I stand here and see you die We were together from the days of dark My heart will burn for you till your last



There is no such thing as a simple miracle....

Directed by : Penny Marshall, Based on 'Awakenings' by Dr.Oliver Sacks Starring : Robert De Niro & Robin Williams Your eyes are open, but your mind is closed. You breathe, see, think, feel; but a link to reality is lost. There is a thick barrier between you and those around you. You can try to break through-to make a connection-but you are not capable. Yet, you are not alone....... According to the World Health Organization, neurological disorders affect up to one billion people worldwide. Most people cannot fathom what their life is like. Communication through media is often the most effective way to portray medical mysteries like neurological disorders and a number of movies attempt to provide a realistic account. One such movie is Awakenings (1990), directed by Penny Marshall, staring Robert De Nero and Robin Williams. It focuses on the disease Encephalitis Lethargic, inspired by real-life experiences and work to present the truth to the audience. 'Awakenings' clearly illustrate the daily lives of people with neurological disorders, and triumphs in intriguing and enlightening viewers with medical information. The movie is based on the book Awakenings, by Doctor Oliver Sacks. Dr.Slayer played by Robin Williams, is at the centre of almost every scene and his personality becomes one of the touchstones of the movie. This drama accounts a doctor's experience with patients suffering from Encephalitis Lethargica. Dr. Slayer comes into an interview at the local hospital as a fully capable professional; that is, fully capable of working on plants. The last place he wants to work is in a clinic with human patients. Yet he attains the job and soon finds his passion. The clinic he works in is full of sick, inactive patients. It seems like a dead end, yet one day Slayer observes some interesting behaviors in a mute and wheelchair-ridden patient. Soon he finds there is a group of patients with identical behavior. Suddenly Dr. Slayer feels prompted to work off of a sliver of hope, and his ambition and persistence lead him to a world of medical discovery. With the pill L. Dopa, and a patient named Leonard(played by De Niro), Dr. Slayer breaks the barrier of silence and awakens new life in patients previously

Dr. Jyotsna K

incapable of experiencing the joys of reality. All the patients previously afflicted with the neurological disorder Encephalitis Lethargica are pulled out of their mental grave. We watch a miracle unfold as they suddenly walk, talk, laugh, and let out years or decades of ideas, thoughts, and jokes. In their excitement they reach out to embrace life for all it can be. Yet Mother Nature will not allow all of this happiness and bliss to continue. After a set amount of time, L. Dopa fails to perform. The patients' neurological conditions take a swift turn back toward their previous state. As the viewer feel the patients' hope and visions rise and broaden, they suddenly see the patients deteriorate back to a world with no connections to real life- a life with no laughs, no love, no hope. Dr. Slayer tries to alter the treatment plan, but all attempts are in vain. The story shows that medical treatment is not always as it appears. At times science is nothing more than a dreadful mystery, but we have to take it for what it is. The mind is a great, wonderful, and at times, horrible entity. Looking back on the highs, countered with sudden loss and emptiness, Dr. Slayer expresses, You told [Leonard] I was a kind man. How kind is it to give life, only to take it away? The viewer is reminded of a simple truth: It's given to and taken away from all of us. What both the movie and the book convey is, the immense courage of the patients and the profound experience of their doctors, as in a small way they reexperience what it means to be born, to open your eyes and discover to your astonishment that 'you' are alive. This movie illustrates a medical mystery and is an account of a true miracle. It explains a medical mystery in great detail, and delves into the natural, scientific wonders of diseases in the mind. This story gets straight to the heart, and draws out important thoughts on how we, the other eighty six percent of the world, choose to live our lives. Take advantage of your connection to reality. Open your eyes, and open your mind.....

2011 October


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2011 October


The rationale behind

Many toxins and waste products are excreted through bile into the duodenum . The secretion of bile into duodenum is in turn [2] dependent upon the amount of fat reaching the duodenum .. So, by administering huge amount of lipids, we can induce more and more secretion of bile into duodenum, which also means more and more toxins and waste products in the body coming to duodenum can be eliminated out by vamana or virechana. Apart from this, snehapana also provides a platform for purification of body by acting at various levels on the detoxifying mechanism of the body. Any biochemical substance produced in our body, can be considered as either fat soluble or water soluble . Since the medium in our body viz. plasma is composed of water, the water soluble substances can be easily carried through blood .. Whereas the lipids are strangers to human body as far as they are in the GIT or in the blood. They need the assistance from substances like bile salts, proteins etc, for digestion, absorption and circulation . But, when the lipids reach a cell, the story is different. Lipids acquire absolute freedom when they come to cells. They can freely move to and from the cell through the cell membrane, while others need to depend upon channels, which are controlled by chemicals, voltage, pressure etc . Thus lipids and lipid soluble substances can reach to the cells in every corner of the body and no barriers, not even the blood-brain barrier can prevent their transport .
[1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Dr. Abhilash. M Medical Officer (ISM) Kottakkal [email protected]

So, to mobilize certain fat soluble substances from the cells and from the intercellular spaces, we have to depend upon lipids themselves; just like the soap is used to remove oiliness. Or lipids can be used as the medium for the drugs to reach the target cells. If the dose of drug-lipid complex is less, it serves some nutritive functions only. If its dose is medium, it also serves as a curative agent. And if its dose is high, the cleansing mechanism starts to work . Liver is the centre of detoxification in our body . Body tries to expel out unwanted substance by carrying them either to liver (fat soluble substances & toxic substances) or to kidneys (water soluble substances). By undertaking snehapana for, say 7 days, the absorbed fat will mobilize and carry the unwanted substances to liver so that they can be metabolized or eliminated, provided the functioning of liver is within normal limits.
[8] [9]

References 1. Gyton Arthur C, Hall John E. Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications New Delhi 2006;11: 802-803 2. Gyton Arthur C, Hall John E. Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications New Delhi 2006;11: 803 3. Gyton Arthur C, Hall John E. Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications New Delhi 2006; 11:5-12 4. Gyton Arthur C, Hall John E. Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications New Delhi 2006;11: 47 5. Gyton Arthur C, Hall John E. Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications New Delhi 2006;11: 811-816-840-845 6. Gyton Arthur C, Hall John E. Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications New Delhi 2006;11: 47-48 7. Khurana Indu. Essentials of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications Noida UP 2008;1: 617 8. Pandit Harisastri Bhishagacharya. Ashtanga hridaya with sarvangasundari and Ayurveda rasayana teeka. Krishnadas academy Varanasi 2000;1: 246-47 9. Gyton Arthur C, Hall John E. Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier publications New Delhi 2006;11: 862

2011 October


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2011 October

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Test Acid phosphatase (ACP) Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Alphafeto protein (AFP) Normal Value 0.1-5.0 u/dl Clinical Significance Values increases in prostatic cancer. Some liver diseases, hyper parathyroidism, haemolytic anemia, sickle cell crisis values are Source : decreased in Down syndrome. Dr. Jinesh K.S. Thrissur Increases in some liver and bone diseases hyper parathyroidism pregnancy, Decreases in cretinism, growth retardation, scurvy, achondroplasia In amniotic fluid and maternal blood value increases with the faulty development of the fetal nervous system especially neural tube defect such as spina bifida. In non-pregnant adult values increase in liver cancer, cirrhosis, chronic active hepatitis Increases in liver diseases , liver damage due to toxic drugs
(to be continued) 2011 October


Non pregnant adult <25ng/ml

Alanin amino transferase(ALT) Serum glutamic - pyrudic transaminase (SGPT )

5 - 40 U/L


22 20

2011 October

A confidence booster which may help you in one way or another when you are perplexed how to approach a diseased condition

Agni pareekshanam

Dr.Hetal D.Karkar Om Health Care Center, Mumbai

Agni in Sanskrit means fire. Agni is the digestive and metabolic fire produced by the doshas that grabs the essence of nourishment from food. Agni helps various tissues of the body produce secretions, metabolic reactions, and other processes needed to create energy and maintain and repair the body. Agni is also part of the immune system since its heat destroys harmful organisms and toxins. The activity of agni varies throughout the day and maintaining the strength and natural ebb and flow of the digestive fires is needed for good digestion, good immune function, and resistance to disease. Agni is also needed to form ojas. Life or Ayur is defined as Agni or fire, which is our soul or life-essence. Signification of the agni can well understood from the shanto agni mriyate,.(Ch.Chi 15). This explains agni works at molecular level to. Clinically we can correlate it with the two types of the death - systemic & molecular. Temperature of the body starts falling and become cold to touch, when the molecular death is set, which is one of the important clinical finding of the death. Agni parikshanam is one of the important factors in rogi pariksha. dooshyam desham balam kalam analam prakritim vayaha satvam satmyamll(AH.Su 12), clearly mentioned here that before deciding line of treatment for any patient, good physician should always examine all these factors in a particular patient and will never face a failure in the practice. Agni parikshana can be done by anumana pramana. We have to use our intelligence to examine the agni, as there is no direct measure like number & rate of the pulse increase in the jwara. anumanam nama tarko uktyapekshya,yatha agni jarana shaktiya. Examination of jarana shakti can be done by taking proper history of the patient about digestion power which not only include frequency and amount of the food intake and also desire to take food, satisfaction of food intake, satiety of hunger ,bowel movement. Why so many question for the agni, though from the name itself we can make out that Pitta dosha has simillar properties. Though the Pachaka pitta is an important factor for the digestion of food, but we cannot conclude as agni is pitta itself. Gulfing food is the function of Prana Vayu, similarly braking down food in small and digestible particle is Kledaka Kapha. Samana vayu maintains intestinal motility. Complete digestion of the food and production of nutritive and toxin is by Pachaka Pitta, last and very important process is separation of these two and elimination of the toxins is by Apana vayu. If toxins start accumulating in the body, we end up in the very serious diseases. This means agni parikshana includes examination of a complete digestion process. Acharyas have mentioned 13 types of agni, which works at systemic level, cellular level and even at molecular level as JATHARA AGNI 1 DHATVA AGNI 7 BHOOTA AGNI 5 How vitiation of Vata, Pitta and Kapha affect agni, will be discussed in next one.
CRAV (Asthichikitsa) Shishya of Dr.C.Sureshkumar MD Ph.D Triveni Nursing Home, TVM

2011 October


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24 22

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2011 October

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2011 October



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26 24
2011 October

Story. No.1 of C.C.I.M. Reports told that the Vice-chancellor, who is an Allopathic Physician took this step after taking the Once, a patient approached an Ayurvedic Physician for advice of a panel of Allopathic Doctors appointed by the treatment. After examinations: University to evaluate and modify the syllabus of Patient: Doctor, what is your opinion about my illness? AYUSH Systems. But as a result of the agitations (Doctor, after chanting slokas from three Dr. D.Induchoodan from Ayurveda students due to the fear eligibility Samhithas) Senior Manager to register in State Medical Council and hence to Dr: This is the opinion of Charaka, Susrutha and The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy practice, if they are not following the syllabus (Coimbatore) Ltd prescribed by C.C.I.M, the state Government Vagbhata regarding this disease made talks with University authorities and Patient: May be Doctor, But what is your reestablished the existing old syllabus. Then the Media Opinion as a Physician who examined me? reported that the Vice-Chancellor asked the Government to The Doctor kept silent!! give the list of Surgeries permitted to the AYUSH Doctors to Story No.2 (with Courtesy to my great teacher perform and also demanded that the AYUSH Doctors should Dr.C.R.Agnives- Pricipal Nangelil Ayurveda College, not use Anaesthetic drugs for surgery. Any person with Kothamangalam & former Professor V.P.S.V. Ayurveda Commonsense knows that the Vice-Chancellor is not the College, Kottakkal) authority to demand the Government about these two points Once, an Ayurveda Doctor wrote a letter to his friend in their since Medical Practice in the state is not controlled by any language. After reading the letter, the friend approached an Vice-Chancellor but by Medical Councils of concerned Ayurveda Medical shop owner to translate it in to common systems of Medicine!! mens language since he was not able to understand it because it Similarly in several instances, oppositions came from was full of technical terms!! Allopathic Doctors against the Surgery practice of Ayurveda The above two stories are examples showing the inability of Doctors in several states and still it continues. Kerala The Ayurveda Doctors to communicate with common people in land of Authentic Ayurveda also has a history of a strike from their language. Moreover, they also reveal that the Ayurveda Allopathic Physicians, connected with the permission of Doctors are losing the sense-Common sense- to analyze things practice of Surgery to Ayurveda Doctors by their own, may be because of the education system. In these circumstances, we have to analyze the history of Because of these reasons, I am starting a column in the name- Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Surgery with commonsense and With Commonsense to Common people in Common should inform it to common people language which will try to analyze various things related to Surgery & Ayurveda : Ayurveda based on Common sense and will explain them to We know that Susrutha- One of the great Gurus (Masters) of common people in simple language (Note: Positive criticism Ayurveda- practiced Surgery (even plastic Surgery) from people with sense and negative criticism from people thousands of years before and hence he is the father of Surgery without sense about this column will be welcomed) (If not Dhanwanthari, the God of Ayurveda who- or his Surgery & Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Surgery incarnation- is believed to be the Guru of Susrutha). The Few months before, one Medical University modified the surgical instruments used in Ayurveda thousands of years existing syllabus of Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and before is, similar to those using in same types of Surgeries Surgery (B.A.M.S-The Ayurveda Bachelor Degree) course - now-a-days by Allopathic Physicians. Also, several different which is decided by Central Council of Indian medicine types of surgical procedures are mentioned in Ayurvedic texts (C.C.I.M), the official body to control the education of AYUSH even thousands of years before. Those texts are available even Systems (Complementary and Alternative Medical Systems)- now. by deleting several parts including Surgery, without the consent

How Ayurveda lost Surgery? During the Mughal Period & Colonial Period, the rulers tried to destroy Ayurveda considering it as an Indian/Hindu System of Medicine. These rulers not only denied and destroyed Ayurveda but officially supported their own systems also. Official support from colonial rulers is the reason for development of Allopathic system. Hence, it was difficult for Ayurvedic practitioners to practice Surgery in those days. But because of lack of necessity of infrastructure facilities, less complications and accessibility of practitioners even in rural areas, other branches of Ayurveda survived up to an extent. It is also believed that the Brahmin Ayurvedic Physicians considered Surgery as a low grade activity and hence not interested in its practice and gradually they stopped. Some others might have practiced it, but neither supported nor followed through next generation of students since they were marginalized in the society on those days. A system of knowledge will develop only if it gets a chance to practice/function. But due to the objections of Social and Administrative lords, Ayurveda lost its surgery- which ancient sages developed through difficult experiments including postmortem studies in those days. If it had continued from Susruthas period without break, we can strongly believe that it should have been advanced more than Allopathic Surgery now-d-days; since, even in those days (when Allopathic system may not be born) Ayurveda described several surgeries including Surgery of eye.

Anaesthesia and Ayurveda Analysis with commonsense revels that- on knowing the anaesthetic property of some chemicals detected by Chemistry, Allopathic Medical system utilized them for Anaesthetic purposes. Since Chemistry is not a part of Allopathic Medical System, any medical system can utilize the inventions Chemistry (Such type of sciences like Physics... etc also) including anaesthetic materials based on the concepts of concerned medical system It also should be mentioned in this context that, Ayurveda is not a dead or stagnant Science and hence additions, modifications and deletions (if any) are essential for its development. But it should be remembered that these additions/ deletions/ modifications should be acceptable as per its basic concepts. Ayurvedic Surgery and Equal Opportunity to all It is the era of equal opportunity to all. So the current generation Ayurveda Practitioners, the followers of those great physicians who kept away from surgery by rulers is asking equal rights. That is- give chance to practice & develop Surgery of Ayurvedic System. For that purpose, the state & Central Governments should make necessary rules to permit Ayurveda Doctors to practice surgery. Moreover, the Government Authorities should take steps to start Ayurveda Surgery Research Institute for revival and improvement of surgical practices mentioned in Ayurveda.

t h d
t p h \ p h p \ p p d p

p \ t p
Dr. Sethi U.M. SJ Ayurveda & Panchakarama Centre Thrissur, [email protected]

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p t h p hX p p t h p Xt p D p t X p \\ X \ h t ph t \` X h t Xt H Xt p p HD \ p p p H p X h \ d X h h p p d p p t h

Dr. L. Mahadevan, Dr. Muralidhar Sharma, Dr. Sreenivasa Acharya, Dr. K.S. Dinesh, Dr. Prakash Mangalassery, Dr. G. Vinod Kumar .... Contact : Dr. Ajayan - +91 9447708685, visit : www.pacto.co.in

2011 October



2011 October

Global Scenario of Ayurveda

\ \ p p t h \ p p p tp h h p lp d\ X t h X t Pp X \ \ ht h t d p h h pP d p X p

Ayurveda in Germany
What we achieved and what we have to.
When I came to Europe on 21st of January1997, especially in Germany, the people were talking Aloe Vera when they hear the word Ayurveda! During that time I was working as a lecturer in a prestigious Ayurveda college in Coimbatore founded by Padmasree P.R. Krishnakumar. His far vision along with our beloved teachers, made each of the students in Coimbatore Ayurveda College to keep the values of Ayurveda where ever they practice. After some years the Europeans talked about the wonderful Ayurvedic massage and Sirodhara, that they got from Kovalam beach or Panaji beach. Then they heard about the Prakruti and Ayurveda nutritional guidelines. Then the miracle of pulse reading done by some of the vaidyas at Haridwar or Rishikesh. And in the last years the word Panchakarma and resulted in various massage centres where doing only Purvakarma was done. Which a very few percentage of people know about the medical Ayurveda, the hospitals and the traditional panchakarma that we practise in the homeland of Ayurveda Kerala. Here we are: At present I am working in various Ayurvedic centres as a teacher and a practising physician giving 1 to 3 years of ayurveda medical courses for the doctors to propagate this great tradition of India. And also working in an ayurvedic centre with 150 beds having medicines from Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala and Vaidya Ratnam Trichur. Therapists and an Ayurveda cook from Kerala are the highlights in this Center. Germany, Austria and Italy are the places where I am teaching this science. I hope that this can motivate our younger generation of ayurveda doctors to study hard this science without loosing the essence of Ayurveda.

Dr. E.P. Jeevan Germany

Presently there is a research started in Charit, the biggest Natural medicine centre of Europe under the guidance of Professor Dr. Andreas Michalsen (Immanuel Krankenhaus). Our AYUSH is funding for this project. The research will be done on osteo-arthritis. There is a station opened in Kliniken Essen - Mitte for back pain. Dr. Syal Kumar from Kerala is in charge of this project. Another Ayurved hospital is opened with Prof.Dr. Horst Przuntek in neurology. A medical system namely Ayurveda, which is recognised and practised by a large number of doctors and vaidyas and given a lot of results in India wants to be recognised in another country, which is completely foreign, the simple requirements are 1. A doctor who is qualified in Ayurveda or a qualified medical practitioner from other system of medicine who has undergone a recognised study of Ayurveda . 2. The availability of formulations what he has studied for his curriculum. But the situation in Germany or most of the European region is completely different. The increasing massage centres without a medical knowledge is giving a bad impact in the true development of Ayurveda. The following points will highlight the current status of Ayurveda in Germany. Scope of practice/methods for Ayurvedic Practitioners In Germany, even though Ayurveda is not recognised as a medical system, Germans can practise Ayurveda. But he / She should be a Heilpraktiker who has done an exam to practice other alternative systems of medicine like herbal medicine, homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, acupuncture, Ayurveda etc. Or he /she should be a person who is having a degree in modern medicine and trained in Germany. He can practice any system 29

2011 October


2011 October

of medicine of any other country for the benefit of his patients. But he is responsible for that patient. An Indian doctor even if he is from modern medical field or from Ayrvedic medicine can not practice modern medicine or Ayurvedic medicine without undergoing some semesters of study from a German medical university. Or the Indian ayurvedic doctor must do a Heilpraktiker course and thereby to practice Ayurveda. If the German authorities and people are in need of an expert in the field of Ayurveda from India, it is possible to practice in legal ways. But Such a doctor must practice under a German medical doctor as a consultant in Ayurveda. This must come from the public as a demand which is really an illusion. And the German medical doctors are not ready to accept any Indian Ayurveda doctor because they loose their identity or they see as a concurrence in the medical field. But without all these rules and regulations, Indians, Srilankans and Germans are practising ayurveda who is not even from any medical field just to find out their bread and butter. They are engineers, business man, Yoga teachers, some GURUS etc. They practice and make massage centres, Ayurvedic cooking centres, Diet councillors, Pulse readers and even Ayurveda cosmeticians. By this type of practices, there is already a bad fame about Ayurveda in Germany and known Ayurveda as a Massage system, a cosmetic system, a religion or Sect. What to do for this? 1. We are collecting the data from those who have under gone Panchakarma treatment and Ayurvedic medications from India and also from our centres. This can result into a mass representation to recognise Ayurveda in Germany. This may take years. 2. To give education and awareness programmes in Ayurveda for the public and medical practitioners of Germany. 3. Basic thing required for Ayurveda to be recognised abroad is an ayurvedic doctor and the medicinal preparations. Simply exporting preparations never make to establish Ayurveda How can we educate the western doctors to keep the principles of Ayurveda in their practice?To achieve more in the field of education of Ayurveda any of the University should come forward to conduct a course like B.A.M.S of India at the University level, which is recognised in Germany and also in India. And I strongly believe the ayurveda doctors

from Kerala and University from Kerala should come forward to keep this science in true form in Europe. There must be a quality control of Ayurveda practitioners from Govt.of India and AYUSH. The training should be done in Germany under Indian doctors. This will be like a distant education programme. They will come to India for practice and exams every year for a month or so. But the major portion of syllabus will be covered in Germany. Misuse of Ayurveda Educating more and more medical practitioners of Germany either in India or in Germany is the best method for accepting Ayurveda in the west. We should also allow the students of western countries to study Ayurveda in the University level. And also a distant education programme with any of the University of Kerala. Going to India for a panchakarma treatment, sitting in Goa beach or Kovalam beech, visiting some spiritual asrams of India will not make ayurvedic practitioners. This is what, most of the German people are following. Such persons starts the very next day ayurvedic oil massage centres. He can be a person who has no medical background. Government has to regulate ayurveda related Courses in tourist places and target this to people having medical background only. Health policy In Germany every person is covered by private or government health insurances. Any patient can go to any doctor and get a diagnosis with the most advanced techniques like CT scan, MRI etc without paying a single Euro. At present the health insurance is not covering Ayurveda. Only a very few private insurance companies are doing. So people mostly pay from their pocket. As the patients who come for ayurveda are well educated and also from a higher way of thinking, it is necessary to explain the diagnosis according to ayurveda, the effect of plant preparations, the description of the plants involved, the logic of panchakarma and the percentage of cure possibilities with Ayurveda. The patient will go to any system of medicine such as Homeopathy, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Bach flower, Bio resonance and so on and so forth after the diagnosis by Modern medicine. Before taking any medicine they want to know their diseases according to different systems. Then the patient decides for the system of his interest.

2011 October


2011 October


Homely Ayurveda


Note: Clean the wound before applying medicine.

Fresh wounds
Kumari: Slit open a leaf of Kumari and scoop out its pulp. Apply this pulp over the wounded part twice daily till the wound heals. Plant used: Aloe vera (leaf pulp) Durva : Crush the whole plant of durva grass to extract juice. Apply the juice over the wound twice daily till the wound heals. Plant used: Cynodon dactylon (whole plant) Lajjalu : Crush the whole plant of lajjalu to extract juice. Apply the juice over the wound twice daily till the wound heals. Plant used : Mimosa pudica Chronic wounds Kumari and Turmeric :Cut a leaf of Kumari into two halves. Sprinkle turmeric powder on the exposed portion. Place the halves on the wound and bandage. Plants used: Aloe vera (leaf pulp) , Curcuma longa (Tubers) Fungal infections Mehendi leaves :Grind the leaves of Mehendi to make paste. Apply this paste on affected areas in the morning and evening for 5 - 6 days Plant used: Lawsonia inermis (leaves) Murunga tree gum :Make an injury on the trunk of a Murunga tree. A gummy substance will exude and gets deposited around this wound. Collect this dried gum. Dissolve a bit of the gum in water and apply over the affected areas. Plant used: Moringa oliefera (gum) Neem leaves :Grind the leaves of neem to make paste. Apply this paste over the affected areas and leave it overnight. Wash in the morning. Plant used:Azadirachta indica (leaves) Bhringaraj :Grind the whole plant of bhringraj to make paste. Apply this paste over the affected areas and wash after 45 minutes. Continue the treatment for 7 days. Plant used: Eclipta alba (whole plant) Note:.Clean the affected area with warm water and wipe. General immunity Note: Maintain mental peace, proper diet, sleep well and attend to nature\s calls promptly. Avoid salty, stale food and sleep during daytime. Use cow\s milk, honey and fresh food. Strength promoters Satavari :Extract juice of the fresh tubers of kg satavari. Boil 1 cup of the juice with cup of milk and 1 tsp of sugar. Take the decoction every morning for 3 weeks. Alternately peel fresh tubers, slice them into small pieces and dry. Pound

Dr. Sundra Raja Madhurai

the dried pieces into powder and store it in an airtight container. Take 1-2 tsp of this powder mixed with 1 tsp of cows ghee in the morning and evening for 1 month. Plant used: Asparagus racemosa (tubers) Ashvagandha : Prepare a decoction of kg Ashvagandha roots. Take cup of the decoction twice daily for 3 weeks. Alternately, extract juice from about 25 gms of fresh roots. Take this juice with palm jaggery, honey and long pepper in two divided doses in the morning and evening. Fresh preparation needs to be made every day. Plant used: Withania somnifera (roots) Amrithavalli :Take a 4 kg long shoot. Peel the bark and crush it lightly. Soak the shoot pieces in half a glass of cold water overnight. Strain the infusion next morning and consume the residue. Alternately, prepare a decoction of the shoots. Take cup of the deocotion twice daily for 3 weeks. Plant used: Tinospora cordifolia (shoot) Hair Nourishment Amrithavalli :Take 6 tsp of amrithavalli powder. Mix it with 1 tsp each of honey, ghee and jaggery and make into a ball. Take this ball at bedtime for one month. It is also good for promoting general health. Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (stems) Sesame and Amla :Make a paste of 2 tsp each of sesame and 'amla' with honey. Apply this paste on the scalp one hour before head bath once a week. It is especially useful in early graying. Plant used: Sesamum indicum (Sesame oil) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit) Hibiscus:Grind the fresh flowers of 'Hibiscus' to make paste. Apply to the head 15-20 minutes before taking head bath on regular basis. It is a hair conditioner, enhances hair growth and especially useful in graying of hair. Plant used: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (flowers) Vallarai and Sesame oil :Mix equal quantities of plant juice of 'vallarai' and 'sesame' oil. Boil the mixture till all the water evaporates. Filter the oil, store it in an airtight container and apply to the hair daily. Plant used: Centella asiatica (leaves) , Sesamum indicum (Sesame oil) Dandruff Kumari:Blend the 'kumari' pulp into a paste. Apply this paste on scalp 15-20 minutes before taking head bath. Plant used : Aloe vera (leaf pulp) Hibiscus : Prepare a paste of fresh leaves and flowers. Apply this paste on the scalp 15-30 minutes before taking head bath. Wash hair with soapnut powder. Continue this procedure twice a week for 6 weeks. Plant used : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (leaves and flowers)

2011 October


Clinical case presentations are invited for the 3rd AHMA-NANGELIL EVER ROLLING TROPHY for CLINICAL CASE PRESENTATION, 2011.
Doctors having own hospitals or clinics or employed in any other hospitals can apply for the competition. Special cases are preferred. Presentations can be done on the specific state of a disease, secondary complications of a disease or a group of diseases. The language can be english or malayalam. It should be presented in powerpoint with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, having atleast 6 slides. It can be either mailed to [email protected] or send \ ht t t t d the address, Dr Baby Krishnan, Gen secretary, to \ t t 0 0 P t AHMA, Aishwarya hospital, Pookkattuppady, Aluvah\ h ( p \ t l , t h p d p X\ t p 683561 within 25-10-2011, for the competition to be p h p held cochin p \ in log on toon 11-12-2011 (Sunday). For more details, www.ahmaindia.org The winners will be awarded with a cash prize of:

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First prize : Rs 5005 + Trophy Second prize : Rs 3003 Third prize : Rs 2002

Statement of ownership and other particulars about Ayurline Form IV Pukkattuppady, Aluva, Ernakulam(dist), Kerala Monthly Dr.Baby Krishnan Indian Ayswarya Hospital, Pukkattupady, Aluva-683561, Kerala 4. Publishers name : Dr. Baby Krishnan Nationality : Indian Address : Ayswarya Hospital,Pukkattupady, Aluva-683561, Kerala 5. Editors name : Dr. Baby Krishnan Nationality : Indian Address : Ayswarya hospital, Pukkattupady, Aluva-683561, Kerala 6. Name and address of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one percentage of the total capital: General Secretary, Ayurveda Hospital Managements Association, Ayswarya hospital, Pukkattupady, Aluva-683561, Ernakulam (dist), Kerala I hereby declare that particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd/Dr.Baby Krishnan Chief Editor.

1. Place 2. Periodicity Of this publication 3. Printers name Nationality Address

: : : : :

2011 October

This is column about the current affairs in Ayurveda. The columnist takes the sole responsibility for any issues related to the views and opinions in this column.

Novelties & Views

Dr. PARVATHY S. NAIR Alappuzha [email protected] TRANSITIONING TO A NEW CAREER : More and more people attending colleges are those who had left school for many years. Health insurance is nowadays becoming a pre requisite to attend a college or university. SELF WORTH :ONE INSURES HIS CARS, HOME, PROPERTY ETC THEN WHY SHOULD HE DECIDE TO PUT HIMSELF LAST ? Clinical Ayurveda is nowadays immersed in the diluted versions existing in the spas and hotels. It is high time that we fight against this and segregate it making our science beneficial for conditions requiring medical attention like degenerative disorders, autoimmune disorders etc...Through continuous struggle we have achieved it the insurance companies have acknowledged the need to include Ayurveda in their policies. But 25% coverage for treatment in Government Ayurveda Hospitals is just useless and deceptive. In todays world consumer is the king. People as well as practitioners should demand emphatically for the inclusion of Ayurveda in their mediclaim policies and the insurance companies . Majority insurance companies have a condition that, Ayurvedic treatment are reimbursable, if taken in a Government Hospital. Government hospitals provide treatment at free of cost. Hence no question arises to claim for medical insurance. Also several companies are not accepting claims for Ayurvedic treatments though Ayurveda is legally accepted by the Central Governmentof India, CCIM and Health Department. We need to fight for this. It is hard time that AYUSH should take this up to the Government.


ealth is parallel to ones existence health is wealth. Wealth comes only when health sustains. Health care is not confined to the concept of personal care, proper hygiene and diet. Health insurance plan is the only protection when one has no millions in his bank account. It is the mandate that strengthens the patient physician relationship. Through research it has been proved that insured patients are more likely to have physicians routinely involved in coordinating their care, are more apt to receive regular screening and preventive services and thereby have an increased life expectancy. Why should one be insured? PREVENTIVE CARE : Those with health insurance are more likely to use it for receiving annual checkups and other diagnostic tests . The latest research shows that people with health insurance are found to be mentally and physically healthier.


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2011 October 2011 October



2011 October

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