Green Conclave Draft

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Kerala; A green isle towards restoration

Kerala, a green isle on the southern 90,000 Ha of Teak plantations in participation of local bodies and
edge of the Western Ghats is blessed the forests of Kerala.There is a need residents are utmost neccesary.
with nature’s bounty seen in its to protect the remaining mangroves
forests, sea and rivers. Our forests, in the State, especially those owned Inclusive methods in hands with
rivers, backwaters, wetlands and by private individuals and other discovering the possibilities of
human habitats are home to rich Departments. Co-operation and MGNREGs can create base level
biodiversity. Conservation of our coordination of the Local Self actions plans to cover up large
naturalenvironment,especially Government Department and the number of issues.which also creates
forests, is essential to ensure the general public is highly essential for widened employment oppurtunities
ecological and economical stability this. in grassroot level which can be
of Kerala, which has high population identified as a sustainable
density and higher standards of Co-ordination of various land-use enivornment growth.
living. activities is essential to achieve the Modern scientific measures that are
ecological stability of the State which contemporary and effective should
As remarked as the ‘hottest of the consists of varied geographical be adopted for afforestation and
hotspots’ of biodiversity in the entities. This mega-initiative will be plantation management activities.
world, has been included in possible only through the collective
UNESCO’s list of World Heritage efforts of people from all walks of The ecological issues resulting from
Sites.Abudant rains and sunlight, life and different Government the over-exploitation of natural
high humidity and exceptional Departments. resources and depletion of habitats
geography play a crucial role in is critically affecting the quality of
shaping Kerala’s exceptional and For the sustainable development of human life. A healthy and natural
rich biodiversity. In a State which is Kerala that is spread over an area of environment is the key to
witnessing rapid developmental 38,863 sq km, the Government sustainable economic growth
activities,maintainingenvironmental should work on large Ecorestoration and a sound society. Understanding
health is essential for water security, programmes in the state. the fundamental link between them
ecological stability and sustainable and acting accordingly will take us
development. In addition to a sustainable point of close to sustainable development.
view, for increasing the employment
Like elsewhere in the world, with the oppurtunities for the forest lets create a space for the future to
onset of modernity, in Kerala too, dependent tribal community exist and to create a better livelihood
the pressure on nature has been especially in the areas of wayanad in a sustainable way considering and
increasing day by day. With the value addition and marketing of treating the environment and even
unscientific developmental activities NTFPs should be carried out by tagging it as 'mother of all' is not the
leading to increasing pressure on them with a brief exploration in right way to address it,lets treat
natural resources, climate change participatory forest management environment as it is.Realize the fact
induced events such as drought, and the and the forest rights that in this world of increasing
heavy rains and flood have become a Act,2006. population it is alarming that there
regular phenomenon in Kerala. will be nothing left for our future
The flora and fauna which are on the and even our present needs.lets
The ecological health of existing verge of extinction due to work on the facts and pave the way.
forests is alarming As part of over-exploitation and degradation of
facilitating rapid industrialization, habitats should be identified and
between 1950s and 1980s, the steps are to be taken to ensure their
State’s rich natural forests were regeneration and conservation. This
cleared for exotic monoculture could help retain the rich
plantations like Eucalyptus, Acacia, biodiversity and ensure better
Mangium, Wattle etc. As of now, ecological services in future.suitable
there are around 27,000 Ha of decentralized methods with
exotic monoculture plantations and

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