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Assessment of the Impact of Electronic Toll Collection on

Mobile Emissions in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area

Anthony A. Saka, Ph.D., P.E., PTOE

Associate Professor & Graduate Program Coordinator
Institute for Transportation
William Donald Schaefer Engineering Building
Morgan State University
Baltimore, MD 21251
Telephone: (443) 885-1871
Facsimile: (410) 319-3224
Email: [email protected]

Dennis K. Agboh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Information Systems
Morgan State University
Baltimore, MD 21251
Telephone: (443) 885-4557
Email: [email protected]

National Transportation Center

Montebello D-206
Morgan State University
Baltimore, MD 212151

February 2002

The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts
and the accuracy of the information presented herein. This document is disseminated under
the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers
Program, in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability
for the contents or use thereof.


Abstract i
Acknowledgement ii
Introduction 1
Study Objectives 2
Study Methodology 2
Literature Review 2
Modeling 3
Estimation of Travel Time 4
Data Collection & Analysis 7
Validation of Models 9
Summary of Results 9
Driving Cycles 9
Conclusions 14
References 15

1. Classification of Tollbooths in Study Area 16
2. Summary of Mobile Emission Results for Deterministic Model 17
3. Summary of Mobile Emission Results for Simulation Model 18
4. Percent Reduction in Mobile Emissions from Pre-M-Tag to Post-M-Tag Period 19
5. Comparative Analysis of Mobile 5b and CMEM Results 20

1. Summary of Simulation Modeling Process 21
2a. Comparative Analysis of Travel Speed Data for BHT Toll Plaza 22
2b. Comparative Analysis of Travel Speed Data for FSK Toll Plaza 22
3a. Simulated Pre-M-Tag Driving Cycle at FMT Toll Plaza 23
3b. Simulated Post-M-Tag Driving Cycle for Manned Toll Lane at FMT Toll Plaza 23
3c. Simulated Driving Cycle for Exclusive M-Tag Lane at FMT Toll Plaza 23
4a. Driving Cycle #1 Developed from Deterministic Model 24
4b. Driving Cycle #2 Developed from Simulation for a Randomly Selected Vehicle 24
4c. Driving Cycle #3 Generated from Poisson (λ = 7.8 kph) Distribution and Stream 1 24
4d. Driving Cycle #4 Generated from Poisson (λ = 7.8 kph) Distribution and Stream 2 24

This paper describes a recent study, which was conducted to assess the aggregated impact of
the electronic toll collection system (locally called M-Tag) deployment at the three major toll
plazas in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. The study focused on the reduction in mobile
emissions, including hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide, for peak hour
periods. The analysis involved two major stages: (1) development of simulation and
deterministic models used to generate traffic flow parameters, including speed and driving
cycles for the study areas; and (2) employment of the traffic flow parameters from stage 1 to
quantify the hourly emissions. Three scenarios were analyzed to quantify the air-quality
associated with M-Tag deployment. The first scenario involved the pre-M-Tag deployment
condition. The second scenario was based on the initial condition following the deployment
of M-Tag, and involved market penetration levels ranging from 21 percent to 28 percent at
the three toll plazas. The third scenario represented the current condition involving
approximately 50 percent M-Tag market penetration level. A comparative analysis of the
pre-M-Tag and post-M-Tag deployment scenarios showed 40 to 63 percent reduction of
hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide, and approximately 16 percent reduction of nitrogen
oxide in the study area. The results were similar for the simulation and deterministic models.
It was also observed from the study that the performance of M-Tag system has improved
significantly, because motorists are increasingly familiar with the system, resulting in fewer
incidents of weaving-related problems at the toll plazas.


This paper is based on a study sponsored by the National Transportation Center, Morgan
State University. The authors thank Eunice Omaya, Andreane Johnson, Maola Masafu and
Gbolahan Afonja of Morgan State University for providing assistance in data collection,
simulation and data analysis. The authors also thank Keith Duerling, Howard Moore and
Robert Alter of the Maryland Transportation Authority for providing the throughput and M-
Tag market penetration data, and Mohamed Khan of the Maryland Department of the
Environment for providing the calibrated Mobile 5b input parameters. Special thanks also go
to Richard Glassco of Mitretek Systems, Inc. for providing assistance in using the Westa
simulation model.


Historically, tolls have been one of the most effective and equitable means of collecting user
fees for financing and maintaining transportation infrastructure. However, toll plazas
(particularly, manually operated plazas) adversely affect the throughput or capacity of
roadways. The adverse effect of toll plazas is particularly evident during rush hours, when
traffic is usually heavy. For manually operated toll plazas, where human attendants collect
tolls, each vehicle must come to a stop in order to be processed. Past experience has revealed
that the average service rate for a manual tollbooth ranges from 350 to 500 vehicles per hour
(vph). Therefore, it is not surprising that toll plazas located on heavily traveled corridors
experience lengthy vehicular queues, resulting in long delays and increased mobile

As the federal government’s regulations on the environment (including air pollution)

intensify, the metropolitan areas categorized as non-attainment areas under the Clean Air Act
Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 have been aggressively exploring innovative mitigation
strategies. One of such strategies involves the use of intelligent transportation system (ITS)
technologies for managing traffic demand and incidents in order to minimize vehicular
delays and mobile emissions. An increasing number of the non-attainment areas of the
western and eastern parts of the United States have been deploying electronic toll collection
(ETC) technology at toll facilities, which results in significantly higher throughputs and
hence less delay than conventional (manned) tollbooths.

The Baltimore Metropolitan Area, which is the study area reported herein, has three major
toll facilities (Fort McHenry Tunnel plaza on I-95, Baltimore Harbor Tunnel plaza on I-895
and Francis Scott Key Bridge plaza on I-695). In early spring 1999, the ETC system, which
is locally known as M-Tag, was deployed at all three toll plazas in the Baltimore area. In
summer 1999, a pilot study (1,
- -2) funded by the National Transportation Center (NTC) at
Morgan State University was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly deployed
ETC in reducing mobile emissions in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. Henceforth, the terms
ETC and M-Tag will be used interchangeably.

The pilot study focused primarily on the Fort McHenry Tunnel toll plaza, which is the largest
of the three toll facilities. The study involved two major steps. The first step involved the
validation and use of microscopic simulation to analyze the traffic situation at the toll plaza.
The primary output of the simulation analysis was the average time spent in the system,
which was converted to the average travel speed at the toll plaza. The analysis compared the
output data for the pre-M-Tag and post-M-Tag deployment scenarios. The second step
involved the use of the average speed data obtained from the simulation analysis with the
Mobile 5b software to estimate the respective mobile emission rates for the pre-M-Tag and
post-M-Tag deployment scenarios.

The result of the pilot study showed significant decrease in mobile emission rates (i.e., 40
percent decrease for hydrocarbon [HC], 41 percent for carbon monoxide [CO], and 11
percent decrease for nitrogen oxide [NOx]) at the vicinity of the study area (the Fort
McHenry Tunnel toll plaza). The preliminary findings from the pilot study motivated a

second NTC project funded to extend the scope of the study to encompass the three toll
plazas in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area.


The primary objective of this second phase of the study was to conduct a more detailed and
extensive analysis in order to estimate the aggregated impacts of M-Tag usage at the three
toll-plazas in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. Specifically, this study was to estimate from
combined empirical and simulated data the reduction of mobile emissions [i.e., hydrocarbon
(HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxide (NOx)] attributed to the M-Tag deployment
at the toll plazas in the Baltimore area. A secondary objective was to identify, from field
observations, the obvious design problems affecting the performance of the M-Tag system.

In summary, the additional contributions of this second phase of the study include:
(1) Revised current market penetration values of M-Tag technology in Baltimore;
(2) Collection of new sets of hourly volume, throughput, and delay data;
(3) Disaggregation of the simulated vehicular speed data, which describe more accurately the
driving cycle at the toll plazas reported herein;
(4) Updating of local parameter values for the Mobile 5b emission-model;
(5) Comparative analysis of results obtained from Mobile 5b and a modal level (CMEM)
emission model;
(6) Estimation of the total reduction of mobile emissions for the three toll plazas using both a
deterministic model and a simulation model.


Consistent with the pilot study, the methodology used in this second phase of the study
involved three major activities: (1) literature review of related studies, (2) modeling, and (3)
data collection and analysis.

Literature Review

The primary objective of this study involved quantification of mobile emissions reduction
attributed to the use of ETC. The study was motivated by the following previous studies:

• Lampe and Scott (3) demonstrated from a laboratory study that the use of ETC decreased
HC emissions from 0.72 g/km to 0.12 g/km, NOx emissions from 0.66 g/km to 0.36 g/km,
and CO emissions from 18.36 g/km to 5.10 g/km. The corresponding percent decrease in
the three emission compounds is 500 percent, 83 percent, and 260 percent, respectively.
• Guensler and Washington (4) estimated the reductions in CO emissions attributed to ETC
to range from 7 g/vehicle to 650 g/vehicle, depending on the deployment scenarios

• Lennon (5) projected from a “microscale carbon dioxide analysis” 30 percent reduction
(i.e., 12.3 ppm to 8.8 ppm) in CO concentrations.
• Saka et al. (1, 2) estimated from simulation 40 percent decrease in HC and CO, and 11
percent decrease in NOx from the use of ETC at the market penetration level of 28
percent. The study also reported a 150 percent increase in throughput for exclusive ETC
• Burris and Hildebrand (6) used microsimulation analysis to estimate up to a 60-second
reduction in delay and up to a 55-vehicle reduction in queue lengths.
• Al-Deek, Mohamed, and Radwan (7) estimated a 160 percent increase in throughput and
a two and half to three minute per vehicle decrease in delay from the use of ETC.

As demonstrated from past studies, the use of ETC is effective in increasing throughput and
hence in decreasing mobile emissions at toll plazas. However, the magnitude of ETC effect
depends on the traffic intensity at the toll plaza being studied and the market penetration
level of ETC. For example, the benefit of ETC is almost negligible for light traffic and low
levels of ETC usage, and vice versa. The aforementioned pilot study (1, 2), which was
conducted in 1999, focused on the Fort McHenry Tunnel toll plaza in Baltimore and was
based on a 28 percent market penetration level of ETC usage. The study reported herein
investigated a much higher range (approximately 50 percent) of market penetration level for
the three toll plazas in the Baltimore area, which resulted in significantly greater benefit of
ETC usage than previously reported in the pilot study.


A summary of the modeling framework used in the study described herein is presented in
Figure 1. Two sets of models were employed: traffic model and emission model.

Traffic Model

The traffic model treated the toll plazas as multi-server queuing systems. Two (simulation
and deterministic) types of models were used to generate pertinent queue and delay data. The
delay or travel time data were used to estimate average vehicular travel speed at the toll
facilities. Supplemental data, including the driving cycle data, were also obtained from both
models. Two types of servers were modeled: Manual and Automated servers. The manual-
servers category involves a composite case of human and electronic toll collection capability.
Under this service category, which henceforth will be referred to as manual
tollbooths/servers, the tollbooths are equipped with both human and machine attendants, and
are capable of processing M-Tag and non-M-Tag equipped vehicles. The second category of
servers, which will be referred to as M-Tag tollbooths/servers, involved dedicated tollbooths
exclusively used for processing M-Tag equipped vehicles.

Unlike the manual-service category, vehicles using the M-Tag tollbooths do not have to stop
completely but travel within the posted speed limit in order to be processed. The posted
speed limit varies for the three toll plazas but ranges from 8 kilometer per hour (kph) to 25

kph approximately. Six of the available 24 tollbooths at the Fort McHenry Tunnel toll plaza,
four of the available 14 tollbooths at the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel toll plaza, and two of the
available 12 tollbooths at the Francis Scott Key Bridge toll plaza were exclusively used for
serving M-Tag equipped vehicles. Table 1 summarizes the classification of tollbooths in the
study area. Clearly, the exclusive M-Tag tollbooths have much higher throughput values than
the manual tollbooths because vehicles do not stop completely at the exclusive M-Tag

Simulation Model

A microscopic simulation model known as Westa was used in modeling the traffic patterns
during the morning peak-hour period at the three toll plazas in the Baltimore Metropolitan
Area. The simulation model comprises five primary blocks. The first block reads user
supplied input data, which include roadway, vehicle and driver (i.e., aggressive and normal
drivers, and perception-reaction time distribution) attributes. The second block (vehicle
creation model block) generates different types of vehicles based on user specified inter-
arrival time and traffic composition. Vehicle types generated range from passenger cars to
six-axle tractor-trailers. A subgroup of vehicles was also created to represent cars equipped
with the M-Tag technology. The third simulation block executes user specified vehicle-
following logic, including gap acceptance, and acceleration/deceleration criteria. The fourth
simulation block facilitates the execution of the two toll collection schemes (i.e., manned
tollbooths and exclusive M-Tag tollbooths) based on user specified toll transaction time and
the associated probability distribution. The fifth block is associated with processing input
data and providing summary statistics of output data.

Deterministic Model

The deterministic model described herein is a composite model developed from queuing and
traffic-flow principles. The model was developed using the following assumed driving cycle:
(1) Toll plazas are multiple-server queuing systems, where vehicles remain in the
queue to be served;
(2) Upstream vehicles travel at a uniform cruise velocity (uc) and join the queue at
“jam” velocity (uj), which is the average speed of vehicles in the queue;
(3) Vehicles in the queue are spaced uniformly at a spacing (sj) corresponding to the
jam density (kj); and
(4) Maximum attainable velocity for vehicles in the queue is constrained by the
assumed values of jam spacing (sj), jam vehicular acceleration rate (aj) and jam
vehicular deceleration rate (dj).

The term “jam” is used herein to describe the traffic parameters for the over-saturated flow
condition. The primary objectives of the deterministic model are two fold. First, provide a
fast, inexpensive and reliable method of estimating the expected total travel time for
individual vehicles at the toll facility. Secondly, determine a representative driving cycle at

the toll facilities. The total travel time and the driving cycle information were used to
estimate the total mobile emissions for the M-Tag deployment scenarios considered herein.

Estimation of Travel Time

The total vehicular travel time within the toll facility was determined as:

ts = t1 + t2 + t3 (1)

ts = total time spent in the system or toll facility,
t1 = time spent at cruise velocity before joining the queue,
t2 = time spent braking from cruise velocity (uc) to queue or jam velocity (uj),
t3 = time spent at toll plaza (including queue time and service time).

The cruise time was determined as:

t1 = [ls - lq – lb]/uc (2)

ls = length of roadway segment (m),
lq = expected queue length (m),
lb = expected braking distance (m),
t1 = time spent at cruise velocity (s), and
uc = average cruise velocity (m/s).

In Equation 2, the expected queue length was approximated as one-half of the 95th percentile
queue length, which was determined as: (8)

Nq = (450T){(v/c)-1 + [(v/c – 1)2 + [(3600n1/c)(v/c))/(150T)]0.5}(c/(3600n1)) (3a)

lq = ltoll + max{[sjNq – (ltoll)], 0}(n1/n2), for ltoll ≤ sjNq (3b)

lq = sjNq, for ltoll ≥ sjNq (3c)

Nq = Expected total number of vehicles in the queue per lane at the toll plaza,
T = analysis period (h),
v = arrival volume (vph),
c = hourly throughput (vph),
lq = length of queue at the toll plaza (m),
ltoll = length of toll service lanes,
sj = 1000/kj = jam space headway (m),
kj = jam density (veh./km),

n1 = number of toll service lanes, and
n2 = number of upstream mainline traffic lanes.

In Equation 3b, the expression max{[Nq – (ltoll/sj)], 0}(n1/n2) is the length of component of
the queue which overflows onto the mainline segment of the road.

In Equation 2, the required braking distance for decelerating from cruise speed to queue
speed was determined as:

lb = (uc2 - uj2)/2d (4)

uc = cruise velocity of upstream traffic (m/s),
uj = final velocity of vehicles joining the queue (m/s), and
d = assumed deceleration rate of vehicles (m/s2).

In Equation 1, the braking time of upstream vehicles from cruise speed to queue speed is

t2 = (uc - uj)/d (5)

and the time vehicles spent at the toll plaza is

t3 = lq/uj (6a)

and using the fundamental traffic-flow principle,

uj = c/(n1kj) (6b)

uj = average speed under jam density condition,
kj = jam density, and
c = throughput.

In Equation 1, the total time spent at the toll plaza was determined as:

t = {[ls – lq - (uc2 - uj2)/2d]/uc} + {(uc - uj)/d} + {lqn1kj/c} (7)

In Equation 7, each of the time components as defined in Equation 1 is enclosed in braces {}.
The average vehicular speed at the toll plaza was determined as:

uave = ls/t (8)

Emission Model

The second step of the modeling process involved the use of mobile emission models to
quantify the quantities of CO, HC, and NOx produced for the pre-M-Tag and post-M-Tag
deployment scenarios. The analysis was performed for pre-M-Tag and post-M-Tag scenarios,
in order to determine the contributions of M-Tag deployment in reducing mobile emissions
in the study area. The difference in the values of the mobile emissions for the pre-M-Tag and
post-M-Tag scenarios was attributed to the effect of the M-Tag deployment.

Two categories of models (Mobile 5b and CMEM [Comprehensive Modal Emissions

Model]) were considered and used in the study. Mobile 5b is a planning-type model, which
uses a set of fixed driving cycles to estimate mobile emissions. CMEM is a modal-level
emission model that captures the effects of vehicular acceleration and deceleration on mobile

Only the results obtained from Mobile 5b are presented in detail herein, because it is used as
the official mobile emission model for the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. However, a
comparison analysis was undertaken for Mobile 5b and CMEM, using a sample problem.

Data Collection & Analysis

The following sets of data were collected at the three toll plazas in order to estimate mobile
emissions reduction attributed to M-Tag usage:
1. Peak arrival volumes;
2. Peak departure volumes (throughputs);
3. Average time spent in the system (including service time); and
4. Local parameters for emission models.

Peak Hourly Arrival Data

Two-way arrival volume data for the morning peak period, from 7 am to 8 pm, were
collected at the three toll plazas for three weekdays (Tuesday through Thursday) in spring
2001. The average flow data, which are rounded to the nearest hundred, are summarized as:

• 6500 vph for southbound Fort McHenry Tunnel Toll Plaza (SB FMT)
• 2700 vph for northbound Fort McHenry Tunnel Toll Plaza (NB FMT)
• 4000 vph for southbound Baltimore Harbor Tunnel Toll Plaza (SB BHT)
• 2500 vph for northbound Baltimore Harbor Tunnel Toll Plaza (NB BHT)
• 2000 vph for southbound Francis Scott Key Bridge Toll Plaza (SB FSK)
• 1500 vph for northbound Francis Scott Key Bridge Toll Plaza (NB FSK)

Based on the observed throughput data obtained from the Maryland Transportation Authority
(MdTA), the current market penetration of M-Tag was estimated to be approximately 50

percent for peak hour traffic at the three toll plazas. It was also estimated from the observed
throughput data that the exclusive M-Tag lanes process up to 1350 vehicles per hour per lane
(vphpl). Regular toll lanes with human servers are capable of processing between 450 vphpl
and 500 vphpl, depending on the number of M-Tag vehicles using the regular lanes.

Throughput Volumes

For the study described herein, the capacity throughput assumed for manned toll lanes and
exclusive M-Tag lanes were 475 vphpl and 1350 vphpl, respectively. For the pre-M-Tag
scenario, a slightly lower capacity (450 vphpl) was assumed for manned toll lanes. The
capacity of manned toll lanes was higher for the post-M-Tag scenario because some M-Tag
vehicles, usually those unable to weave to the exclusive M-Tag lanes, use the manned tolls,
which are also equipped to process M-Tag vehicles.

Travel Time Data

Peak hourly travel time data were collected in spring 2001 at the three toll plazas for the
manned toll lanes and the exclusive M-Tag lanes. The travel-time data was collected from
observing randomly selected vehicles at established reference locations (usually at the
location where the mainline lanes widen to form the toll lanes) until the vehicles exit the
tollbooths. The southbound average travel times were determined as follows:

• For Fort McHenry Tunnel (FMT) Toll Plaza, the average travel time was 23 sec and
81 sec for the exclusive M-Tag lanes and the manned lanes, respectively. The travel
distance was 310 m.
• For Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (BHT) Toll Plaza, the average travel time was 20 and
47 sec for the exclusive M-Tag lanes and the manned lanes, respectively. The travel
distance was 175 m.
• For Francis Scott Key Bridge (FSK) Toll Plaza, the average travel time was 15 and 30
sec for the exclusive M-Tag lanes and the manned lanes, respectively. The travel
distance was 278 m.

Model Parameters

The local model parameters, including ambient temperature, and vehicle-fleet categorization
by age and type, were obtained from Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for
the mobile 5b emission models. The fleet data used in mobile 5b were also mapped for
application in CMEM modal emission model.

Validation of Models

The two (simulation and deterministic) categories of models used in estimating the mobile
emissions at the three toll plazas in Baltimore were validated using the speed data determined
from the observed travel time data for the current M-Tag market penetration level of 50
percent. The maximum difference between the observed average speed and the average speed
obtained from both simulation and deterministic model is 15 percent approximately for the
three toll plazas. The maximum difference between the average speed obtained from
simulation and the deterministic model is 10 percent approximately for the three toll plazas.
Samples of the validation results are presented in Figures 2a and 2b.


The results obtained from analyzing the different scenarios of M-Tag market penetration
level using the deterministic and simulation model are presented in Tables 2 and 3,
respectively. The results in Tables 2 and 3 were determined using a zone of influence
spanning 630 m for the Fort McHenry Tunnel toll plaza, 395 m for the Harbor Tunnel toll
plaza, and 455 m for the Francis Scott Key Bridge toll plaza. The zones of influence used
represent the distance from the point of transition for upstream traffic lanes to the point of
transition for downstream traffic lanes. The analysis showed significant decrease in mobile
emissions, ranging from 40 percent to 63 percent approximately for HC and CO, and 16
percent approximately for NOx, at the three toll plazas, from pre-M-Tag to the current 50
percent market penetration level of M-Tag. Summaries of the percent reduction of mobile
emissions are presented in Table 4.


The operational benefit of M-Tag deployment is also captured from the driving cycle data
obtained from the simulation for different scenarios of M-Tag market penetration level.
Figures 3a, 3b, and 3c, were generated from the microscopic simulation model for the pre-M-
Tag and post-M-Tag scenarios. For example, Figure 3a (the pre-M-Tag scenario) shows a
much higher frequency of stops than Figure 3b (the post-M-Tag scenarios). Figure 3c, which
represents an exclusive M-Tag lane, shows no stops.

The deterministic model described herein was also used to develop the driving cycle data. As
an illustration, a sample driving cycle data is presented in Figure 4a for the case problem in
Example 1. The generation of the driving cycle from the deterministic model was based on
the following rules:

• Vehicles approaching the toll plaza maintain a constant cruise speed (uc).
• At a distance corresponding to the braking distance from the back of the queue,
vehicles decelerate uniformly from the initial cruise speed (uc) and join the queue at
the final speed (uj). For exclusive M-Tag lanes, where queues are seldom formed, the
final approach speed (ua) used was based on field observations as opposed to the
posted speed limit at the tollbooths.

• In the queue, vehicles travel in a stop-and-go pattern, until exiting the toll plaza.
• The average number of acceleration and deceleration maneuvers undertaken by
individual vehicles corresponds to the average queue size.

The maximum speed of the vehicles in the queue is constrained by the assumed value of the
jam density (kj) and hence the spacing (sj) between vehicles, and the assumed jam
acceleration (aj) and deceleration (dj) rates.

The following calibrated and validated parameter values were used:

• uc = 90 kph (25 m/s)

• uj = 4.7 kph (1.3 m/s) and 40 kph (11 m/s) for the manned toll lanes and the exclusive
M-Tag toll lanes, respectively
• kj = 96 veh/km or 0.96veh/m; (sj = 10 m)
• a = 1.5 m/s2 for normal traffic flow; aj = 0.25 m/s2 for jam traffic condition
• d = 4.5 m/s2 for normal traffic flow; dj = 1.0 m/s2 for jam traffic condition
• c = 450 vphpl for pre-M-Tag scenario, and 475 vphpl and 1350 vphpl for manned
toll lanes and exclusive M-Tag lanes, respectively, for post-M-Tag scenario.

Example 1: Determination of Driving Cycle

This example illustrates the determination of a driving cycle for a pre-M-Tag scenario, using
the deterministic approach described herein. The supplemental data used for the illustration

• v = 5700 vph
• n1 = 12 lanes
• n2 = 4 lanes
• ls = 310 m
• ltoll = 310 m
• T=1h

Problem 1

1. Determine the average travel time and travel speed at the toll plaza.
2. Develop a representative driving cycle for the scenario analyzed using the deterministic
model and the simulation model, respectively.
3. Compare the estimated mobile emissions from Mobile 5b and CMEM for the
deterministic model and the simulation model, respectively.

Analysis 1

• Step 1. Given: c = (12)(450) = 5400 vph or 1.5 vps; kj = 100 veh/km or 0.1 veh/m;
Therefore, t = {[310 - lq - (252- 1.32)/2(4.5)]/25}+ {(25-1.3)/4.5}
+ {lq(12)(0.1/1.5)} = (310 - lq - 69.3)/25 + 5.3 + 0.8 lq from Equation 7.
• Step 2. To determine the appropriate expression for lq, it is first necessary to calculate

Nq = (450)(1){(5700/5400) -1 + [(5700/5400 -1)2 +

= 16.8 or 17 veh (from Equation 3a); and lq = 170 m, because sjNq ≤ ltoll from Equation 3c.

• Step 3. Therefore, t = (310 - 170 - 69.3)/25 + 5.3 + (0.8)(170) = 144 sec or 2.4 min;
and the average travel speed from upstream distance of 310 m is estimated as:

uave = 310/144 = 2.2 m/s or 7.8 kph from Equation 8. It can be verified that the
average travel time in the queue is the third component (i.e., 136 sec) of the total
travel time, which corresponds to average speed of uave = 170/136 = 1.3 m/s or 4.5
kph. Based on flow, density, and speed relationship, the hourly throughput of 450
vphpl is obtained, which was the assumed capacity.
• Step 4. The driving cycle within the segment being analyzed was determined using
the three components (t1, t2, and t3) of travel time computed above. For t1, the speeds
used were determined as:

u1(t) = uc (9a)

For t2, the speeds used were determined as:

u2(t) = uc - (d)(t) (9b)

For t3, vehicles are assumed to accelerate uniformly from stop position to the
maximum velocity (u3) allowed by sj (the jam spacing) and decelerate back to stop
position. The acceleration-deceleration cycle, which is assumed to have a cycle-
length equivalent to the average service (toll processing) time, is repeated for the
duration of t3.

u3 = [(2ajdjsj/(aj + dj)]0.5 (9c)

xa = u32 /2aj (9d)

xd = u32 /2dj (9e)

ta = u3 /2aj (9f)

td = u3 /2dj (9g)

ta,d = u3(aj + dj)/2ajdj (9h)

xa = distance traveled from the stop position to u3, and xd = distance traveled from u3
back to the stop position, ta = acceleration time from the stop position to u3, td =
deceleration time from u3 back to the stop position, and

sj ≥ xa + xd. (9i)

The elapsed time between acceleration-deceleration cycles was determined as:

te = (3600n1/c) - ta,d (9j)

te = elapsed time between acceleration-deceleration cycles, during which vehicles are
in stop position, and
(3600n1/c) in Equation 9j is the average inter-service (toll processing) time.

The cycle length, τ, which is the elapsed time between two successive acceleration or
deceleration is determined as:

τ = ta,d + te (9k)

• Step 4.1 Time to decelerate from uc to uj is t2 = (25 - 1.3)/4.5 or 5.3 sec (from
Equation 5).
• Step 4.2 Vehicles joining the queue at speed uj will accelerate to speed u3 or
decelerate to a complete stop (i.e., u = 0). Assuming that vehicles decelerate to a
complete stop upon joining the queue, the time of deceleration from uj is td = (uj -
0)/dj = 1.3/1.0 or 1.3 sec. Therefore, the total time of deceleration from uc to uj
and from uj to u = 0 is t2 + td or 6.6 sec.

• Step 4.3 Vehicles remain at the stop position for time te or (3600)(12)/5400 - 5 or
3 sec (from Equations 9h and 9j).
• Step 4.4 Vehicles from the stop position, after time te, accelerate to speed u3 =
[(2)(0.25)(1.0)(1.0)/(1 + 2.5)]0.5 = 2 m/s or 7.2 kph (from Equation 9c). The time
to achieve u3 is determined as u3/2aj = 2/2(0.25) or 4 sec (from Equation 9f).
• Step 4.5 Vehicles from u3 decelerate back to the stop position, and the time used
is determined as u3/2dj = 2/2(1.0) or 1 sec (from Equation 9g).
• Step 4.6 The time to complete one cycle of acceleration and deceleration in the
queue is determined as ta,d = ta + td or 5 sec (from Equation 9f – 9h).
• Step 4.7 The cycle length (i.e., the elapsed time between two successive
acceleration or deceleration) is determined as τ = ta,d + te or 8 sec (from Equation
• Step 4.8 Number of acceleration-deceleration cycles for individual vehicles in the
queue at the toll plaza is determined as η = t3 /τ = 136/8 or 17 (from Equations 6a,
6b, and 9k).

The resulting driving cycle for Example 1 obtained from the above computational steps is
presented in Figure 4a. The driving cycle obtained from the simulation model for the same
problem is presented in Figure 4b. For the purpose of comparison, two additional driving
cycles (see Figures 4c and 4d) were generated from the Poisson distribution using a
parameter (λ = 7.8) value equivalent to the average speed determined from Example 1. The
mobile emissions, obtained from CMEM and Mobile 5b, associated with the four driving
cycles depicted in Figure 4 are presented in Table 5. As expected, the two emission models
showed significantly different results, particularly for NOx. The significant difference in the
emission results may be attributed to the fact that CMEM uses as its input data the site
specific driving cycle data, which is known to vary significantly even for the same average
speed. The Mobile 5b model, however, is based on fixed driving cycles for the individual
speed categories.
The fixed driving-cycle property of Mobile 5b affects its robustness in estimating the mobile
emissions for driving cycles significantly different from those assumed in the model. For
example, the driving cycles in Figure 4, albeit different, correspond to the same average
speed of 7.8 kph approximately. As shown in Table 5, Mobile 5b gave the same values of
mobile emissions for all four of the driving cycles, because the model uses the average speed
as part of its input data. Conversely, CMEM gave different values of mobile emissions for all
four of the driving cycles, because the model uses the vehicle's acceleration-deceleration
activity data as part of its input data. In Table 5, the significant difference in the estimated
values of NOx for CMEM and Mobile 5b needs a more careful scrutiny in order to determine
which of the two emission models gives a more accurate estimate of this category of
emission. Empirical studies are required in order to demonstrate, for the same average speed,
the level of contribution of different scenarios of vehicular acceleration-deceleration
activities on NOx production.


This paper describes a recent study of the operational benefits associated with the
deployment of M-Tag (electronic toll collection) technology at the three major toll plazas in
the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. Specifically, the study focused on the air quality benefit
component, and it’s considered the first complete study to assess the aggregated reduction in
mobile emissions from the use of M-Tag. Two different modeling (simulation and
deterministic) approaches were adopted to generate the traffic input data (speed and driving
cycle) used for estimating the mobile emissions. The rationale for developing a deterministic
model was to streamline and simplify the process of generating the required traffic
parameters for estimating traffic delay and hence mobile emissions. Unlike simulation, which
involves a tedious and costly process, all the computational steps required for the
deterministic modeling process can be completed with a simple hand-held calculator. The
comparative analysis undertaken for the results obtained from the simulation and
deterministic models showed similar patterns of benefits from the use of electronic toll
collection. However, the two emission models (CMEM and Mobile 5b) used in the analysis
gave different results, which may be attributed to the heterogeneity of their parameters and
required input data.

Based on the study results, it can be postulated that the use of electronic toll collection is an
effective strategy for mitigating air-quality related problems, particularly in the regions
classified as non-attainment areas. The current market penetration level of 50 percent of M-
Tag usage resulted in the reduction of HC and CO emissions by 40 to 63 percent, and the
reduction of NOx emission by 16 percent approximately, in the vicinity of the toll plazas. The
peak-hourly reduction in mobile emissions (approximately 4.8 kg of HC, 43.3 kg of CO, and
1.4 kg of NOx) obtained from Mobile 5b is considered significant. The traffic pattern at the
three toll plazas analyzed, which serve the majority of peak-hour commuters and out-of-state
traffic in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area, is similar for the morning and evening peak
periods, which last approximately four hours daily. The aggregated reduction attributed to
the current level of M-Tag usage for the morning and evening rush periods can be estimated
by increasing the hourly quantity by a factor of 4; i.e., 19.2 kg of HC, 173 kg of CO, and 5.6
kg of NOx. As demonstrated in Table 5, the values obtained from Mobile 5b are considered
conservative, because results obtained from CMEM are likely to show much higher benefits,
particularly for NOx reduction, which appears to be sensitive to vehicular acceleration-
deceleration activities.

From field observations and current throughput data, the M-Tag system is much more
effective now than it was in the early phase of deployment. As users’ familiarity with the
system increases with time, less operational problems (including inability to access the
exclusive M-Tag lanes) are encountered. For example, the exclusive M-Tag lanes at BHT toll
plaza experienced longer queues than the lanes serving the manned tollbooths at the early
period of deployment, because non-M-Tag equipped vehicles frequently blocked the
exclusive M-Tag lanes. This problem has been reduced, because motorists are provided with
adequate advance notice to weave to the appropriate lanes.

Finally, the use of electronic toll collection technology is spreading rapidly, particularly
along the congested corridors of the western and eastern parts of the United States, where
manned tolls have been in use for several years. The methodology and results presented
herein are expected to serve as a guide for making decisions and estimating benefits relating
to the use of electronic toll collection technology.


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Compendium of Technical Papers, 64th Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual
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6. Burris, M. W., and Hilderbrand, E. D. Using Microsimulation to Quantify the Impact of
Electronic Toll Collection. Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal, Vol. 66, No. 7,
pp. 21-25.
7. Al-Deek, H. M., Mohamed, A. A., and Radwan, A. E. Operational Benefits of Electronic
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of Civil Engineers, Vol. 123, No. 6, pp. 467-476.
8. Transportation Research Board. 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. National Research
Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 17-23.

TABLE 1 Classification of Tollbooths in the Study Area
Toll Plaza Total number of Number of Total number
exclusive M-Tag exclusive M-Tag of tollbooths in
tollbooths in peak tollbooths in the both directions
periods peak direction of travel
Fort McHenry Tunnel on I-95 3 2 24
Baltimore Harbor Tunnel on 3 2 14
Francis Scott Key Bridge on 2 1 12

TABLE 2 Summary of Mobile Emission Results for Deterministic Model
(KG) (KG) (KG)
SB FMT_PRE-M-TAG 6.7 6300 6.0 52.9 3.5 6.7 58.5 4.5
NB FMT_PRE-M-TAG 35.0 2700 0.7 5.6 1.1
SB FMT_MANUAL 9.0 4536 2.9 27.2 2.3
NB FMT_MANUAL 41.7 756 0.2 1.5 0.3
SB FMT_MTAG_28% 65.8 1764 0.3 2.1 0.7 3.5 31.3 3.6
NB FMT_MTAG_28% 87.0 529 0.1 0.5 0.3
SB FMT_MANUAL 15.0 3150 1.5 12.9 1.5
NB FMT_MANUAL 47.5 1755 0.4 3.2 0.7
SB FMT_MTAG_50% 52.5 3150 0.6 4.7 1.2 2.6 21.7 3.8
NB FMT_MTAG_50% 87.0 945 0.1 0.9 0.4
SB BHT_PRE-M-TAG 6.5 3600 2.0 18.5 1.2 2.7 24.1 1.9
NB BHT_PRE-M-TAG 16.0 2400 0.6 5.6 0.6
SB BHT_MANUAL 6.5 2844 1.6 14.6 1.0
NB BHT_MANUAL 18.5 1896 0.5 4.0 0.5
SB BHT_MTAG_21% 68.7 756 0.1 0.5 0.2 2.2 19.4 1.8
NB BHT_MTAG_21% 83.8 504 0.0 0.3 0.1
SB BHT_MANUAL 14.0 1800 0.5 4.6 0.5
NB BHT_MANUAL 23.5 1200 0.3 2.2 0.3
SB BHT_MTAG_50% 57.5 1800 0.2 1.3 0.4 1.1 8.8 1.6
NB BHT_MTAG_50% 87.0 1200 0.1 0.7 0.4
SB FSK_PRE-M-TAG 15.0 2000 0.7 5.9 0.7 1.1 9.4 1.2
NB FSK_PRE-M-TAG 20.5 1500 0.4 3.5 0.5
SB FSK_MANUAL 19.3 1520 0.5 4.4 0.5
NB FSK_MANUAL 22.0 1140 0.3 2.6 0.4
SB FSK_MTAG_24% 86.2 480 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.9 7.6 1.2
NB FSK_MTAG_24% 83.8 360 0.0 0.3 0.1
SB FSK_MANUAL 31.5 1000 0.2 1.9 0.3
NB FSK_MANUAL 26.3 750 0.2 1.6 0.2
SB FSK_MTAG_50% 55.0 1000 0.1 1.1 0.3 0.6 5.5 1.0
NB FSK_MTAG_50% 48.3 750 0.1 0.9 0.2

TABLE 3 Summary of Mobile Emission Results for Simulation Model
(KG) (KG) (KG)
SB FMT_PRE-M-TAG 7.0 6300 5.2 48.2 3.5 6.1 52.8 4.5
NB FMT_PRE-M-TAG 33.3 2700 0.9 4.7 1.1
SB FMT_MANUAL 6.8 4536 3.9 35.2 2.5
NB FMT_MANUAL 36.4 756 0.2 1.7 0.3
SB FMT_MTAG_28% 72.3 1764 0.3 1.9 0.9 4.5 39.3 2.7
NB FMT_MTAG_28% 85.8 529 0.1 0.5 0.2
SB FMT_MANUAL 7.9 3150 2.4 21.7 1.5
NB FMT_MANUAL 37.6 1755 0.5 3.9 0.7
SB FMT_MTAG_50% 57.8 3150 0.6 4.2 1.2 3.6 30.8 3.8
NB FMT_MTAG_50% 72.3 945 0.1 1.0 0.4
SB BHT_PRE-M-TAG 5.2 3600 2.5 21.7 1.3 3.1 27.1 2.0
NB BHT_PRE-M-TAG 19.5 2400 0.6 5.4 0.6
SB BHT_MANUAL 6.5 2844 1.6 12.2 1.0
NB BHT_MANUAL 17.8 1896 0.5 4.2 0.5
SB BHT_MTAG_21% 54.5 756 0.1 0.7 0.2 2.3 17.6 1.8
NB BHT_MTAG_21% 50.7 504 0.1 0.5 0.1
SB BHT_MANUAL 13.6 1800 0.6 5.2 0.5
NB BHT_MANUAL 23.5 1200 0.3 2.4 0.3
SB BHT_MTAG_50% 51.0 1800 0.2 1.8 0.4 1.3 10.7 1.5
NB BHT_MTAG_50% 47.0 1200 0.2 1.3 0.3
SB FSK_PRE-M-TAG 15.2 2000 0.7 6.2 0.7 1.1 10.0 1.2
NB FSK_PRE-M-TAG 20.0 1500 0.4 3.8 0.5
SB FSK_MANUAL 19.7 1520 0.4 3.9 0.5
NB FSK_MANUAL 20.5 1140 0.3 2.8 0.4
SB FSK_MTAG_24% 69.5 480 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.9 7.4 1.1
NB FSK_MTAG_24% 59.8 360 0.1 0.3 0.1
SB FSK_MANUAL 31.7 1000 0.2 1.9 0.3
NB FSK_MANUAL 26.3 750 0.2 1.6 0.2
SB FSK_MTAG_50% 52.6 1000 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.6 5.1 1.0
NB FSK_MTAG_50% 59.8 750 0.1 0.7 0.2

TABLE 4 Percent Reduction in Mobile Emissions from Pre-M-Tag to Post-M-Tag
Results from Deterministic Model Results from Simulation Model
FMT 61.2% 62.9% 15.6% 40.1% 41.7% 15.6%
BHT 59.3% 63.5% 15.8% 58.1% 60.5% 25.0%
FSK 45.6% 41.5% 16.7% 45.5% 49.0% 16.7%

TABLE 5 Comparative Analysis of Mobile 5b and CMEM Results
Vehicle Proportion HC CO NOx HC CO NOx HC CO NOx HC CO NOx
Category (kg)1 (kg)1 (kg)1 (kg)2 (kg)2 (kg)2 (kg)3 (kg)3 (kg)3 (kg)4 (kg)4 (kg)4
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.01 0.03 0.47 0.06 0.03 0.69 0.08 0.05 0.17 0.08 0.07 0.43 0.09
3 0.04 0.04 1.52 0.14 0.04 1.20 0.22 0.03 0.71 0.21 0.05 1.45 0.25
4 0.05 0.03 0.61 0.10 0.05 0.89 0.17 0.05 0.84 0.18 0.06 1.06 0.23
5 0.04 0.03 0.52 0.05 0.03 0.86 0.08 0.03 0.60 0.08 0.05 1.28 0.10
6 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.02 0.01 0.25 0.04 0.01 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.12 0.05
7 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.43 0.01 0.00 0.62 0.01 0.01 0.91 0.01
8 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.01
9 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.08 0.01
10 0.06 0.01 0.19 0.04 0.01 0.29 0.06 0.01 0.27 0.07 0.03 0.35 0.09
11 0.06 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.19 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.07 0.01 0.16 0.09
12 0.01 0.11 1.37 0.06 0.12 1.77 0.08 0.13 1.49 0.07 0.18 1.70 0.09
13 0.01 0.12 1.62 0.10 0.14 1.86 0.16 0.14 1.58 0.14 0.17 1.82 0.18
14 0.01 0.02 0.55 0.05 0.02 0.67 0.07 0.03 0.55 0.07 0.03 0.67 0.09
15 0.08 0.11 3.13 0.17 0.11 2.47 0.24 0.16 1.60 0.25 0.19 3.59 0.32
16 0.16 0.23 3.06 0.50 0.23 2.54 0.82 0.32 2.38 0.86 0.37 2.93 1.07
17 0.06 0.02 1.00 0.07 0.02 0.42 0.10 0.02 0.27 0.11 0.02 0.34 0.14
18 0.07 0.02 0.39 0.09 0.03 0.52 0.16 0.03 0.50 0.17 0.03 0.63 0.21
19 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.07 0.02 0.19 0.09 0.02 0.15 0.09 0.03 0.18 0.11
20 0.01 0.06 0.79 0.05 0.06 1.19 0.07 0.10 0.68 0.07 0.13 1.09 0.09
21 0.02 0.13 1.04 0.03 0.16 1.35 0.04 0.17 1.26 0.04 0.24 2.51 0.06
22 0.01 0.10 0.62 0.07 0.09 0.56 0.10 0.15 0.40 0.09 0.17 0.66 0.11
23 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.09 3.22 0.01 0.10 2.90 0.01 0.12 3.62 0.01
24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25 0.12 0.06 1.13 1.23 0.09 1.68 1.80 0.09 1.63 1.68 0.11 2.05 2.12
40 0.14 0.45 0.82 9.41 0.58 1.12 4.06 0.48 0.93 3.41 0.54 1.05 3.91
CMEM TOTAL 1.00 1.7 19.3 12.4 1.9 24.4 8.5 2.1 19.8 7.8 2.6 28.7 9.4
MOBILE 5B 1.00 2.2 20.3 1.5 1.8 18.6 1.5 1.8 18.6 1.5 1.8 18.6 1.5

The results obtained from the deterministic model were based on the average driving cycle (see Figure 4a).
The CMEM results obtained from the simulation model were based on the driving cycle depicted in Figure 4b.
The CMEM results for the driving cycle depicted in Figure 4c.
The CMEM results for the driving cycle depicted in Figure 4d.

• Manned tollbooth attribute data • M-Tag tollbooth attribute data
(e.g. service time and service (e.g. service time, and proportion
distribution, speed, proportion of of M-Tag vehicles)
heavy vehicles, and inter-arrival

• WESTA microscopic
simulation model

,. • Adjust simulation model ,.
• Simulated manned tollbooth parameters • Simulated M-Tag tollbooth
volume, delay (travel time) volume, delay (travel time)
output data output data

Throughput data
match observed
Yes Determine weighted
average speed for toll
Convert average travel time to facility

average speed on
(1) Manned toll lanes and
(2) M-Tag lane(s)

• Mobile 5b
• Baltimore
Metropolitan Area -
. emissions model
attribute data and
model parameters

• Estimate reduction • Estimate total emissions • Generate mobile

in mobile emissions during peak traffic emissions rates for
from using M-Tag periods for analysis analysis scenarios


FIGURE 1. Summary of the Simulation Modeling Process

..c: 14. 1 14 14
~ 14
(I) 13.9
0.. 13.8
-c, 13.7 13.6

ell 13.6
.§ 13.5
"' 13.4

Field Observation Simulation Model D eterministic


FIGURE 2a. Comparative Analysis of Travel Speed Data for BHT Toll Plaza

2A< 36.0 35.0

c 35.0
~ 34.0
~ 33.0 31.7 31.5
-o 32.0


29.0 _ _ _....

Observed Data Simulation Model Deterministic Model

FIGURE 2b.Comparative Analysis of Travel Speed Data for FSK Toll Plaza


Speed (kph) 20.0


0 50 100 150 200 250
Time Sequence (sec)

FIGURE 3a. Simulated Pre-M-Tag Driving Cycle at FMT Toll Plaza

Speed (kph)

0 20 40 60 80
Time Sequence (sec)

FIGURE 3b. Simulated Post-M-Tag Driving Cycle for Manned Toll Lane at FMT Toll

Speed (kph)


0 5 10 15 20
Time Sequence (sec)

FIGURE 3c. Simulated Driving Cycle for Exclusive M-Tag Lane at FMT Toll Plaza


Speed (kph)
0 50 100 150 200
Time Sequence (sec)

Figure 4a Driving Cycle #1 Developed from Deterministic Model

Speed (kph)

0 50 100 150 200

Time Sequence (sec)

Figure 4b Driving Cycle #2 Developed from Simulation for a Randomly Selected Vehicle

Speed (kph)

0 50 100 150
Time Sequence (sec.)

Figure 4c Driving Cycle #3 Generated from Poisson (λ = 7.8 kph) Distribution and Stream 1
Speed (kph)

0 50 100 150
Time Sequence (sec.)

Figure 4d Driving Cycle #4 Generated from Poisson (λ = 7.8 kph) Distribution and Stream 2


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